From: StevensToy Date sent: Sun, 5 Apr 1998 23:14:00 EDT Subject: 2 Sexy For My Boxers (1/1) By Heather Scotland TITLE: "2 Sexy For My Boxers" AUTHOR: Heather Scotland CONTENT: Humour! SPOILERS: None RATING: PG-13 for bad words and a little surprise! AUTHOR'S NOTES: This is just a little thing I wrote when in a strange mood. The idea was bothering me, so I had to do it. Forgive me, but I hope you like it. I had fun with it! DISCLAIMER: Mulder and Scully have never been, are not, and will never be mine, unless I morph into CC and suck out his brains. **SUMMARY** Mulder dances and sings the "Too sexy" song for Scully during a game that gets out of hand, Scully gets a surprise, Skinner wears a milk moustache, Mulder wears lipstick, and a BAD DOG makes his appearance. Did I mention some innocent nudity? X~X~X~X2sexy2sexy2sexy2sexy2sexyX~X~X~X Scully was startled from her bored contemplation of her chipped nails when the doorbell rang. The late afternoon sunlight fell over her like clear yellow paint as the walked to the door. "I wonder who that could be?... I shouldn't say that, though. I already know that it's Mulder...who else could it be?" Of course she was right. She never had any other visitors. "Hey, Scully," he said, shoving his way inside as usual. She grunted in response and walked back to the couch. He followed her and shut the door, wondering what was wrong with her this time. Probably PMS again. "What do you want, Mulder?" Mulder grinned. "I want to play a game," he answered, and that got her attention away from her hands. "What kind of game, Mulder? Alien Operation? Chutes and UFO's? Star Wars-Opoly?" "No, all wrong. I want to play a new game, one that I just thought of on my way over here." "So are you going to tell me why you were coming over in the first place?" Mulder threw himself full-length on her couch, eliciting a frown of disapproval. "Nah. It wasn't that important. So do you want to play the game?" Scully was getting exasperated with Mulder. He was in one of his playful moods, and it didn't seem like he wanted to talk business. It was Saturday, though. "Mulder, I'll play your game with you if you tell me what it's about. How do you play?" Mulder sat up; he couldn't believe it was that easy. He had planned on hours of negotiating and pleading to get her to play with him. "Well, it goes like this, partner. First, you have to stand on your head." "WHAT!?!?" Scully's head shot up. "Why?" "That's the first part of the game. I tell you to do something, and if you can't do it, you have to tell me anything I ask. That's how the game is played." "But Mulder, that's just like `Truth or Dare.' You didn't come up with that idea." "I just expanded upon it, Dr. Scully. Now do you want to play or not? I've started first and given you the task to do- now are you going to do it, or tell me anything I ask?" Scully looked at him in puzzlement. What had come over him? "I guess I'll stand on my head," she sighed, getting up from her chair and pushing it back against the couch, making some room for her to perform in. And a safety zone in case she fell. Which she knew she would. She got down on her knees and stared at the carpet for a moment before placing her hands on the ground and her head in-between them, forming a triangle. This is how she remembered the cheerleader girls doing it when she used to do her chemistry homework near their practice area at lunch, by herself as usual. Taking a deep breath, she put her knees on her elbows and shifted forward, balancing there for a moment, feet off the ground, before trying to extend her legs into the air. As soon as they were pointed toward the ceiling, she felt herself falling forward. "Shit!" she exclaimed as she fell forward and thumped hard onto the carpet, flat on her back. Her shirt was up around her head, and her back felt like it had been hit with something big and solid. Gravity had defeated her once more. "Ow," she complained, sitting up slowly and rubbing her back. "That hurt." Mulder looked at her for a moment, lying peacefully on the couch and chewing on his index finger. "Was that a headstand?" he inquired innocently, staring at her exposed chest. Scully pulled her shirt down and stuck her tongue out at him. "I'm not that young anymore," she complained. "You're going to kill me, and how would you explain that to Skinner?" "I'd tell him it was auto-erotic asphyxiation." A pillow projectile flew at his head, and he ducked. "Your turn, Scully." Scully dragged herself to the chair and crawled up into it, curling into a ball and gazing at the ceiling. "Let me think for a moment. It has to be something really hideous." "Take as long as you want," Mulder said, lying back on the couch. They stayed like that for a few minutes, the only sound in the room being their breathing and Scully's water faucet dripping. She got up once slowly to turn it off, then resumed lying on the chair. The silence hung over them like a monster in a cheezy movie. Suddenly, Scully started to laugh. First it was a soft chuckle, then it progressed to a body-shaking giggle, then she snorted wildly in amusement as she held her stomach with both hands. Mulder took the bait. "What?" "Nothing, Mulder...just thinking." He sat up, so as to see her eyes better, wondering what she had planned for him. "Well, what are you thinking about?" "I was thinking about something really cruel I could make you do, but it's too mean. I couldn't." "Come on, Scully...that's how the game goes. Tell me...make me do it. Or you win." "Well..." Mulder grinned evilly. "You know you want to. Do it!" Scully sat up and faced Mulder, a mean gleam in her eye. Finally, a way to get him back for all the times he's ditched her, all the times she was woken up in the middle of the night to hunt aliens-- this was her chance. She had to make it good. "Well, do you remember that song that was popular a few years back, Mulder? The one about the catwalk? You know, `I'm too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my shirt..." Mulder's jaw dropped. "You wouldn't." "I would." He couldn't believe what she was about to make him do. Who would have thought that behind Scully's cool demeanor there lay a evil, cruel and twisted person? She was worse than Frohike! "Scully!" he whined. "Mulder, you said you have to do it, or I win. Remember? And you can't lose the game YOU made up, just because you were too self-conscious, now can you?" The wheels in Mulder's head started to turn. He had an idea. "Well, I guess, if I have to. But if you EVER tell anyone, I'm personally going to see to it that you are punished. I'll spank you if I have to." "I didn't know you were so kinky, Agent Mulder...wait, yes I did. I take that back." Evil grin. Tongue stuck out at him, daring him to do it. "Are you ready yet?" "How long do I have to do this for?" "Five minutes." "Five minutes!" he exploded. "All I made you do is a stupid headstand." "Them's the breaks, Mulder. Now dance, sexyboy." Mulder climbed off the couch and walked to the center of the room, where Scully had cleared a space for her earlier gymnastics. He cleared his throat self-consciously and shifted his feet around. Scully curled up into a ball again, for maximum viewing enjoyment. "I'm...I'm too sexy for my jacket, too sexy for my jacket," Mulder muttered, taking his jacket off and dropping it on the ground. He stumbled over it, and Scully groaned. "Oh, come on, Mulder! Put some heart into it! Belt it out! I know you can!" Mulder glared at her, but increased the volume of his voice a little. "I'm too sexy for my shoes, too sexy for my shoes, so sexy oh yeah..." The shoes joined the jacket, and the pile was kicked away. Scully applauded. "I'm too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my shirt, the way I'm disco dancing..." Mulder stripped off his shirt, revealing his muscles. "Getting better, but I don't think that's how the song goes." "I don't care, Scully..." his voice raised a little, and he seemed to stare right through Scully, a strange grin on his face. "I'm too sexy for my pants, too sexy for my pants, so sexy..." He slid his pants off his hips slowly, and Scully blushed. "Uh, can stop now. I didn't mean that you had to..." "I'm too sexy for my socks, too sexy for my socks..." A sock flew over the couch and landed near the door. Mulder stood there, clad only in his plaid boxer shorts and a grin. He came closer to Scully. "I'm too sexy for my--" "That's all right, Mulder! Enough! You can stop now!" Scully was getting nervous...why did everything always turn out in his favor? She had expected to embarrass the hell out of him, but he seemed to enjoy it. "Too late, Scully...It hasn't been 5 minutes. I'm too sexy for my boxers, too sexy for my boxers, so sexy yeah..." The boxers, much to Scully's consternation, flew over to join the socks in the entranceway of the door, next to the hall closet. "MULDER!" Scully started up, covering her eyes and walking into the other room. Mulder stood there, stark naked and grinning madly, not in the least embarrassed. The only reason he wasn't is because Scully *was*. He enjoyed torturing her like this. It was fun. "Am I too sexy, Scully?" he called after her, opening his arms wide and following her down the hall. "Mulder, put your clothes on!" "But it hasn't been five minutes! I'm going to lose!" Scully appeared out of the bedroom, her eyes covered with one hand. "No, Mulder, you will not lose. Just put your clothes on before someone sees you." "Like who? Frohike took that camera out of here a few months ago...oops." "WHAT?" Scully dropped her hands and prepared to choke him, but realized that he was still naked. She put her hands back over her eyes. "Mulder, put some clothes on!" "Why? I was just kidding about was Byers. He's really the one that thinks you're hot. He's just to shy to tell you." "Mulder, now!" "Make me, G-girl. It's just a ploy so you can win...I know what you're up to." Scully closed her eyes and reached out to where she figured Mulder's stomach would be. Oops, too low. She found his stomach, worked her way up to his shoulders and turned him around, shoving him towards the living room. "Go, Mulder, before I shoot you! I'll pick somewhere more painful this time." As her small hands moved over him, shoving him down the hall, he smirked. "Doesn't this constitute fraternizing, Scully? I think it does. I'm glad Skinner's not here." The doorbell rang. "Shit!" Scully said, pulling Mulder blindly back toward the bedroom. "Get in there and don't make a sound! I mean it!" "Yes, ma'am," Mulder whispered, walking easily into the simple bedroom and flopping down on the bed. It was comfortable, and he closed his eyes, listening for sounds in the living room. Scully, her heart beating a mile a minute, walked over to the door and looked into the peephole. Skinner stood there, holding a fat file in his hand and tapping his foot impatiently. She opened the door warily, just enough for her head to poke through. "Yes, sir?" she asked, hoping he had just come to drop off a file or something like that. "I need to talk to you, Agent Scully," he said, opening the door and walking past her into the hallway. He stopped suddenly, and turned around to face her. "Are you *busy*, Agent Scully?" "No, sir, why would you say that?" He pointed to the single sock and the boxers lying on the floor. Scully groaned inwardly. "Those are mine, sir." "You wear boxers, Agent Scully? I don't remember reading that in your profile." she thought confusedly, making a mental note to check it out later. "Yes, sir, I do. I like boxers. They're comfortable. I wear them to bed at night. But is this the reason you're here, sir? To ask about my underwear preference?" Skinner walked toward the living room, and Scully remembered the pile of Mulder's clothes lying there in a heap. "Sir!" she said suddenly, pulling him into the kitchen instead. "Yes, Agent Scully? You're acting kind of strange. Is anything wrong?" "I just thought you'd like some cookies...I made them just this morning." Scully grabbed a handful and a glass of milk, and before he could protest he was seated at the table, munching the cookies. "These are great, Agent Scully," he mumbled, mouth full of cookie and sporting a milk moustache. "But the reason I came here is that--" A loud *thump* came from the direction of the bedroom, followed by a strange squeaking. "What was that, Agent Scully?" "Um, it was my dog, sir." "You have a dog? I don't remember reading that in your file. May I meet him?" Scully thought fast. "I'm sorry, sir. He's been a bad dog and has to stay in his room until I let him out. If I let him out now it would tell him that he could do it again without getting punished. You know how it is, sir. Give them an inch, they'll take a mile. BAD DOG!" she shouted toward the bedroom for emphasis. "BAD!" "Sure, Agent Scully." More cookie-munching. "As I was saying, I'm here regarding a report that you and