Monday, May 1

Cassie makes her appearance on television as Edmund and Richard watch. She tells the people that she thinks they are expecting her to apologize but she won't. She tells them she's sorry if she has embarrassed them or Richard but she did what she had to do at the time for her children. She tells them of how she had to have money to pay lawyers to get her daughter back. After she is finished, she prays that the people will understand. She remembers Richard telling her that he was in love with her and hopes she doesn't have to leave him. Edmund thinks this whole thing is ridiculous. He wonders how Richard could have thought this wouldn't come out eventually. An assistant comes and tells Richard that no one is responding and it's almost as if Cassie doesn't exist. Cassie overhears Edmund tell Richard that this fairy tale wedding is never going to happen. She comes down and tells Richard she knows no one is responding to her speech. Richard tries to convince her that it will take some time but Edmund says that Richard unintentionally set her up. Richard tells Edmund to never speak to her again and that his life depends on the people accepting her. Edmund doesn't think he can kill him. Richard tells the guards to take Edmund to a cell and tell Dax to make the arrangements. Edmund can't believe he's serious as they take him away. Richard tries to comfort Cassie but she tells him they both know she is going to have to leave him.

Reva tells Ruth it's time for her to tell the truth. Frank knocks on the door and tells them he knows Ruth is in there. Reva swears she didn't call Frank but will handle it. Ruth gets Charlie and tells him they're leaving. Reva tells Frank that he is only going to scare Ruth and it won't go any good to take her to the police station if she won't talk. Frank agrees to give Reva an hour to convince Ruth to tell the truth. Reva goes back inside and fears Ruth has left again. Ruth and Charlie come back in and Ruth tells her that Charlie asked her what he did wrong to make them keep running. Reva thinks it was fate that made the babysitter late so she could help them. She says that Ruth has a chance to prove what kind of person she is to herself and her son. Meanwhile, Michelle thinks about being pregnant in jail. She hears Carmen tell her that she is going to take care of her grandchild because no one would let a murderer take care of a baby. Frank and David talk about how close they are to ending this case. Frank tells him that he fears Eleni and Marina don't need him. He says they have moved on without him. David assures him that he is a great husband and father. Reva arrives with Ruth who says she's ready to make a statement. They get the paperwork ready and thank her. Ruth tells Reva that she has a gift for getting people to listen. She thinks that fate works both ways and that God has a plan for Reva too. Reva gets a phone call from a television station offering her a job. Danny goes to Michelle and tells her it's finally over and that she's free.

Pilar arrives at the police station and tells them what happened with Carmen. Matt and Bill wonder where Vanessa could be. Pilar thinks she went to Carmen's like she did before when she thought there was trouble. David tells them they can't go to Carmen's without a warrant and then gets called away. Matt says that the police might not can go over there, but they can. Meanwhile, Carmen makes arrangements to leave the country. Vanessa arrives and tells her she isn't going anywhere. She tells Carmen that she's know some terrible people but doesn't think any of them could do what Carmen has done. Carmen asks who she brought with her and Vanessa says she's alone. Carmen can't believe she'd come alone and goes about getting ready to leave. Vanessa pulls out a gun and reminds her of everything she's done to Pilar and Danny. She says she even killed the man she supposedly loved. Carmen breaks down and says she did love Ben and then gets the gun from Vanessa. She asks her how she shot Ben and if he asked her to help him. Vanessa says he told her Carmen shot him and that it was an accident. Carmen pulls the trigger but the gun isn't loaded. Vanessa says that this is the difference between her and Carmen, Vanessa wouldn't do that. Carmen tries to leave but Matt, Bill and Pilar arrive. Pilar tells her that it's over and the police know everything. Danny and Michelle arrive and Michelle tells her she's waited for this moment for a long time. Carmen tells Pilar she was just trying to protect her after Pilar set her up. Frank arrives and reads Carmen her rights. He leads her away in handcuffs and Danny tells Michelle that he feels nothing for his mother.

Tuesday, May 2

Carmen tells David he should be out looking for the real killer because these charges will never hold up against her. She learns a family member is there to see her and she assumes it's Danny. Ray comes and she asks him to help her save what's left of her family. He tells her he's there to save what's left of her soul. David tells the guard to take her to her cell and Ray asks to go with her. Carmen says she doesn't need a priest but Ray thinks she does. Once she's placed in her cell, Ray thinks the reality of the situation is setting in. Carmen tells him to go away because she doesn't believe in God and hasn't for a long time. Ray thinks she does and that's why she is scared right now. He tells her that she has to repent to be forgiven. Carmen asks him how his God could take her husband and her son away from her. She thinks God is cruel but Ray tells her that God loves her. She doesn't want to hear it and tells him to leave. She crumbles in his arms and says she doesn't know how this happened to her. She once had a family but it's all gone now. Ray asks her to pray with him and he tells her that he'll be there for her if she needs him. Ray leaves and Carmen thinks it's going to take more than prayers to get her out of this.

At the Santos house, Danny talks to Ross on the phone and finds out they are still booking Carmen. He suggests Michelle call Rick and tell him the good news but she wants to make sure she's really free first. Danny assures her it's all over and that this is their happy ending. Pilar and Danny talk about what to do with the house now. Pilar breaks a painting and some pictures that she's always hated and tells Danny to do the same. He breaks some things and Michelle opens the curtains to let some light into the house. Michelle suggests they sell it but Pilar doesn't want to profit from all the horrible things her mother has done. They decide to give it to charity. Danny thinks that maybe then something good can come from all of this. He doesn't want Michelle to feel any stress if she's pregnant. They decide if she isn't, they can work on getting pregnant. She's happy thinking that they are free to talk about the future now. Danny asks her again to call Rick but she wants to go tell Rick the good news in person. Danny promises that nothing will ever come between them again. He tells Michelle he'll meet her outside and looks at a picture of him, Pilar and Carmen. He says he's going to put the hope back in Pilar's eyes. He believes that they can have their own family with real love and that no one can take that away from them. The picture falls to the floor and breaks.

Vicky arrives at the station and congratulates David on catching Carmen. He feels guilty for blaming Michelle and missing all the evidence that pointed to Carmen. He tells her that he is resigning from the force. She asks what he will do now and he explains that he has lost his instinct for the job. She tells him that she is a good cop and was just human during this case. She asks him to sleep on this tonight and he agrees. She wants to go have dinner and he says that he needs to feel like he makes a difference.

Rick, Abby, and Harley eat at Towers and Harley gets a call from Phillip. Abby tries to console Rick about Michelle and then she goes to the ladies room. Claire arrives and Rick freaks out. He explains that he lied to Abby about who Claire was and Harley goes over to her. Harley tells her that they have something in common and explains that she also gave up a daughter. Claire wants to ask Rick how Michelle is and Harley tries to stop her. Abby asks Rick who Harley is talking to but he avoids her question. Claire comes over and asks Rick about Michelle and introduces herself. Abby thinks that name is familiar and remembers what Rick told her. He explains that Claire is Michelle’s mother and that he didn’t think she would stay so long in town. Abby wants to know why Harley knows about this and not her. Abby leaves the table and Rick gets paged. Claire apologizes to Abby and tries to explain how she gave up Michelle. She breaks down and Abby asks her why she is there. Claire explains that something was missing in her life and says that she want to get to know Michelle. Claire thanks her for listening and leaves. David and Vicky arrive and tell them that Michelle has been released. Rick is overjoyed.

Cassie tells Richard that she has to leave because no one has responded to her statement. He says that he won’t give her up but she insists that he must do everything that he can for the country. She runs out and he follows her. She tells him that they weren’t meant to be and they share I Love You’s. They wish that they could be Dwayne and Stella again. Cassie goes upstairs and starts packing and Richard tries to stop her. Cassie realizes that she will have to tell Tammy and he begs her not to take the kids away from him. She asks him to just hold her and he says that he will never let her go. He empties her suitcase and she tells him that it is hopeless. She says that she won’t be the wife that he can’t take out in public and says that she wants to get out of there. He tells her that she isn’t going anywhere and locks her in the room. He says that he will do whatever it takes to keep her in his life. Richard goes looking for Dax and says that he has to do something to keep from losing Cassie forever. He looks off the balcony and can’t believe it. He brings Cassie down and shows her flowers from the people of San Cristobel and children saying that they love her.

Wednesday, May 3

Susan and Jim have breakfast at Towers and she admits to her dad about Shayne bringing beer over to the house. She begs him not to talk to Josh and explains that he was just upset about his parents. She thinks it is good that Beth didn’t tell him about it and she says that Beth is starting to be part of the family. Susan asks him if she can see Max without having to sneak around. She says that she just wants to hang out with him and Jim reluctantly agrees. He says that there are some rules like curfew and no parties without parents present. She thanks him and jokes that even old people like him and Beth can be in love. Meanwhile, Rick comes by to see Lizzie and Beth congratulates him about Michelle’s good news. Rick is distracted and Beth explains about Lizzie’s hair. Beth is afraid that Lizzie will keep her problems from them to spare their feelings and Rick goes to talk to her. Beth gets a call from Phillip and she tells him about the baby kicking her. Rick returns and Beth tells Phillip to call Lizzie back later. Rick scolds Beth for talking to Phillip about the baby and tells her that she can’t have it both ways. He says that she is just making this situation harder on Phillip and he snaps at her. She asks if something is bothering him and he apologizes. She says that she’ll just take care of Lizzie herself and insists that he go rest. He jokes that he is a Saint and Beth tells him that he is just human too and allowed to make a mistake. Lizzie comes in and Beth leaves them alone. He asks her if she has any secrets and tells her that he has one for her. She tells him about her hair and he tells her that is good because the medicine is working. He explains that she doesn’t have to worry about her mom and Beth listens to them. She asks him to promise that he will always take care of her and she asks if she is really getting better. He promises that he will never leave her no matter what. She goes to take a nap and Beth tells him that he would make a great father just like he is a great doctor. They talk about what great friends they are and their pasts. He tells her what a great man Jim is. Susan and Jim arrive outside and Jim goes back to the car. Susan comes in to hear Beth say that no matter what happens she will always love Phillip.

Reva arrives at Towers and runs into Noah. She is nervous about a job interview and tells him to leave. The interviewer arrives and Noah won’t leave. She tells him not to say a word. The interviewer offers Reva a job doing “woman on the street” interviews and shows her a contract. He thinks she should die her hair brown and Noah chimes in and introduces himself as Reva’s agent. He tells the interviewer that Reva has many other offers and refuses the offer. The guy leaves and Reva can’t believe what Noah did. He tells her not to sign anything when the guy calls back. She tells him that no man tells her what to do and he kisses her. He says that was for good luck and she walks away angry saying that he needs a keeper. A messenger arrives with urgent records for Noah about Lizzie.

Blake arrives in San Cristobel and questions what all the flowers are for. Cassie tells her that Edmund got a tape of her stripping at Teazers and showed it to the people. She says that it's all right because they forgave her and the wedding is still on. Cassie assumes now that she doesn't have to leave, Edmund will be off the hook. Meanwhile, Richard has Edmund brought up from his cell. Edmund tells him he heard that his plan backfired but still doesn't agree that Cassie should be the princess. He says he won't bother them again and assumes Richard will let him go. Richard says that he has to deal with him because next time he might go after the kids. Edmund doesn't think he will have him executed because of the scandal it would cause but Richard says he's left him no choice. He tells the guard to gather Edmund's things and a piece of paper falls from his wallet. Richard notices that it has their father's handwriting on it and wonders what Edmund is hiding now. Meanwhile, Cassie tells Blake that Natalie has handled most of the wedding plans. Blake thinks it would be good for Cassie to have her family there. Cassie says that she hasn't talked to Reva in a long time and it's too late now anyway. Blake invites Cassie and Richard to a party she and Ross are throwing Danny and Michelle since they are free now. Cassie leaves and Blake decides it's never too late and calls Reva and leaves her a message inviting her to the party. Richard reads the letter to him from his father saying that Edmund has been given his last rights. It says that Edmund was the bad seed and he would always cause trouble. It talks about how proud he is that Richard is his heir and that everything that happens to Edmund is his fault. The letter stops abruptly and Richard asks where the rest of it is. Edmund tells him that he was waking up when their father was called away and found the letter. Richard remembers the night and says that all he cared about was that his brother was dying. He says there was a different look in Edmund's eyes from then on. Edmund doesn't want to talk about it and calls for the guard to get it over with. Richard says that if their father was alive he would ring his neck for writing such filth. Edmund says that there was a different look in Richard's eyes too because from then on he looked at Edmund like their father did, like he was a defective person. The guard comes and Richard tells him to give Edmund his things back. He tells him to set them both free and find the man inside that Richard loves. Cassie runs into Edmund on his way out and he apologizes and asks her to take care of Richard. Richard tells her that he set him free and she wonders if it was a mistake. Richard says that he can only do what he can live with but believes his brother can change.

Thursday, May 4

Selena asks Buzz if he is OK because of he and Jenna’s wedding in the hospital. She admits that she had a crush on him even then. He tells her that it is time that he asked her to marry him and she refuses. She explains that she wants to take things one step at a time. He suggests that she move in with him and she accepts happily. Meanwhile, Claire runs into Abby at Company. She asks Abby about Rick and Michelle and asks Abby to help her reconcile with her daughter. Abby doesn’t think that is her place but Claire explains that Rick is being very protective of Michelle and she asks Abby to put in a good word with Rick. She tells Abby that she has heard about her seminars about cochlear implants and congratulates her and mentions that she is looking for a place to stay in Springfield. Selena walks by and tells them that she is moving in with Buzz so Claire can move into her apartment. Claire says that she used to live in that apartment but worries that she will be a burden to Rick and Abby. Abby tells her that she should take the apartment and Claire is very happy. Abby worries how she will tell Rick about this.

Rick meets Noah and Harley at Towers. Noah wants Harley to make a list of possible bone marrow donors for Lizzie and Harley asks Rick’s help on the family tree. Noah points out that what they really need is another child of Phillip and Beth’s. Noah says that he just wants to have his bases covered and Rick wants to know if something has happened with Lizzie’s treatment. Rick asks to stay informed and leaves. Harley asks Noah to be honest with her because she can tell that he isn’t. He admits that Lizzie’s chemotherapy may not be working.

Beth is surprised when Susan walks in and tries to explain what she meant. Jim arrives and doesn’t know what they are talking about. Jim tells Susan to tell Beth what they were discussing at breakfast and she does. Lizzie calls down and Jim goes up to see her. Beth tells Susan that they need to talk outside. She thanks Rick for coming over and he leaves. They go outside and Beth explains that she loves Phillip because of the crisis they are facing with Lizzie. She says that it is Jim that she is in love with and wants to spend the rest of her life with. Jim comes out with Lizzie and interrupts them. Inside, Jim asks Beth what was going on outside. She tells him that Susan overheard her and Rick’s conversation and explains what she heard. Jim says that he understands what she meant and that he doesn’t feel a bit insecure about Phillip. He tells her how happy he is in his life with her.

Carmen tells her attorney to do whatever it takes to get her out of jail. Ross arrives and her lawyer advises her not to talk to him. She sends him away and Ross asks her why she wanted to see him. Carmen tells him she wants to make a deal. She agrees to back up Vanessa's testimony but Ross isn't interested. He tells her she must think everyone is as corrupted as she is. Carmen says it isn't over yet. Danny and Michelle arrive at the courthouse and are surprised to see Matt, Vanessa, Bill, and Pilar there. They tell them that the judge asked them to meet there and wonder what it's about. The judge comes in and says that a man is dead and nobody is leaving until he finds out who is responsible. He tells them that he is throwing out the court transcripts and calls to bring Carmen in. Matt gets upset but the judge wants to find out the truth. Pilar says that he should start with her and proceeds to tell him about her plan to make her mother break up with Ben. She tells him that Carmen shot Ben when she saw them together. She goes on to say that only one person went to his apartment wanting him dead and that was Carmen. The judge says he isn't interested in opinions, only the facts. Carmen stands up and tells him she's ready to make a confession. She admits that she shot Ben after seeing him with Pilar but there is something nobody else knows. She says she went back to Ben's apartment that night hoping that he was still alive and saw Vanessa murder him. Everyone gets upset and the judge asks her why she didn't testify to this before. Carmen says that she couldn't tell the truth because the DA would think she was using Vanessa as a scapegoat since she was in a coma. Vanessa is allowed to tell her version and admits she didn't like Ben. She says she picked up the gun before she saw Ben and he lunged at her. She says they struggled and the gun went off accidentally. The judge tells her that the DA doesn't buy her story because it's too convenient and he agrees. Ross argues that the forensic report states that two shots were fired, one from a distance and one from point blank range. He says that if Vanessa were intending to kill Ben, the angle of the gunshot would have come from above. He says that Vanessa has acquitted herself because her testimony matches the report and she's never seen it before since she was in a coma. The judge asks her if she's seen the report and she says no. He believes her and tells the DA to file a motion that Ben Warren's murder was an accident. He tells Carmen that charges for bribery, fraud, perjury and anything else he can think of will be filed against her. She tries to tell him again that she saw Vanessa kill Ben but he rules the case closed. The bailiff takes Carmen back to her cell. Danny visits her and says that she brought all of this on herself. She can't believe he's happy to see his mother behind bars. He tells her that what is fitting is that she isn't going to prison for murder, she's going because she tried to destroy Michelle and his marriage. He tells Carmen goodbye and walks away. She yells that she did it for her family and asks him not to go. She finds a bottle of pills under her cot and says she wishes it didn't have to come to this. Meanwhile, everyone celebrates the truth coming out at Towers. Danny asks Michelle if there is more to celebrate and she says she has a pregnancy test in her purse. She asks him if he saw Carmen and he says yes. She knows this is hard on him but he says that Carmen isn't the same woman he loved. Michelle thinks he should tell Carmen this but he thinks that tonight is for them and Carmen isn't going anywhere. Carmen lies unconscious on the floor in her cell with the bottle of pills beside her hand.

Friday, May 5

Jim and Beth play with Lizzie outside the mansion. Jim takes her inside to see Susan and Edmund arrives. He is there to check on Lizzie and Beth tells him about her hair. Beth asks him about his trip and he says that he has vowed to be a better person since that trip. Harley and Noah arrive and he tells Beth that there could be a problem with Lizzie's latest blood tests. They all meet in the house and Lizzie can tell that something is wrong. Noah tells her that he needs her help to check out some new equipment at the hospital tonight. She doesn't want to go and asks to go in the nursery with the new babies and Noah agrees. She asks him what if something is wrong and Edmund reminds her that she has nothing to worry about because she has her white horse. Harley takes her to get her jacket and Noah explains that there were some irregularities in Lizzie's blood work. They all go to the hospital. Jim tells Harley that she can go home if she'd like and remembers that Susan was upstairs studying. Edmund arrives and Jim asks him to leave but Edmund wants to stay. Jim tells him that he is on to him and Edmund tells him that he has no idea what he could do to him. Lizzie has her test and Jim offers to take her to the nursery. She doesn't want to go and says she is tired. Beth sees Edmund and thanks him for being there. Noah gets the results and tells Beth that he has bad news.

At Michelle's party, Blake tells Ross that she invited both Reva and Cassie to the party without the other one knowing it. Ross isn't sure that is such a good idea. Reva arrives and Cassie and Richard do also. Cassie thanks him for coming with her and she sees Reva. She asks Blake about Reva being there and Blake suggests her to go talk to Reva. Reva talks with Selena and Buzz and they encourage her to go talk to Cassie. Reva worries that Cassie won't want to see her. On her way over to Cassie, she runs into Vanessa. Cassie thinks that Reva just turned her back on her and Reva thinks the same about Cassie. Reva tells Selena that Cassie turned away from her and Selena points out that she isn't the one mad at Cassie. Cassie tells Blake that there are some things that you can't mend but Blake thinks she should talk to Reva. Vanessa tells Reva how wonderful she was on television the other day. Reva and Vanessa talk about WSPR and Vanessa asks Reva to work there. Selena asks Blake about meddling to put Cassie and Reva back together. Selena goes over to Reva and Blake goes over to Cassie. She takes Cassie with her and Selena brings Reva over. They say hello and nervously talk with one another. Cassie thinks that Reva set this up and Reva says that she understands that they have been through a lot and don't know if they can get through this. Reva goes to check on the kids and tells Selena that she knew that Cassie would never forgive her. Cassie tells Blake that she is leaving and heads for the elevator. Reva is there and they get stuck together.

Frank finds Carmen in her cell unconscious. He tells the guard to call an ambulance. Carmen is taken to the hospital and Frank orders guards to stay with her. Carmen waits until the orderly leaves then calls someone and tells them she's ready. A nurse comes in and she chloroforms her and escapes with the help of one of her men. He gets detained and Carmen runs into Edmund. She begs him to help her escape but he says no. She offers him anything to help her. Meanwhile at Towers, Michelle tells Danny she knows this must be hard for him because his mother is in jail. He says he doesn't want to see Carmen now and makes a toast to Michelle and her freedom. He thanks everyone for their help and says how much he loves Michelle. He wishes that her mother could be with her now and Rick sees Claire at the door. He tells Claire that he doesn't want her anywhere near Michelle and is shocked when she reveals that Abby rented her the apartment above the garage. Rick takes Abby aside and she wonders what the problem is with Claire staying there. She starts asking questions and Rick admits he had an affair with Claire a long time ago. Abby gets angry and Rick tells her that Claire was very manipulative and he didn't want her in their lives. Abby leaves. Claire congratulates Michelle on her freedom and tells her she feels like her mother. Michelle isn't interested but Claire believes it was fate that they met at the airport. Michelle agrees not to close the door on the possibility of the future. Michelle tells Danny she's ready to take the pregnancy test and leaves. Bernardo arrives and says he's there to congratulate Danny but he doesn't believe him. Bernardo says that Danny is head of the family now so they will be dealing more together. Danny doesn't want any part of it. Bernardo believes that Carmen may try to make a deal with the police in order to gain her freedom. He doesn't believe Danny can just walk away from the business but Danny vows he will. Michelle comes back and announces to Danny that she's pregnant. Danny is happy and believes that they now have everything. Meanwhile, Pilar tells Bill she's worried about Carmen and wishes she could go back to the woman she was. Frank arrives and tells them about Carmen attempting suicide. Pilar and Bill leave for the hospital. Rick tells Claire to leave but she says that if he tries to get rid of her again like he did years ago, she'll use his secret against him. Rick thinks that if she does that, she'll bury herself too but Claire doesn't care. She only cares about Michelle now and vows to tell everyone that Rick isn't really a doctor. At the hospital, Pilar and Bill arrive to find a body covered up. Pilar thinks her mother is dead but Frank pulls the covers back and finds that it isn't Carmen.

Monday, May 8

Claire threatens to tell everybody that Rick really isn’t a doctor and reminds him that he has more to lose than she does. Rick reminds her that he never asked her to change the results and that she blackmailed into silence. She tells him that he is a great doctor with a great life but she needs her daughter in her life right now. He refuses to force her on Michelle and she begs him to just let her move into the apartment. He gets a page from the hospital and reluctantly agrees to let her have the apartment because he can’t get rid of her. He leaves.

Noah tells Beth that Lizzie is highly susceptible to infection right now. Beth gets upset and Noah explains that the chemo isn’t enough for Lizzie and wants to up the dosage. Beth refuses and Noah says that there are no other options. Jim suggests that she call Phillip and ask for his opinion. Beth tries to call Phillip but can’t reach him. She breaks down and Edmund sees her. She cries on his shoulder. He tells her that he is sure that Lizzie will beat this and she tells him that he has been a hero to him. Harley reads Lizzie a story from Phillip. Rick arrives and Noah tells him that Lizzie wants him to be the one to draw her blood. Rick tries but says that he is all thumbs today. Noah takes over and Rick goes outside. Harley follows him and he has a panic attack and says he can’t do it because he is not really a doctor. Harley reminds him that he passed the test afterwards himself and Beth arrives. She asks his opinion about raising the chemo dosage and says that she will do whatever he says because she trusts him. Harley tells Beth that Rick can’t be objective about this and Noah comes outside and asks for Beth’s decision. Rick tells Beth to trust what Noah has to say and Beth agrees to admit Lizzie. Noah and Beth go into Lizzie’s room and Rick tells Harley that he will never forgive himself if something happens to Lizzie. Beth tells Lizzie that she will stay with her in the hospital.

Frank discovers that Carmen is gone and seals the hospital. He reprimands the guard that was supposed to be at her door and starts the search. Edmund asks Carmen what she is up to and refuses to help her escape. Edmund says that he has changed because of Richard and Carmen tries to bribe him with money and power. Carmen gets up to run just as Frank catches up to her. She vows to get Edmund for turning on her and Frank puts her back in her room where Pilar is. They argue about her attempted escape and Carmen tells her that she should feel guilty for this. Pilar tells her that she is not her mother anymore and Carmen tells her that she is just like her. Carmen reminds her of all the things she did to set Ben up to be murdered and Pilar begs her to shut up. Carmen says that she knows that Pilar will get her out of this. Carmen asks her to go to Danny and asks him to help her out of this. Bill arrives and tells Pilar not to listen to a thing that Carmen says. Pilar cries in his arms. As Carmen is carried out, she sees Edmund and tells him that if he doesn’t help her out of this then she will make sure that Beth sees him for what he really is.

Drew arrives and says hello to Selena. Drew tells her that she and Jesse wanted to congratulate Michelle and Danny. She doesn’t think that she deserves Michelle’s friendship. Danny and Michelle are overjoyed that they are pregnant. He wants to tell everybody but she says no. Drew finds them and congratulates them for everything working out and can tell that she interrupted something. Michelle asks about Jesse and Drew leaves them alone again. Michelle tells Danny that they deserve this just to share between the two of them. He agrees. She tells him that she doesn’t want their child to be part of his family’s life and mentions that she saw him talking to Bernardo. He says that he agrees and tells her that he wants to go home. They go inside and Buzz toasts to their future. Claire watches them. She comes over and congratulates them again. She takes Danny aside and tells him that she hopes they get a chance to know each other. He tells her not to get her hopes up because she is trying to get something from Michelle that isn’t there. She goes over to put a note in Michelle’s purse and sees the pregnancy test. Danny gets a call about Carmen and Claire asks Michelle if she is OK. Michelle avoids the question and asks her if she is pregnant. Michelle wants to know how she knew that and Claire says that she just looked at her and knew.

Richard and Buzz look for Cassie and Richard wonders if she was upset. They hear the elevator alarm and hear Reva and Cassie inside. Buzz tells Selena and Blake that Reva and Cassie are locked in the elevator and Ross thinks that Blake has rigged it. Blake says that she didn’t but hopes that they are talking. Richard tries to hurry the repairman along. Buzz returns and asks Richard what he thinks is going on with Reva and Cassie. In the elevator, Reva tells Cassie that it looks like they're stuck in the elevator. Cassie tells Reva she was trying to do her a favor by leaving. Reva says she was just following Cassie's lead when they talked earlier. After they calm down they both try to apologize at the same time. Cassie tells her that she thought she was mad because of Richard. Reva says that she didn't think Cassie would forgive her for interfering. Cassie says that she thought Reva and Richard were having an affair when she came to San Cristobel and wouldn't let Richard explain. Reva assures her that was only because of Jonathan. Cassie says that it's because of her coming down there that Richard was able to move on with her. Reva apologizes for everything she did and they say how much they've missed each other. Richard calls to make sure everything is okay and Cassie tells him things couldn't be better. Cassie tells Reva about Edmund showing the people the video of her stripping. She is thankful that it all worked out but wishes Reva could come to the wedding. They both agree that it would be too uncomfortable but Reva says she will be with her in spirit. Cassie asks about Josh and Reva tells her that they are filing for legal separation. Cassie can't believe so many things have happened in their lives each didn't know about. Reva tells her that when one door closes another opens. Cassie thinks Vanessa offering her a job might be that door. Suddenly the elevator starts to fall.

Tuesday, May 9

Abby comes to talk to Claire at Company and asks what is going on between her and Rick. Claire tells her that she only came back to be with Michelle and insn't involved with Rick. Claire says that Bauer’s and her haven't been friendly since the adoption. Claire asks Abby if she is sure she is the problem or could it be that there is something else. Abby tells her she thinks she made a mistake coming there and leaves. Meanwhile, Rick wonders how he can look Lizzie in the eye. Harley tells him not to doubt himself. Noah comes out and wants to know what happened to Rick in there. He tells Rick that he is too personally involved in Lizzie’s case and should just be her friend and not her doctor. Noah tells him that they will need Rick for purposes other than medical and Rick agrees to take himself off this case. Harley doesn't agree and Noah leaves to get something to eat. Harley begs Rick not to do this and tells him that anybody would be lucky to have him as a doctor. Harley can't believe that Rick is questioning his medical abilities and insures him that Claire won't expose his secret. Harley asks what is the worst that would happen if Claire exposes the secret and gets closer to Michelle and he says that he will lose everything. Harley is sure that Abby would understand and thinks this would make their marriage stronger. Abby arrives and wants to talk to Rick and Harley leaves. Rick tells her about how hard Medical School was and how he got hooked on drugs. He say he had to try to live up to his father's expectations. He said he took a bunch of pills right before he took his medical boards and failed them. She didn’t understand how he could be a doctor without the tests. He told her how Claire changed his grades. Abby asks him if he would have ever told her if Claire hadn't come back to town and he doesn't answer. She tells him she doesn't know how she can help him and he leaves. Harley goes to Company and overhears Claire leaving a message on Rick's answering machine about Abby. She tells Claire to back off of Rick because he is a good man and that she doesn't want to make an enemy of her.

Josh, Billy and Olivia have a business meeting with a client, Wes. Wes invites Olivia out to a drink and she accepts. Wes asks how come no man has snatched Olivia up and she says that she just got out of a relationship. They all finish up and Josh asks to talk to Olivia alone. He asks her what she is doing and she says that she has to get on with her life. He tells her that Wes goes through women by the truckload but Olivia says that she is just tired of competing with Reva. He says that he is trying to commit to her but she says that she knows that he will never shake Reva. Wes takes Olivia to the bar and Billy takes Josh outside to have a talk with him. Josh watches Olivia inside and Billy asks him what he did to make Olivia do this. He tells Billy about wanting to help Reva with Ruth and Billy realizes that Josh wants both Olivia and Reva. He thinks that Josh had better move on because Reva is getting along with him in her life. Billy says that he will always believe that he and Reva belongs together and asks Josh who he would save if he had to choose. Josh says Reva because she is the mother of his children and Billy says that he hasn't learned how to live without Reva yet. Billy gives up and Josh goes back inside. He tells Wes that he is Olivia’s ex and that he wants to move on with her. She says no and asks Wes to get her out of there.

The elevator with Reva and Cassie in it falls several floors and Cassie hits her head. They try to open the doors but can't and the lights begin to go out. Cassie begins to get upset and Reva tries to calm her down. Outside, Richard tries to hurry along the elevator repairman and hears the elevator fall. The phone rings in the elevator and it is Richard. He asks what floor they are on but they don't know. He vows to go floor by floor until he finds them and then the phone cuts off. Reva says that they are going to get out the elevator ceiling. Cassie climbs on Reva’s back but can't get out. They agree that was a bad idea and decide to sit and wait to be saved. Reva jokes about exposing shoddy elevators in her first expose for Vanessa. Reva says that she knows that she really screwed up before but Cassie says that they both made mistakes. Cassie can tell that she really misses Josh and Reva says yes. Cassie reminds her that the kids need her and the elevator falls some more. Richard finds the floor that they are on and yells inside to them. He tells them that they are stuck between the two floors and can see in at them. Noah arrives and says that he is there to help. Richard lifts Cassie out from between the floors and Noah lifts Reva. He threatens to leave her there unless she agrees to go on a date with him. She tells him to shut up and get her out of there and he does just as the elevator drops to the bottom and crashes. Cassie thanks Noah for saving Reva and Richard thanks Reva for letting Cassie come out first. Cassie asks Noah if something is going on with him and Reva and he says that they haven't had a real date. She tells him not to hurt her sister because she's heard stories about him from Richard. Richard tells Reva that Cassie misses her and needs her in her life. He is uncomfortable talking to Reva about his and Cassie’s upcoming wedding and Reva says that their marriage was another lifetime. Cassie comes over and Reva asks when they are leaving town. Cassie says tomorrow morning and Reva promises to be at the wedding in spirit. They say their good-byes and Richard and Cassie leave.

Wednesday, May 10

Rick and Abby meet at Company and both say they're sorry. Rick wishes he had something constructive to say but doesn't. Abby tells Rick she thinks he should talk to Charles about what he did. Rick tells her that he can't do that because he would lose his license and would never be able to practice medicine again. He believes that Charles would suspend and then fire him. Abby says that Charles is a good man and thinks he should get his advice. Rick says that Charles has to protect the hospital and that they both would be sued for fraud if this came out. He tells her he needs some time to think about what he's going to do next. Abby says that he did this and has to fix it now. She believes that the secret will come out anyway and this way he can control how it does. She reminds him that he's always talking about having children and asks him how he could lie to them. Rick says that he won't have to worry about that as long as he's married to her because she won't ever have a child. Abby gets upset and doesn't want him to turn this into her not wanting to have kids. He's glad she finally admits it and they argue over what their problem really is. He wonders how they got this far apart and she says she doesn't like it either. She suggests they go home and talk it out but he has to go back to the hospital. She asks him to get someone to cover for him but he tells her he's still a doctor right now. As he's leaving she tells him that she really hates this and he agrees.

Michelle and Danny look forward to a day alone together. She asks him if she has the glow of a pregnant woman yet. She senses something wrong and asks him what Bernardo talked to him about. He doesn't think it matters and suggests they talk about the baby. Michelle thinks it's strange how Claire just looked at her a knew she was pregnant. Claire arrives and tells them she's there to pick up the key. They are both surprised to find out she is renting the room above the garage. She says she didn't go looking for this but it's convenient because she lived there years ago. Claire asks Michelle if she's okay with it and she doesn't know. Danny steps in and tells her that he's not okay with it. He reminds her that she hasn't been around until lately and that she doesn't know anything about Michelle. He says it's his job to make sure nobody hurts her. Claire apologizes and says that she'll go back to Chicago if that's what Michelle wants. Michelle stops her from leaving and tells Danny that she needs to explore the connection they have. Meanwhile, Theresa looks at the newspaper article about Michelle being released. Her uncle Carlos takes it away from her and says her father told him to keep her mind off Danny. Theresa says that Danny needs to take his place as head of the family before a war starts. She's sure they can come up with something if they put their heads together. Theresa thinks she should talk to Danny but Carlos reminds her that she isn't his favorite person right now. He says that he's sure Danny will come around, he just needs leverage to push him in the right direction. Claire tells Michelle that no one like Danny has ever talked to her that way before. Michelle wonders what Danny is like and Claire apologizes for offending but says everyone knew the Santos family even when she lived there. Michelle says that Danny isn't involved with the family business anymore and never will be again. They agree to talk about something else and Claire says she isn't very good at this mother thing yet. She thinks it's great that Michelle is following in her footsteps to become a doctor. Michelle says she was influenced more by Ed and Rick. She looks in her purse to find a pen and finds the note Claire left her. Claire says she put it in her purse last night and Michelle realizes she saw the pregnancy test. She confronts Claire about lying right to her face. Meanwhile outside, Danny is surprised to see Carlos is in town. He wants to go inside and meet Danny's wife and Danny tells him to stay away from her. Carlos says they have always been close and Danny tells him that Bernardo wanted to have him killed. A delivery man arrives with flowers for Michelle and drops the note. Carlos picks it up and congratulates Danny on his family expanding.

Harley arrives to see Phillip and finds out that he isn’t contagious anymore. He tells her that he has missed her and she explains that the doctor says that he has to stay there a few more days anyway. He really wants to see Lizzie. She tells him about having to up the chemo dosage and that it will start this afternoon. Harley brings Phillip a videophone and tells him that this was all Jim’s idea. Harley reassures him that Jim is taking good care of Lizzie and Beth and Phillip gets defensive. He apologizes and explains that he wishes he was the one taking care of Lizzie. Harley understands and tells him that no one could take his place in Lizzie’s heart. They wait for Jim and Lizzie’s call and Phillip is nervous. Meanwhile, Lillian explains to Lizzie that she has to stay in the hospital after her chemo and she says that she won’t stay. She says that she has gotten sicker ever since her daddy left and she wants to see him. Jim tells Lizzie that he has a magical way to get Phillip there. Jim asks Beth and Lillian to leave them alone to talk about it and they go outside. Jim gives Lizzie a hi-tech phone that she will be able to talk to her dad and see him on the monitor with. Lillian and Beth talk about how good Jim is with Lizzie. Beth says that she is falling in love wit her own husband all over again. Lillian is worried about whether or not Phillip will keep the secret about the baby. Beth says that this baby is Jim’s to her now. Lillian wonders of maybe Beth is seeing Jim for the man he is since Phillip is not in the picture. Beth thinks that she might be right and tells her mom how lucky she is to have Jim. He comes outside and hears her and says that he is the lucky one. They go back inside and Jim tries to get the call out of the hospital. Phillip gets the call but can’t answer it and gets upset. He answers it and Jim gives the phone to Lizzie. He tells her how much he is missing her. They talk about her different treatment and Lizzie says that she still feels OK after it. She asks him how he is feeling and he says that he will be home soon. She tells him that she loves him and they lose the connection. Phillip is very sad and Harley tries to cheer him up. He says that he just needs to be with Lizzie. Lillian, Beth, and Jim decide to play cards with Lizzie and Lillian thanks Jim for everything he is doing and she leaves. The nurse calls them back inside and goes to get Dr. Chase. Lizzie says that she feels very sick and it hurts. She asks what is happening to her.

Thursday, May 11

Michelle asks Claire if she saw the pregnancy test in her purse and she admits she did. Claire says she just wanted to talk to her and that all Michelle has been saying is how Claire didn't mean anything to her. She tries to apologize but Michelle doesn't believe she's really sorry. Claire says she'll just go but Michelle stops her. She says she hasn't been completely honest with her either and it's time she started. Michelle says she didn't think about her until Maureen died. Claire remembers Ed calling to tell her. Michelle says she thought Claire would call or come to see her then or at least write her a letter when she knew how much Michelle needed a mom. Claire says she didn't know Michelle wanted her to call and Michelle says she didn't even bother to find out. Claire can't believe she's carried that hurt with her all this time. Michelle says that she had let it go until she saw Claire at the airport and all the hurt came back. Claire apologizes but doesn't know what to say. She says she didn't believe Michelle cared. She tells her she fought for custody and lost. Michelle doesn't understand how a mother could lose custody but Claire reminds her that Ed was married and she was single. Michelle thinks she was just a road block in her career and that Claire just didn't want her. Michelle says she understands that but she can't fix everything for Claire now. Abby walks in as Michelle tells Claire that she could never be her mother. Claire leaves and Abby asks if Michelle needs to talk. Michelle wants to go for a walk and opens the door to find Claire crying. Claire says that she wasn't feeling sorry for herself, she was thinking of the little girl waiting for the phone to ring. She says that she's the one who let that little girl down. Michelle thinks she had just put her out of her mind but Claire admits that she was scared to death of Michelle. She knew that no matter what she did, Michelle wanted Maureen back. She knew she couldn't be half the mother Maureen was. She thought when she saw Michelle at the airport she might could make some of it up to her. She says she was hoping that Michelle could use a mother now even if was only her. Michelle turns away and cries and Claire tells her she won't look. Abby comes downstairs and sees them hugging. Later, Michelle tells Abby that Claire had to go get something. Abby admits to seeing them before and Michelle tells her that she realized Claire isn't a monster. Abby says that her emotions are going to be crazy now that she's pregnant. Michelle senses her tension at the subject of children. Michelle thinks that Abby doesn't trust Claire and she advises Michelle to take it slow. Claire overhears Abby tell Michelle that there is no reason to let her into her life if she doesn't want to.

Edmund visits Carmen in jail and she starts to tell him of her plan to escape. She says that it has to happen during the transfer to a more secure prison. Edmund tells her he isn't going to help her and Carmen can't believe it. He asks her what will happen even if he does help her. She thinks she can hide but Edmund reminds her that Danny won't rest until she's found. He believes she will be out for good behavior soon and then she will be truly free. Edmund asks her when the last time her life truly made her happy was. He tells her that there are people who have normal lives and are happy with them. Carmen thinks he's attitude change is because he is in love with Beth. She tells him he's a fool if he thinks he has a shot with her. Edmund denies being interested in Beth. He says he simply wants some peace and honesty in his life. She asks him if has something to do with Richard. She believes that if he had the chance, he'd take the throne right now even if it was dishonest. Carmen says that sooner or later his true colors will show. She thinks he's just weak because he is giving up. Edmund says that atleast he is a fool that can walk out of there and leaves. Later, Carmen hears his words about when the last time she was truly happy was. Danny arrives and tells her he's there to give her one last chance to redeem herself. At a bar, Edmund hears Carmen's words about him being weak. He drinks a toast to weakness and then overhears a man asking for a job as a bartender. The man says that he lived in Springfield before with his ex-wife, Cassie Layne.

Carlos congratulates Danny on becoming a father. He begins to go inside and congratulate Michelle but Danny stops him. He tells Carlos to stay away from Michelle. Carlos says they are all going to be close soon and Danny tells him again he's not getting back into the business. Carlos thinks he'll change his mind. Danny tells him to take over the family business himself and do whatever he wants with it. Carlos says that because of Carmen there is instability in the business. He says that Danny has to take over or else there will be a bloody war. Danny says it isn't his problem. Carlos reminds him that he can't walk away because he was born into it and will die with it. Carlos gives him 24 hours to take his place as head of the family or else he will be visiting his pregnant wife. Danny says that he will have his answer loud and clear and leaves.

Jim tries to get a hold of Noah but Lizzie wants Rick. Beth is upset that Noah can’t be reached anyway. He and Reva meet for their date at the Country Club and he gets beeped. They leave for the hospital. They arrive at the hospital and he checks on Lizzie. He sends Beth and Jim outside and gives Lizzie some medicine. They run into Reva and Beth wants to go back in where Lizzie is. She gets upset and has some stomach pains. Noah checks out Beth and tells her that she is OK but needs to get out of there. Jim gets a call from Susan and Reva sits with Beth. They talk about children and Beth breaks down. Reva understands how helpless Beth feels and tells her that she will have a second chance. Lizzie’s tells Noah that he stomach is better but she felt like she was going to die. She decides that she doesn’t care if she dies but she is never having chemo again. He reminds her that he said it would get worse before it gets better and Lizzie cries that she is scared and sick of being sick. He tells her to get mad at everything but the medicine because it will be what makes her better. Reva overhears them. Lizzie falls asleep and Noah tells Reva that he has to stay. He asks Reva for a rain check but she says that she said only one date. She agrees to wait until he’s done and then they can start their date over.

Rick visits Phillip and says he is there to check on him. Phillip wishes he could be with Lizzie and thanks Rick for being there while he is away. Rick is distracted and Phillip can tell that something is wrong. Rick tells him that he isn’t really a doctor. Rick explains how it all happened and Phillip says that he feels responsible for this because Harley was digging around. Rick doesn’t want him to make excuses for him and Phillip wonders how he has lived with this. Rick is surprised that Phillip doesn’t blame him for this and explains to him how Abby reacted to this. Phillip agrees with Rick that he can’t come forward with this. Rick tells him about Harley knowing and explains what a great friend she has been. Phillip says that this doesn’t change that he is a good man and doctor and Rick tells him about his panic attack with Lizzie. Phillip says that he will find a way to figure this all out but Rick wants to take the blame for this and gets upset. Phillip says that he trusts him with Lizzie’s life and shows Rick that he didn’t hurt anybody because he is a good doctor. Rick feels better and they hug. Rick vows to take the best care of Lizzie.

Friday, May 12

Noah and Reva have dinner at towers. He brings up Josh and she tells him how she thought they would be together forever. She explains that she will make it without him but would have never thought this would be happening a year ago. She asks him why he is still single and he really doesn't say much. She comments on how he never says anything about himself and asks him what his deep, dark secrets are. Noah jokes that the evening can't nearly be over because they haven't had a near death experience yet. Reva notices that Josh and Olivia are there and says that she is ready to go home. She says that she is going to say hello to Josh and then they can leave. Meanwhile, Olivia and Wes arrive at towers and Josh follows them in. He asks to see Olivia alone and he tells her that Wes has upped his offer for their contract. He asks her what she gave him to bring in the business. Olivia is offended and tells Josh that she slept with Wes. He says that this is not a joke and she tells him that they talked business on first date. Josh apologizes and Olivia tells him that he can't tell her what she can and cannot do. Wes returns and Olivia asks him for a rain check. Josh tells Olivia that he knows that she is right but that he is crazy about her and wants her in his life. Josh says that he can't change his situation with Reva and Olivia says that she feels cut off. Reva and Noah walk up behind them just as Josh asks Olivia to live with him. Reva is crushed.

Michelle and Abby arrive at the hospital for Michelle’s doctor appointment. Abby is very excited for her and Michelle wishes that Abby would get pregnant. Abby says that she will be just a great aunt to her baby. Rick comes to visit Lizzie and tries to cheer her up. She wants to go home but Rick explains that she can’t right now. He tells her that everybody, even him, have to do things that they don’t like. He promises her a trip to Hawaii if she finishes her chemo and Lizzie says that she is just acting brave about this. He asks her to keep acting brave if she can and she asks him to be the one to give her the medicine. He says that he isn’t going to be her doctor right now but he is going to be her friend and take care of her. She tells him that she loves him and hugs him. He promises to never be far away from her. Abby hears him say that if he had a little girl, he would want her to be just like her. Rick comes out and Abby asks him to come home with her tonight. She says that she wants to talk and he apologizes and agrees. Michelle comes over and tells him that she is pregnant. He is very happy for her and tells her that nobody deserves this more. A nurse wakes up Lizzie and scares her. She wants Rick and her Mom and her Daddy and gets very upset. The nurse leaves and Lizzie says that she is tired of this and won’t do it anymore. Rick apologizes to Abby for snapping at her and they go in to check on Lizzie but she is gone.

Cassie and Richard fly home and Cassie says that everything is too wonderful. He tells her how worried he was about her in the elevator and she tells him how glad she is that Reva is back in her life. Richard says that he has hope for Edmund too but will never be able to forgive him completely. Cassie is happy it all happened because there are no more secrets. He gives her a funny mother’s day card and says that he wants her children to legally be his children. She tells him that is wonderful and the kids adore him. He tells her that he wants to be there for everything in the kids’ lives. He wonders about Tammy’s father and she says that he won’t be a problem. She explains that Rob is very self-centered and wasn’t ever around for Tammy. He tells her that she has a new life now with him and that she and her kids are safe now. She tells him about the dream she had about him the first time she rode on that plane and he admits to having some fantasies himself. He tells her that he wants her but he says that he wants to give her a fairy-tale wedding and wedding night so they need to wait. Cassie tells him that she can’t wait for their life together and he says he will start the proceedings to adopt the children.

Edmund overhears Rob asking for a job at the bar. He asks him if he said Cassie Layne was his ex-wife. Rob wonders if he knows her and Edmund introduces himself. He says that he briefly met Cassie and is new in town too. They both agree that small towns can be surprisingly cold. Rob says that he and Cassie aren't exactly on speaking terms these days. He tells Edmund about them getting married young and getting in trouble with the law. He says that Cassie didn't want anything to do with him when he got out so he went to Alaska. Rob is trying to put enough money together to go to New York. Edmund suggests that he stop and see Cassie before he leaves but Rob doesn't think it's a good idea. Edmund tries to convince him and then realizes what he's doing. Edmund apologizes and says he doesn't want to know Rob and Rob doesn't want to know him either. Edmund starts to leave and Rob stops him and tells him to have a drink with him. Edmund wishes him luck with his ex and begins to leave. Rob says she isn't really his ex because he never signed the divorce papers. He believes it's just a technicality though and no big deal because it's not like she's about to get married. Edmund walks into the hall and asks God why He keeps making it so hard. He believes this is a test and that a noble man would stand firm and not use this information. Edmund says who is he kidding, he's not a noble man and goes back in to buy Rob a drink.

Danny tells Carmen he's going to give her one chance to get out and redeem herself. He says that Carlos came by and threatened him. He says that he gave him 24 hours to take his place as head of the family or there would be war. Carmen tells him he has to do it but Danny says he won't. Carmen says there's no way to get out of the business. Danny tells her she's going to turn state's evidence against the other families. Carmen knows she would be dead if she did that but Danny tells her she will join the witness protection program. Carmen doesn't think he realizes what he's asking her to do. Danny says he's asking her to do one good thing for him. Carmen says she won't roll over against the other families for him and Danny asks her if she'll do it for her grandchild. She asks him if this is a ploy and he tells her they found out Michelle was pregnant a couple of days ago. He asks her if she remembers what it felt like to be a good parent. He says that he doesn't want his child to grow up in violence and fear. He wants his child to have a chance. Carmen is silent and Danny tells her he has less than 24 hours to make a decision. He tells her he doesn't know what will happen after that. She asks him what he means and he says they could all be dead after that.

Monday, May 15

Reva apologizes for interrupting Josh and Olivia and runs away. Olivia tells Josh to go after her but he says that he belongs there with her. Olivia can't believe him and he says that there is nothing he can do about Reva hearing them. Olivia tells him that every instinct she has is telling her to say no to his invitation. He says that he won't hurt her in the end but she tells him that she won't compete with his past with Reva. He tells her that he really wants this and she admits that she notices that he put her first this time. Noah goes after Reva and she says that she is OK. She is very upset and he tells her that it is OK if it hurts. He tells her to look over at Josh and say that it doesn't hurt. She looks at him and she admits that it hurts like hell. She says that this caught her by surprise and explains that she usually gives herself a pep talk that it will be OK that she and Josh are moving on but now she can't because she is remembering all the dreams and goals that they had together. She explains that she can't forget the person that she was that wanted to be with the man that she had loved all her life. Noah asks her about the heartbreaker that she used to be and she tells him about the fountain. He suggests that they leave but she says that she won't run away from this. Josh gets a call on his cell phone and has to go to his car for some papers. On his way out he runs into Reva and ignores her. She comes over to Olivia and tells her that she is not jealous. Olivia taunts Reva about never getting Josh back because he is in love with someone else. Reva says that she was just trying to be adult but now all Olivia wants is to rub her face in it. Olivia tells her that Josh didn't run after her because he is in love with her now. Reva points out that she didn't hear Josh say that to her and asks if he ever has. Josh returns and runs into Noah. A workman runs into them and commends Noah on saving the blonde in the elevator. Josh realizes that it was Reva and gets upset that he was not told about it. Noah tells Josh that he can't have it both ways because he is moving in with another woman. Josh tells him to stay out of this and Reva comes over. Josh tells her that they need to talk and goes back over to Olivia. Reva tells Noah that she doesn't know where the rest of her life is going but she will like it. Josh gives Olivia the key to his apartment and she agrees to move in with him.

Rick, Abby, Beth and Jim realize that Lizzie is gone. Beth is scared and Lizzie watches them from behind a chair. She sneaks into the hall and sees Rick. She realizes that she is trapped and hides under a table. Beth and Jim look everywhere and Jim thinks that Beth should rest. Abby agrees to stay there with Beth and Rick and Jim go to look for Lizzie. Ruth and Charlie arrive for his checkup. Jim asks her if she has seen Lizzie and Lizzie listens to them. Ruth offers to help them find her and Charlie sees Lizzie hiding. Abby sees Ruth and recognizes her and Ruth goes to help Jim. Charlie goes and hides with Lizzie. He asks her why she is hiding and she tells him that she is sick and misses her dad. Charlie tells her about being sick and says that he can take her to see her dad. Meanwhile, Phillip can hear Lizzie calling to him and tries to get to her. He is awakened by Harley and tells her about the dream. Harley tells him that if his tests come back good today then he can go home. Phillip talks about how helpless he feels and Harley reassures him that Lizzie loves him very much. She tries to get him to relax and kisses him. The doctor comes in and tells him that he can go home and Phillip is very happy. Rick calls him and tells him that Lizzie is missing and Phillip and Harley leave for the hospital. Phillip and Harley arrive at the hospital and he gets very upset. He and Beth don’t know what they will do. Ruth and Jim return and Ruth notices that Charlie is gone. Phillip thinks that they might be together and Beth sees Lizzie’s unicorn under the table. Beth thinks that Lizzie doesn’t want to get well anymore.

Richard asks Tammy if she remembers him telling her she could call him Dad. She does and he tells her that he wants to make it official after he and Cassie are married. She doesn't understand so Cassie tells her he wants to adopt her and RJ and be their real father. Tammy syas she doesn't want him to be her real daddy. Cassie asks her why and she tells them that real daddies leave and she runs off. Richard apologizes but Cassie tells him it's about Rob, not him. Richard asks when the last time Tammy saw Rob was and Cassie says when he got out of jail. She explains that he came to town and caused some trouble but then left for Alaska. She hated having to explain to Tammy why Rob didn't keep in touch. Richard says they can fix it but Cassie is afraid the damage is already done because Tammy believes real daddies leave. Richard says they can change that and she wants to believe him. He tells her they'll deal with whatever happens but she feels that no matter how she tries, she can't escape the mistakes she's made. Richard tells her not to blame herself for what Rob did to Tammy. He reminds her of the good choices she's made for her kids. Cassie tells him he doesn't know how stupid she used to be without family or real friends. She believed she could change Rob but ended up changing herself. Richard says that she's with him now and he won't abandon Tammy. Tammy comes back and says she can't sleep. She asks Richard to tell her about the paper that will make him her father. Richard explains that it'll be like a promise between the two of them. He promises he'll never leave her and he'll always love her and RJ. Tammy asks him if he really wants that and he tells her he's so proud to be her father. Tammy says she's proud to have him as a daddy and asks him when he'll do it. He says next week after the wedding and she says she can't wait.

Edmund offers to buy Rob a drink and tells him he wasn't completely honest before. He says that he knows Cassie better than he let on but didn't want to upset Rob. He tells him that Cassie is engaged to be married but Rob says that her fiance, Hart, died. Edmund says that she's marrying his brother, Richard, and that she's going to be a princess. Rob reminds him that Cassie is still his wife, but she doesn't know he didn't sign the divorce papers. Rob can't believe it and asks him to tell him all about the island. Rob asks if bigamy is legal there and Edmund says no. Rob believes Cassie is going to be in a little trouble then. Edmund doesn't think Rob should go making trouble for Cassie. He says that Richard would have his head if he found out he told Rob these things. Rob assures him he won't say anything. Rob thinks that Cassie has been living the high life while he froze in Alaska. He think she owes him and would go to San Cristobel now if he had the money. Edmund says he can't help him because he doesn't condone what Rob is planning to do. Rob understands and goes to make some phone calls. Edmund asks the waiter to play poker with Rob and lose. He tells him he'll supply the money and a bonus and the waiter agrees. Rob and the waiter play poker and Rob wins some money. Rob believes Edmund might be his good luck charm. Edmund comments that Rob is going to be his too. Edmund thanks the waiter and reminds him that this never happened. Rob comes back and tells Edmund that this money is going to clear up a lot of problems. Edmund asks if he's really going to San Cristobel and Rob says that Cassie had no right to take Tammy out of the country. He says he could be a better father if he had some money. Rob believes that he has to go now before they marry. He says they'll pay a lot to keep him quiet.

Tuesday, May 16

Ross arrives at Towers to meet Danny and tells him that the feds agreed to the deal. He says that Carmen has to tell them the truth about Bernardo and the other families without holding anything back. Danny thinks he can make her do that. Ross reminds him that even though Carmen will be relocated in the witness protection program, she'll still be a free woman. Danny just wants the others locked up so they will stay away from him and Michelle. Ross says they'll be put away for a long time as long as Carmen goes through with it. Danny asks him if he thinks Carmen will back out but Ross doesn't know. Danny asks him how much time Carmen is looking at if she doesn't take the deal. Ross says a few years with good behavior but she'll be free right now if she takes the deal. Ross is concerned that Carmen will go after Michelle if she's free but Danny thinks that exposing herself would be suicide. Ross asks if he's told Michelle about this yet and he says he will tell her when the threat to her is gone. Ross questions whether or not he'll ever be able to say that. Danny says he doesn't have any other options and that he has to believe his mother will go through with the deal, then he'll tell Michelle.

Michelle reads a book on motherhood and delivering a baby. Drew arrives with two bottles of wine and wants to talk about the guys. Michelle tells her she isn't drinking these days and Drew sees the book. She is excited to hear that Michelle is pregnant and congratulates her. Drew asks when she found out and Michelle tells her she took a test last night at the party. Drew realizes she didn't tell her and apologizes for busting in thinking they would be best friends again. She starts to leave and Michelle stops her. She says that just because she wasn't the first person they told doesn't mean she doesn't want to be friends. Michelle tells her that she and Danny are going to have a whole new life without Carmen and the business and she wants Drew to be part of it. Michelle tells her she's two weeks pregnant and Drew offers to help her with anything she needs. Michelle starts crying and says she's glad they can talk like this again. Drew believes the pregnancy hormones are already starting. Michelle says she's had enough craziness lately with Carmen and Drew says that she's locked up now. Michelle hopes she stays that way and then remembers to tell her that Claire moved into the garage. Drew thinks that Michelle has been through too much and doesn't need this. Michelle doesn't want anything to ruin things now and Drew assures her they won't. She asks what Danny is going to do for work now and Michelle thinks that if had somewhere for his bands to play he could get back into the music scene. Drew thinks that Millennium is the perfect way for them to start all over again and work together. She says she's been wanting to take a break to spend time with Jesse anyway. Michelle thinks it's a great idea and Danny arrives. Drew congratulates him on being a father and tells him she thinks he'll like what they've come up with. Drew leaves Michelle to tell him about it. Michelle wonders where he was and he tells her they need to have a talk. He says he was with Ross discussing Carmen. Michelle doesn't want to talk about Carmen and wants to think about the future. She shows him the book she was reading about the perfect mother and sees Carmen's face on the cover. Michelle tells she just wants to make sure they have the life they've always wanted and he assures her they will. He tells her that nothing will take that away from them.

Pilar and Bill come to see Carmen in jail and Carmen wants him to leave them alone. He won’t and Carmen tells Pilar that the government is offering her a deal to go free if she will turn in the other families. Pilar wants to know what that has to do with her and Carmen explains that she will have to move away and never see them again. Bill thinks that she should take the deal and Pilar thinks that it isn’t her decision to make. Carmen asks Pilar to go away with her and tells her about Michelle’s pregnancy. Bill doesn’t believe her but Pilar is very happy. Pilar tells Bill that this is up to her. Bill tells Carmen that she should take the deal and leave Pilar out of it. Bill takes Pilar aside and Pilar says that she has always made the wrong choices and by going away with her mother she could make up for it. Pilar tells Carmen that she is going to think about it and she and Bill leave. Ross arrives to see Carmen and tells her that the feds will give her the deal that Danny proposed. Carmen tells him that she won’t be pushed by him or anyone. Bill and Pilar go to Towers and he tells her to lie to Carmen until she does the right thing. Pilar says that this could be a way to make up for the things she has done wrong and make Carmen a better person. Bill tells her that Carmen is not going to change but Pilar says that she will always love her mother.

Lizzie is very sick and Charlie tells her that they can go back to the hospital if she wants to. She says that she has to see her dad and they go through the woods but Lizzie leaves her cap behind. Vicky and David arrive and help the others look for Lizzie. The nurse tells them how Lizzie was having bad dreams and asking for her father and Phillip feels responsible for this all. Ruth recognizes the name of the clinic that Phillip mentions as where Charlie was when he was sick. Beth explains to David how Ruth was helping and Charlie is missing now too. They all realize that the kids are probably together and on their way to the clinic. Jim wants Beth to stay there and Vicky agrees to stay with her and Ruth goes with David. Jim and Beth argue because she wants to help them look for Lizzie. Phillip agrees with Jim but Beth says that she can’t sit there. Vicky wants to help Phillip and Phillip says that he would appreciate it if she would stay with Beth. She agrees and tries to cheer Beth up. Jim and Phillip find nothing and realize that the kids could be anywhere. David and Ruth arrive at the clinic but the kids aren’t there. Ruth thinks that David is judging her for being an unfit mother again but David says that she has misunderstood. She thinks that he hates her for what she did to Michelle but he says he is just there to do his job. He says that he’ll be her punching bag but that won’t get Charlie back. She tells him about how sick Charlie has been and how Carmen manipulated their situation. She explains how she convinced herself to lie and how worried she is that Charlie will end up paying for her mistakes. Harley and Rick leave the hospital together to look on the back roads. Harley finds Lizzie’s cap and they yell for her. Lizzie gets sick and asks Charlie not to leave her alone. He tries to carry her and she passes out. He hears Harley yelling and calls back to them. Harley and Rick arrive just as Lizzie begins to have a seizure. Harley takes Charlie aside as Rick takes care of Lizzie. Charlie is worried that his mom will be upset with him and Lizzie begins to feel better. She doesn’t remember what happened and Rick says that they have to take her back to the hospital. She asks if he is her doctor again and Harley says yes. They arrive back at the hospital and Ruth gets Charlie. Lizzie sees Phillip and he promises to never leave her again.

Buzz finds Selena making out a list of expenses for living with Buzz. She tells him she wants to pay her own way. Buzz gets a phone call about Lizzie and tells Selena that she ran away from the hospital. Abby arrives to get food for everyone at the hospital and updates them. She says that Phillip is back and Rick and Harley are out looking for Lizzie now. Buzz thinks that Rick is great with kids and should have a car full of them. Selena stops him but Abby agrees that Rick is great with children. Abby says that she always knew Rick wanted to have kids and she did too. She tells them about growing up believing that's what you did but now she sees the world is full of choices. She says she can't see herself staying home taking care of a baby. Selena believes she has time to do both and tells her she regrets not watching Drew grow up. Buzz tells her he doesn't regret not being there for Harley and Frank because he wasn't ready to be a father. He says he respects her for figuring that out before she had children. They get a call saying they found Lizzie and he tells Abby that Rick wants to see her at the hospital. She thanks them for not making her feel bad for not wanting kids right now.

Wednesday, May 17

Phillip comes by to thank Rick for his help with Lizzie and finds him in the middle of a kitchen disaster. He tells him that Harley told him what happened when he found her. Rick admits that ever since Claire came back, his confidence is gone. Phillip tries to tell him that all Claire did was change a grade on a test he would have passed anyway. Rick says that it's a lie he's lived with for a long time and it's affecting the way he relates to everyone, including Abby. Phillip asks him if she still wants him to come clean and he says yes. Rick asks him what he thinks and Phillip believes this is another case of it being better to keep the secret for the greater good. He believes that letting Jim and Beth raise the child will be better for everyone. Rick thinks this is a sudden attitude change and he explains that he had time to think while he was away. He admits that even though what Alan did was wrong, he was the one who raised him and is his father. He thinks their situations are similar because if he tells anyone the truth, a lot of lifes will be destroyed just like Rick's situation. Rick has to leave for work and Phillip asks him to stop by and see Lizzie. He tells him that Rick finding Lizzie when no one else could was a sign that things are going to work out for everybody.

Edmund and Beth have a business meeting at Towers. She uses his phone to call Lizzie and he excuses himself. He runs into the waiter from the country club who asks how things went. Edmund says he doesn't know but he hopes Rob finds what he's looking for. Beth returns and tells Edmund how excited Lizzie is about the baby. She believes they are finally a real family. Edmund thinks to himself that Beth is just settling. He tells her that he's surprised she's so happy since she used to be married to a Spaulding. She says that Jim has a good job and she might even stay home with the baby. She tells him she's very happy with her life and doesn't understand why he's making it seem like she's settling. Edmund apologizes and says that the only thing that matters is that she's happy. She assures him she is and walks away. He thinks to himself that she isn't really happy, she just thinks she is. The waiter comes back and thanks Edmund for the money. Edmund gives him more and tells him to never speak of what happened again.

Tammy, Richard and Cassie get ready for a photo and wait for RJ to wake up. Tammy and Richard play with them camera and Cassie gets a visitor. She is stunned to see Rob and asks what he is doing there. He tells her how surprised he was to hear about her new boyfriend and calls her his wife. He tells her that he never signed the divorce papers. She doesn't believe it and tells him to get out. He convinces her that he is telling the truth and he wants to go tell Richard but she stops him. Cassie tells him to wait there while she goes back inside. Tammy tells Richard that he is glad about being in the same picture as he is and she asks if she can tell everyone that he will be her father. Richard gets a call from Edmund and asks for Cassie. Edmund says that he has something to tell them but Richard won't let him finish and hangs up. Tammy nearly knocks over the camera and then apologizes to Richard for the way she acted when he mentioned adopting her. She tells him how mean Rob was to Cassie and how sad she was. Richard can tell that Cassie is upset and they all take their places for the picture. Rob looks inside and Cassie sees him. They need RJ and Cassie goes to check on him. Outside, Rob tells Cassie that she took Tammy out of the country without his permission and grabs her arm. She realizes that all he wants is money and she offers him whatever he wants if he will leave. She tells him how happy Tammy is and he asks what she has got to give to shut him up. She offers him her diamond necklace if he will sign the papers and never come back. She tells him to call Jenny and meet them to sign the papers or she will tell Richard and have him arrested. She goes back in and watched Richard read to Tammy. Richard asks her if everything is fine and Cassie tells him that everything is definitely fine.

Reva and Vanessa go for a jog together. They talk about how they have never really hung out together and Reva tells her about Josh and Olivia moving in together. She says that last night reminded her that she is on her own and Vanessa says that she knows where she is coming from. Reva tells her about going back to college. Vanessa offers her the job at WSPR again because of how wonderful she was with Ruth. Reva says that she needs to focus her attention on school but Vanessa tells her that nobody really plans their lives. Vanessa tells her that she would be a big hit and do something great. Vanessa convinces her and Reva takes the job. Reva heads home to tell the kids about it. Meanwhile, Marah asks Shayne if he talked to Reva this morning and Josh arrives looking for Reva. He says he has some news to tell them. He tells them that he and Olivia have decided to live together and he asks their opinions on that. Shayne says that he hates it and walks out. Marah and Josh follow him. Marah explains that Reva had already told her about this and that she knows that there is nothing she can do about it. She says that there is nothing more to talk about and Josh wonders why Reva went ahead and told them about this. Marah says that Reva loves him and wants him to be happy. Josh tells them that sometimes he doesn't understand this either and that right now he feels like this is where he belongs. He tells them that he just wanted them to know what was going on and Shayne asks if they are getting divorce now. Josh says no but Marah says that that is exactly where they are headed. Josh says that he and Olivia are just going to be living together but Marah tells him that he is just denying the truth. She and Shayne leave for school and Josh looks at a picture of the family. He says that it is really over and Reva arrives home.

Thursday, May 18

Danny wakes Michelle up and they get ready to leave for her doctor's appointment. She is hesitant and sees Carmen sitting in the chair beside them. She wakes up and realizes that it was all a dream. She tells Danny she has a surprise for him and she goes to arrange it. He calls Ross and asks him what Carmen had to say about the offer. He tells Ross that he won't tell Michelle about this until he hears what Carmen is going to do and he hangs up. Pilar arrives and tells him that Carmen will take the deal only if she will go with her too. Danny assumes that Pilar said no and she explains that she said yes. Danny says that she can't do this and doesn't have to pay for Carmen’s sins. He asks her what about Bill and tells her that he won't let her do this. He leaves angry. Danny arrives at the jail to see Carmen. He sees Carlos leaving and asks her why he was here. He confronts her about asking Pilar to go with her and tells her that Pilar just feels sorry for her. She says that he is picking his sister over his wife and child if he refuses to let Pilar go with her. He begs her to love Pilar enough to let her go. She thinks he is trying to con her but he doesn't believe she will go to prison out of spite. She says she wants to be in her own home with her children and grandchildren. She says that she doesn't think she can be on her own with no money or power and she breaks down. He tells her that if she wants to be his mother again she will do this. She knows that he really doesn't care about her and he says that this is their last chance. She agrees and says that she will do it for him and the baby. He thanks her.

Michelle arrives at Millennium to see Drew. Michelle thanks her for the business proposition and Drew surprises her with Jesse. Drew goes to get them all lunch and Jesse congratulates Michelle on her pregnancy. He asks about Danny and Michelle says that she is still worried about Carmen. Jesse tells her that Carmen will be behind bars for a long time. Michelle tells Drew about her dreams that Drew thinks that she should tell Danny. Michelle tells Jesse about Drew's offer to Danny and he seems reluctant. Frank arrives and Michelle goes to say hello. Drew asks Jesse why he doesn't like her idea and he says that Danny is still a Santos. He says that Carmen is still a threat and Danny can't just walk away from her. He asks her to call the whole thing off. She says that she can't turn her back on Michelle again but he says he doesn't want anyone else to get hurt. She doesn't want to fight with him about this and says that she will do what he asks. Jesse thinks this is a good test for them and decides it will be OK to let Danny in the business with some conditions. She agrees and thanks him. Michelle tells frank to be very careful when they transfer Carmen so that she can't escape. He reassures her that Carmen isn't getting out of jail. He leaves just as Carlos arrives and he introduces himself to Michelle. He congratulates her on her pregnancy and she wonders where her heard that. He asks her to tell Danny that he expects to hear from him soon.

Marah arrives at Towers and meets Bill. She is upset and sees Olivia. She tells Bill that she is moving in with Josh and ruining everything. She tells him that Josh and Reva are getting a divorce and that she never thought they would stop loving each other. Bill tells her that they may still love each other but just can't be together right now. He tells her how hard it was when his parents divorced but that he has a great relationship with both of them now. He tells her that he even gets along with Matt but Marah doesn't think she will ever feel that way about Olivia. Pilar arrives and Bill says that he has to go talk to her. Bill introduces them and Marah says that she will go. Pilar says that she didn't mean to interrupt and tells Bill that she spoke to Danny. Bill is happy that Danny is not going to let her go but she thinks that she should for Danny and his baby. Bill says that he will go with her if she goes because he won't lose her again.

Olivia and Billy have a business meeting at Towers and he asks her about Josh. He asks her what her latest move is and points out that she is getting her way. She tells him that she is not the reason that Josh and Reva broke up and Billy tells her that when Josh realizes what he is missing he will run back home. He tells her to get used to the fact that she and Josh are happy. Marah comes over and tells Olivia that it will take time for her and Shayne to get used to them moving in together. She asks if maybe they can have dinner sometime and Olivia says that she doesn't have to pretend with her. Marah wonders why she even bothered and walks off. Billy gets ready to leave just as Olivia gets a phone call from Alfred. She says that it is her sister and it is serious. She goes to find Josh.

Reva asks Josh what it wrong and explains that she had already told Marah. She asks if the kids were hard on him and she can tell that they were. She explains that she just wanted Marah to be prepared. Josh tells Reva that they need to talk and that it is hard to say what he is about to say. He says that it is time for them to talk about getting a divorce. Reva is stunned and Josh says it is best for the kids but Reva disagrees. She says that divorce means the end of something so beautiful that they created. Reva asks what the next step is and Josh says they need to talk to a lawyer. Reva points out that they both use Ross and Josh says that he will use someone else. They laugh that they don't have anything to argue about. Reva says that they have to talk to the kids and Josh says that he already did. Reva gets upset that he told the kids before he told her. He asks her to let him explain and he tells her how Marah is the one who brought up divorce. He tells her all the pain he saw in Marah’s eyes when he took the hope away that they would get back together. He says that he has always been there for them and it is killing him that he isn't now. Someone knocks at it is a package. Josh goes to get some boxes and Reva opens a letter. Josh returns and the package is from the spa inviting them back for their one-year anniversary. She says it doesn't seem like just a year ago and she remembers his vows and he says always. She wonders why they can't get it back and she tells him that she will miss him. He tells her that he will miss her too. He says that they will still be in each other’s lives because of the kids and maybe even friends. They both laugh and Reva says that they still love each other. He tells her that he still loves her and they both cry and hug. Olivia sees them through the window.

Friday, May 19

Beth, Jim, Harley, and Phillip wait for Noah to arrive at the mansion. Holly and Blake arrive with magazines and books for Lizzie. They give them to Lizzie and she is excited. Susan mentions that she is reading Blake's book and Lizzie asks Blake about her book. Harley mentions that Blake is writing a book about a prince and princess and Blake tells Lizzie all about it. Noah arrives and tells them that Lizzie's tests were good this time. He tells Lizzie that she is getting better and Phillip thinks they should have a party. Lizzie wants to plan a party for the baby instead. Everyone goes to get drinks and Beth and Phillip are very happy that Lizzie is getting better. Beth says that they all have alot to be grateful for. They take Noah outside and thank him for coming over. He tells them that he would like a list of bone marrow donors just in case and they agree. He leaves and Beth goes back inside. Lizzie, Susan and they others plan the shower. Blake takes Beth aside and tells her how happy she is that Lizzie is doing better. Beth thanks her for the books and magazines and Blake assumes that she wouldn't be invited to Beth's shower. Beth tells her that of course she would be invited and they talk about how wonderful a baby is. Jim goes outside and Phillip thanks him for looking after Lizzie while he was gone to the clinic. Jim asks him what it was like when his kids were born so that he can be prepared for it. Phillip tells him how incredible it will be. Beth asks Harley about the list of potential bone marrow donors and offers her help. Harley explains that only a blood test is necessary and points out that even the baby is a potential donor.

Olivia sees Josh and Reva and comes in. She says she is sorry to interrupt but Josh asks for another minute with Reva because this is important. Olivia tells him to just forget that he ever knew her and Josh tries to explain that this is not what she thinks it is. Reva tells Olivia that she is overreacting. Olivia tells Josh that her sister has been rushed to the hospital. Reva offers her help with Jonathan and Olivia tells her that she is using this situation to get him back. Reva tells her how wrong she is about Jonathan and Josh and tells her that she and Josh were talking about divorce and saying goodbye. Reva gets upset and yells at Olivia for trying to rush them along. Josh tries to calm them both down and Reva goes outside to get some air. Olivia apologizes to Josh for getting upset and he says that he understands what it must have looked like. He explains that this was very tough with Reva and the kids. She tells him about running into Marah and he tells her that neither he nor Reva thought it would come to this. He tells her that they had an incredible life and many years together. He says he wants to go with her to see her sister but she says that he has an important meeting. He tells her that they are together now and she is his first priority. Noah arrives outside and sees Reva crying. She says that she just lost her best friend. He says that she needs to make another. She says tells him how much it hurts and that she and Josh decided to get divorced. She says that she expected the stars to fall or something but she just feels empty. He asks her to go roller-skating with her tonight because it will make her feel better. She kisses him and tells him that she just wanted to see if she still has it. He says that she does.

Michelle tells Danny about what Carlos said to her. She tells him about Drew's offer for a job but Danny doesn't like the idea. She tells him how Frank reassured her that Carmen will not get out of jail and he tells her that he has to do something drastic to protect her and the baby. He tells her who Carlos is and that he has threatened her and the baby. Michelle gets scared and he tells her that Carmen will have to be let free to stop this. He explains how Carmen can be a federal witness and get rid of the other families. Michelle is shocked that he told her about their baby and she tells him that he has to find another way. Danny tries to explain that there is no other way and he promises that nothing will happen to her. She says that she cannot support this plan and will leave him if he goes through with this.

