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AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 12:27 AM ----- BODY:

I share a birthday with: 1451 - Christopher Columbus was born on August 26, 1451 1910 - Mother Teresa, Humanitarian Activist and Worker 1971 - Thalía, Mexican singer and actress 1980 - Macaulay Culkin, American actor

On this day...some history.

- 1920 19th amendment passes-women's suffrage granted (about time!) On Aug. 26, 1920, the 19th amendment to the U.S. Constitution, guaranteeing American women the right to vote, was declared in effect. - 1743 - Antoine Lavoisier was born. He was the chemist that proved that the union of oxygen and other chemicals is used in burning, rusting of metals and breathing.

- 1842 - The first fiscal year was established by the U.S. Congress to start on July 1st. - 1920 - The 19th amendment to the U.S. Constitution went into effect. The amendment prohibited discrimination on the basis of sex in the voting booth. - 1934 - Adolf Hitler demanded that France turn over their Saar region to Germany. - In 1972, the summer Olympics games opened in Munich, West Germany. - 1973 - A U.S. Presidential Proclamation was declared that made August 26th Women's Equality Day. - 1975 – I WAS BORN! Bidi Bidi Bom Bom.... - 1991 - Soviet President Mikhail S. Gorbachev promised that national elections would be held. - 1992 - A "no-fly zone" was imposed on the southern 1/3 of Iraq. The move by the U.S., France and Britain was aimed at protecting Iraqi Shiite Muslims. - 1996 - "7th Heaven" aired for the first time. - 1998 - The U.S. government announced that they were investigating Microsoft in an attempt to discover if they "bullied" Intel into delaying new technology.

-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 11:19 PM ----- BODY:
Mood: cool Listening/Watching: Martika - Water Nothing exciting happend at work today. For some reason I thought the co-workers I told about my bday would have something for me today. I was not asking for the circus, just a "happy early bday!" Nothing happend. My desk was all dusty and not even a stupid bday card or ballon. I know my bday was not today, but I have been part of those "lets decorate" cubes even though a person's bday falls on a weekend. I guess it was just wishful thinking. Next time its their bday, screw I had scheduled an early bday lunch with a friend, but before I knew it - he rescheduled. The minute that happend, I knew the lunch was doomed. After that, my 2pm meeting was rescheduled for 11am, the same time lunch was to take place. I spent all day just working and not talking to anyone. It was so busy today and my arms, wrists and elbows hurt way too much! Phsysical therapy is just killing me! I am also happy because I set my "out of office" and I wont come back to work until Sept. 5th..hip hip horray! screw everyone at work. I dont give a ....ok, I am way to happy. Not drunk, although there is a Mike-arita next to me..but its 11:30 and its almost August 26th..... After work I went to my brothers house because my parents arrived today. It was good to see them. I also finally gave Jan her bday present, I know, I am a bad sister in law! A month after her bday, I give it to her. She was happy. We then had some dinner and just rested. Mark came over from work and brought me back home. My mom told me Jan has a great bday present for me. I felt bad because she is giving me my present at the exact bday vs me. hehehehe...
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 8:29 PM ----- BODY:
Mood: upset Listening to: Martika - Water Watching my favorite's on Youtube I am so upset. All that I had written dissapeared! I was doing a cut and paste and was gone. Well here is a recap:
  1. I talked about physical therapy.
  2. Work and a meeting we had today.
  3. My bday coming up (yippy!)
  4. Being on vacation all next week including Labor day.
  5. Turning 31 and still having no children.
  6. My cancer scare earlier this year.
  7. Mark and I visiting the old house last weekend. Someone else was already living there!
  8. Going to Katz's for my bday!
  9. Going to Ft. Worth for a couple of days next week.
  10. Going shopping for my bday!
The rest was a "the more you know" moment but its all gone. Damn you Blogger!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:48 PM ----- BODY:
Happy 41st Birthday Tori! Love, Adri P.S. See you in 2007!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 7:04 PM ----- BODY:

My phone
Originally uploaded by acosta6348.
Yippy! Mark gave me an early b-day present! I am sooooOOOOOoo happy! This is too cool. Its pink and it looks awsome! I feel like a kid with a new toy. Ok, laters!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 8:38 PM ----- BODY:

Almost 31...
Originally uploaded by acosta6348.
I am hoping my pre-bday day is OK at work. My bday hits on a Saturday but Friday I will celebrate too. Althought the is nothing like having a decorated cube on your bday. I have done that for 2 people in my Dell career. My good friend Rudy and my previous manager. It was cool to see them freak out. Good times.

Things I am hoping to accomplish for the next chapter in my life:

* A cancer free life (no more pre-cancer treatments, medications, tests, labs, doctor visits...)
* Changing professions (MBA or teacher cerfiticate)
* Come out of my shell
* Determined to give that 15 min speech at the staff meeting I have been avoiding. (I promised myself and manager I would present in 3 weeks..aaak!)
* Hit the gym? Maybe...become more active.
* Go eat luch with my friend(s) and stop giving excuses for not going.

I will think of more as the days to my bday progress....
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 8:16 PM ----- BODY:
How I miss Tori Amos. I am watching the PBS SoundStage performance from 2003 where she performed some of my favorite songs. I cant wait for next year. I have seen her perform 3 times since 2003 and have been a few feet from her (at a meet and greet). 1st time - Las Vegas 2003 2nd time - Dallas, TX 2005 3rd time - Austin, TX 2005 Maybe next year I will get lucky and actually take a picture with her. Only time will tell.
Today my 10 day countdown before my 31st bday started. I cant believe I am in my 30's, I know it sounds dumb, but I had forgotten I was actually 30. My sister sent me her "what do you want for your bday?" email. She asked me to send her 5 things that I want and she will pick. I told her that a gift certificate to MAC cosmetics would be great or a refill of my favorite perfume would do - Calvin Klein's Eternity Moment, but who knows what she will get me.
What I really want to get myself is the new Motorola RAZR in Pink. That would be totally cool. I was also thinking of treating myself to new frames. I have been sporting these since 2001 and an updated eye exam and frames would do the trick.
I think this year I will just buy things that I need vs things that I would want. I want to buy me some new shirts and some new chanclas or I would love to get me a new SD card since the one I have is about to die. I also would love to buy me a new food thermo cup, those that keep food warm or cold for certain hours? Thats crazy, instead of saying I want jewelrey or I want money, I am asking for things that I need in everyday life.
Oh well, I gotta go and finish my Tori Amos DVD...
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 5:40 PM ----- BODY:

Quick meal
Originally uploaded by acosta6348.
Today was another day bumming out at home. It was OK at first, but after the 3rd hour of television - I just got so bored! Then I changed it to Discovery health and all that did was just get me teary eye and depressed. Today they had shows on babies with rare genetic disorders and yes, I watched them. I couldnt turn away. Also, today I find a sudden erge to just eat junk food - I have been fighting the feeling, sticking to eating sugar free Jell-O but I did eat that quick meal thing - it was gross but I was hungry.

I cant wait for Mark to come back from work! He says that 3 people didnt show up so it was just him and another guy. I cant believe that they have the whole call center for themselves. The other guy was so upset, he called the manager and the other people that failed to show up - but they had no good excuses.

I am off to do some other stuff, dont know what...laters.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 11:11 AM ----- BODY:

Originally uploaded by acosta6348.
I am surprised that even back then I loved chanclas. I think its funny how I have yellow socks. My brother is super happy with his star wars toy and my sister has this doll. I want to remember this day, but I dont. It is so weird how I can remember some days in my young life and others I cant. My dad copied a bunch of christmas pictures of us as kids, but I cant remember any of them - its almost as if I blocked all my childhood christmas. Go figure.

Mark is off working again. 10 to 7pm. It sucks that this is the 2nd weekend in a row he has to work because we have not spent basically anytime together! I work 8 to 5 and he works 12 to 9. In the mornings he drops me off at work at 7ish, he comes back home and relaxes and gets ready for work. He takes off and around 4:30 (during his lunch hour) he pics me up from work. He has a super fast 10 min lunch and takes off to work. I dont see him until after 9pm.

Last night we finally went to the alamo drafthouse to see the new will Ferrell movie. It was so funny and stupid. So I guess that's the first time in a while we go out together..hehehe...

Well I am off to clean house and watch more tv. Talk to you laters...
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 6:06 PM ----- BODY:
Mom! Originally uploaded by acosta6348.
My friend’s Rudy’s mother in law passed away on Sunday. I felt so bad for Priscilla. (his wife) when I read the email he sent out, I felt a very sharp pain on my chest and a tear rolled down my eye. I don’t know what I would do if my mother would pass away. I know its going to happen, that is a natural course in life – but to know that you will no longer see your mother, its just heart breaking. I began to think about my life with my mother. She has been there for the last thirty years. She was there throughout the most important landmarks of my life. (College graduation, my wedding) I hope she is there with me when I have children. That’s how I got when my mom lost her mother last year. My granda, how I miss her. After she passed away, I began to call my mom more then once a day. I wanted to know how she was doing and I couldn’t live with myself if I something would happen to her and I had not said my “goodbyes.” A few years ago, we almost lost my dad - it was a horrible experience, seeing him in the hospital bed. I get so sad thinking about that. I just hope and wish that God gives us just a few more happy years with my mom because you never know when she will be gone and you never know when its your time to go....
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 10:55 AM ----- BODY:
Mark left for work an hour ago. He was supper happy because he sold 21 systems yesterday. Within the first 2 hrs he had sold 11 and he was thrilled! I am not sure how he will do today, I am sure he will sell more since its a Saturday and its still Tax free weekend for like five states. I am going to clean house in a few minutes. I am going to vacum and rearange some stuff. Last night our plan was to go have dinner and watch the new Will Ferrell movie but after we came back home to kill time (the movie was going to start at 11:55 and it was 9:45 when we got here) we fell asleep! We blew $18 as I had already purchased the tickets online...oh well. Around 4am I woke up because I thought the tv was on, but really it was a bunch of kids outside in the pool. They were laughing and swimming. I really wanted to scream at them, but figured I would just be waisting my breath.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 4:08 PM ----- BODY:
Today marks the end of my vacation. It’s Friday and I’ve done nothing productive. I have been watching endless hours of the food network and can safely say I have mastered the art of grilling with Bobby Flay, 30 minute cooking truly does exist (Rachel Ray) and if I ever want to cook a lean mean seafood feast I can always remember how Everyday Italian’s host Giada Delaurentis sautéed and steamed the food. I am so bored. But it is a good bored. It’s good to know I have nothing waiting for me today. I can just sleep like a cat or look out the window and daydream. I know that my bubble will pop when I go to work on Monday. Yesterday I logged in to clean my mailbox and saw a total of 70 dispatches pending, most from July 31st and 11 emails from the swat mailbox. But instead of freaking out and disrupting my vacation, I took a deep breath and let it go. I am sure there is a reasonable explanation as to why all those are still pending. Whatever the reason, I don’t care. I will deal with it on Monday.
I also hope to make some changes at work come Monday, or at least set my plan in progress. I think this will help me be less stressful and will allow me to pursue other tasks. What are they you ask? I wont reveal them. I secretly believe coworkers know about my site. Well, I gotta go Barefoot Contessa is now showing us the art of making coconut madeleines.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 1:06 PM ----- BODY:
I am now officially bumming out at home. I am a bit bored and yesterday Mark told me that he has to work Saturday and Sunday because of the "Tax free" weekend. It will be good OT but I will be alone...
I had scheduled a dr. apt this morning but I overslept and forgot! I have a swollen ankle and it hurts. I was moving stuff the other day and I hurt it - so that might be the problem.
I just finished watching Days of our lives and it was not all that today. Just a bunch of people kissing and making out. It was too early for that.
I wanted to go shopping but because of the "Tax free" weekend, there is no way on earth I am going near a shopping mall this weekend.
For those of you who care, I have posted more pictures on the website. Click here and see them. I think I am going to drink a "lecherita" i brought back from the valley. I love them!!! work? I have no idea, heck I am not logging in until Monday. I wonder how many emails I will have? who knows! who cares! Well, I am off to watch countless hours of tv. Laters!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:06 PM ----- BODY:
I am back! I left the Valley this morning around 8:30am. I didn’t want to leave because I was getting used to hanging out with my parents. That might of sounded lame 10 years ago, but we had so much fun! I also needed this long break from reality. Before I hit the road, I stopped at “El Pato” and ordered my favorite breakfast tacos (bacon and egg) and a large diet coke. The drive was smooth. Not too many cars on the road, just a bunch of Border Patrol. I had no idea how many were around until I came to visit this weekend. It does not help that my parents live so close to the border and outside in the outskirts of Mission – it’s insane! Border Patrol all over the place. It was just crazy. I guess it was too odd for me but normal for everyone that lived in that area.
Anyway, I drove 80mph all the way and made it to Austin at 2:30pm. My mom got upset because I made it in record time. I only made one stop this time.
So I left the Valley very happy and relaxed but a bit disappointed because we didnt have a chance to eat a botana. But oh well, I did have taquitos, menudo, a Luau burger and my dad’s famous chicken and ribs! Kudos for that!
Well, here is a quick recap of my holiday. Enjoy!
Saturday July 29th
I woke up early today. I got ready and finished packing. Mark and I had a quick breakfast and I took off. I drove 80mph all the way till after passing San Antonio (near Three Rivers/George west) I saw a DPS officer on the opposite lane and I freaked because I was driving around 82mph. I saw the DPS officers lights turn on, he made a U turn and headed my direction. I quickly slowed down to 55mph and figured I’d surrender. I figured that’s what I get for speeding. But he never showed up! I kept looking back and nothing! I was saved! I started laughing. I kept thinking “false alarm!” after that incident I drove about 75mph.
Three DPS officers later and a whole lotta boarder patrol, I made it to my parent’s house. I was so surprised of all the changes the valley has made. The areas that I remember as open land were not covered with Super Wal-Marts and Targets. I got home, took a short nap and ate Menudo! Yay!
Sunday July 30th
I woke up at 3am and couldn’t sleep. I started watching tv in the living room. Later that morning my parents headed to church. I stayed behind. I know atheist right? WRONG! I didn’t pack a skirt or dress and I didn’t want to show up in pants. We later went to eat at this Chinese buffet my parents recommended. It was good but I didn’t realize I ate some lobster and crab. That was bad. I am allergic to shellfish. I turned red and my face got puffy – not good times. We went home and I took a short nap. I then had this dream that I was working. I remember dispatching over 300 calls and then realized it was Sunday and not Monday! I was freaking out! But then I woke up. Gosh, it has been super freaking hot here. I am rethinking the beach…
Monday July 31st
Today we drove down memory lane and drove to TSTC (Harlingen, TX) and UTPA (Edinburg, TX) to pick up some official transcripts. It was a good drive. TSTC is pretty much still the same. This school used to be a military base and still has most of the buildings up – those are still being used as classrooms. We also went next door to the Iwo Jima monument and took pictures. We also drove pass the dorms and had a few laughs. UPTA was good. There are a bunch of new buildings and it looked way better then TSTC. My dad also made some good BBQ today. I love that he made chicken and ribs. YUM-O!
Tuesday August 1st
Today we did a lot of driving. We went back to UTPA for another transcript and we went window shopping. We also went to La Joya, TX because I wanted to see how much my old High school had changed. It was cool. We also went to “La Lomita Chapel”. This little chapel is the reason they named this city Mission, TX. In this area we saw an insanely amount of border patrol driving around. We also drove past a park but we were not able to go in because it was covered with cops, border patrol and who knows what else. We found out President Bush was going to have a speech there tomorrow on immigration. Go figure. It was too cool because the park is about 5 minutes from my parent’s house.
For a few fun pictures click here!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 7:55 PM ----- BODY:
Yay for it is Friday! I am super happy my vacation started! E. tried to give me a guilt trip though. She kept talking about how busy she was going to be on Monday and how she didnt know if she would help cover. I just smiled and though "I dont care!" I did feel bad for a while but then remembered I have been asking for some time off and well deserved R&R. I take off to "hot land" tomorrow. Lets face it, the Valley is no trip - its super freaking hot! I dont think I can wear my favorite color - black next week. Maybe some nice colorful shirts? Who knows.
I just finished making 3 CD's for the road. I really wished I had one of those Ipod connector things to hook up to the car radio and I could listen to my Ipod but I saw its like $90. I would rather listen to CD's then break into my vacation budget! Yes, Mark gave me a budger :(
I shouldnt even complain, I have something like $ that's alot of Mexican food! Botanas, taquitos, menudo...hehe..J/k. I wont eat in every single mexican restaurant. I do want to get a botana (they dont make the real thing here in Austin) and my mom said she would have menudo waiting for me tomorrow..YUM-O!
I am also going to hit Texas State Technical College and The University of Texas Pan Am to get copies of my transcripts. I was thinking I should go back to school and finish my MBA or my MLA (Masters in Liberal Arts) I started both of them, I want to finish one of them. I know, I am a school junkie. Anyway, here is a list of all the songs per CD:
cd 1
Bond - Explosive
Enrique Iglesias - Si Tu Te Vas (Remix)
Cystal Waters - Come on down
Britney Spears - I'm A Slave 4 U
Britney Spears - Born To Make You Happy (Radio Edit)
Dixie Chicks - the long way around
Dixie Chicks - easy silence
Dixie Chicks - not ready to makr nice
Dixie Chicks - everybody knows
Dixie Chicks - lubbock or leave it
Nick Lachey - whats left of me
Nick Lachey - resolution
Lisa Loeb - Underdog
Lisa Loeb - Wishing Heart
Lisa Loeb - Do You Sleep
Lisa Loeb - Single Me Out
LA Style - I'm Raving
JLO - jenny from the block
Lester Flatt and Earl Scruggs - Orange Blossom Special
Debbie Gibson - Out Of The Blue

cd 2
Sia - Breathe Me
Sean Paul - Temperature
School House Rocks - Rufus Xavier Sarsaperilla
Sara Evans - Coalmine
Rihanna - Unfaithful
Reese Witherspoon - Juke Box Blues
Rednex - Cotton Eye Joe (1995)
Ramirez - El Gallinero
Pat Benetar - We Belong
Papa Rankins - Gasolina
Nelly Furtado ft. Timbaland - Promiscuous
The Guru Soundtrack - Chori Chori Gori Se (Mela)
Kumbia Kings - Pachuco
Reese Witherspoon - it ain't me, babe
Reese Witherspoon - jackson
Run like a Mad (Dawsons Creek theme)
Inside man soundtrack - Chaiyya Chaiyya
Hootie & The Blowfish - Get Out Of My Mind
Hootie & The Blowfish - One Love
Global deejays - What a feeling
Fort Minor ft. Holly Brook & Jonah Matranga - Where'd You Go
Faith Hill - Dearly Beloved
Evanescence - Bring Me To Life
Enya - Less Than A Pearl
Enya - The River Sings
Deborah Gibson - Naked
Daddy Yankee - Rompe (Remix)
Crazy Frog - Whoomp! (There it is)
Celine Dion - I Drove All Night
Celine Dion - One Heart
CSI Soundtrack - Song For Olabi
Avril Lavigne - Complicated
Karate Kid Soundtrack - You're The Best
Enrique Iglesias - Escape
Nick Lachey - I cant hate you anymore
Nick Lachey - run to me
Lisa Loeb - I Do
Lisa Loeb - Underdog
Lisa Loeb - Truthfully
Tori Amos - raspberry swirl
Tori Amos - Silent All These Years
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 6:09 PM ----- BODY:
I dont know what possessed me to listen to this song. Is it because I am going back home next week? I am going back to the block? hahaha..stupid. Today was a hectic day - but who cares. Nothing will change. I am waiting from my brother because he invited me to have vietnamese..YUM-O! I cant wait to leave on Saturday! I changed the dates from monday to Saturday that way I can come home sooner and just bum around here. I promise not to log in to work for the week. I will let her suffer ...jejeje...gosh I am evil! Ok I will update later my brother to pick me up soon!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 8:13 AM ----- BODY:
I am so tired. I can’t wait for my week off. Yesterday I was at my brother’s and I took a 2 hr nap. My parents got worried and thought I had low blood sugar or something. So my dad tested my blood. He has this new machine, its kind of cool. He gets what looks like a pen and presses on it and a little needle pokes my finger. My sugar level was at 110, which my dad says it’s in the “perfect” mark. I told them I was just tired from work. This past week the amount of calls have just been insanely crazy and it just drains me out when that happens. Just yesterday I have a total of 269 records completed. It does not mean 269 calls; it means 269 reviews of parts. Maybe 1 call had 3 parts but I still added them since I reviewed them. On Monday I got my new 1G Ipod. I said “goodbye” to the 30G video and will be putting it up for sale on ebay. Hopefully it will sell as good as the first one did. I can’t wait to head over to the valley. I am going to rent a car and take off on Sunday. It’s about a 5 hr drive, or maybe 6 depending on how fast you are driving and how many stops you make. I usually only make 1 stop outside San Antonio which to get a diet coke and maybe a snack. This is the first time I will be driving alone since I got married! When mark and I were dating, I would drive over to see him and I would drive right after work, which meant being stuck in Austin traffic for 2 hrs on the highway, getting to San Antonio around 7pm and to the valley pass midnight. Since I got married, I have gone to the valley but always with someone. I must go back to work. I will talk about my vacation later.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 12:15 AM ----- BODY:
Friday was my day off. It was good. I got to rest my arms and fingers and elbows and wrists. Thursday I was forcing myself to work. I really just wanted to walk away because my hands have been hurting terribly bad. I hate that people at work just dont understand how busy I have been in the last couple of days. Specially when there are meetings I avoid because I have so much work. "Work will still be there." Is something I hear coming out of my "not very understanding" co-workers. They dont understand that if I walk away for more then 30 min I will have a massing amount of calls waiting for me. After all there is 6 dispatchers to 1 SWAT dispatcher and I am dispatching calls for all of LA. and not only that - I was "unofficially" assigned the mailbox. No one ever asked me if I wanted to do it. Now I am stuck with answering all emails that come in. In total I would say I answer on average 50 emails a day. Not to mention the other dude is also extremly busy. He has about the same work load as I do. He has been complaining to me, just as much as I have been complaining...but what can we do? Its a good paycheck. I guess we all must slave away. Something else that really bothers me is when I talk to my coworkers about how tired I am and about how much work load I have. They always say "we are all busy and tired" I hate that they fail to understand I sit in a chair for 10 hrs straight and just press on the same keyboard keys. I am physically drained after work and I wish that my plea of nagging and complaining would be heard. I guess thats wishful thinking. Dont worry dear void - I am working on getting out of this deep hole. I am literally dragging myself out. So this is why I took Friday off from work. My "backup" didnt want to accept the fact that I was going to take a day off. "I have so many reports to do" was her excuse. I hate that she is a backup. She refuses to do anything that has to do with what I do. She pretends to help, but she doesnt. She just complains to that other stupid guy who in return tells her (I am sure, its my theory) to stay as far away from us as possible. Sure she was going to back me up while I am out, but come Monday morning I will have double the work, thanks to her. So today we went to Mazda to get that extra key for the car. My parents also arrived Friday. I got to babysit Chloe for a while and as soon as my parents arrived we went to eat at their favorite chinease restaurant - China Wall. I think its Ok. We came back to my brother's and hung out. Tomorrow we are driving to Fort Worth to visit my sister, and spend the night. I should go to bed. Its way pass my bedtime. I also have to figure out where I am going to sleep. We are all currently at my brothers house and I think I am going to literaly sleep with the dogs on the floor. I hope Chloe can share her bed. Ok enough joking around. Gotta go. 'night!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 11:23 PM ----- BODY:

me in the 80's
Originally uploaded by acosta6348.
My mom called me last night and told me that they scanned all the baby pics they had of us (my brother, sister and I) as babies and they put them on to a DVD. My dad added about 200 pictures and added music on to the DVD - I was like, wow. hehehe...He sent me a sample of five pictures and this one posted is one of my favorites. I look so young! My hair is awesome (as always) but the shorts are too funny.
Anyway, work is so-so. I put in a vacation request for Friday but my manager never replied - figures. My parents are coming over this weekend and will head over to my sister's to Ft. Worth - I hope its fun. Oh, I am going with them on the weekend....
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 8:02 PM ----- BODY:
I was cleaning my closet and came across my Viola! It is full length William Lewis & Son Dancla and it is about 20 years old. I loved playing this string instrument. I was 1st chair for 2 years in Jr. High and in High School and we had many, many concerts for the public. I did a search for the price of my viola (because this was a gift) and the retail price is $1,675.00!!! Can you believe that? I wonder how much it was when purchased then.

In other news, a co-worker (I considered her a friend, since her desk was close to mine but then she moved on to bigger and better things) had a baby last week. I am happy for her and I got her a Hallmark greeting card and a little hanging plate that says, "Home is where mom is." The weekend has been good. Dont nothing productive. Last night we had dinner at Wendy's then we went back to Barton Creek mall. It was cool.

P.S.To see pics of Amanda's baby, click here.

-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 12:15 AM ----- BODY:
Well this sucks! Mark came over to pick me up at 5pm. At around 5:20 he said he was going to take an hour nap, I joined him. Well, 6 hrs later, I am up. This sucks. I slept for 6 hrs!!!! I am super awake now! What am I going to do? I cant go back to sleep! I dont think this has ever happened to me. I am so upset too because I didnt watch my novela at 10pm! Days of our lives! I miss you!!!! Since I am up, here is a recap of the week. Monday: work Tuesday: work Wednesday: work and the long nap A look into the future: Thursday: work Friday: work Saturday: Fun! Fun! Fun! Anyway, I just told Mark and I am hungry and he said he is too - we are going to hit the IHOP .... laters!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 4:36 PM ----- BODY:

LBJ Ranch
Originally uploaded by acosta6348.
We finally made it to the ranch! It was super cool! We took a tour of the ranch and got to see a replica of the LBJ house where he grew up, the first school he attended and we got to see his ranch house. We took the last tour of the day (at 4pm) and this tour was great! We got to see buffalo, deer, cows and the bald eagle. The greatest view of all was when he stopped at the Texas White House (his ranch house) and got to see Lady Bird Johnson in her porch! She and her oldest daughter were hanging out. She then came out from the porch and got to our tour bus! She started talking to us and hanging out! That was just too cool!
By the end of the tour we were both so tired because of the heat and all the walking so we left. It was a great experience!
Tonight we are having vietnamese with my brother and its going to be YUM-O. I love the noodles. Anyway, gotta go. Laters.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 10:53 PM ----- BODY:
Mood: Relaxed Listening: Britney Spears - Born to make you happy... Today was my last official, "I am taking off at 3 from work because Mark has to work nights." He finally got an 8 to 5 job and I am super happy. Finally, more money coming in to our bank account - I know, who'd thought that would happen? After what happend last year? Anyway, his work schedule will change after 2 weeks though - because the fist days will be training, after that, its the real schedule. Its not that bad... he will work 10am to 7pm. This means, I can either bum out at work and wait for him for two hours, or I can make time productive and join the big Dell gym or maybe go for a walk around the building (still debating about it) I can also take 2 hrs to walk to the apartment? Who knows... I was going to continue my review on Superman Returns - but decided against it. I was dissapointed, but I will keep my comments to myself. For the last three weekends, Mark and I have been wanting to to go the Lyndon B Johnson State Park in Stonewall, TX - but due to to rain we have been unable to do so. I am hoping that tomorrow will be the day we go. I don't know why but I am a fan of Lyndon B Johnson - its not just because he was our Thirty-Sixth President, or because he was born and raised in Texas, or because his birthday is one day after mine. hehehe...I think he was just a cool president. I enjoy going to the LBJ library and museum in down town Austin. Well, Mark just got back from working out at the Gym - me? I took a nap instead. I was so sleepy. Now I am pumped up and ready to go...where? I have no idea, but we are going somewhere... P.S. On July 5th my manager gave me a $25 gift certificate for working on the 4th. I was surprised - why would she give me a certificate? Could it be that she got a hold of my online blog and read all my nagging and negative comments about work? P.S.S. Yesterday the Sr. Manager of the dpt sent out a "thank you" email to the team for those that worked on the 4th of July - yeah, sadly my name was there - out of 3 people from the US office. Isnt that depressing? Anyway, it was nice of him to remember. Then again, since starting working here (2003) he has always been that way. Thanking those that go the "extra mile" and delaying BBQ's to work.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 7:29 AM ----- BODY:
Last night Mark and I went to see the most anticipated movie of the summer - Superman Returns. Well, lets just say the nachos I ate was the best part of the movie. I went thinking it was going to be a new superman concept, I was wrong. Sure, the computer graphics were great, but this movie just lacked so much, left me wondering about things and was just a waist of my time. There was no character development. It lacked that "superman" feeling.Sure Superman left for 5 years and returned to see that life had moved on without him. The movie dragged on for so long. It could of been done in 1 1/2 the time and still be OK. Louis Lane looks 19. It was just a complete dissapointment. Pending update.....
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 11:23 PM ----- BODY:

Work buddy!
Originally uploaded by acosta6348.
After the fastest drive to work this afternoon, I was able to catch up with all the work I had missed while trying to fix the router. Things came to a hault about 4:3oish and one of my coworkers came to chat with me. She was telling me that she asked for a work laptop and that management told her that it would not be possible (for now) to get one because the budget for systems had be drained out. She said she thought of me when she was told that. I sorda laughed, but then I felt bad. I do have a work laptop and a brand new spaking system. I also have 2 - 19' flat panels and a video card. Could I have drained out the budget for the team? I know this sounds stupid, but just think about it. We are 5 on the team and I am the one with all the new stuff - except for another dude, who got a system....stil, I cant help but wonder.
Anywho - meet bessy - she is my pet cow. She keeps me company. She is cool. Getting sleepy, going to bed - goodnight!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 4:23 PM ----- BODY:
Today started off OK. I connect from home at 7am, logged in and bam! One of the most important tools that I use was not working. 2 ½ hrs later, it was still not working. By that time I got my manager and some other people involved. I figured, if they wonder why the cut off time was missed, they would know why. At around 10ish, the issue was fixed. So now I am here at work. There is no one around. It’s all quiet. No cars in the parking lot. No people to chat with. Hey, that’s the life of a dispatcher right? Around 2pm I decided to take off early. I figured that would be my little treat for it being 4th of July. I get home and yes, more bad news - my router broke or my cable modem was out or something. An hour later, I am back at work. ...Yes ladies and gentelmen, come look at the looser who is stuck working holidays and overtime and gain no acknowledgment from anyone. For all of "them" to pile on the work and get no recognition of ones existance at work.... To top it off. Tomorrow is my unofficial 7 year annivarsay working here. Damn, I cant believe it. All this time working here. I remember my temp agency contact asked me if I wanted to work July 5th or July 6th, I prompted for July 5th. So off I went. My training was tough, rough and hard but I made it! More about it tomorrow as I will celebrate my work anniversary.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 1:09 PM ----- BODY:
Well, while half of work is out enjoying their days off - having BBQ's with their families, enjoying the indoors or just being lazy and doing nothing, I am here at work....working. Today has been as busy as any other day. Dispatching, back and forth emails to providers. Missing info on calls. Creating new part numbers. It was cool though, my friend Rudy was here for a while. It sucked though, because ofcorse, I had to work. Today I brought my lunch and ate all by myself in the breakroom. Lunch was good, but being alone sucked. I just got to listen to myself eat greenbeans. Its 1:09pm and I am counting the hours for the time Mark will come over and pick me up. He will take me home and yeah, I will log in to work...blah! At least I have my cool, awesome ipod and get to listen to all my songs. I gotta go, I forgot I have to do some work for someone here who thinks I can do it just because I am a dispatcher. He wants me to confirm if some parts are needed for some calls..yep - thats me. In the end he writes, "I appreciate you looking into this." Yeah, hello? you didnt even ask if I could or wanted to do it. I guess they assume I have no work so they must pile it in.... Enough negativity - tomorrow is an official holiday and I shall celebrate (in my mind) while I am stuck working....
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:34 PM ----- BODY:
Here is the recap of my weekend! Saturday: Mark and I went to see Click at the Alamo Draft House. It was awesome! I love that movie. It was a comedy/drama. Not expected of Adam Sandler - but it was well worth it. Mark and I decided to just go driving after the movie. We decided to make a quick stop to go visit the old alma mater St. Edward's University and walk down memory lane. I took some awsome pictures of the campus but my SD Card gave a stupid I/O error and I lost all but those of downtown Austin. Cry :`( After the drive downtown, we headed home because a big storm was headed our way. After a quick rest at the apartment (and the storm passed) we headed to mall and went walking. We went to have dinner at TGIF's and came back home. Sunday: Summer cleaning is here! We rearranged our furniture and threw away alot of clothes we didnt need anymore. We watched tv, napped, ate dinner..blah blah blah.... I hope tomorrow work does not suck. It has been for a while. I figured with the new system I got at work, the two flat panels I got and my awesome Ipod - work will suck less. Coffee anyone? Well, I am heading over to the Starbucks..laters!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:33 PM ----- BODY:
Effective Writing Originally uploaded by acosta6348.
Words are a form of action, capable of influencing change. By Ingrid Bengis. Today was the last day of my Effective writing class. I was so sad because I love to write and I learned so many new things! I also got to hang out with different people from work. We all had good laughs. This class was no trip - it was a 4 hr class every Wednesday, took quizzes and exams and we even had homework! Today, our last day, our instructor played the "graduation" song as she handed our certificates. It was a bit cheesy, but it was awesome! We all clapped for each other, cheered and laughed. After work, still on a high, Mark took me to McDonalds..hehe..anyway, we headed over to the apartment so I could log in and start to work. Blah! I was so upset and disappointed. Work has gotten so depressing. I used to walk around, smile, joke around. It was awesome when I got a grade level promotion and a raise the first year I was there. I got to network with everyone and the "big kahuna's" new who I was. I took pride in my work. Today, I work with people that just don't seem to ride in the same roller coaster. ***Venting off section*** since my good friend J left D for a job in another city, my work load has tripled. Thinking they would hire someone to help the team, they hired someone to help another co-worker. What a bunch of BS. To this day, I have no idea exactly what she does. I do know that she took over one of the tasks I used to do (which by the way took about an hour to do) and also took over another task J use to do (that took him a good 4hrs). Now whenever I need help, she insists that she is only there to do the other co-workers daily tasks. N and I are stuck working multi tasks, working multiple things at the same time. Sometimes I cannot even run to the RR because I am so busy. Also, it has been about 4 months since I have taken an actual lunch hour. Today was no exception. I was loaded with work. With this new problem that is happening I am stuck with the workload. I am being a good employee, but in the inside - I want to pop. Stupid people thinking I can do whatever the hell they think I can do. I am tired of working past 5pm. Sometimes I work from 7am to about 9pm. (Between 5pm and 9pm it is on/off )...but I just hate that my job has gone from a dispatcher to taking care of everything else that people assume we can do just because we do what we do. ***Venting done*** Anyway, I am having such a great day! I graduated from this class and I have the certificate! This will come in handy when I start looking for another job
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 7:05 PM ----- BODY:
Sure the Dixie Chicks are dummies for killing their careers in a split second by being in foreign land and then commenting on Bush, but their music is still cool. I have been a Dixie Chicken fan for a good six years and will probably still be a "closet fan". It seems that if you mention the group's name people break into political mombo jumbo... Bush might have his reasons for being who he is, I do support him; I did in fact voted for him when he was governor of Texas and when he ran for president. Dont hate me, I met the guy back in 1995/1996 at TSTC. He was running for governor and well, he came over to the campus. I went to listen to his speech. I waved at him and yelled "HI!" and he waved back and said "HI!" after the speech, he met with all the students. I went over to him and asked him for an autograph (I know, how cheesy is that?) I only had that night's program so I handed it to him. He smiled, autographed and shook my hand. He had the most soft, plummy hands. Anyway, that is as close I have ever gotten to any U.S. President. That was a cool night. Anyway, there is currently nothing on tv. I am watching a re-run of CSI on SPike Tv and listening to the Dixie Chicks. Otay - talk laters!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 2:00 PM ----- BODY:
Today is an awesome day. I am listening to my new video ipod for the first time since Mark bought it for me yesterday. The first song that played was Tori Amos – Space Dog from Under the pink. This is one of my all time favorites, specially the live version from the Vegas 2003 concert. (Which by the way, I went to). Today has been a busy day at work. It sucks, but hey, this job pays the bills. This weekend was busy but fun. Friday: Watched tv. Clean the apartment until Mark came back from work. Had a late dinner. Saturday: Drove to Ft. Worth to hang out with my sister. We also went to pick up the insurance card and see if we could get a duplicate key for the car. Apparently they are programmable…blah blah Sunday: Woke up super early (thought it was Monday) had a good lunch at Fudrockers and we headed over to the Apply store! Mark told me to pick whichever iPod I wanted! I was going to get the 4G nano, but voted against it since for an additional $100 I could get a 30G video iPod. I cant wait to leave this place. One more hour, sure I get to connect back at work, but at least I am not bored. I cant bug people too much around here.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 7:49 PM ----- BODY:
I am super spooked. I am all alone in my apartment and I am watching this show. I kept telling myself that I should not watch, but I was so curious. I just changed it because the #3 is the scariest of all for me. I am a bit surprised, I figured the exorcist would be the all time #1 scariest movie. I am soooOOOOOOooo spooked now. But I gotta flip it back and find out the #2 and #1 spots. Because of this movie, I have a big problem with blue night gowns and beds with long wooden posts. I also think I would have a major problem if I was to ever be tighted up in, ur...anyway....tomorrow will be fun! Mark and I are going over to my sisters and we are going to hang out. She invited us to some friends party tomorrow night. Its a party but she said it was going to be a "bar hopping" thing. Lets see how that goes. There is currently a commercial break and I am just so happy I didnt get to see the exorcist. I did hear "the power of christ compels you" I flipped the channel so freaking fast. My mom cannot understand why this movie freaks me out, yet I can watch atopsy, medical and crimal shows. Specially those on HBO that are so graphic! The top 10 most scariest movie moments - Per Bravo #10 spot - Wait until dark #9 spot - Night of the living dead #8 spot - Carrie #7 spot - Silence of the lambs #6 spot - Shinning #5 spot - The Texas Chainsaw massacre #4 spot - Psycho #3 spot - The Exorcist #2 spot - Alien #1 spot - Jaws
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:24 AM ----- BODY:
The weekend was fun! fun! fun! Friday: Went to see the midnight showing of “Nacho Libre” at the Alamo Draft House. It was a great and funny movie! Recommend the movie. A+++ Saturday: After the thunderstorm that passed through Austin, my sister came down from Ft. Worth. When she came over, we went car shopping. It was a hot day but we managed to go to Carmax. After much debate, we saw a used SUV we wanted, but in the end not worth the $$$. On my dad’s advice, we went to the Mazda Dealership in Georgetown. It was great! We got an awesome deal. Later at night, Mark and I took my sister to Ninfa’s to celebrate. Our fun was cut short because she has to leave back to Ft. worth that same night. Sunday: Did nothing special. Went over to my friends apartment to feed her cats. She is on vacation this week and asked me to feed them. This coming week I also volunteered to take care of Chloe again. Both my brother and Jan are out for the week. I also tried to get better by resting and watching tv all day. It sucks to feel sick, but I am hoping I get better soon!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 2:58 AM ----- BODY:
Jones Soda Originally uploaded by acosta6348.
This is just too cool. Mark and I went to Barns and Noble tonight and we spent it reading magazines and just hanging out. Mark decided to get a Jones Soda. I looked at the picture that was displayed and then I looked over the lable and said that you can post pictures. So I went to the website and submitted this picture. I just love the way it looks! You can actually go to the website and vote for my picture in hopes that it will be on the next bottle of Jones. Go here and vote!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 6:13 PM ----- BODY:
Friday: Came home around 3:30 and logged back in to work. Logged off around 5:30. Mark left for work and watched tv until he came back. Saturday: We had an early breakfast at Ryan's and came back home for a while. We went to the Alamo Draft House to see "The break up" it was good. I enjoyed it although Mark said that movie will scare all me around the world. The rest of the day was spent at Circuit City, Sam's...etc. Sunday: Woke up late and had a late lunch. Went to bro's house for BBQ. Fun! Today I woke up around 2am thinking it was time for work. I woke up dazed and confused but went back to bed quickly. Work sucked today. It seems like work is just growing and growing each day. The amount of calls is just so overwhelming it ridiculous!! I am dispatching between 150 to 200 calls a day...that is just crazy! and to top it off something always has to go wrong. Today the search page we use was down for about 2 hrs and around the same time, I was not able to access some dbase tables I use for work because the server was down. Horrible, just horrible. After work I cooked a stake. I didn't realize it would smoke up the apartment so bad! The stake was YUM-O thought. At 7 I am going to watch this really cool show its called, "When surgical tools get left behind." on Discovery Health. My mom thinks I should have been a doctor because I spend a large amount of time watching medical shows and get fascinated by them. Note: When I was in the 9th grade, I was accepted to a Jr. medical program at UTPA for the summer and I was going to take the pre classes that would allow me to start a pre-med degree at UTPA - but my parents pulled me out because they had already planned my summer.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 8:30 PM ----- BODY:
So I guess I should post about my oncologist visit on 5/25. My parents drove up from South Texas to be with me. My mom was very scared and afraid of what the dr. might say. I was not, I figured, if something is wrong - then I would take it head on. While my parents waited for me in the waiting area, Mark went with me. The nurse took my temp, asked me questions...things like that. The dr. came in a few minutes after that and told me that I did not have cancer and that in pre-cancer cases like mine, meds would do the trick. So he put me on meds for the next 6 months and after that he is recommending another D&N - ouch! After the talk he performed a pelvic exam on me. That is no fun. The clamps were so cold and very uncomfortable. He also stuck his finger and pressed on my pelvic (sorry if its too graphic but hey, thats what happend) My parents were super thrilled and happy that nothing bad happend. I am happy too and will be taking those meds to get better. Work was bad today. The stupid DSP did not send the much needed "onhand" report to us so I had to review every single service call I got (all of latin america) and check them manually. That sucked, bad. I hope tomorrow they get their act together and send that file. It hurt the business so much today! I got a stupid email from that stupid guy who FINALLY shipped my Ipod. He better or mark said he would "kick his ass" on the ebay world ofcourse. leave him a negative and do a non paying seller. I knew his selling on ebay experience would pay off one day! Laters!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 6:40 AM ----- BODY:

tea pot
Originally uploaded by acosta6348.
This is the tea pot my bro brought me from China. I tried taking some good angles, but it just didnt work well. Today will be fun! fun! fun! I am going to this cool training class from 8:30 to 12:30! Its all about writing and grammer and its FREE! Part of our "training and development" at work. I am surprised because its costing the comp $500! I hope its fun!
Nothing cool has happend lately, just work and such. My friend Rudy came over to visit me at work, that was cool. I had not seen him in a while. We make plans to eat lunch but some evil entity (called work) gets in the way!
Its 6:39 am, I should get ready to take off to PN3.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:36 PM ----- BODY:
So I thought it would be really smart to clean the tub without actually opening any of the apartment windows. Yes, really smart right? Blah! The apartment stinks of Lysol mildew remover, even thought there is no mildew I still prayed it. All it really did is drive the cats wild. They have been running up and down the apartment for about 10 minutes. I turned on every fan we have and yes, my headache is back. At least I managed to clean the kitchen and wash all the dishes I had not washed. I also threw away all the junk mail that was piling(?) up in the kitchen. I am so upset because there are 3 queries that I run at work every day. It helps me do my job..blah blah blah.anyway, since about a week I have not been able to run them because the IT people thought it would be a good idea to change servers (or something like that) this one lady has been helping me and they just wont work! she is about to pull her hair..anyway, she asked me to run them and ask me how long it would take for them to run. Query #1 took about 45 minutes. Query #2 took about 2 hrs! From 6pm to 8pm! I was watching tv and running it and I just fell asleep! I woke up and the stupid query was still there! Query #3 - I dunno I have not tried. I emailed her and told her I just give up. Something has to bee done though. I am sure all this is going to bring me more work. Well, I have to go. I have to open the window I am now officially sneezing nonstop. Stupid lysol! Laters!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 12:00 AM ----- BODY:
Ever since I let Mark sell my awsome 30G video Ipod - I have been in search for another one. Either the Ipod Mini or maybe just a regular joe mp3 player. For the last couple of weeks I have been scoping out the ebay sales of all the ipods. I have attempted to get a good deal, but those snippers just get in the way seconds before the auction ends. Anyway, today I decided to look and found what I thought was a great deal. I set a high big for $100 with 5 minutes to go before the auction ended. I "refreshed" the screen over and over and some dude beat me. "ok,I said" I can go higher, I set my max bid at $122.50....and what happends? Britney Spears is not the only one making "oops" happen to her. But the good thing is that he is including a leather case for the ipod and an AC Adapter (a $60 value). I did really want an Ipod, now because of my "playing with fire" I am the proud ower of this: From ebay: Congratulations! You committed to buy the following item: Apple iPod nano Black (2 GB, MA099LL/A) MP3 Player Sale price: $122.50 Quantity: 1 Subtotal: US $122.50 Shipping & Handling: UPS Ground: US $7.32 Not but I guess. Now I own another ipod, but this one only holds about 90% less then the original. Update: Still with chloe. Mood: Static! Listening: It aint me babe. Joaquin Phoenix & Reese Witherspoon Walk The Line Soundtrack
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 6:44 PM ----- BODY:
"Dude!", as my friend usually says - I got my 1st medical bill. This is for the anesthesia. The grand total..drum roll please...............$680! I was afraid to open that bill but there it is. The total amount I owe Seaton Medical Center is about $800..can someone say "Ouch!" I am a bit bummed, but what can I say - they treated me a-OK. In other news, I am at Chloe's, I mean - at my brothers. We are hanging out. I have been giving her snacks but making her do the "roll over" trick each time. She sees the treat, I raise my hand and she automatically does the "roll over" its too funny. I tell her to "stay!" but she rolls over...
Nick Lachey
Nothing but an empty page
Breathing in an open space
Captured by your moment's grace again
There's so much I left behind
Even more that waits in time
Everything's so undefined
I'm standing on the edge of my fear
And I see it clear
Here's my resolution
I'm letting go
All I need to learn is along this road
And I just want to be the best man I can be
Breathe, it's my resolution
Living life without a plan
Finding solace where I stand
And learning how to love again
And all I want is something real
That I can feel
Here's my resolution
I'm letting go
All I need to learn is along this road
And I just wanna be the best man I can be
'Cause here's my resolution
I'm letting go
All I need to learn is along this road
And I just wanna be the best man I can be
Breathe, it's my resolution
My resolution(Ooh oh oh)
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 11:58 PM ----- BODY:

Originally uploaded by acosta6348.
Mark and I are spending the night at my brothers, tonight and possibly until they come back from Japan & China. Chloe has been behaving but she looks sad, I am sure she misses Jan and Jr. I made some wings and left them on top of the coffee table, I got up to get the laptop ready and I hear her crunshing away! She somehow reached for the wings and started eating them!!!! I hope she is OK and she does not get sick - overall work is fine...Well, good night. I am getting ready for bed. Laters.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 11:49 PM ----- BODY:
Tomorrow is going to be a cool day. I will be in training from 8:30 to 4:30 at some training place in Austin and not at work..Ha! to everyone! I decided I should take advantage of all the free training provided by my employer and sing up for a couple of classes that I think will help me in the near future. So off I go. Tomorrow's class is Advance Acess and next week I am taking a class that is going to be from 8 to 12 every wednesday for the next 6 weeks. That class will be fun. I just hope tomorrow's class will be filled with excitment..riiiiiiiight. Tomorrow means no work and no emails and no putting up with anyone I dont want to...oh, which reminds me, I should put up my "out of office" email so no one will bug me....laters.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 10:45 PM ----- BODY:
Mood: Chilin' Listening to: Lisa Loeb - Single me out Today Mark and I went to the Cheesecake Factory. I had heard some great things about it, so off we went. Wrong! We spent $45 on food that had no taste and it was bland. It was bad because I convinced Mark to go and he was up for it. The only good thing about the whole experience was the cheesecake itself - the burger I had had no flavor and the fries were so cold. I have to give it an A++ for the look of that place. It was nice. Too bad I didnt take a picture. After words we came back home and attempted to clean the apartment. Since I didnt feel like it I told Mark that we needed to go to Sam's - so we did. Bought stuff for the week...anyway my babysitting duties started today and I didnt go to see chloe! I will go tomorrow. Hope she is doing OK. In other news, my oncologist apointment is set for 2 weeks from now. I am somewhat nervous - but if I am seen an oncologist - what else can go wrong right? SNL is on, it looks funny. Laters.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 7:03 AM ----- BODY:
I love coming to work when there is no one around. Its quiet and I get to work in silence and finish what I need to do for the day. Althought one time I did come in super early to work and I felt someone walking behind me. I started walking faster to get to my cube but soon realized it was the security guard - I guess he was making sure I got to my desk ok? Who knows. I checked the mail this morning and I finally got my 1G memory SD card. I bought it on ebay for $30 I dont think you can beat that anywhere, unless there is a sale. I decided to get this SD card for my little RCA Lyra mp3 player - just like having an ipod right? Oh well, I am adding songs to it right now and I forgot I had deleted most of the 8G's I had of music. I was told that IT sometimes does scans of systems and if they find music - you can get in trouble. Oh well, I hear people starting to come in ....I will continue to load my Mp3 player with music..Happy friday!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 1:59 PM ----- BODY:
Mood: Blah! Song: Starts with Goodbye - Carrie Underwood Today has not been a good day at work. The network was down for a while and so I cant finish up my work. I am having to do everything manually. Everyone else is freaking out and I am just Blah! today. I have started my countdown to 3pm! I want to leave work and go home. It sucks that I have to log in from home for 2 more hours, but I guess its OK since I wam watching tv while I work. Tonight my brother invited me over for dinner. We are having caldo! YUM-O! I hope its good. Well, I gotta go. Work is picking up and I gotta finish some of it before I take off! :)
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 8:59 PM ----- BODY:
Mood: Great Listening to: Song For Olabi by Bliss CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - The Soundtrack I love this song. It reminds me of the open road we took on ourway to Las Vegas. Call me a weirdo, but this song brings back the open road, the mountains, the rain, the hot days. The firt real experience Mark and I had to travel on our own. I keep thinking of this adventure we had. Our last happy memory before our "dark period" began. This was the time to be free and have no worries. This was the one time I was so relaxed and every feeling that I felt was happiness. Reality............... My brother called me after work for our Monday ritual - Vietnamese! Today I made my soup extra spicy YUM-O! I keep saying I am going to try something different every time we go, but I never do. I always get my #10..which is beef broth, noodles and some beef. In other news..I miss my ipod! :( I am tired to connecting my headphones to my computer at work. I cant really move around because the headphone cord is just too short! I am going on ebay and see if I could get a cheap ipod. I wont get a 30g ipod..I want more like a 1 G mini shuffle or something along those lines. Lets see what happens. Happy bidding!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 10:08 AM ----- BODY:
Well, I am back at work today. Bright and early, Mark and I had breakfast at Burger King and he dropped me off at work. I felt like a little kid going to elementary and being dropped off by their parents. Except I need a badge to get to the building and I don’t carry around a lunch box. The weekend was good. Did nothing productive and actually relaxed. Friday Night: Mark came from work around 10:30 and at 11 we took off to the Alamo Draft house. There was a thunderstorm warning, but we didn’t care. We were determined to see MI 3. When we got to the theater Mark and I expected a super long line that curved around the building (like the midnight showing of Star Wars last year) but there was only five people standing in line – a total of 7 with us. We got to sit in our favorite section, the back area and we also ordered the Mission Impossibleburger. We got only one because the waiter said that it would be too big for one person and boy was he right! It was a 3 patty burger and it looked like a giant big mac! The movie was good but I couldn’t get his “jumping up and down on top of a couch” moments and his “you’re a glib” speeches for Joey…I mean, Katie Homes. After the movie we noticed that it had been raining badly. The winds were strong and there was debris all over the road! There is major construction on 1325 and all the construction stuff was all over the road! There was a state trooper trying to get everything out of the way – but it didn’t help the rain started to pour down even harder! It was a cool night. Saturday: We went window shopping for a while but then it began to rain again. Rain has been all over the place, its good though – I love rain. We also went apartment ‘window’ shopping. Our lease is not over until December but we wanted to see what was around our neighborhood. We found the best deal at our own apartment complex. Hehehe..a 3rd floor, 1000 sq feet, 2 bed room 2 bath for $800 – I don’t think you can beat that anywhere! On Saturday night we watched the Oscar vs Mayorga fight. It was awesome! At first I thought that Oscar would get shaken a bit, but he proved everyone wrong when he knocked Mayorga out in the first round. He got up but on the 6th round it was oh so sweet to see Oscar rise to the occasion. Sunday: We woke up late and watched tons of tv. We went to Sam’s and to other places to hang out and relax before the work week started. Our last stop was Wingstop for dinner. We got some wings and took them home, to watch “gross anatomy”
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 10:05 PM ----- BODY:

Cat on my back
Originally uploaded by acosta6348.
I was reaching for my camera and Mustard jumped behind me and just sat there as if I were a pillow. This just comes to show how spoiled he is. I managed to snap this picture its kind of cool. I decided after logging off from work (exactly 5:05pm) I would take a nap. Mark left for work and I proceeded to close my eyes the next time I opened my eyes I was in bed and 2 cats on top of me. How did I get here? I sorda got spooked and decided to compose myself. There must be a reasonable explanation to all this. I walked to the living room and it just came back, I woke up about an hour after napping, turned off the t.v. and walked over to the bed. I even set the alarm! I must of been tired!
I am waiting for Mark to get out of work we have tickets for the midnight showing of Mission Impossible 3 at the Alamo Draft House. We love that place it rocks! Anyway, I gotta get ready. I hope it does not rain as much last night! It was bad!!! Good night! :)
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:38 PM ----- BODY:
For the last 2 nights we have been sleeping over at my brothers house. Jan and my brother travel around 99% of the time and are never here. This week he is Puerto Rico and Jan is in California, but next week, they are going to be in ...drum roll....China! Can you believe that? Holly smokes, I want that job. Anyway, they asked me if I could babysit Chloe I agreed. Poor doggy he is all alone. So while Mark goes off to work at night I am here at their house, eating their food and watching tv while Chloe sleeps next to my feet. I like my brothers house but sometimes I get this weird vibe from it. I guess because the house is so big. I just dont like the design of the house. As soon as you open the door, to the left is 2 bedrooms (one with a super big window and facing the street). When he first moved in, the first thing that I noticed that freaked me out was the door knob to that room was inside out. The lock was to the outside - my brother kept joking by saying "maybe they had a bad child and they locked her in or maybe she was eveil". Blah! Anyway, in the end I came to the conclusion that since the master bedroom is on the other side of the house - they locked it, just in case someone tried to break in the house. Needless to say, all the lights in the house are on. The hall light, the outside light, the kitched, dinning room and living room. The house also has 5 large windows facing the back of the house - I hate that. I cant wait to go back to my little old apartment. My home. Lately mark and I have been playing with the idea of moving out of the Austin area and maybe going to a new city. We no longer have a house, no children (2 cats - at least not human) so maybe we thought it would be a good idea to start looking for jobs in other cities. I love the idea, but I get scared - of the unknown. I have lived so close to my brother for so long. I know, I know, we have to think of ourselves...but we are just "thinking" about it. Who knows if it will happen. I love this Dawson's Creek video, it makes me cry every time I watch it. Its a bit long, but its worth it. I hear Chloe in the kitchen, I better go check on her. Laters!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:40 PM ----- BODY:
Mood: Ready for tomorrow! Listening to: Fall From Grace Nothing is happening tonight. Today I worked from home, I was just not ready to go to work. I had some discomfort, pain, I didnt want to sit there all day. I do miss my 2 dual flat panel monitors that sounds so corny but its true. Today was business as usual. No one asked me anything. It was like I was never gone. I felt a little odd. In other news, I am excited about tomorrow. I hope it all works out great! I need to walk over to another building so I am hoping I dont get runned over by a car or a bus or a truck..or just anyone. I am also hoping my voice gets better. I think I will spend the morning drinking hot tea. My brother came over tonight and got me some vietamese beef was oh so YUM-O! Wow! I am so excited about this!!!! Wildflower!Arts & Music Festival Sunday, May 21, 2006 Lisa Loeb Presented by MIX 102.9 American Airlines Stage Time 4:00 PM If she had never made another record Dallas’ own Lisa Loeb would still go down in the record books as the first unsigned artist to top the American charts; her single "Stay" — from the soundtrack to 1994's Reality Bites — spent three weeks at number one soon after the film's release and eventually sold over 750,000 copies worldwide. Loeb & Nine Stories received a Grammy nomination for Best Pop Performance by a Group and won a Brit Award for Best International Newcomer. Lately the thirty-something singer has landed her own critically acclaimed reality TV show, aptly titled, # 1 Single. Web Site:
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 2:38 PM ----- BODY:
Mood: Ok Listening: Underdog by Lisa Loeb Today I am doing better - just in case you all want to know. It was a hard recovery but I think I am ready for work tomorrow...blah! I am still in some pain and its difficult to sit in one place for too long but I think I will survive. My voice is also a bit better, nothing to the harshy, husky voice I had all week long. I was getting worried, thought my voice was going to stay like this permanently. My parents left on Saturday morning and my sister showed up a few hours later. We went to have dinner at Ninfa's and then we hung around at the apartment's pool. We later sat outside in the balcony - it was fun. This afternoon she left because she had to go back to work and do some stuff for tomorrow. Nothing much has happend since then. I hope tomorrow is a good day at work and it does not suck like it usually does. I have been in my own little protective bubble at home and I know that people are going to be asking how I am doing and being around me. I hope that does not happen. Its not like anyone asked how I was doing while I was away - why would they ask this coming week? I have to make me a new music CD since I no longer have my ipod. I have the little mp3 player, but I think I am just going to make a CD, its easier and faster. Today is a beautiful day and wish I was doing something outdoors like them but ofcorse, I cant - I just had surgery. Well, I gotta go. I am going to check out what on the tube. Laters.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 4:33 PM ----- BODY:

Chole accident
Originally uploaded by acosta6348.
On Tuesday I had the surgery and there was some complications but I got out of it OK. It feels like the meds wore off and I am now on official pain! I am upset that no friend has called me to see how I am doing - that sucks. Anyway, I had some respiratory complications and I was not able to breath correctly, but they gave me a breathing mask and I was fine.
My parents have been taking care of me and Mark too - its been great!
I am sad that is already Thursday and I am still feeling ill. Oh and to top it off, I have a cold! I cant really speak,my voice is so harsh! I am taking some DayQuil in hope that I get better for Tuesdays interview. Well, I am still a sad bear that is in pain, I will go back to my couch and rest...
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:41 AM ----- BODY:
I woke super early today thinking it was a work day. Odd since I am off all next week. I dont know why, I just woke and looked at the clock..."I'm late!" I thought. Then I stopped and started to wonder if today was actually Saturday or Sunday. Since I was already awake, I figured I'd get ready for today. I took a shower and this stupid wrist band is so difficult to keep dry. I just gave up and decided that if it got wet, tough! its their fault. Does this wrist band say I am "propery" of the hospital? hehehe...I am tagged and ready to go. I decided that during my recovery I should start up writing again. The last time I wrote a short story and presented to the class - they all wanted more. Some girl after class even stopped me to continue the discussion on one character. I was amazed - someone actually likes me writing. This short story is only 24 pages and maybe I should expand it. I was also thinking of continuing to write on my grandma's death. I left so many emotions out of this piece of writing. Maybe someday, when I am ready. Its about 10 a.m and I need to find out when my parents will be here. Mood: Ok Listening to: Nick Lachey - What's Left Of Me (In your face Jessica Simpson!)
P.s. Mark put up my 30 G Video Ipod up on ebay and an hour before the auction ended someone bought it for $269! I was amazed someone purchased it doing the "buy it now" option. Now I will use my RCA Lyra mp3 player! Why would I sell my spanking, brand new video ipod? well, after I purchased it - I kept loading it with music and video and I just came to the conclusion that I didnt need 30G's worth of music or video after all, I only listen to music while at work and that's only 8 working hours! There is no way I can load 7,500 songs and listen to them....anyway - its 10:09 a.m. gotta call my parents! :)
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 11:00 PM ----- BODY:

Me with 3 days to go...
Originally uploaded by acosta6348.
Today Mark surprised me with breakfast in the morning.He didnt make it, he went to McDonalds..hehehe...we also went car "window" shopping. Figured we might need to get a new/used car for us this coming weekend after my surgery.
But the real countdown starts tonight. My parents are coming tomorrow afternoon and they will stay here for the week to take care of me..yay for me!
Monday morning I have to go back to the hospital for some more labs and then on Tuesday I have to be in the hospital by 8am. The procedure should take less then an hour and then I will be free to go home!
I hope they go easy on me and everything goes well. Talk to you soon!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 7:54 PM ----- BODY:
Her last days...2006 Originally uploaded by acosta6348.

This my car. She died, again and this time at the Walgreen's. To see her earlier attempt see here and here. I was so devistated yesterday, so sad, crying my eyes out - in silence because I didnt want anyone at work to know what was going on. I just have it in my head that things should be better now that our "dark period" has left us and is now behind us - or is it? and with the surgery coming up, this was no joy ride. I started to cry because I started to piece my car dying with me and the surgery. I am so scared, I am going to be put on anesthesia. This will be my 3rd time and at first when the meds go into your blood stream, its awsome - but when you wake up, its confusing and you feel awful! Not to mention there is that slight possibility of death. But if Tuesday is my day, hey - its my day right? Just make sure you all have a happy funeral and nothing too sad. I also went to the hospital to register (yeah, like in college) my surgery is about $6,000 and I only have to pay $550, not bad. They also put a wrist band on me. I was like, "hello? surgery is not till Tuesday". They insisted I wear it and not remove it, they do it to "everyone". Anyway, I had to pay half of the $550 today which means I am broke! Oh, and we had to pay for the rental and the tow truck so yes, we are really broke. (Donations will be taken later during the week...j/k) I went back to work for a 1:1 with a manager who has a technical writing position which I am very interested. Today at 5pm, I was sent an invite for an interview and its set for 4/27 - wish me luck! Unlike someone who told me they didnt want me to get the previous job I applied for - because she wanted this guy she didnt like to go away, she got her wish.That hurt. So I am set and ready, next week I am off and I will not work, not even log in from home - I will just go on Thursday 1 to 3pm interview and come back home. Well, I am off, to watch television that is. Talk to you in the coming days....

Mood: Scared

Listening to: Electric Youth by Debbie Gibson

-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 12:02 PM ----- BODY:
I am drinking very weak coffee from the Startbucks at work. These people think we can’t tell the difference. I beg to differ. The bold taste of a real cup of coffee will keep you alert for a couple of hours. Anyway, today I came in extra early to catch up on some things. I worked 14.5 hrs yesterday and I am beat. There some stuff that needed to be done for today. I had a project and some managers from BR were expecting them today. My good manager told them, “don’t worry it will be ready for tomorrow”. I also worked on reviewing some calls for metrics today. Last night it rained very hard. It was a nice change from the heat that we’ve been having since last week. Some places reported hail the size of golf balls; I wish I could have seen that. Last night I saw something so disturbing I started crying after it ended. I couldn’t stop just thinking about it. It was so bad, I couldn’t smile when I changed it to my favorite show, “Everyone loves Raymond”. There was a fire in a 10 story building and people were trying to escape the flames. Some people tried so hard to help the people but out of desperation some started jumping off! The camera followed this one girl jump to her death. She hit the floor and he mangled body was picked up and dragged by the volunteers. Before I could change the channel, two more bodies came down. You could see the volunteer’s reaction, some looking away and the others covering their faces in disbelief. I have been avoiding all bad media; the war, crimes, deaths, CNN, Fox News, heck even the local news. This weekend I accidentally watched a video on YOUTUBE – it was about a man who I will call stupid, was in a safari with his family – he thought he was invincible and got out of his car. He then got jumped by two lions and started eating him! In front of his family! Wanting to learn more about this horrific even, I googled “man eaten by lion” and yes, got another longer version of it and yes, it was true. I spent all last night wondering about life. You can be having a wonderful, fruitful life and then BANG! Gone, I wonder what both the girl jumping to her death and the man, eaten by lions were thinking. Knowing they had but a few seconds to live. Where they ready to meet their maker? What was their last thought? Which comes to my conclusion: I need to go back to church. I try, honestly – to get up early on Sundays and make the 10 minute drive to church, but I just don’t know if it is all true. I was just 5 years old when my parents introduced me to this religion – is it real? All I know is that. I don’t think I would want to experiment and start going off to different areas of religion. All this has been playing in my mind for a while: I am a lost soul.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 2:55 PM ----- BODY:
This weekend has been fun. Yesterday was spent all day out and about. We went to 2 different malls. I bought some more yankee candles and went to GNC for some vitamin's. Dr. called with lab results and said I must take an iron pill because I am anemic. After the mall we headed over to The Alamo Draft House to see "Inside Man" which was good. Today the sun is out and its real pretty. The tree next to our apartment started blooming and the leaves are so green! I was going to take a picture and post it here but there are alot of children with parents - I do not want them to think I am a perv or something. Maybe another day. Today I start my countdown to the surgery. It will be on 4/25 and I am nervous! I will take that week off from work and make sure that everyone else does my job! I think I need to relax and hang getter better. During this week I will spend it at my brother's house. I figured I dont need to be going up the stairs after surgery and they will be out all week on business, so it should be fun! Well, lunch/dinner will be here soon I gotta go! Laters :)
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 8:43 PM ----- BODY:
Every time I go over to see my brother I leave with an empty feeling as if I am missing something. Sure I am happy to see him; him and his wife Jan but I can't help but not be able to shake the feeling that something is missing in my life. They talk about their exciting happy life and jobs. They have the best jobs in the world. Jan is a tester and Jr. is a sorda tester but also sells the software. They get to travel all over the world. They have fun. Sure, life is bothersome sometimes with all the traveling they do but they go and take mini vacations to enjoy and relax. This week they are going to Puerto Rico. I am not jealous. I am happy for them. They have a good job, good life. I am not envious - I wish I had their lives sometimes. Don’t get me wrong, I am happy I have a job, but I think I am out there looking for something else something more fun. I sit at my desk all day. I feel like a veal. They go out and get to go to different sites. I am just blabbing away. Now it’s going to take me a week to get over their visit. Now I am going to spend endless hours thinking of way to make my life a little close to that. The feelings of going back to school are coming back. I dont know what I am talking about. I gotta go. I am going to pick up Mark from work in a while. Maybe later I will feel better about my life.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:53 PM ----- BODY:
Adriana and Mark Originally uploaded byacosta6348.

This past week I noticed the bathtub at the apartment had a lil crack so I asked Mark to call the maintenance people. They came and they put this silver metalic tape over it. "Someone will come on Monday to fix it." he said. So we went about our business. On Sunday I heard a really loud bang on the door. It was the downstairs neighbor. She was totally pisst off. "Turn of the shower! My stuff!" She kept screaming at me. I didnt understand what was going on until I remembered the crack in the bathtub."You are flooding me! All computer stuff, all my clothes, my apartment stinks." I stayed calmed and told her the maintenance people had already stopped by and said they would fix it Monday. She kept screaming at me like it was my fault! Anyway, I closed the door and she left. Yesterday Mark and I checked into Motel 6 because I sure wanted to take a shower. I was not about to stay filthy and not shower. Mark skipped work and off we went. It was cool. Mark spent some time looking for wireless networks and I was watching tv. After a long shower, I went to bed. Tomorrow I am going to use the shower and hope nothing happens. Work was hectic today. I keep uninviting myself to eat lunch with my friend Rudy - I hope he does not think I am ignoring him. I keep hinting he should bring food over so we could at least hang out and talk but he insists on going out of the building. I dont blame him, but sometimes all I want to do is eat, does not matter where. I am a bit sleepy - laters!

-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 2:56 PM ----- BODY:

Mood: cool Listening to: Paula Abdul - Will you marry me boy? Mark and I woke up early this morning to go have some breakfast at Ryans. The food was really good not to mention healthy.

We headed to the mall hoping something would be open and yes, you guessed it, Foley's (soon to be Macys) was opened. We went window shopping but I did find some great sandles. I love those things. By that time, the actual mall was opend so we headed over to Yankee Candle. I love that place and to top it off it was the grand opening at Lake Line Mall so with every purchased you get a free votive candle..yippy for me!

Tonight we are going to watch the PPV boxing fight Mayweather vs Judah and it should be good cant wait! See yah laters!

-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:29 PM ----- BODY:

New candle
Originally uploaded by acosta6348.
I love this new candle. Well, actually, its called a tart. They look lilke a little block of candle that you place at the top of this little base. You then get those little white candles and place it at the bottom. It then slowly melts and makes the apartment smell oh so pretty. I have to say it is very strong, stronger than any candle I've had. This weekend when I first light it, my eyes were itching - that strong. But about an hour or so, the scent calms down.
I have decided to sale my ipod on Ebay. What you say? Yeah, I just got it - but its just to damn big - 30G and its video. When am I ever going to use that feature? I dont travel, I dont watch video while I work. My plan is to sell it and buy the lil ipod - the nano and buy myself a lil digital camera.
Today I am feeling much better. Yesterday was just a bad day. We had a meeting at work and during the round table I told them I was going to be out soon due to surgery. Mark L. said, "let me know when you need help with work and I will help you out." and Diego (the idiot) says, "In 2 weeks is Semana santa and the amount of calls is low." I couldnt believe my ears - this idiot thinks that I am going to have surgery as per his suggestion - what a moron.
Well, I have to go. I am getting a little hungry :)
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 11:25 PM ----- BODY:
Mood: Upset, Sad Music: Standing outside the fire - Garth Brooks. Today started off as any Monday morning. The daylight savings time is in effect. Went to Starbucks, picked up my cup 'o coffee and went to work. Mark picked me up from work to go to a dr.'s apt that I have been dreading to go. I got there and the nurse started asking me the oh so familiar questions that a gyno nurse asks. She checked my pressure. Told her what was going on. She left the room and came back. "the dr. does not understand why this is happening, you have to change to a gown. She is going to do a pelvic and biopsy." I was shocked. I just got here, dont I get a drink first....she came over and said "hi" she read over my history and said, "didnt I put you on meds the last time you were here"? I was surprised she remembered, it had been over a year since my last visit. She talked to me about the chance of cancer and that she wanted me to have a DNC right away. I was so upset over this. It was happening all over again. I had some lab done and I went back to work. She said that she wants me to do some major changes in my life. My weight is not a main factor, but it is a contributor. She also said that if I ever plan to have children, I would have to be on medication for the rest of my life. This sucks. I am so upset. What's the purpose of being a woman if I can't even create life. The gift that God has given every woman. I was so upset while I waited in the waiting area. So many pregnant women. I am sure they were tired and upset over having to carry someone inside them. I for one, do not think will ever experience that and for that, I hate myself. I hate women who take this gift for granted or those women that dump their children in dumpsters only because they say it was "a mistake". This is just anger speaking. I should go to bed. The nurse is going to call me sometime this week so that I can schedule the surgery. I hope its soon, I want to get this over with.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 1:02 AM ----- BODY:
Mood: Content Listening to: Dawson's Creek Soundtrack Today was a hot day...errrr yesterday. It still feels like Sunday to me. It was fun to see all the families outside in the pool. Hanging out and having their BBQ's. I wish I could of been there - enjoying the water, but I cant. Anyway, we ordered food today from Oasis and was really good. Its too funny, I call and they already know what I am going to ask for. Apperantly, they keep records of everyone's order. Thats cool. Oh, and we also found out that our favorite chinese restaurant changed owners over the weekend, so they no longer deliver. I am so devistated. Tomorrow I have my follow up appointment with my gyno dr. She better fix me. I am tired of this. I also dont want to make another trip to the ER - its just not cool. Wow, its 1:05 am and I am not sleepy one bit. I know the time changed today but that's no excuse. I have to be ready for tomorrow. Another awful day in the world of dispatching. Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah..tired of doing the same thing. I think tomorrow they let us know about the results of my job interview. I know for sure I didnt get the job because I was lacking about 20% of the qualifications - but it will be good to get some feedback from them. Today I got the Dawson's creek soundtrack and its too good. Well, I made my own soundtrack - you get your choice of songs. These are the songs I got: Dawson's Creek Soundtrack Run like a Mad by Jann Arden Say Goodnight, not Goodbye by Beth Nielson Chapman This Years Love by David Gray Broken Road by Melodie Crittenden Take my breath away by Tuck & Patti Ready for a fall by P.J. Olsson Dawson's Creek (acoustic) by Goo Goo Dolls Beautiful by Jennifer Page Did you ever Love Somebody? By Jessica Simpson Have a little faith in me by John Hiatt Just Another by Pete Yorn Never Saw Blue Like That by Shawn Colvin Letting go by Sozzi If you sleep by Tal Bachman I Dont Want To Wait by Paula Cole Great songs! Well, its time to say goodnight. :)
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:36 AM ----- BODY:
Yesterday was an exciting day for me. I logged in to my computer and attempted to do my daily activities - but there was problem, the whole system for LA was down. I sent out an email and my managers and they took action. I felt good that they asked me to speak to the I.T. dept about what was going on with the system (since I use this program on a daily basis) I was in a conference call with VIP's. (very important people) Once everything was working, I let a sigh of relief, I didnt want to stay here after hours to finish the work. Besides, I had something bigger to worry about. The interview: Since the outtage happend in the morning and my interview was to take place from 1pm to 3pm my manager suggested to the interview manager to reschedule my apt. The amount of work that was left after the outtage was too much to pull me out for that amount of time. He rejected her suggestion because they wanted to make a decision by the EOB. So my three hour interview was made into a one hr interview. First interview: Mark B and Don S. I was soooOOOOOoo nervous but I kept my cool. They asked me questions about my Analytical skills and my ability to work alone and in teams. They wanted to know about my work experiences. Second interview: Christine H. She asked me questions about what I have done since I moved to this dpt. Things that I am most proud of. Etc... Third Interview: Lorena J. She asked me questions about pressure and stress related cases. Fourth Interview: Jesse F. (?) He didnt come prepared. He didnt have my resume. He asked me basically the same questions as interviews 1 - 3 so it was all good. Overall I am very proud of myself because I survived and I answered everything to the best of my ability. If I do not get this job - thats cool. I got interview experience. I hope today is a good day. Looks like it will be windy. Laters! :)
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 7:02 PM ----- BODY:
Mood: Have a sinus headache Listening to: The Complete 90's Music Collection Yesterday morning I got ready for work. Mark asked if I was hungry and he took me to McDonald's. I have been sick for a while and today it was no different. As I was eating my egg and sausage buiscuit I started getting a sharp pain. In horror I dropped my food and began to worry. About 8 months ago I had a kidney stone removed - I never want that feeling of pain to bestow upon me so I asked Mark to drive me to the ER. I was just tired of feeling tired and dizzy and light headed. There was also a horrible thunderstorm but we heard the thunder and rain in one of the ER waiting rooms. It was odd, because I was next door to the room I had stayed before for my Kidney stone. The nurse came and gave me a gown. Then she came over to draw some blood. This time it really hurt - but I survived. Then the dr. came over to examine me, but everytime he or the nurse would come over - I would need to go to the RR because of the pain I was having. So he ordered a few "women" tests and an MRI. Nothing came of it. So his conclusion was to speak to my gyno about this problem I've been having. I have an apt with her in 3 weeks, but I think by then, I probably would of been back at the ER. I took the rest of the day and today off - I felt violated and a little sore from my stomach. I hate that I can never take a full day of work off. I kept getting calls from work. I also worked from 6am to around 9am...mostly answering emails from people who really needed answers. The rest of the day was spent in the bedroom. I was watching tv there since the diretv cable in the living room is not working. We think one of the cats started bitting on it. Anway, I am so hooked on this girls journal. She said in one of her entries that 90% of her life is online and she is not kidding! If I were to ever bump in to her, she would be like an old friend. I know alot of her personal life. I enjoy reading her journal. I found her journal one day when I was looking at other peoples flicker albums, a picture she had taken caught my eye and then I found out she lived in the Austin area - thats cool. Tomorrow is off to work again. It sucks but someone has to do it. I am also updating my music list for my ipod (which I love dearly). See ya laters! ----------------------------------------------
Teacher You scored 58 intelligence, 67 diligence, 48 charisma, and 48 compassion!
You are well-rounded and nurturing. The future of the world is in your hands. People will never understand how difficult your job is until they try it. "Don't you spend all day coloring pictures?" Ha. Right. Other jobs you might be good at: pretty much anything you enjoy
My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
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-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 12:16 AM ----- BODY:
Legally Blonde has been added to my iPod. I love this thing and I am so happy I got it. The only thing that sucks is that it only plays video for about 2 hrs before it draines out the battery. I know, I know, this is a music ipod first, then video. It was designed for both, but if its only used as a music ipod it can play up to 14 hrs of music. On Thursday I went to B&N and purchased a book titled: You're Too Smart for This. Beating the 100 big lies about your first job by Michael Ball. I am not an entry level (been with the same comp for 6 years now) but this job I am currently in feels like an entry job - my position as a phone tech does not count. I didn't feel like part of the company or even part of a group. My day consisted of answering phones and listen to angry customers. A job I will never do again...Ever. Anyway, some of the advice this author gives falls totally in my jurisdiction. I find myself laughing at some of the points he brings up. Another book I picked up this weekend is 301 Smart Answers to Tough interview questions by Vicky Oliver. I figured if I am going to start looking for another job a good resource book about what to say when the time comes will come in handy.... Today I also purchased a "hard case" for my Ipod. Its clear hard plastic so it has a clear view of my ipod. Love it! Well, I gotta go. I am feeling a bit sleepy...laters!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 10:13 PM ----- BODY:
I am watching one of my favorite movies on my new spanking 30G video ipod! Yes, Mark sold my pink Ipod Mini on ebay for $160. It was a little sad to say "goodbye" to it - but I knew I had to move up in the ipod department. Wednesday was Mark's bday and I took the day off from work, so instead of buying Mark a bday present we went to the Apple store and got my 30G video Ipod (black casing) I know, kind of selfish - but he agreed! Anyway, I found this real neat program that converts DVD video to ipod format and I just love it! I was able to get all my Tori Amos DVDs into my Ipod. This program passed with flying colors - gets an A+++++ - I was able to get Pretty in Pink on my ipod. Yesterday I also got 2 - 19'' flat panels at work and I am just feeling spoiled beyond belief. All my coworkers kept saying, "why did you get them? who approved them?" On Tuesday I have a job interview for this position I really want but not sure if I qualify for. My current acting manager suggested I go and "sale myself" and get interview experience. I hope the weekend is fun. Nothing really planned but lets see how it all turns out. Laters! Mood: Super freaggin' happy Hunger: Mark just got off work and gettings us food! Watching: Pretty in Pink (the last 25 min are the best part of this great 80's movie)
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:22 PM ----- BODY:
Lately I have been feeling a little off beat. I noticed it back in January, thinks that I usually do are becoming more difficult for me to do. For example, I usually park my car at work on the opposite side of the area where I work and walk. I figured if I am not getting any real excercise at least a small walk will do. Before it has never been a problem but lately I start to loose my breath. I couldnt understand it at first, I figured maybe I had put in extra weight - I did gain most of what I had lost last year during my deep, dark time where comfort food was my escape from reality. But I have not gained or lost any weight. I get real tired easily, not usually dont sleep at night and have not been hungry. This is odd because I love food and am usually hungry all the time. Its been day 60 of my worst nightmare and the last time I became animic was because of that. I have found I cant concentrate at work and have had headaches. I have been craving alot of ice and chocolate cake. I am not a chocolate eater but I have been craving it so much! I am always cold at work, at home, in the car...everywhere! and the last most important and scrary point - I have been feeling real dizzy and weak. Could I be anemic again? This sucks! I thought I was OK now. I need to go to the DR ASAP. I should just start to take vitamins... Mood: Upset, anxious Hunger: Craving a cheesecake from Katz's! Listening to: Hoottie and The blowfish: One love
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 6:25 PM ----- BODY:
Friday: This day was cool. Although it was a hectic day at work we all got to hang out at Joe's Crab Shack for my managers "going away" happy hour. She is only moving to another department but I guess it was a good excuse to go out. My friend Maria was my ride and we both went together. I have to admit I was a little claustrophobic at first. She kept asking me if I was ok because I looked very uncomfortable. I tried to explain to her that I felt a little out of my comfort zone. I am more of a home body and do not go out as much. A big group like this was making me very, very uncomfortable. The more people showed up, the more I just wanted to escape. Also, more people kept sitting where Maria was who without her knowing became my "focal point" of concentration causing me to relax a little bit. Everyone kept talking about work and it was all boring to me. I didn't want to start a Friday talking about work. After about 4 Margarita's and a lot of "comfort zone" friends (Maria, Rudy, Nico...etc) I started feeling very much at ease. We took a lot of pictures and just got to hang out with everyone which is what I needed. Everyone left and around 9:30ish after Rudy left - Maria, Nick (her boyfriend) his friend and myself stayed behind to relax. I was super hungry so I ordered out of desperation. Fish and chips - although there was no chips more like fries and hush puppies. Tonight was fun - many unexpected things emerged from the old closet and I also caught up with a lot of many old friends whom I had not spoken to for a while. Saturday: Did nothing productive. Watched tv. Cleaned the apartment and watched a boxing match on HBO. Sunday: Repeat of Saturday minus the boxing match. For now I am just washing clothes and getting ready for tomorrow.. Life: good Mood: A little bored. Nothing on tv. Hunger: Not at all. Ate a big lunch Listening to: Hottie and the Blowfish - Can I see you?
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 8:47 PM ----- BODY:
I got this off another Blog. I forget which one.. Four Jobs I've Had: 1 - Photographer's assistant 2 - Network cable installer 3 - Olive Garden server 4 - Burger King employee Four Movies I can Watch Over and Over and Over again: 1 - Legally Blond 2 - When Harry Met Sally 3 - You've got mail 4 - Mystic Pizza Four Places I've Lived: 1 - Mission, TX 2 - Harlingen, TX 3 - Georgetown, TX 4 - Austin, TX Four TV Shows I Love: 1 - Anything on the foodnetwork 2 - CSI 3 - Grey's Anatomy 4 - Anything on Discovery Health Four Places I've Vacationed: 1 - Las Vegas, NV 2 - San Diego, CA 3 - Orlando, FL 4 - My parent's house Four Of My Favorite Dishes: 1 - Fettucini Chicken Florentine 2 - Chicken caldo 3 - Arroz con Pollo 4 - My dad's BBQ chicken and fajitas Four Sites I Visit Daily: 1 - 2 - MySpace 3 - Turbidblue 4 - Hotmail Four Places I'd Rather Be Right Now: 1 - On the Beach 2 - Italy 3 - On my couch watching TV 4 - In my Bed!!! :)
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:28 PM ----- BODY:
starbucks Originally uploaded by acosta6348.
Success means doing the best we can with what we have. Success is the doing, not the getting; in the trying, not the triumph. Success is a personal standard, reaching for the highest that is in us, becoming all that we can be. If we do our best, we are a success. Success is the maximumutilization of the ability that you have. Zig Ziglar This guy rocks. He is a great inspirational speaker. I was hooked on his audio CD's all day yesterday. I started to listen to them at 7am and by 1pm I was close to finish them. After I finished listening to them I felt refreshed. I felt as if I had broken my egg shell. I am not ready to go out there and run for president..that's not what I am saying - but he has made me realize that I need to get off my butt and start movin'. I was inspired to setup my goals list and literatly start to make a decision about my life. He said that about 80% of people take their dreams and goals to their grave because they are afraid and/or dont know how to push themselves to become what they want. I dont want to be in that percent tile. I dont want to be an otrach and just hide my head on the ground and forget my dreams. I want to be at my death bed and know what I accomplished something important in my life. At least, things that I consider important. Life: good Mood: Sleepy. Just woke up from a 2hr nap. Hunger: awaiting impatiently for mark to eat something! Listening to: Deborah Gibson - Naked
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 7:58 PM ----- BODY:
I went to have dinner with my brother tonight. We had Vietnamese food. Actually I had the Vietnamese version of Mexican caldo de rez. It was yum-O. My brother and I went to his house and I got to spend some time with Chloe (Jan and Jr.'s dog who is so cute) he also showed me his new IPOD. I think its cool, it has video and all. I still think my minipod is the best :) Anyway, he was showing me all kinds of video and audio he had loaded into that 60G thing and I came across this very old CD called LA Style. I found info of it here. It brought back so many memories. For my 17th bday my closest friends and I decided to hang out at my house and celebrate my bday. We all video taped ourselves dancing around to this CD. I remember I picked up an old broom and starting using it as a mic and my friends were backup dancers..Anyway, those were the days. Work: Nothing happening there. Still the same with everything that is going on...Who knows what going to happen. School: Might go. Not sure yet. Life: Cool. Comfortable. Easy going. Cats: Doing just fine.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:11 PM ----- BODY:
Nothing significant has happened in my life since my last post. Everything is fine and dandy. Work is the same. Home life is the same. I believe that after Mark and I left the darkness and crossed into the light, life has been great. I have not felt any stress - even at work. Can you believe that? Usually I would be the first to pull my hair when something was not going according to my usual life line...Is it that water fountain that I can hear at night? Is that my inspiration of comfort? I love this place. This weekend I was cleaning the apartment and found a bag with about 11 rolls of film that I had not developed. Believe me when I say these are OLD rolls of film. Who uses a camera with rolls of film? Now that the digital cam is in place it has made it so convenient and easy to just carry it around and not have to worry going to HEB and dropping them off. Anyway, you can see a few, hand picked pictures here. (No laughing and for crying out loud! Someone leave a comment!) Two weeks ago I DL all of Grey's Anatomy epis and caught up to them - proud to say this is my favorite new show. The end of Feb is almost coming to an end and I must make a final decision about school. One of my goals is to complete another degree and say 'good-bye' to my 6 year marriage with the dear ol' blue - this place of employment has provided me with many wonderful paychecks and some experiences I dear not write down here...but I believe that if I want to "cut it" in the corporate world - I must make the plunge and go where I have never really gone before - business school. I am sure I will do Ok. Stats: Listening to: Celine Dion - One heart What's on TV: The secret life of...
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 7:42 PM ----- BODY:
Today was my day off...unfortunatly it never rolled around. I got a call from my coworker at 7am because he was having problems with his new system - aperantly the IT dpt switched his old system with a new one. His system started working around noon, by that time there was no way I was going to take the rest of the day off. I wanted to take a full-8-business hours-away from work. I informed my manager I would be taking tomorrow off which is great timing because Tori Amos is releasing her new DVD! I was going to go with my fellow Tori Amos freak fan and the one who introduced me to her music (Boys for Pele) Rudy - but apperantly he has training - odd since he had accepted my "lunch-run-to-get-Tori-Amos-DVD- to BestBuy or Circuit City-invite" I will just have to go at it alone.... I am currently reading "Leadership Secrets from the Executive office" from George Hathaway. This short book is teaching me alot and each section I read reminds me of work and how terrible some "wanna be" managers are at their job. They try to be "leaders" but end up bad "managers" I highly recommend this book.....
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:43 PM ----- BODY:
I found my long lost Debbie Gibson CD's. I fell in love with her music back in 1986 when she first came out with "Only in my dreams" gosh, it feels like it was yesterday. I was flipping channels and this black and white video started playing. I was a total dork for her music. I lived and dreamed her music wishing I was her or at least get to meet her and become her best friend. To this day I do not know how I convinced my parents to buy me all her cassettes....just recently I went on e-bay and bought all the old VHS types I had of her. I still have mine..I just cant play them on the VCR - they are so old and I am afraid they will break... I also watched the "skating with celebrities" show on Fox. I was so exciting and happy to see her again. Dissapointed she was not singing - but happy to see her. I also caught her on the VH1 show "100 greatest teen stars"... Debbie Gibson was my Tori Amos back in the day....I always wanted to dress like her, dance and sing like her. The first time her video "lost in your eyes" premiered on MTV I had the whole family sit with me in the living room sofa and take in her great voice.. I remember my parents laughing at my request - but I knew they understood. She recently released a new CD which I really want to get...ok..back to day dreaming... oooOOOOoh I Cant count the stars in the sky no matter how hard I try. I am hopelessly in love and missing you... Debbie Gibson
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 6:41 PM ----- BODY:
A friend from myspace sent me this about 2 weeks are my answers: Questions & Answers Q: Do you like to cuddle? A: Yes! Although I don’t get it enough… Q: Who's bed did you sleep in last night? A: Mine Q: What color shirt are you wearing? A: Red Q: What color are you undies right now? A: Black Q: Do you have any pets? A: Yes! Mustard and Charlie! Q: Most recent movie that you watched? A: Brokeback Mountain – I wish I knew how to quit you…. Q: Name 3 things you have on you at all times? A: Phone, debit card, shades Q: Whats the color of your bedsheets? A: Off white Q: How much cash do you have on your right now? A: $4! Q: Whos the 4th person on your received call list? A: I dunno… Q: Whos the 1st person on your outgoing list? A: Lily Q: Whats your main ringertone on your phone? A: Cat’s meow! Q: What where you doing at midnight last night? A: Watching a cool show on Spike TV Q: What did the last text msg on your phone said? A: Don’t text much… Q: How many people on your friends list are exes? A: None. Q: Favorite part of the chicken? A: Any part is all good. Q: whats your favorite town? A: Georgetown…. Q: I cant wait for...? A: College graduation…again. Q: When was the last time you saw your mom? A: about a month ago… Q: What did you have for dinner last night? A: Chicken fajitas Q: Is Tom on your friends list? A: yea Q: Whats the last thing you said out loud? A: I wish I knew how to quit you… Q: Look to your left. What's there? A: TV Q: What is the last thing/person you spent over $100 on? A: Imaginary $80 on the Tori Amos Bootleg boxset… Q: Whos your favorite villain? A: Sammy from Days of our lives… Q: Whats the last piece of clothing you borrowed from someone? A: I borrow from myself.. Q: What website(s) do you visit the most during the day? A: LACES, Unisys, UPS, msnbc Q: Do you have a air freshener in your car? A: No but I think I need one. Q: Do you have plants in your room? A: No Q: If you could drink anything right now what would it be? A: A Mocha chiller from 31 flavors… Q: Does anything hurt on your body right now? A: Right ankle. Q: In what city was your last cab ride? A: Las Vegas baby! Q: Do you own a picture phone? A: I wish… Q: Whats your favorite Starbucks drink? A: Vanilla latte or any bold coffee. Q: If I don't like you... A. I ignore you. Q: Recent time you were really upset? A: About a week ago… Q: Ever get so drunk you don't remember the entire night? A: Yes. I woke up with a whataburger balloon in my hand at my doorm… Q: Have you ever decapitated a Barbie doll? A: What? I love Barbie… Q: What books are you reading? A: I don’t read anything since I graduated college…. Q: Are you missing someone? A: Yes. I wish I knew how to quit you…
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:29 PM ----- BODY:
me and mark pic #2 Originally uploaded by acosta6348.
Yesterday Mark and I celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary. I took the day off from work and Mark and I went to have lunch at Chuck E Cheese..I know that sounds like a silly place to go - but I had never been there and Mark had never been there either - so we decided to go. We also went to B&N and read magazines. Later that night we met up with my sister because she was in Austin. She was part of this engineering thing that was going on at UT. Anyway, she got a room at the Doubletree hotel and invited us to spend the night with her. But first we went to Katz's for dinner. It was YUM-O! This morning we left the hotel and came back home. I took a long nap and waited for my sister to come back from UT. We had dinner and she left an hour ago. This was a good weekend.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:07 PM ----- BODY:
Greatest Tori Moment... Originally uploaded by acosta6348.
I think I am having a Tori Amos withdrawl moment. I am listening to her music more and more and I just dont think I can wait to see her until 2007. With the new DVD set she is going to release, I am hoping she makes some public apperances. The best part will be in 2007 when she announces her concert venue. I sure will be out in the sun for the M&G to get a close glimps of her. :)
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:44 PM ----- BODY:

3 things
Originally uploaded by acosta6348.
These are the 3 things that I cannot live without.

My new cable modem, my 250GB HDD and my miniIPOD.

I carry my miniIPOD everywhere I go. I use it almost everyday at work. It keeps me from listening to boring, annoying coworkers.

My 250GB HDD has all my Tori Amos! Yes, everything! Bootlegs, DVD's, concerts, B-Sides.

And the new cable modem we got a week ago. Without it I would be disconnected from the the internet.

Anyway, life is good. The new place is great! Still feels like I live in a hotel resort. I love sleeping with the windows open - the water fountains are very soothing and relaxing.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 8:59 PM ----- BODY:

Apartment View
Originally uploaded by acosta6348.
Here it is. The apartment view. The move was tough, long and tiresome but finally we are at our new place. We can see both pools and both fountains. I think we got an awsome view....
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 10:49 PM ----- BODY:
I was doing a search on Tori Amos song "a sorda fairytale" and oh my gosh - my blog came out in the yahoo search engine! Look here and see for yourself! Its the 2nd on the list! Its silly for me to get all pumped up and excited - but this is cool! I am so excited. hehehe.. The move is at full speed. The garage is now filled with everything that will go with us. My parents arrive tomorrow and everything is all set. I canceled the phone, light, cable modem, gas and transfered the dish to the apt. I also called Time Warner for kicks (It has always been so expensive!) anyway - they had a 1 year special, no installation fee, no nothing for $34 a month. Holly we got it. The trek continues.....
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 6:13 PM ----- BODY:

Moving 2006
Originally uploaded by acosta6348.
No, we did not get robbed. We started moving all the boxes we've had stacked up in one of the rooms and moved them to the living room. The sad thing is that those are just a few boxes, we managed to fill five new boxes we bought yesterday. The bags on the left is just trash or junk we dont need!I am not sure how we are going to fit everything in just a 1 bedroom apt...
New Year's eve was good. We spent it alone. 2005 was just bad karma. No family to spend the holidays with...everyone scattered around, living seperate lives. 2006 is a fresh new start. Fresh new lives. Fresh new place to live and most important, with no financial berden...I've caught up to you dear void....
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 10:14 PM ----- BODY:
Short days at work dont come by very often so I took the chance today and it felt great! I worked from home from 6ish to noon. Mark and I went to eat and headed for the mall. The mall was so filled with kids so we drove back to georgetown (after about 2 hrs of walking around and bumping into children pretending to be grownups). It felt good to take some time off, even if it was just for a few hours. The countdown has started - next week we will be in our new place and I am both sad and happy. It just means we are saying goodbye to this house we've had for about 4 years and "hello" to a 1 bedroom apt. We have the truck to rent, boxes to buy, clothes to donate, furniture to give away, throw away or keep. we still have a washer and dryer and fridge that will either be given away or will be staying here for the next happy family who will make use of this house. I am sleepy...gotta go...
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:50 PM ----- BODY:
Working from home is great. I don't have to leave the house in a rush nor do I need to put up with anyone I dont want to deal with at work. I turn on my laptop, place it on the coffee table with tv remote on hand, coffee cup on the side and my favorite comforter. Don't get me wrong - today was a busy day in the world of dispatching, but there is nothing better than sitting down in your own couch, working and watching tv; which brings me to my point in case. I was watching Days of our lives today (Great soap I have been watching since Marlena was possessed by the devil - errr...1993 - 1994?) anyway - the intro came up and the sponsor was announced "Days of our lives is brought to you in part by DELL." I did a double take. DELL? Why them? They are sure everywhere! Damn, I cant escape them. Anyway, the show was "iffy" today. I do not know why I keep coming back to it. Now SoupNet has made it even easier for me to watch it. NBC shows it at noon, for that busy business woman who does not have a DVR or forgets to program the VCR, it comes out at 6pm and 11pm...go figure. I changed the templete on my blog. I hope I dont blind myself with all this pink....
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 11:31 PM ----- BODY:
My sister left today. I was a bit sad but I will see her next week. She brought Homer's blazer and she finally took the basketball hoop. Mark purchased one of those basketball things that go on the street - but since we are moving in a few days - there is no way we could take it to the new apartment. She also talked me into getting a page here. She has her own page here. I have to get ready for me...another boring day coming up (at work).
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:21 PM ----- BODY:
Christmas 2005 Originally uploaded by acosta6348.

This christmas Lily, Mark and myself spent Christmas together. We didn't really celebreated this holiday since we didnt have any family with us. We did trade gifts last night and this afternoon we went to eat chinese food. It was great! But then my sister decided last minute that she wanted turkey for dinner! We drove around and found an Albertson's open. We bought turkey and all the trimmings! It was great! I did all the cooking, but it was well worth it! They were happy and that was a great feeling!

-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 12:13 PM ----- BODY:
I hurt myself today To see if I still feel I focus on the pain The only thing that's real The needle tears a hold The old familiar sting Try to kill it all away But I remember everything [Chorus:] What have I become My sweetest friend Everyone I know goes away In the end And you could have it all My empire of dirt I will let you down I will make you hurt I wear this crown of thorns Upon my liar's chair Full of broken thoughts I cannot repair Beneath the stains of time The feelings disappear You are someone else I am still right here [Chorus:] What have I become My ssweetest friend Everyone I know goes away In the end And you could have it all My empire of dirt I will let you down I will make you hurt If I could start again A million miles away I would keep myself I would find a way
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 11:55 PM ----- BODY:

At Port
Originally uploaded by acosta6348.
This beautiful picture was taken in Cozumel in 2002. How I wish I could go back. The beach was so beautiful. Sand was untouched. The water was crystal clear. The sunset was beutiful and I wished it would never end, but that day did end....
This coming work week should be a breeze. Most people at work are starting their 2 week holiday. The buildings will be empty...I will start my usual ritual of watching DVD movies while I work and bumming out while getting paid..yippy!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 12:08 AM ----- BODY:
Wedding 2001 Originally uploaded by acosta6348.

This is my favorite wedding picture. Just thought I'd show it off :)

-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 11:08 PM ----- BODY:
Me and Mark Originally uploaded by acosta6348.

I was on the phone with my mom tonight. We talked about what I did today (See below) when suddenly this loud pop was heard. Both charlie and Mustard freaked out. I on the other hand heard the pop and then my coffee thermo falling to the carpet. A few seconds later this horrible strong rotten milk smell came out of no where. About 2 weeks ago I bought some Starbucks coffee and forgot about it. Two weeks passed and finally remembered the thermo and brought it from work. Well, it couldnt take it died. Today was a good day. We woke up late and watched the Bucs game. I really dont like and/or understand football so I figured I'd be the good wife and just sit through them. The rest of the day was spent taking pictures of Charlie and Mustard - they are so cute!

Later Mark and I went window shopping to several stores and had dinner with my brother at Taco Cabana. It was a good dinner. Tomorrow is another hectic day at work - week. I will be covering all of LA and BR on my own. Lets see how it goes.

-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 4:16 PM ----- BODY:
Christmas tree 2005 Originally uploaded by acosta6348.

Here is the picture our christmas tree. It is only 3ft tall but it is by far the best we've ever had. Originally we were not going to have one - seeing that Mark and I would spent the holiday's on our own (Parents not coming, I am working, Brother and Jan visiting her parents and Lil with Homer) and knowing there was nothing festive about this year with all the bad things that have pilled up throughout the months - we still decided to purchase a blink of the holidays. Our cats however have decided that living under the tree is better then sleeping on the couch or bed.

In other news, this weekend started off lazy. I woke up Mark at 7am so that we could have breakfast at this Mexican restaurant in Georgetown. I like eating there. The restaurant is midsize but the waitresses remember you. Many people go on a regular basis and everyone seems to know everyone. It is just a shame it took us 4 years to find it. Well, I knew it existed but we never bothered to go in...I think I will miss the feeling of "home" once we leave this place...

