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Aikido World Headquarters


TOKYO 162-0056, JAPAN

19 May 2000


To Mr. Henry Ellis

Dear Mr Ellis,

I do hope that this letter finds you well. I have heard from Mr. Dave Rogers recently that you are still working as an active Aikidoist, which makes me very happy.

It is more than thirty years since Kisshomaru Ueshiba, my father, succeeded Aikido Doshu 11. And, last year, I was inaugurated as the Aikido Doshu. Time flies! Aikidoists who were awarded Dan Grades by the Founder axe becoming fewer year by year. I believe that a person like you is very precious.

It is my earnest hope that you will take very good care of yourself and contribute to the development of Aikido long for the future.

With fondest regards, I am,
Sincerely yours,


Moriteru Ueshiba
Aikido Doshu