Monday, November 6

Buzz visits Maria and she acts like she's concerned about his health. She tells him that he's always done very well on his own. Buzz says that the safety of his friends and family depends on her cooperation. They have coffee and talk about Miguel's death. He asks her who she suspected and thinks that Carmen covered her tracks very well. Maria realizes he's worried about his safety when he says she can't take her frustrations out on Selena since she's gone. She tries to assure him he's safe but he wants to know about his friends, Blake and Ross specifically. She gives him her word that everyone will be safe as long as Carmen is dead. Buzz starts to leave but Maria stops him. She has some questions of her own about Selena. She thinks that Selena betrayed her son and wants to find her grandson. Buzz says that he doesn't know where Selena is and even if he did, he wouldn't tell her. Maria believes he's telling the truth. Buzz asks again about the safety of his friends and family. Maria asks him if he's going to say anything and he says no. They make a deal but Buzz tells her that his kids are cops and they are smart. He tells her that they bought her story about why Selena was there the other day. Buzz leaves and Maria thinks he's quite a man. Pilar arrives to see Maria and catches her asleep. She thinks that Maria is sick and Danny arrives. They both tell Maria that she looks terrible and Danny insists that she goes upstairs to sleep. She tells Danny that their family has a leader worthy of the name Santos. Pilar takes Maria upstairs and Danny speaks with one of the bodyguards. He says that he isn't authorized to talk to anyone but Maria and Danny slaps him in the face.

Danny asks Michelle and May what's going on. May says that she didn't tell Michelle anything she didn't already know and thinks they were fighting about the affair. Michelle says that this is the first she's heard about it and would have preferred to hear it from Danny. He says that he was going to tell her as soon as she got out of the hospital. May can't believe Michelle didn't know and starts apologizing. Michelle asks her why she thought she already knew but she can't say. Danny asks to have some time alone with Michelle. May tells Michelle that this was like a story in Gone With the Wind and tries to assure her she knew Danny didn't love her. Danny asks her to wait for him outside and she apologizes again. Michelle wants Danny to go take care of May and promises to call him after she's had time to think. Danny goes outside and asks May why she told Michelle about them. May thinks Danny hates her and says she keeps making things worse. She is going to quit her job and get on the next bus out of town. Danny tells her that they are friends and that won't change. May thinks it has to change things but knows that he never led her on. She tells him she hopes that everything works out for him and Michelle. He says he hopes things work out for her too and tells her he'll see her at the club. Danny leaves and Claire approaches her and says she looks like she's been crying. May wants to know why Claire wanted her to hurt Michelle. Claire tells May about all of the things Carmen tried to do to Michelle. She says that she will do anything to protect her child. Claire goes to see Michelle to wish her a happy birthday. She says that this this the first birthday they are spending together and talks about how she would always celebrate it alone. Claire sees the flowers and asks who they're from. Michelle tells her what she found out about May and Danny. Claire is horrified and goes off on Danny. Michelle wants to forgive him but Claire keeps badmouthing him. Michelle asks her to stop before her blood pressure goes up. Meta arrives with a gift and Claire leaves. Meta and Michelle talk about what happened between May and Danny. Meta thinks Michelle should follow her instincts. She doesn't think Danny would betray Michelle but is worried about his connections to his family. Michelle tells her that he's ready to give all that up. She talks about some of the advice Ray gave her about nobody being perfect. Michelle thinks that they both have to work together. Meta thinks that Danny may not be able to walk away from the power. Michelle tells her that he's been gentle with her and believes he would be the same way with his children. She talks about Ray saying that love is the antidote for evil. Michelle wants to be able to stick with the marriage this time. Meta asks her to open the gift. It is a framed picture of two pairs of hands reaching for each other. Meta says that the journey is what counts. She wishes her a happy birthday and tells her she will tell Claire that Michelle is asleep. Meta goes out into the hall and finds Buzz. He faints at her feet and she calls for a nurse.

Reva is thrown into a room by the guards. She is happy that she fulfilled her promise to Diego and she admits to herself that she is scared. A badly beaten Noah is brought in and Reva tries to revive him. He wakes up and scolds her for not taking her chance to leave when she had it. He tells her that he is officially her commander because he has the most experience but she shuts him up by kissing him. He tells her how much he admires her and how wonderful it was when she gave Diego's message to Ramona. He tells her that she ran circles around him and Woody and that she is a wonderful mother. He says that he has never said this and meant it and he tells her that he is in love with her. Reva tells him that he is a great man and that he manages to keep her safe. She says that she is lucky to know him and he says that was his first brush off. The guards return and begin to question Reva and Noah. Noah won't talk and they punch him.

Tuesday, November 7

The men interrogate Reva and Noah and Noah refuses to talk. Noah passes out and Reva asks them what they want to talk about now. Danny arrives outside and wants to know what is going on. Danny tells the guards that this is over and he introduces himself. The man tells Danny that he shouldn't be there and Danny tells him that he knows all about the immigrant trade. Reva recognizes Danny's voice from inside and Danny tells the man to let her and Noah go and then clean up the place. The man tells Danny that he doesn't take orders from him and asks him to leave. Danny gets upset and shows him the ring. He orders the man to set the immigrants free and drop off Reva and Noah at the hospital. They arrive at the hospital and Reva tries to revive Noah. She asks the nurse if Noah is OK but she has to wait for the doctor to find out.

Danny goes to see Maria and she tells him he's been busy. He thinks she has too and says that if this is a contest, she will lose. He confronts her about the illegal immigrants and says that he's out of the business. He tells her that Michelle is pregnant and the business is garbage. He leaves and Maria makes a phone call saying they have a problem. Danny arrives at the hospital and Michelle tells him that she hasn't had anymore back spasms. He says that he feels like he needs to explain or that he will lose her for good. He tells her that May is a good person but that May isn't her. Michelle begs him to stop and listen. She says that she hates it that he was with another woman but that she understands why it happened. He asks if she can forgive him.

Susan tells Marah and the others about what happened to Buzz. They try to figure out what might have happened. They talk about their CD scam and Susan wants to go to Company to discuss it. Marah reminds them that she is grounded and is worried about Reva. Shayne and Max are against selling the CDs. They almost have enough money to go to Chicago but don't have a reason for an overnight trip. They decide to say they are going to look at colleges for Marah and Shayne. Tony arrives and Marah is angry because of what happened at Infierno. She tells him he didn't back her up with Josh. Tony tries to tell her that he knew they were caught and had to show Josh the proper respect. Marah doesn't want to hear it and tells him that they are busy. Tony thinks they're discussing the CD scam and they tell him how many more they need to sell. He says he has a way to sell more CDs at a higher price with him getting a dollar commission. Sam tells him that his laptop can't make that many CDs. They decide to use the computers at Spaulding and one of Josh's. Shayne tells Susan that she is needed at the hospital.

Josh tries to order at Infierno and Olivia arrives. She gives him some papers from Ross and they are the divorce papers. Olivia tries to comfort him but he says that it is a relief. He tells her that he is happy to be there with her and that he is grateful for her patience. Josh toasts to her and his phone rings. Shayne is calling him from the porch and tells him to come home now. Marah tells Tony she doesn't know where Shayne is. He says that he has her to himself and she reminds him that she's grounded. He comments that atleast he knows where she is that way. He is about to kiss her when Josh and Olivia arrive and Tony dives behind the couch. Josh asks her what is going on there and Marah says that nothing is going on. She realizes that Shayne called him and Tony sneaks out the back. She tells Josh about the kids coming over and she admits that Tony was there too. She tells him that he left and that Shayne had no reason to call. Marah asks to use one of Josh's computers at the office to search the web and he agrees. She and Shayne go upstairs and Olivia offers to get them some dinner. Josh tells her that he wants to talk to her about their future. He compares a relationship to building a house and the phone rings. Josh answers it and it is Reva. She tells him that she needs his help and that she is at the hospital. She asks him to come there and he says that he'll be on his way. The kids want to go with him but he tells them to stay. He gets Olivia and they leave.

At the hospital, Harley and Frank want some answers from Buzz. Harley says they aren't leaving until he tells them where he went. They also want to know where Selena is and who attacked him. Buzz won't answer them but he does want to talk to Susan. She and Sam arrive and Sam explains that he gave her a ride. Buzz asks him to step outside while he speaks with Susan. Outside, Sam talks with Phillip about his new building. Susan asks Buzz where he went and he says he went to find the answers to her questions. He says that she will be stuck with him for a long time. Meanwhile, Harley and Frank are annoyed because Buzz is being stubborn. Phillip tries to get them to go easy on him. Rick suggests that Harley calm down or she will drive herself crazy. She agrees to try. Buzz falls asleep so Susan leaves. Harley asks what Buzz told her. Susan says that he told her he loved her and then fell asleep. Susan asks Phillip if she and Sam can use his computer lab to do some internet research. He agrees and gives her the password and they leave. Harley asks him if he's sure about this and he says he's not sure of anything anymore.

Wednesday, November 8

part of the middle of the show was pre-empted due to election coverage

Noah wakes up in the hospital room and Reva leaves him with Rick for some tests. She calls Cassie and tells her that she needs her because Noah has been hurt. She asks Cassie to come to Springfield and bring Richard with her. Meanwhile, Beth tells Jim about licking stamps as a child while she clips coupons and Susan overhears them mention having a baby. Susan gets upset and Jim apologizes for the way that she found out. Susan asks to call Edmund about the book that she was reading and Jim says that she can. Susan tells Edmund how much she hates what is going on between Jim and Beth and Edmund assures her that she matters. Edmund tells Richard and Cassie that Susan is having problems in Springfield and he asks to tag along with them to Springfield. Cassie gets light-headed and sick and Edmund takes Rourke into the hall. He tells him to bring the diamond garter to Springfield and wager it at Infierno to speed up their plan.

Michelle asks Danny to forgive her because it is all her fault and she tells him about her talk with Meta. Michelle explains that she thought she had lost him when she heard about his affair but he tells her that he loves her. Danny thinks that it is for the best that they leave Springfield and he tells her that his grandmother crossed a line that he would never cross. Michelle says that she wants to go and try it again with him. He goes to get their things and he tells Rick to go say goodbye to his sister. He asks where they are planning on going but Danny says that they aren't telling anyone. Rick goes to see Michelle. Michelle tells Rick that this is the only way and he is hurt. They share I Love Yous and he leaves. Claire checks Michelle and she thinks that Michelle is only going back to Danny because she is afraid. Michelle says that she loves Danny and that she would have come back to Springfield anyway. Claire tells her that they will be followed by Danny's family the rest of their lives and always think of herself first. Claire goes to Rick and confronts him about knowing that Michelle and Danny are leaving. She is very upset that he didn't try to stop them and she calls Rick an idiot. He wants to know what it is that he doesn't know and he begins to worry.

Danny runs into Reva. Reva takes him in to see Noah and tells him that she knows that he is the one who saved their lives. Danny acts like it wasn't him but he admits that she did hear him say that the Santos family was out of it. He tells her that she should go with her hot story because he won't be around to hear about it. Reva congratulates him on getting back with Michelle and she asks him what happened to the other people. He says that they are on their way with cash and ID's to make a fresh start. He leaves and Noah warns Reva not to persue the story. She tells him that she is tired of him telling her what she can and can't do. Josh and Olivia arrive and Josh tells Reva that the kids were worried about her while she was gone. He admits that he was nervous too and Reva reminds him that they had beds and hot water. She apologizes for upsetting them and suggests that they count their blessings. Olivia gets upset and tells Reva that it is no wonder that Shayne is upset, Marah is dating a mobster and that Josh divorced her. They bicker and Josh tells them that he is going down the hall so that maybe maturity could prevail. Olivia reminds Reva that her actions have consequences and Reva tells her that she won't apologize for anything else. She tells Olivia that if she had a life then she wouldn't be so judgemental about her. Reva goes back in to see Noah and Josh hopes that Noah will be able to handle Reva.

May tells Tony that she is quitting but he says that he doesn't think that Michelle and Danny are a done-deal. Later, May tells Danny that she has quit but he tells her that she doesn't have to do that because he and Michelle are leaving town. Tony asks how long they will be gone and Danny says for good. He tells Tony that maybe Infierno could be his if he played his cards right with abuela. Danny tells him not to screw up the club and to watch after his brother. Tony tells him to be happy with Michelle and he promises to take care of Infierno. May wishes him good luck with Michelle too and she tells Tony that she went and told Michelle about he and Danny. Tony thinks that May just wanted to stick it to Michelle but May explains that she thought she was helping. Danny overhears her explain how Claire was involved and he says that he should have known. He tells them goodbye and he leaves. Tony is happy about his new club but May is crushed.

Thursday, November 9

the end of the show was pre-empted due to election coverage

At Company, Frank demands that Buzz tell him who beat him up but Buzz still refuses to talk. Susan tells Frank that he will tell them when he is damned good and ready and Buzz agrees. Harley and Phillip arrive and Phillip tells Buzz that his kids have a right to know if he is in danger. Susan tells him that he is the last person to be criticizing Buzz because he sure did keep his secrets long enough. Harley and Phillip talk about how stubborn Buzz is. She calls Susan over to have breakfast. Harley asks Susan what Buzz has been talking to her about and Susan thinks they should just leave him alone. Phillip agrees and asks her how she's doing. Susan tells them about Beth and Jim planning to have another baby. She says she wishes somebody in her family would show some common sense. Later, Beth arrives with her hands full with the baby. She asks Buzz how he's doing and he says it only hurts when somebody asks about it. Phillip talks to her and says Susan has an idea that she's trying to have another child. Beth doesn't think it's any of his business but he tells her the timing is wrong. She tells him to stay away from her and leaves. Harley can't believe Phillip told Beth to reconsider having a baby. Harley tells Phillip that he can't tell Beth that she can't have another baby and Phillip insists that Beth has too much on her plate anyway. She calls him arrogant and leaves. Frank and Buzz overhear and then Phillip leaves. They think that Harley will be just fine. Ross arrives and is glad to see Buzz up on his feet. Buzz tells Ross that he and Blake don't have to worry because he went to Maria to make sure that no one had anything to worry about. Meanwhile, Beth comes home to find Edmund on the porch and he tells her that Susan called him. She is angry with the intrusion on her privacy and she tells him to leave if he intends to try to tell her what to do too. Edmund plays with the baby and asks Beth what is wrong. Edmund figures out that Phillip is the problem and tells her that it is only because both of them care about her. Edmund suggests that having another baby this quick would be bad for her health and he holds James. He tells her that James needs her undivided attention and he tells her that when he pictures her with another child it will be his.

Reva brings Marah and Shayne to the hospital to see Noah and they admit that they were worried. Noah thinks that they should know what happened and he tells them that he is a spy. They think that he is lying to them again. Marah thinks that they went on a secret vacation and Richard and Cassie arrive. Richard wants to know what is going on and they ask for a moment alone with Reva and Noah. Reva and the kids argue over what they should know about what happened. Shayne accepts it but Marah is upset over being treated like a child. Reva sends them out and Noah tells Richard that Reva found out about his past. Cassie is confused and Noah explains that he worked for a government agency. He tells her that he met Richard while working in San Cristobel but isn't active anymore. Cassie wonders why Richard didn't tell her but he says he was sworn to secrecy. Cassie asks about the man she saw them with and Reva explains about Woody and that he was dead. Noah and Reva tell them that they spent time on a boat with illegal immigrants. Reva is surprised when Richard reveals that he knew about it. He explains that the agency contacted him and he had to let it go on until they acted on their plan to stop it. He wants a permanent solution and says it was a difficult decision. Noah says that the Springfield part of the operation has been shut down and thinks he can explain to the agency that Reva won't dig any deeper. Richard and Cassie leave and Reva tells Noah to spill. Reva asks Noah what the problem is and she knows that they stirred up trouble with the agency. He assures her that they are OK but that he will have to go to Washington and smooth things over. He tries to change the subject and asks her what she wants from him.

Danny returns to the hospital and Michelle is dressed and ready to go. Rick comes in and says that he must be just in time. Danny says that he's choosing to believe that Rick is wishing them the best. Rick says he will try to be happy for them and tells them that Claire is in a panic. He asks how long they'll be gone and Michelle says long enough for them to become a family. Danny goes to sign her out and Rick reminds her that she promised he'd be Uncle Rick. He says he's going to hold her to that. They say goodbye and Rick leaves. An orderly comes in to give Michelle a vitamin shot. Afterwards, she realizes that something is wrong and passes out. Another orderly comes in and they put a disguise on Michelle and put her in a wheelchair. Marah and Shayne don't notice as they put her in an elevator. Danny returns to Michelle's room to find her missing. Danny looks around for her and asks Rick what he did to her. Danny gets upset and Rick says that he is going to page Claire. Claire arrives and Danny asks her what she did with Michelle. Danny says that Michelle is missing.

Friday, November 10

part of the beginning was pre-empted due to election coverage.

Reva receives the divorce papers and tells Cassie that it is much harder seeing it in print. She says that she is the one that let this happen because she wore away at their marriage. She says that she always believed that Josh could never stop loving her and Cassie tells her that they have a lifetime bond together and that they will never lose each other. Cassie tells her that she should let herself fall apart because of everything she has been through since the explosion. Reva worries that she didn't love Josh enough but Cassie tells her not to do that to herself. Cassie tells her to go upstairs, take a hot bath and go to sleep. Reva tells her how wonderful it is to have her there and goes upstairs. Marah and Shayne come in and find Cassie doing laundry. Cassie tells them that Reva needs their support and Marah suggests that she will give her a pedicure. They agree not to fight and they all go to make dinner. Later, Marah paints Reva's toenails and Reva loves it. Marah asks Reva about going to Chicago with Sam to look at colleges and Reva agrees as long as Josh doesn't mind. The doorbell rings and Shayne answers it. It is Catalina and Marah watches as Reva embraces her. Reva introduces them all and tells Catalina that she was very worried about her. Catalina explains that she was told that she could go anywhere and she decided to come and see Reva.

At Company, Olivia is surprised when Josh tells her that he loves her. She is worried that he is just saying that because of the divorce but he assures her that he means it. She doesn't know what that means for them because marriage is the next logical step and she knows that he isn't ready for that yet. He asks her to marry him and she is stunned. She knows that it is too soon and suggests that he just give himself some room. He tells her that he is not playing games because he knows how important this is. He asks her again and she accepts.

Harley and David agree to help Rick find Michelle but Harley reminds him that she will need 24 hours to call out the force. They explain that they have informants in other families and that they will call him if they find out anything at all. Meanwhile, Danny, Ray, and Tony wait on Maria to come in and Tony wants to make sure that he is still going to get to take over the club. Danny thinks he is crazy for wanting to be any part of this family and Ray tells him that he should get a straight job and be somebody. Tony argues with him about it and he goes to the club. Ray has to go to church to confession and he leaves. Maria arrives and Danny angrily asks her where she has been. He explains to her about Michelle's disappearance and Maria isn't surprised. He begs her to help him find Michelle and she says that it is not in her power to return Michelle. Danny gets very angry and bangs on the table. She tells him that he will find Michelle by the ferry dock hoping that he will get to her on time. Meanwhile, the men leave Michelle unconscious by the dock. Michelle wakes up and sees Carmen standing over her. Carmen tells her that Danny can't help her now and Michelle screams NO!

Jim and Rourke gamble together and Jim asks Tony for a minute. He asks Tony for a marker for 35,000 and Tony is reluctant. Jim assures him that he will get his money back and Tony agrees after her reminds Jim that there will be some serious interest. Jim thanks him and returns to the tables. Rourke tells Edmund that his gambling buddy isn't doing too well and Edmund sends him in to see Tony. Rourke offers to sell the diamonds to Tony but Tony doesn't believe that they are real. Rourke tells him that he works for the princess of San Cristobel and that she gave them to him. He says that he plans to have them back tonight. Edmund watches as Jim continues to lose. Edmund tells Jim just to walk away because Beth deserves better than this. Dax introduces himself to Tony and Tony asks him about Rourke. Tony bribes Dax to get help from the prince and tells him about Rourke's diamonds.

Monday, November 13

part of the middle of the show was pre-empted due to election coverage

Richard and Cassie arrive at Infierno and Dax asks for a moment alone with Richard. Dax gives Richard the diamonds and tells him that Rourke gave the diamonds to Tony in exchange for a loan. Richard says that it is impossible and he can't believe that Rourke is a theif. Dax tells him that Rourke said that they were given to him for services rendered and Cassie interrupts them. He returns to the table with her. Later, Richard tells Rourke that they have a problem and confronts him about the diamonds.

Catalina tells Reva that she called the Journal to find out where Reva lived. Marah tells Shayne to close his mouth because he is drooling and Catalina tells both of them what a wonderful mom they have. She begins to bring up their adventure but Reva stops her and reminds her that the kids don't need to know about that right now. Marah gets upset and says that this is one more thing that she can share with total strangers but not with her own family.

Rick wonders how Michelle got into this mess with the mob. Phillip reminds him that she is Maureen's daughter and always sees the best in people. Rick says he wished she would have fallen for Bill instead. He says that he knows she loves Danny and he tried to give them his blessing when they wanted to leave. He thinks he should have made it harder for them. He says he didn't protect her and Phillip tells him he can't protect the whole world. Rick wonders how the mob got to Springfield anyway. He wants to be alone to think about what's happened. Buzz asks Phillip about what was wrong with Rick and he tells him that Michelle is missing. They believe it is mob related and Harley is out looking for her. Phillip brings up Thanksgiving and they argue over that. Maria arrives and Phillip starts to leave. Buzz asks him to let him know when Harley finds Michelle. Phillip is happy he said when and not if. Phillip leaves and Maria tells Buzz that this isn't a social call. She says they have a problem.

Jim tells Edmund to back off but Edmund reminds him of all his responsibilities at home. Edmund offers to cover his losses but Jim refuses. Edmund wants to buy the marker for Beth, James and Susan but Jim says that he would rather eat broken glass than be in debt to him. Jim returns to the table and Edmund follows him. Jim vows that he won't be in debt long but Edmund reminds him how hard it will be to cover the interest to the mob. Edmund offers Jim a job in San Cristobel as a underwater surveyor to pay back the marker without Beth ever knowing about it. Jim thinks that Edmund is planning an accident for him but Edmund tells him to swallow his pride for Beth's sake. Later, Edmund returns from talking with Tony and he watches Jim gambling. He says to himself that now he owns Jim.

On the docks, Michelle wakes up and calls for Danny. Carmen arrives and tells her that Danny can't help her now. Michelle doesn't want to believe that she is really and Carmen asks her why she is so afraid if she doesn't think she's real. Carmen wants her to get in the water so everyone will think she committed suicide after finding out about Danny and May. She reminds Michelle that they are at the same dock where Danny was supposed to kill her after she killed Mick. Carmen gets upset and says that Michelle has taken both of her sons away. She says she killed Mick and turned Danny into a pathetic man just like his father. Michelle thinks Carmen is inhuman and Carmen tells her that she's killed for less than this. Michelle realizes that all the times she saw Carmen and smelled her perfume she was really there. Carmen says of course she was and asks her why she couldn't have had a nervous breakdown like she was supposed to. Michelle doesn't understand and Carmen points out that it's a good thing her mother was a doctor. Michelle realizes their plan and Carmen admits she's really been running the family through Maria. She tells her that everything was going perfectly until Michelle got pregnant. She says that Michelle has to die but Michelle asks her about her grandchild. She thinks Carmen should lock her away until the baby is born because of few months won't matter. Carmen wonders if the baby is really Danny's. Michelle asks her to spare the baby but Carmen says that Danny will have other children. She points the gun at Michelle and Danny arrives. Later, Danny and Carmen argue over Michelle. Carmen thinks that Danny is just like his father because he won't give Michelle up. Danny doesn't understand and Carmen explains that Miguel died because he wouldn't reveal his mistress. She says that this time the right person is going to die. Danny stops her and says that the feds will be after her if she does this. Carmen explains that nobody but them knows she's alive. Danny reminds her that Claire does too and will be upset if she kills her daughter. Carmend doesn't think anybody would believe her. She tells Danny to kill Michelle so she can hide and help him run the family and become more powerful than Miguel. Danny pulls out his gun and aims it at Carmen. He tells her to put her gun down. Carmen says that there is only one way to stop her and he can't do it. Danny prepares to shoot.

Tuesday, November 14

Edmund tells Jim that he didn't expect his thanks. He says that he saved Jim from the mob. Edmund tells him that his debt is now $45,000 due to interest and he will repay him his way. Jim says he's on to Edmund and believes he only cares about himself. Edmund tells him he wants an underwater harbor surveyed and if Jim does it, the debt will be erased. Jim threatens to tell Richard how he got the job but Edmund says that everyone including Beth would find out about his gambling. Edmund thinks they both win if Jim agrees to the job. He says that he will score points with Richard and Jim will get rid of his debt. Jim says he has no choice and reluctantly agrees to Edmund's terms.

Dax assures Cassie that Richard with get to the bottom of the Rourke problem and goes into Danny's office with Richard and Rourke. Rourke tells them that his obligations to Cassie won't allow him to tell them how he got the diamonds. Richard goes to Cassie and she can't understand what kind of obligation Rourke would have to her. He brings up the necklace she gave to Rob and she realizes that he thinks that she gave the diamonds to Rourke. She goes to Rourke to find out what is going on. She questions Rourke and he implies that she knows what is going on. He says that he is doing what she wants him to do just like he always has. Cassie sends him out into the casino and she tells Richard that she can't believe that she ever trusted Rourke. He tells her that he believes her but she knows that he didn't trust her and still doesn't. Richard promises her that he will get some answers. They come out and Rourke has disappeared. Edmund comes over and he asks what is wrong.

Harley arrives at the Bauer house and finds Rick trying to relax in the hot tub. He's still worried about Michelle and Harley says she and Danny probably left together. Rick thinks the Santos family took Michelle. Harley wants to know why he'd say that but he doesn't know. She says there must be something small that stuck in his mind causing him to believe that. Rick is reminded of the way Claire behaved when Danny told them Michelle was missing. He says she turned white and begged Danny to go see his grandmother. He says that she was acting like a maniac and that caused him to think the Santos family was involved. He gets out of the tub and says he's going to see Claire for some answers. Harley says she will talk to Claire later after Claire is finished at the hospital. She gets in the tub with Rick still in her clothes and gives him a massage to help him relax. She talks about all the fun ways they can get Claire to tell them the truth. They laugh and Rick realizes that Harley doesn't think Clarie knows anything. Harley says she will still question her. Rick gets out and thanks her for making him laugh again. He tells her she has been a great friend to him.

In bed, Josh and Olivia discuss whether or not she will change her name but Olivia doesn't want to talk about the engagement. He calls Marah to make sure that they won't be interrupted tonight. She tells him about Catalina and how angry she is that Reva won't tell them about what it was that she did. She tells him that she is going to bed and hangs up. He tells Olivia that she figured out why he was calling and says that he'll talk to her about it tomorrow. He brings up their wedding again and she tells him to stop it. She tells him that she doesn't want him to push himself for her and she isn't sure that this is really going to happen. He realizes that she thought he was using her the whole time they were together and he apologizes for whoever it was that made her think that she doesn't deserve love. He tells her that he does want to marry and be with her. Olivia tells him that all this reassurance is unexpected and she tells him that she will doubt him again. Josh asks her when she wants to marry him and tells her that he knows when they should get married. He jokes that he is a geek and he tells her that is why he knows that the Millennium has not occurred. He tells her that this New Year's Eve will be the eve of the new Millennium and that he wants them to get married on the stroke of midnight.

Marah comes downstairs upset that Catalina has used all of her moisturizer. Shayne thinks she's just jealous because Reva is paying attention to her. Marah doesn't agree and he says she's in denial. He tells her that Reva is just trying to help this poor immigrant girl. Shayne also thinks she's very hot. Marah concedes that he might be right and agrees to cut her some slack. She says that this might just be the smartest Shayne has ever been. He tells her that he's becoming a man. Marah tells him to keep the rest of his opinions to himself because there's only so much she can take in one night.

On the docks, Carmen has been shot by Danny. He holds her in his arms and tells Michelle to get help. He tells Carmen to hang on as she tells him she's sorry and then dies. Danny asks Michelle why she didn't call 911 and Michelle says that it was too late. She reminds him that the police would have come too if she'd called. She says there was nothing they could do. She tries to reassure him that Carmen didn't give him any choice. He says that he killed his mother. He takes the gun and throws it into the river. He grabs Michelle and tells her he doesn't want her involved in what happens next. He takes her away from there and hides her somewhere else on the docks. He tells her to stay but she wants to be with him. She asks him to promise that he won't hurt himself and he does. He leaves and Michelle prays for him to be able to forgive himself and for them to be all right. Meanwhile, Danny goes back to Carmen's body. He says he hates her. He takes her into his arms and starts crying.

Wednesday, November 15

Catalina notices how warm it is in the house and starts to turn off the lights. She asks them what time they turn the electricity off there. She explains that in Cuba, people take turns using the electricity. Reva says she doesn't have to worry about that here. Catalina thinks they are very fortunate but Marah isn't impressed. Blake and Ross arrive and they meet Catalina. Reva tells Ross she wants to file for political asylum. Blake asks Catalina how she arrived here but both Ross and Reva don't want her asking questions. Reva says she doesn't want Blake writing about this but Blake says she's truly curious. Catalina explains that she was a nanny before and Blake offers her a job. Ross and Reva tell her that Catalina will need time to adjust to their society. Blake offers to take Catalina shopping and Ross agrees to get started on paperwork for her. As they leave, Ross asks Reva if she got the divorce papers. She says yes and he tells her he's sorry. She says that this is what they wanted and he knows how she feels. Later, Catalina comments on how she hasn't slept in a bed for a while. Shayne offers to show her to her room. Reva notices that Marah is upset and thinks they have so much to be thankful for when others don't. Marah says that when it comes to Reva giving attention to her own children, they are starving. Reva doesn't think she means that but Marah just goes to bed.

Michelle comes back to find Danny staring at the water. She was beginning to worry because she had been waiting so long. She says it's time to go now and he says he has nowhere to go. He tells her he doesn't have a home anymore and can't go back to Carmen's house. Michelle says they can still go away together because now nothing is coming between them. She wants them to go away like they planned and raise their child. Danny tells her he can't go with her. He says that he has learned that he really is a Santos. He tells her he killed his mother and put her in the bottom of the lake. Michelle tries to convince him that he was protecting her. She says that he finally made the choice she's been praying he'd make. He chose her over his family. She tells him she feels free now. Danny says that she should run because he will never be free from his family. He wants her to start over with another man and says he'll even allow him to adopt the baby. Michelle wants him to stop talking that way and stop punishing himself. She tries to get near him but he keeps pushing her away. She tells him she loves him and that he made a split second decision to save his wife and child. Danny tells her that if he's capable of killing his mother, he's capable of anything. He says she has to get away from him and they leave. He takes her to the Bauer house and tells her to go inside. She won't go in without him and tries to convince him to come with her. Rick comes out and Danny tells him to take her inside. Rick drags her in while she screams that Danny is letting Carmen win. Meta and Rick question Michelle about where she was. She tells them that she needed to take some time alone to think. She says that she wasn't sure that leaving was a good idea and needed to think about it alone. They ask what she decided and she says she loves Danny more than anything but it doesn't matter now. She says when he found her, he was too hurt and angry to go away with her then. Rick asks if she's had anymore back pain and she says no. She tells him she can't feel anything because there's too much pain in her heart. Meanwhile, Danny goes to see Maria and confronts her about knowing Carmen was alive. Maria admits she helped Carmen get out of the witness protection program. Danny can't believe she let him grieve and order the hit on the man who killed her. Maria explains that she and Carlos paid the guy and he is still alive. Danny asks if she was going to let him carry around that guilt for the rest of his life. He wants to know how she knew Carmen was at the docks and she tells him that Carmen told her. She asks what happened and he admits he killed Carmen. He thinks she knew it had to end there and wants to know why she sent him there. Maria tells him that she knew he could handle it. She says that if he killed Carmen, he'd stay with them family and if he didn't, he'd still stay with them. Either way she wins. She tells him that Carmen had his father killed but he doesn't believe it. Maria says that Carmen only loved herself. She tells him that Miguel truly loved another woman, Selena, and wouldn't give her up to Carmen. Danny is upset and says that makes sense for this family. He says that Carmen used Miguel to get to Selena and Maria used him to get to Carmen. He says that they all use each other like tools. He compares Maria to a spider pulling everyone into her web and using them to do her dirty work. He says it's not going to happen anymore. Her cellphone rings and he destroys it. He says that she's finished making orders behind his back. He tells her that he's running the family now that his grandmother has become ill. He says that she will never leave the property again. He says that she won't be receiving phone calls or even speak to her guards without him present. He tells her she'll never lie to him again. She kisses his ring and he goes to give her guard his orders. She whispers to herself "bravo Danny."

Claire listens to Alan's message on her machine and then he arrives at her door. He brought champagne and food over because she hadn't returned his calls. She admits she's worried about Michelle. She thinks her daughter has been kidnapped by the Santos family. He offers use of his private detectives but says that it will take a few days. Claire says they don't have time for that. She asks him about giving her a ride and he says she can use his limo. She is upset and he offers to comfort her. She declines his offer just because he's probably never heard the word no before. He offers her some champagne instead. He gives her a diamond tennis bracelet and reminds her that she told May that was the only way for a man to get out of the doghouse. He puts it on her and she says that it's cold. He kisses her wrist and makes his way up to her lips. Claire stops him and says they can't do this. Michelle knocks on the door and Claire is relieved that she's okay. Michelle tells her she knows she's been lying for months and tonight Michelle was almost killed. Alan asks what happened and tells her that Claire has been worried. Michelle wants Claire to tell him what happened but she asks him to leave instead. Alan leaves and Michelle says that Claire knew that Carmen was still alive. Claire wants to know what happened and Michelle tells her that Carmen's men drugged her and took her to the docks. She says that if Danny hadn't showed up, she would be dead. She wants to know why Claire didn't tell her that Carmen was still alive. Claire says she tried to prevent this from happening. She reminds Michelle that she tried to talk her out of the pregnancy and encouraged her going to New York. Michelle says she did everything but tell her the truth. Michelle thinks Carmen stalked her for months and Michelle wasn't prepared for Carmen to come after her. Michelle tells Claire that she never wants to speak to her again.

Thursday, November 16

Sam enjoys breakfast at Company and Buzz is glad to see someone with an appetite. Sam asks about Selena but Buzz tells him that she isn’t coming back. Buzz changes the subject and tells him that he wants to buy his bike. Sam asks him when the last time was he rode a bike and Buzz assures him that the bike will have a good home. Olivia arrives and Buzz tells her that Sam just sold him his bike. She thinks he is crazy to want it and Sam can tell that she has something to tell him. She tells Sam about her engagement and he tells her that Josh is the luckiest guy in the whole world. He thinks that New Year’s is a little soon but he tells her that she has earned some happiness. He tells her that Marah invited him to Chicago to look at colleges and Holly arrives. She introduces Holly and Sam and he leaves. Olivia tells Holly that she and Josh are getting married and Olivia gets a pained expression on her face. Olivia says that she knows that Josh doesn't love her as much as she loves him and Holly reminds her that Reva won't disappear. Holly assures her that he wouldn't have asked her if he didn't mean it and Olivia mentions that Buzz bought Sam's bike. Olivia leaves and Holly tells Buzz that she thinks he could find a better way to have a mid-life crisis. Holly thinks that Buzz is buying the motorcycle because of Selena and she tells him that he should face his problems. He tells her that she hides behind her newspaper and he tells her that at least he isn't afraid of taking chances in life. Billy walks in and laughs.

Beth wakes Jim up off the couch and she tells him that he is working too hard. He tells her that it isn’t really overtime and she can tell that he is really tense. Beth tells him that money doesn’t matter to her and he tells her that he never wants to let her down. He admits to her that he hasn’t been working overtime for Josh and he says that he has been spending his time trying to think of a way to make more money. Jim mentions that Edmund offered him money and Susan comes in. Susan asks her dad if she could go to Chicago with Marah and Sam to look at colleges and Beth thinks it is a great idea. Jim agrees to let her go and she leaves. Beth asks him about Edmund and he tells her about the job offer in San Cristobel. Beth thinks it is a great idea but Jim doesn’t want to work for Edmund. Jim goes upstairs to get ready for work and Edmund arrives. Beth asks Edmund why he offered the job to Jim but Jim comes downstairs and interrupts them. Edmund tells him that he is there to see him and Jim tells him that he doesn't want the job. Jim and Edmund go outside and Edmund pressures Jim to take the job. He reminds Jim that he owes him and that he intends to collect. Edmund tells Jim that he did this to himself and promises that his debt will be repaid if he will take the job. Edmund is sure that Jim is an honorable man and won't rest until the debt is repaid. Jim reluctantly accepts the job so that Beth won't find out about his gambling.

Cassie comes to visit Reva and Reva tells her about her nice quiet evening last night. Reva also tells her about their unexpected visitor and Catalina comes in. Catalina bows to Cassie and Cassie recognizes her from San Cristobel. Reva asks Cassie where Rourke is and Cassie says that something strange is going on with him. Cassie doesn’t want to dump her problems on Reva and Blake arrives with arms full of shopping bags. Blake sends Catalina upstairs and tells her to give them a fashion show. Cassie tells them about Rourke using the diamonds at the club and that he made it look like she and him had something romantic going on. Cassie gets dizzy and Blake goes to get some water for her. Blake thinks that she is pregnant and she and Reva insist that she see Dr. Sedgwick. Catalina comes back downstairs and has a problem with the shoes. Blake says that she will take Catalina by the mall to exchange the shoes on her way to take Cassie to the doctor and they all leave. Josh arrives to see Reva and he asks her about the divorce papers. They agree that neither one of them expected it to be so soon. Josh says that he has something to tell her and he wants her to hear it from him. He tells her that he and Olivia are engaged and that they have set a date. Reva thinks it is too soon and that Olivia didn't waste any time. Josh admits that this was all his idea and that Olivia thinks it is too soon too. Josh says that he hopes that they can be good friends at this new time in their lives and be good parents to Marah and Shayne. Reva apologizes for her part of the pain that they have caused each other and Josh tells her that he wouldn't have traded their lives together for anything. He tells her that he hopes she understands how much she means to him and he slowly leaves. After he is gone, Reva breaks down.

Friday, November 17

Susan tells Sam that she feels bad about lying to Jim about their trip to Chicago. Sam says that she is really just leaving out what will make them worry. He thinks that they will be fine and there's no need for her parents to worry when they don't have to. Billy interrupts Holly and Buzz and she gets upset when Billy thinks it is good that Buzz bought the bike. Holly doesn't think that her choices make her a coward and Buzz tells her that she sits back and watches others participate in life. Holly thinks this is all about him losing Selena and Buzz walks off. Billy tells her that he thinks that Buzz is right and Holly says that she likes to be in control of her life. Billy thinks that Buzz is just worried about her and explains that she is very set in her ways. He tells her that she can't decide the score of the ballgame before she starts playing and she gets upset and leaves. She asks Susan how she manages to stay sane with grandfathers like these guys. Buzz comes back out angry and asks Billy why he bothers with Holly. Josh arrives and asks if there is enough room at the bar for another of Reva's ex-husbands. Billy tells Josh about his run in with Buzz and Holly and Josh tells him that he and Olivia are getting married on New Year's Eve. Billy agrees to be his best man and he tells Josh that he didn't start to like Olivia until she let him go in to see Josh first after the building accident. Billy reminds him that he still thinks that he and Reva are the real thing but he says that he will stand up for him with Olivia.

Danny confesses to Ray that he killed his mother. He explains what happened and Ray tells him that he is forgiven. Ray asks about Michelle and Danny tells him they can't be together anymore. Ray tries to tell him that Carmen was wrong, not him but he won't listen. Danny tells him to let it go and leaves. Meanwhile, Bill advises Michelle not to give up on Danny. She thinks she is doing what he wants by staying away but Bill doesn't think it's a good idea. At Infierno, Tony has the music turned up and Danny arrives and turns it off. He tells Tony that it's over. May and Tony question why he is back and not with Michelle and he explains that this is where he belongs. He tells Tony that he will take over now and they leave the office. May doesn't think this is a good day for dreams and Tony is very disappointed. Michelle arrives and thinks the place looks great. May tells her that Danny is in his office and she goes to see him. Danny wants her to leave and says there is nothing more to say. Michelle won't leave. Danny doesn't think this can work and explains that he knows what she meant now when she told him he has two souls. He says that Carmen didn't have any good left in her when she died and he doesn't want to be like her. He doesn't think he's good for Michelle. She reminds him that he's the father of her child and she still wants to go away with him. Danny tells her to get out. He goes to his desk and Michelle is upset. She leaves and May goes inside.

Edmund calls Rourke and tells him the number of the bank account of where to find his money. Rourke assures him that he has placed his farewell note where Richard will find it and they hang up. Richard arrives and Edmund can tell that he is distracted. Richard finds the letter addressed to Cassie and he begins to read it. It implies that they were much more than friends but Richard says that every instinct in his body tells him that this can't be true. Richard tries to make up excuses for the letter and Edmund stands behind him. He acts like he totally agrees with Richard and assures him that Cassie loves him very much. Cassie returns home with news for Richard but Edmund tells her that he is gone dealing with the Rourke matter. He sends for Richard and Cassie promises Edmund that he will be the first to know the surprise after Richard. She can't believe the way that Rourke has treated them and she is afraid that there is someone out there that is trying to hurt her. Later, Richard returns and Edmund listens as Cassie explains that Blake took her to the doctor and that she is pregnant. Richard is stunned and he asks her who the father is.

Monday, November 27

Olivia asks Josh about the kids coming for Thanksgiving and he says that maybe they can next year. He tells her how awful it was at the house earlier and the phone rings. It is Reva and she Josh that she is sending the kids over for dinner because Cassie is there having marital problems. Olivia gets upset and Josh assures her that they will be on their best behavior. Billy, Bill and Holly arrive and Billy has bad news for Josh. He gives Josh papers that says that the Feds are after them because of construction where beavers are building. Bill and Sam compare talents and agree to go for some handball sometime. Marah, Shayne, and Catalina arrive and Marah tosses Olivia a frozen turkey. Bill and Catalina discuss Cuba and Sam joins them. Shayne turns on the stereo and Josh tells him to turn it off. Holly tells Marah about her experience in an all-girls college and Olivia tries to join the conversation but Marah walks off. Marah and Shayne argue and Marah pushes Shayne into a vase and breaks it. Sam tells them that it had sentimental value for Olivia and Olivia tries to act like she doesn't care. Later, Holly offers to leave early to make sure that they have enough food and she heads over to Company. They all sit down to dinner and Catalina can't believe that all of the food is for them. She says the prayer and it thankful for so much food. They all thank her for putting things into perspective and they all sing around the table.

Harley, Phillip and Zack arrive outside of Company and Buzz rides up on his motorcycle. He tells them that they are having a Hawaiian Thanksgiving and Harley asks him about the bike. She thinks that he is going to take off again and she tells him that she doesn't want to claim his body someday. She admits that she has overreacted a little bit and they all go inside. Frank, Michelle, Rick, and Meta arrive. Buzz tells them all about the pig that he has cooked and Blake, Ross and the kids arrive. Everyone takes their seats and Buzz begins a toast. He mentions how Abby left Rick, Blake knew too much, and Michelle is single. He digs at Frank's cop skills and the last straw is his toast to the anniversary of Phillip's adultery. Phillip gets angry and says he's had enough for one day. He and Harley get up to leave and Frank asks her to let Zach stay. Meanwhile, May arrives outside and finds Rick. He tells her that Company is closed for the holiday and wishes her a happy Thanksgiving. He explains about the luau but she doesn't think that sounds like a way to celebrate Thanksgiving. She asks if he's part of the family but he says he didn't have anywhere else to go. He invites her inside but she doesn't want to make Michelle uncomfortable. He guesses that she was the one involved with Danny. May thinks Rick is a nice guy but says that the nice guys are always married or gay. He tells her he isn't married anymore but she has had enough of guys who aren't married but are still in love with their wives. He tries to tell her that he is available but she walks away. Michelle finds Frank looking at a teddy bear and tells him that the holidays are lousy. He says that it's worse when children are involved. She tells him she's missing Danny and is pregnant. He apologizes for Buzz's behavior and offers his help if she needs it. Meanwhile, Holly arrives and tells Blake and Ross about Olivia and Josh's engagement. Blake says that Olivia is getting married but she is living in sin. She tells Ross that there are a lot of single guys there but he isn't buying it.

Susan interrupts Beth and Jim's romantic moment and tells them she will be leaving soon to go to Chicago. Jim gives her some money and she thinks it's a bribe so she will be nice. Beth tells her that today is a day to be thankful for friends and family. She and Jim go to the kitchen and Susan calls Edmund. She wishes him a happy Thanksgiving and invites him over for dinner. She begs him to come so she will be able to get through it herself. She is happy when he agrees to come. Lillian arrives and Susan informs everyone that she invited Edmund over. Jim gets upset but she reminds him that Beth said it's time to be with friends and family. She says that Edmund is alone and they should share their holiday with him. Beth reminds Jim that Edmund did offer him a job. Lillian questions them and they tell him about the harbor that needs to be surveyed in San Cristobel. Jim goes back to the kitchen and Lillian reminds Beth of the story of King David and Bathsheba. Beth doesn't understand what that has to do with anything and Lillian tells her that King David sent Bathsheba's husband to war so he could spend time with her himself. Edmund arrives and wishes everyone a merry Thanksgiving. Harley and Phillip arrive and are surprised to find Edmund there. Beth explains how Susan invited him and they go to the kitchen. Jim and Phillip share an uncomfortable moment as they both watch the baby. Harley overhears Edmund and Beth flirting and after he leaves confronts Beth about it. She calls her a slut but Beth tries to explain that they are just good friends. Harley tells Phillip what happened and says she wants to leave. He wants to talk to Beth but Harley doesn't think that's a good idea. She goes to get her coat and Phillip asks to talk to Edmund outside. He says that everytime he turns around Edmund is with Beth. He wants him to stay away from her. Edmund thinks he's a little too possessive for an ex-husband. Harley comes out and asks what's going on but Phillip wants to leave. Edmund wishes them a happy Thanksgiving and they leave angrily.

Tuesday, November 28

The kids arrive to pick Susan up for their trip. Susan introduces Beth and Catalina. Edmund arrives and says he lost his wallet. Sam and Catalina both appear to know him. Sam and Edmund argue over the monarchy but Susan wants to go while Jim is asleep upstairs. They leave and Beth asks Edmund if he wants to look around for his wallet. He tells her that he made that up so he could come back and see if she was all right. He asks if Jim gave her any trouble after dinner. He pulls her close and says that even though Harley doesn't like her, she wasn't imagining what was going on between them. Beth tells him that they can't go on like this. Edmund thinks he understands her better than Jim or Phillip. She says that they need to put some distance between them. He thinks that if she wants to stay committed to Jim she needs to stay away from distractions. He says that she is pushing away her chance at happiness while thinking someday she can be truly happy with Jim. He agrees to put distance between them but wants to know exactly what that means. She says they can be civil in public but no more time alone. He says he can abide by those rules but wants to know if he can still talk to Susan. She says yes and he tells her to call him if she needs him because he won't be coming back to Springfield to see her. He wants her to be clear on what will happen if she does call though. He says that no matter where he is, he'll come for her and the kids. He tells her he'll do whatever it takes to make her happy. He kisses her in case this really is goodbye. After he leaves, she starts to cry.

In the limo, Catalina tells the kids that they never would get away with this where she is from. She tells them about block police that watch every move you make. Sam asks her if life he is what she thought it would be and she admits she never thought kids would have so much money. Sam admits that Tony did most of the work and she asks who he is. Marah says that he is a friend but they aren't a couple. She does feel guilty about not inviting him to the concert but thinks he causes trouble. Shayne teases her about Tony liking her. Catalina is confused and they try to explain it to her as Tony appears from the front seat. He tells them that his buddy is driving the limo and that he got an extra ticket. He assures Marah that she doesn't have to worry about what she said about him. The kids are uncomfortable as Tony tells them that Chicago is his city and he will show it to them.

Phillip and Harley go to Infierno to drown their sorrows and they try to decide who to be mad at. Harley talks about how sad they are and Phillip thinks that they should get this out of their systems. Harley wonders about Beth and Edmund and Phillip doesn't want to talk about Beth. She thinks that Beth is doing this just to get a rise out of Phillip but he says that he is staying out of it. They continue to argue and Harley wonders why they are working so hard to save their marriage. He tells her that he thinks that she is wonderful and that they are good for each other. She wonders if that is true anymore and Phillip says that he wants to give Zack a stable home. He tells her that when he gets ready to throw in the towel he thinks of Zack and that makes him try harder. Phillip wants to know what they do now and Harley tells him that she does everything she can to make it through each day. Later, they return to Company to pick up Zack and see the motorcycle outside. They get crazy and decide to take it for a spin.

Ross comes to bed and Blake is still upset about Ross's refusal to marry her. He tells her that he is happy with the way that things are and he tells her that they should do what is best for both of them. They get romantic and afterwards Blake remembers back when Ross first asked her to marry him. She says that she wants that now but Ross tells her that they are evolving into the couple that they were meant to be. He says that they don't need a piece of paper to force them to be there together but she says that he doesn't care what she wants. He tells her that if she can convince him that marriage is the best way to sustain them then he will agree to marry her and she asks him to allow her to be dignified. Blake daydreams that Ross is the homemaker taking care of the kids and that she is the one leaving for work. Ross falls asleep and Blake turns on the TV. She watches a tele-minister and gets an idea. She calls into the show and says that she would like to be a minister. Ross wakes up and asks Blake what she is doing. She says that she is writing a check and she whispers to herself that he isn't going to know what hit him.

Wednesday, November 29

Richard tells Dax that he didn't hear from Cassie last night. Dr. Holt arrives and asks Richard why he has brought him to Springfield. Richard asks him who he is and he says that he is Dr. Stephen Holt. Richard is confused and the doctor explains that they haven't met because he canceled their meeting in New York. Richard tells him that he did not and tells him the address of the office that he met him at. Dax asks the doctor for some form of ID and the doctor provides it. Richard apologizes for the confusion and Dr. Holt thinks it is very serious that someone has impersonated him. The doctor offers to do some tests there in the room and wonders who would want to impersonate him. Richard and Dax discuss it and Richard knows that Edmund would be the first logical suspect. The doctor returns and tells Richard that he is not sterile. Richard is very pleased and leaves.

At Reva's, Cassie remembers her first date and how bad it was. Cassie tells Reva how wonderful it has been spending time with her and they have some more pie. Cassie tells Reva that she has come along way and that she refuses to blame herself or act guilty for this problem with Richard. Reva tells her that she is a leader and that she isn't going to walk away from her job as Princess. Blake arrives looking for Catalina and sees Cassie. Cassie tells Blake that some things have gone wrong with Richard and she explains. Blake tells her that she is doing the right thing by making Richard sweat. Reva tells Blake about her argument with Josh about his engagement and Blake tells them about Ross's challenge to her to change his mind about marriage. Blake tells them about her idea and they think it is great. Richard arrives and asks for a word alone with Cassie. Reva and Blake leave them alone and Richard tells Cassie how much he misses her. He tells her that he just learned that he is not sterile after all and he explains that he saw an imposter in New York. She tells him that she knew that the baby was his and she tells him that if the situation was reversed then she would not have doubted him. She tells him that it hurts when you think you know someone and then you lose that trust. He begs her to help him make this right but she says that she doesn't know if they can ever go back to the way that they were before. Richard asks her if she has stopped loving him and she says that she could never do that. She says that she can't pretend that he didn't break her heart and begs for another chance to earn her trust. The doorbell rings and it is an FBI agent. They explain that they are there looking into a copyright infringement story and they head upstairs to the kids' rooms. At the Lemay house, Jim answers the door to find FBI agents with a warrant for search and seizure of computer equipment. They ask where Susan's room is and go upstairs.

Danny calls May into his office and apologizes to her for the way that he has treated her. She tells him not to say that because he shouldn't wish away the bad things that have happened. She tells him that she has to go because he looks at her like he really likes her. She explains that she has feelings for him and that she has had some of the best months that she has ever had. He tells her that she deserves better than this and she says that this wasn't anybody's fault. May says that she still has to leave and Danny tells her that even though she isn't the love of his life but that he does care about her and wants to protect her. He tells her that he has lost a lot and that he doesn't want to lose her too. He asks her to stay for the sake of the customers there at Infierno because he can't replace her. Danny calls her a friend and she thinks that is sweet. She says that she is going to stay and she tells him that maybe he will get Michelle back. He tells her that will never happen. May leaves and Ray arrives. Danny asks him to forget everything that he said to him in confession but Danny intends to remember it forever so that he won't think that he is someone that he is not. Ray tells him that he can't bring Carmen back to life by doing her work. Danny asks where Tony is and calls May in to ask her where he is. May tells them that he is gone to Chicago with Marah and her brother to look at colleges and Danny doesn't think that sounds right. An FBI agent arrives looking for Tony and they explain that he is out of town. Danny asks why they are looking for him and they explain that they want to question him about a copyright infringement case. Meanwhile, Susan, Tony, Marah, Shayne, Catalina, and Sam arrive at the concert and they all tell Tony what a wonderful dinner he took them to. After the concert, Susan tells Sam that this is the greatest night of her life and that it couldn't have happened without him.

Thursday, November 30

Josh looks at the engagement ring he has for Olivia. He tells her he has something to show her but they are interrupted by the phone. The answering machine picks it up and Reva says that this is important. Josh picks up the phone and Reva tells him that the FBI are there accusing Marah of copyright infringement. Josh can't believe it and tells Reva he'll be right over. Olivia wants to go too but Josh wants her to wait for him there. After he leaves, the FBI arrive with a search warrant against Sam. Meanwhile, Reva tells Cassie and Richard to leave because they don't need the publicity. The FBI arrive with warrants at Jim and Beth's as well as Phillip and Harley's. They explain to Phillip that Spaulding was used to copy CDs. Phillip doesn't believe it but they tell him his password was used. Harley tries to cover for Susan but the FBI already know she was behind it. Phillip calls Ross and tells him what's going on. At the same time, Ross gets a call from Blake asking for help for Marah. On his cell phone, Beth calls Ross and tells him that the FBI is at her house too. Ross tells everyone to go to Reva's and he'll meet them there. Josh arrives and accuses Reva of not knowing what's going on with the kids. The find out from the limo service that the kids rented the limo but don't know why. Everyone arrives and starts arguing over where the kids really are. Ray and Danny arrive looking for Tony. Josh can't believe that Marah is in Chicago with Tony. Ray tells Danny to let him take care of it because Danny doesn't need the FBI snooping around him. Danny agrees but thinks Tony's behind whatever is going on. Olivia arrives and finds Josh and Reva arguing over Marah being behind the scam. Reva doesn't think Marah came up with the plan but Josh continues to blame Reva. Olivia tells them that the FBI came to her place with Sam as their prime suspect. Reva and Olivia start arguing over Sam's influence on Marah. Jim and Phillip argue over how Susan got into the Spaulding lab to begin with. Harley and Beth argue over what's happening while Susan lives with Beth. Ross asks them all if they know anybody who knows more about what the kids are doing in Chicago. Jim decides it's time to call Max. He and Buzz arrive wanting to know what's going on. The parents question Max about where the kids are and he tries to cover for them. He finally admits that they had a plan to copy CDs and sell them so they could go to a concert in Chicago. Jim is angry with Max because he let Susan go alone with older kids. Max gets angry with Jim and tells him he would have been angry if he'd went too. He thinks he can't win with Jim. Ross talks with the FBI and informs everyone that they plan to make an example of the kids. He says that not only will the kids be charged with piracy and copyright infringement, but the parents will as well.

Cassie can't believe that Marah and Shayne are involved in the CD scam. Richard says he'll make some calls but has other things on his mind right now. She says that she was trying to put their problems out of her mind. She tells him that she could never not trust him but the first thing he did was believe she had an affair. He tells her that he loves her and asks her what he can do to make this up to he. She says she doesn't know. She tells him that she was moved around schools and foster home when she was young and became fearless. She told him the only thing she was afraid of was a game of trust the teacher would make the kids play. She tells him that you had to trust that the other person would catch you when you fell back. She says that she finally found someone she could trust to catch her and he dropped her. She tells him that he dropped them. She tells him she needs time alone to think and doesn't want to sleep with him. She leaves and comes back inside and tells him she loves him and could never stop. She says aren't they lucky to be so in love and leaves. Edmund arrives later with a plan to find out the paternity of Cassie's baby. He thinks she should have amniocentesis even though there are risks. Richard informs him that he knows he's the father of the baby and that the doctor in New York was a fake. Edmund can't believe it and says he's sorry. Richard assures him that whoever set him up will have hell to pay.

Friday, December 1

Richard tells Cassie that he has some business to attend to before they return home to San Cristobel and she wants to know what difference it makes if he finds answers because the damage has already been done. Edmund arrives and Richard leaves for his business. Cassie asks Edmund if he has ever seen Richard this unhappy and Edmund says no. She asks him if it was him that tried to undermine hers and Richard's relationship. He says no and tells her that he thinks he is the target of this conspiracy. He explains that he thinks that someone is trying to eliminate him by driving a wedge between him and Richard by making this look like his fault. Cassie tells him that he is not that important and Edmund tells her that she is naive. Edmund gets a call from Jim and he explains that he can't come to San Cristobel this weekend because of the trouble with Susan and the FBI. Edmund apologizes for his behavior at Thanksgiving and tells Jim that he can reschedule his trip. He offers his help with Susan and Jim thanks him. Meanwhile, Beth helps Lizzie get ready to be an angel in the Christmas play. Jim says that he is saving some front row seats for them and Beth sends her to check on the baby. Beth tells Jim how blessed they are and Jim gets upset about Susan's actions. Beth assures Jim that everything is going to be OK and Jim admits that he is getting used to the idea of another new baby. He tells her about his talk with Edmund and she is uncomfortable.

Josh prepares breakfast for Olivia and she is upset about how their Thanksgiving was ruined with the FBI. Josh is concerned but he tells her that his mind is on something bigger today. She says that she is "pulling a Reva" but bringing Sam to town. He tells her to look between the coffee and the waffles and there is a ring box sitting there. She is excited and slowly opens the box. She tells him that the ring is perfect and he puts it on her hand. He asks her again to marry him and she says yes. They go to the bedroom and the kids arrive. They think that nobody is there but Josh and Olivia come out of the room. He tells them all to sit down and asks them about their trip.

Reva shows Noah the list of everything that the FBI has confiscated and she is livid. He tells her that she has underestimated what he can do and he offers to look into it. Noah is curious about what happens next and she says that her life is in a mess right now. She tells him that she is happy to be there with him and he asks if she is just waiting around for the next "Josh and Reva reunion." (WE ARE!) She says no and explains that she and Josh have both used and hurt people in the past but now they are both ready to move on. She tells him that she doesn't want to hurt him so she wants to be sure of her feelings. Noah tells her that she is full of herself and explains that he can handle her. He tells her to play fair and says that there is a chance that she is evolving into a lady that is able to share her life with someone besides Josh Lewis. The doorbell rings and it is Richard. Reva is still angry about him not trusting Cassie but he asks to come in anyway. He says he's there to see Noah not her. Richard explains what happened and that somebody set him up. He asks for Noah's help in finding Roarke. Noah agrees to help and Reva is upset to hear that Richard needs the agency's help too. He explains that they ran a background check on Roarke but nothing turned up unusual. Josh calls and tells Reva that the kids are back. She says she'll be right over and they start to leave. She asks Richard if he's taking Cassie back to San Cristobel and he says yes. She wishes him luck.

Josh calls Phillip and tells him that the kids are home. Harley wanted to talk to him but Phillip hangs up before she can. Phillip is very angry at Susan but Harley thinks they should remain calm. She wants him to let her and Jim handle Susan. Phillip says he's tired of Susan's attitude but agrees that tearing her head off won't help. He promises to do his best but thinks she really wants to lay into Susan herself.

Josh asks the kids how their trip went and they say it was cool. They tell him about some of the places they went and he asks if they had enough money. They go on and on about the trip but Sam senses something is wrong. They talk about the colleges they visited but say there wasn't many people there because of the holiday. Josh says it's a shame there weren't more people there to see them ride up in a limo. Sam knows they're toast. Ross and Jim arrive and Susan gets worried. Phillip, Harley, Reva and Noah arrive and the kids start to wonder what's going on. Olivia offers Reva some coffee and she notices the engagement ring. Reva comments that it's a nice rock. Reva thanks the kids for showing Catalina the American lifestyle. The parents explain to the kids that the FBI came and took all their CDs and computer software. Ross wants to know what happened and Sam admits it was his idea. He talks about how the record companies are censoring people from sharing ideas. Ross asks about the money and Shayne tells him it was $3500. Tony admits that it wasn't that much because he never sold the CDs. He says he gave them his own money to impress Marah. The parents want to know what happens now and Ross says that the minors will go to juvenile court while the adults will be prosecuted. He says that NuGround has had their music pirated before and are going to take it out on them. Josh asks if Ross will help them if it comes to that and Ross says they'll need God, not a lawyer.