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A Little About Me

In my life people ask me how do I do things, or how can I handle difficult situations as a handicapped person? Well, I must say, that being born with cerebral palsy is very hard to deal with. There would be times when I wish that I was dead, because I could not do the things that I wanted. Like playing ball, or going out with a girl. So many people think that because someone is handicapped that they do not have any sexual feelings, well they do. A handicapped person desires to have a normal life. Being disabled is hard, because you can't express yourself to people. They try to guess what I am trying to say. This makes me so mad, that I wouldn't even try to finish what I was saying. A lot of people ask me how do I communicate with people? I have a communication board, with words printed on it, that goes across my wheelchair. Since I cannot use my hands to point at the words, I use a head gear. My head gear is a welders hat band, with a rod on it. I push the computer keyboard keys the same way. I work my mouse with my left foot! I can put my CD's and disks in my computer with my feet. I learned how to work a computer by myself, after I finished high school in 1981. My first computer was a Commodore 64 and it was slow, but it met my needs back then. I started school in 1968 or 69. I had a teacher that would come the house twice a week. It was fun in away, but I still missed school. When my family and I moved to Jacksonville Florida in 1975, I got to go to the public school for the first time, and I loved it! Then we moved back to Alabama in the summer of 1976. I was sad, because I would have to start back at home schooling. But I found out that congress passed a law, that all disabled kids should go to public school. I graduated in 1981. I enjoy my life just like any normal person, but in a broken body. On May 26, 2001 my life changed, because I married the only sweetest woman who is on this earth! She is more than a wife, because she is always there when I need her. She is my wife, and my closest friend! Meet my lovely wife Patrica Ann Harrison

Feel free to ask me anything about my disability, and I will try to answer you.:)