Carmen tells Edmund that she is going to turn state's evidence against all the criminals she knows and he's at the top of her list. Edmund doesn't think anyone will believe her but she thinks that Beth will. He says that Beth doesn't believe he is blackmailing anyone but Carmen thinks she would if enough people told her. Edmund says that if she goes against the other families, she'll be putting her life in danger. She says that she will be in the witness protection program before anyone knows anything. He thinks if she does that she will lose her friends, family and freedom but then remembers she's already lost all of that. He wonders what would happen if someone warned the other families about what she was going to do. Carmen says he'll be putting his life in danger too if he does that. He doesn't think so because he knows nothing about their business but she knows everything. Carmen realizes that he doesn't care about his job at Spaulding and thinks he must be making another play at the throne. They both threaten each other and Edmund leaves.

Richard shows Cassie the rough draft of the adoption papers. He says that everything will be official after they are married. He notices something is bothering her and asks her if she is okay with him adopting the kids. She assures him she is and he asks her what happened to her necklace. She says there is something she needs to tell him but Tammy interrupts them. Richard asks Cassie what she was going to say and she lies that the clasp broke on the necklace and she's having it fixed. Tammy and Richard go for a walk and Richard shows her the papers. He promises to be the best father he can and will always be there for her. She hugs him and says he is the best father in the world. He tells her that is the most important thing to him. Meanwhile, Cassie asks Rob if he signed the divorce papers. He says maybe and they argue over how their life together was. Rob won't give her the papers until they talk about Tammy. He wants to see her but Cassie won't let him. Tammy comes in to show Cassie the papers and Rob tells her that he's her daddy. She says that she has a real daddy now and leaves. Rob rips up the divorce papers and Cassie gets upset. He says that she is trying to take his daughter away and Cassie reminds him that he didn't want to be tied down anyway. Richard comes in and asks who he is. Rob introduces himself and tells Richard he's there to see his wife and daughter.

Monday, May 22

Danny tells Michelle not to talk like that and he reminds her that Carmen will get out someday anyway and be allowed in Springfield. Claire comes in and tells Danny that he is going to get her daughter killed. Michelle tells Claire that she doesn’t want her help but Claire persists. Danny tells her that Michelle is not alone but she begs Michelle to get away from Danny and his family. Michelle tells her that this is not her place and that Danny will take care of her. Danny asks her to keep quiet about Carmen testifying and she agrees and leaves. Michelle tells Danny that she is scared and that they will make it through this together. She wonders when this will end and asks what happens next. He says that the feds will handle her and he will have to play along with the other families until Carmen testifies. She worries if Danny will be OK with Theresa involved and he reassures her that he will make all her dreams come true. She says that she can’t put Carmen out of her mind. He suggests they just look at baby books and Michelle wonders what is it about their mothers. She says that all they want to do is control them and he says that they aren’t going to let them. Michelle doesn’t think that Claire will interfere anymore.

David and Frank go to let Carmen out and she tells them that she told them this would happen. David tells her that she will be living in Idaho on a small farm in the witness protection program. They taunt her about her new life away from Springfield. They leave her alone and laugh about how they have messed with her. They go out to celebrate just as Claire arrives to see Carmen. Claire introduces herself to Carmen but Carmen doesn’t care much. Claire says that she knows that Carmen doesn’t want Michelle with Danny and Carmen says that she will do anything to get Danny back from Michelle. Claire threatens Carmen and tells her that she will get Michelle away from Danny if Carmen will agree to stay away from Michelle. She tells Carmen to think about it and she leaves.

Rob introduces himself and tells Richard he's visiting his wife. Cassie tells him that Rob never signed the divorce papers and she just found out. Richard says that Rob will sign them now but Rob doesn't like to be ordered around. He says that Cassie and Tammy are still his but Richard reminds him that he gave up his rights a long time ago. He claims that Cassie kidnapped his daughter and is about to commit bigamy. Richard says that a man's rights are forfeited when he abandons his family in this country but Rob reminds him that Cassie isn't a citizen of San Cristobel until she marries Richard. Cassie is afraid that Rob will ruin the wedding and Richard tells her that he will settle things. Cassie leaves and runs into Edmund. She realizes he must be behind Rob's appearance and calls Harley for help. She explains the situation and asks Harley to see if she can find a link between Edmund and Rob. Meanwhile, Richard wants them to reach an agreement that will make everyone happy. Rob says that it will cost him because he's asking Rob to give up a lot. Tammy begs Cassie not to let her be taken away. Cassie promises that they will live there and Richard will take care of it. She explains that Rob isn't a bad man and that he loves Tammy but some men are better being fathers than others. Richard offers Rob a considerable amount of money for his signature and Edmund interrupts them. Richard thinks that he is behind it but Edmund explains that he tried to warn him but Richard hung up on him. Rob says that Edmund didn't pay him to come down there and that he tried to stop him from coming. Richard asks Edmund if that's true and Edmund offers to pay Rob off to leave Cassie and Richard alone. Edmund says that he owes Richard that much. Rob thinks he's holding all the cards and will enjoy watching the two of them beg. Rob says he thinks he needs a nice vacation since Alaska was so cold. Richard thought they had a deal but Rob doesn't like his terms. He says he'll let them know what he wants to do and leaves. Cassie confronts Edmund but Richard tells her that Edmund tried to warn them. Richard assures her that they will be married as planned and he will be a father to her children. Cassie asks him to help reassure Tammy. Edmund apologizes and tells them he'll help in any way he can.

Harley tells Beth and Phillip that she has a list of possible donors for Lizzie. She assures them that she will handle everything. Beth gets upset when Harley suggests the baby be tested. Beth says that Lizzie is doing better and it won't come to that. Phillip tells Harley that it's hard for them to think about the worst thing happening. Blake comes back and says she left her purse. Harley is glad to see her and asks for a ride. She asks Phillip to talk to Beth and tells Blake she hopes he can get through to her. Harley gets a call from Cassie asking for help so she and Blake go to Edmund's apartment. Meanwhile, Phillip tries to assure Beth that Lizzie will be fine and everything will work out. Beth explains that she realizes how much she loves Jim and was afraid the secret would come out. Phillip offers to take Lizzie out to celebrate so she and Jim can spend some time together. Beth tells him that they are lucky that they got second chances. Phillip remembers a conversation he had with Harley where she asked him not to hurt her. He vows that he won't lose her. Meanwhile, Harley and Blake break into Edmund's apartment and start looking around. They are almost caught but Blake pretends to be an escort for Edmund and gets rid of them. They find a videotape locked in a drawer and Blake wonders why someone would lock up a tape. Harley says it depends on what is on it and they decide to watch it. Blake suggests they take a drink because they don't know what they might find. Harley puts the tape in and hits play.

Tuesday, May 23

Josh arrives at Company and tells Buzz that Olivia has gone to San Cristobel to tend to her sick sister. She asks Buzz if he ever feels like he is in slow motion and Buzz understands what he means. Josh goes to call the kids and Noah arrives. He asks Buzz for a beer and Josh returns. Buzz thinks that maybe they ought to sit in other places but they refuse to move and Buzz leaves. Reva helps Selena move her stuff over to Buzz’s. Reva tells her about talking to Josh about divorce and how she would like to kick Olivia’s butt. Reva says that she doesn’t want to talk about Josh and Buzz arrives and mentions that he just saw Josh. Reva is worried about her new job and Buzz helps her rehearse. Buzz tells Selena how happy he is that she is moving in with him and Reva feels a little jealous of them. She admits that she hates it that Josh is going to move in with Olivia. She thinks it is all rushed and she can stand how Olivia rubs her nose in it. She thinks that Olivia should move back to San Cristobel. Selena thinks that Reva should let her anger out and she gives Reva some plates to throw. She throws them and breaks down. Buzz and Selena try to comfort her. Meanwhile, Noah says that Josh wants him to stay away from Reva. Josh vows to keep an eye on Noah to keep him from hurting Reva and Noah points out that he is not the one hurting Reva. Noah thinks that Josh wants both Reva and Olivia. Noah tells him to get used to other men in Reva’s life and they start to yell. Reva arrives and asks what is going on. Josh says there was nothing and he leaves. Reva asks Noah what really happened and Noah goads her. He asks her for a drink and she refuses because she is going home to bed and she leaves.

Beth thanks Phillip for giving her and Jim some time alone. He believes she looks happy and she says she is. Jim arrives and says that he and Beth could really use some time together. He goes upstairs and Phillip tells Beth he's happy for her. She hopes he never finds out the truth and Phillip assures her he won't. Jim comes back downstairs after Phillip leaves and tells Beth how happy he is that the baby will be carrying on his name. Outside, Max asks Susan to go to a party with him and kisses her. Jim catches them and tells them they need to have a talk. Jim tells Max the rules of dating and how parties need to be supervised by adults. Max thinks Jim really doesn't want him to see Susan anymore. Jim says he just wants to protect his little girl and Max leaves. Susan walks him out and agrees to go to the party. Jim flashes the lights and Susan goes back inside. Meanwhile, Phillip and Lizzie go to Company and she spills something on her dress. Lizzie gets upset and says that it's ruined. Phillip says they'll buy another dress but Lizzie doesn't think there's another one like it. She says none of her dresses fit anymore and she doesn't like to look at herself. She tells him she knows that people stare at her because she's sick and they feel sorry for her. She admits she doesn't want to brush her hair because she's afraid it will come out. Lizzie says atleast the baby won't be sick like she is. Phillip says that by the time the baby comes she will be well but Lizzie just wants to go home. Back at the mansion, Lizzie tells Susan that she came home because she hates the way the people are staring at her. Beth and Jim try to comfort her and tell her that she is beautiful on the inside and the out. She says that she wants to be a good big sister and be there for the baby.

Blake and Harley are play the tape but there is a knock at the door before they can see anything. They open the door to find the man back with the police. He tells them that this type of escort isn't allowed in their hotel. Blake tries to explain that she really isn't a prostitute but they are taken to the police station. Frank and Ross are shocked to hear they've been arrested for solicitation. Blake explains to Ross that she was trying to help Cassie get something on Edmund. Ross says he might be able to get her out of this mess and makes a call. She is surprised when he comes back and says he called a baby-sitter so they can go to dinner. He tells her that she has a good heart but the way she helps people gets her into trouble. Meanwhile, Harley explains to Rick that she found a videotape in Edmund's room and has it in her purse. He suggests that he keep it for her and Frank takes it. He tells Harley to go make her statement and Rick asks him to give him the tape. Frank tells him it's police property but Rick says Harley doesn't know what's on the tape but he does. He says it'll destroy people's lives and asks Frank to trust him. Harley comes back and Frank tells her the tape has been returned to Edmund's room. She notices he's upset about more than that and he admits that Eleni came home from Greece but left for LA without telling him. He says that he can't lose his wife and daughter and Harley offers to go talk to her. On her way out she sees Rick destroying the videotape and demands that he stop. Rick tells her that the tape is about him and that is has he and Claire making love on it. Harley gives it back and thinks it is good because now he has the tape. Phillip arrives and wants to know what is going on. He explains to Harley how Lizzie fell apart at dinner and how he needs to spend more time with her. Rick wants to talk to Phillip alone for a minute and Harley goes to the car. He tells Phillip about Harley finding the tape and how he saved her from seeing it. Phillip is very grateful.

Wednesday, May 24

Edmund finds Rob and says he is there to make an offer. He offers Rob $10,000 to sign the papers and Rob is offended. Later, Edmund changes his voice and calls the newspaper. He says that he is Rob and that he is still married to Cassie. Later, Cassie is upset that Rob hasn’t signed the divorce papers and Edmund arrives to asks Richard if he has heard from Rob. Cassie tells him to leave them alone but Edmund says that he is just trying to help them. He asks Richard if he can stay and Richard says yes because he wants to talk to him. Edmund tells him that his life changed since the last time he was here. Cassie begs him not to let Edmund back into their lives but Richard believes that Edmund is just trying to help them. Cassie doesn’t’ think that Edmund has changed at all. Cassie wishes that Richard would hate her for everything she has done to him. She says that she always screws up her own happiness and that he deserves someone better. He tells her that no one could make him as happy as she has and that there is only her in his life. He vows that no one is going to stop their marriage. Rob arrives and tells him not to be too sure of that. He says that he is there to name his price and tells them that he wants a million dollars. Richard calls the guard and says that he is going to give Rob time to think about that in a jail cell.

Phillip asks Buzz’s help with Lizzie. Buzz suggests a loud, wild party for everyone to celebrate the good things in their lives. Phillip thinks that is a great idea. Vicky and David arrive at Company and Vicky sees Phillip. Phillip comes over and tells her that he and Alan were wondering when she was going to stop by the house. He thanks her for her help with Lizzie the other day and for getting tested to be a marrow donor. He invites her to the party at the house tonight and she accepts. He returns to Buzz and tells him how Lizzie’s tests are getting better. David goes to get drinks and runs into Ruth at the bar. She thinks he is accusing her of neglecting Charlie again. David follows her outside and tells her to lighten up. She tells him that she can’t get a job and should just give up. He says that maybe there is something he could do. They come back inside and she asks him if someone is hiring. Vicky watches them and he tells her that she should work there for Buzz. Buzz hears them and is reluctant because of Michelle’s trial. David vouches for her and Buzz hires her. They go to fill out some forms and Vicky tells David that he must be her guardian angel.

Susan and Lizzie sit in front of the TV and wait for Reva’s show to come on. Susan asks her if she is OK and Lizzie snaps at her. Noah arrives to check on Lizzie and Lizzie gets upset that her dad told everybody how she was feeling last night. Lizzie gets upset and Noah tells her that he understands and everybody just wants her to get well. He asks her to be sure and tell someone if she starts to feel sicker and she says that she feels fine. Beth takes Noah aside and Susan confronts Lizzie about not telling them that her nose was bleeding earlier. Beth questions Noah if Lizzie is really getting better and he says that all signs point to yes. Noah tells her that Lizzie is just very scared and tells her that he hasn’t’ found a suitable bone marrow donor for Lizzie yet. He mentions testing the baby but Beth refuses. He tries to convince her and she admits that it is worth a chance. Susan dresses Lizzie up and she is happy. Beth and Noah come back inside and Susan apologizes for using some of Beth’s make up. They all watch Reva’s show on TV. Noah has to take some of Lizzie’s blood before he leaves and he tells her how brave she is compared to him. She tells him that she doesn’t hate him and she and Susan go upstairs. Noah tells Beth that he’ll set up the appointment to test the fetus and he leaves. Phillip arrives and Beth tells him about agreeing to test the baby. He wonders why they have to do this right now. Upstairs, Lizzie’s nose begins to bleed. She decides not to tell anyone about it.

Josh and Marah eat at Company and he asks her how she is doing. She says that she talked to Bill but she will always want her parents to be together. She apologizes for her behavior and asks how Olivia’s sister is doing. He tells her that she will have to stay with her a while longer. Marah tells him that she is going over to WSPR and surprise Reva for her first show. Reva gets ready for her first show and Selena arrives. Reva is very nervous and doesn’t want to do it. Margo, the producer, arrives and changes Reva’s show from teen pregnancy to poisoned food. Reva threatens to leave and Margo calls her an amateur. Selena tries to calm Reva down and tells her that she has never been shy before. Reva tells Margo that she will do it and Marah and Josh arrive. He thinks he should leave so that he won’t make Reva nervous and Marah goes inside. Josh watches them through the glass. Reva is glad to see Marah and Marah tells her that everybody will be watching her. Reva’s show begins and she gets stage freight. She stands silently and Margo tries to get her to speak. She begins to speak and introduces the show but doesn’t read the cue cards. Margo points them out and Reva’s guests arrive. Reva realizes that she has been set up when the guests begin to argue. Reva thinks she has gone to commercial and begins to talk to Margo. After it is over Marah tells her that she has done great and Selena goes to get her some water. She runs into Josh and tells him that Reva is doing great. He says that he is leaving but turns around and Reva sees him. He tells her that she was good and that she did a nice job. Noah arrives and Josh tells Reva to be proud of herself. He leaves and Reva asks Noah when he got there. He tells her that he figured that she could use a friend right now because Josh only spared her feelings because she was really awful.

Thursday, May 25

Reva can't believe that Noah called her awful. He wonders if she wanted him to lie and says she is mad because he is telling her the truth. He tells her that she could be good on TV but not what she was doing today. He tells her that he has a bad bedside manner and they argue. She makes fun of him for not charging his patients and asks if he has a sugar-momma around somewhere. He tells her that he thinks she is obsessed about him and reminds her that she kissed him last night. She tells him that it was meaningless and he says that he knows what her problem is. He tells her that she is sexually frustrated and it is killing her that josh is sleeping with another woman. She tells him that that is true but she doesn't want the emotional baggage that comes along with it. She aggs him on and tells him that she wants sex with no strings. He is quiet and she says that he is scared. She walks away, he grabs her arm and kisses her. She is stunned and he says "your place or mine"?

Buzz arrives with the food for Lizzie’s party. Jim helps him and Susan asks her dad if she can miss the party because she has other plans. He tells her that this is important for Lizzie but he says she can go with her friends if she wants to. Susan goes outside and Max arrives. He is happy that she lied to her dad and is getting to go with him tonight. She tells Max that maybe this isn’t a good idea and she shouldn’t go at all because she needs to stay there. He doesn’t understand why she can’t go out and have some fun for a change. He tells her that he just wants to be with her and she tells him that he can stay there with her. Buzz comes through and asks if everything is OK and asks them for some help. Max tells Susan that he wants to go to the cave and if she doesn’t go with him he still won’t go alone. She says that she doesn’t care and he leaves. Jim has to leave and Susan tells him that she is staying for the party. Buzz hears her and knows what Susan gave up for Lizzie. He tells her that she did the right thing.

Dax runs into Edmund in San Cristobel and Edmund tells him that he is there to help Richard with his Rob situation but Dax doesn’t believe him. Richard and Cassie tell Rob that he is being arrested but he says that he has rights. Cassie tells him that he is on his own. Richard tells him that he had his chance but now he will be thrown in a jail cell. He introduces Rob to Dax and the guards drag Rob away. Richard asks to be alone with Cassie and reassures her that everything will be OK. Edmund suggests to Dax that they have an official looking execution order drawn up to scare Rob and Dax agrees to do it to help Richard. Dax interrupts Richard and Cassie and tells them that the press wants to see them about the wedding. The press questions Richard about Edmund’s presence and they tell Richard that Rob Layne has called them. Richard doesn’t know what to do and Cassie asks him what he is going to say. He says that he will handle it and says that he has an important announcement to make about they wedding.

Danny and Michelle wait in Company to meet with Carlos. She is nervous but he reminds her that they have to do this just until Carmen is gone in the witness protection program. Michelle decides that she will leave and runs into Carlos. He tells her that this won’t take long and he wants her to stay. Danny tells him that he is taking Carmen’s job and Carlos is pleased. Theresa arrives and tells Carlos that Danny is lying all because of Michelle. Danny tries to get Theresa to leave and Theresa confronts Michelle about not really wanting to be there. Michelle tells her that she is tired of being scared all the time so she is on the inside now. Theresa calls Michelle a baby in their business and Michelle threatens her. She says that she is a Santos now and she wants the respect that she deserves. Carlos thinks that he and Theresa are finished there and they leave. Danny tells Michelle that from now on he does all of the talking. Outside, Carlos tells Theresa that she must hide her emotions when they do business and reassures her that they have the Santoses right where they want them. He leaves but Theresa hangs around.

Drew comes to Millennium and tells Jesse that she has the papers for Danny to sign. He is still reluctant to go into business with Danny. He wants her to wait but agrees that it is a good idea to simplify their lives. She kisses him and he says that it has been a really long time. He wonders why she is hesitant to get close to him and she tries to give him an excuse. He says it has been a month since they have made love. She tells him that she is afraid and he reassures her that he is better and the doctor said that it would be good for his heart to get the exercise. She is still reluctant and he persists. He suggests they go get Michelle and Danny to sign the papers and go home and celebrate. They arrive at Company and Theresa watches them. They tell Danny to sign on the dotted line and they can say goodbye to a life of crime. Theresa knew that she was right.

Rick interrupts Abby writing a speech. He tells her about Lizzie’s party and asks her to go with him. She says that she has to finish this speech by tonight and he says that he feels like he has been going solo a lot lately. He tells her that they have both been making decisions to do things that are keeping them apart and that he doesn’t want to get used to living his life without her because their marriage is the most important thing it the world to him. He says that they are not communicating and that he thought that they surgery would make their marriage better not worse. She reminds him that she is the one that was worried about that. She says that she’ll go change and they will go to the party.

Friday, May 26

Richard speaks to the press about the wedding and they question him about canceling it. He says that no matter what has happened in Cassie's past, nothing will change his love for her. He says that they are postponing the wedding because they have decided to invite the people of San Cristobel to the wedding. Edmund is surprised but congratulates him on his speech. Cassie worries that Rob won't sign the divorce papers but Richard is sure that a few days in the cell will change his mind. He says that they have to plan a bigger wedding now and need to focus on that. Edmund receives Dax's order to execute Rob but prevents it from being taken to Richard. Instead he gives it to two guards and believes that this will force Richard off the throne. In the cell, the guards come and tell Rob that he is about to be executed for crimes against the state. Rob thinks it's a joke but then hears the firing squad getting ready. Edmund believes that the people will never accept their prince having his rival killed. Meanwhile, Cassie tells Richard that she thought he was going to call off the wedding. She knows how much he loves her but still worries that this won't work out. They talk about the wedding and she tells him that he's proven his love to her in every way but one. He reminds her that they agreed to wait until the wedding night but she doesn't want to wait anymore. She knows they had to postpone the wedding but she doesn't want to postpone being with him. She tells him she wants to fall asleep in his arms and wake up next to him. He asks her if she's sure and they kiss.

Theresa bursts in and asks Danny why he lied to Carlos. He tells her that Drew just thinks that he is going legit or else she wouldn't do it. Michelle tells her to get out and Jesse asks them what is going on. Michelle explains to Drew and Jesse what is going on with the business. Jesse tells them that he was afraid that something like this was going to happen. He tells Danny that he will hold him personally responsible if something happens and he and Drew leave for Lizzie’s party. Michelle doesn't blame Jesse for his reaction and Danny reassures her that they will be free soon. Michelle reminds him that if Carmen backs out, they will be in alot of trouble. He isn't worried and wants to have a groundbreaking party for their new house. Michelle wonders if she should invite Claire to these family parties.

Claire waits for Carmen in her cell. Carmen returns and Claire asks her if she's going to accept the deal. Carmen says no because if you want a job done right you have to do it yourself. She says that she will make sure that Michelle is taken care of. Claire doesn't appreciate her threatening her daughter. She says that she has connections too because she's a doctor and reminds Carmen that she was alone in her cell with her dinner. She asks her if anything tastes odd. Carmen calls her bluff and says that it doesn't make sense for Claire to poison her when she didn't know if she was going to accept the deal. Claire tells her that there's always next time. She says that the offer she is making will benefit both of them and thinks she should reconsider. They decided that Claire's plan could work and agree not to tell anyone of their alliance.

A nurse gets Lizzie’s test results in and tries to locate Noah. Noah and Reva go to a hotel room. She is uptight and he suggests they have a drink. He tells her that he won't hold her to her offer if she wants to leave. He says they can just sit around and talk and she tells him that if she wanted to leave then she wouldn't need his permission. They talk about her TV show and he tells her that she will do better next time. He says that they won't fire her because she loves a challenge. He says that he does too and she asks him what he sees in her. She tells him that he has alot of baggage and he says she is beautiful and special and hasn't been told that in a long time. He says it would make him happy to make her happy and he kisses her. They begin to get romantic and he gets a phone call from the hospital. He tells Reva that he has a problem with a patient and has to leave. She knows that it is Lizzie and they leave.

At the Spaulding’s, David asks Vicky if Ruth is there helping out and Vicky asks him why he is so interested. Vicky says that she is relieved that Alan isn't there and David says that she has other options besides getting caught up in the Spaulding web again. Phillip wants to make sure that he and Rick have their stories straight and Rick wishes he could be there when Edmund realizes that he original copy is gone. Rick and he toast to Carmen being out of Michelle’s life and Rick wishes Claire was out of town too. Rick tells Phillip that Claire did something to Michelle when she was a baby that would ensure that she would be out of Michelle’s life for good. Lizzie asks her dad if he is sure this isn't a party for her and he says yes. She takes Susan outside to talk and they agree to do what they had planned. They look at the stars and see a shooting star. They both make wishes and Lizzie starts to cough. Susan tells her that if she is worse then she has to tell her mom. Buzz and frank dance with Lizzie inside and Susan is glad that Lizzie is having such fun. Beth asks her how she plans to spend her birthday and she tells Beth that her and Max got into a fight. Beth tells her that they always come back. Phillip points out that they are getting along better and she tells him that Noah isn't going to force her into have the baby tested. Buzz asks Phillip where Harley is and he tells her that she went to see eleni. Buzz asks frank what is going on and he doesn't answer. Drew and Jesse arrive and Phillip makes a toast to family. Jesse can't believe that Danny put them in this situation and Drew wants him to just forget about it and dance with her. She kisses him and tells him to show her how much he loves her. She says that she isn't worried about his heart anymore and he suggests they get out of there. Frank tells Buzz that he and eleni have been having problems. Jim comes out with a birthday cake and Susan is surprised. She and Lizzie wish on the candles together and Lizzie wishes. Reva and Noah arrive outside and Reva asks him if this can't wait until tomorrow. He says that he needs to talk to Phillip and Beth now. Reva goes inside and tells Phillip that Noah needs to talk to him and Beth outside. They go out and Noah tells them that he just go Lizzie’s latest bloodwork back and he has bad news.

Monday, May 29

The show did not air.

Tuesday, May 30

Drew and Jesse begin to make love when she notices his scar and backs away. She tries to make excuses but Jesse tells her that it's been too long since they were last together. They start to kiss and she pulls away and tells him she can't do this. Jesse asks her if she's mad at him and assures her he isn't angry with her. She admits that she saw his scar and it reminded her that she almost lost him before. Jesse says that the doctor told him he could perform all his normal duties including making love. Drew knows that in her head but she can't help the way she feels. Jesse tells her that there's something else they can do and asks her if she's game. Drew poses while Jesse sketches her and tells her that he feels a strong connection when he's drawing her. He says that he's okay but understands that she isn't ready to make love. He says to let him know when she is and she tells him she loves him. They make love and Jesse jokes with her about it almost killing him. She tells him that everytime she says things are going to be all right, something bad happens. She thought that her idea for Danny was good but it blew up too. She tells him that after this mess is over they are going to go back to their normal lives.

Cassie tells Richard that she wants to cancel their agreement. She says she loves him and wants him to make love to her. He asks if she's sure and she says she is. She asks him to give her a few minutes to get ready. Cassie tells him that he really has made all her dreams come true. Meanwhile, Rob tries to tell the guards that this is a mistake. He wants to talk to Cassie and a lawyer but they tell him it won't make any difference. A guard tells Richard that the firing squad is ready but Richard doesn't know what he's talking about. He shows Richard the order and he runs to stop it. Richard gets there just before Rob is taken away and orders him to be released. He apologizes to Rob and tells him that this was some kind of mistake. Rob just wants out of there but almost faints as he tries to leave. Richard and the guards carry him upstairs where Richard assures him he'll find out who forged the royal seal on the order. Rob threatens to go to the press but Richard reminds him that he's there to blackmail them. He says that if the press finds out, Rob will leave the island with nothing. Cassie comes in and Rob tells her that Richard tried to kill her. Richard shows her the order and she can't believe it. Rob isn't buying their sympathy and tells them the price just went up. Cassie asks what it will take to make him go away and he says that for starters he'd like a night in bed with her to say goodbye properly.

Lillian complements Buzz on his idea for the party. Buzz questions frank about Eleni again and he tells him to get Eleni back in Springfield. Frank tells him that she won't come and he doesn't know when things got so bad between them. He brings up what he did with Terri and says that they haven't gotten over it. He says that they were both working so much that they stopped talking. He says that Eleni doesn't need him anymore and Buzz tells him to fix this now and not to wait. Reva comes inside and watches Lizzie with the others. Susan sees her and tells her hello. Susan tells her that she did good on TV and asks her if she wants some birthday cake. She tells Reva that she is glad that Lizzie seems to be feeling better. Lizzie gets out of breath and Jim asks her if she is OK. She tells him that she and Susan have a surprise for everyone. Noah tells Phillip and Beth that he has bad news and that Lizzie still has leukemia cells in her blood marrow. He says that chemo is not an option anymore and she needs a bone marrow transplant. Beth is confused and reminds him that he said this wouldn't happen. He tells her that the success rate in bone marrow transplants is very high but they haven't found a donor yet. He tells them that Lizzie can't go long without a transplant. He tells them to approach this one step at a time and that Lizzie can't sense panic or fear in either one of them. He wants to test the baby and he leaves them alone to think about this. Phillip says that he needs to call Alan and they both break down. They agree that they have to be positive and Beth is sure that this baby will be Lizzie’s chance. Jim sees them crying and asks Beth what she just said about the baby. Phillip tells Jim what Noah just told them and Lizzie comes out to get them to all come inside. Susan and Lizzie put on their act and lip sync to a song. Lizzie gets dizzy but they finish. Susan asks Beth why she is crying and Lizzie says it is because they did so good with their act. Beth asks Lillian about her biological father's family but Lillian doesn't know anything. Lizzie wants to do an encore but she is out of breath. Phillip holds Beth and Jim tells Lillian that he understands that they need one another right now. Noah comes inside and Reva asks him about how hard it will be to find bone marrow and he explains that it is not like donating an organ. He explains that people have to go and be tested and that most people don't know to go and do it. Reva says that she thinks she knows a way that people can be told and says they should do a piece on her show. She asks him to be on the show and he says he will if she will come back to his place. She agrees to get to get a cup of coffee and nothing more. Selena asks Abby how she is going to fix things with Rick. Selena doesn't understand what is going on in this town with josh and Reva, frank and Eleni, and now Abby and Rick all arguing. Selena tells her to go fight for her marriage unless she wants it to die. Rick jokes with Lizzie and Abby comes over. He tells her how hard it is to watch Lizzie suffer and Abby tells him how wonderful he is with Lizzie. She says that she knows that she hasn't been there for him but she will be now if he wants her. She tells him that he would be a wonderful father and that she has been selfish by preventing that. Phillip dances with Lizzie and she asks to have parties like this more often. She tells him that there is always something to celebrate and he tells her how much he loves her. Susan asks Beth and Jim what is going on because she can tell that there is a big secret. Jim explains that Lizzie is sicker than they all thought and Jim says that they can talk after Lizzie goes to sleep. Susan goes over to Lizzie and they talk about their act. Lizzie says that they are sisters and Susan holds her. Phillip cries outside and Harley arrives and comforts him.

Wednesday, May 31

Susan meets Marah at Company and asks her to take her to the party. She admits that Max is on a date with another girl and says that she can go out too. Max arrives as they are about to leave and tells Susan they have to talk about what happened tonight. Marah tries to leave but Susan asks her to stay. Max tells them the party wasn't any good but Susan says they'll see for themselves. Susan doesn't know why Max even bothers because she knows he doesn't care about her. Susan breaks down and they ask her what's really wrong. She admits that Lizzie needs a bone marrow transplant or she could die. She tells Max she doesn't need this tonight and pushes him away. She finally breaks down in his arms and Marah decides to leave after making sure Susan is okay. Max tells Susan he thought about her all night and knew what he said before was a mistake. She asks if he feels sorry for her and he says yes but not like she thinks. He wishes there was something he could do for Lizzie. Susan thanks him and he tells her he has feelings for her that Jim wouldn't like. Susan says that her father isn't around now and he kisses her.

Cassie doesn't believe Rob when he says he wants to say goodbye to his wife in bed. Rob tells her that he's serious and Richard gets angry. Cassie asks Richard to leave them alone. She says that Rob will go to the press if they don't reach an agreement and she's the only one who can reason with him. Richard agrees and tells her he'll be right outside. Cassie tells Rob that she won't sleep with him. She says that everyone can win if he'll just take the money and sign the divorce papers. Rob says that he'll do that but he wants to spend the day with Tammy tomorrow. Cassie says no because Tammy doesn't remember him and will be upset. Rob suggests she come with them. He tells her that he doesn't want Tammy to think he didn't care about her and wants her to know none of this was her fault. Cassie says she'll have to talk to Richard first but Rob thinks he won't mind them spending one day with him. Richard comes in and says over his dead body will this happen. Rob agrees to leave them alone for a few minutes and Richard can't believe she's buying his story. Cassie says that she thinks he means it a little bit. She thinks it will be good for Tammy because kids blame themselves for things going wrong. She won't let anything hurt Tammy so Richard reluctantly agrees. He wants to send a bodyguard with them but she says he knows they have to do this alone. She reassures him that by this time tomorrow they will be free because Rob will sign the papers. Outside, Rob rips up the divorce papers.

Selena tries to explain to Coop that she is moving in and she is very nervous. Buzz takes him upstairs and asks her what that was all about. He tells her that she is there all the time anyway so the kids won’t even notice. Buzz thinks she is having second thoughts and asks what is bugging her. She explains that now that it is all official she thinks that there is going to be trouble. She admits that she has never lived with anyone before and Buzz is shocked. He thinks it is exciting but she feels like an idiot. He makes her feel better and she goes to finish unpacking. She tells him that once she moves in then they aren’t breaking up. He agrees but she reminds him that Josh and Reva and Frank and Eleni are having problems. He tells her that Frank and Eleni will work it out and not to count out Josh and Reva because you never know about them. He gives her a lottery ticket and she wins five dollars. He tells her that he hit the jackpot and welcomes her home.

Edmund arrives home and Rick comes and tells him that his tapes are all gone. Edmund asks him about the two women that broke into his apartment and Rick explains. Edmund assures Rick that he won’t need the tape to prove what he knows is true. Edmund says that he is ready to end it all right now. Rick tells him that he will destroy two marriages if he does that and tells him that Lizzie has taken a turn for the worse. Rick explains that Lizzie needs a bone marrow transplant but Edmund reminds him that he is not the one who slept with his ex. Rick gets angry and leaves and Edmund calls Harley. Edmund gets a call from San Cristobel that Rob has not been executed and is sure that he can stop the wedding.

After Lizzie goes to bed, Harley, Phillip, Beth, and Jim all wonder how they are going to tell her about this. Phillip says that they are going to test the baby first thing in the morning but Jim says that they aren’t doing anything until he and Beth talk about it. Jim is worried about risks for the baby and wants to look to other alternatives. Phillip gets upset and says that the baby is their best hope. Lizzie comes downstairs because she heard them yelling and thinks that the baby is sick. Phillip tells her that there is nothing wrong with the baby and that she needs to go to bed. She tells them that she is tired but can’t go to sleep and she hurts all over. Beth tells her that she is needing some new medicine and they explain to her about the bone marrow transplant. Jim tells her that they are going to check the baby out tomorrow. They try to explain to her how they will find the match for her and she asks Jim to take her up to bed. Lizzie asks him how to speak to the baby on they way up. Beth goes outside for some air and Harley gets a phone call. Edmund tells her that he needs to talk to her. Phillip goes outside and tells Beth that Jim is a good guy. He says that he is sure that the baby is going to be a match and she is hopeful. He goes to check on Lizzie and Edmund offers Harley his help with Lizzie. He says that he needs a detective to find out who broke into his apartment while he is away. then he tells her to stay out of his things or it will be dangerous. Rick arrives and hears Harley call Edmund’s name on the phone. She explains that Edmund was just trying to scare her and she tells him that they told Lizzie. Harley tells her that they are testing the baby tomorrow. Beth prays that the baby will save Lizzie and that no one will find out what a perfect match they are.

Thursday, June 1

Noah meets Reva at Company with some books about bone marrow donation. He makes a call to the hospital to make arrangements for Lizzie at the hospital. Reva is impressed at how compassionate he can be when it comes to Lizzie and says that he is two completely men rolled into one. She asks him what caused him to take cases free of charge. He makes jokes about it and she says that he can't tell the truth. She continues to question him and he tells her that he watched his mother die because she didn't have enough money to get cured and he decided to becomes a doctor and treat patients for free.

Jim questions the doctor about the safety of the tests on the baby. Phillip arrives and questions him about the tests. Jim reminds him that this test is about more than just Lizzie and confronts him about crossing the line when it comes to Beth. Jim reminds him that this test will tell them many things about the baby and that things could go wrong with it. Lillian tells Beth how hopeful she is that they baby will be a match and Beth is sure that it is fate that she and Phillip made this child to save Lizzie. Jim comes in and tells Beth that she doesn't have to do this if she doesn't want to. Beth is sure that everything will be fine and the doctor arrives to do the test. After the test, the doctor tells Beth that she did fine. Beth asks Lillian how long it will be before they will find out if it is a match. She is sure that the baby will match and Lillian reminds her that they will find a match anyway even if the baby isn't. Beth says that she isn't worried that Jim will find out about the baby because he can go on believing it is his even if it matches. Jim comes out and tells Phillip that Beth and the baby are fine and Phillip tells him that he is sorry if he has been stepping on his toes. He explains that he is just worried about Lizzie but he does care about the baby. Jim reminds him that is his baby and not Phillip's. Lillian looks at the ultrasound and shows Beth what the sex of the baby is. Lillian comes out and tells Phillip that he can go in to see Beth. He overhears Beth tell Jim that the baby is going to be a boy.

David and Frank are called to handle a situation with Carmen. Frank is distracted and David tells him he can handle it alone. Frank thanks him and leaves as Danny arrives and asks what's going on. David tells him that Carmen has a request but Danny doesn't like that sound of that. Carmen tells him that since she's agreed to turn over on the families and risk her life, she wants to spend one last night with her family. She says that she thinks Danny understands now how it was for her to be the head of the family and what she had to do. Danny believes she had choices but Carmen tells him that there were other factors to consider. She says that Danny and Pilar are the best part of her life. She wants to spend one night as the family they used to be before everything went wrong. Danny can't believe she still blames Michelle but Carmen says she isn't blaming anyone. She knows the mistakes she's made but she believes they owe it to the memories they have to say goodbye. She wants them to remember her as the mother they had during the good times. Danny tells David that he doesn't want to risk Carmen changing her mind about testifying. David agrees to talk to the Feds about getting Carmen out for one night. Danny tells Carmen they are working on it but tells her she better not be up to anything. Meanwhile, Michelle finds Claire looking at an old photo album. They talk about the Bauer BBQ and how much fun it is every year. Claire hopes to have some pictures like that of her and Michelle one day. Michelle tells her that she understands but needs time. Claire says she won't push. Michelle wants her to know what she is and isn't comfortable with right now and Claire tries to hold back a little more. Rick and Abby arrive as Claire gets a phone call from Charles Grant about a job. She and Michelle go to find more photo albums and Abby tells Rick they can't seem to get away from Claire. She asks him what he's going to do about this and he says nothing. He doesn't want anything to affect their relationship. Abby wonders if Claire will tell Charles the secret and Rick doesn't think she will. He believes she wants a relationship with Michelle too much to risk telling anyone. They both agree that they are working through their problems and want to continue talking. They leave and Claire and Michelle come back. Claire wants to explain why she said some things about Danny she shouldn't have. She says that she doesn't think he's bad for Michelle, she's just worried about Carmen's influence on him. Michelle assures her that that is over once she is relocated. Claire tells her that a mother's influence can't be erased and that she competes with Maureen's everyday. She believes that just like Maureen had a positive influence on Michelle, Carmen could have as much a negative influence on Danny. Danny arrives and tells them he needs to talk to his wife so Claire leaves. He tells Michelle what Carmen requested and Michelle says no. He tells her that the Feds won't let them use his house so they are meeting at the Bauer house. Michelle says they don't have to do this but Danny thinks they do if they want Carmen to testify. Michelle says he can do what he wants but she isn't going to be here for it.

Harley tells Buzz and Selena about Lizzie's condition. She says that they are testing Beth's baby but it would be better if the baby was a full sibling. Selena offers their help in anyway they can. She goes inside and Buzz tells Harley that Frank knows she's back. He tells her that Frank doesn't want to bother her but he's dying to know what she found out. Harley tells Buzz that it isn't good because Eleni isn't coming back. Buzz believes it's because she had no work since the diner burned down and thinks he should rebuild it. Harley tells him there's more to it than that because Eleni has met someone else and it's serious. She wonders how she is going to tell Frank and he says she just did. Frank can't believe this is happening and Harley tells him how sorry she is. He says that he knew they were having trouble but he believed it would all work out. He wants to go see Eleni but Harley thinks she should prepare him first. She says that Eleni isn't the same person in LA that Frank loved. He tells her that he still loves her but Harley says she isn't there anymore. She says that she felt the same way with Mallet but Frank thinks it's different. Harley tells him that people fall out of love with you and you fall out of love with people. Buzz comes and offers to help him but he says there's nothing to do. Harley asks him if he'll be okay and he says no. Frank tells her that it hurts but she helped it hurt a little less.

Friday, June 2

Josh and Billy arrive at Company and Josh mentions talking to a divorce lawyer. Billy can't believe that he is breaking up his perfectly good family and can't imagine Josh spending the rest of his life without Reva. Josh says that part of him will always love Reva and Billy asks him about Noah. Josh goes to call Olivia. After he talks to her, he goes over to the bar and asks the bartender to turn the TV on WSPR because there is something on that he wants to see. Meanwhile, Holly meets Blake and Ross at Company. She tells Blake that the newspaper is waiting on more of her writing. Ross tells her that Blake was just about to read him something new she wrote and Holly asks to hear it too. Blake is reluctant to let Holly read it because it's steamy. Holly thinks they are all mature but Blake says that it's uncomfortable with this particular group of people. Billy arrives and Blake is surprised that he is who Holly was waiting on. They go to a different table and Holly thanks him for saving her. Billy remembers that Holly dated Ross but she says that she's fine. He wonders why they had to run away if she was really fine. She assures him she's not going after Ross. They talk about being lonely in this stage of their life. He tells her she could accompany him to dinner sometime but she says that she doesn't know if she has anything left to offer. She tells him she'd rather be friends for now. Billy goes back to Josh and tries to tell him that he was just turned down but Josh is staring at the television. Ross says that it's odd that he and Blake seem to be the stable couple. She points out that they aren't even married and he asks her if she's happy with their situation. She says that she's happy they are together and he tells her that she always avoids the topic when he brings it up.

Beth tells Jim that the baby is a boy and Phillip arrives. He congratulates them and Jim apologizes for the way he acted before. Jim thinks it will be an incredible gift if his son could save Lizzie. Harley arrives and they tell her that they are having a boy. Everyone is anxious to find out of he will be a match. Phillip asks Harley how it went in California and she tells him that Eleni has met someone else. He thinks that maybe it can be fixed but Harley says that there are some things can't be fixed. She says that Frank will work hard to fix it but infidelity is something that can't be fixed. At the house, Lillian and Lizzie talk about the bone marrow transplant. She tells Lizzie that they are looking all over the country for someone that will match and she asks Lillian if Alan and Phillip are pulling strings for her. Lillian tells her that she is a fighter and a survivor and tells her about having breast cancer. She tells Lizzie that the leukemia may knock her down but she will always get back up. Lizzie arrives at the hospital and Beth and Jim tell her that she is having a baby brother. She asks if she will ever get better if the baby can't give her some bone marrow. Meanwhile, Reva tells Selena that Margo is meeting her there at Company to discuss work and asks her how living with Buzz is going. Selena doesn't think it is going to last and Margo arrives. Margo doesn't like Reva's idea to do the story on Lizzie and Reva fires her. She leaves and Reva and Selena take the camera crew over to the hospital. They run into Noah and she tells him that they are doing the show from there in the hospital. He asks her if she called ahead to OK this. A hospital administrator comes over and asks what is going on and he asks her to leave but she won't. The live show begins and Reva interviews Noah about bone marrow donation. She mentions Lizzie and interviews Phillip. He emotionally asks everyone to get out and become a donor. Lizzie arrives and asks to be on the show and Phillip agrees. Reva interviews her and Lizzie explains that she is tired all the time. She says that she has to get better because she has a baby brother coming and she says that she is proud of her mom and dad. Everyone breaks down and Reva tells Selena that she did a great job being producer. Reva cries on Noah's shoulder.

Tammy wants Richard to go on the picnic but Cassie tells her they are going with Rob. She asks Richard if he's still going to adopt her and he reassures her that he will be her father. He asks her to think of this as saying goodbye to Rob but Tammy is afraid he won't want to say goodbye. Cassie asks her to go get a blanket and tells Richard that she can do this if it means getting a divorce. Richard thinks she's crazy but Cassie believes it will work. Rob arrives and they all leave for the picnic. Richard tells Tammy that he will see her soon. At the beach, Rob gives Tammy a necklace from Alaska. She is hesitant to take it and then goes to build a sandcastle. Rob tells Cassie that she turned Tammy against him but she reminds him that he didn't even send her a birthday card. They argue about her relationship with Richard and he says that something from her past will come up and ruin everything. He says he knows her and she can't keep a prince. Cassie tells him that she and Richard truly love each other and she wouldn't care if he was a poolcleaner. Rob reminds her that she used to love him that way and starts to kiss her. Richard pulls him off her and tells him that their deal is off. He turns to Cassie and tells her he was afraid something like this would happen. Rob gets a limb and hits Richard in the back. Cassie makes sure he's alright and he asks her where Tammy is. Cassie looks around and says that Rob has taken her.