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Theodore Robert FLACK & Fannie Mae
ca 1906
My great, great, great, great
grandfather, *James FLACK married *Mary _.
They had children to include James E.
My great, great, great grandfather,
*James E. FLACK, was born 04/27/1794 in
North Carolina and died 11/09/1849 in
Greenville, South Carolina. He married
*Mary Howertain "POLLY" WATSON on
03/13/1822 in PersonCo, North Carolina.
Polly, the daughter of *Jesse and *Mary
Watson, was born 02/14/1800 in OrangeCo,
North Carolina and died in 1875 in
MarshallCo, AL. They had children to
include Francis Caroline, Mary Ann, John
G., Elizabeth Johnson, Matilda Clark,
Susan Katherine, and *William McCune
My great, great grandfather, *William
McCune FLACK, was born 08/14/1838 in
SpartanburgCo, S.C. and died 10/04/1907
in MorganCo, Alabama. On 07/04/1860 in
MorganCO, AL, he married *Susan Elener
MCCLURE, the daughter of *James Samuel
and *Flora LEMONS McCLURE, and was born
10/01/1841 in MorganCo, AL and died
03/16/1928. Both are buried in Old New
Canaan Cemetery in MorganCo, AL. They
had seven children to include Willie
Ann, James Young "JIM", HAZEL Gilford,
Leander GUS, *Theodore Robert, Walter
and Lora EULA FLACK.
My great grandfather, *Theodore Robert
"MR. THEE" FLACK was born 10/27/1874,
MorganCo, AL, and died 09/27/1962. He
married on 04/08/1906, MorganCo, AL, to
THOMAS (born 05/21/1889,
MorganCo, AL and died 10/05/1966). They
are both buried at West Point Cemetery,
West Point (Somerville), MorganCo,
Alabama. They resided in Morgan Co., AL.
Grandpa Flack was a school teacher,
music teacher, land owner (1000s of
acres) and farmer. They both performed
very hard farm tasks which ended up
causing them both to have crippling
arthritis, which in turn caused them to
be bedridden for many years
(approximately 25 years). They were
lovingly cared for by their only child
until their deaths). That only child, is
My grandmother, *Dorothy DIMPLE FLACK
married *LESTER Bert OWEN
GOODSON ). They had children to
include BOBBY
Delano, *LONNIE Verne and Patsy Gayle
My father, *LONNIE Verne OWEN was born
01/26/1938 in Morgan county, Alabama and
died 11/13/1972 in Arab, Marshall
county, Alabama from injuries sustained
in an auto accident. On April 24th, 1956
in Corinth (Iuka), Tishomingo county,
Mississippi, he married Glenda SUE
GRANTLAND (D/O George Odis "ODE"
. There were two children from this
union: *PHYLLIS and VONNIE Valeria OWEN.
He married second to Lorene Victoria
"LODI" CRYER. They had three children to
include Timothy Wayne "TIM", TRACEY Joe
This comcludes this direct
bloodline to me.
1i) *James FLACK
m: Mary __
- 2i) *James E. FLACK
b: 04/27/1794 NC
d: 11/09/1849 Greenville, SC
m: *Mary POLLY Howertain WATSON; b:
02/14/1800 OrangeCO, NC; d: 1875 MARCA; bu:
Sweethome Cemetery MARCA
- 3i) Francis Caroline FLACK
b: 02/22/1823 NC
m: 05/06/1852 MARCA Jeremiah WHITE
- 3ii) Mary Ann FLACK
b: 02/16/1825 NC
d: 09/19/1903 MORCA
m: 01/22/1846 GreenvilleCO, SC Moses
Cerbey WATSON; b: 10/13/1821 PersonCO,
NC (S/O Jesse WATSON Jr.) d: 08/20/1904
bd: (Both) Watson Cemetery WP (SMRVL)
- 4i) James Massena WATSON
b: 06/09/1847 GreenvilleCO, SC
d: 01/06/1899 MORCA
m: 09/07/1869 MORCA Mrs. Mary Emeline
WINTON McCarley; b: 09/22/1841
bd: (Both) Watson Cemetery WP (SMRVL)
- 5i) William¹ McClellan WATSON
b: 1871 MORCA
d: 1930
m: 03/03/1901 Bertie Mae THOMAS
b: 05/1894 MORCA (D/O George W. THOMAS &
Theodosha W.) d: 10/21/1955 Akron, OH.
bd: (Both) Watson Cemetery WP
- 6i) Leaton Zona WATSON
b: 03/15/1902 Getup (now Morgan City, MORCA)
d: 10/17/1987 MORGA
bu: Rescue Cemetery MORCA
m: 10/14/1917 Jacob Goodson b: 09/20/1895
Getup MORCA (S/O Jefferson PierceGoodson &
Martha Ann WHITTLE) d: 11/27/1974 Huntsville
- 6ii) James McConia WATSON
b: 08/1903 MORCA
m: Pearlie PRICE
- 6iii) Omer WATSON
- 6iv) Howard WATSON
- 6v) Delphen Delmas WATSON
- 6vi) Jack R. WATSON
- 6vii) George Leldon WATSON
- 6iix) William² McClellan WATSON,
- 6ix) Branson WATSON
- 6x) Opal WATSON
- 6xi) Gwendolyn WATSON
- 6xii) Evelyn Marie WATSON
- 3iii) John G. FLACK
b: 05/19/1827 NC
bd: Oleander Cemetery MARCA
m: 01/03/1853 MARCA Elizabeth BLAKE
- 3iv) Elizabeth Johnson FLACK
b: 08/15/1829 NC
d: 12/08/1901 Apple Grove MORCA
b: Compton-Curry Cemetery MORCA
m: 11/24/1850 GreenvilleCO, SC Monroe
- 3v) Matilda Clark FLACK
b: 06/06/1832 SpartanburgCO, NC
d: 03/07/1882 Cardenbottom, YellCO,
bd: YellCo, AR
m: 1st 07/10/1855 Oleander MARCA John M.
KING; b: ca1830 TN (S/O George KING
m: 2nd David Simpson "SIMP" CRISCOE
05/21/1871 MORCA; b: 02/16/1848 MORCA d:
05/09/1905 (S/O George William CRISCOE &
Jemima PRINCE)
3v) Children of 1st m: JMK & MCFK
- 4i) William M."WILLY" KING
m 1st: 12/10/1874 MORCA Georgia A. BRISCO (MB
C2, page 144 Permission given by David S.
Criscoe & Matilda Criscoe)
- 4ii) Molly L. KING
- 4ii) Matilda E. KING
3v) Children of 2nd m: DSC & MCFKC
- 4i) Susan Talitha CRISCOE
- 4ii) Lillian Zella CRISCOE
- 3vi) Susan Katherine FLACK
b: 12/16/1834 SpartanburgCO, SC
d: 1860 TX
m: 04/02/1854 MARCA James Young HUGHES;
b: 02/1833 NC (S/O Richard B. HUGHES &
Elizabeth YOUNG) d: 1860 TX
- 4i) Mary Elizabeth "MOLLY"
b: 01/10/1860 TX
d: 01/14/1911 MORCA
bu: Compton-Curry Cemetery MORCA
m: 02/27/1886 MORCA John Douglas COMPTON
2i) *William McCune FLACK
b: 08/14/1838 SpartanburgCO, SC
d: 10/14/1907 MORCA
bu: Old New Canaan Cemetery MORCA
m: 07/04/1860 MORCA *Susan Elener McCLURE
(D/O James Samuel McCLURE Flora LEMONS); b:
10/01/1841 MORCA; d: 03/16/1928 MORCA; bu:
Old New CanaanCemetery MORCA
- 3i) Willie Ann FLACK
b: 0603/1862 MORCA
d:03/16/1928 MORCA
bu: Old New Canaan Cemetery MORCA
m: Never Married
- 3ii) James Young "JIM" FLACK
b: 03/30/1866 MORCA
d: 05/25/1945
bu: Old New Canaan Cemetery MORCA
m: 11/22/1896 MORCA Susan LAURA HUGHES (D/O
Richard Wright HUGHES & Mary Jane BLACK) b:
02/04/1876 MORCA; d: 11/20/1939; bu: Old New
Canaan Cemetery MORCA
- 3iii) HAZEL Gilford FLACK
b:03/17/1869 MORCA
d: 02/15/1944
bu: Decatur Cemetery
m: 11/28/1894 MORCA Hettie Cora McCUTCHEON
(D/O John David McCUTCHEON & Lenore
OVERSTREET) b: 01/08/1875 MORCA; d:
06/17/1952 MORCA; bu: Decatur Cemetery
- 3iv> Leander GUS FLACK
b: 08/1872
m: 12/30/1896 MORCA Bessie E. THOMAS
- 3v) *Theodore Robert "THEE" FLACK
b: 10/27/1874 MORCA
d: 09/27/1962
bu: West Point Cemetery MORCA
m: 04/08/1906 MORCA *FANNIE Mae THOMAS (D/O
*James Jefferson THOMAS & *Susan Matilda
TRAMMEL) b: 05/21/1889 MORCA; d: 10/05/1966;
bu: West Point Cemetery
- 4i) *Dorothy DIMPLE FLACK
b: 04/03/1917 MORCA
m: 03/04/1936 MORCA *LESTER Bert OWEN (S/O
*Richard Emmet OWEN & *Norah GOODSON) b:
07/28/1916 MORCA; d: 03/08/995 MADCA; bu:
West Point Cemetery MORCA
This line can be followed through OWEN from
- 3vi) Walter FLACK
b: 09/04/1877 MORCA
d: 03/22/1907
bu: Old New Canaan Cemetery MORCA
m: Never Married (Died in Service)
- 3vii) Lora EULA FLACK
By David Cofield
Since their arrival in Morgan County in the
1850s the predominant religion
of the Compton, Watson, and Flack families
has been the Church of Christ.
Genealogical research indicates that the
family connection with the
Restoration movement began before the
migration to North Alabama and may
have begun soon after the movement itself
A family letter preserved for six generations
has some vital information
about the religion of our forebears. In 1836
James E. Flack of Cross Anchor
in Spartanburgh District, South Carolina
received a letter from his brother
in law Pleasant A. Clarke of Mount Crawford,
Rockingham County, Virginia.
Pleasant's letter gave James news of his
family and friends in the
Rockingham and Augusta County, Virginia area.
(James E. was born in Augusta
County in 1794, the son of James and Mary
Flack. He apparently left the
region as a boy in 1808 after he was
apprenticed to William Fulton, a
wheelwright and wagon maker. James E. next
appeared in Person County, North
Carolina, where he paid taxes on a small
amount of land and married Mary
Howertain Watson in 1822). After Pleasant had
taken care of the family news
he spent some time describing the
Waynesborough, Virginia area, apparently
in an attempt to convince James to move back
to Virginia. Then, in his
final paragraphs, Pleasant turned to a deeper
"You say you believe in undefiled religion
(excuse me) have you that? If
so, you are to be congratulated . . . " wrote
Pleasant. While this is not
definitive evidence that James E. was
involved in the Restoration movement,
it is significant in that Pleasant went on to
comment that such religion
relied not on laws but on faith alone. After
more religious discussion
Pleasant ended his letter with regards to
"Mary and her mother … whom I love
because I hear that they are striving to
follow the Lord." Mary must be
James' wife Mary "Polly" Howertain Watson
Flack, born in 1800 in Person
County, North Carolina. Her mother was Mary,
widow of Jesse Watson, who
died in Person County in 1816. The 1830
census for Spartanburgh County,
South Carolina lists the James E. Flack
household. Included among the
female members was an older woman, apparently
this older Mary Watson. Thus
James E Flack's household included his wife
and mother-in-law, both of whom
were obviously religious minded and probably
also believers in "undefiled
James E. Flack died in 1849. By that time his
family was growing up. One
daughter, Mary Ann Flack, had already married
her first cousin Moses Cerney
Watson, son of Mary Howertain's brother
Jesse. In 1850 another daughter,
Elizabeth Johnson Flack married another first
cousin and Watson descendant,
Monroe Compton, the son of Norris and
Elizabeth Watson Compton.
Norris Compton had been a neighbor of the
Watsons and of James E. Flack in
Person County, North Carolina and moved with
them to South Carolina in the
late 1820s. His last two wives were sisters,
Susannah and Elizabeth Watson.
Norris was a member of the Lynch's Creek
Primitive Baptist Church when he
lived in Person County, and there is no
evidence that he ever joined the
Church of Christ there or in his later home
in South Carolina. However, his
children by his last two wives, including
Monroe, were certainly exposed to
the 'undefiled religion' of their Flack
cousins and Watson grandmother.
Monroe, who had been a Baptist in his youth,
appears to have converted to
the Church of Christ at about the same time
he married. Family legend tells
of a quarrel, which caused a split among the
formerly close knit Comptons,
Watsons, and Flacks. The nature and cause of
the quarrel are unknown to us
today, but it is probable that there was a
dispute over religious matters.
One theory states that Monroe's conversion to
the Church of Christ angered
Norris and caused a bitter argument. Whatever
the reason for the quarrel,
it caused the widowed Mary Howertain (or
Polly) Watson Flack to decide to
leave the Greenville-Spartanburgh area.
In 1852 Polly Flack, her unmarried children
John G., Frances Caroline,
Matilda Clark, Susan Katharine, and William
McCune, and her daughters and
sons-in-law Mary Ann and Moses Watson and
Elizabeth and Monroe Compton left
South Carolina and traveled by wagon train
across Georgia into Alabama.
They settled in Marshall County, then after a
year Monroe and Moses and
their families moved into nearby Morgan
County, where they settled on
Brindley Mountain in the eastern section of
the county. Polly remained in
Marshall County until her death in 1875, but
visits back and forth were
common. Polly's younger children married into
families in the
Marshall-Morgan area, and many of their
descendants remained close to and
sometimes intermarried with their Compton and
Watson cousins.
Monroe and Elizabeth Compton raised their
children in the Church of Christ,
and as their family grew up and married the
influence of the Restoration
movement spread with them. Two of the
children, Eleanor Ann (1867-1940)
and Draton Lavert (1869-1920) married another
brother and sister, William
Marshall (1866-1914) and Mary Elizabeth
(1873-1948) Bailey. Children of
Wiley Harrison and Martha Jane McElroy
Bailey, Will and Mary are listed on
the roster of the Mount Tabor Baptist Church
in Morgan County beginning in
the 1880s. However, during the 1890s both
Baileys, as well as their
parents, were dismissed from Mount Tabor for
having joined another church.
By the end of the first decade of the
twentieth century, both Will and Ann
were firmly identified with the Church of
In 1908 Draton Compton received a letter from
a distant cousin, John R.
Compton of Missouri. In this letter,
apparently part of a long and steady
correspondence, John referred to Draton and
Mary as being "Christians and
nothing more." Himself a member of the Church
of Christ, John Compton spent
much of his letter discussing various church
publications, including The
Gospel Advocate, and other religious matters.
All of the children of Will and Ann Bailey
and Draton and Mary Compton, as
well as many other grandchildren of Monroe
and Elizabeth Compton, were
raised in the Church of Christ. Today, over
150 years since James E. Flack
believed in "undefiled religion" many of his
descendants in the third,
fourth, fifth, and succeeding generations
continue to support the Church of
Christ and the Restoration movement