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Grace's Felicity Page

Season 1 Summaries
Letters to Sally
Letters from Sally
This Weeks Episode

Watch Felicity on The WB 9/8 central.
From the moment their lives touched. She knew she must follow her heart. She's sbout to make the best mistake of her life. It's about growing up and falling in love. Scott Folry, Amy Jo Johnson, Scott Speedman and Keri Russell. And now the saga begins Felicity

Why we have webpages I couldn't have explained it better myself.

From Drawing the Line Pt1

Felicity: Are you busy?

Noel: Just working on my page.

Felicity: Your what?

Noel: My webpage?

Felicity: Why do you have a webpage?

Noel: Why does anybody have a webpage? Too much free time, not enough friends, justify owning a computer.


Feb 12-Music is updated Summaries is updated and I made a new link be sure to check it out it's called This weeks Episode it has pictures and a summary of the episode that aired this week also it has a preview for what Will Happen Next!

Jan 26-Okay now for real I am back and updating everything Sorry to everyone who has come to my page and seen everything the same I am going to update everything. Now for the CHISME(gossip) Felicity finally seems to be over Ben. Lets all heave a sigh of relief it's about time!

Dec 9 -Okay I'm back it has been too long I am updating everything!!!!!!

Nov 2-Halloween is over but Thanks giving is on it's way:) Today is a can't miss Felicity.

October 29 Felicity was really great on Tuesday. Next week Felicity makes the biggest mistake ever!!

October 28 I am all updated everything is up to episode 4 amd I got all the galleries running to be sure to sign my guest book it's new I got it today. I'm doing my best!

October 21-HALLOWEEN is coming up how do you like my decor! Yesterday Felicity was un believeable can you believe Noel has a girl friend....Anyways next week Felicity is going to be good. Ben and Felicity are going to be held up and Ben is gonna be calling Felicity for a change it's gonna be a very special HALLOWEEN episode!!!

October19-Boggled is airing on October 19. Sorry I'm so slow but Midterms were last week! Don't worry I'll be more reliable from now on. On Tuesday rumors will spread that Noel and Felicity are together:)

October14-Did you watch yesterdays show! Julie is a little witch. Also first apperance of new character. Well I have most of everything done I need to dowload more pics and update my info but I'm doing a pretty good jod don't you think? E-mail me with your coments. I promise to answer

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Graciela Solis.

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Disclaimer: I am just a fan of the show. I am in no way related to the staff of this show or of the WB network. Please do not sue me!

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