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The Real Me!

Welcome to my everyday life! Here I will show you a part of my life that I have to live with. It can be hard to deal with sometimes, but I can deal with it. Most people don't really know how to take a handicapped person. They think that someone who is handicapped is dumb, or don't know what he/she is doing. Handicapped people do have feelings just like normal people, but they can't always get their feelings out. This causes them to get down on them selves. I thank God for my friends that stuck by me.

If you would like to buy a copy/copies of my book. Please E-mail me at: and put the name of the book in the subject line. I will send a E-mail on how to order a copy or copies.

Here are a few poems that's in my book. I hope that you will be blessed in reading them!

These poems are copyright
all rights reserved
By: Donovan E. Harrison

My Dreams As A Handicapped Person
May 1987

Look at me
You will see a man that can't do much because
I'm handicapped
When I get lonesome
I always think about the things that I would
like to do with other people
I wished that I had a girlfriend to love and to
hold and to say 'I love you'
I dream of going on a date with somebody
But who wants to go out with a helpless man
Sometimes I think that life is unfair to me
What's the use in living when one knows that
there's is no hope
People say that dreams will come true
But will my dreams ever come true?

A Broken Record
August 1991

My life is like a broken record that plays
over and over
Without stopping
A song that doesn't mean much to others
Because they don't know it like I do
They might think that they do
But they don't
This song has put me through hell
And it hurts
Hurts because I've lived this song day after

If you like more information about my poems and book or if you just want to Email me.

You can at:
