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Some of my Family

Well I guess I should say some thing about my family. I have two brothers and one sister. My older brother (shane)who is 21 at the moment lives here with me, as in the same house. My other brother and my one sister live in mississippi with my parents. I live with my grandmother at this moment in time. Mostly becuase they live closer to the University I go to. But that isnt' the only reason. My other brother is named Noah (13)and my sister is Mallory (12) and they both live in Mississippi with my mother and father (Leann and Larry). The are pretty good as parents go*s*. Not to many are better...except for when my mom teases me about girls still because I never talk to her about them.*S* The grandparents I live with are my Grandmother and Grandfather Hamby(Lonnette and Gerald). I have a bunch of family around here. My uncle gerry and aunt kate live in Oxford. My uncle owns his own business in Childresburgh. I have many other relatives around here but just dont feel like mentioning them. Maybe one day I will, but not today*s*.

Pics of Family, Pets, and Home