Agent Mulder sent up to my office a few days ago. I was looking at it this morning, and I found some things I'd like to go over with you." Scully moved uneasily around the kitchen, straightening things that were already in place. "Can't it wait until Monday, sir? I have to be at my mother's house in an hour or so. We're eating dinner at six." "I'll only take a minute of your time, Agent Scully." Another thump, followed by a louder one. More squeaking. "Scully? Is your dog all right?" "Yes, sir. I think he's jumping on the bed or something. BAD DOG!!!" Scully's head felt like it was going to explode if she didn't get Skinner out of there right this instant. She couldn't take this nervousness felt like the time that her boyfriend came over in the middle of the night to tell her something and her Mom was awake and she had to hide him in the closet while she talked with her mother. Of course, her mother asked what kind of tampons she wanted from the grocery store the next day, and Scully felt herself blush as she remembered. But this was 10 times worse-- her partner was naked in her bedroom while her superior was sitting in her kitchen, eating cookies with a milk moustache all over his face. "Well, maybe I should go, Agent Scully. You seem a little frazzled. Why don't you go take a nap or something? Rest up before Monday. I'll see you then." He grabbed one last cookie and let himself out, staring at the plaid boxer shorts in the hall. The door slammed shut behind him, and Scully ran down the hall, intent on killing Mulder and strewing his entrails around the room like confetti. She slammed the door open and stalked into the room to find Mulder bouncing on the bed, wearing her robe, and her brightest red lipstick smeared over his lips clumsily. "MULDER!!!!" "Yeah? Who was at the door?" He bounced off the bed as the springs squeaked madly, creating the *thump* that Scully had heard before and smacking his lips together. "Like my new look? I'm to sexy for my lipstick, too sexy for my lipstick..." "That was Skinner, you idiot. He almost found you in here!" "No, he didn't. He thought I was the dog. I heard him. Woof, woof. Bad dog." "He wanted to meet you!" He pranced around the room. "I'm too sexy for my doggie, too sexy for my doggie...He's welcome to. I wouldn't sniff him or sit in his lap, though. He might be disappointed. He was probably expecting a little mutt or something, not this fine specimen of maleness." He admired himself, straightening the robe just a tad. It was a bit small, and didn't close all the way in the chest area. "And the worst part of all is that he thinks I wear men's underwear!" She went over to the bed and put her head in her hands. "That's not that bad. Male agents can't be kicked out of the Bureau for wearing women's underwear anymore, so I don't think that they would kick you out for wearing men's." Mulder strutted out into the hallway to the kitchen, grabbing one of the cookies before coming back to the bedroom and straight to Scully's closet. He peered inside, muttering "I'm too sexy for my cookie..." to himself while he munched. "What are you doing, Mulder?" "I don't know. I don't think I've ever been in here...what's this? HATS!" He pulled some hatboxes out of the depths of the closet and found a feathery hat to put on. Scully groaned. He looked ridiculous wearing only her white terrycloth robe and a white feather hat to match. He danced around the room, preening. "Mulder! Take it off and put some clothes on! I mean it!" He danced to the full-length mirror, which was on the back of the door. "I'm too sexy for my robe, too sexy for my robe, so sexy yeah," he purred, starting to pull the robe off his body. The door swung open, and Skinner stood there, holding his gun. "Agent Scully, you didn't answer your door, so I thought..." he noticed that it was *Mulder* partially wearing the robe, Mulder in the feather hat, Mulder in the lipstick with cookie crumbs all over him. "WHAT THE......?!?!?!" Mulder's jaw dropped. "Uh-oh." Scully put her head in her hands. "I wonder if this will go in my file?" X~X~X~2sexy2sexy2sexy2sexyX~X~X The End...Well, did you enjoy? This is a somewhat different side of our agents that I suspect is there...all we have to do is find it! Really. I mean it! Feedback makes me make Mulder dance and sing: