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samirah in Arabic

samirah 1979

NAME: Samirah Bin Allali, My first name is "Samirah" not Samira 

BORN:  Sometime in the late 70's... 

BIRTH PLACESettat, just in the midddle between Casablanca and Marrakech 

HEIGHT:  Way above average(174cm the last time ), 5'-9" 

FAMILYThe eldest of 4, Aminah(19), Lamine(15), and Fatima Azzhra(13)....Grandfather used to be a close aid to the late King Mohammad V "Sultan of Morocco"....Father worked in many diplomatic missions for Moroccan government.... Most of his career had been spent in Malaga (Spain), where he met my mother....Mother is Spanish from Malaga but after 25 years of marriage she speaks Arabic(Moroccan accent) as if she has been there forever.  

samirah in Arabic 2
samirah in Arabic 3

samirah 1992

LANGUAGES: Fluent in Arabic, French, English, and little bit of some others 

EDUCATION: High school(Rabat), senior year in Journalism at University of Florida....Expected to graduate in December 1999 or May 2000...I have applied for graduate studies at several universities...I am planing to study International law for my master degree   

SPORTS:Outstanding Volleyball player, Good swimmer , the worst you can imagine in other sports ( unless you consider pool and chess as sports ) 

HOBBIES:Reading, cooking, and traveling and I hate movies of all kinds!!! . I play volleyball, it is my best sport and I am real good at it. I write poetry also, please read some of my writings by clicking on the specified link. I don't claim that I am good but  I try... I like Arabic poetry very much..My favorite is Ibrahim Naji and Badr Shaker Al-Sayyab, please see my selection of arabic poetry. I apologize if I did not select anything that matches your taste. 

MUSIC:I like soft music like"Celine Dion", "Faith Hill", and "Whitney Houston", but mostly listen to Arabic favorite is "Oum Kalthoum" and "Fairouz" from old generation. "Asalah" and "Kadhim" from new generation..when I am home sick I just listen to the late "Abdelsadek Chekara"..and my best song is by wide margin "kulli da kan leah" by "Abdelwahhab...".   
I do not sing because I have a horrible voice although I think it is better than some of today's singers!!!  

BEST MOMENTS:I had the chance to travel all around the world "Tunisia, Spain, Jordan, Turkey, Greece, Most of West Europe" but nothing feels like being home in Morocco...there are two more places that I want to visit...Makkah and Madinah...  

I LIKE:Simple and caring people  

I HATE:Racist and ignorant people. also I hate arguments because I have bad temper and tend to fight anybody because I get irritated easily....but I forget easily! 

MARITAL STATUS:Single until later notice, planning to have as many kids as I could when I get married (just kidding)... 

samirah in Arabic 4


samirah 1997

MY HOME PAGE:I collected the material appearing in my site from different sources. Some have been summarized or rewritten....This site is updated every month hopefully!! please check back regularly...I have done all graphics, design, and page layout appearing in this page. I started from scratch last December 1998. I gotta thank my friend Jamilah bin Hammou who helped me in choosing some backgrounds and taught me some HTML and that's almost all the help I got.

MAINTAINING MY SITE: Usually I spend 5 hours every month reviewing my home page, looking at comments in my guest book and updating my site...I take all reasonable comments seriously and try to modify my site accordingly... 

E-MAIL and Guest Book:I appreciate all the mails that you send to me, but please do not send me mail asking about chat, ICQ's, phone#, or address....By the way, I do not have ICQ...I appologize for those who send me E-mail asking for friendship, because that was not the purpose of publishing my website, so please if you are looking for friendship through internet, save your time and effort and do not send me an E-mail.. ..., Also please do not send any pictures or files because my mail has limited capacity and I tend to delete any E-mail larger than 10k without even opening it. ... I apologize that I can not respond to any mail you send unless it is concerning a very important issue regarding my site because I have limited time
I thank everybody who took the time and wrote to me specially those who encouraged me , made comments about my site, or asked about my mother's situation...
I have also included a guestbook, so please take a moment and sign my guest book ...I appreciate all comments you write in there and I will include my responce to any serious comments or questions about my site in my guestbook  


Feb, 5, 1999, Because of a sudden emergency, I had to drop this Semester 3 days ago and I am going back home on Feb, 22..I pray that everything will be fine shortly..I will respond to any E-Mail after I come back inshallah...  

March, 28, 1999:I just arrived back from Morocco after spending 5 weeks over there...I thank all people who were nice enough to send me e-mail wishing the best for my mother...I thank God she recovered from a heart attack and she is doing fine right now 

April, 5, 1999: I joined "Time Warner", the parent company of CNN, this week. I just moved from Florida to New York to join my job "internship". I will be working there until the start of the fall semester 4 or 5 months from now. Do not be surprised if you see me at CNN!!! "just kidding"... 

May1, 1999: I haaaaaaate New York. However I will complete my internship at Time Warner in atlanta starting July, 1 

June5, 1999: Finally I am done with New Yourk, i will be in Atlanta next necks land is much better than the Yankees, isn't it???? 

July,21 1999: I am in the way back to Morocco after finishing my internship job, this time I am going there to see my family and attend a marrige party of my cousin Bushra...hoping to spend a good time 

July,24 1999: It seems that every time I go to Morocco there should be a bad news, last time it was my mother's heart attack and this time it is the death of king Hassan II. I still remeber when I saw him personally for the first time in 1990 and the nice words he told me... I have nothing to say xcept "Inna lellah wanna elyaho rajeoon" 






الموقع السابق إذهب إلى أي موقع عشوائي قائمة المواقع المشاركة في السلسلة ارسل رسالة إلى صاحب هذا الموقع موقع سلسلة المواقع العربية الموقع التالي
سلسلة المواقع العربية من مستشفى الإنترنت