-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 1:00 AM ----- BODY:
This weekend did not start off in the right foot. Friday was a huge and utter nightmare. The worse that could be. The one to ruin your professional life at work, that is if you have one. I am not sure how much money the company spent because of my mistake, but I am sure it was enough to maybe fire me. I was told just to "learn from it". There has been a major shortage of MB's, not enough to cover all of LA. Anyway, I was told there was a big shipment coming in to MX because that is where the most demand is. I kept a close eye on the MB and kept an eye on all service calls.
Thursday I dispatched about 40+ calls for that particular system. The other dispatcher sent out an email to the service provider informing them that the calls I had dispatched with no part was actually on hand. He provided the part number...Friday, because of his email - I kept using that part number. About 50 calls later, (close to 100 overall) I found out that was the incorrect part number for that particular system (it was too small for the chassis) onsite techs started calling, calls started to be reissued, fingers started pointing at me -- mostly because I dispatch calls for MX and because my name was splattered all over them.
Then the inevitable happened - some idiot reloaded the onhand into the program that all techs use to create calls and check parts availability. It all went down hill from there. I had to do everything manually!!!!
The other dispatcher finally admitted that he was the one who made the mistake with providing the wrong part number (all said and done my name was still on all calls) I cried in silence. I had made a mistake. I big one. Come Monday all those incorrect calls will come back to hunt me. I left work at 7pm with 60 pending calls (Monday will be a nightmare)
I got home and Mark had a 100.8 fever. He had pain in his stomach and was burning! Can my life get any worse? I had to drive to wal-mart to get the stuff that I thought were for a cold...all night he ran a fever.....this morning it went down to 99.3. Maybe tomorrow will be an OK day. Good night dear void - I hope your life is better then mine.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:40 AM ----- BODY:
The Thanksgiving holiday was a bust. Thursday and Friday I had to go in to work while everyone else stayed home and enjoyed the holidays. I on the other hand went in and everything sucked. Both days were so hectic. I never had a chance to relax. The calls came one after the other. In the end I was so drained. I didnt even get to go home for lunch and celebreate Thanksgiving. My brother's wife decided to have a thanksgiving lunch instead of dinner because her brother was going to go to his girlfriends house for dinner. Stupid reason and selfish - I might add. My work load was so much I didnt even have time to get up. I went home and there was cold, left over dry turkey meat and stuffing. There was also left over cake that was all runned over. Friday was no exception. The workload was a little more and tiresome. While everyone was enjoying their Friday off and taking advantage of all the sales on all the stores - I was glued to my desk. Tomorrow I go back to work to the same thing. Oh, and everyone is going to tell me what a great 4 day weekend they had and how much food they ate. Blah!.....
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 4:34 PM ----- BODY:
The building at work is empty. I am the only dork still hanging around. Actually I just can get up and leave - I have to keep working until the cutoff time of 5pm. The parking lot which is usually packed, is so empty. Tomorrow I will be back to work and it will be dead. My family is having a Thanksgiving lunch, which means I wont be able to go since I will be here slaving away. I will pack my bags with movies, music and some food - so I wont be totally bored. Well, I must go - I need to sit here and wait for 5pm... Gobble! Gobble!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 12:10 PM ----- BODY:
Today Mark and I went to see Walk The Line and I have to say it is one of the best bio movies I have ever seen. I always knew who Johnny Cash was mostly due to my parents and the media but sadly I never really stopped to listen to an actual song of his. This movie rocked - I guess because I am a sucker for romance movies, especially those that pertain to forbidden love, stuggle or perseverance. ( Examples: Love Story, Casablanca (yet to see) Sleepless in Seattle..etc) I fell in love with their love story. One of my favorite songs - "Ring of Fire" was co-written by June Carter: The song, written about Cash, describes the personal hell Carter went through as she wrestled with her forbidden love for Cash (they were both married to other people at the time) and as she dealt with Cash's personal "ring of fire" (drug dependency and alcohol abuse) List of favorite Johnny Cash and June Carter Songs: Ring of Fire Jackson I walk the line Wildwood Flower Folsom Prison Blues Juke Box Blues Aside from the movie we went to the mall and home to pack more junk before the big move. We just came back from Wal-Mart, buying some last minute things for Thanksgiving..
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 10:35 PM ----- BODY:
I started to pack tonight. Not packing little things here and there - I mean the real stuff. I walked to my bedroom and opened the door to my closet. I never realized how big it was until tonight. This is a closet I've had since 2002 and I never bothered to put actual clothes in there. Anyway, I came across my old Viola. Gosh, how I miss playing it. I wish I had the magic touch - picking it up and start to play those very delicate strings as if ten years of retirement have not happend. I remember loving playing that thing. It is a full length viola so it was always so big for me. I have tried to sell it on many occassions: on ebay, to a neighbor or to a music store but I just cant bring my self to do it. I dont have the heart. I have such a great connection to it. I keep thinking that someday I will have a daughter, and she will ask, "mommy, what's that?" and I will bring it out of the old case, dust it off, check the strings - pick up the bow and play something for her. She will be so impressed she would want to start taking lessons and learn to play it..... In other less sentimental news: Today work was ok. I arrived at 6:30 and answered a few emails. I went to the bristo for some coffee (not as good as the Starbucks - I love that place. when its close to empty. A good cup of coffee and a good conversation. I dont care if its too commercialized, its a good place to hang out) I met up with Walter - the Unisys guy who was half asleep and pouring half and half to his cup of coffee. I decided to make a quick trip to the crap-O-teria and pickup some breakfast..... Metrics suck. Specially when people think they can boss you around for them. I think I have lost my edge. I find myself hating them and messing up on them. I cant seem to concentrate. I have to use a calculator for basic calculations and I just hate that... Lunch was great! Although I put a little too much hot sauce on that thing and oh was hard to finish.... Well I must leave and prepare as tomorrow is another day and another 8 to 5. Good night dear void - where are you? I miss you.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 11:50 PM ----- BODY:
One more time! Run Like Mad ("Dawson's Creek") Performed by Jann Arden My heart is in my hands My head is in the clouds My feet have left the ground My life is turning around and round And every voice inside my head is telling me to run like mad Oh bows and arrows stars and sunsets hey hey hey yeah hey hey hey yeah Every heartbeat, every kiss justMakes me wonder what all this is Suits of armour Hearts and arrowsHey hey hey ye-eah! and with that said... Nothing much happening around me. Work is there. Life is there. School is soon to start and all I need is that financial assistance. I have filled out those sucky FAFSA forms and informed my St. Edward's financial advisor about them. I am just waiting for the final say on how much money I will end up "donating" at the end of this educational trip. I have done the inevitable and added an additional class to my fully loaded schedule. My dedication to school now looks like this: LATI 6315 01 THE ELUSIVE TRUTH: ---W--- 06:50p to 09:40p start date: 01/25/2006 LAEC 6326 01 WOMEN WRITERS ---R--- 06:50p to 09:40p start date: 01/12/2006 LADS 6370 01 MUSIC IN AMERICAN CULTURE Directed study course So there goes my life, soon to be flushed down the toilet. Long hours stuck in traffic, bad fast food while waiting for class to start. Boring class discussions and running across campus to my car after class hopeing not to see or meet one of St.Edward's many ghosts! Today is the start of the weekend, should be fun. I have nothing planned (typical)...I will talk soon -- goodnight dear void! Sleep well....
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:56 PM ----- BODY:
Today started off early. I was at work by 5:40am. Like I have stated before - I am not going to work from home and at night anymore. I dont care if I have a load of work. I refuse! I have learned that killing yourself for work will not get you anywhere. It will maybe advance you a couple of steps - management will notice you. "Good work Adriana!" or "Great job!" my favorite line was said to me from our now acting director - "Your dedication is well noted!" Well, I have busted my ass and I am still a dispatcher. I just ended up with more headaches at work, sleepless nights, having nightmares about about metrics and other crap that I do throughout the day. Yeah, a little raise was provided for my "job well done" but it has not gotten me where I want to be. I want to be with the "big people" truth? Meetings people! I want to be involved in a position where I am not just looking at the clock. I have a "real time" job - meaning everything has to be done between 8 and 5pm central time....when I cover Brazil - I have to be there by 5am -- which is 9am there, it means that I have so much work backedup..I have to hurry!
I want to be able to travel like everyone else - when the budget is there. I think this position has made me into a hermit - sure it all has to start with me -- but no one is giving me the time of day and with all these new rumors about our jobs ending soon. We have already seen a few of upper management "jumping ship"...or "save yourself!"....everyone is becoming so unorganized. this one tight ship is not slowly loosing its compass...who knows where all this will lead.
I have started preparations and have enrolled back in school. If my plan works as planned, I should graduate from St. Edward's by Decementer of 2006. Maybe life will lead me somewhere else, somewhere better -- somewhere out of this six year stay with a company that is droping people like flies...
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 12:50 AM ----- BODY:
You are..... Joey Potter Your Character: You're a hard worker, and you do your best not to let anyone know how just how smart you are. You avoid the spotlight - after all, you're afraid if you get too proud, it might jinx you. Because in spite of your talent and ability, you're jaded enough to be certain that something awful is just lurking around the corner. With a gift for detached sarcasm and a flair for the ironic, you could easily command the attention of a room, yet your inherent self-doubt often leaves you tongue-tied in spite of your verbal excellence. Your girl/boy-next-door charm makes you irresistible to the opposite sex… but they're likely to be your downfall. You can't bear to hurt anyone, and you tend to give into your fears of rejection by avoiding confrontation at all costs. Your lack of pretension and your natural beauty are your greatest strengths. Bottom Line: You're selfless, loyal, and creative. All of these are great qualities, but you might want to try to add honesty to your list of assets as you have a habit of letting it fall by the wayside when the going gets tough. And don't be so afraid of the unknown… some of the best parts of life are the surprises. Character Defining Quote: "I have so much conviction about waiting 'til the right moment. Not feeling guilty or obligated. And I don't and he's been great. But I still feel like this angry animal that's ready to bite off the head of anyone or anything that challenges my fragile sense of the universe." Take test here!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:42 PM ----- BODY:
You Should Get a PhD in Liberal Arts (like political science, literature, or philosophy)
You're a great thinker and a true philosopher. You'd make a talented professor or writer.
What Advanced Degree Should You Get?
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:23 PM ----- BODY:
You're a Romantic Kisser
For you, kissing is all about feeling the romance You love to kiss under the stars or by the sea The perfect kiss involves the perfect mood It's pretty common for kisses to sweep you off your feet
What Kind of Kisser Are You?
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:08 PM ----- BODY:
The Keys to Your Heart
You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free. In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored. You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring. You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please. Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets. Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment. You think of marriage as something that will confine you. You are afraid of marriage. In this moment, you think of love as something you can get or discard anytime. You're feeling self centered.
What Are The Keys To Your Heart?
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:00 PM ----- BODY:
Vacation day number 2 went by slow. I woke up rather late (for me) at 9am. I took a shower and took my time getting dressed. I knew that in a few hours we would met face to face with the one person to give the OK. We drove to downtown Austin and met with our lawyer. He is so quiet and careful - he does not look like a lawyer at all. Sometimes I wonder what type of lawyer he was before he decided to do this... At 2pm we went into this big room that had many people there. The judge was sitting next to a computer and was behind along table. Our name was called out. He asked our names, our addresses and if we had Voluntarily decided to do this. We ofcorse said yes. He looked over the papers and said, "OK, good luck." The lawyer walked as out of the courtroom and we left. I was confused, we were there only for less then 5 minutes. I was feeling a void - didnt know what had just happened. It did happen faster then anything I have ever done. After that, we went to watch a movie at the alamo draft. We came back home. What a day.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:51 PM ----- BODY:
My day off was great. I did not do anything constructive. I went to the mall, slept late and signed the lease to our new place. I just finished watching CSI and bumped into ER. I have not seen that show in a while. I had forgotten how good it was. I also officially registered for school. I am an official grad student at St. edward's - and proud of it I might add. I love that place. One of my goals is to find a job there. I would love to contribute to this univeristy. It has taught me so much! I have grown because of it. My official classes are: Student Schedule Spring 2006 - Graduate LATI 6315 01 THE ELUSIVE TRUTH ---W--- 06:50p to 09:40p -- 01/25/2006 LATC 6335 01 AMERICANS & A SENSE OF PLACE ----R-- 06:50p to 09:40p -- 01/19/2006 More night classes. They are great - only a few students per class and all enrolled are people that work full time during the day. None of them are 18 year old kids,mostly because this program is for working adults.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:22 PM ----- BODY:
Today started off lazy. The clothes I had washed the night before didnt dry - so I had to work from home. It was ok. Since today is a holiday in most of the Latin America countries my work load decreased to about 99.9%. I mostly just hung out and watched tv in the morning - making sure that I didnt have any work ofcorse....riiiiiiiight.
At around 11am I left the house to Applebees because our wonderful manager decided to take us out to eat. There was a group function this past Friday that part of the team was not able to attend - because we are dispatchers and we have no backups and we have to take care of the service calls as they come. Anyway, I got a salmon cesar salad and we all talked about work and other things.
I drove back to work after the lunch where I mostly just sat there staring at the monitor. Today I was so ready to relax and thanked God for the little break from work. I even popped in a DVD and started watching it....
Later an old friend showed up and made the rest of the afternoon fun. He was there for other reasons, but it was nice of him to stop and chat. I can't just start up a friendly conversation with anyone around me since everyone seems a bit into just working. I have tried to spark up conversations but they end up unseccesful.
He was excited about Hootie and the blowfish coming to Austin - but I think the $39.99 price tag kept him away from actually buying the ticket - I dont blame him, if it was Tori Amos I would jump at the chance.
His fifteen minute stay turned to a 30 min stay. I suggest he and I take the day off to watch this movie I have been suggesting he'd watch for the past 2 months....he declined stating people would miss him at work if he was not there -- I say "the hell" with work. I miss those days during high school - the ones where you'd be half way there and just because of bordem, turned the car around and skipped school and went to the mall or movies. Sometimes I just want to be a teenager again and forget I have responsibilities..I guess that was the reason behind the suggestion....
I have tomorrow and Friday off. It was a last minute mini vacation. I think it will be spent sleeping late, watching tv and checking out the new shopping center here in town. Friday ofcorse is my date with the lawyer.
Saturday I hope to go to that 70's party downtown. It should be fun. Well, goodnight dear void - I must log off. A new episode of South Park is on and I want to watch it..
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 10:36 PM ----- BODY:
Check out my new online album
My parents came to visit over the weekend. I told them the bad news and the situation I have landed in. For the past 2 months I've had a dark cloud hanging around. Many people at work have repeatedly asked me if I was ok. Some knew something was wrong and saying I was not my "usual self" If they only knew.
I had fallen into a deep depression about this. Why would someone fall into this without even knowing what was happening? Do I blame my husbands illness? My carelessness? My inability to handle things? I was on my own. I felt I was alone - no one to help me. Well, I didn’t want anyone helping me. I knew that I could take care of everything - so I dived into what I thought was the right thing.
I lost myself. I lost all that I knew and all to concentrate on this problem lingering over me. I told my parents over coffee at the starbucks - what a place. I figured I practically live there, why not pour my heart and soul to them.
My parents understood. They wanted to know why I had waited so long to let them know. My mom said she knew something was wrong each time we spoke on the phone. I couldn’t tell them. How could I? They raised me and I was not about to show them wrong.
My dad asked me why I never thought of telling them. I held back tears, "I didn’t want you guys to be disappointed in me."
My dad looked at me, and then at his cup of coffee - "You can count on us for anything. Thank you for trusting us now and sharing this."
I wanted to cry! This is the most relief I have felt in such a long time! The levy of feelings had broken down...I held my emotions.
So now I feel as I am a better person because of this. I do still feel disappointed in myself. I had my golden ticket and I let it go by.
Friday is the day. It is the day we meet with the lawyer and judge. I have Thursday and Friday off - so it should give me time to reflect on things. It will also give me time to pack all our junk in boxes and ready for the move in January! It feels like its right around the corner. Well, all this talk has made me sleepy. I think I will go to bed now. Good night dear void. May your night be more relaxing and carefree then mine!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 11:14 PM ----- BODY:
Tonight is a sad night.
I did, without a doubt the unthinkable.
I watched all of CD #4 of Dawson's Creek season 5.
What does that mean? I have to wait to continue my journey with Dawson, Joey, Pacey, Jan and the rest of the gang.
I have seen them from the start, at their worse, the sad, bad, ugly. All the problems they faced and dilemas they overcame with their friendships and relationships.
Season 6 wont be released until 2006. There is no definete release date.
I will have this empty void, wondering was will come next.....until then, good night void and have a pleasant winter.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:01 PM ----- BODY:
Ever since I found out I got accepted to St.Edward's MLA program, I have been nervously contemplating the fact that I will have to start reading books, writing papers and driving 30 miles to school every night. I am mostly scared of the college environment. To everyone I seem like this smiling, happy, all around female who loves life. Don’t get me wrong - I am ready to go back to school...gosh, I don’t know what I want...anyway...
I can't get Dawson's creek out of my mind. Call me a kid - but I truly relate to them. Sure, the fictional characters started off as 15 year-old's - but their extended vocabulary reached that of a college professor. Their everyday life was not that of a teenage high school child. There was love, sex, complications, depression and anger...respectfully.
I can relate to them. Here is a girl and a boy - best friends and totally in love. They have grown to believe they are each other's soul mate. Call me sentimental -- but I believe in the "soul mate" - just as Tori Amos sings in one of my favorite songs "a sorda Fairytale" Scarlet believes she has found her soul mate - she once said that a soul mate is not someone you necessarily married -- maybe he is out there married to someone else....or does not even know you exist but will someday meet....
Even though Dawson and Joey go their separate ways, they keep finding each other half way. When one is down - the other dreams for each other... My new favorite example: Dawson: I don't know. I don't know. Nothing makes sense to me these days. Can I tell you something? Even if it has the potential to make you sad? Joey, when I made the decision not to go back to L.A... all I could do was daydream about this one thing. Kissing you. I--I was so looking forward to this day when it would finally feel right for you and me to give it another try, you know? For the first time in forever, it seemed so possible. It seemed like it was just around the corner. And then he died. And it just went away. I was living in this fuzzy world of daydreams, and I just got yanked out of it, and... I have no idea how to get back there. And what scares me most is that... maybe I never will.
[She kisses him.]
Joey: You'll find your way back. In the meantime, I'll... be daydreaming for the both of us
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 11:23 PM ----- BODY:
Say hello to my future place.... Yes, Mark and I are saying "goodbye" to our house and "hello" to an apartment. As heartbreaking and crushed as it might be - I am OK with it now. I have accepted the fact that the little house that we worked so hard for -- will no longer be ours in about two months..... We have put in a deposit and seen the apartment - it will be facing pool #2 and will be on the second floor. I have spent most of the afternoon thinking of the move and what I will take, give away or throw away -- the inventory list has been on my mind .... what we will rent - a big truck? small truck? boxes? bags? This is a lil depressing... Good night dear void - I hope the next stage of my...eeeer...our life will be a better one. Let the path of the road less traveled by be as wider as the highway we drive through everday..gosh, that made no sence....
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 10:21 PM ----- BODY:
Yes! The tale of the creek continues....I received season 4 and season 5 via snail mail today. I continue the love, the hate, the hurt of each character - what will happen next? I do promise not to watch 6 episodes a night - season 6 has not yet been released and it is not going to be released until 2006! Here are the lyrics to the opening theme song to Dawson's creek that was heard only outside US and Canada....this song can also be heard in all the DVD sets... Run Like Mad (title previously known as "Elsewhere") Performed by Jann Arden (Note: Lyrics only available for words heard during opening.) My heart is in my hands My head is in the clouds My feet have left the ground My life is turning around and round And every voice inside my head is telling me to run like mad Oh bows and arrows stars and sunsets hey hey hey yeah hey hey hey yeah Every heartbeat, every kiss just Makes me wonder what all this is Suits of armour Hearts and arrows Hey hey hey ye-eah!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 11:29 PM ----- BODY:
I am probably the last person to ever discover this webpage. I found this webpage - gizoogle translates any site (with html text) into Snoop Dogg slang. Click here to go to the webpage. Here is an example of my translation: I cannot wizzle fo` Novemba 5th! I have gizzy 2 years in a row (the first year I just walked right into it not pimpin' whiznat it was) tha 2nd year I went - I was invited by anotha invitee. This was a bootylicious tizzy n I hizzy this time I dress up . They call me tha black folks president. Click here ta know what I am rapping `bout. original text: I cannot wait for November 5th! I have gone 2 years in a row (the first year I just walked right into it not knowing what it was) the 2nd year I went - I was invited by another invitee. This was a great time and I hope this time I dress up. Click here to know what I am talking about. In other news: How to get Jessica Simpson's body. How did Jessica Simpson squeeze into her Daisy Dukes? Her trainer, Mike Alexander, stopped by to show "GMA" viewers the way. Simpson's goal was to get toned, without adding bulk. Alexander said the most important thing is to be consistent, stay hydrated and be patient. The "Don't Eat Crap" Diet No sugar Only wheat bread No fried food The workout at a glance 5-6 days a week 20-30 minute cardio 45-60 minutes of resistance training The moves Squats: 2-3 sets, 20 reps Lunges, each leg: 2-3 sets, 12 reps Shoulder flexion: 2-3 sets, 18 reps Shoulder abduction: use lower weight Maintenance workout 3-4 days a week 15-20 minutes of cardio 30-45 minutes resistance training
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 12:06 AM ----- BODY:
Word of advice -- do not drink coffee at 10pm. I repeat, DO NOT drink coffee after 10pm. I do not know what possessed me to do such a thing. I was finishing up some work and was reminded of coffee by the smell of vanilla. My sences awoke and off to the kitchen. I am waiting impatiently for my coffee rush to go away so that I may hit the covers, pillows. ...its 12:54am...I am still here... Dying Is an art, like everything else I do it exceptionally well. I do it so it feels like hell. I do it so it feels real. I guess you could say I've a call. Plath, “Lady Lazarus”
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 10:49 AM ----- BODY:
Love unspoken is the loudest sound of all.... DEVELOPING..... I cannot wait for November 5th! I have gone 2 years in a row (the first year I just walked right into it not knowing what it was) the 2nd year I went - I was invited by another invitee. This was a great time and I hope this time I dress up. Click here to know what I am talking about. With great regreat I hearby announce that I have finished watching Dawson's Creek Season 3. I am kicking myself once again because I have not received Season 4 in the mail. This season was the best yet because Joey and Pacey got together. A much greater love. I felt their emotions, the love, the feeling of the unwelcome. They both knew it was wrong to fall for each other. They would hurt others - but in the end, their feelings were stronger and love won in the end: DAWSON: Joey, c’mon. Even I can see it. Pacey is this year’s Paris. And you need to go this time. You need to see for yourself. I can sit here and tell you that it’s a colossal mistake, that all roads lead back to me, but it doesn’t matter. Words, speeches... they sound great, but they don’t add up to anything. All that matters right now is what you want. JOEY: I don’t even know what that is. DAWSON: Sure you do. You want him. You want him like I want you. You love him like I love you. Only the difference is he loves you back the same way. ****** JOEY: I think I'm in love with you. PACEY: You think you are, or you know? JOEY: I know it. I've know it since the moment we kissed, and maybe even before that. And as scary as it is, I don't want to deny it anymore. I don't want to run from it or let it run from me. PACEY: So what are we going to do here? JOEY: I'm still not gonna ask you to stay. PACEY: I see... JOEY: Because I want to go with you. PACEY: Wait a second... are you crazy? JOEY: I want to stop standing still. I want to go forward. I want to go with you, Pacey. PACEY: What about Bessie and the B&B -- they need you. JOEY: Not as much as I need you.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 12:05 PM ----- BODY:
Is it too much to want something so bad? I realized today that life is not all about what one wants. I always wished, hoped and prayed for that farytale. It was always the dream. I do not understand how life has thrown me this curb ball that I didnt want to catch - yet somehow I did. Its like my last dance. I was played one song and I took it. At first it seemed like the right thing to do - but was it? I dont know what's wrong today, Its just that everytime I listen to Sarah McLachlan's 'Last dance' I get this way. I start thinking of the past, of the present...of my future! I am confused as a teenager -- and I am just 30, will this ever go away? Some people are already set in their ways. Started their lives and sure they would not like interruptions - but maybe just for one day, one minute - they can look away from life and have one last dance with me? Maybe thats the thing, maybe I dont want this to be my last dance. I want to experience one more dance. Even if it means risking it all. I want to take that path - even if its for a while. It will make me happy I know. The consequences may be many to handle - but I know I can take it...maybe I will say goodnight tonight and wake up without these feelings....only time will tell. Good night dear void - sleep tight....
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 7:42 PM ----- BODY:
I never thought I'd say this but I have fallen victim to the show Dawson's Creek. I have caught a few episodes here and there and have been sorda interested in what I have seen. Yesterday I found season 1 on DVD for $17! I just had to buy I am hooked. I am almost finished with season 1 and I am so into the characters. I am going straight to Hastings tomorrow to buy season 2...which was $19! I feel like such a teenager...
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:51 AM ----- BODY:
Its the end. Today. My last official vacation day. Its back to work. The sound of my clock alarm will now hunt me every morning. The drive to work. Looking at all the unhappy faces in other cars while we wait impatiently for traffic to move. Parking in my usual parking space. Walking the usual path to my cube. Its a mad world. So unfair. I wish I had money stached away so I would never have to work and see all those strangers I work with. I hope my admissions application goes through and I am able to return to St. Edwards. I am waiting impatiently. Long hours, studying, paying attention to professors. Long nights. Eating dinner at 11pm while trying to catch up with homework. I just cant wait!...hehehehe.....
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 11:03 PM ----- BODY:
Today we left my parent's house and drove back to Georgetown. The trip was long since I drove the speed limit this time. On our way to the valley a state trooper stopped me for speeding. He did not give me a ticket - thank God! but he did issue a warning for not having updated my address on the license card. My vacation is almost over. I am glad, I was getting bored. We didnt do anything, didnt go anywhere - just our parents house. I am not looking forward to going back to work. I have a junk load of it and I can just see everything I have to do when I come back. I dont want anyone asking me about my vacation and I dont want hugs - I am sure I will get them all. I think this short break has shown me that I do not have to be so touchy feel'y and not be so open with everyone about my feelings at work. I will just keep focus and work work work. I reapplied to st.edward's. I am excited about that. I spoke to the MLA head and she said to go ahead. I am excited! I hope all goes well. One more year of stress, homework, term papers and coming home at 1opm with take out. It should be fun!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 11:39 PM ----- BODY:
The 1st week of my vacation is almost over. I have not done anything constructive or gone anywhere. I have spent all my days bumming out at home, going to the alamo draft house and pigging out on the food there. We went to see Just like heaven and 40 year old virgin - again, for the 4th time. This movie just does not get old! Although I know what its about to happen and all the jokes are the same -- I just laugh so much! Everyone here in Austin is getting ready for this category 4 hurricane - Rita....over a million people from the cost (Galveston, houston....) are fleeing this hurricane. It looked like it might hit austin - not the hurricane itself - but all the rain! Now it looks like we might only get some rain. I just hope everyone that stays behind is OK and I pray all is fine after Saturday. Tomorrow we are going to see our lawyer and go fix the car. My awsome car has the little "check your engine" light. I hope its nothing wrong.....
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:05 PM ----- BODY:
Today is my first official vacation day. Well, Friday was but that day was dedicated for my brother. He got married on Saturday. To se pictures click HERE! Great time! We spent the night at the Radisson. It was fun. Homer and my sister shared the hotel room and we all had breakfast in the morning. This man dressed in a suit came knocking at our door at 7am with all the food we had ordered the night before. My parents room was next door so it was a blast. We had to be outside and dressed by 8:30am for pictures. My brother looked so happy and Jan was too! On Sunday morning we drove to Ft.Worth to be with my sister but due to Hurricane Rita's unknown path - we drove back to georgetown. My parents will leave and I will meet up with them in the valley on friday. I hope the rest of my vacation is fun!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 8:44 AM ----- BODY:
I think that there is a place where she [Scarlet] realizes that people come in and out of your life. Sometimes for a day, sometimes for longer. And all of them make you what you are. You can't separate these people out of you. They form who you are. Even the ones that you kind of say know, I don't know if I wanna be formed by them anymore. (laughs) But you are in some way. You are. That's why, maybe, you don't have to look at them so harshly because they have effected you. At the end, though, you's us as individuals with our love for the land. For something untangible, that when soulmates come and go, you're never alone even when you're standing just you in your shoes, because you carry them with you." -- Scarlet Stories CD Tori on A Sorta Fairytale on my way up north up on the Ventura I pulled back the hood and I was talking to you and I knew then it would be a Life Long thing but I didn't know that we We could break a silver lining And I'm so sad like a good book I can't put this Day Back a sorta fairytale with you a sorta fairytale with you things you said that day up on the 101 the girl had come undone I tried to downplay it with a bet about us You said that- You'd take it as long as I could I could not erase it And I'm so sad like a good book I can't put this Day Back a sorta fairytale with you a sorta fairytale with you and I ride along side and I rode along side you then and I rode along side till you lost me there in the open road And I rode along side till the honey spread itself so thin for me to break your bread for me to take your word I had to steal it and I'm so sad like a good book I can't put this Day Back a sorta fairytale with you a sorta fairytale with you I could pick back up whenever I feel Down New Mexico way something about the open road I knew that he was looking for some Indian Blood and find a little in you find a little in me we may be on this road but we're just Impostors in this country you know So we go along and we said we'd fake it feel better with Oliver Stone till I almost smacked him - seemed right that night and I don't know what takes hold out there in the desert cold These guys think they must Try and just get over on us And I'm so sad like a good book I can't put this Day Back a sorta fairytale with you a sorta fairytale with you and I was ridin' by ridin' along side for a while till you lost me and I was ridin' by ridin' along till you lost me till you lost me in the Rear View you lost me I said Way up North I took my day all in all was a pretty nice day and I put the Hood right back where You could taste heaven perfectly Feel out the summer breeze didn't know when we'd be back and I - I don't - didn't think we'd end up like like this
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 6:57 PM ----- BODY:
Hey Jupiter is about the pain of separation that Amos says is very much about a real man. "I was at my lowest. I was at a hotel in Phoenix, and I realized that for once there wasn't a man I could turn to."-- Tori; Spin Magazine, Mar 1996 no one's picking up the phone guess it's me and me and this little masochist she's ready to confess all the things that i never thought that she could feel and hey jupiter nothings been the same so are you gay are you blue thought we both could use a friend to run to and i thought i wouldn't have to be with you something new sometimes i breathe you in and i know you know and sometimes you take a swim found your writing on my wall if my hearts soaking wet boy your boots can leave a mess hey jupiter nothings been the same so are you gay are you blue thought we both could use a friend to run to and i thought you wouldn't have to keep with me hiding thought i knew myself so well all the dolls i had took my leather off the shelf your apocalypse was fab for a girl who couldn't choose between the shower or the bath and i thought i wouldn't have to be with you a magazine no one's picking up the phone guess it's clear he's gone and this little masochistis lifting up her dress guess i thought i could never feel the things i feel hey jupiter so are you gay are you blue thought we both could use a friend to run to hey jupiter nothing's been the same so are you safe now we're through thought we both could use a friend to run to hey jupiter
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 10:21 PM ----- BODY:
Friday: Today started off great. I got an award at work with $95. I also went to Bookpeople and purchased a Tori Amos book hoping she would autograph it. The line was just too long and the same people that always get the autographs and pictures with Tori were there first. I was hoping to really get to meet her - but I was happy I went to the work presentation instead. Tori played at the Backyard. I was so happy, thrilled, excited! Mark and I sat in row 7. It was awsome, I got to see her up close and personal - I wished I could of taken some pictures. Tori Amos Set list: Original Sinsuality Little Earthquakes Parasol Siren Marianne Jamaica Inn Bells For Her When The Levee Breaks (Led Zeppelin cover) Mad World (Tears For Fears cover) Cars And Guitars Jackie's Strength Frog On My Toe Silent All These Years The Beekeeper 1st Encore Garlands Pretty Good Year 2nd Encore Space Dog Your Cloud Saturday: Instead of driving to Houston to see Tori - Mark and I went to visit my sister in Ft.worth. We went to city streets and had a blast. It is a bar, club in downtown ft.worth. there we met some of my sisters friends - including this real cute guy from Holland - he was there showing them new software. Anyway, we all danced all night long and had way too much to drink. Sunday: We had brunch and hung out at homer's (Lil's boyfriend)most of the day. We also had dinner there. Monday: We hit IHOP and drove back home. We got here and I worked for about 6 hours. Tomorrow is back to reality.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 1:02 PM ----- BODY:
To see pictures of my b-day lunch party - click here. In these pictures you will see, although very grateful for the gesture of an office bday party - at Applebees I might add - how unhappy I still am. I see myself and cannot believe how I am the only one without a smile on my face. There is one but I know its a forced smile. What must I do to shake this off? Today I am off to a BBQ that will take place at my manager's house. She is cool - I just dont know how I will act. This place is going to be full of children - one of the main causes of my depression. I will be surrounded by creatures I cannot have, but wish that I could have. I better go. I am going to buy lots of alcohol to easy the pain....well, actully I signed up for beer.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 10:40 PM ----- BODY:
Its almost here. Its knocking at my door. Soon it will be here. I do not wish for it to enter - I am not ready. It is sad at what I think. I am not ready for it. Please dont show up. Please dont stop by. Go away this year - I do not wish to remember. I am running away from this. Looking away. The clock, the time is ticking - its calling my name. The things I said I would accomplish - I have not. The hopes and dreams I wrote down on paper as a young girl. Life came at me with no warning - no notice, it slipped into me and now -- It is too late. I am desperate for answers. I cannot find them. No one is here to answer them. I stand alone in the mist of confusion - can someone please help me? I cry and reach out for the light - there is none. The dreams I told myself I would complete before this day would come - I never did. Happy life, children, career and money. All has slipped away from my hand, well, I never had them to begin with. I guess I should be thankful at the life that I have lived. I feel like crying. Should I stop caring? Should I jump off a building and forget life ever happend? I am in a sad place today. Sad, depressing and confusing times. Not what I wished for myself ten years ago. So innocent, so full of life. If I had a portrait like Dorian Grey - I would be the oldest, ugliest person in the world. As for now, I should live my life. Accept it as it has come and enbrace it. Keep hoping and wishing for the best. Maybe someday I will get lucky......
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:42 AM ----- BODY:
Wow, things went from horrible to just awsome in about a week! From crying over the fact that I had lost remote connection from home and I was going to work at 6am almost everyday - just to catch up with work really killed me! anyway, on Thuersday afternoon I was assigned a work laptop - I was just so happy because that ment I could work from home and did not have to drive to the big blue D at 5am every day. It was an old,dusty system - but I was happy. I submitted a help desk ticket so that the system could be reimaged but I was told it had depreciated in value and they would not supported. On friday morning I let my manager know and she submitted a work order for a new one. I was so thrilled! The order was approved at 4pm (after she went to talk to the finance dude, who I think did not want to approve it) by 4:30 I was told to drive to the other campus PN3 to pick it up! I was just so thrilled and happy....a work laptop of my very own! I picked it up and got a nice spankin' brand new system. My OTFTF workload was also cut down to about 50% so I am so thrilled for that! Well, I have to go - Mark and I are driving over to Ft.Worth to visit my sister. I love my sister and cant wait to see her! Laters! :)
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 8:36 PM ----- BODY:
Damn it! I cannot connect to work! Remote Access sucks! Actually I want to cry..again. It seems like work is just getting worse and worse and worse and....worse. OTFTF is at an all time high for DLP. I am now reviewing over 300 calls for the first pass and an extra 100 after that. SWAT has also gone up so high -- its ridiculous to catch up! I have found myself crying in front of the stupid monitors I have. Uncontroable tears down my face -- can you imagine? Dispatching a call that is already 2o hrs late, the customer expecting NBD service and because my head hurts, I have gotten a little over 3 hrs of sleep and hungry, this customer will not get service on time. Who do they think I am? A machine?? I do have to admint, this dept is the best I have ever worked with, they care, they are awsome, they rock...but sometimes they can be...jerks! I have told them that work is conflicting with my personal life yet they do not seem to understand.I find myself working on weekends...when will I get some time off? I get home and I am damn tired, I rest, have dinner and its off working my stupid work connection is not working. I have to take my system to work tomorrow to figure out why the hell I cannot connect - it will suck if I cant connect anymore.. I have calculated -- 200 calls I have to review before 8am tomorrow - I will need about 4 hrs, I need to wake up at 3am and be there by 4am Dear lord.....anyway - I am now depressed and upset and I wont cry. My hand hurts and I am freaking tired...
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 12:55 AM ----- BODY:
For pictures of Vegas click here. It was a blast, but all good things must come to an end. My existance is set only to work - blah! I want to be on vacation again. Damn work has tripeled in the past month and I can no longer stand for it! I had to drop out of school because of all the work and stress that was building up. I didnt mind school so much, it was the fact that I was brining work to the house and would do it instead of spending time with Mark, and finishing up school work. I was a little dissapointed for leaving school - but I knew it was the right thing to do. Maybe in the future I will go back. In other news, Tori Amos is coming back to Texas! I am soooOOoo thrilled and cannot wait! She will be in Austin first -- at The Backyard on Sept 2, 2005 and then I will see her again in Houston September 3, 2005 at the hobby center. I requested some vacation time - again, I have 3 weeks this year, what can I do with so much? Dont know, maybe go to Orlando -- Mark and I just want to go off again, who knows where and who cares - I am so stressed at work...well, look at the time - I must head to bed because I have to be at work in a few hours....eeeeew!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:02 AM ----- BODY:
It was fun while it lasted. Today we leave Las Vegas. We had the best fun! Day 1 - Friday: We left Georgetown to Ft. Worth and had lunch with my sister, we drove to Amarillo. This was our first stop and spent the night. Day 2 - Saturday: We drove through New Mexico and Arizona. The mountains were so beautiful. We also got some rain. We reached Flagstaff, AZ and reserved a hotel room. We had to leave that hotel because the aircon was broken and they had no other rooms. Anyway, we drove straight to Las Vegas and we spent the night at another hotel. Day 3 - Sunday: We went to the Hard Rock Cafe which was across the street from the hotel we spent the night and across the street from the hotel we would be staying the rest of the week. We had lunch at the Hard Rock and we played the slot machines for the afternoon. We later checked in to the new hotel and we rested. Day 4 - Monday: We did as much as we could! We spent alot of time playing slots at the Aladdin - soon to be known Planet Hollywood. We walked to all the hotels and we took tons of pictures. This is the day I wanted to cry because I was so tired and my feet hurt. We took a taxi back to the hotel. Day 5 - Tuesday: We slept in late and went to the Luxur for lunch. They also have a real cool arcade and we went to play games. We took a small train to the Exalibur and Mandalay Bay hotels before getting into a taxi and heading back to the hotel. Day 6 - Wednesday: Time flies when you are having fun! This day we check out of the hotel and say bye bye to vegas and 'Hello' to reality. It will be sad leaving this vacation - this is the most fun we've had in a while.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 1:31 AM ----- BODY:
I have vacation starting tomorrow and come back next Thursday. Mark and I decided to hit the road and go to Las Vegas! We have reserved the room and we are ready to go. We are going to stop at the Grand Canyon too. It should be fun! I will sure miss my cats :) l love them so much! I was trying to finish a paper I have to write for my class, but I cannot seem to finish. I might finish it while I am on the road...well, have to get a few ZZZ's before going to work tomorrow and then taking off!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:14 PM ----- BODY:
In other happy news. I got Tori Amos tickets today! I am going to sit in row 7!!!! That has NEVER happened to me! I am so thrilled and happy and excited! To see a picture of the sitting area, click here. I am so happy to be sitting that close. I am also going to attempt another M&G - that means standing out in the hot sun with everyone and wait to see her before the show. If I dont get a picture with her, I hope to at least get her autograph again!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:12 PM ----- BODY:
Last week I drove back to the Humane society hoping my babies where still there. I went in there looked around - they were gone :( The lady tried to help me and even got their record, "I am sorry, they all have been adopted." Tears started to stream down my face. They were gone. What had I done? Why would I do it? As I looked around and heard the cats meow, I sobbed. I wanted my cats back. I know what I did was wrong - to give them away, but at the time I didnt think I could take care of them and I knew the best thing to do was to give them away as a family - not individually. I asked the lady, "Where they adopted together?" She said that 2 people came to take them. The babies and the momies! I felt a sigh of relief. They had been adopted together and not seperate. I was so surprised they had been adopted to quickly. They were there for about 3 days. I adopted another cat while I was there. His name is Mustard Douglas. He is the color of mustard and mark wanted to name him something sophisticated. He is about 4 months old and neutered - that was a big plus. He seems to be loving his new home. Charlie and Mustard get along just great! They love each other....
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 11:20 PM ----- BODY:
I have been trying to put this feeling aside. I do not wish to experience it. Its there, but I sugar code it. I start to think of work or school or what I have to do during the day. I figured if I pour my feelings down on, I wont feel as bad. On Saturday I had to give 2 of my cats away. I miss them so much! Our new addition, named Charlie got both my famale cat pregnant. I miscalculated his age - next thing you know, they are "with child" you get the point. I debated for over a month about what to do about this as I did not want to give them up. Brillo was the first to have her babies. She had 2. This past weekend, Prancer had 3. one of them died. When I went to check up on her, she was holding him. Huging him, as if he was still alive and he only slept. When I saw a total of 7 indoor cats, I knew I would not be able to keep them. I called the Humane Society of Williamson country (HSWC) and drop all of them off. I was so heat broken. I cried. I didnt want to do it, but I had to. I could not be selfish enough to keep Prancer and Brillo and leave their babies behind. I knew the best thing to do would be keep them together and donate them to the Humane society. I wish I had them back. I miss Brillo sleeping by my side and Prancer purring away. I miss that they all ran to me when they saw me. When they slept on the floor while I was in the PC. Right now, we only have charlie. He cries a lot. He just meows, I am sure he misses them. I better go away - I am going to cry. I just hope and wish that whoever adopts them, loves them as much as I did. God please help them find good homes with nice people. I love you Prancer and Brillo!!!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:28 PM ----- BODY:
Your Birthdate: August 26
Your birth on the 26th day of the month (8 energy) modifies your life by increasing your capability to function and succeed in the business world. In this environment you have the skills to work very well with others thanks to the 2 and 6 energies combining in this date. There is a marked increase in organizational, managerial, and administrative abilities. You are efficient and handle money very well. You're ambitious and energetic, while generally remaining cooperative and adaptable. You are conscientious and not afraid of responsibility. Generally sociable and diplomatic, you tend to use persuasion rather than force. You have a wonderful combination of being good at both the broad strokes and the fine detail; good at starting and continuing. This birthday is practical and realistic, often seeking material satisfaction.
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:24 PM ----- BODY:
J. Strength You Are... Sexy Tori! You're the one who invented that unusual way of straddling a piano bench. You're the one that gets the crowd going wild! Just c-c-cock your mane! What Kind Of Tori Amos Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 10:41 AM ----- BODY:
My parents are here visiting! Hip Hip Horray! We had dinner at Din Ho Chinese BBQ off research blvd, anyway, he was a great dinner when I went to pay I noticed my bill said the total was $531!!!! Can you believe that? I told the lady there was big mistake, she apologized and gave me the correct amount. This morning I checked my online banking and guess what? I am $531 short!!! Here is proof! Transaction CHECKCARD 07/08 DIN HO CHINESE BBQ INC AUSTIN TX $531.41 I would say how I am really feeling but I will spare the anger tantrum. I called the bank and told me that they shouldnt of done that since I only signed for the original amount, which was like $40... I now need to drive all the way to Austin (Over 30 miles from Georgetown,TX) to fight this! I am not going to call them, I am going to give them hell!!!! How dare them!? Anyway, nothing else has happend to me. School is cool, lots of work..but other than that..nothing else to report. I wonder, does anyone read my posts? or am I just writing out into the void? Please write your comments on the "Comments" link -- you dont have to put your name....just want to known if this is read by anyone...
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 1:45 AM ----- BODY:
Life has been so hectic lately. This past weekend I was part of this software integration thing at work. I worked on Friday from 2am to 1pm then again the rest of Saturday 5pm to 8pm- testing service calls and to make sure that the service provider was able to communicate. I went for more torture Sunday 8am to 3pm by that time the caffeine in my system was at an all time high we were all cranky and stressed and jumpy! I wanted to leave! Monday morning was the ultimate test - it was the first time it would be tested live so ofcorse we all got there at 5am and we all left after 7pm. It was chaos, it still is - I dont want to go back to work tomorrow! In other news, I started school on Monday. So I am an official MBA student at LeTourneau. I am surprised how christian this school really is! I grew up christian and knowing the teachings of God -- but in time I started letting go slowly to the point where I did not feel like a christian anymore. Getting to know the group through the online forum/discussions and emails I have noticed to how much I left behind ....I also feel like an intruder, not being part of the christian group. Anyway, Its cool so far, lots of reading and minipapers due.... I got home from work today at 4pm - took a nap and work up at 10pm...not cool, now I cant fall asleep...I dont want to log in to work because I have worked so much this weekend and I am tired!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 12:03 AM ----- BODY:
I got CSI season 4 in the mail on Friday. Great treat! But first, this weekend Mark and I went to Ft. Worth to visit my sister. We left on Saturday. We had lunch and went window shopping. It was great. We also went to see some floor plans for some houses my sister is looking into buying. She is selling her house and hopes to get another one. At night we went to downtown Ft.worth and hung out at the Barns and Novel. I got a book I hope to read soon. We also went to this place called "main even" it is a bar/bowling aly/pool table/kids hangout. It was great. We played video games and that fake basketball. Today we had chinease food and we went to see another floor plan. We hung out at my sisters and drove back home around 4pm. Tomorrow I have the pre-op testing before the surgery. It will be from 7 am to about 3pm at St. Davids hospital in Austin. I am sorda anxious yet nervous. I hope all goes fine. I think its almost time for bed. Good night dear void!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 12:28 AM ----- BODY:
Thanks to Spike TV I am officially hooked on CSI. I watch it everyday at 6 and 7. Last night we went to Hastings and found The complete first and second season of CSI for $70!!!!! I saved over $100. I was filled with joy! I know its just a show, but I love the science, I love the who investigation scenes. I admire how people can study forensics. I know I could never do it, although I once wanted to be a doctor. I am now on season 1 - CD 5. The episode called "Gentle Gentle". Awsome, strong episode. Very sad. After this episode is over I am going to bed. I have to be at work by 6am. Laters :)
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 10:33 PM ----- BODY:
Woho!!Hip Hip horray!! Tentative tour schedule For Tori Amos 'Summer of Sin' tour 2005! Friday, September 2, 2005 Austin, Texas - The Backyard (unconfirmed) Tuesday, September 6, 2005 San Antonio, Texas - Majestic Theatre (unconfirmed) OMG!!! I will be there! I can't wait!!! They better confirm them fast!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 10:19 PM ----- BODY:
Things have been back to normal. I am off the medication and I think I dont have any more kidney stones. I am taking every procaution possible. I am drinking more water, no coffee, no diet cokes....just diet 7UP and crystal light. I am so afraid to get another one. I have a little pain on the right side of my stomach -- but I hope its nothing. My calfs also cramped up so bad 2 nights ago! I dont know if all this is happening because of the kidney stone and coming off the medication. I am eating healthy and nothing that causes me to feel the way I am feeling now. I feel so bloated, my fingers and legs are swollen. I went to webmd to research what causes leg cramps and found one of the reasons to be an inbalance of sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. I have cut down on eating lot of things that I was eating before - maybe my body is shocked? who knows.... Did I mention Mark got me an Ipod Mini? Its pink and it holds 1,000 songs. I love it! I told him I wanted one and he surprised me with it..he rocks! Anyway - I have to go...Good night dear void!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 12:05 PM ----- BODY:
Just as the title says it, I feel like I have been to Venus and Back. Yesterday morning I left for work, said "good morning" to everyone, went to get my cup of coffee and a muffin. About 8:45 am I felt a really bad sharp pain on the right side of my stomach. The pain was so intense I got up to go the restroom. The pain was so explosive I couldnt even walk back to my desk. I called Walter (the swat canada guy) and told him I had an emegercy and he should come to my desk as fast as possible. The pain was so agonizing I began to cry uncontrollably. I didnt know what was wrong with me and I was afraid I was just making a sence and I didnt want to draw attention to what I was feeling. Anyway, Jo was called and she called the EMT and they came. I was just crying because the pain would not go away. Karen took me to the ER and I was so in pain!! I was suffering so much! I had no idea what it was. I was at the ER and they gave me happy pills. I was crying and I could not even sit straight. My brother showed up about 45 min later. Before Karen left the dr came to see us and told me that I had either a gallbladderproblem or a kidney stone. I so didnt want any of them. Steve called to find out how I was doing. Tom called. Everyone was worried about me -- at least that is what Karen said. I was happy that people were worried about me. Well, that and the fact that Jose was out on vacation and I would be out too -- walter would be left to dispatch canada, LA and Brazil. Not a pretty site. Anyway -- I got several tests and it turned out that a kidney stone was trying to pass but it was stuck. They kept me overnight. It seemed like I was there forever. I got the procudure called: CYSTOSCOPY( Cystoscopy is a test that allows your doctor to look at the interior lining of the bladder and the urethra. The cystoscope is a thin, lighted viewing instrument that is inserted into the urethra and advanced into the bladder. The cystoscope is inserted into your urethra and slowly advanced into the bladder while your doctor looks through the scope to examine the inside of the urethra. Your doctor then examines the inside of your bladder for stones, tumors, bleeding, and infection. Cystoscopy allows your doctor to look at areas of your bladder and urethra that usually do not show up well on X-rays. Tiny surgical instruments can be advanced through the cystoscope that allow your doctor to remove samples of tissue (biopsy) or samples of urine from each kidney. They took me to the OR and they put me to sleep. I later found out that they didnt find any stone after the Cystoscopy procedue -- so somewhere in the middle of all the drugs they gave me, I somehow passed it. THANK YOU GOD!!! I suffered so much! But I know now to stay away from cokes and drink more water!!! I left the hospital about 10:30pm and I am now here watching tv. everyone is asleep. I cant seem to sleep tonight since all I did at the hospital was watch tv, sleep and just wait. I am just so happy everything is ok.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 8:45 PM ----- BODY:
Tonight was sad. The end of an era. The laughter, the tears, the anger....will no longer be heard. I will miss them. The greatest gift they gave me was laughter. I did not want it to end. I didnt want it to be true. Today was the series finally of "Everybody loves Raymond" I know, I know - sounds corny. But I will trully miss this show. They had a one hour specially before the series finale. I laughed at ther funny jokes and at the same time I cried- tears rolled down my face. I couldnt understand what was going on. These feelings, as if someone very dear to me had passed away. I will be able to watch the show on reruns and DVD's - but it was just too sad. ***** I will miss them. While laughs where heard on the background - tears rolled down my face. I will miss them. The greatest gift they gave me was laughter. I will miss them dearly.... *****
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 8:40 PM ----- BODY:
Trinidad and Winky are going to fight in about 20 min. I say Trinidad is going to loose by a KO but Mark insists he will win...I bet him $5. I hope I win. This morning I woke up to the sound of thunder. I looked out the window and the sky was purple - it was so beautiful. Needless to say - it didn't rain. I am backing up all my Tori Amos bootlegs and videos to my new Iomega 250 GB hdd. Does anyone in this world need that much hdd space? I don't know what possesed me to get such a big hdd. We just had dinner, chinease..yum-O! We watched Will Ferrell's Anchorman -- the stupidest movie ever -- but if you want a stupid laugh, its worth renting or in my case, purchase. I have decided that every DVD movie that I want to rent, I will buy. I have rented in the past and have exceeded late charges totalling $100!!! I love going to Hastings, they have used movies for $9.99 or less..that's a bargain. Pictures from the trip to South Padre Island last week are up on my website. Check them out here! I cant wait for Monday. I have been away from work for over a week, its time to dust off the old cube. See you there!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 11:28 PM ----- BODY:
After my vacation I spent most of this week working from home. Who would of thought that 3 hrs at the beach could of caused a really,really,really,really bad sunburn that would cause me to stay home! I tried everything! the Noxzema, the aloa vera, the Calamine...but nothing worked! I couldnt even sleep in my bed. I had to sleep in the living room! Sitting down in the couch. I did try that Aveno lotion -- it works wonders! I did go to work today but was there for only 2 hrs or so. I could not stand the itching. I had to come home...I dont mind working from home - I watch tv while I dispatch, but after a while it does get boring. I think I will go to work tomorrow - not sure yet....
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 6:20 PM ----- BODY:
This mini-vacation was great! Thursday: I worked from 5 am to 11 am. I had to do some things before I started my official vaction. I deducted my vacation hours for the day and only used up 2! My sister came over and we drove to the valley. We then went to the airport in Mcallen to pickup Homer. My sisters boyfriend came over to surprise his mom for Mother's day...not before spending some time with my sister at the beach... We had dinner and checked in to the hotel. It was great... Friday: We got up early and drove to the beach! Although it has changed a lot! I still enjoyed it -- there was a lot of seeweed...the beach has been manhandled too much...the waves where high! we didnt go inside the water swimming..only Homer -- but we did walk around, and laid on the was good. We were there for about 3 hours. We took off to the Hotel's swimming pool and about 5:30 we drove to Mcallen to drop off Homer and to pick up my parents... We went to my parents house, picked them up and had dinner -- got to the hotel.. Saturday: My sister got real sick last night. Might have been all the cheese we ate! anyway, I was super duper sun burned!!! I looked like a lobster -- so my parents took care of us! We went to the beach for about an hour and drove back home...great vacation...riiiiiiiiight My parent spent the rest of Saturday taking care of my sister and myself...we were both so upset because we had planned a great saturday for them..and instead, they ended up taking care of dad did BBQ for us..and took my car to a mechanic.... My parents told us that as long as we were home spending time with them -- that was enough.. Sunday: We woke up early. My parents took off to church and we packed and left. We stopped at EL PATO and had some breakfast..they have the best tacos in the world!!! We got home around 4pm. My sister I am left with a horrible sunburn and I am tired from all the driving...will I do it again? You bet! It was a great vacation and I sure needed the time off from work....laters dear void!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 8:25 PM ----- BODY:
My Tori Amos webpage is updated! Click here to see the latest pictures! Since last night I have been on a date with Mark -- it is great to be able to go out on dates and not be bored with someone whom you've been together with for seven years... Friday night: He took me out to Applebees and Hastings. He bought me a DVD movie and a copy of Cosmo.....we came home late... Saturday: He took me to this great chinease restaurant....I was greatful he took me to a new restaurant -- a new experience. Then we went to EB Games, he was looking for a new video game to watch. We went to Bed Bath and Beyond and found a present for my mom (mother's day!) We went to wal-mart and then an ice cream.... Today was great. The day started off cold, but the same came out...then it was very plesent. I dont want today to end because he goes back to work tomorrow.... Tonight should be fun..there will be some big HBO Boxing match and we will watch it ... Laters :)
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 11:05 PM ----- BODY:
I dont know what to write about. So many things coming to my head - but nothing constructive to write. I keep thinking of work tomorrow - am I obessed with it? I am thinking of metrics. This is not right. I must calm down and close my eyes..relax. I am so anxious to log in to work. I know if I wait for tomorrow I will just have more work to do. "He" is going to come over and ask me the same dumb question he's always asked, "Are the calls added to the root cause?" as if I would forget my job. Or his stupid emails "How are we doing?" Why would he use the word "we" as if he was also working on what I was working at the same time. It bothers me that he thinks he is my manager. Not even my manager, karen - asks me such stupid questions - or even bothers me for that matter. She knows I do my job, she trusts me, so why would a nobody butt in on my daily tasks? On another note: I feel as if my innocence has been chattered. I dont know what I am saying... I feel so alone. I feel so ashamed. I feel not present. sometimes I sit at meetings and wonder "what am doing here?" Does what I really do impact anyone around me? I have presented metrics and seen co-workers looking around, laughing, chatting -- what is the point of me doing something that does not mean anything? I sometimes think my job is so little -- there is no reason for me to be involved at meetings. I should stay at my cube and just work....that is after all -- all I do. I cant really go anywhere because I have dispatching to worry about.... I need a vacation. Good night dead void!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:25 PM ----- BODY:
Last night was the best night ever!! I finally got to see Tori Amos in concert! After waiting 2 years to see her again! (Last time I saw her was in Vegas July 31st at the Hard Rock Hotel) I also got to see her at the Meet and Greet and she autographed my concert ticket! See pictures here It was too awsome and I cant wait to see her when she comes back in August!!!!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 3:03 PM ----- BODY:
The Oak count has been at an all time high since Saturday and I have been super sick. Isnt Austin a great place to live in?!!! I should expect this -- I get sick every year around this time. I went to the doctor today and she gave me medication. Hopefully that will do the trick. When I am inside the house its great, its when I leave when I get sick. I took my meds so I should be ok right now. At least I can breath now and my voice sure is back to normal. It was suggested that I move out of the Austin area to a more allergyless place. Where could I possibly go to? I love this area so much! Specially the Georgetown area -- which is where I am from. In other news...just 9 more days for Tori Amos concert. I am so thrilled! I dont know what to do!! I am going to buy a video camera and record April 17th. I am going to stand outside her tour bus and hopefully see her at the meet and greet. As long as I get an autograph. To meet her would be devine -- but I am not expecting too much..although it would be great!!!! I will be ready to go. I am buying a video camera, I will take my digital camera and some disposile cameras.... Its 3pm and I feel I should be working...oh well..tomorrow I will go to work and suffer..but today I am watching television - - nothing exciting ..just boring stuff..laters..
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 10:20 PM ----- BODY:
Athena If you are ruled by Athena, you are bright-eyed, shrewd, resourceful and inventive. With friends, you are the wise counselor -- always ready with an empowering message. You believe strongly that women can accomplish anything men can. No wonder you put so much time into your career. Athena women tend to be ruled by their heads, not by their hearts. You carefully guard your intimate side, protecting your emotions and vulnerability. If you want to awaken your unexpressed womanliness, you'll have to use the same passion you apply to your intellectual achievements. It's important that you work to integrate your strong masculine side with your feminine side -- bringing together your strength with your vulnerability, your creativity with caring, your intelligence with imagination. Otherwise, you risk coming off as unaffectionate and self-righteous. Take lessons from the goddesses Hestia and Aphrodite to do this. Which are you?
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 7:53 PM ----- BODY:
Many things have happend since the last time I've stopped by. First off, I got my review at work and I couldn't be happier! I got ranking of "1", I got an 8% raise, I got a promotion -- which means my grade level goes up on notch and my bonus is the highest (150%)... to top it off -- I have just been informed that I have been accepted to LeTourneau University' MBA program... I am just super thrilled!!!!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 12:27 AM ----- BODY:
Nothing much has happend since the last time I posted. Work is fine. Life is fine. School? Not yet -- I will know in Apil. We did our taxes -- it was all right. We bought life insurance - cool. Today was an ok day... Charlie is asleep by the computer. I can see his little paws and tail... Nothing much to say... Oh yeah, today we went to Hastings and guess who we saw? Pauly Shore. Can you believe that? There was a freaking long line for was funny because Mark and I walked to the entrance of Hastings to look at Magazines and guess who walked by us...Pauly Shore. He said, "Hey guys..." with that Pauly Shore voice. I said "Hi" to him. Then the rest of the people that were actually waiting in line forever, got to see him... That was weird...
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 10:50 PM ----- BODY:
Oh my gosh. I am speechless today. I was able to buy Tori Amos pre-sale concert tickets today. They only sold about 20 tickets for each venue...and I got 3!!! Event Name: Tori Amos Location: Nokia Theatre at Grand Prairie Date: Sunday, April 17, 2005 8:00 PM Seat Information: Reserved sitting... I will be about 15 rows down from the stage, BUT WHO CARES!!! I CANT WAIT!!!!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:53 PM ----- BODY:

My sister and I left for the Valley on Wednesday. It was a long trip (6 hrs) but it was worth it because we got to see our parents. The valley sure has changed. We decided to drive down to Mexico to the funeral. I was reluctant to take my car -- but we left anyway. We took a shortcut, instead of driving through Reynosa we went up through Rio Grand City and into Camargo -- the trip was a lot shorter. We arrived to Montemorelos and went straight to the funeral home. This was on Friday at 3pm. Grandma's body would arrive to Monterrey from Florida at 7pm. They were running late. We were there from 3pm on Friday till 2:30pm on Saturday. It was an all night wake. I got to see my grandma, very unrealistic. Very odd -- to see her there. Not moving. Her body was lifeless...I got to see so many aunts and uncles, cousins, 2nd seemed more like a family reunion then a funeral. Thought the night I went to see my grandma several times. I got to say goodbye. It was sad, especially for my grandpa who was really sad. On Saturday it was time to go to the church and then the cemetery. The religious services were odd to me since I am not catholic....after the services, we walked to the cemetery. It was so realistic - it had rained all week and today - the sun came out. The ground was still wet and moist so we walked on mud. Grandma was carried in a big limo like car and we all walked to her burial spot. The hardest and most emotional time came when her casket was opened one last time. Everyone left her flowers, I could not bring myself to go up so I watched everyone walk by and cry. Touching her (as if she was still in that body) touching her, leaving her flowers by her hands.. I kept looking down to the ground - a fresh buried body next to me- The flowers around the grave still fresh and wet from all the rain. It was so beautiful to see that when her casket was opened. I saw several birds fly to the sky. They had mysteriously appeared out of nowhere. It was as if they were welcoming her and if they knew she was gone. My grandpa went over, started crying uncontrollably, hugging her and kissing her. That was the last straw -- I started crying. To know that his partner of more then 50 years would not be with him any longer -- it broke my heart. The pain, sorrow, sadness was not for my grandma, but for my grandpa -- although he would have family and friends around him, he would be alone without his life partner. The casket was lowered down with ropes and fresh cement was placed in her grave. After the burial, we had to leave back home -- my mom stayed in control throughout the whole weekend -- but as soon as she saw grandpa, her step dad, the only dad she ever knew (as she has described him in the past) began to sob. She huged him. She had never done that. I had never seen her do that. Tears rolled down my face. The old, unpaved streets were extra muddy and the trip to the car was difficult. Driving pass the cemetery - my mom began to cry once more because she knew this would be the last time we would ever be back here....

-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 11:18 PM ----- BODY:
My grandma passed away today. Such a sad day - yet we are all relieved, happy, joyful. Glad that she will suffer no more. She suffered too much the last years of her life - she deserved to leave this world with no pain. Her death came to a shock, even though I knew she was to pass any given day... Tears went down my face... I was sad I cried at work, that sucked I started crying because my mother was sad The loss of her past Her mother The one that brought her into this world... The one who raised her... The one that taught her life... I cried I cried because I imagined myself without a mother I cried because I was sad and could not imagine my life without her.. Only God knows what my mother was going through today.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 10:17 PM ----- BODY:
Charlie the cat is sleeping next to the laptop. He looks so cute. I always wondered why he loves to sleep behind the laptop -- it turns out its warm there and the sound of the fan spinning must remind him of his mom. The soothing, purring sound is what makes me wonder off to sleep. I had a fun day today. It started off watching the food network. Actually, lets back up a couple of hours. We had chinease at around 12am. There is this great chinease restaurant on highway 183 and they just recently started closing at 1am. The food was great - its aways great, i love the egg drop soup they make. It is made to order and its wonderful. We ordered too much food, I guess the tought of driving 30 miles to this place, opened our hunger even more. Egg drop soup noodles with chicken orange chicken... the left over food we took "to go" I had the weirdest dream last night. I was in a waiting area. Waiting with other unknown people. Suddenly, Tori Amos shows up -- i ask her to take a picture with me, but she seems upset. I tell her I want to take 3 pictures of us -- weird right? Anyway, I do not know what it means -- I dont think I will ever know what that dream means, but I do know I am going to see her in April. Its going to be great! I cant wait. I have to go, there is a boxing match that I want to see... Good night dear void!! *************************** If I get accepted to the MBA program -- this is what I will need to take: MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (M.B.A.) The following courses are required in the given sequence. Course Requirements: 39 – 45 Semester Hours MBAC 5000 Intro to Graduate Study MBAC 5113 Leadership & Ethics MBAC 5203 Organizational Behavior BUSI 5010*Financial Analysis Seminar MBAC 5213 Managerial Accounting MBAC 6303 Marketing Management MBAC 5453 Quantitative Methods BUSI 5020*Economics Tools Seminar MBAC 5223 Managerial Economics MBAC 6103 Human Resource Management MBAC 5503 Managerial Finance MBAC 6153 Organizational Development & Change MBAC 6233 Quality & Operations Management MBAC 6503 Strategic Management MBAE Specialization Courses (6-12 hours) Management Specialization: (6 hours) MBAE 6163 Cross-cultural Management MBAE 6473 Entrepreneurship & Creativity
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 7:15 PM ----- BODY:
Today I saw him. He was on the phone by the water cooler at work. I wanted to say "HI" but he was too busy talking busines. I had not seen him all week. I was able to go around his area or accidently see him here and there. But after the holidays, I just feel like hiding from him - from everyone. I dont walk as much as I did. I dont get to chat with anyone anymore. I park far from the building, mostly to walk -- but to hide. I take the side door and walk around the cubes. I am sneaky -- walk away from everyone. I dont want them to notice me. I dont know why -- I just dont want them to. Today I left work early and worked from home. It was a nce break, to see my 3 cats play and run around. Freely without worries. Its funny how they can run around, jump around and not be able to speak. They have their own cat language -- its just so weird. Anyway, I think I may obsessing too much over him, I thought I saw him tonight in the city. Its weird, what would he be doing here? I need to stay away from him, I dont want to fall to hard for him. Anyway -- I dont know why I am talking this way. I am not 12.... I have to go watch tv. not that I have to, I want to..hehehe...good night dear void.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 10:56 PM ----- BODY:
This weekend was fun. We drove to my sister's and we had a blast. Although it did rain -- we tried to enjoy the weekend. Since Mark and I had different work schedules on our wedding anniversary (Jan. 27th) I worked 8 to 5 and he worked 1 pm to 10pm - we didn't really have a chance to celebrate we figured a weekened in Dallas/Ft.Worth would be nice. (We did go to Bennigan's for dinner on Friday.) Saturday: Left Georgetown at 9 am. Stopped at starbucks and got some coffee. We decided to make a quick stop at Jack in the Box before hitting the road. The trip was ok. I have managed to speed each time I go visit my sister and I have never been caught by the cops. I always drive 80 mph. As soon as we got to my sisters place -- we went to our favorite chinease restaurant. It had been a while since we had been there. We ate, went to the mall and headed back home later that night were my sister decided she wanted me to cook dinner. She asked me to make her caldo. It was great caldo weather since it was cold and rainy. Sunday: We went to have breakfast at Golden Corral. We hung around for a couple of hours and then we went to Dallas. We went to see opening day of Arena Football. We saw the Dallas Desperados against Chicago Rush. It was an awsome game! It was at the American Airlines Center. My sister and I found this bar inside the center and we watched the game from there while mark and home sat on the stadium. We had fun. We had a few drinks, laughed joked. They joined us after half time. It was still very rainny and cold and wet!! but we didnt care - we drove back to my sister's. We drove back home. The weekend was great but I sure wanted to be home. I missed my cats..hehehe..but now I am home and I am happy. I have to get ready for the week. Laters!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:21 PM ----- BODY:
Woho!! Hip Hip horray!! Today is a happy day!! Tentative Tour Dates for Tori in April 2005! Posted Tue, Jan 25, 2005 - 1:26am ET Tentative tour schedule to Tori's solo tour in April 2005! April 1 - Tampa, FL April 3 - Orlando, FL April 4 - Atlanta, GA April 6 - Washington, DC April 8 - New York, NY April 11 - Philadelphia, PA April 12 - Boston, MA April 15 - Chicago, IL April 17 - Dallas, TX April 19 - Denver, CO April 22 - Seattle, WA April 24 - San Francisco, CA April 25 - Los Angeles, CA
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 6:35 PM ----- BODY:
The dawn is breaking A light shining through You're barely waking And I'm tangled up in you Yeah I'm open, you're closed Where I follow, you'll go I worry I won't see your face Light up again Even the best fall down sometimes Even the wrong words seem to rhyme Out of the doubt that fills my mind I somehow find You and I collide I'm quiet you know You make a frist impression I've found I'm scared to know I'm always on your mind Even the best fall down sometimes Even the stars refuse to shine Out of the back you fall in time I somehow find You and I collide Even the best fall down sometimes Even the wrong words seem to ryhme Out of the doubt that fills your mind You finally find You and I collide You finally find You and I collide You finally find You and I collide -Howie Day
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 11:09 PM ----- BODY:
Read Each One Carefully and Think About It a Second or Two 1. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.. 2. No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry. 3. Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to,doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have. 4. A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart. 5. The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them. 6. Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. 7. To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. 8. Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you. 9. Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful. 10. Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened. 11. There's always going to be people that hurt you so what you have to do is keep on trusting and just be more careful about who you trust next time around. 12. Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you. 13. Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. REMEMBER: WHATEVER HAPPENS, HAPPENS FOR A REASON.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 10:49 PM ----- BODY:
waaaaaaaah! I am so anxious right now. I feel I should be doing something. I feel I should be somewhere instead of home. I dont know what it is!? I am so anxious, I feel as if I ate a big chocolate bar on an empty stomach -- I feel so hipper, so jumpy, but at the same time so sleepy! I am surfing the net with nothing to look for. can it be withdraw symptoms from not returning to school this semester? Its killing me! Must go back!!!! well, I can hold off a few more months, if I get accepted to UTPA's MBA program. I really should be studying for the GMAT, but I feel the more I type, the more likely my anxiety will go away and disapear and go off into the void. I have so much work to do too. Metrics! Metrics! Metrics! Metrics! I have not updated anything!!!! I have a few hours, the meeting is not until 2pm tomorrow. I think I am going to wal-mart, thank God they are opened 24/7. Its open for people like me who cant find a thing to do at night....
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 1:03 AM ----- BODY:
Its almost 1am and like always, I cant seem to be sleepy. I dont know, I am beginning to sound like an old person who only sleeps an hour and is refreshed for the rest of the day. I got home at 6, watched my soap (which by the way is getting stupid) and took a nap from 7pm to 10pm. I woke up and was not sleepy anymore. That really bites -- I need to sleep like real, normal people. I found this great webpage with lots of Tori Amos downloads... I am so thankful to those Tori Amos freak fans that post everything there is to know about her, and mp3's. I dont ever have to buy or go hunting down for her singles.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 6:03 PM ----- BODY:
I have nothing to do today. We went looking for brides made dresses today and this is the one we decided on. Jan tried on her dress, it was beautiful. I need to shape up for her wedding, its in Sept. We are getting ready to go eat dinner with my brother. My sister is visiting from Fort Worth and we are all going to hang out. I dropped out of college! I am a college drop out! OMG! I decided to do that and concentrate on taking the GMAT and going to get my MBA. I hope it all works out fine. Well, I have to go and get time!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 5:13 PM ----- BODY:
My new years was fun! My sister, her boyfriend, mark and I went to 6th street. It was packed. It was fun. Then Mark and I went to Katz's it was good. We ended up coming back home at 4am. As for right now, I am watching the UT vs Michigan football game. Rose bowl in California. Its good. UT is leading 7 to 6, that might change after the commercial break. Today is a new year 2005 - wow. This is another year of school. Yes, I decided to stay. I have read 3 of the 18 book so far - they are good. I am stuck reading Don Quixote though, that book is the biggest book I have ever seen! I still have 3 1/2 weeks to read it. The game started again -- will talk later.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 1:58 PM ----- BODY:
I am at home! I am on holiday from work for 3 whole days! I am on holiday and I love it. For the past 4 years I have worked every single coorporate holiday. I have always been part of the "Skeleton" crew. Not by choice, by force. I did get used to it and excepted it as part of the job duties. I was after all getting holiday pay for it. But there are times in your life when you have to think and say, "wait, I am a human too and hopefully a valued employee here" why cant I take those days off as well? This year I had a choice (can you believe that?) work or have the time off. I am tired of always putting everyone before me. This year I kept thinking, I should take one for the team. Someone must stay and do the work - let the others enjoy the time off. HELL NO! not this year. I proudly told my manager that I chose to take the time off. I usually log in on my time off and help out. Not this year. I am enjoying the time with my sister, reading and watching tons of television. Its awsome! I love it!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 11:31 PM ----- BODY:
I have never been in a situation such as the characters in "closer" but I think I can relate. To be in love with someone and then having someone inturrupt your perfect life. You fall for them and you can't stop thinking about them. It becomes an obsession. Something you must have. Then to know the other person reacts, feels the same way you do -- you can either turn and walk away or accept it. You cant go back. You have initiated the relationship. I dont know what I would do. This movie left me so drained. So low, depressed. I felt what the characters went through. The love, the sadness, the anger, the hurt. Favorite quotes: "You're wonderful." "Don't ever forget it." -Closer "That's the spirit, thank you. Thank you for your honesty. Now Fuck off and die." -Closer Life it too short to be crabby. -Closer
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 1:01 AM ----- BODY:
I need to surrender to my feelings. I must not evaluate, rethink, map out or chart it. I will either return or stay away. Which way should I go? How will I feel after I make my decision? Will I regret it for the rest of my life? Will I live contempt with my decision? Time will only tell. I keep thinking of this day in and day out, while at work, while watching t.v. Will I miss out? Miss everything? Am I capable of going through with it one more time? Will all this mean anything at all? Sweet surrender -- that is what I must do. Give in complety - not underestimate my feelings, emotions, decisions. After all, that is all that I have. Will I be someone different if I dont go through with it? I wont feel like a looser. I will not loose, but will gain everything....
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:30 PM ----- BODY:
So you’re leaving In the morning On the early train But I could say everything’s alright And I could pretend and say goodbye Got your ticket Got your suitcase Got your leaving smile Oh, I could say that’s the way it goes And I could pretend and you won’t know That I was lying Because I can’t stop loving you No, I can’t stop loving you No, I won´t stop loving you Why should i We took a taxi To the station Not a word was said And I saw you walk across the road For maybe the last time, I don’t know Feeling humble Heard a rumble On the railway track And when I hear the whistle blow I walk away and you won’t know That i´ll be crying Because I can’t stop loving you No, I can’t stop loving you No, I won’t stop loving you Why should i Even try I´ll always be here by your side (why why why) I never wanted to say goodbye I´m always here if you change, change your mind So your leaving In the morning On the early train But I could say everything´s alright And I could pretend and say goodbye But that would be lying,no Because I can´t stop loving you (can´t stop loving you) No, I can´t stop loving you (I won´t stop loving you) No, I won´t stop loving you Why should I even try Because I can´t stop loving you (can´t stop loving you) No, I can´t stop loving you (that´s all I can do) No, I won´t stop loving you Why should i (why should I) Why should i (tell me why)Why should I even try By Phil Collins
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 8:10 PM ----- BODY:
I am so happy that Tori Amos is finally going to release a new album. I cannot wait for her to go on tour too. I hope she comes to Austin so that I can go see her. Actually I hope to take some time off to see her when she is in Austin. I will follower her too all the major cities. I also plan to see her in Las Vegas, that is after all the only reason I went last year. I amm just too happy! My parents are here for the holidays and its great! and its also supposed to ice! Super excited about that. Ok, I have to go, talk to you later :)
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 4:46 PM ----- BODY:
I've been thinking. I don't know if I should. Ever since this semester ended, I have wanted to not continue next semester. I am so tired. Feed up with driving through Austin traffic. Stuck on Mopac or IH-35 then going to school and sitting down for 3 hrs, drive home and getting there at 10:30pm. I am tired of drive thru windows, tired of my car. I hate the long drive from St. Edward's back home to Georgetown. I find myself questioning this thing that I am doing. Will it benefit me in the long run? I hope to stay with Dell for a long time, will a Liberal of Arts Masters get me anywhere? I have seriously been thinking of taking the spring off and rethink my goals. Is all this going to be worth it? Will it help me get better pay at work? Hell no. Its not like I am studying business. I do wish to persue my MBA, but when? I was thinking of enrolling to UTPA (online) and taking a few courses that will help me out if I ever hope to get into the MBA program. I dont know what I want anymore. I need time. I need money. I need - a vacation. I am a broken record, I do the same thing everyday at work. Its not like I have an interesting job, when I introduce myself in meetings I dont tell them that I am a "Senior Dispatcher" or a "SWAT dispatcher" I just tell them I am a plain o' dispatcher. After all, that IS what I do. My manager tells me I am doing a great job and that all the things I have volunteered to do look good and make me look like a hard worker - but is it really doing that? I have to go. I just found out my parents are not going to spend christmas with us. My brother is going to spend christmas with his fiancee's parents and my sister said she would come. It will only be us 3. Mark, lil and myself. oh, and our 3 children, prance, brillo and charlier jr. I love those cats. they are the children I cant have. One of my managers wife had a baby last week. I cried. I will never know how that feels. I gave him a little stuffed animal for his baby boy. He did say something nice, something that made me want to cry. "I know he is a boy." I said "Its ok. I will put it on his crib tonight and my other children will love it too." How sweet is that I thought. Nimodo - that's life.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:38 PM ----- BODY:
Just looking at this list makes my head hurt. How in the world am I going to handle this? I don't understand the logistics of this -- do they think that their class is the only one that semester? Here is a list of books I need to buy for next semester... This is for LAEC 6326 Women Writers Required Texts. - Remembered Rapture: The Writer at Work, bell hooks (selected chapters) - The House on Mango Street, Sandra Cisneros - The Vagina Monologues, Eve Ensler - The Handmaid’s Tale, Margaret Atwood - A Human Being Died That Night, Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela - Like One of the Family, Alice Childress - Additional poems and short readings to supplement these major texts may be provided by the instructor as needed. Writings by Emily Dickinson, Maxine Kumin, Gwendolyn Brooks, Lucille Clifton, Naomi Shihab-Nye, and Alice Walker have appeared in previous sections of the class. Recommended (not required) - Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life, Anne Lamott. If you are terrified of writing, this book is for you! - The Kiss, Kathryn Harrison Cited by bell hooks in her chapter on confessional writing. This is for LATS 6315 The Elusive Truth: Literature of Sacred and Profane Mystery - The Bacchae, C. E.Williams, tr. by Euripides - Transformations of Lucius; or The Golden Ass, Robert Graves by Apuleius - Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes - The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins - Lord Jim by Joseph Conrad - The Turn of the Screw by Henry James - A Passage to India by E. M. Forster - The Trial by Franz Kafka - The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky - The Ancient Mysteries by Marvin W. Meyer I am so ready to have a heart attack. I am starting to have chest pains..too much pressure! and class has not even started...God help! hehehe - enough drama, I need to buy them and read them before the semester starts.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 1:58 PM ----- BODY:
my parents came and went. they spent some time with us before they drove to florida. my mom looked worried. yesterday was her bday -- i gave her a DOVE shampoo kit for the trip. It came with a lupa, shampoo, conditioner, some other buty supplies. they left this morning at 3:30 am. Gosh, now that school is out I dont know what to do with myself. I am currently reading 4 books. I am reading: - The GMAT book - The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros - Brick Lane by Monica Ali - 10 minute guide to leadership by Elizabeth O'Leary. I need to think of a way to graduate by the summer, so that I can start the MBA program in the Fall. That's if I get accepted to the UTPA MBNA program. I hope I do. The cost of the entire degree there is equal to 1 semester of tuition at St. Edward's -- that would be a dream come true!!!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 11:44 PM ----- BODY:
I am so sad. My grandma is in the hospital again. She is in ICU. I am sad because the dr.'s found fluid in her lungs, they took some testes but think she has a blood clot in her lungs. He heart is weak and they think she might not survive. I am extremly sad because I know how much she is suffering. She has been getting dialysis 2 times a week and she is almost 90. I speak to my mom and she said she is ready. She is not sad anymore. What bothers me the most is that she is not going to Florida to see her. She said she speaks to her on the phone everyday. If I was in her position, I would be by my mom's side. Day and night. I don't know what my mom is thinking or why she is doing this. All this has made me look at the relationship I have with my mother. I grew inside her. She took care of me, she carried me inside of her for 9 months. I feel so horrible becuse sometimes I am rude to her, I think that she bugs me and is in my life when I all I want to do is for her to leave me alone. But this is different. If I would loose my mom, I dont know what I would do. I love her too much and care for her so much!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 3:05 PM ----- BODY:
So far so good. The GMAT seems to be a test I might pass without any problems. I better pass it because the cost is $225! Our christmas tree is up and it looks so beautiful. I told Mark I wanted to have one color theme only vs the multiple twinkel lights we have had before and he said it was fine. I choose yellow (no blinking) lights and red christmas spheres and now that the tree is real - we have to make sure that its fed water all the time. The cats love hanging out under it. The sleep there and they love to hang from the tree (literally). Oh, guess what? I bought an Inspiron 9200! I9200,PM 725(1.60GHZ) 40GB HARD DRIVE 128MB ATI MOBILITY RADEON 9700 512MB,DDR,333MHZ,2 DIMM 17" ULTRASHARP WXGA+,I9200 WINDOWS XP HOME,SP2,ENG,INSP
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 10:51 PM ----- BODY:
Tonight was the last night for the Liberal Arts Perspectives class. It was great! We met at an old house on campus. It was used before to house the presidents of the university but it was not made into offices.
I got there and this old house has been made into an ordinary office building. It is called Mang House and its the campus ministry building. All my classmates met and we all had wine and cheese and shrimp while we discussed each other's final project. The prof gave us a small paper bag with small papers. I got mine and I got a 9. Well, that ment I was person number 9 and present my project to the class. I had not gathered my data or any information on the project so I had only about an hour to gather my thoughts. I think I did well. I spoke to the class for about 5 minutes (that is a world record for me) I was very comfortable and was able to talk about a project I have not even started.
Tonight I am concentrating on the Greek Mythology project due tomorrow night. Thank God I have tomorrow off from work. I will write as much as I can tonight and work on it some more at school tomorrow.
From American poet Robert Lax: Live always (my friend) as if you had world as if you had would as if you had world... live always (my friend) as if you had world as if you had world enough and time.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 11:27 PM ----- BODY:
My parents are here. They come and they clean my house - I think its cool. I always tell them they don't have to - they still do. This weekend has been real cool. I had the carpet clean, my parents helped me rearange everything in the house. The house looks new, the same way we got it 2 1/2 years ago. We have a new cat, Charlie, and Brillo Pad and Prancer love him. My mom made menudo for me and we have been shopping to every store imaginable. My sister came down from Ft.Worth and her birthday was yesterday. She and I went to Applebee's last night and I bought her a drink. It was fun. Today I took my parents to eat chinease food. My parents love that stuff. My dad is currently attempting to fix my printer. I hope it works because I need to print some stuff out for nexst week. I have to go, the coffee just brewed my favorite coffee. Guatemal Antigua from Starbucks. I am a starbuck junkie.hehehe...laters.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 6:39 PM ----- BODY:
Thanksgiving came and went and I am sooOOOoo full. I ate so much it's not even funny. My mom even made menudo for dinner! Yippy! We have been cleaning the house because standley steemer is coming tomorrow to wash the carpet. I didnt know we had so much junk! well, I just thought I'd type something real fast.....I have to go.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 10:05 PM ----- BODY:

Born for Liberty by Sara M. Evans is a book I am currently reading for research I am doing. The countdown started a while ago and I have not finished my paper for Liberal Arts Prespectives. I hate spreading it out. I am used to writing papers days before it is due - I think I work better under pressure. This is grad school though - its a totally different ball game.

I have class tomorrow night. I have to finish reading a book called Ceremony for class discussion. There is so many books I am in the "middle of" and have not finished. I think that this holiday season, since it will be slow at work - I will catch up and finish off the 2 books I am reading in between the school reading I am doing.

Today we had an ops review -- I saw him. He walked late - as always. I have been praying hard, to not think about him. I hear his voice and I want to run to see him. Gosh, this is stupid. I cannot believe I spent all this semester writing short stories of him and of the imaginary life we do not have. I am taking the 2nd part of fiction writing - maybe I will expand on the stories.

My parents are coming tomorrow! I am so happy and I can't wait to see them. They are going to make my favorite Mexican dish -- menudo! yum!!!! Need to go to Wal-Mart, laters.

-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 2:49 PM ----- BODY:
Can I write a paper 20 pages long explaining why I think women in Greek Mythology were Goddesses, Whores, Wives, Seductress and Slaves? I want to concentrate in only 2 of the epic poem's we have been studying in Greek Mythology class -- The Illiad to The Odyssey. I want to discusss Athena (Goddesses), Helen (Whore or Slave?), Penelope (wife), Circe and Calypso (Seductress). By doing this -- I have to go back and read everything again. Maybe if I went straight to Sparknotes and read only the character analysis... I should hurry and finish this paper sincce I have one more paper for the "time" class. I am also writing about women and the change we have taken in movies -- 1950 to 2004. I plan to use "Mona Lisa Smile" "Mr. Mom" "Working girl" "Inventing the Abbots""Pleasantville" to name a few... I have to go...
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 4:32 PM ----- BODY:
We went to the Humane Society yesterday and we found Charlie! Well, a look alike Charlie! He looked at us and he raised his paws against the glass window....we bought him...we brought him home and its as if he was ment for us. He follows mark to the bedroom, sits around the keyboard and sleeps on the couch -- its as if he never left! Prancer and Brillo Pad still dont really like him -- but they will love him! I am so happy!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:48 PM ----- BODY:
I am watching Days of our lives. Its great! I am sitting in the couch and I am typing this on my laptop -- wireless is great! I dont really have anything to say -- just waisting time, commercial break and I hate watching them. Tomorrow I have off and I dont go to work -- G R E A T! I do have to go to school and speak to my professor about my last project but after that I am F R E E!!! well, I have to continue to research my subjects....grrrrrrrr I dont want to go to school anymore. I have 2 weeks left before this semester is over. I cant wait!!! I think i am just going to bum out - besides working, but as soon as I get home I will watch tv all night and surf the net. Well, I have to go..Days is starting again. (I taped it today)
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 11:50 AM ----- BODY:
Satuday was an awful day for me! Mark left for work and I stayed behind and watched my favorite foodnetwork shows. I then took a shower, cleaned the house, did some school work and saw the clock. It was about 1:30 and decided that I should get something to eat. I did think about Mark and remembered that he would get out at 4:30 - so by 5 we should have dinner. Breakfast, lunch and dinner for me. I started getting a headache but decided not to eat. Boy, will I regret that for the rest of my days...mark took me to the olive garden -- he was so sweet. But I gobbled down the food since I was real hungry and I did have a headache. After we left, my head started to hurt more and more. we went to walgreen's to get tylenol and we headed for the mall. Mark wanted to go home since he knew I was sick, but I was hard headed and told him I wanted to go to the mall. My head was throbbing by then -- I went to the restroom to splash some water on my face -- but I ran to the bathroom and **close your eyes here** threw up all over the bathroom toilet. It was bad...but after words I felt a little better. We walked around the mall and went back home. As soon as I get home I had to run to the bathroom know for what. I went to bed hoping all this would go away...I woke up hungry!! So mark went to whataburger and got me some BOB's - he also got me a starbucks coffee....right now I should be finishing up my school work for tonight's class - but its raining real bad! I hope there is no class tonight. Laters!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 11:36 PM ----- BODY:
Tomorrow is Saturday and I hope to rest a bit before I start working on school work again. I don't feel like writing anymore, I am tired. I have no idea how I am going to do it next semester - I am taking 12 hrs! That is crazy! Employed full time and going to school full time. Here is my schedule:
I just hope I don't die of stress or collapse and trip and fall. When I drive back home, I fall asleep for a few seconds - its scary. I am super sleepy I think I will tkae advantage of this and go to bed...
Good night!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 11:38 PM ----- BODY:
Instead of having Greek Mythology class tonight, Brother George decided we should go see opening night of "Metamorphoses" production by the St. Edward's theater department. I did not want to go because it was going to start at 7:30pm and I figured we'd be getting out late -- I was tired, hungry..the whole bit. Boy was I wrong! This production was great!
All of the Opheus, Eurydice and Baucis and PHilemon mythic tales (to name a few) were all recreated but around a large swimming pool! I loved it! Great idea! and I sat close to the stage -- it was just an awsome experience. I didnt know the mythic tales cound be told so successfully. I was amazed. I am going to start reading "the ovid" I bought it back in August for Greek Myth class but never really bothered to open it -- all the myth tales we have discussed in class were in the play tonight. I want to go see it again. Click here to view the St. Edward's Mary Moody Northen Theatre Schedule and information.
I came out feeling refreshed and fullfilled -- weird. I think I want to be a professor now. I was thinking I don't have a future at Dell, although I LOVE the dpt I am working at - I dont think there is space for an MLA student in that MBA infested group...
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 11:20 PM ----- BODY:
It will all be worth it in the end. I have to keep telling myself that phrase over and over again. Why did I commit myself to this torture? Sleep deprivation? Craving more time in my life -- but instead, I went back to school and now I suffer from not having enought sleep. I do not even have a schedule to eat properly. I get up at 5 am, get ready, go to work -- work flies, I do so much. I keep myself busy -- I do not even know why, its not like they even notice the work that I do. I have dispatching and wish I never would have to do it -- but I am stuck doing it. I changed my title at work from "Dispatcher Specialist" to just plain ol' "dispatcher" I can do metrics, reports, presentations but in the end, I am just a dispatcher and that sucks real bad.
Anyway, I just came back from school. I drove by KFC - those people already know who I am. I get home, eat and continue to do school work. Last night I finished reading "A geography of time" by Robert Levine - I highly recommend it. It was good. Now I am off to read "Ceremony" by Leslie Marom Silko. I hope it is as good as "A geography..."
I also want to finish reading "The Odyssey" for Greek Mythology class but I have no time. Heck, I bought a book for fun reading -- "Brick Lane" by Monica Ali. So far so good. I am up to chapter 3. Anyway, enough of this I will go back to writing my "Its all greek to me" paper 2.
Tomorrow night the class is going to watch a play at the University - I hope its good, if not, I will just nap. Good night dear void!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 12:36 PM ----- BODY:
Catching up with school work - that is what I will be doing all day today. I finished my time journals and now I am finishing up my art analysis paper. Oh, low carb and loving it just started, but its a rerun. I am changing it back to "Hollywood Jookups" on E!
I heard the dept head of the MLA program at St. Edward's saying that they plan to get a PHD program ready. Can you belive that?!! That will be awsome! I would have a B.A., MLA and PHd all from St. Edward's!!! Holly moses - I would love that.
I am hungry but I am too lazy to go somewhere and get food. I have a full fridge of bad food - I have not had time to do some decent grocery shopping since May of 2003. I feel like making soup or something. I also have not cooked something good in so long -- maybe after this semester finishes I will start cooking up my favorite foods. I miss making chicken caldo, lemon chicken, fajitas -- I am hungry now, let me get an atkins chocolate bar...
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 11:28 PM ----- BODY:
I had a presentation tonight and I flopped. I hate public speaking -- I don't know when I will ever face this fear and defeat it. Oh well. I have a lot of homwork - but I will work on it Saturday. I am so tired and I feel so sick right now....I am so sleepy...I want a vacation. I have to go.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 4:58 PM ----- BODY:
One of my ultime favorite movies! I am watching this movie while I wait for Mark to come out of work. We are on our way to Fort Worth. We are going to spend the night with my sister and then tomorrow we are going to the Dallas Game. I am happy because this is going to be our second time going to an NFL game. Mark wishes it was the Bucs instead, but we talked about it and we are going to go to one next season. Hopefully the Bucs will be better next year. I voted yesterday. I was so happy. I went to the Georgetown courthouse and it is so facinating how this small town still has the old fashion way of voting -- it is not like in bigger cities such as Austin where they have touchscreen booths or other types of high tech devices. I got in line, verified my voting status and then I got a ballot. I had to sit in an old chair, with pencil on hand and fill in the circles...I voted republican all the way. I love Bush and love all the hard work he has done for this country -- he has, sometimes done things that I have not agreed with, but overall, he is the toughest president we have had in a while. I am keeping my fingers crossed that he wins this coming week. Yesterday I got a UPS delivery. It was my 5 year anniversary desk clock I got for working at Dell that long. Mark is here, I have to go get ready..
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 11:40 PM ----- BODY:
TORI AMOS READIES NEW ALBUM THE BEEKEEPER AND PUBLISHES FIRST BOOK TORI AMOS: PIECE BY PIECE. BOTH COMING IN FEBRUARY! This February Tori Amos will unveil two exciting projects- a new CD entitled The Beekeeper (in stores February 22) and her first book Tori Amos: Piece by Piece, co-written with journalist Ann Powers. Currently, Tori is putting the finishing touches on The Beekeeper, which she's recording and self-producing in her UK studio Martian Engineering. On songs like "Sweet the Sting," "Sleeps with Butterflies," and "Ribbons Undone," Tori incorporates vintage organs, Afro-Cuban drums and Gospel choirs, working once again with longtime partners, drummer Matt Chamberlain and bassist Jon Evans.Click here for a photo of Tori in the studio. "The Beekeeper is musically inspired by the fact that the piano has realized that she has an organ - with my right hand on her organ and my left hand on her piano keys, I have been changed by the relationship between these two beautiful creatures, the Bosendorfer piano and the B3 Hammond organ. "In the book Tori Amos: Piece by Piece co-penned with writer Ann Powers, the usually private Tori gives a rare inside look into many intimacies of her life as both a private individual and a very public performing musician. The book, published by Broadway Books (a division of Random House), will be released on February 8th. On Thursday, February 24, Tori and Ann will make a special appearance at the 92nd Street Y in New York City.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 12:12 AM ----- BODY:
Today I called in sick to work -- but I worked from home. I was really feeling real sick, tired and fed up. I took a shower and went back to bed, at 7 am I wrote my manager an email, tell her I was working from home. It was ok, I worked, watched my soap -- forgot to vote! I am going tomorrow!!!! Have to vote for my buddy Bush....I hope Kerry does not win, if he does - we are all doomed!!! I have to move to Panama -- work remotley from there, sorry Michael Dell. I have so much school work to do before I leave for this weekend trip. Cowboys here we go! Should be fun! ...feeling sleepy, must go to bed....
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 12:14 AM ----- BODY:
I woke up this morning at 6:20 am. I took my time to shower, change, walk out of home. I drove to the starbucks, bought me some gum, The New York Times and drove to work. Notice anything? Yes, I have decided that I will not rush my time as I always do. I think I have been living under the "Time is money" motto. Always thinking of the clock. Thinking of everyone else except for myself.
Today I did not rush, freak out, or stressed out about work. I just let it be. I got to work at 7:40 am and I didnt even log in to my system, instead, I enjoyed my warm cup of coffee and read the The New York Times. It felt good. I even took my time to check how many dispatches I had waiting for me. I wrote down each task I had to do -- and followed the list. Multitasking was nowhere near my vocabulary this morning. At exactly 10 am I checked the dispatch list. I had close to 30, but I did not stress out. I took one at a time. I am going to do the same again when I get to work in a couple of hours. It feels good, not having to worry about everything all the time.
I can't wait for this weekends NFL game. This will be our 2nd time watching the Cowboys. Our ultimate plane is to fly to Florida and watch the Bucs in action -- maybe next year. Goodnight dear void!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 12:06 AM ----- BODY:
It is Thursday. Had class a couple of hours ago and stopped at my favorite place to eat -- KFC. I love going after class because that is when they have good deals. I can get 10 pieces of chicken for $5.99. cant beat that! I think they also know's class was long! At least it gave me ideas for the next 2 major papers I have to write before the end of the semester. One has to be 18 pages -- that's like writing half of my CAPSTONE paper all over again. It has to do with greek mythology..blah blah blah..i think I will write it on the women of Homer (The Illiad and Odessey) or the sexuality of the time. It looks like men got away with a lot!
Gosh, I shouldnt of eaten that much! I also had a lot of soda...and tomorrow, we have an all hands meeting. I might as well just hit the books and not go to bed -- what's the purpose of sleeping but a few hours if I have to get up soon....good morning dear void!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:52 PM ----- BODY:
Today I skipped school. I am just so tired. I was fully drained out today....doing all these metrics and updating all these slides for meetings. Heck, I don't care...but I must do it because I want to move up in my dpt. I wanted to skip class tomorrow night as well, but I am afraid I must go - since I already skipped one day...I will just read the cliff notes for the chapters. I am skipping class on 10/31 and going? yes, you guessed it! Dallas Cowboys Texas Stadium 10/31/04 @ 12:00 PM I am sooOOOOoo excited! I can't will be fun. We are going to be in Section 35...close to the middle of the whole shabang..should be fun. Well, I have to catch up with school work...laters.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 4:04 PM ----- BODY:
I have to finish my school work before class tonight. I have 2 1/2 hrs before I read, write and take off. Going to Chipotle really delayed finishing up. I hate this class anyway. It's that writing class. Everyone's stories suck! I hate to have to sit through 3 hrs of discussion. Maybe I will be a little late..that sounds like a good idea.
Mark and I plan to go to another Dallas Cowboy game. Hopefully on 10/31. It should be fun! I can't wait! I have to get ready for class...
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 10:59 PM ----- BODY:
I am watching Days of our Lives and its cliff hanger Friday..I love this soap!Thanks to SoapNet I get to watch the noon show on NBC at 6pm. I have been a loyal fan ever since Dr. Marlena Evans was possed by an evil spirit back in '93? Anyway -- I caught up with it back at TSTC when I lived at the dorms. Its awsome!
Yesterday we had an offsite at work and it was sooOOOoo much fun! Anyway, I got back home and at exactly 6pm I closed my eyes...I work up at 5:25 am...I have never slept that much...not since I was a kid! I have to go..must catch up with Days...laters!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 11:37 PM ----- BODY:
I came back from school around 10:30 or so and I had a big dinner. I am super sleepy but I must finish some school work. My presentation went well I think. I did mess up a bit - what do you expect? I didnt really prepare! not only that, I just got nurvous.
Tomorrow I have a follow up with the audiontologist - lets see what they find. If I need a hearing aid, so be it, but I just hope its not too expensive since my insurance does not cover it. Gee, who am I kidding -- it will probably be alot of $$$.
Well, I must finish book 4 of the Odessey -- good night dear void!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 11:48 PM ----- BODY:
I know its too early for this -- but I am super excited and I think I am going to go for it! this is also very interesting: I looked at other Universities but I think this is the best programs for me to join. Just thinking about it brings a smile to my face....I will seriously look into it and see what happends! :) Good night dead void!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 4:03 PM ----- BODY:
It's about freaking time the Buccaneers win one. I was beginning to think they were going to suck all season long. Simms did get injured during the 2nd quarter -- some dumb 400 lbs player sat on him.
Today has been filled with school work and anxiety. I go back to work tomorrow and I have a lot of work to do. I also keep worring about this presentation I have to do on Tuesday. It's only 5 mininutes but the thought of it all -- gives me a headache.
I want to take another vacation.....well, I have to wait until next year.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 3:46 PM ----- BODY:
It is 3:41 pm and I should be finishing up my school work, I am not. I spent most of the morning making fun of the UT football game. I was not going for either of the teams, I just thought it was funny that they have not been able to beat OU for the past 5 years..anyway. I started reading my scholarly journal -- its more like a study on time. I don't know how I will do this stupid presentation on Tuesday - I hate presentations, mostly because I always screw up and it ends up all wrong.
I am relaxing with music from Bond. They are are so cool. I really like their music, they relax me and put me at ease...I have a headache/anxiety/weird sensation right now. i dont know what it is, its more like I dont want to be cooped up in this house doing school work. I would rather be out and about, or maybe just sitting on the couch watching the food network. well, I should not talk, I am typing here instead of finishing up my work. Ok -- enough waisting time. Oh dear! that is the theme for the stupid class I am taking...TIME!
A walk through time....see yah later!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 1:18 AM ----- BODY:

I just finished watching Nip/Tuck and I am sorda freaked out. I love shows that leave me feeling that way....a cat in heat also freaked me out. It was outside the backdoor and it was staring right inside the house. The back door is glass -- so it really freaked me out when I saw a grey cat meowing at the top of its lungs and staring at poor brillo and prancer.

The same thing happend last year when charlie was still alive. He was looking out the glass door and there was another cat looking inside the house and it was really freaky because they had the same color furr ...they both probably thought they were looking at a mirror or something like that.

Yesterday I had a real bad migrane. I hate when that happends -- headaches so bad that it feels my brain is about to explode! I actually thought my brain was going to pop and I was going to fall dead on the mom gave me 2 tylenol and I am ok now, but I broke my atkins way of living tonight because I ate 3 twinkies...I was craving carbs, that never happends. I guess I am really stressed out because of school and the school work I have -- also, the stupid doctor never called me back with my test results. I just want to know if I am going to need another operation or what...that way I can get some sleep. I think I cant sleep either because of that diet dr pepper I had about an hour ago. Damn, what's wrong with me? I am just too stressed, I don't need this. I should get ready and get my stuff ready because I plan to go to the school library and study....I have a paper, a presenation and half of "The Odyssey" to read oh and I have to ready part 3 (about 100 pages) of another stupid book, as if that was not enough. I want to quit school for a while, but I want to finish what I started and dont want to give up. Am I a quitter? no! I will feel that way if I do that...
I think I need to take a vacation -- not a vacation like this past week, I am talking about a couple of days off where I dont have to worry about school or school work, or having to pay bills, or take care of the husband or going to work.
I know where I want to be right now. I want to be at that beach in Cozumel -- the one I was on in 2001. The sand was untouched, virgin sand -- the water was clear, clear as crystal. The waves danced and the sound of the beach was romantic. It sang to comforted me. How I wish I was there....good night dear void!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 7:25 PM ----- BODY:
It's day 4 on my vacation and I have not done anything productive. I found myself sleeping late, which is odd for me and logging in to my PC at work. I know, I know -- I can't stay away. I am so used to working and I can't seem to stay away - what a looser?
and to top it off -- I am coming down with a cold! I hate when I get sick -- which is once or twice a year. I loose my voice! that is the worse!!!
Yesterday we finished "the illiad" and now I ave to start to read "The odyssey" lets see how that book goes -- I also go back to work on Monday. I hope I am not sick by then, because its goijng to suck if I have to work from home...
I am so excited because I am currently typing on my new C610 system. I wwent to and won this wonderful system all for only $500! and it still has over 250 days of service on site and gold tech support. Great right!? I just recently started watching that CSI program -- so far I like what I am watchcing. I hope I dont start to like it because then I am going to be hooked on it an that is the last thing I want to do...anyway, got to go..
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 1:18 AM ----- BODY:
It is now 1:13 am and I am doing school work. I attended class tonight but was not really ready to go. I was hungry -- but didn't want to eat. I was thirsty so I went down stairs to the coffee shop and bought a Diet Dr. Pepper, a water and a coffee. I went back to the 3rd floor and waited for class to start. I had left home at 2:30 because I needed to work in the computer labs - I had 2 hrs to hang and do nothing. I was kicking myself in the butt because I had forgotten one of my books and I wanted to read those chapters. So I sat there alone, with nothing to do -- waisting time. I have been having the weirdest dreams. On Saturday my dream was about me lying in bed. D was standing up massaging my feet. He was smiling at me and I felt good. Sunday morning my dream was about flying. We went up into the sky and landed as quickly as we took off. I was also being attacked by somoene (daniel from techsupport) with a injection which was supposed to help delete your memory. He chased me around but I begged him not to do it. I am so freaking sleepy -- my vacation starts tomorrow, lets see if I can actually do some productive work around the house.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 3:02 PM ----- BODY:
I went to the dr and it was a nightmare. I don't think its my week. All full of bad news. First I am going deaf, second, I may need surgery again. I think I am being punished for something I did. A punishment from God? Why does this happen? My faith in God has been on the low for while, I do not mean any disrepect, but why me? I must ask that question. I have done everything by the book. Well, not lately. I have been bad. I am doing things that I was taught not to do. As a child, that scared the living daylights - now, I accept it. A way of life. Maybe I was not meant to be this way. Maybe someday I will understand.
I have to get ready for my presentations tonight. I will talk later....
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 8:00 PM ----- BODY:
I left home at 6:20am because I figured it would take me a while to get to downtown Austin. I knew that there would be traffic and I was afraid to be late to my dr. apt. I stopped at the tigermart and decided to pump gas and get some coffee -- I arrived 38th street at 7am. What was I going to do with an hour and a half? I drove around the neighborhood and saw the most beautiful houses. I love those old houses that are in that area and wish that I too lived there. I would probably hate the traffic -- but other than that - it would be a dream. I noticed parents walking their kids to school. Many people walking their dogs, doing everyday things. I saw a Burger King and stopped there for some breakfast, I figured I had a lot of time, might as well make good use of it. I got a #1 and a small coffee (havent I had enough?) I sat and enjoyed watching people walk and others drive. At 8:15am I drove to the hospital. I received a hearing test, it was scary and funky. I would be very particular about someone sticking stuff in my ear...she (the assistant) had me repeat some words, taking turns with my left and right ear. Then some beeps, short ones and long ones. determined that I am below hearing standards and that I do have some type of hearing loss. When the dr. saw me he said not to worry because maybe that is just the level of hearing I have had all along. but he did say that there is nothing he can do to prevent the hearing loss. He suggested I go see him again in 6 months or if I have any other problems. He suggested a hearing aid and/or medication if the problem continues. I have another dr. apt on wednesday -- lets see how that goes. Gyno here we go? Not something I like to say. I get so sad when I go because I always see pregnant women - so happy. All talking about their due date and their bad I will never experience that...ok, I am getting depressed...logging off before I start to get sad. I have a lot of school work I must finish...
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 2:22 PM ----- BODY:
crap! i think i lost hearing from one of my ears! I think its all that rock n roll music i listened to in the 80's and 90's. Ok, I am not THAT Old - but my parents let me listen to poison, bon jovi, metalica...anyway!!! I scheduled an apointment with an ear dr. I just hope he says my hearing is fine and that i dont need anything. I do have all the symptoms :( - Muffled hearing. - Difficulty understanding what is being said, especially when there are competing voices or background noise. (You may be able to hear someone speaking, but you cannot distinguish the specific words.) - Listening to the television or radio at higher volume than in the past. - Avoiding conversation and social interaction - Ringing, roaring, hissing, or buzzing in the ear (tinnitus). Tinnitus is a symptom typical of many types of hearing loss. - Ear pain. Wah!!!!!!!!! Well, lets say what the Dr. says. Laters
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 11:21 PM ----- BODY:
That song is so old school! I am listening to it as I surf the net. Actually I was paying bills online. Nothing going on lately - working and going to school. I have been ignoring class work, bad thing to do since I am now a grad student and not an undergrad - hopefully I will get back in the bandwagon this weekend and get my butt in gear, start doing some school work. My last week of vacation is coming up and I have no idea what to do or where to go -- maybe I can take a few days to go to the beach and take the rest later? I am not sure what to do -- feeling sleepy, must go to bed.....Good night dear void!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 7:14 PM ----- BODY:
It's is another hectic year for me. It is my 3rd week of grad school and I have read enough to last a long while. The Illiad is growing on me, soon the Odessy (is that how you spell it?) I finally finished reading "a sideways look at time" and started writing a 4 page paper that is due...tuesday. I need to schedule an appointment for the dr again -- I think I am sick again. Damn, it took me a while to get over this -- now it looks like it has come back. As long as she says its not cancer -- i will be fine. I think i still have a few good years left before this takes over and i die a slow painfull death....well, i guess it ok then -- since i cant have children. sometimes i wish i could. its a big part of a womans existance - to be a mom and i will be missing that. not by choice, but by force - God created me -- just a little broken. i am not complaining, i love my life but i find that i am subbing what i cant have with other things....exibit 1 -- school. i think i am so involved in it -- to ignore my feelings. Tom's wife is having a baby, he said so at our last metrics meeting, I wanted to burst out and cry..but i controled myself. i see all these people at work with children and pictures of their kids - i get so sad, they have the perfect nuclear family. i pass by my bosses desks and i see how they have pictures of their children, children that i cant have -- one of them could be mine! Oh poor samantha elizabeth..she will never be born. Dear God - I hope a nice carrying family has her and loves her just like i would if i could of had her...gosh, i am getting so depressed...
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 6:57 PM ----- BODY:
My birthday was great! I suggested Katz's for dinner. I loved that place, I have lived in the Austin area since 1997 and I had never gone to this place. It was great! I had the #15 and Mark and I shared a small cheesecake... my sister drove down from ft. worth and came to see me for the weekend - short weekend that is. we went to 6th street at about midnight on Friday..errr..Saturday and we went to the Library. She opened a tab for us and we jugged as much alcohol as possible...after a few long island ice tea's and amaretto sours and some other stuff I don't remember, we left to walk down 6th street. The bars had stopped serving alcohol so I am guessing it was about 2am...we walked up and down and laughed at other drunk people. We saw a guy carrying his girlfriend and he fell on top of was funny! After about an hour we walked the 3 blocks to our about 4am i could not drive anymore so we stopped at my bro's house to sleep. we woke up at around 6:30 am and drove to my house. we woke up at around 12, by then mark had left for work... when he came back we had lunch, went to the mall and hung out...
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 8:38 PM ----- BODY:
i got home after work and checked my voice mail. i was so excited because it was the director of the MLA department - she asked me to call her. It was 5:45pm but I called hoping she'd still be there, SHE WAS! She congratulated me because I got accepted to the masters program!! HOLLY MOSES! i start classes on Tuesday. This is the BEST birthday present ever!!!! I called my parents and they were thrilled! Then I called my sister and my brother called me from Hawaii! It was awsome!
I cannot wait to tell mark! He is going to be thrilled!!!! I am hungry, i cant wait for him to come so we can go eat...and tell him I am a grad student. I never thought this would happen to me. I always thought that I would have a dead end job and unhappy. Applying to St. Ed's was the best thing that has ever happend to me - aside from mark. I have to go shopping for school supplies now!!!
Grad school here we goooooooooooooooooo!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 2:17 PM ----- BODY:
I am so angry right now. It's my birthday - I know. I came to work this morning and I was hoping for my cube to be decorated with baloons and confeti - I guess I expect too much. Mark remembered my b-day last night, so that's not good because he didnt buy me anything. He didnt even have any plans, its ok- he works late so I understand. But work sucks today. I am working with pain in both my hands - stupid tendunities. So I left to Hastings because no one invited me to lunch! Sure, most people that knew, wished me a "happy birthday" but no one asked if I wanted to go eat or something. Screw them! I left to Hastings and I found a CD. I also stopped by Starbucks and got me a venti frapacino..who cares how much sugar or carbs it has - I deserve it. It is 2pm and I am going to go home to an empty house. I will watch my soap and that's about it. I wanted to go to TGIF's for dinner and eat. But then I saw myself, alone, sitting all alone and the waiter feeling sorry for me. Then waiting for the food. But I couldn't do that to myself in public, I would rather do that in I will do that. what a sucky birthday.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 12:20 AM ----- BODY:
I have not heard from the admissions office. I am dying to get back to school - but I have a feeling I am not going to get in this Fall. I am just full of energy with nothing to do these days. I am going nuts! Maybe if I joing a gym or something. I hate coming to an empty house after work. Mark does not get back until close to 10pm. I just sit around and watch tv, read, listen to music or bum out. If I get in, great! If I don't - I need to join a club or get another job. Mark told me to just go home and relax, what is that? I can't relax. I already tried. I lay in bed or on the couch and my foot moves. I tell myself I must relax, but I just can't. If I don't start doing something ..I am going to pop! Well, my b-day is tomorrow. I don't have anything planned and Mark had not mentioned anything about my day, I don't blame him, he works a lot and late! My brother and his girlfriend are out having a great time in Hawaii and my sister is in Ft. Worth, I guess I will celebrate alone. I was thinking of going to my bro's and just hanging out on the jacuzzi - but then again, I should treat myself to some TGIF's food. I only turn 29 once....weird, I don't feel that age. Well, I will celebrate a lone. I wont tell anyone at work. Maybe I can even go in late. Maybe not..if I show up after 7:30am - the daily reports wont be updated on time...what is a girl to do on her bday? It should be illigal to work when it is someone's bday - I have to go to bed, tomorrow I am presenting Swat metrics at a new meeting I need to start going to...gross!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 4:56 PM ----- BODY:
I go back to work tomorrow. I go back to a "mediocre" job. I am going to sit all day and dispatch warranty services for some moron who does not even need hardware replacement on his system. (Panama techs -- what can I say?) It never really bothered me really. I was waking up everyday and going to a job that I loved. It was great being around people who actually cared, well - at least I hope they cared. Tomorrow I am going to go back to the ordinary - not that there is nothing wrong with having a job and earning money that is paying the bills, etc. I just don't think I am going to have the fun that I had a week ago. I must sound so stuck up. But lets be honest here - I am going to wake up at 5am, get ready, go to work. I will log on to my PC and open the usual programs I use to dispatch. I am going update the daily OOT file and the OOT slides for Doug Schmitt. I will then continue to dispatch while I create DS#'s for Unisys. That's it. Where is the fun in that? Then I am going to have people ask me how my vacation was and if I did anything fun? I am going to put that fake smile on and pretend like I care. Anyway... This week I have not done anything productive, well just freak out about what I am going to do now that I have graduated. Should I go back to school? Leave my job? I found myself this morning reading over the Austin American Statesman classifieds...I want something different. I recently started reading a book called: Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation by Lynne Truss. Great book! Highly recommend it. Mark left for work today and I have been hanging out all day at home - watching television, eating. I bought some pictures today from ....
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 11:27 PM ----- BODY:
I found this site and its cool. Here are my results: The Map
The Map personality is often deeply and intimately involved in the world. This world however is usually inside his/her own mind. Thoughtful to the extreme, this type is often obsessed with perfection and the rules governing their own personal interests. They are generally good-natured people, and are often in areas not important to them very easy-going. Step across the line in regard to something the Map deems important however and you will recognize the wrath of the true believer. Principles to the Map are generally black and white. Their understanding of these principles however are always in question. Because the Map personality believes strongly in justice, it will often question its own perceptions, in fear that a mistake could have disastrous consequences. This prevents the Map personality from becoming too dictatorial or didactic.
Wow - I think you can say that's me!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 10:26 PM ----- BODY:
well, i finally graduated! I am super excited - but what do I do now? Do I stay in my current job or go off looking for something else? I need more money and I hope I get a raise or something. Anyway, if you want to see pictures of my graduation here is it the link: I am super happy...I am off this week and I have not done anything productive. I cant study because I do not have any homework and I just want to sit all day and watch t.v. oh well, lets see what happends on monday when i show up to work.. I feel like I have gained weight - maybe because i have not done anything.....
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 2:33 PM ----- BODY:
I am currently at home. why not at work you ask? I am so sick! I woke up this morning with a headache, heartburn, nurvesness, dizziness..i cant even spell! i did go to work late. I showed up at 11am - but that didnt help. my manager told me to come home and not to stress too much over school. i know its almost over, but i have one more assignment i cant seem to get rid of. damn it! i wrote 6 pages - all i need to do is finish the conclusion and i am done. why did i freaking wait until the end of everything? didnt i learn anything in college? well i am going to go watch some novelas or something, relax and then get back to work. laters.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 10:13 PM ----- BODY:
MEMORANDUM TO: August Graduate and New College Students FROM: Donna M. Jurick, SND, Executive Vice President RE: August Graduation Ceremony for Graduate and New College Students Saturday, August 14, 2004 at 10:00 a.m. Recreation and Convocation Center Greetings! The day draws near, and I hope that these instructions will be helpful for you. 1. Enter the Recreation and Convocation Center (RCC) through the northwest entrance (across from the Old Gym--look for signs).Please assemble, with caps and gowns, in the west corridor of the RCC, lower level. This is the corridor outside of the main gym floor. You should be in line no later than 9:30 a.m. 2. The faculty marshals will be there to help you line up and march in. (Tassels should be on the right side of your mortarboard.) There will be no place for personal items to be stored during the graduation. All participants are required to wear caps and gowns. Please carry your hood draped over your left arm with the colors showing. You will be directed to put your hood on during the ceremony and after conferring of the degrees. 3. The graduates will walk in, single file, promptly at 10:00 a.m. and will sit in the blue chairs reserved for them in the center section of the main gym floor. All should remain standing until the last students are at their seats, at which time all will sit down in unison at the marshals' signal. 4. Seating will be available for guests in the fixed seating on the north side of the gym, the bleachers on the south side of the gym, and on the gym floor in seats other than those reserved for the graduates. Seats on the gym floor can be reached by stairs or elevator. 5. Dr. Martin, President of St. Edward's University, will confer the degrees upon all the graduates. Graduates will stand in place for the conferring of the degrees and at Dr. Martin’s direction put on their hoods. After the formal conferring of the degrees, graduates will be seated. Marshals will direct graduates to stand and move to the stage by rows. 6. Each dean will read the names of graduates for his/her school. (Note: Graduates, please contact your dean if you are concerned about the pronunciation of your name.) When your turn comes to receive your diploma, move to the top of the left-hand steps to the stage. Wait until your name is actually called before walking across the stage. Accept the diploma cover from Dr. Martin with your left hand; shake hands with your right. Proceed across the stage to the stairs on the right to return to your seat. Before leaving the stage, use your right hand to shift your tassel to the left side of your mortarboard. Go down the aisle to the right of the graduates' section and return to your row. Remain standing until the last person in your row has returned, then sit in unison. 7. At the end of the ceremony, the graduates will exit through the EAST doors as directed by the marshals. You will then exit the south doors to the driveway outside of the RCC, and meet your guests outside. A reception for all graduates and their guests will be held in the Ragsdale Center's third floor Mabee Ballroom immediately following the ceremony. CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR GRADUATION!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 10:06 PM ----- BODY:
Return to innocence
By Enigma
That's not the beginning of the end
That's the return to yourself
The return to innocence
Love - Devotion
Feeling - Emotion
Love - Devotion
Feeling - Emotion
Don't be afraid to be weak
Don't be too proud to be strong
Just look into your heart my friend
That will be the return to yourself
The return to innocence
If you want, then start to laugh
If you must, then start to cry
Be yourself don't hide
Just believe in destiny
Don't care what people say
Just follow your own way
Don't give up and use the chance
To return to innocence
That's not the beginning of the end
That's the return to yourself
The return to innocence
Don't care what people say
Follow just your own way
Follow just your own way
Don't give up, don't give up
To return, to return to innocence.
If you want then laugh
If you must then cry
Be yourself don't hide
Just believe in destiny.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 12:22 AM ----- BODY:
I wonder if the New Kids on the Block will ever go on tour again? wouldnt that be sooOOooo cool? then this time, I can go watch them live, instead of on video tape. Well, its official - I finished my thesis. Sometimes its good to be a girl. I waited for the hippie on wednesday at the lobby of Moody Hall. He came in and sat next to me. We started talking about the thesis and if I had decided to do the oral presentation. I said "heck no" and he laughed, saying that all students always want to just skip it and do something else. i told himm that I get extremly shy -- he said he gets nurvous just teaching sometimes. Anyway - he reviewed my paper, fixed and grammar stuff and said it was a solid "A" wow....this is just too cool. I am also done with the magazine writing class. On thursday I submitted my "personal narrative" for review. Everyone seemed to like it. It was about that time i went to see Norah Jones with Rudy. It was so good, according to everyone and even the prof loved it. She said it was "an awsome" narrative and that it would be cool if I tried to publish it in a woman's magazine. She thinks its all true - its all lies. Its true, I did go to a Norah Jones concert -- but everything else that happend is not true. hehehehe. All pieces I have written in that class have been fabricated. I am not a magazine writer, I am a creative writer - give me a subject and I will write make-belive stuff. Like the profil I did on my manager, 90% of the information is not true. I made it up, i made his life more exciting. Friday Doug Schmitt said "HI how are you doing today?" to me and all I said was "fine" and walked away. I think he wanted to chat - he looked like lumberg. He had that cup of coffee in his hands, but all i could think of was OTFTF and how I had to get mark's number in Barbados so he can explain it. Well I have to go -- Toxic started playing and I have to do the Britney dance...
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 8:17 PM ----- BODY:
Eu sou tired real e eu não posso esperar para graduar-se da faculdade. Eu estou esperando aterrar um trabalho bom ou para posicionar em algum lugar mais.  Eu amo a canção que eu estou escutando - seus tori Amos's 1000 Ocean.Tomorrow eu retiro o dia. Eu desejo que eu posso sair e partido ou ir relógio um filme - mas eu devo ir estudo e terminar meu homework. Eu sou assim tired de datilografar e da vir acima com idéias em minha cabeça - seu horrible justo. Eu estou indo prestar atenção à televisão para um bocado.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 5:36 PM ----- BODY:
I sit here in the dining room table and i am just a mess. I have been working on this thesis nonstop. i cant quite finish. just when i think i have one point finished - another comes up. i have been updating my works cited and have over 15 sources...I think I managed to eat all of the CarbSmart Ice Cream that I bought last night..bad - very much for the 4 G of net carbs. I think I had over 10 diet cokes and nothing else. well, mark took me to the KFC buffett this morning to eat something. So I tried to do my good deed there and ate skinless chicken, green beans and okra..tonight we are supposed to go meet some old friends for dinner at AppleBee's in Round Rock, should be fun. I also just finished downloading a Tori Amos bootleg from 1999. this is the first bootleg from 1999 that I have of hers... I went to the writing center at school on thursday and the tutor said my paper was good but it had some grammar errors, yes I should go back and take american grammar or something, its weird that i am studying english rhetoric and i cant seem to grasp the concept of grammar..who the hell knows? anyway - I gotta go jump off from the roof...laters.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 11:01 PM ----- BODY:
this improve by tori is cool. anyway, work is fine and school is almost coming to a close. i am sorda freaking out -- 24 more days. i just hope i finish everything on time. i just had jack in the box - it was good then i went to HEB. actually - today after work was cool because i went to kohl's and to barnes and noble. i bought 2 shirts today..something i have not done in so long. i decided to treat myself..i dont know why, i just did. it felt good. i guess i should wear one of the shirts tomorrow. today rudy and i went to golden corral and found a bug inside the cheese dish was disgusting..i really wanted cheese with broccoli but it didnt happen. i did have some real good fried chicken strips - i know, i shouldnt of had them, but they were real good..anyway i will talk later.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 1:50 AM ----- BODY:
so i am listening to cornflake girl. its the best, most awsome song my ears have ever heard. i love the piano solo tori plays...its just awsome, i find myself pretending to play the piano...air piano at least... i cant wait to see her next year. I just get so excited thinking about it. even if i never meet her, just being in the audience will be worth it. what am i doing up so later? errr early? i need to finish my thesis tonight..i mean, today. i have had sincce may to start it and i just have 6 pages total..well, let me rephrase that. i have a total of 13 pages, but 6 of those is good material. the other pages are filled with good data plus a more then a few duplicate paragraphs. i dont know what happend, i thought i was actually writing a good paper. i read everything again and behold - i was plagiarising my own materia. go figure. let me continue in my quest to understand why companies outsource...
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 10:29 AM ----- BODY:
i was reading over my blog and damn, i have some made up stories that I can turn into a soup opera. ok, maybe short stories. my last entry made me sound like i am seeing someone or like someone. am i that borard? board? brored? who knows. last night after i got out of school (about 10pm) for some stupid reason i decided to take I-35. bad idea. there was traffic up the I too the 6th street exit and drove through 6th street, to site see. there was 2 motocyles and a car and the dude in the car kept flipping the woman and man in to moto. the lady kept getting up and kissing her butt. it was funny yet sorda scary only because i was behind them. it was already 10:30 when i hit mopac. the moto people were follwing the other car it was funny then the car just made a stop on the frontage road like if to hit the moto people, but the moto people moved to the site. it was funny and this story juat makes no sence ..but i just felt like wrting something to pass the time. oh well..laters
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 10:17 PM ----- BODY:
i see this creature walking everyday. his appearance so pressed and smooth. despite his position - he must want to hold off. he walks pass by me and looks at me with his phenomenal eyes. every time i walk by towards the back - he is there. its as if he was waiting impatiently for me. when we are both brave enough, we connect to each heart beats so fast and awakens with joy. today he saw me, walked by me and I was nervous and ruffled by his presence. his eyes met mine and he smiled. he picked up his hand and waved, "hi" and then shyly looked down. "HI" i respond and he walked away. this creatures humble presence is what makes going to work great.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 10:24 PM ----- BODY: Summer 2004 Commencement Ceremony will be held on Saturday, August 14th, 2004 at the Recreation and Convocation Center (RCC) on the St. Edward's University campus. 10:00 am Ceremony for the College of Professional and Graduate Studies (including New College but first, this questions is drilling at me..I need to answer this question before I graduate..hehe Discuss the meaning of behavioral ecology and some of its implications.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 10:15 PM ----- BODY:
Nothing much has happend in my life...I took the day off on Monday and we took off to Fiesta Texas. I was making sure that I would not get caught, but my skull is red and my face is sorda brown. Work is ok, they are giving me a little too much ... I asked and I received - now I dont know how to say "STOP!" School is also doing ok. The countdown started and graduation is on August 14th at 10am. I cant wait for that day! I am super excited - just thinking about me gets me emotional. I am 99% done with physical more class next thursday. He gave us a load of homework though. He gave us 2 take home exams and I have to write 3 summaries for 3 out of the 4. I also have not concentrated on my senior thesis..I should be working on it but I keep ignoring it. I will work on it this weekend. My magazine writing class is a breeze, I am just recycling old papers. Research and argumentation is a bit hard basically I have 2 classes I need to concentrate for.' I am just so tired and stressed. I hope I dont get sick. I should ask for a few days off before the semester ends. I already got a week off after graduation..lets see what happends. I have to finish off some papers, I will talk to you later :)
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 7:16 AM ----- BODY:
The solution to my problems is the art of crying. Take it from me, it works. Coming back from school at night i find that crying relieves all my stress, all the depressing thoughts I have that I cant share with anyone. Who could I share it with? The one person I am having difficulties with would rather choose his brother over his wife and its stright up sad and depressing that I was the one who actually supported him to bring him up here. its only been a week, but the evidence is there. not only that, for him to be so selfish. i am tired of knowing selfish people. why cant they give for once in their lives? mark is a very selfish person and i have given and given and given and i never receive anything in return. I dont ask for much - but i would love to receive as much as i give. i think i am the way i am with people (friends, siblings, parents, husband) like give nice gifts, or give a surprise present or brighten up someones day without expecting nothin in return is because that is how I wish I would be treated. my soul is so weak right now. so sad, so depressed, just smiling at someone gets me more depressed.i have to run some macros for work...
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 7:25 PM ----- BODY:
I am just about to go crazy. I cant stand this. Why??? I cant take much of this anymore, I must stay strong thought - but this whole in my chest is just about killing me. I cant stand the thought of 50 more years of this. I freaking work all day and go to school and have freaking homework to do. For the love of God! He does not help me around the house, dishes are dirty, house is dirty, he cant help me pay the bills because he forgets all the time. I can't trust him or rely on him for anything. I cant believe it. I am just so tired. So tired off all this crap, what can I do? I need a hug, a kiss, a stear...I want power on the other side of the tunnel. why? I know he is sick, but this is making it God, please? I dont know what to do anymore...
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 11:30 PM ----- BODY:
I will be the answer at the end of the line I will be there for you while you take the time In the burning of uncertainty I will be your solid ground I will hold the balance if you cant look down If it takes my whole life I wont break I wont bend Itll all be worth it worth it in the end Cause I can only tell you what I know that I need you in my life When the stars have all gone out youll still be burning so bright Cast me gently into morning For the night has been unkind Take me to a place so holy That I can wash this from my mind The memory of choosing not to fight If it takes a whole life I wont break I wont bend Itll all be worth it worth it in the end Cause I can only tell you what I know That I need you in my life And when the stars have all burned out Youll still be burning so bright Cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 8:56 PM ----- BODY:
Ok, so I am watching the Days of our lives merathon...on the soap channel and some of these characters are so dumb. they just get to me, they get me so angry. they are so dumb and stupid and some of the story lines are just so out of this world, yes, its a soap but come dumb can the actors be to actually accept a role so stupid...
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 3:11 PM ----- BODY:
today my brain if fried. homework non stop. last night there was such a powerful thunderstorm. it hailed, winds were pretty darn strong and it rained and raing oh yeah - thunder and lightning was bad too. let me take a break - i have been sitting for a while....
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 11:05 PM ----- BODY:
I dOnT tHiNk HoMeWoRk WiLl EvEr EnD. i HaTe WrItInG aBoUt PhYsIcAl AnThRoPoLoGy....
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 1:38 PM ----- BODY:
Work if fun today. Why? because there is no work and I am gettng paid..yippie! i am catching up with school work. I figured I should take advantage of the time. For lunch we walked to mcdonalds. who would of thought a mile walk would burn my face. my nose and forhead are red -- the sun is bad today. once at mcdonald's the lights went out and the emergency lights came up. it was cool -- people walking around with their carts and freaking out. i got a refil on my drink and we left. my legs are getting cold so my muscles are going to hurt a bit later..I am not going to like that...i have to do a profile on someone..who can I do it on? i need to do it on someone who is local ofcorse -- too bad i cant get tori amos...maybe one of my profesors..that should be fun...or one of my managers here at work..hahahaha...who knos, lets see what i can do it on..i can robably always lie myway to a good story -- those people at the new york post did...why cant i?
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 12:02 PM ----- BODY:
A-ENGL 3307.01 The life of Sylvia Plath in comparison to The Bell Jar Dying Is an art, like everything else I do it exceptionally well. I do it so it feels like hell. I do it so it feels real. I guess you could say I've a call. Plath, “Lady Lazarus” Sylvia Plath was considered an acclaimed poet and novelist who tragically cut her life short by committing suicide on February 11, 1963. It is to this day that her death has not been fully understood because Plath had beauty, brains and was recognized for her talent. Plath’s career began at an early age, when she was five years old in 1941; her “poem” was published in the children’s section of the Boston Herald.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 12:13 AM ----- BODY:
I tested out that Gmail but I didnt like it - so I deleted my account. It says that once I deleted it I can never ever gain access to it again..oh well, I was not going to use it anyway. I got back from school about an hour ago - I am super sleepy but since I was hungry, I had some dinner. I cant sleep now, maybe if I sit on the couch and sleep sitting down? Saturday I have my class and then off to the library for some more studyin' - this time I have to leave earlier because I thought I would make it y 9 if I left home at 8...I was so wrong. So I have to leave the house at 7:30am to get there with enought time. I really dont like this class..its 3 hrs long and I get tired of listening to the hippy talk nonsence. that's it - sleep is taking control of my body...night night!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 4:22 PM ----- BODY:
The cup was almost empty. She had been drinking coffee all night long hoping her eyes would not shut. She sat in front of the computer with nothing to write about. The cursor blinked and the pages were blank. She touched her forehead to think. It was a nice break for her fingers as she had positioned her fingers on the keyboard as if she was ready to type for over an hour. It was late at night, almost one in the morning. Where did all the time go? She thought she had enough time to write her paper. She truly believed that the ideas would flow in her brain and the fingers would speak. She had had a bad day at work; a bad week for that matter. She could not think of what to say. Should she write about work? Should she write about life? Nothing important was going on in her life. She did have a hectic life. All her time was divided between work and school and nothing else. Her free time was devoted to studying and catching up with work. “Should I write about romance or a trip?” she asked herself. Dude, my writers block is going away! HIP HIP HORRAY!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 8:01 AM ----- BODY:
I stayed up late last night doing homework that I didnt want to do. I dont care for evolution and about the creationist(i have no idea if i spelled it correctly)but I am so tired. My paper is about Stephen Jay Gould and what he believed in. Do I really need to go into this? The fact that I actually remember his name makes this more pathetic then anything else..crap! I forgot my CD's...damn! this is good coffee, I stopped at the 7-11 for some coffee and they didnt have the kind that I usually get (regular) so I got the "dark mountain" kind. It is strong and bold and good! 2 thumbs up! Well..its back to work - talk to you later!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 11:28 PM ----- BODY:
I got this message again... "Want Gmail? As an active Blogger user, we would like to invite you to try out Google's new email service, Gmail. Would you like to give it a whirl? Yes, please." Should I go for it? My friend wants it REALLY bad -- read his blog... Well, I will tell him about this tomorrow. Laters...
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 11:30 AM ----- BODY:
Ok so I have come to a conclusion that this Blogger is the only way I can release my stress, my anger, my thoughts...its just like the "picture of dorian gray." In the outside I am calm and relaxed (so it seems) in the inside I am screaming at the top of my lungs. GET ME OUT OF HERE! I feel like I am drowning...literally. School, work, bills, Mark..I cant worry about another thing. I think if I did -- I would pop - literally. Enrique Iglesias is right..I need a religious experience. He is not talking about "religious" experience..he is talking about a GOOD "experience." I think that's what I need...or maybe just a day trip to Hamilton Pools...but I cant relax. I try to close my eyes and think of "happy" thoughts -- and that voice comes out. "Do your homework." "Call your mother, how is gradma doing?" "Is mark sick again?" " what bills are due today?" My ideal day for relaxation.. I want to go to the beach or to hamilton pools. Lay on the floor and close my eyes...listen to the waterfall or the waves (if on the beach) I want to drink a margarita (strawbarry) and eat stake with mushrooms and then play some relaxation music...I want to be able to flot in the water and relax.... Maybe I should take a day off...but who would I go with? Mark does not like to go to places like clusterphobic. Lil keeps hanging with Homer and they go out every weekend...Bro and Jan are always out and about. Should I go alone? With who would I enjoy this great day with?...nevermind. I have to get back to work.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 6:31 PM ----- BODY:
It was Friday night and I was so nervous - it was the first time I would see him in over 8 years. What can I say? what will I do? I prepared all week long to look my best. Had my hair done, my nails I even bought a new dress. I knew I was ready to face this past. I park the car in the old parking lot - gosh, the school looks very different. I am almost 30 but feel like a kid all over again playing dress up. I finally have the courange to get out of the car and walk to the entrance of the school - alot of people dressed very nice are all walking up. Its dark so I am hoping no one recognizes me...I hear the loud music playing. Do they have to have music? I ask myself. I have walked inside and sitting on the farthest table from everyone. I hope no one recognizes me and thinks I am just the wife of someone else. I am holding a balloon in my hand - "I hope it does not pop." I tell myself. Throughtout the night I meet some old friends and happy to have seen them. They all have children and they all are happilly married. Some are doctors, some are lawyers - one tells everyone, with a very proud voice "I am one of the bus drivers here at the school." Its about 10pm and still no sing of him. Gosh, we both promised 10 years ago we would see each other here. Did he not want to meet? Did our promise mean nothing to him? Or maybe he just movede on with his life and does not want to see anyone anymore. Just as I had decided to call it a night I feel someone's hand in my back. I turn around. Its him. He didnt forget. We both smile at each other and give each other big hugs. Hugs that seem to have lasted a long time. We both catch up with life. Wonder why we lost touch. I find out he is sr. engineer at some company and lives up in Dallas. I tell him about myself. I still work at Dell -- gosh he looks good. "Are you married?" He asked. "Yes I am." I quickly answer. I didnt have the guts to tell him that the last time we spoke was my goodbye to him. I called him on his b-day. I was driving back from the Valley and into Austin. He was happy to hear from me and I was happy to hear his voice -- I couldnt tell him I was getting married. He never knew I was with someone for over a year. "You?" "Yes, me too. Married 3 years. I have a daughter." "I dont have kids." "We decided to have children right away." "Your wife?" "Home, didnt come. Samantha Elizabeth is sick so she had to take care of the baby." "My husband is at home too. Didnt want to come - long trip." We both looked at each other. Trying to remember how we were in high school. He looked at me the way he looked at me back then. We he told me he loved me. The time we both promised we'd wait for each other. Our long stair was quickly interrupted when our song began to play. the DJ has quickly changed from a dance song - to a love ballet. "Nunca voy a olvidarte." by Christian Castro began to play. "want to dance?" He asked. "sure." He held my hand and he took me to the dance floor. It seemed like everyone had stopped dancing and let us have the whole dance floor. We both looked at each other and were holding on to each other. It seemed as if we didnt want to let each other go again. But it was too late. We both had our chance but choose a different path. "I have to go." I said as I stopped dancing. "I am sorry I didnt keep in touch. It could of been wonderful." "Yes it would of. We can just wonder now." I hugged him for what seems an iternity. "I love you." He whispered. "I love you too." Tears began to flow down my face. I walked away from the dance floor and exited the dance floor. We both kept our promise. We both feel in love with other people - we could of been something nice. If only we had kept in touch.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 12:46 PM ----- BODY:
Yesterday I went with Shady Rudy to Baja Fresh -- its good. But it was just too much food. I had some fajitas and sour cream with salad....urgh! I am at work right now...I am drowning in the River! (that thing you do!)There is no work! There is no work! There is no work! There is no work! There is no work! I am going to go nuts like Jack from The Shining... what is that quote.. NO work and No play make Jack a dull boy? or something like that... No work and Nothing to do make Adriana crazy! No work and Nothing to do make Adriana crazy! No work and Nothing to do make Adriana crazy! No work and Nothing to do make Adriana crazy! No work and Nothing to do make Adriana crazy! No work and Nothing to do make Adriana crazy! No work and Nothing to do make Adriana crazy! No work and Nothing to do make Adriana crazy! No work and Nothing to do make Adriana crazy! No work and Nothing to do make Adriana crazy! No work and Nothing to do make Adriana crazy! No work and Nothing to do make Adriana crazy! taking a break...a break from what?!!!!!!!!..ok..really gotta go for a walk i hear the sun is nice outside..
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 12:07 AM ----- BODY:
I just came back from school - well, like an hour ago. I am totally fried..I dont care for school. I have seniorituce.. i cant even spell...that is how bad it is. My brain is fried - like a fry. I had another class tonight another hippie looking professor who loves to say "shit" and "fuck that" we are only six in the class. Its magazine writing - aperantly she wrote many articles all over, you name it, PEOPLE, ROSIE, Austin Amer. Stat...and others. She is complety weird - went went on a break, when we all came back - she pulled out a sub and was teaching and eating. Then she took out her lipstick and started to use it. I have sooooo much homework. I need to start working on this saturday. I have enough homework that will last a while - specially since I DO NOT want to do anything... Dude, I cant go to bed - I just ate, but I am super sleepy..wwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh! My legs and arms are sore..I wont play basketball ever again..hehehe...
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:41 AM ----- BODY:
I saw the Tori Amos DVD! It's the brings me back memories...Las Vegas July 2003, Hard Rock Hotel...I am at work and its slow, like always..but I am jammin to britney Spears (WTF can you actually do that with her music?) I would pick up "persuasion" by Jane Austen -- but I am too lazy to read and just to tired to do it.. It stares right at me it shines right at me you show it without regret you see me with no surprises wow..i think that sounds good. I just wrote it...but what does it mean? Me taking a break..going for a walk or something.....
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:51 AM ----- BODY:
Me so happy! Tori Amos releases her long anticipated live concert on DVD! Just a few months ago I asked myself, "when is tori going to release a DVD?" well, behold -- the day is here!! My Tori Amos buddy is nowhere to be found. Its going to be 10am and he is not around. I sent him an email but no responce. If he does not respond by 11:30am I am out of circuit city heaven where I can get my Tori Amos DVD! Oooooooooh yeah...
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 10:12 PM ----- BODY:
Holly Smokes -- The new semester started and yes, I passed all my other classes - I hate that I got low grades but at least I passed. I am getting ready to start my 30 page sr. thesis, I am just so tired of studying and going to school. I want to give up and not do anything.I want to not go to school and just ignore everything around me. I do not know what's going to happen after this because all I am going to get is this big enormous bill and I am going to live on bread and water for the next 20 years. Old lady, no husband, no kids -- just me and my bread ANYWAY -- I think I will be taking this thought to bed....goodnight dear boyd
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 10:15 PM ----- BODY:
Well, the "D" I thought was bad luck -- is actually good luck. It turns out its a passing grade? I have no idea...maybe that is one of the perks I get for attending a private univeristy, they know you are practically giving them your first born so they HAVE to be nice to you. So I passed all my classes ... I just need 4 more and I graduate from C-O-L-L-E-G-E I think I spelled that right, see school does pay off! Life is the same...nothin' new... In another note.. Britney Spears » Stronger Hush, just stop There’s nothing you can do or say, baby I’ve had enough I’m not your property as from today, baby You might think that I won't make it on my own But now I’m… [Chorus:] Stronger than yesterday Now it’s nothing but my way My lonliness ain’t killing me no more I’m stronger That I ever thought that I could be, baby I used to go with the flow Didn’t really care ‘bout me You might think that I can’t take it, but you’re wrong ‘Cause now I’m… [CHORUS:] Stronger than yesterday Now it’s nothing but my way My lonliness ain’t killing me no more I’m stronger Come on, now Oh, yeah Here I go, on my own I don’t need nobody, better off alone Here I go, on my own now I don’t need nobody, not anybody Here I go, alright, here I go [Repeat CHORUS] Stronger than yesterday Now it’s nothing but my way My lonliness ain’t killing me no more I’m stronger
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 12:34 PM ----- BODY:
Well today is the suckiest day of my life. I flunked one of my classes. the classes I needed to graduate - the stupid thing is that I thought I was going to pass this class and flunk the other. I am so dissapointed in myself. I cant believe I would let this happen. I know somone is punishing me, its a curse or something. Why can't I ever get anything right? this always happends? Is someone trying to tell me something? was I not born to success on the first try? Here are some examples: High School - I took the TASS Math 5 times before I actually passed it and graduated from high school College - I had to drop out of school because of a car accident. Never finished... Technical School - I had to skip a sememster because I flunked a class and had to graduate late.. Dell - I actually interviewed 4 times before I got the job. each time they told me that the training sessions were closed by the time they would enroll me.. St. Edwards - for the first time in my life I thought I was actually going to pass everything and graduate at my goal....but this happends. This stupid bum appears..this wall is preventing me from walking across. I emailed my professor - but what good will that do? i am just such a failure..I am sure I am being punished for something I did at another life...I just know it. I think I will go jump off a building or something..
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 2:07 AM ----- BODY:
School is out...for a while. I am so happy, glad, excited..that I dont have to think about school. I am for sure, positive 100% that I am going to fail one of the classes I was taking this semester. It was just too much work. I am prepared to graduate in the fall and not the summer. Thank God I have a good job - no big thing..but I am sorda disapointed in myself because I had set this goal for myself..I am hoping and prayin' that the professor takes pitty on me and gives me at least a "C" - lets just hope. My USB mouse just fell..let me pick it up. Hold on Feeling like I'm headed for a breakdown And I don't know why its 2:01am on a sunday and I am not tired or sleepy. I should go to bed but.. But I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell I know right now you can't tell But stay awhile and maybe then you'll see A different side of me I'm not crazy, I'm just a little impaired I know right now you don't care But soon enough you're gonna think of me And how I used to Yes, I am listening to Matchbox Twenty. This song reminds me of someone special. Someone who is going to leave my life and head to the path he is destined to take. Its true, people come in and out of your life and you never notice it or are bothered until one of them leaves...a dear friend. Moving to the next phase of his life. He was just here "waiting" for the bus to come and pick him up. My godness, all the songs that remind me of him are playing on my music list...coincidence? Just wishful thinking. Every day is here to remind me That the past is always behind me Something I can never change but I won't let it hold me back You arrived just in time Now I know I'll be fine I'm not ashamed to say you truly are my inspiration
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 1:54 AM ----- BODY:
The Words To "Crusin" By Huey Lewis & Gwyneth Paltrow Baby let's cruise Away from here Don't be confused The way is clear And if you want it, you got it forever This is not a one night stand, baby Yeah, so let the music take your mind Just release and you will find You're gonna fly away, glad you're goin my way I love it when we're cruisin' together Music is played for love, cruisin' is made for love I love it when we're cruisin' together Baby tonite Belongs to us Everything right Do what you must And inch by inch We grow closer and closer To every lil part of eachother Ooh baby yeah, so let the music take your mind Just release and you will find You're gonna fly away, glad you're goin my way I love it when we're cruisin' together Music is played for love, cruisin' is made for love I love it when we're cruisin' together Cruise with me baby, ooh.. Yeah, ooh... Ooh baby let's cruise, let's float, let's glide Ooh, let's open up and go inside And if you want it, you got it forever I could just stay here beside you and love you, baby Music is played for love, cruisin' is made for love Just release and you will find You're gonna fly away, glad you're goin my way I love it when we're cruisin' together Music is played for love, cruisin' is made for love I love it when we're cruisin' together You're gonna fly away, glad you're goin my way I love it when we're cruisin' together Music is played for love, cruisin' is made for love I love it when I love it, I love it, I love it Ooh, cruise with me baby I love it when we're cruisin together
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 10:10 PM ----- BODY:
EVERYTIME By Britney Spears Notice me Take my hand Why are we Strangers when Our love is strong Why carry on without me? Everytime I try to fly I fall without my wings I feel so small I guess I need you baby And everytime I see you in my dreams I see your face, it's haunting me I guess I need you baby I make believe That you are here It's the only way I see clear What have I done You seem to move on easy Everytime I try to fly I fall without my wings I feel so small I guess I need you baby Everytime I see you in my dreams I see your face, it's haunting me I guess I need you baby I may have made it rain Please forgive me My weakness caused you pain And this song is my sorry At night I pray That soon your face Will fade away Everytime I try to fly I fall without my wings I feel so small I guess I need you baby And everytime I see you in my dreams I see your face, it's haunting me I guess I need you baby
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 10:39 AM ----- BODY:
Its been a couple of crazy weeks, ever since I found out about Mark being sick. Its so depressing - it sticks and rubs ...the feelings he has. To see him pretending to be in a good mood when I know he isnt. To see him not sleep all night and sleep a day. To see how much he depends on me when I wish that he didnt. I feel trapped. I feel cornered. What can I do? I have work and school to think about it. The house is a mess, he does not care about anything. I try to stay strong for him but inside I am dying. I am dying slowly - I try to keep a happy face for him..I cant do this anymore...the fear I will come home one day and find him shreads me to pieces. I dont know what I would do. He refuses to take his meds, yet he says he feels horrible every minute, every second of the day...
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 10:30 AM ----- BODY:
I am currently working on this paper for my history class...I decided to write it on the Collapse of the Soviet Union since I have been so facinated with the history of Russian and Soviet Union. It all started when I read about lenin and stalin and how evil he was. I watched the movie "Stalin" and read some books. i also caught a great documentary on the history channel. I think I am going to be a history teacher instead of an english teacher. I get more pleasure out of reading about history then having to write/correct run on sentences and fragments. its 10:30 and I am bord, board, bored...I had a big breakfast so I am not is soo slow today..i guess i can catch up with school work..yipppY!!!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:04 AM ----- BODY:
School is near and end and its getting harder and harder each day. I am a bit behind in the homework department. I have 2 essays due this week. I need to read a book by a texas author that writes about nature. I found this great author who lives in the Ft. worth area. He is a Texas native more info on this long link: He has this great book he wrote in 1960 that I need to buy during lunch. Its called GOODBYE TO A RIVER. Work is ok - never ending, but I thank God I have this job where its 20% work 80% free time - it allows me to catch up with homework (it smells burned, someone burned their toast..yuk) like I am doing right now. I am going to register for classes this coming Thursday - I am very excited about that because this will be my last semester at St. Edwards and that will mean I will have a bachelor's..FINALLY! What took me so long? hehe.. things are the same at home. Mark is still sick. I am so sad and I feel so trapped. He goes with me everywhere and I am afraid to leave him alone. I had planned to go visit my family next week when I am off on vacation, but I am so afraid to leave him alone. Last night we were all laughs, having a good time watching the LIVE Britney Spears concert playing on SHOWTIME and we went to get some Burger King, suddenly he stopped laughing and he was just completly the opposite - not able to make any decisions or comment on how he was. I am so devistated.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 10:00 AM ----- BODY:
I knew he was sick. He was like this when we were dating. I saw what he went through. I got the phone calls, I got to see him act weird. I saw him confused, dazed, sad, afraid. What was it? I dont understand. Suddently, it all went away. Now its been 5 years. I knew he felt sick once in a while and that he was in a bad mood but I always thought it was normal since we made jokes about it. The change started after Charlie died. His mood started to change. He slept more in the day (after work), he ate more and he was awake most of the night. He does not care about his business anymore and that worries me.He didnt care about his appearance and he did something that I thought so so childish and odd, he watched cartoon every chance he got. Cartoon network became his favorite channel. He no longer watched the shows he would usually watch. Every night is the same, he falls alseep in the living room watching cartoons. If I go and turn the televison off - he quickly gets up and demands the tv stay on. About a month ago we went to the hospital because he said he was feeling sick. It was anxiety and he was given some medication. Now its everyday, every night. caroons 24/7 on the weekens. He eats so much and even sleeps half the time. He tells me he is feeling sick. he is afraid he cant explain the feelings he is having, then he will break down and start to cry. Its like a spell. He will cry and look confussed. He will just sit there stairing at nothing. Last night he scared me. It happend again. He was confused and scared. His stair was blank. I would ask him a question and its like he didnt even care. I told him I would decide for him and gave him his meds.I asked him if he was suicidal and he said "not yet" that scared me. He is at home right now recoveing. Its best if he just stays home to relax. I need to find a dr. i am scared. One last note. i asked him why he watched so much cartoonsn and he said that is the only sane thing to watch. That's what makes those feelings go away. Lets see what happends.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 6:59 PM ----- BODY:
I have been quarantine at home all weekend long. I have been real sick. I catch colds really quickly. On Friday night I had a temp of 100 then it went up to 101.9. I took a large doze of nyquil and went to sleep. Saturday morning I woke up with a fever and with no voice. I was congested, runny nose, watery eyes and coughing and sneezing nonstop. My fever lasted all weekend I called in sick. I worked from home though. But my fever went down - my voice is still a gonner. I sound like the exorcist when she was mad. hehehehe...i better shake this cold if i want to get better. I have alot of homework to do...gosh i sound funky. Got to go..
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 8:34 PM ----- BODY:
I am watching a movie for class. Can you belive that? The movie is called "short cuts" the book is a collection of short stories by Raymond Carver. Its an awsome collection but the movie sure does SUCK! Its 2 VHS tapes. what does that tell its looooooooooong and boring. The movie combines all the characters from each story in the book and it just does not make sence. Go figure. I also just got the movie "danton" in the mail. This movie is for my history class. I cant watch another 3 hr movie. I saw "stalin" about 2 weeks ago and it was long. I watched it at the university library and was at a very uncomfortable chair with headsets. I snuck an atkins bar and was crunshing away. man, this movie sucks. ANYWAY! After this movie ends I am going to read 6 short stories for my advance writing class and just the thought of having to write 2 more essays is just revulting. I cant even spell....i was going to wait until saturday and go to the library to finishup all my homework. well, i have to go to the library anyway because i have another movie i have to watch for my history class. I forget what its called. Oh yeah, its a doc about muslim or haiti or something...I got to go. i have to keep studying...
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 11:29 AM ----- BODY:
nothing much has happend. Just work, school and no play. right now i am going nuts. i am waiting for the dispatchers to give me work. its a slow day today. i guess after lunch i will ask the guys if they have any work i can help them with. mark's mom is coming over tonight. we have to pick her up from the airport. but i have school first so she will have to wait. i have alot of homework to this weekend will be spent at the library. i have a few hundred pages to read and 2 movies i have to watch for my history class. i am a little upset. i got a F in one of my papers. i thought i had done a good job, but my prof (who i have for 3 more classes) found alot of errors. i later found out he is really peaky. but he is a nice old man. at least he remembers who i am. well i am off to the gyno again tomorrow. i am scared. she is going to do the same tests again from last year. and she is probably going to tell me i need another operation. man, this sucks. i hate hospitals. i have been ignoring this day for quite some time now. but i have to go and do whats right. gosh -- 2hrs with nothing to do. dispatchers!! hurry!! send somethign over :( ok have to go. getting a bit it payday soon? hehe..
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 10:42 PM ----- BODY:
I started school again. As soon as this semester is over I will have 4 more classes and I will graduate! WOOOOOOOOOOHOOOO!!! Its friday today and I cant wait to sleep late tomorrow. hehehe..i do have homework but I think I can manage. School is ok. I am taking A-ENGL 3307 01 TOPICS: LITERATURE & FILM A-ENGW 4344 01 ADVANCED WRITING SEMINAR A-HIST 4353 01 MODERN REVOLUTIONS (online) A-ENGW 3336 91 THEORIES OF RHETORIC AND COMM (online) P-ENGW 3335 70 TECHNICAL AND BUSINESS WRITING I love my classes this time around. It seems a bit easier this time around. i am not sure why. But I really love school.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:17 PM ----- BODY:
Today Charlie my cat died. I signed the relase papers to kill him :( he stopped suffering and they put him to sleep. He had been sick for a couple of days. We thought it was a cold or something else. Last night we took him to the Animal hospital. They had him on an oxygen tank. It was so sad. I cried all night. He had alot of fluid in his lungs and stomach. They had to poke his stomach to release the fluids -- but the fluids came back. It was so sad and devestating. i kept crying. we left him overnight. but when we came back in the morning the dr said there was nothing that could be done. Either way his life was to be really short. I cried even more. I had to sign the paper to put him to sleep. I miss him so much. I had the chance to say goodbye to him. He looked so full of life. He meowed at me. Kind of like saying "why are you doing this?" i cried so much!! i am still so sad not to see him here. I love charlie and i will miss him dealry. Click here for webpage! I LOVE YOU CHARLIE AND WILL MISS YOU SO
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 2:36 PM ----- BODY:
Today I worked from home. How sweet. actually only 5 hours. I got up from bed, went to the shower, changed and sat on my couch and logged on to work. that is just too good a thing. i wish i could do that all the time. ANYWAY - alot has happend since my last log. let me get a cup of coffee... JOB: I love my new job. its great! I have my own cube, no one bothers me. I do my own thing. I am comfortable - but I am still a bit shy. Its all new. I am new there. Some people are still shy..hehehe..but I am going to revolutionize that dpt. hehehehe... FRIENDS: I have decided not to be friends with Rudy anymore. He was the reason why I lost all my data on my HDD. When we switched PC's - its like he had this evil deed in mind. He did it on purpose, at least that is how i feel. He didnt want to help me. I desprestly tried to save my data but to no avail. I cried so much. my stories, my work from school. all my Tori downloads and mp3's. and he has not even sent me an email or called me. i know he does not care since he is mad at me for asking for my system back. oh well - at least i know what was more interesting to him and our friendship was not worth anything. I have to go. i have to help my parents make dinner. i cant wait to open my presents..hehehe
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 8:39 PM ----- BODY:
I cant wait! I start my new job on Monday i am so excited. tomorrow is the christmas party for work. i hope its fun. i am going :) its cold and its been raining -ok i have to go. laters :)
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 4:32 PM ----- BODY:
Good news! I got a new job! woho!!!! I start Dec. 15th! New building and all. Same pay - but who cares!!!! Different management team and different everything. I am soooooo happy! I am sad though about leaving the dpt that i have been working with for 4 years! but its a great opportunity!! I JUST CANT WAIT!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 2:28 PM ----- BODY:
I was lost somewhere between school and work. Long nights - long days. No time to sleep, no time to eat, only work, schook, work, school...I was getting home at 10pm and going to bed or study and waking up again at 5am. i went braind dead between Oct and now. it was bad. i didnt know who i was. But i found my way. Now just 2 weeks away from the semester being over - will i make it? i have 4 research papers i have to do..urgh! why me!!! Why did i have to go to that school??? ( why not to another school? This is a super duper, expensive, private and HARD school!!! no mercy!!! ok i have to go. just thought i'd let you know i am holding on to dear life - cant wait for gobble, gobble day. check out my new and improved website:
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 8:08 PM ----- BODY:
This is day 3 of my seclusion, isolation, concealment, quarantine from the rest of the world. I got sick on Saturday. I know when I am getting sick - my ears and throat start to itch/hurt. So I went to work on Monday but was only there for one hour. I wanted to go home and relax and sleep and drink chicken soup -- but unfortunatly I have "remote desktop" access and I cannot escape it. I feel a duty to help out the other dispatcher - we are only 2 for the whole dpt. I would hate if he left me alone to do all that work. I hope to go to work tomorrow -- but I doubt it. I have worked in my pajamas, barefoot, hair all fuzzy -- but it has been great! Although I am trying hard not to get use to it. mark got a wireless hub, we both have wireless nic cards and we both have laptops - its a great thing to have! i am starving - have not had anything to eat but a couple of grapes and coffee...I am waiting for mark to get her so i can eat some real food. laters! :)
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 10:37 AM ----- BODY:
I cant belive this! I got no freaking SORRY from that dude. I know its my fault for trading the system with him -- but I was a fool. This is the email I sent him: I have wanted to write this e-mail for a while now. (I think I can explian myself better in writing.) I figured today would be the day to do it. Let me start first by saying that I know I was the one who offered you the system and I was the one who agreed to the trade. I think you know where I am heading. Mark and I have been trying to work things out between us and we have been talking a lot about our relationship, marriage etc... Anyway, we have talked about what has happened in the past six moths, my behavior and his behavior. One of the biggest things that Mark was bothered by was the fact that I had traded my system with yours. Since he did buy that system for me. (The original system that was exchanged for the one you have now) At the time, it didn't seem important who had bought it or what it meant, but he didn't understand why I would trade a P4 for a Celeron. I have had a lot of time to think of this and my conclusion is the following: I was so caught up in the emotions, the ride I was taking - that I never stopped to consider what the consequences would be. At the time, although you just wanted a HDD exchange, I agreed to the whole system trade because of the feelings I had for you. As you may already know, I don't have feelings for you any more - and I now see clearly what I have done. For the sake of Mark and the meaning it has for him (and me) I am requesting that you trade back the system with mine. If you are my friend and understand my situation, you would make the trade back. I know you are probably upset and knowing you, you will not want to trade it back. But I am requesting this, as a dear friend that you are to me - that you do this for me. I hope you understand. I am taking the system with me tomorrow - the only thing we would need to do is exchange the HDD and the optical drive - which I just recently bought. -Adriana and his resonce was: Hey, You have to understand, I have made some purchase based on the assumption that the C640 was staying with me. I purchased some software development programs. (Purchased, not pirata) I also bought a video camera and a PCMCIA card to connect the camera to the system. The SW for this system needs the processor that system has to work and make movies. You see, if you knew you would want this system back, you should have asked for it a lot earlier than now. Because now, I have a sizeable investment in the system. But not only I, have bought things for it, Priscilla has too. I'm sorry, if it was sooner than now, it would be a different story, but at this time, I cannot re-swap. Rudy I had told him 2 times before I wanted to exchange the system back. But the idiot that he was, thinking only of himself -- and the stupid that i was..decided not to further persuade this. what angers me the most is that he didnt even say "SORRY" or "I am glad you are working things with mark." All he thinks of is HIMSELF! Its only what He wants -- what he desires. I HATE HIM SO MUCH RIGHT NOW! I AM SO ANGRY WITH HIM! I cant belive he would not even consider saying anythign to me. SCREW HIM THEN! I feel like such a stupid fool. I am the one at loss here. I lost my system, I lost the memory, I lost the sentimental value of that system to that FOOL! WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING?!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 1:02 AM ----- BODY:
I stayed home to study and bum out. My parents decided to come over for the weekend. I had planned to study and catch up with my homework -- but I failed myserably. I managed to do 50% of the homework -- but I know that I must hurry as it will almost be time to go to work. Friday night was spent at the mall. We went to get my beautiful ring back. I had them resize it. I was a 7 and now I am a 6 1/2 how thrilling is that? I have been trying to write another short story for my nonfiction class but have failed. I belive I have been a 'one hit wonder' everyone in class was thrilled that I had writen such a great story. Some gramatical errors, but other than that - the story was a hit. I dont know if I can produce something that good anymore. What should I write about? Being fat? Loving food? Long lost loves? Work? The fact that I so desperatly want to go to bed but cant because I am still working on homework? I have many ideas in my head right now..but do not know how to load them into paper. I will go to work in a few hours, I must catch up with friday's work load. I told Sergio I would work over the weekend -- but I didnt. Now I have to go in early tomorrow and catchup. My back hurts, maybe because I have been sitting here too long. I have to go grab a snack or something..laters.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 2:06 AM ----- BODY:
i went to my sisters this weekend instead of studying for my exams and instead of doing my homework. we bummed out, went to the mall, went shopping, watched movies and eat alot. it is 2:10am and i am now suffering the concecuenses..I am stuck working on this ttake home exam that is hard! i have to do research ...but i want to go to bed, i cant even spell anymore! I dont care about the "conscious moral agent" or about ethical egoism. i just want to go to bed. heck, what for - i will be up and running to work in about 4 hrs...i have to go..finish off this stupid test.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 5:36 PM ----- BODY:
Today was Rudy's Bday. I decorated his cube with green and gold ballons. (Baylor Unvi. Colors) and I put up 4 banners that said HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I thought it was great but afraid that he would get upset. He was happy. I am glad. I got a hug from him but I didnt get to enjoy it because it seemed so fast and so sudden I had no time to react. I was glad I got a hug from him :) I am sure he is going to have alot of fun tonight celebrating. I am going home and study!study!study! alot of reading and typing. when will this end!!! hehehe... I have to keep working. write later....
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 5:30 PM ----- BODY:
You are ... Th' Cabin Boy Profile: You, me lad, are an activist! You will not only change the world, you will make a dyed-in-the-wool Pirate dream of you in a sheep costume. You are the embodiment of the love that dare not hoist its sail! Ahoy thar! You could make a two-patch Pirate turn his head - but then he would lose sleep over it and what good would that do anyone? An innovator, you are WAY ahead of your time - and everyone else's. You are sensitive and artsy-fartsy. You say things like, "artsy-fartsy" but there is always a slight giggle in your voice when you say it - like Paul Lynde on Hollywood Squares delivering a staggering punch line. Speaking of "punching" the only "punching" you would do is punching up that outfit with some accessories - say, a little bandana and some glass beads. You're not the Pirate we want in a fight, but we want you there for the crying game that follows! You go, girl.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 5:02 PM ----- BODY:
This is my first official day off. I have claimed it as an official "Adri's day off" I drove to my sisters house in Crowley at 6am and got here at 8am. I have alot of homework..but SCREW IT! I am here alone in her house -- she and her boyfriend went to buy some stuff for her garden and I am logged on to her new system -- its cool, and its not a DELL. Bad Joke? I went to the mall and I went looking for Rudy's present. I hope he likes it. I mean, I am not sure if he wants what I am getting, but I sure hope he at least has a surprised look. Blogger..its been a while since I have spoken about him, the feelings are still there. I have tried hard not to like him anymore, I still do. I sometimes wish I could just tell him that I still have feelings for him and that I would love a big long hug from him...but he would probably freak. Its been weird lately - everytime I hang out with him or talk to him, I find myself looking at his head. He is loosing his hair I think from the back of his head. I want to touch his head but I am sure he would wonder why I want to. This lady at work asked me if we were "seeing" each other outside of work because she has seen that when we hang out we get along so well and we are always smiling. I told her that we were just good friends. I must keep remembering what he told me once...I AM NOT HIS TYPE...which is sad - I think we would of been good together. Ofcorse -- if we were both not married. Mark has been weird around me. He gets upset at me most of the time. Last night he had an attidue -- and this morning he made me feel bad before I left over here. Its like he does not care about me anymore.... school is there, life is there, work is there - I think I need a good F***. I bought this stupid sex book I only look at. Its like no action happening in my life. well, with my stressful life I dont have time for anything.....
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 12:47 AM ----- BODY:
Its close to 1am and I still have alot of homework. I need to post 2 more reviews in that stupid blackboard thing. i have that 15 page short story due on thursday and i have some other stuff i really dont remember. work is a drag. worse then ever. i wish i can win the loto - maybe i can play tomorrow night:) i have to go. i am tired of typing..
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 12:26 PM ----- BODY:
TEAR IN YOUR HAND Tori Amos all the world just stopped now so you say you don't wanna stay together anymore let me take a deep breath babe if you need me, me and neil'll be hangin' out with the DREAM KING neil says hi by the way i don't believe you're leaving cause me and charles manson like the same ice cream i think it's that girl and i think there're pieces of me you've never seen maybe she's just pieces of me you've never seen well all the world is all i am the black of the blackest ocean and that tear in your hand all the world is DANGLIN'... danglin'... danglin' for me DARLIN' you don't know the power that you have with that tear in your hand that tear in your hand maybe i ain't used to maybes smashing in a cold room cutting my hands up every time i touch you maybe maybe it's time to wave goodbye now time to wave goodbye now caught a ride with the moon i know i know you well well better than i used to HAZE all clouded up my mind in the DAZE of the why it could've never been so you say and i say you know you're full of wish and your "baby baby baby babies" i tell you there're pieces of me you've never seen maybe she's just pieces of me you've never seen well all the world is all i am the black of the blackest ocean and that tear in your hand all the world is DANGLIN'... danglin'... danglin' for me DARLIN' you don't know the power that you have with that tear in your hand that tear in your hand with that tear in your hand tear in
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 4:13 PM ----- BODY:
Do you ever have one of those days where you just want to say "SCREW IT ALL" and walk away?I am having one today. I want to be on the beach :) enjoying a great day off. letting the sand touch my feet. drinking something and listening to Tori or Norah. They rule! So I saw his personal site today. WIth the Age, martial status and other stuff...sad, such a sad day. i have to go.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 11:02 AM ----- BODY:
I am the last of its kind. The rare specicies that crave and want the romance in the movies. I see the ending of "the mirror has two faces" I want that! its really the end of a fairy it wrong to wish or hope for a fairy tale?
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 2:05 AM ----- BODY:
I dont know what it is. I can concentrate more in the middle of the night. Its 2am and I am 90% done with my homework. What is up with that? Do I like working under pressure? I have read and understood all the text material to answer both questions on blackboard. Isnt that strange? Maybe this is all an illusion - maybe I am asleep. Tomorrow when my professor reads my posting it will be more like this.. asdjhauairgakrjgkajgaiugbarkjarhaiurfag instead of what I thought it was - actualy, working, phrases about "dumping" and "moral dilemmas" I was reading my text book on business ethics, 2 of my cats jumped the table and sat around the text book. I turned the page- and my to my surprise I had a deja vo (cant spell) episode or was it a dream? I clearly remember asking myself one time, a while ago - why am I dreaming of an ethics class? I clearly remember the pages and the way it had phrases undelined and even remember how the cats were positioned. Earlier today I could not find my cell phone. I honestly thought I had lost it while I was out today - errr..yesterday, so I called in and reported it lost/stolen. about a minute later it was found. it was under the couch :( I cant use my phone now until I call the cel phone company and tell them about the ordeal. I just know they are going to give me hell - they are probably going to ask my to fax a sample of my blood. which reminds me, I have to setup an apt with my gyno tomorrow. i was supposed to have seen her 2 weeks ago. I am afraid. For the worst. Most finish posting homework ......
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 4:57 PM ----- BODY:
Its 4:46pm and I have not yet studied. I dont know what's wrong with me. I went to have lunch with my brother, well, we went to eat lunch with my brother. We went to Taco Cabana - I like that place alot. I also went to that music store that's right next to hastings. I bought a strings book. I see my viola just waisting away. I think I have to start playing it. I was so good in jr. high and high school. I was first chair. I started to play today but the viola is so out of tune - I dont remember how to tune it anymore. The strings are so old too (I have had it since 8th grade up to now - that's 16 years?) that I am afraid one of the strings will pop in my face. I practiced plucking instead of using the bow. My thumb now has a bad blister - It was worth it though :) We then hit the Half books store. I am looking for Michael Cunningham's "The Hours" book BEFORE the movie, BEFORE the oscars, the before cover. It is much better then what it looks like now. I am so into that book. Since this morning I am now on page 50 something and that's because we went out this moring. I cant seem to put it down. I relate so much to Mrs. Brown. A character in the book. Although I dont have kinds and I am not pregnant -- that may be the only difference. Since I saw the movie before I read the book - I want to know if the same happends to her. I turned all my Tori Amos CD's into mp3's. The only CD I am missing of her is "from the choirgirl hotel" I dont know why I dont have it. I thought I had purchased it online - but much to my surprise, I dont have it. I must start to study and put the internet aside and the book away. It draws me. If I continue like this - I will finish the 226 page book by the end of tonight. I saw another cool book that I want to buy - "The end of the Affair" by Graham Greene, I think its even a movie now. I am not sure yet. I cant wait until I start to develop my book. I have alot of unfinished writing - But I would love to strart fresh. I have an idea that is floating around my mind. I see it, I picture it. I see the characters, their emotions. Will they cry? laugh? kill? its set in my mind. I have to write it down....urgh! I must start to study.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 8:00 AM ----- BODY:
I woke up today at 7am. No alarm, just by myself. I organized all my books yesterday and will start to study. (something I should of done yesterday) I have a paper due tomorrow..hehehe..I forgot about it. I went to Barns and Noble and picked up 2 books to read. Michael Cunningham's "The Hours" and "World of Pies" by Karen Stolz (My finction writing professor!) She is cool. I figured I have to "broden my horizons" and I should read something else other then my school text books. I have read 22 pages so far of "The hours." and I am happy to report that I found me a Kenneth Cole bag. OH YEAH! Its color is tan and brown. I found it at Ross for $39.99...I am so happy! Brillo pad is playing with my leg. How fun to just lay around and goof off. Prancer escaped the compound (The house) on friday night. I opened the door and saw something brown walk behind me. If it where not for my couriosity - she would of gotten runned over by a car. I opened the door and saw that she was outside!!! Prancer! Prancer! I kept yelling. My hear skipped a beat. She has never been outside, only to the vet. I didnt want her to leave my heart would break. I was able to grab her. I was so happy. Its 8am - I need to get my clothes ready for church. I hope Mark wants to go. He is still asleep.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 6:25 PM ----- BODY:
its friday 6:18 and i am still working. that's what happends when you kill time when you are supposed to be working..hehehe I am hoping to leave soon. i dont know to what. will mark be nice to me today or will he be mean? will the house be a mess? i just hope its not that bad. like yesterday when i got back from work. it was bad..oh well, i sure hope everything is ok. let me finish my dispatches so i can get the hell out of here. laters
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 11:55 PM ----- BODY:
today work was hectic....that's all I have to say about work. I just finished up some warranty services that were pending. then the SOB manager, daniel for the DSP's me all the goshdarn work that I honestly belive he should be doing. today was sergio's wedding anniversary, I sure hope he had fun, because I had hell for work today and yes, i am trying to avoid school work. i want to cry....i have an assignment that sounds easy but its hard! damn it. so i have to update my blackboard discussions or i will get a F and I will not be able to take the exam, read another chapter for english class, that stupid assignment and touchup on the fiction writing class assignment. WHAT HAVE I DONE?! 15 hrs.! hell, I must be nuts. Today Rudy and I went to IHOP. Best stake I have had in a while..yes blogger I still like him. I dont think this will go away. its not my fault :*( I have tried. God only knows i have! i sound like a broken record. i like having him around. he is a funny friend. last night i went over to his apt. i kind of invited myself, and i am sure he didnt want me he kicked me out..hehe..sounds funny, but true. oh well that's life. ok i have to start studying again. i am dead meat! laters
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 10:32 AM ----- BODY:
Today 4 of my 5 classes start. 2 online and 2 classroom. I AM SO AFRAID! so many research papers I need to turn in. work is now hectic then ever. dispatch after dispatch after dispatch. too much work. i hope i can handle school and work. today i have to leave at 4pm vs the regular time i usually take off 6:30 or go to my 5:25 class. the drive is sord of long. well from round rock to austin is not..but back..austin to georgetown. that is a bit far. gogh, i am trying to finish a million things at the same time. dispatch, reissue services, homework.hehehe.. Hubba! Hubba! I just saw him and he is wearing pants...hehehe..must control myself. yesterday we had lunch at BK. it was cool. I love BK. I am hooked. I am glad though that I have a great friend at work and can chat with and go eat lunch with. I dont know what I would do if I didnt have him as a friend. I probably would be eating lunch alone or working through my lunch..i used to do that, until I started talking to him. Ok...must get back to work. Laters!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 10:11 PM ----- BODY:
I just went to Blackboard to check my two online courses and see what info the professor has included. Oh My GOSH!!! I have so much to do! I have the same professor for two classes, Ethical Analysis and Business Ethics. I have so much reading to do. I have 3 research papers for Ethical Analysis and one major research paper for Business Ethics. I still need to check other reading info for the other 3 classes that I have! If I was able to survive the Summer session (one A and 2 B's) I can survive this semester. I just hope I am able to take the load - 15 hrs and a full time job. This past week was my one week vacation. the last week of vacation for the year and possibly my last. They are laying off like crazy. I bummed the first 3 days and drove to my parents the rest of the week. I sure mised him. But I am going to see him tomorrow. then on Tuesday its my bday so lets see what we will do. I am sure we are going to hang out and have food or something..hehehe..while at my parents I wanted a change in my hair - so I went to the salon. I wanted my hair to have body. So after persuasion from the lady and my mom I got a perm. BIG MISTAKE! I feel like a sheep is sleeping on my head! the lady told me not to wash my hair for 2 days. I washed it hoping the curls would go away. THEY DIDNT! Now I have to live with the curls. I bought 5 different kinds of hair products that will straightned my hair - no go. Lets see what happends as for tomorrow at work - I am hiding my hair. LATERS! :)
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 12:56 AM ----- BODY:
its 12:52am and I am trying to finish my take home exams 2 and 3 for my english class. Brillo pad just joined me and climbed up from the floor to my shoulder. This kitty is just so smar, looking at the monitor and following the cursor. As we speak he is looking at the screen. I wonder what he is thinking. Anyway, I am doing quick research on "main verbs" since I need to refresh my memory about it. The "hippie" English/critical thinking teacher sent me an email and told me that I got a "B" on my critincal thiking class. not bad for someone who has not been in school for over 5 years. I am dissapointed - I wanted an "A" but at least I got a "B" .. tomorrow I start my vacation. I play to spend the day at my brothers. He has a beautiful house and many windows and a jacuzzi. I will be there all day tomorrow. I plan to listen to norah johnes and drink a beer while I soke in the water. Friday Rudy was so busy (I hope he was) we didnt talk all day. I was feeling a little self concious so I figured he didnt want to talk to me - but I gave myself the benefit of the doubt and thought maybe he was just too busy. This weekend I did nothing. I slept on saturda (still sick from that cold) but we did manage to go to the store and eat and watch tv. sunday turned out to be an ok day. We went to GC and to the mall. I got school supplies at Office Depot. I felt like a kid again. I went to the online book store and saw that I will be needing 12 books for the 5 classes I will taking in the Fall. Gosh, I hope everything works out fine. Well, I have to go. Its almost 1am and I should get back to finishing up the exams.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 8:14 AM ----- BODY:
I was feeling so down yesterday I was going to go to the liquor store and get my something really strong. I wanted to drink right there and then, but I remembered I had to go to school. How did I go from being happy all the time - to a depressing common woman. I am going to be 28 years old, I have a job (for now) I am back in school, have a house and 3 cats, oh yeah, and a husband I cannot understand. One day he is telling me to go F*** another man (Rudy to be exact) , the next day he wants me to hug him and kiss him. He told me since he saw that Rudy and I were really good friends and the fact that we always hang out and I have been to his apartment, that he would think It was ok for me to do him. I mean, dont get me wrong, one of the reasons this blogger was to let my feelings out about Rudy - after all I do have the biggest crush on him and if he ever wanted to hook up with me - I would say "anytime!". But I know that what Mark asked me is wrong. Well here I am at work, its ok, I am thankful I have a job. Right now alot of people are getting laid off :( I have to go back to work....
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 3:32 AM ----- BODY:
Its 3:33 am and I am half way through both research papers. One I found out is 5 to 7 pages long instead of the 10 pages I thought it needed to be. I just hope my professor understand the points I am trying to make. The othe paper that is 8 pages long needs 2 more and I am done. Tomorrow, I mean today I need to rush after work and drive the 35 miles to school and drop off the paper before 5pm. I do not know how that will be done -- but it must be. I also have a quick summery of some readying I have to do, 2 take home exams and I have to post my "review" on 3 chapters that I was supposed to have read last week for this week but didnt. School is out on the 19th and I am still with so much on hand. I should go to sleep and at least get 2 hrs of sleep before I have to go to work again. Was i not there a little while ago? hehe..I have to go. Laters
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 4:17 PM ----- BODY:
I wish I could drink away this feeling I have for him. Something I know I cant let go of. No matter how much I try. I tried, so despretly to forget. Letting go would be what he wishes I'd do. But I cant. I consider him my closest dearest friend and value the friendship I have for him. But I also know I cant let go of what I feel for him. Norah Jones said it right in her "I've got to see you again" song. I hate to go home and not see him. I have realized that I know more about him, than the man I live with, the one I have been married to for five years. I have spent more time with him in the past few months then with my husband. If I were to never see him again -- those months will be treasured. I listen to Norah Jones to remember him. The CD is me. Everything she sings about. "....And I want to wake up with the rain Falling on a tin roof While I'm safe there in your arms So all I ask is for you To come away with me in the night" But this feeling is more then just wanting something physical with him. If it never happend - life would still be great. He is very inviting. If I had him in my life, keeping me company - life, would He has opened the door to something I didnt know existed. He caught my boring life and made it alive. I woke up from the dead. Life is great now. It's sad though - I see how he loves his life, his wife....the way he talks to her. I am the outsider....wanting to get in his life - but never will be able to.... Its like destroying the order of things. Wanting to break in to his life. As for now all I will do is enjoy the friendship I have with him. The jokes we tell the laughs we have. I enjoy his company. I also apreciate when he is trying to be firm with me. He knows when I make excuses. I like that he is there to remind me. I am so happy I stopped writing on this thing a long time ago and lied about forgetting the password. The posts I do now he will never read. I am happy for that...
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 6:15 PM ----- BODY:
The weekend is almost over. That sucks. Friday on the drive back home I fell asleep. I got home sat on my couch and fell asleep. I woke up the next day at 8am. This weekend I wanted to do something exciting - something cool. I wanted to go to the beach but ofcorse there is this hurricane down in the valley. So I stayed home. We went to the usual places, mall, best buy, fry's. The only difference was that mark got me an mp3 player. He says he knows I have been very unhappy and he has noticed for a long time. I loved the gift - but I didnt want him to know I took it to "make up" for what has happend. He said he wants to work at it. But the real question is -- Do I? do I want to continue this roller coster or just split. I have tried -- many times.There were times at night were I grab a bag - pack and head to the door. Once in the car I asked myself were I would go? I ended up going back to the house. There was this one time where I was crying so much. Mark and I having our "usual" arguments. I screamed at the top of my lungs. "I am leaving!" I got up and grabbed my keys. I didnt care where I was going - I just wanted out. He grabbed me by the hand and would not let me go. I feel so trapped. I think that what I wanted with Rudy was just an escape. I wanted to have a make belief life. A life were I knew I would be happy. But he rejected me -- and with good thought. He is young and got married about a year or so ago.I just do not understand why my freaking heart choose him. Why? I promised myself I would work hard to stop liking him. It has been working -- but sometimes I get this deep sigh of "what if" I am letting go of him slowly. But there is a small side of me who wishes he would turn to me and tell me that he felt the same way. I sound like a stupid hallmark card. But seriously -- I sometimes wish I could have just a few minutes - a hug, a kiss, hold his hand, a whisper. Just to say that I had him for a few moments. He has been the only one I had had feelings for since I first met Mark. Sure I thought about J -- but I had the memory of him. I had the idea that he would someday come for me. I had given up on that a long time. last thing I heard he was involved with another woman - seriously I might add. Gosh I cant belive this -- I am listening to Debbie Gibson's "lost in your eyes" what a song to end this conversation. I think Debbie and I went (and still am) through the same teeny bopper loves and infatuations...... I have to go study...will I ever get a chance?
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 8:18 AM ----- BODY:
This is the longest I have gone without actually updating this Journal. I guess ever since I decided to "hate" Rudy -- there really has not been any inspiration to write. I have written some poems that are sad and depressing -- but that's my therapy. That is how I am dealing with it. He is still a great friend and we still hang out and talk -- I wish wish he does not think I still like him...honestly I still do -- BUT I am working on hating him...... I start my vacation tomorrow. Althought I dont feel like taking a vacation -- I dont know what to do. Maybe I should go to the lake and just tan or something. That should be cool. This weekend i am FINALLY going to the beach!!! I am taking a few days off in about 3 weeks and going to Vegas! I am going to go to see Tori Amos. I wanted to see Celine Dion -- but she does not start her concerts again until mid August. Tori has been my therapy -- Rudy was right. Some songs I cant help but relate too. She is singing and I am telling myself..holly cow -- that's me! I have this craving to listen to her music - I want to know what she will say next. I need to get her other CD"s -- I only have 3. Feelings I have I hope they fade soon. But there was another blow to the head...he only dated catholic girls -- well, I am not catholic (althought I have always wondered about that religion) so If he was single and I was around -- he never would of gone for me....that really bites. I married mark knowing his family was catholic and they had a hard time accepting me. But I got my way and did not marry in a catholic church -- one because I did not have any of the criteria needed to get married in a church - and because I didnt want to disapoint my parents. School has gotten me thinking alot more. Critical thinking is knocking at my door. Ever since I started my class on "gender roles" and how it talks about women in different cultures and the way they are treated -- it has opened up some major questions I always had. I guess this class made me realize the feelings I had for Rudy. They were there all along..but they were never really explored. He was one of the reasons I began to write again. I had writes block for over ten years! He, along with the class made me wanna write again. I find myself questioning many things. My religion for one. I know I was brought up in the right path -- I just dont know how to stand in the straight line anymore....I always stood there because I was told to -- and I do not want to vetray my belifes...but I dont know what to think anymore....Anyone out there wanna help? I have to get back to work. I will talk later.....
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 4:00 PM ----- BODY:
so it has been like a while since Ihave written..well..try 2 days..heheeheh..nothing really has happend..I am starting to like Tori Amos -- rudy said i should listen to should "help" me with my situation..gosh..its horrible..i mean..i wish i never would of told him...i know thing would happen and i hid it for over a year...besides i like hanging out with him..i like having lunch with him..he is cool..putting the "feelings" aside... but anyway..i was so hurt yesterday -- he insisted i listen to tori to fix my "problem" what i feel for him is not a sucks...but like I told him..i would rather have him as a friend then anaything else..althought I will be available if he ever needs it..hehhe...ANYWAY...I have to go..I think I need to go to the dr. I am feeling sick. The operation I had in Dec..i dont think it worked..she mentioned possible ovarian cancer...God I hope its body is telling me something bad...I have to go and do it quickly... I do wish I can at least have one child before and If I do get something bad :(
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 2:53 AM ----- BODY:
Its 2:45am and I still cannot sleep......... I did catch up with infomercials. I love them! Well, just some. The knife info mercia is so cool as well as the "set it and forget it" one. I tell you I dont get tiered of them. When I was living alone in my old apt. I used to watch infomercials on saturday mornings. and I will admit it - I am a sucker for those products. I have purchased a few in my life. Nad's (it sucked) the six-week-body make over. The chopper to name a few. It is just so great now to know that walmart and walgreens carry the "As seen on tv." products. I can buy them and just return them if I dont like them.....I think I am going to take a bath.....................
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 1:45 AM ----- BODY:
Its one of those nights again where I cannot sleep. I tried sleeping -- I cant! Damn it! I am like this every freaking night! I only sleep about 2 or 3 hrs a night. Why is that? I do not understand. In about 3 hrs I will be up and ready to go to work. In this case - I guess I will go watch tv..or just listen to music........ Am I that old that I do not need sleep? dying of thirst.....brb.... I am back..yes, still awake. I just fed my cats....maybe I should go to HEB. I need to go grocery shopping. So I ask myself why is it that I cant sleep? Well, according to "Sleep problems may also be a marker for something fundamental going on in terms of psychosocial well-being, says Roberts. "It could be underlying depression...." Depression? Me? Why? Lets read on.....Do I have sleep apnea? I think I am showing signs of sleepiness...its 1:43am.....I guess I will go and watch tv and hopefully I will sleep...
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:28 AM ----- BODY:
So I am totally convinced I must have been this horrible, terrible person in another life. Maybe I was a woman hater or I was a witch and was burned at the stake in Salem. Maybe I did a magic spell and something went wrong. I dont understant. I WANT WHAT I CANT HAVE! I must be the most pathetic, stupidest troubled human being in this planet. It is starying right at my face with a big red flag, a big red stop light, stop sigt. Sorry cant have what you want. Sorry closed for business. Sorry we are out of stock. No merchandise for you. In this case -- this person whom I .. urgh!! I dont want to talk about this anymore. Its like after he found out its harder and harder to get him out of my mind. It pisses me off that since he knows I know he does not want to even touch this subject, not even with a 10 feet poll. Its like "physically hurts to not have them" I am hopeful romantic. A sad, sad, depressed romantic. who wants flowers delivered to my desk. I want to smile to know someone has some feelings for me. I want to be spoiled just one time in my lifetime. I dont want to be so orginized in my life. I want some mess and some chaoes. I want hugs! I want someone to feel my hair. Run his fingers and tell me that I am pretty. I want long to lay in the grass and talk and stair at the sun. I am asking for too much. That would mean I would have to have the freaking perfect man which will never show up. For me at least that is.... Sigining off for a while...........................
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 7:35 AM ----- BODY:
Yesterday after passing two car accidents on IH-35 I made it to school. I went to Moody Hall which is where we meet for my English Class every two weeks. This is a self taught class so there is no class room and we meet the professor on our own and/or with other classmates. So I sat on the tables in the waiting area. I was looking up because you can see all the way up to the third floor. So I was looking up and noticed this man on the 3rd floor looking down at me and I know it was me because there was no one around. I look down and start to work -- but I felt him looking. I look up and there he is again, looking down at me. I saw him smile and wave at me. That was weird. My professor showed up and we started to talk about past participles and Indirect and Direct Objects. Suddenly out of no where I snozed off. How can I fall asleep in front on my teacher! I am the only student he is teaching..OH MY GOD I thought. He looked at me and says.."Tiered?" I looked at him in emberassment "I am so sorry I dont know where that came from." We laughed it out and continued to work. An hour later I left school to go back home. It was great that I went home at that time because if I would of wainted a few more minutes I would of been stuck in traffic again. They were getting ready to close half the highway. I got home at around 8:45pm and started watching forensic files. I love that show! I think I would of been a great forensic pathalogist. There was a time in my life -- back in High School/early college life where I was obsessed with joining the FBI. I wanted to be just like Molder and Skully from the X files. It was stupid. I started looking into the requirements - what I needed to do.....up to this day I dont know what happend but I do not wish to join the FBI anymore. So today is Friday I hope I get to relax and sleep late..... I miss Rachael Ray's 30 Minute meal show. I just love the way she cooks. She makes it so easy! Everyday before I leave I say I am going to tape it -- but I always forget. I should just buy the tapes on the website...Its 7:05am I need to get some cofffee. i didnt get much sleep last night either. I need to go to a dr. I think I just was not ment to sleep at all -- I can sleep at least 3hrs, be tiered all day and not be able to sleep again. I think I am just too stressed. Some give me a massage? I have to go work. I committed myself to answering some idiot distributor. I was supposed to do the work yesterday but I said "screw this I am out of here" and left... laters!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:20 AM ----- BODY:
Its round 3 in the Acosta - Garcia fight. Both in each corner with nothing to say - only silence. It was pass midnight and he was asleep on the couch. I figured it would be nice if I woke him up and ask him if he would be going to bed. He mumbled something, got up, went to get water and went back to the couch. I called him again and just ignored me...well, how rude.I woke up this morning and just left.... I made a new CD so I am totally happy :) I stopped at Burger King got my breakfast and stayed in the car for a while. I got here 5 min before 7am and everyone is freaking out. "Adriana we thought you were sick!" "why?" I ask. "Well, you are always here before everyone, we know you come and work early so we figured you were sick" So I am wondering -- I have this routing everyone expects me to do and or they see me do and I a need to break this cycle.... I should be late once in a while - take off - well...not really I have to work..I need to start going out..with who? I need a drinking, dancing and clubing to find one................... Have to get back to work..................................................................................
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 11:24 PM ----- BODY:
I went to and found the top 10 songs for each catagory. I need some new music so I could listen to it at work. I found some cool songs and I even found some Hanson and some Amy Grant! Right now I am printing my homework - I parked next to the library today and it does not feel like I am a student there. I mean, I scream when I see the bill -- but it feel like I am only there visiting. Soon I will start having classroom classes - Come the Fall it is going to be hell for me. Tuesday class at 6:50 - 9pm Thursday 5:25pm - 6:40 and another class at 6:50 to 9:40pm I have 2 other online/self taught classes. So at least I do not have class on Monday's and Friday's. I just downloaded this stupid song. It was supposed to be Hanson's Mboop... hey I want the "tequila" song what's his name - Sammy Hagar? I requested some vacation time for July. I hope I get it. I am hoping to go to vagas or the beach. YES I NEVER MADE IT TO THE BEACH! I think I should just buy some bags of sand and put a lawn chair outside and just sit there. I can get those relaxing CD's with ocean sounds and a margarita on my right hand -- and have the perfect beach escape. What the? I am listening to the song Ignition from R. Kelly - I know he is not talking about cars... "Have you ever drivin' a stick?" hahaha...this song is cool! Ok I am going to make another attempt to sleep..... laters
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:45 PM ----- BODY:
I drove to school today because I need to watch some stupid video for this stupid class that I have. I have not even started the stupid assignment that was due like today at noon. I also have write some paper on women (18 pages single spaced). Women in religion, women and culture..etc. I decided to make my paper on Women and Religion but my professor thought It was too wide a subject so I have to narrow it down. Well excuse me! Well I had this wonderful idea on talking about women and the religion position they have now and how they had it back then. I wanted to use examples from the bible and women who preach now adays. But I have given up my religion for a while. I cannot stand to be too "good" all the time. I think I need "alone" time. I just hope I dont die before this rebelion finishes. I went to the gas station today - as I was paying - the Virginia Slims kept calling me. I want to smoke. Gosh I remember how it felt to breath in the smoke inside my body. Brings back college memories. I wanted to get them so bad but I thought about Mr. Ebay. Then again he does not give fuck about me anyway. (Adriana such words! Watch your mouth with soap) I stopped to get church's I really wanted some since lunch time. Then Mr. Ebay calls me and tells me he wants milk. I tell him I am tiered but I still went to the store and got some milk. Anyway, no "thank you" from him either. Are men just not thanking anymore? I gave rudy this 64mb card for him to use for his mp3 player -- no "thank you" I switch systems with him "no thank you" get my drift? Mr. Ebay didnt even look at me. He is wrapping his sales right now. I hear the tape and the boxes moving. My favorite show is on right now. The world's wildest police chanses..I dont know what channel though. So anyway - I told Miguel that I was feeling sick today after lunch. I really wanted to leave - I was so tiered but I felt guilty and stayed. He told me if I wanted to leave I could...Miguel is such a nice guy. He has been there for me at all times. He is funny too and Kim is the greatest. I do envy them because they have such a beautiful daughter. I know its not my time now - I think - If medecine catches up - I could have children before the age of 35. I already have my daughters name picked out. Samantha Elizabeth and then the last name. I really do not see myself having boys - they will bring trouble - I think I might of jinxed myself. My mom asked me when it was that I was going to have children - she said she was tiered of waiting for a grandchild. I felt so pushed into it.....but she knows I cant have children. I do not know why she bothers me with it. Well, I have to go plagerize someone's online posting and reword it to look like its my own. I have 3 A's and 1 C in that class. So I have to get an "A" for that class. Tomorrow I meet my other professor. He talks to much. I better catchup with homework and review my english junk. I am sure I will posting something later tonight. -Me
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 5:47 PM ----- BODY:
Ok - so I am at work and I am totally trusting this moron. He is like asking me personal questions and I am totally not in the mood to answer him. There were questions pertaining to Rudy and Sex and all that crap.. well, it turned out that Rudy was reading what he wrote and what I wrote back. I am like totally feeling vilolated here. But I should of known since the moron is a first class F*****. I dont know why the hell I trust him -- he just gets my in trouble. 11. There's always going to be people that hurt you so what you have to do is keep on trusting and just be more careful about who you trust next time around. This is so true and I will keep it in mind next time I open up to someone -- specially a dude like Rudy. I mean, yeah I felt like moving out of the reservation -- but he didnt have to be so truthful. It hurt. Bad. I felt this wave of something come to me. I could not look at my screen..first it was pain, then anger, then crap..I mean I have been freaking loyal to mr. ebay for over five years. He cheated on me 2 times!! When is it my turn? Well from the forcast - NEVER! Mr. Ebay has not called me all freaking day - I wonder what he is up to. Not even this freaking morning. Ok so My life is totally screwed....I have like no one in my life I can trust now. I thought that trusting and opening up to Rudy would do me some good in this life -- all it did was scare the S**** out of me. (I am typing at work so I really do not want to get in trouble) So I am completly back to square one. It feel like that time I was in jr. high and this so call friend told this little kid I liked him. Everyone laughed - at least it felt like it. All around the cafeteria. That is when the food fight started but that's another story. Gosh each day I sound so depressed and despret for some type of action. All I freaking want is someone who is going to freaking just listen to me for a while and not be able to read me like an open freaking book. Just something quick -- no commitment. Meet on the weekends? Sure -- and off away we go into our normal lives. I am beginning to think that is how people survive in this world. They go off wonder off the reservation and come back to their !Kung woman. Althought the !Kung are allowed co-wifes and or lovers. A !Kung woman can have up to 10 affairs in a life time. I want to be a !kung woman. So I am going home today -- big deal. I hate the silent treatment mark gives me. It makes me sick to my stomach. Gosh I never thought I would be like those despret alone women. Maybe I should just go to school today and watch those stupid videos I have to watch for class...Its better then going home. Ok so the library closes at 1am...I can watch the movies and be out and go get something to eat...I want church's. I will update after I come back from school how my life has completly not changed.....
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 3:56 PM ----- BODY:
Read Each One Carefully and Think About It a Second or Two 1. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.. 2. No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry. 3. Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to,doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have. 4. A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart. 5. The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them. 6. Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. 7. To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. 8. Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you. 9. Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful. 10. Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened. 11. There's always going to be people that hurt you so what you have to do is keep on trusting and just be more careful about who you trust next time around. 12. Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you. 13. Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. REMEMBER: WHATEVER HAPPENS, HAPPENS FOR A REASON.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 12:57 AM ----- BODY:
I can't sleep. I tried, honestly. I rolled into bed, watching t.v. I cant sleep. I got up and came here. Mark is asleep in the couch and he left the tv on .. again. I was so bored, board, bord I redid my webpage and added new pictures to charlie and prancers, oh and my new addition Brillo Pad's website. My Web Site: The Cats web site: Its almost 1am. Why can't I freaking sleep?! Maybe I was ment to have a night job. Maybe work at the 7-11? Or work at HEB or Wal-Mart as a night stocker? (Not the stocker that you think -- people that reshelf...nevermind) I am thirsty - brb. I seriously need to start counting sheep -- But then again - why go to bed? I am going to wake up in a few hours...maybe I should go to work -- haha..and do what? Maybe I should study. I think that may put me in the sleeping mode.....
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 8:28 PM ----- BODY:
I was half way home when I realized that I had forgotten to stopped by the liquor store. I sure wanted to taste my favorite drink. I did stop get my dinner. Golden Chick sure knows what I order all the time. They see me drive to the drive thru and they smile. Sord of like the lady at the Bristo at work - I know that a large coffee and a diet pepsi is $2.64 and whenever I go there she has my soda ready. As I was parked waiting for my food - I saw dropps of water falling. Is it going to rain? I thought. I sure hope so. The sky was clear and very little clouds were in the sky. I got my food and drove out -- out of nowhere it started to rain. There was no clouds and the sun was out - how could that be? One of Gods many wonders I thought. I was happy it was raining but I wanted to get out and run. As I made a turn to the street to get to the sub division I saw the most beautiful rainbow standing at the end of the road. At least that is how it seemed. It was raining, the sun was out and a beautiful rainbow in front of me. It then started to rain harder - it was great! I turn to the main street and the rain stops. As I am driving it start to rain harder. Isnt that weird? I then see a man cutting the grass and its raining! It looked starange - but he was probably thinking the same thing I was. He wanted to get out and enjoy the rain. I park the car in the driveway and watch the rain fall. I wanted to stay here, recline the seat and open the top window and let the rain hit my face. The rain got harder, I get out of the car and walked. I tried to open the door and realize that mr. ebay had double locked the house - I hate when he does that. Does he not know that I am coming home? "sorry I forgot" he says to me. "Sorry I forgot?" what is he like living alone? I sat to watch tv and opened my dinner. Mark sits next to me and puts his feet on top of my legs. "You are super wet" he says and moves away. He comes back with a dry towel, puts it on top of my leg and puts his feet. Does he think I am not going to eat? As I look at him with anger - Brillo Pad jumpes out of nowhere and claws me! He is trying to climb up to get the food. So at this point - my wonderful time with the rain tumbles out as someone who has not even said "hello" to me puts his feet up when I am going to eat and a cat who is hungry claws me - my moment is totally ruined. Its been about 2 hrs since I have been here at home and mr. ebay has said but 3 phrases to me. "sorry I forgot" "You are super wet" wait those are only 2 phrases... I just opend a letter that arrived from St.Edward's. It was a letter of a bill reminding me I had paid $700. I hope school is worth it. I am going to come out of there oweing Bank of America both my arms and legs. I have to do homework - I just remembered school is too expensive to slack off......
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 4:26 PM ----- BODY:
So all I can do is work now and listen to stupid music remind me of Rudy. Gosh I better stop talking about him - he can read this...RUDY I HATE YOU!!! Its now working!!!!!But honestly I hope you dont think I am some psycho chick because I am not. I know my place..I just figured since I have nothing to loose..belive me I dont - I took the chance. This is an ordinary day at home..... Get home and I am greated by my cats minus the husband. He is out packing or watching his ebay auctions. About an hour later - after watching the food network mr. ebay notices I got home. "when did you get here? what's for dinner?" I make food and or go get something -- come home and watch t.v oh yeah and study... Mr. Ebay still on the PC and or packing..... I try to study a little -- watch more t.v. and get ready for the next day. Mr. ebay will stay watching tv in the couch while I am in bed watching t.v...I put on the Tv. alarm and let it on for about an hour...I pet the cats and doze off....I wake up before the alarm..feed the cats....take a shower, wake up mr. ebay. set the alarm so he will wake up in time. grab atkins bars, pet the cats and drive off...its about 5:30am...I drive slow to work because I like to spend time alone and listen to music...I work all day then go back home to the same thing..I AM TIERED OF IT!!! SOMEBODY JUST HELP ME! I WISH I CAN SCREAM AT THE TOP OF MY LUNGS!!! I am sufficating...i am BOARD BEYOND BELIEF.....
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 12:09 PM ----- BODY:
So this high came down faster then Bill Clinton's pants...It feels like the end of a movie. Although I wished it ended like the ending of my favorite movie "The Mirror has two faces" it ended more like reality. It ended like I knew it would. Always go for the unrechable -- the impossible. I expected my ordinary life to go back to ordinary.... PLAN FOR TONIGHT: * Go to the liquor store across DELL * Buy me some good Amaretto * A - go to my brothers house and soak in his jacuzzy B - go to the house and talk to the cats after I get drunk I need to relax. Forget. Unwine. Undo. Rethink. Readjust. .................................................................................
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:26 AM ----- BODY:
So I am at work - its totally weird. I cant get up and say HI. But then again - he has not said Hi to me so I am assuming he never ever wants to talk to me. I guess its fine -- I did throw a bomb at him with the news and he can act whatever way he wants. For now I guess I will talk to my twinky friend. Ana came with a red shirt and black skirt - I came with a red shirt and black I told her we were twinkies today... I thought it would rain today - I really wish it would just rain. I love it when it rains -- I want to go out and run in the rain.... I usually find the SNL mp3's I have funny -- today I dont find them funny...I find them annoying...incoming back later....
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 6:59 AM ----- BODY:
I am currenty hooked on this Blogger thing. I was not before -- why am I now? On my way to work I heard my favorite song. The song that relaxes me - can I say its my escape from reality? John Tesh - Avalon - not just the original version, the live one. It is the best song ever created by a former Entertainment Tonight Host. I heard it about 2 times before I got out of the car - now I know why I see people in their cars in the morning. They are tying to escape from reality. They want to day dream about the dream job, vacation...just their dreams. As I listened to the song, I closed my eyes - for a little that is - I was driving, then again I know the road like the back of my hand. I dreamed of the beach - listening to the gental waves and the segals flying around me - wanting food. I felt the sand in my feet, so soft and smooth. I want to look out into the ocean and dream......but then I had to make my exit so I came back to reality.....I am here at work :( I have to get my coffee :)
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 5:25 AM ----- BODY:
Its too early. This is the first time in life that I actually want to stay in bed and not do anything. I want to hear my cats just jump up and down around me and hear the big fan hit my face. Actuallly I am stalling - I know I have to work today - today is the "next day after the incident" thing - I just hope everything goes back to normal -- I hope I am back to normal. I have not been this nurvous since the day I met President George W. Bush back in 1998 when he was running for Governor of Texas. He joked and held my hand. He has the smothest hands - I wanted to keep touching his hand as I have never touched so soft hands -- but I saw the two agents guarding him. I figured - I dont want to go to jail today..... The actual question is...will I be ok? Will I be able to go over and just say hi? I cant look at his eyes now..damn it! My favorite feature. I hope we go for a walk today and its not "too weird" I know we cant go eat out anymore - one because it will be just to damn expensive to eat out everyday - two because we cant afford to come back late for lunch everyday (People hate that I come in late and get away with it) and three because it will probably be too ackward to just sit and talk..I dont know what I am saying. I want to sit outside the beanches and just let the air hit my face....I just hope its cool today and not hot - who am I kidding right? ok..ok. I will get up and get ready.....prancer just meowed - I think she's hungry..............
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 3:12 PM ----- BODY:
I just had lunch with Rudy -- it was fun. We went to Serranos and had some chiles was fun. we got talking and stuff. i will go into detail tonigh - i have to work...
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 6:47 AM ----- BODY:
I am currenty at work. Yeah its 6:35am. I used to come at this time everyday - heck sometimes earlier. I used to be in charge of the support mailbox but now I have been pushed away. I was the team leader, the cream of the crop, the last coca-cola in the island .. you get the point. I always put alot of pride in this stupid job and worked my ass off every day. I would kill myself by answering over 100 emails a day. I remember those days when I used to come in at 3:30am just to catch up with the over crowed mailbox. Customer from all over latin america crying over how they have not received their service..stuff like that. On friday - management assigned a new "team leader" to the mailbox -- in another dpt. I knew this was coming -- six months ago to be exact. I never really thought it would hurt this much. It sounds really stupid but the mailbox was my baby. I took care of it for over two years. I assigned emails, took away, answered them...etc...I was the main contact between the techs and the IT dpt for the program. If someone needed access to it - I would put in a request. I always made sure the box was ok and if it needed work - I would push the guys to answer more emails. At first I was the only one - now we have 4 techs here and 6 over at the "other"place. I guess I should not include myself. I just feel so back stabbed. They just told me to give all "rights and prvilages" to the new guy - just like that - "puff!" I am no one now. I guess I should be able to enjoy the fact that I do not need to put up with that anyone - but I feel empty. I was waiting for a good bye party..hehehe..well, I am just over reacting. Let me update my Other log and I will write back later..
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 5:44 AM ----- BODY:
Last night I tried to do those "do-it-yourself" hair highlights - it looked easy. I followed the instructions, put it on my hair and waited the recommended 30 minutes. I got in the shower, put on the shampoo, rinsed. I got out of the bathroom expecting to see glowing, beautiful light-brown highlights, instead I see yellow/brown/redish spots on the top of my head and the rest of my hair light brown/redish. I wanted to scream!! I could not belive it, I wanted to add some color to my hair not get ready for a circus act! I went to wal-mart, thank God its open 24/7 - I went to get a bandana for my head - I have never used one before and it is just so horrible! I want to cry! I have to wait a few days for the paint to settle - then I will dye my hair again and never do highlights! hahaha...ok, I am getting ready to go to work -- write later!
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 9:07 PM ----- BODY:
So I am yet to know exactly how to add this to my webpage. Anyway - I am twenty-seven years old, married, no children. Just 3 cats. I just came back from a weekend trip to see my sister. She lives in Fort Worth - just three hours from where I currently live. I wanted to take a weekend off and just bum out. I got there on friday - she has 2 dogs living with her and her boyfriend. My sister just got a house, it is so nice and big. She and her boyfriend have been together for about four years - they met in school. My husband and I also met at school - back in 1997. Subject change: I am currenty working at a DELL I have been there three years. Three myserable years - I was a phone tech, then an email tech now I am a dispatcher. I guess as long as I have a job I am ok. I recently enrolled in school. I am attending St. Edward's University. It is a private catholic school, my mom freaked when she found out I was accepted - she thought I was going to turn catholic or something. Actually lately I have been rethinking my religion. What is it all about? have I learned to accepted because I want to or because I was forced? You know like the Indians of Mexico - they were forced into the catholic religion by the Europeans - Was I forced too? It is currently 9:07pm and I forgot I have clothes waiting for me in the washer. Let me go dry them - I am have to study - forgot to do that.
-------- AUTHOR: Adri DATE: 8:54 PM ----- BODY:
This is the new and improved journal. Everything I had before I deleted....I guess it is kind of cool sharing all this with people out there. I am currently working to update my webpage -- which has not been updated for over a year. I am so outdated - I want flash screens and music and not just plain text. Anyway, I am going to keep this log as interested as possible. I am just hoping that no one that I know will read my log -- that is mom, dad, brother, sister or even my husband. I will post information that I am feeling at the time - so regret will come later, consecuences to be thought of later. Let me check out Blogger some more and then I will continue to post more stuff. Laters :)

