Monday, October 5

Reva, Harley, Selena and Jenna throw Cassie a dinner party to help cheer her up. Cassie tells them that she can feel Hart slipping away from her. They try to make her feel better. They start talking about Harley and Phillip's upcoming wedding. Harley says she is torn between a wedding like Princess Di's and one like Josh and Reva's. Reva says that she remembered looking into Joshua's eyes and wanting the day to last forever. She says that she loves him more today than she did the day she married him, if that's possible. Jenna talks about her labor pains during her wedding to Buzz and Selena makes up a romantic story about her wedding that she really read in a magazine. Cassie is still feeling down and they try to reassure her that Hart loves her. None of them had an easy time being with the ones they loved. Cassie says she will believe in Hart's love for her.

Blake finds Ben unconscious in the bathtub with his head submerged in the water. She tries to get him to respond and finally has to get up out of her wheelchair to save him. Blake drags him out of the bathtub and starts CPR on him. She says that she needs him, he can't die. Ben wakes up and remembers the note that she had left for him. Blake says she didn't leave any note but that there was a nursery rhyme on the table. They decide that the stalker is behind this but can't figure out why Annie would want to harm Ben. Ben realizes that Blake had to have walked over to the bathtub to save him. When Blake realizes that she walked, she is overjoyed. Blake is happy that Ben is alive as Ben kisses her.

Beth runs into Matt at the hospital. She tells him that she will stop by later to see Dinah because she doesn't want to run into Vanessa. She says that Vanessa made it very clear that she is to stay away from Matt. She also tells him about Vanessa accusing her of going after every unavailable man in Springfield. Matt is sure that Vanessa was just acting under the stress of Dinah's situation but Beth feels that she meant every word. Matt reassures Beth that she doesn't have to run from him.

Dinah tells Hart that all she ever wanted was to marry him. He promises her that they will be married but she has to get better. Dr. Sedgewick tells her family that the drugs aren't working and that they should call a priest. Vanessa refuses to accept that her daughter is dying and demands that the doctors do something. Dr. Sedgewick tells them about an experimental drug and that ask her to give it to her. Ross and Vanessa talk to Dinah and tell her how much they love her. Hart asks the priest to marry him and Dinah, but the priest is reluctant since she isn't coherent. Bill tells Hart that there is no way he will allow Hart to marry his sister. They have a big fight and Vanessa and Ross drag Bill out into the hallway. Bill reminds Vanessa that she always lets Dinah down. Vanessa and Ross reflect on what might have been if she'd told Ross that she was pregnant all those years ago. Ross tells her that there is no chance of him and Blake reuniting, but it's now up to her to prove she can be a good mother. Dinah tries to tell Hart about taking the pills, but she is too weak. The priest performs the marriage ceremony for Hart and Dinah.

Tuesday, October 6

Reva and Cassie go home and discuss Dinah and Hart on the front porch. They go inside to find Josh. Cassie leaves so Josh and Reva can have a romantic dinner alone. Josh tells Reva that he misses her. She asks why and he explains that he misses they way they were on vacation. He says that they have too many things pulling them and that he wants to recapture what they had in Hawaii. She goes to check on the kids and comes back dressed in a Hawaiian dress. She dances for him. They get romantic. They go up to their bedroom. They talk and kiss as they undress each other on the bed and get romantic again.

Vanessa tells Ross that she has forgotten to take her blood pressure medicine. Matt arrives and Vanessa tells him that Dinah is worse. Beth walks up unseen and Matt goes to talk to her. He tells her that Vanessa shouldn't see her now. Harley overhears Matt and Beth's conversation and asks why Vanessa shouldn't see them together. Beth asks Harley why she's there and Harley asks Beth what's going on between her and Matt. Harley says she'd hate to see Beth's bad choices hurt Lizzie. Beth tells her to back off.

After Hart and Dinah are married he tells Vanessa and Ross that they should go inside. Ross thanks Hart for marrying Dinah and Cassie overhears. She explodes at Hart and walks off. Vanessa and Ross try to get Dinah to wake up but can't so he goes to get Hart. Hart defends his marrying Dinah to Cassie. Ross finds them in the ER and Hart goes to Dinah. Hart tries to get Dinah to wake up by talking about where they will go on their honeymoon. He remembers when they were in Switzerland. Cassie overhears him begging her not to leave him. The nurse comes and they all go outside. Matt tries to comfort Vanessa. Cassie apologizes to Hart and tells him she understands why he married Dinah. Inside, Dinah decides that she's not going to die.

Blake is thrilled that she walked to save Ben. She tells him the reason for her visit but now she says she can't leave him. Ben asks to see her walk and she does. He tells her that she must love him and he falls down. They go to the hospital and Blake explains what happened to the doctors. Ross sees Blake walking and Ben tells him that she saved his life. Ben leaves for more tests and Blake tries to explain to Ross why she went to Ben's. Blake asks to see Dinah and Ross says no and leaves. Ross comes back and sees Blake taking care of Ben.

Wednesday, October 7

Hart brings Cassie some coffee. He tells her to go home and rest. Margaret tells Vanessa and Ross that Dinah's blood pressure is rising. She asks for Hart. Ross finds Hart and Cassie apologizes to Ross. Cassie overhears Hart asking about Dinah. Hart goes inside to see Dinah. Outside, Vanessa tells Matt and Bill that Hart seems to make Dinah better. Hart tells Dinah that he stayed all night. He leaves to let her rest and Ross thanks him for all he's done. Cassie nearly passes out and Hart catches her. Inside Vanessa tells Dinah how worried Hart was and Bill doesn't like it. They go outside and Vanessa realizes she doesn't have her blood pressure pills. Bill asks Vanessa if Dinah's marriage is a good thing. Cassie lies to Hart about why she passed out. Cassie leaves. Vanessa tells Bill to be quiet about Hart. Hart returns. Hart tells Vanessa that he still loves Cassie. Cassie stops in to see the doctor on her way out and he says she's O.K. The doctor is concerned about the stress in her life. Vanessa asks Hart to put Dinah first for the time being and he agrees. Bill finds Vanessa's pills by Dinah's bed and figures out that she was taking them.

Ben asks when he can leave and the doctor tells him he ingested weed killer. Then Frank and Teri come in and tell him it was the same poison that Harley ingested. Frank asks him about the note and Teri says that they never found a note. They ask Blake how she helped him and she shows them that she can walk. Ben accuses Ken of poisoning him. Frank and Teri go outside and Teri tells him he seems uncomfortable around her and to get over it. Ben tells them he found the poison in Ken's basement. They leave to question Ken. Blake calls to check on the boys. Ben reminds her that Ross turned her away and she leaves to see Ross. Blake asks Ross about Dinah. He lashes out at her and leaves. She follows him. He says he will take the boys now that she saw Ben and Ben walks up. Blake begs him to reconsider and he says he'll see her in court.

Teri and Frank go to Ken's. Outside they argue and Frank apologizes. She tells him that nothing has changed between them. Holly invites them inside. Holly tells them Ben was there last night and they tell her about his poisoning. Teri brings up Blake's lies and Holly allows them to question Ken. Ken isn't there and Teri doesn't find anything in the basement. They leave to put an APB out on Ken.

Josh and Reva tell the kids goodbye for school and head back upstairs just as Sean knocks on the door. Josh offers him a cup of coffee and goes to get blueprints for him. He notices the champagne and Reva tells him it was from last night. They argue about how Hart is treating Cassie. Reva asks why Cassie couldn't have fell in love with someone like Sean and he says she should understand that! Reva tries to explain and Josh comes back. Reva tells Josh that she has been bothering him to see his ex-wife and that he disagrees with her. Sean apologizes. Josh thanks Sean for his good work at Lewis Construction. He invites Sean to a football game and goes to take a shower. Reva says they can all be friends and Sean says he doesn't think so. Reva tells Josh goodbye and Sean that she loves her husband. She says she thought he had gotten past all this. Cassie comes in and tells them that Hart married Dinah.

Thursday, October 8 Due to coverage of the impeachment process, some scenes were interrupted

Mick offers Selena a job as a waitress at Drew's new club. Drew isn't happy to hear about it and they all fight. Mick tells Drew that Selena needs money to look for her daughter. Drew offers Selena a job opening night and Selena accepts.

David tells Dahlia that he tried to talk some sense into Marcus. Dahlia gets angry with him and tells him to stay out of her life. Holly asks Michelle and Jesse to help her find Ken. Michelle is reluctant since Ken tried to kill her father. Jesse understands that Ed can hold a grudge and agrees to help Holly look for her brother.

Bill finds the pills that Dinah has been taking. Dinah tries to explain to him that after she lost her baby, she really did want to die. Hart saved her life. Bill tells her that she has much more to live for than just Hart. Dinah tells him about a peacefulness coming over her while she was sick, but Hart pulled her back. She begs Bill not to tell the doctors about the pills because Hart will find out. Bill agrees to keep her secret, but takes the pills with him. Dinah says that nothing will ever take Hart away from her again.

Teri and Frank tell Phillip and Harley about their suspicions about Ken being the stalker. They show Harley a picture of Ken and she recognizes him as the one that tried to run her off the road on her way to a Second Chances meeting. Frank and Phillip are concerned that the next time the stalker strikes, someone could die. Harley doesn't believe that Ken is the one who is after her. Frank and Teri leave to settle things about the kiss once and for all. As Phillip leaves to get Harley something to eat, someone is watching them. Harley opens the door to find Ken standing there. He says he finally got her alone and forces his way in.

Cassie explains to Reva and Sean why Hart married Dinah. Reva wonders if Hart mentioned when he would be divorcing Dinah. Sean doesn't understand why Cassie and Dinah keep falling for Hart's act. Cassie asks them to stop ganging up on her. Hart comes over and has words with Sean. Reva says they should leave them alone to talk. Hart says that Dinah is doing better and Cassie asks when he can sign the annulment papers. Hart explains that things are more complicated than that because he's not sure how long Dinah's recovery will take. Cassie gets upset when Hart asks her if a little piece of her wanted Dinah to die. She tells him to get out and they struggle. Sean comes in and tells him to get his hands off of Cassie or he will throw him out. Hart says he'll leave when he's finished talking to Cassie, who says she is finished talking to him. They have a small struggle again and Sean tells him not to put his hands on woman in Cassie's condition. Hart wonders what condition and Sean says she is pregnant.

Friday, October 9

Ken comes to see Harley, and scares her. He says that she thinks that he's the stalker but he has come to hire her to clear his name. She suggests they sit down and she can take some notes. Harley tries to get to the phone and Ken gets mad and she says she's calling her partner David. He tells her it's his hobby to garden and that Holly lied about him being with her. He gets upset. Harley picks up the phone and secretly dials Phillip. Phillip overhears them talking, gets Frank and Teri and heads over to Harley's. Ken explains why he thinks everyone thinks he is the stalker and she believes that he is telling the truth. Then Phillip busts in with Frank and Teri. Ken puts a knife to Harley's neck and Frank tells him to let her go or he'll shoot.

Josh meets Ross to get some papers. Ross tells him that he's moved out. He bites Josh's head off. Ross tells Josh that you can never trust the one you love. Josh tries to explain that he's had some hard times lately but that he and Reva have gotten through it. Josh leaves. A pretty redhead comes in and Ross remembers Blake.

Blake goes to see Ben at his apartment. She brings him chicken soup. She fixes him a book to read. He says he has all he needs now. She admits that it is nice to be with him. He gives her a key to his apartment. He thanks her for her help. They hug and she pulls away. He tells her she doesn't have to hold back anymore. He asks her to lie down with him and she does.

Sean tells Hart to back off and blurts out that Cassie is pregnant. Then she says it's Sean's baby. Hart doesn't believe her. She tells him they were together while he stayed with her. Reva asks her why she's doing this. Hart punches Sean. Reva takes Hart outside. She tries to explain in a round-about way why Cassie has done this. Inside Sean asks Cassie what is going on. She says it's all because he's with Dinah now and she says they have to be convincing. Reva takes Sean outside to Hart and Cassie can talk. She says she was drunk when it happened too. He says it isn't like her to do this. She says it's not his baby because she didn't use protection with Sean. She apologizes and he doesn't believe her and tells her to tell the truth. He asks if she still loves him and she says it doesn't matter because he's with Dinah now. She thinks they should admit that they don't belong together. She tells him to leave because she doesn't date married men. He leaves and Reva and Sean come back. Reva asks if she's sure about this. Cassie asks Sean if he will agree and he does. Cassie leaves. Just as Sean is telling Reva the real reason he agreed to do this is because he is still in love with her, Josh walks in.

Vanessa comes to visit Dinah. They talk about Cassie's baby. Dinah is very happy that she is Hart's wife. She says her baby brought Hart back to her. Vanessa goes to get her flowers. Dinah tells her daughter how much she misses her. Vanessa comes back with Hart. He tells Dinah that Cassie is pregnant and this it isn't his, it's Sean's. She consoles him. Vanessa is very confused. Hart says he needs some rest and leaves. Dinah says that maybe it really is Sean's and that she and Hart can truly be happy now. She blurts out that their next child can really be his.

Monday, October 12

Josh overhears Sean tell Reva that he loves her and questions him about it. Reva tries to cover by saying Sean meant he loved the family. Sean tells Josh the truth that he's in love with his wife. Josh is curious as to why Reva doesn't seem suprised by this. Sean says that he's not trying to break them up and wishes it was another woman that he loved. He tells Josh that Reva told him they could be friends but she loved Josh. He also says that he appreciates all that Josh has done for him. Josh asks him to leave, but Reva isn't finished yet. She tells Josh that she will always be grateful to Sean for helping her off the island and that Josh should be too. Sean tells them that this is his problem, not theirs and leaves. Josh explains to Reva that he just came from talking with Ross and saw how devastated he was over what happened with Blake and Ben. Reva admits that they both have had their share of sins but they are stronger and better now. Josh says he doesn't want to end up like Blake and Ross and Reva says that it won't happen. It's stupid to compare them to other people. Reva assures him that they are stuck with each other and that nobody can come between them. He is still a little jealous, but understands why Sean would fall in love with her. He says that it's impossible to spend time with her and not fall in love with her for he has. They get romantic.

A drunk Hart tells a woman about his troubles with Dinah and Cassie. She leaves him saying that it's too complicated for her. Sean comes in and Hart goes after him for being with Cassie. Hart wants to know what Sean's secret is for getting all the ladies to love him. Sean says Hart should go home and sleep it off, he has his own problems. Hart won't let him leave and tries to pick a fight. Sean wants him to hit him if it will make him feel better but Hart refuses to make him the victim. Sean says that they are on the same side since they don't understand why women have to complicate things. He tells Hart that tomorrow will look better because it can't get any worse.

Vanessa learns that Hart was not the father of Dinah's baby. Dinah tries to explain that the love she felt for her baby was real. Vanessa tells her that she has to end her marriage to Hart. Dinah asks Vanessa not to take Hart away from her. Vanessa is upset when she realizes that Dinah had all of her family at her beside confessing their love for her but it still wasn't enough for Dinah. Dinah has a dream about Hart finding out the truth about the baby and the pills. He tells her that he could never marry a woman like her. Dinah vows to not let Hart end up hating her. Vanessa comes back and tries to reassure Dinah that she has changed. She has to do the right thing and let Hart have his freedom. Dinah promises to think about it and asks her mother to stay with her.

Phillip tells Frank and Teri to put the guns away. Teri calls for backup as Phillip is trying to convince Ken to let Harley go. He tells Ken that Harley means everything to him and just as Ken is about to drop the knife, the police bust in. Ken is upset to see that they have all set him up. Harley tells them that Ken is not the stalker and that Annie is still the main suspect. She tells Ken that if he is going to kill her, to go ahead and do it. Phillip convinces Ken that Harley will help him find the real stalker and he is just about to release Harley again when Teri shoots at him. Nobody is hurt but Phillip is angry that Teri risked Harley's life. Frank defends her actions to Phillip but later is upset about it too. The police take Ken into custody. Harley wants to go to the police station with Ken but Phillip won't let her. She is convinced he is not the stalker. Phillip and Harley agree to forget about their worries and concentrate on themselves for a while. Teri receives a phone call from Annie saying the she isn't the stalker. Teri is upset to realize that she forwarded the call from her house. Annie knows where she lives.

Tuesday, October 13

Harley comes to see Frank at the station. She thinks Ken is innocent. He tells Harley about Teri's call from Annie. She asks him what's going on with him and Teri. She warns him not to get too close to Teri. Holly comes to see Ken. Harley tells Holly that she believes that Ken is innocent. Ken comes out and is very ill. Holly tries to help him. Frank lets them leave and Harley tells Frank again to be careful with Teri. Frank leaves and Harley calls the Detroit police department to check up on Teri's background.

Teri goes to Reva's to tell her about the call from Annie. Shayne brings a letter to Reva from a "lady"(Annie). Reva asks Shayne what the lady looked like. He leaves. The letter mentions the Land of Wishes, Hopes and Dreams and she acts like she doesn't know where that is. Reva says she is the one that will have to take care of Annie. Teri says she will stay with her all day. Teri goes to use the phone and Reva leaves for the Land of Wishes, Hopes and Dreams. Teri comes back and Reva is gone. Reva arrives at the carousel and yells for Annie to come out.

Beth comes to see Ben. She is upset that he didn't call her. He tells her how Blake saved his life. She tells him that Vanessa thinks she's after Matt. She admits that she wishes that she and Ben could be more than friends. Beth tells Ben that she doesn't think it will work with Blake. She says she's afraid that their friendship is over now that he is with Blake. He says she is wrong and she leaves.

Blake comes to see Ross at his office. She is angry that she received custody papers. He tells her that he is finished being nice with her. She begs him to not do this. He tells her he's ready for a divorce and he will use Ben's strategy in court to get the boys back. He gets rough with her and she tells him that Ben would never treat her like this and leaves.

At the office, Josh tells Matt that Alan wants them to do a construction job for Spaulding. Matt tells Josh about the tension between Vanessa and Beth. He asks if Matt has feelings for Beth and Matt says no. Josh suggests he just stay away from Beth to keep Vanessa happy. Matt agrees and leaves to work. Teri comes to see Josh. She tells him about the note and he and Teri head to the Land of Wishes, Hopes and Dreams. Reva finds a note just as Teri and Josh arrive. It is a trap, and when she moves the note Teri dives on top of her to protect her as something falls from the ceiling.

Wednesday, October 14

Drew is excited about the opening night of Millinneum. She strips for Jesse so he can pick which dress looks better on her and he becomes uncomfortable thinking she is trying to seduce him. She tells him that this is important to her because she wants to prove that she can accomplish something with her father's money. She wishes that he could be there. She also shows Jesse a wall covered by his art. He tells her that he is involved with Michelle. She says that she would love to be with him but that isn't what this is about. Drew is surprised by Selena's wardrobe. Selena asks Mick if Drew was complimenting her and Mick tells her that she has softened since she found out Selena was looking for her daughter. Mick calls someone and tells them if they want a score, they have to be at the opening of the club. Jesse can't get Michelle on the phone, but hopes that she will make it for the opening. Meanwhile, Bill tells Michelle about Dinah taking Vanessa's pills. She can't believe Dinah would risk her own life for Hart. They talk about old times and Michelle playfully teases Bill. He takes her by surprise when he kisses her and tells her he's not a kid anymore. He also says he'll take her to the opening of Millinneum.

Cassie comes by the hospital to see Dinah. She says she has a gift for Dinah that she will really want and that is Hart. Dinah tells her that she knows that Cassie told Hart that Sean was the father of her baby. Cassie assures her that if Hart knew the truth, he'd never let Cassie go. She also tells Dinah that Hart feels guilty for what happened and would never leave her. Hart needs to be with Dinah and Cassie needs to let him. She says she is letting him go because she loves him but warns Dinah never to hurt him. Cassie realizes that Dinah would always be part of their lives and she doesn't want to raise a child in that environment. When Cassie leaves, the nurse brings Dinah her baby's death certificate to sign. Dinah breaks down as Cassie walks back in. Dinah tells her that she doesn't understand why her baby had to be punished for all of the bad things she has done. She tells her that she would have took her baby's place if she could have. At the Diner, Buzz advises Hart to think about whether or not marrying Dinah was really the right thing. Hart tells him that he could fall in love with Dinah again, but he loves Cassie. Hart goes to the hospital as Cassie is leaving. She tells Dinah that she really hopes she feels better. Dinah asks Hart to take her home.

Teri saves Reva from Annie's trap. Reva isn't hurt but Teri has an injured leg. Josh can't believe he almost lost Reva to Annie again. He yells for Annie to come out and show herself. He says that all he feels is hatred for her now. Reva and Teri try to calm him down. He says that if Annie kills Reva, she might as well kill him, too because if Reva dies, he dies. Teri calls for backup as Josh asks Reva why she lied to Teri and came to meet Annie alone. Reva apologizes saying that Annie gets to her. Annie challenged her and she had to accept. Josh asks her not to put herself in that kind of danger again because he can't lose her again. He tells her that they can go after Annie together and promises her that one day it will be over, even if he has to drive a stake into Annie's heart. Teri comes back and says that Annie got away. Reva knows she couldn't have gotten far because she would have wanted to watch her die. Josh thanks Teri for saving Reva's life and she says that she hopes to find the kind of love that Reva and Josh have someday. He tells her that they owe her and they shake hands. Frank arrives with the police who have found Annie's car with a body bag and shovel inside. Teri assures Reva that they will find Annie. Reva says somebody better find Annie before Annie finds her.

Thursday, October 15

Michelle asks Dahlia to go with her and Bill to the opening of Drew's new club. Dahlia wonders if Bill finally acted on his feelings for Michelle. Michelle tells her that Bill kissed her and Dahlia agrees to go. Phillip and Harley attend the opening of Millennium. Harley tells Phillip about Teri kissing Frank. He tells her she should stay out of it and focus on their own happiness. Vicky tells David that she has been on a tour of Spaulding with Alan. Drew gets a photographer to take a picture of her and Jesse, which angers Michelle. When Dahlia sees Marcus at the club, she gets David to dance with her.

Holly asks Ross if he will represent Ken against the stalker charges. Ross says that she won't want him to represent anyone when she finds out what happened with Blake. He tells her that he is turning into his brother. Holly doesn't believe that and tells him that he shouldn't give up on his family. She reminds him of when they got married and how happy they were. He says that she broke every vow they made and he should be sainted for forgiving her for all that she did. Holly says why not forgive her one more time. She tells him that if he still loves Blake, now is the time to fight for her. Meanwhile, Ben tells Blake that they will have to fight dirty in order to keep the boys. Ben says that he can reopen the case against Ross for shooting Blake. Blake realizes that if Ross goes to jail, she will keep the twins. Blake can't bring herself to do that to Ross and says there has to be another way. When one of the boys has a nightmare, Ben helps him. Ross comes by to apologize to Blake for almost assaulting her earlier. He walks in on Ben playing with Kevin and Jason.

Alan arrives at the police station to answer questions about Annie. Reva informs him that Annie tried to kill her again. Teri asks him when he saw her last and he claims that it was just before she escaped from prison. Teri shows him a cufflink with his initials on it that they found in Annie's car. Alan says she gave them to him before their wedding. Alan blames Reva for Annie's behavior saying that when Reva came back is when Annie was backed into a corner and had to fight. They found a dry cleaning receipt in the car that had her phone number on it. Reva calls the number and says that Annie is there. They get her address and head over to the apartment where Annie is. Frank doesn't want Reva and Josh to go, but Josh says they've come too far not to be there for the final chapter.

Friday, October 16

Ross sees Ben with Blake and the boys. He tells Ben to leave. Blake takes the boys up to bed. Ross tells Ben that he will never take his place. Blake comes back. Ross goes to tell the boys goodnight and Ben tries to comfort Blake. Ross talks to the boys and promises to do anything to keep them happy. He comes back in and tells her he wants his family in tact, Blake and the boys.

Michelle watches all the attention Jesse is receiving with Drew. She tells Drew that Jesse won't fall for her scheme. Drew shows off Jesse's art work and sells a piece for $5,000. Michelle thinks it is a scam. Jesse explains that it is all business. Drew tells Bill that Michelle will never make it with Jesse's new friends and he agrees.

Marcus sees Dahlia dancing with David. She confronts him about his cheating. He tries to apologize and asks David to help him but he refuses. Marcus begs him to tell her that it was just a one night mistake and David suggest he tell the truth. David tries to talk to Vicki again and she blows him off. Marcus tries to explain what happened and Dahlia admits that she wants to fight for their love. He asks her to leave with him and she goes.

Selena sees Mick sell drugs. She tells him that she knows from experience how bad drugs are and then she sees Buzz. They dance. A man propositions Selena and Buzz makes him apologize. Buzz finds Selena crying. She says everyone will always see her as a hooker and buzz tells her she's wrong and comforts her.

Teri, Frank, Josh and Reva go to Annie's apartment. Alan shows up. They break down the door to find a shrine to Josh. Annie is not there and they search the room for clues to where she is. Alan accuses Josh and Reva of being the reason Annie is crazy. He leaves. Reva breaks into a desk and finds letters from Annie, one to Josh and one to Reva. Josh reads his note. It professes her love for him. Reva's note curses her to lose Josh. Frank thinks they sound like suicide notes but Reva says it must be a trick because Annie is too mean to die.

At home, Lizzie reads email from Annie to Alan asking for help. Lizzie shows Alan the email when he returns home. The email asks him to meet her at the docks. He leaves. Lizzie calls Phillip and tells him that Alan left really upset. Alan gets to the docks and sees a boat explode into flames.

Monday, October 19

Jesse and Michelle make plans to spend an evening alone after the club closes but Drew reminds him of his managerial duties. Bill and Michelle decide to hang around and wait on them. Drew and Jesse are excited to see themselves on televison. While Jesse is busy with Drew, Michelle tries to make him jealous by dancing a sexy dance with Bill. Jesse suggests that he and Michelle continue that dance at home.

Ross tells Blake that he wants their family in tact. He wants to be there to raise them because he wasn't there for Dinah. Ben tries to convince Blake that Ross is trying to use her losing the boys against her. Ross gives Ben the opportunity to leave without fighting but Ben maintains that Blake chose him. Ross says that the truth is he wants his family back. Blake asks Ben to leave. She loves her husband. Ross and Blake embrace as she says that everything will be alright now. Outside the Marler house, Ben takes out a photograph of Blake and the boys and throws it on the ground.

Lizzie shows Phillip and Harley the email to Alan from Annie. Phillip goes to the docks to make sure Alan is okay. Harley tries to reassure Lizzie that Phillip will make sure Alan is alright. Harley asks Lizzie to be the flower girl in her wedding and Lizzie accepts. Lizzie tells Beth the news. Phillip calls Harley to tell her what's going on and Beth overhears Harley says she loves him. Beth flashes back to her and Phillip's wedding. Harley suggests a man at the police station for Beth to date angering Beth.

Reva and Josh read the letters that Annie left for them. Josh's declares her undying love for him and she curses Reva to feel the pain of not having Josh's love. Frank suggests that Annie is about to kill herself but Reva isn't buying it. She thinks Annie is setting them up again. Harley calls Frank and tells him about Alan's email. They all go to the docks. Meanwhile, Alan watches as the boat Annie is on explodes. Phillip arrives and prevents him from trying to save her. Reva asks Alan if he's sure it was Annie on the boat. Alan accuses her of being coldhearted and Phillip takes him home. Reva doesn't trust Annie's death saying that she knows Annie is still out there. The police find a body and Reva wants to see it. Instead, they look at some belongings that they found on the boat. Josh identifies Annie's wedding ring.

Tuesday, October 20

Blake, Ross and the boys wake up together. Ross gets the boys ready to go to the store to get the ingredients for waffles. He won't let Blake help. They leave and Blake calls Ben and gets his machine. He listens as she leaves a message apologizing for hurting him. Ross and the boys return and fix her waffles. Meta arrives to take the boys but Ross wants them to stay. Holly calls and tells him about Ken. Blake goes upstairs and puts on a Blake nightie. Ross seems very distant. She professes her love to him. They embrace and he tells her that he can't do this because he's worried about Ken. He leaves her with a kiss on the forehead. Meta comes back to get Kevin's hat and sees that Blake is disappointed and comforts her.

At the station, Reva doesn't believe that the dental records prove that Annie died. Cassie agrees. Frank doesn't believe that Annie could have faked it. Reva tries to explain how Annie could have set it all up and Frank doesn't believe it but Teri does. Phillip and Harley arrive. In the office, Frank asks Teri why she would agree with Reva. Teri says she thinks Annie is capable of anything. Reva and Phillip come in and she thanks Teri for believing her. Phillip says he wants some answers for Alan. They explain that they will be conducting DNA tests on the body. Reva talks to Cassie in the hall. Cassie says she wants to call Hart. Teri comes back and says the test will take time. Reva tells Cassie that if she decides to fight for Hart she should, but she will get hurt if she does. Reva tries to hurry Teri along.

Dinah and Hart discuss her condition at the farm. She tells him how happy she is to be Mrs. Jessup. A delivery man shows up with a baby bed. Hart apologizes for her seeing it and she thanks him and tells him what a great dad he would be. She tells him she wants to give him another child. He goes to make her breakfast. He comes back and she doesn't want anything. She tells him she has always hated his omelets. She apologizes for being cranky. He says he wants to know everything else she hates and she says his cowboy boots and country music. He tells her she snores. Cassie calls and hears them laughing and hangs up.

Holly comes to see Harley about Ken's case. She goes to see him. Phillip and Harley discuss planning their wedding with Annie looming around. She tells him that she is staying there and he says he is going home to check on Alan.

Teri invites Dr. Miller to give Ken a truth drug to answer questions. Holly doesn't want him to do it. Ben arrives to talk to Frank and Holly asks him to stop this. He won't. Ben says he's reopening the case against Ross. Ben tells Holly that Ross is at home. Holly asks Ken to stall them. Then she goes to Ben and asks him to help Ken. She offers him money. He asks her to beg and she does. Then he says that Blake means nothing to him and he won't help her or Holly. Ross arrives to help Holly. Ben tells him that he is being investigated again.

Wednesday, October 21

Marcus tells Dahlia how happy he is that they are together again. She tells him that they have nothing without trust and he promises never to hurt her again. He has to leave soon but will be back for the holidays. Marcus remembers he has to make a phone call and leaves the room as his other girlfriend comes into the Diner. She asks Dahlia for help in finding her boyfriend, Marcus Williams. Marcus sees Dahlia and his other girl talking.

Cassie suggests to Sean that they get married. It would help her assure Hart that Sean is really her baby's father and it would help to get Josh off Sean's back about his feelings for Reva. Sean thinks she has lost her mind. They argue and get locked in the storage room of the Diner. She admits that she doesn't know what to do now that Hart and Dinah are happy together. Sean says that she is not in love with him and that he is not the baby's father. He thinks she is starting to believe her own lies. When they calm down, Buzz lets them out of the room. Sean suggests that they could go out as friends and have some fun together. Cassie agrees and thanks him for helping her.

Vanessa and Vicky argue over how to run Spaulding now that Alan is consumed with grief over Annie. Vicky notices that Beth tries to avoid Vanessa and wonders why. After Vanessa leaves, Beth tells her that she doesn't like Beth and Matt's friendship. Matt comes to show Alan some construction plans and Beth fills him in on Annie's supposed death. They agree to let Beth make the decisions for the new room. Vicky tells Beth that she should play on Vanessa's insecurities so she will spend more time with her husband and less time at Spaulding. Vicky thinks that Vanessa is the past and she is the future of Spaulding. Beth tells her not to count on it.

Blake visits Dinah and Hart but wants to speak to Dinah alone. Dinah tries to start a fight but Blake insists that she wants them all to be a family. She tells Dinah that Ross came back to her and Dinah realizes that Blake needs her help to keep him. Blake admits that she wants to get in good with all of Ross's family, including Dinah. Dinah agrees to help her if Blake will help Dinah get Hart to come around. Hart tries to call Cassie but gets the machine. Blake gives him a picture of Roger and his father as a gift. As he looks for a frame, he comes across a picture of Cassie and wonders what happened to them. Vanessa comes in and reminds him that he made a commitment to Dinah. He says he won't break that commitment. Vanessa gives Dinah her medication while Blake tells her that Ross came back to her. Vanessa tells Blake that she hopes Blake knows how lucky she is and leaves. As Blake leaves, she tells Hart that Dinah needs him to be with her more intimately.

Ross tries to stop the police from giving the truth drug to Ken but Ken insists on taking it. Holly apologizes for going to Ben, but she was desparate. They are worried about the power of suggestion being enhanced with the drug making Ken admit to whatever they want him to. Teri volunteers to take the drug first but Frank says no. Frank takes the drug and it works. Harley suggests that Frank call Eleni and Teri gets upset with her interference. Harley tells Teri that she knows that she kissed Frank. They argue and Teri throws her out of the investigation. When Frank is no longer under the influence of the drug, he rushes to call Eleni. Frank agrees with Teri that Harley shouldn't be present for Ken's questioning. Teri asks Ken about the stalker situation and he is upset that family means nothing to people anymore. He says that he tried to stop the stalkings but he couldn't and he is very sorry.

Thursday, October 22

At the diner, Selena takes the boys from Meta and Ben chats with her. Meta says that Ben should stop pretending that he doesn't feel anything. Selena asks Buzz if she should continue her search for her daughter. He says yes. David comes in with news about her daughter. He says he can't find anything because the records are sealed. He says he isn't giving up. Selena shows Buzz a picture of her daughter. Buzz says he is sure she will find her soon.

Ken, under the drug, says he's afraid he'll do more bad things. Holly wants them to stop it. Frank and Teri says they just want the truth. Holly begs Ross to stop it. They take Ken away and Holly says she's failing him. She says she wishes she could have helped Blake more too. She tells him to go to Blake. He goes to Towers and calls Blake and says he's at the office and can't come home. He has a drink. Ben comes in and sees Ross.

At the diner, Marcus tries to explain to Dahlia that she's the one he wants. Andrea leaves angry. Dahlia slaps Marcus. He tries to explain how it all happened. She tells him it's too late. He tries to tell her how afraid he is to be without her. He apologizes for Andrea telling her what happened between them. Marcus leaves and David tries to comfort Dahlia.

Reva, at the docks, thinks about how Annie is still alive somewhere. Alan scares Reva and he says they are doing the same thing. She says she has a feeling that Annie is only in the middle of her plan for them. Alan says he agrees. Reva tells him that Annie doesn't deserve his devotion. He says if she comes back he will protect her from Reva. Reva realizes that Alan thinks he is the one that caused Annie to die. They argue about Annie's love for him.

Josh comes to the station looking for Reva. Teri wishes she will be able to talk to Annie. They discuss the effect Annie has on people. He begins telling her how he met and fell in love with Annie. Teri thinks Josh still has feelings for Annie but he says that he truly wishes she is dead. Josh says Annie's death is the only way he and Reva can move on with their lives. Reva comes in and Teri comes back and says the DNA results will be in tonight.

At the mansion, Phillip tells Harley he's worried about Alan. They went to eat and Alan has disappeared. She tells him about the drug they are using on Ken. She pretends she has took the drug so he can ask her if she wishes she had never gotten involved with him and she says no. He gives her a letter from Lizzie. It thanks her for asking her to be flowergirl. Alan comes hom and Phillip tells him that the DNA results will be in tonight. Phillip and Harley leave and Alan remembers his times with Annie.

Friday, October 23

Hart makes Dinah a fire. Hart is on his way to run some errands. On the porch, he remembers some of his times with Cassie. Vanessa brings Dinah some flowers. Vanessa is worried that Dinah is alone and might get visited by the stalker. Dinah beams to Vanessa about how wonderful everything is with Hart. Vanessa tells her to tell him the truth. Vanessa asks her what she thinks will happen when Cassie tell him the truth. Dinah tells her it's over between Hart and Cassie. Vanessa asks if Hart is really good to her and she says yes. Dinah says everything's is going to be fine. Vanessa asks her to promise to be good to Hart.

Reva, Josh, and Cassie have a night out at Towers. Reva can't get her mind off the DNA results and Josh goes to call the station. Cassie tells Reva that she proposed to Sean. Reva doesn't like it. Josh comes back. Reva can't eat because she's so nervous. Hart comes in and Cassie goes to leave and bumps into Hart. She apologizes to him. He asks her to talk to him for a few minutes. They go out to the balcony. Josh tries to talk to Reva about the kids but she isn't listening. She says she can't rest until she gets the results. He reassures her that Annie is dead. She doesn't believe that and he asks if the DNA results will convince her. She says she's not sure, but promises to never mention her again if they are positive. Josh gets a call to meet at Alan's to get the results. They leave.

On the balcony, Hart asks Cassie if she called him and she says no. He says he misses her and she asks him how things are going. She admits to hearing them laughing over the phone. Hart brings up Sean and Cassie wants to leave. He tells her about seeing Sean and trying to pick a fight. He tells her he loves her. She feels the baby kick and he feels her stomach and feels it too. Hart leaves.

At Towers, Ben asks Ross why he's there. Ben tells him that he's not the one Blake is thinking about. Ross tells him that he's just jealous. Then Ben reminds him his attempted murder charges are still pending and Ross leaves. Ben goes to the gym and takes his anger out on the punching bag.

At home, Blake prepares a romantic evening for Ross. HOlly comes over. She tells her that Ross is helping Ken. Blake says she wants everything to be perfect tonight. Holly tells her that she shouldn't rush things. Ross comes home and Holly leaves. She pours him some champagne and they roast. She thanks him for helping Ken. She tells him that the boys are with Meta. He is very distant. She tries to relax him. She apologizes to him for everything and they kiss. Ross begins to think of Blake with Ben and can't go through with it.

Alan tells everyone he heard Annie's voice. Phillip and Harley don't believe him. Vicky and Beth question him and he tries to explain that he knows inside that Annie is in Springfield. To the side, Vicky asks Beth what it is like to be an outsider to the Spauldings. Alan goes to call Teri and Phillip and Harley discuss how upset Alan is. Teri, Frank, Reva and Josh arrive at the Spaulding's.

Monday, October 26

Hart comes home and explains why he is so late. Dinah asks where his jacket is and he says he's not sure. Vanessa tells Dinah to give Hart time. Dinah calls Hart's cellular phone and Cassie answers it from his coat pocket. Dinah hangs up angry. In the kitchen, Vanessa confronts Hart about being with Cassie. he says all he can promise is one day to the next. In the living room, Dinah goes into Vanessa's purse and takes some of her pills. They come back in and Vanessa leaves. Dinah begins to feel lightheaded and he takes her up to bed.

At Towers, Cassie thinks about Hart. Sean shows up. He tries to comfort her. They go inside and have a drink. She's short with him. Cassie realizes that the call might have been Dinah. He says his situation with Reva is worse than hers with Hart because Josh is Reva's true love. He suggests they go out to make each other feel better. They pretend they just met and he hits on her. He suggests they dance and tells her that she is the most beautiful woman there. They dance. She thanks him.

Blake tells Ross they didn't have to rush things. Blake apologizes and Ross says he can't do it. He goes up to bed, but she says they need to talk. He can't say that he came back for Blake and she explodes. He says he doesn't want to talk about this. He can't look at her. He tells her all he sees is Ben with her. He says she is just like her mother and he can't promise that they will end up together. He admits he just doing it to keep the boys away from Ben. He offers to stay just for the kids and she says that it will not work for her. She tells him to leave and he does.

At Alan's, Frank and Teri tell everyone that Annie Dutton is dead. Alan tells them that they are wrong. Phillip tries to comfort him. Reva says it is a little hard to believe and Alan grabs her. Josh tells him to back off or he'll be dead too. Alan tells them all that they are the ones who are responsible for Annie's death and that Reva is the most guilty. Lizzie comes in and says she doesn't hate Annie. Phillip and Beth tell her she needs to get back up to bed. Ben shows up with papers he received in the mail from Annie. It is her will. He reads it; to Alan, she leaves her copy of their wedding vows. To Beth, she leaves her wedding gown for her to marry Phillip in. And to Reva and Josh she leaves a coin that Vicky tells her not to even touch. Vicky explains that it has a curse that you will have no love in your life. Reva throws it in the trash. Beth and Ben discuss how Blake when back to Ross. He invites her to dinner and she says not now because it is too soon after Blake. He leaves. Alan reads the vows Annie left him. Lizzie comes in with the "Annie" doll to give him. Outside, Reva and is skeptical that Annie is dead. Josh says that everything will be O.K. now. They discuss that they should celebrate that they made it through Annie. Inside, Beth tells Vicky she'll miss Annie and Vicky notices that the coin is missing from the trash.

Tuesday, October 27

Jesse and Michelle are upset to learn that the apartment they were going to rent is no longer available. Jesse mentions that there is a place for him above the club. Michelle thinks that it's a bad idea to live so close to Drew since she doesn't hide the fact that she wants Jesse. Drew brings movers over to help her move in and Jesse asks about the apartment. Drew doesn't think it's a good idea for them to move there either but she lets them look at the place. Jesse loves it but leaves it up to Michelle whether or not they accept it. Michelle knows how much Jesse loves it so she agrees. They go to pack as Drew calls the owner of the other apartment and thanks him for not letting Jesse rent it.

Vicky calls for Harley to help her find the missing coin that Annie left Reva but gets David instead. She reluctantly tells him about the curse the coin holds. He thinks maybe she is overreacting. Phillip tells her that they are not going to dwell on Annie because that is exactly what she wants them to do. He tells her to let it go. After Phillip leaves, David tells Vicky he'll help her find it. They look all over the house but can't find it. They discuss their strange relationship and David brings up the fact that Vicky left him at the club. Vicky says that it was because of Dahlia and David assures her that Dahlia is just a friend. Vicky wonders what kind of friend she is to David as she gets very close to him.

Hart calls Rick when Dinah's condition gets worse. Hart wonders if Dinah is dying. Rick examines her but can't figure out why her blood pressure continues to fall randomly. He suggests she go back to the hospital but she doesn't want to. He asks her to help him find out what her problem is and she tells him that she doesn't want to die. She says that whenever she thinks Hart is going to leave her, her body gives up and she gets sicker. She begs Rick not to tell Hart because he is under enough pressure. Rick tells Hart her situation and that if he leaves her, she will die. He realizes that Dinah must have found out that he saw Cassie the night before. Dinah throws Vanessa's blood pressure pills away saying that she is not willing to die for Hart. She uses makeup to help her look sicker. Hart comes in and reassures her that she has nothing to worry about because he isn't going anywhere.

Phillip surprises Harley by taking her to a bridal shop. Cassie, Selena and Jenna are there to help her pick out a wedding dress. Selena is touched when Harley says that she is one of her bridesmaids. Harley comforts Cassie when she realizes how upset Cassie is over Hart. Cassie tells her about Hart feeling the baby kick. Harley assures her that everything will be okay. Selena tells Jenna that Buzz gave her two weeks off to go to California to look for her daughter. She shows Jenna her picture. Harley finally chooses a gown and tells everyone that they can go home now. She wants to wear it a little longer. As she looks at herself in the mirror, Phillip comes in and says how beautiful she looks. She tells him that he shouldn't see her because it's bad luck. They get romantic.

Wednesday, October 28

At the station, Teri gets the evidence from the stalker case. Frank comes in. He tells her he doesn't remember anything he did while he was under the drug. Frank goes outside to see Holly. She tells Frank that Ken is scared and that Annie is the real stalker. Teri maintains that Ken is the stalker. They argue. Holly leaves. Teri asks Frank what the influence of the drug was like. He says all he knows is that he felt normal but doesn't remember anything. He asks her what she's going as to Josh and Reva's party but she doesn't tell him. He leaves. She steals the suggestion drug and says "you will never know what hit you."

At the office, Ross has a meeting with Ben. He hears about Blake and Ross's situation. Ross leaves. He goes outside and call and leaves a message for Blake saying that they need to talk. Ben comes out and says to look for Blake at his house and Ross punches him in the nose. The DA sees it and tells Ben that Ross had every right. Holly comes to see Ross so he will help her clear Ken. Ross tells Holly that his marriage to Blake is over. Holly asks him to give it more time. He says that it is too late.

In the park, Blake has the kids and runs into Abby. Abby congratulates her for being back with Ross and Blake gets upset. Blake explains that Ross couldn't forgive her and he left again. Blake says she's lost everything now. Abby tells Blake that Ross said a while ago that no one would take his kids from him. Blake gets upset and Abby tries to comfort her. Blake leaves with the boys saying she is going to protect herself. Blake goes to Ben, tells him Ross has left, and begs him to help her keep her boys. Ross walks in.

At the mansion, David invites Vicky to a party at Josh and Reva's. Alan overhears him describe the party and assumes it is to celebrate Annie's death. Alan blow up. David defends Josh and Reva. He blows up at Vicky for inviting David into his home. Vicky apologizes and tells him she won't go with David to the party. David leaves. Alan talks to Vicky about Annie. He says he's planning a service for her. Vicky says she will come but he says he wants to say goodbye to her alone.

At home, Josh, Reva, and Cassie prepare for their party. Sean arrives. Josh takes him outside to talk and tells him he's not welcome. Inside, the kids come in in their Halloween costumes. Reva apologizes to Cassie about Hart and Cassie tells her about her "date" with Sean. Outside, Josh asks Sean why he's lying for Cassie. He says it is just to help her and he says he has nothing but respect for Josh. Inside, Reva tells Cassie that Sean isn't in love with her, he just thinks he is. Outside, Josh explains that nothing will come between he and Reva. Sean says that as long as Josh is good to Reva he will stay away from her but if he ever does her wrong, all bets are off. Josh agrees and they shake hands. They go inside and Josh tells Reva that he and Sean made peace. He admits that he is happy that Annie is dead and that bothers him. Reva tells him that it is O.K. and all that matters is that they made it through. She says it's a new beginning for them. Shayne plays the tape Reva left by accident thinking it is Halloween music. Reva explains it away. Sean talks Cassie for a walk and David arrives. He tells them how Alan felt about their party. David explains that he's looking for the coin for Vicky. Marah has the coin, she says she got it from Tammy. Teri comes in. Reva asks Tammy where she got it and she shows them it was laying beside their picture.

Thursday, October 29

Blake asks Ben for help as Ross walks in. Ross tells her he wants to talk about everything and Ben leaves. He tells her that alot of what he said the other night was due to fatigue. She asks him if he didn't mean what he said about her repulsing him. He says that she shouldn't expect everything to be okay between them. They agree that they each will do whatever it takes to get sole custody of the boys. Ross leaves and calls someone to meet him. Ben wonders why Blake chose him as her lawyer. He wants her to tell him the real reason she came to him. Blake admits that he knows her well and she needs his help. Ben tells her to take a hike. He is tired of hearing her apologize for her relationship with him and how wonderful her love with Ross is and leaves. Meanwhile, Ross meets with his attorney and his assistant. He gives the go ahead for the custody procedure. The assistant, Anita, reminds Ross that she was his law student at one time. She also admits to having a crush on him. She leaves her number with him in case he ever wants to have a night out.

Bill questions Dinah about her relapse. He wants to know if she's taken more of Vanessa's pills. She reminds him that he took them from her in the hospital. She also assures him that she doesn't want to die, especially since she has Hart now. Matt asks Hart if he's sure this is what he wants. Hart says that Dinah's life depends on him, so he has to stay with her. Matt reminds him of some Lewis Oil business that Hart must take care of tonight. Dinah asks Vanessa to pick up a wedding ring for Hart for her. Hart comes in and lights a candle to try to cheer up the room. He tells her that he has to go to the Lewises to handle some business. She pretends that she is fine with it, but after he leaves becomes upset. She asks Vanessa and Matt to leave her so she can sleep. Once they're gone, Dinah comments on how easily accidents in the home can happen and drops the candle on the floor.

Alan prepares Annie's memorial service. He reads the vows that he was going to say to her on their wedding day. He tells her that he will always stand beside her and love her. He always believed that she would come back to him someday and can't believe he is telling her goodbye. Phillip walks in and tries to comfort him.

At the Lewis Halloween party, everyone wonders how the coin got there. Phillip asks Lizzie if she brought it, but Lizzie says no. Reva refuses to let a curse force them to live in fear and vows that everyone there will live happily ever after. Michelle suggests to Jesse that they wait to move in together, but he thinks the timing is perfect. They tell Rick and Abby and Rick is upset. Abby senses that Michelle isn't ready to move in with Jesse and asks her about it. Michelle admits that everything is happening too fast. Abby advises her to wait. Teri asks Frank to get a beer after the party but he declines. Phillip tells Harley that Frank can take care of himself. Eleni comes home from Greece and Harley tells her about Frank taking the truth serum. Sean wonders when Cassie will tell Hart the truth about the baby. She admits that she is afraid that Hart won't leave Dinah even if he knew about her baby. She thanks Sean for his help as Hart walks in. Cassie tells him that the party represents putting the past to rest and they both admit how hard that is to do. The kids bump into them and they kiss. Cassie runs out and Hart runs after her. Sean tells him to let her go and he tells Sean to stop interfering. Sean tells him that there's something he needs to know. Teri asks to speak to Josh privately about Frank coming on to her. In the garage, she admits that Frank has been touching her. Josh says that it's unlike Frank to behave that way but he will talk to him. Teri asks him not to and Josh suggests they get back to the party. Teri puts some of the serum on his neck, claiming that she was getting something off of him. Josh says that he feels strange and Teri orders him to sit.

Friday, October 30

Drew is upset that Selena hasn't shown up for work because her other waitress quit. Jesse tries to calm her down and they look through boxes and find a baby picture of her. Drew tells him that the club means everything to her since she can't have him. Selena finally arrives and Drew is angry with her. Selena tells her that she will need two weeks off to look for her daughter which only upsets Drew more. Drew tells her that she hasn't earned a vacation yet and Selena says that this isn't a vacation. Drew tells her that if she leaves, not to bother coming back. When Drew says that her child will be better off not knowing her, Selena wonders how she could have believed that Drew had a heart. Selena tries to show her a picture of her daughter so that she will understand her need to do this but Drew won't look. She restates that Selena won't have a job if she takes the time off. Selena walks away and Drew looks at her own baby picture, which is the same one Selena had. Jesse tells Bill to invite all his friends to him and Michelle's house warming party. Michelle tells him that there will be no party. She says that she doesn't think it feels right for them to be moving in together right now. He thinks that Bill has changed her mind but Bill denies it. Michelle says it has nothing to do with Bill. Jesse claims that since her family doesn't mind, that they should go ahead and get married now.

Sean tries to tell Hart the truth about Cassie's baby but he won't listen. He thinks Sean has done enough. Hart walks away from him. Dinah calls the fire department to help her after she sets her room on fire. She then calls Hart at the Lewises, but gets Sean instead. She won't tell him what she wants Hart for so he hangs up on her saying that Hart is busy right now. The fire gets bigger and she tries to get out of her bed but falls to the floor. She calls the fire department again and begs them to help her. Meanwhile, Cassie and Reva talk about the future. Reva thinks that Cassie should tell Hart the truth but respects her decision. Cassie says that she is leaving town. Reva claims that she can't run away from her problem and that too many people love her and won't let her be alone. As Sean tries once again to tell Hart the truth, Hart gets a phone call about the fire. A guilty Sean goes with him. Cassie overhears Frank say there is a fire at the Jessup farm and heads over there, too. When they arrive, they find Dinah being treated for burns and smoke inhalation. She asks Hart where he was and he says he thought Matt and Vanessa were with her. Sean apologizes for not telling Hart about the phone call. Cassie walks in to find Dinah asking about her face.

At the Halloween party, Lizzie asks Harley if Marina can be in the wedding. Harley and Phillip agree. Buzz tells the kids a scary story and Shayne makes a joke about the stalker. Buzz tells him not to make jokes like that. Jenna tries to calm Buzz down and assure him that the stalker has been caught. Buzz tells Frank that he has the feeling that something bad is going to happen. He is getting these feelings like Nadine got just before she was murdered. Frank tells him that Ken Norris is the stalker and they have him in custody. Vicky admires the family atmosphere and thinks maybe the curse isn't having any effect. David tells her that everyone there is happy and will stay that way. Lizzie asks Harley if all the kids can be in the wedding as their plans spin out of control.

A drugged Josh listens to Teri's story of halloween and masks. She tells him that she is wearing the best mask of all. She turns around and has a cardboard mask of Annie Dutton's face and tells him that she is back. Josh says that Annie is dead but Teri tells him the story of how she had plastic surgery. She says that she planted a body on the boat and used her own hair for the DNA tests. Josh can't believe it and wonders what she is going to do to Reva. Annie says that she has something in store for Reva worse than death. She says that Josh hurt her feelings at the carousel and orders him to apologize. When he does, she asks him if he really loved her. He says yes and she is convinced that if Reva hadn't came back, they would still be together. She informs him that he will remember only what she wants him to. She says that everything Reva does will slowly start to get on his nerves until she disgusts him. Gradually, he will fall in love with "Teri" and out of love with Reva. He fights her and says that he will always love Reva. When she tries to kiss him, he pushes her off of him and she gets angry. She screams that he will turn away from Reva and to her. Josh grabs her arm and maintains that he loves Reva and she can't make him do this. Annie gets angry and wonders why the drug isn't working. She tells him one more time her plan of Reva annoying him and him turning to her. Josh once again says that he loves Reva. Reva asks around looking for Josh. Harley tells her she saw him and Teri go outside. As Josh is professing his love for Reva, she calls his name outside the garage.