Monday, March 6

Beth tells Harley that she has done something horrible. Phillip arrives and Beth runs out. Harley tells Phillip not to run after Beth and he gets defensive. Harley tells him that he is taking care of everybody else but not dealing with his own feelings. She says that she wants to help him. He says that he doesn't know what to do because he is used to being in charge. He throws things around. He says he can't stand it that he can't help Lizzie and Harley tells him that he doesn't have to be strong for her. He breaks down and she comforts him. He apologizes for acting distant lately but she says she understands. Beth runs into Jim and Rick and Jim sees that she is upset. She says that he should just get rid of her before she ruins his life. He thinks that is ridiculous but she thinks that she is the reason that Lizzie is sick. He says that she can't blame herself and that he understands that she has to focus on Lizzie and not him right now. She says that she has hurt him and he won't let her explain what she means. He tells her that he is not going anywhere because her loves her, Lizzie and their baby. Max arrives at the hospital and asks Susan about Lizzie. He asks Susan how she is doing too and can tell that she is upset. She tells him about seeing a needle that Lizzie had blood drawn with and how scary it was. She knows that it is just going to get harder and harder on Lizzie. Max says that he understands. She says that this all started because of them and he says that has nothing to do with Lizzie’s illness. He says it is good that she wrecked so that they could find out that Lizzie is sick. He says that he remembers watching his mom die and how that feels. He says that right now Lizzie needs Susan to be a big sister. He tells her that she has to stop acting scared for Lizzie. He says that her parents can't be there for Lizzie like she can be. Susan says that she doesn't like the hospital because she knows what happens there but Max reminds her that babies are born there too. Susan explains that she was born in a car and jokes about it. He tells her that she has to look for good things there at the hospital and that he won't be far away. Rick brings Lizzie back from her test. She says that the needle didn't hurt that much. Beth tells her how much she loves her. Lizzie and Rick and Max and Susan race wheelchairs. Lizzie is excited that she can go home tonight. Phillip asks how she feels and she says she is fine. Harley asks Rick about specialists he could recommend and he says he is working on it. Phillip asks Jim if he is OK to move into the mansion and Jim says that he wants to do what is best for Lizzie.

Richard tells Cassie to cover for him and she tells Gil that it is a long story. She says that Dewayne's middle name is Richard and that he was just jealous of the guy because she had an affair with him. Richard explains that no one can know who he is here and the guy asks why. Cassie comes out and asks what is going on. He introduces Cassie to Dr. Noah Chase. They tell old stories and explain that they went to college together. Cassie tells Noah that he has to go inside and fix everything for them. They explain what they are up to and Noah can't believe that he hasn't been recognized yet. Noah is very sarcastic and Cassie explains how serious this is. Richard explains to Noah that Gil is interested in Cassie and Noah agrees to help Richard save Cassie. They tell him to talk in circles and they go back inside arguing. Gil asks them questions and Noah avoids most of them. He mentions baseball and Gil asks him lots of questions about himself. Richard interrupts them and Cassie makes a scene. Noah gives everyone drinks on him and Gil sees him hand over his gold card. He sees Noah’s Dr.’s signature. Richard invites Noah to stay with them but he worries about interrupting. Gil calls his boss and tells him that that worker is phonier than a 3-dollar bill.

Carmen tells Danny that she knows what he is up to. She says that she has been under a strain too lately. She asks him if he wants the killer to be her. Danny tells her that he is going out and leaves. Carmen says that she must do something to keep Vanessa from waking up and she leaves. Meanwhile, Josh tells Olivia that Danny should be on he way but he doesn't want her to do this. She says that it is a good plan and that frank will be right there. He is glad that the kids aren't there. Marah arrives and Olivia tells her that she has to get out of there. Marah thinks that she wants her to leave because of the tape. Olivia says that is the last thing on her mind. Frank arrives outside and tells Josh that the plan might just work. Frank reassures Josh that he will be there and that nothing will happen and Josh goes inside. Marah asks Josh what is going on and he sends her upstairs. He tells Olivia that this is exactly what he didn't want in his life anymore. He tells her that Carmen is a dangerous woman and Danny arrives. Olivia heads out to the potting shed and Josh meets Danny on the porch. Danny wants to go talk to "Vanessa" and Josh takes him. Carmen watches them and she follows them to the potting shed. Olivia gets into the bed and Carmen goes into the room. Danny follows her and tells her that Vanessa has told him everything.

Tuesday, March 7

Jesse packs his things and drawings of Drew. Drew arrives home and sees him. He says that he'll go while she is there and she tells him that she wants him to stay. She says she thought she would feel better when Michelle was convicted but she doesn't. She says she is sad and mad but not happy that it happened. Jesse tells her that they have been losing each other for a long time but Drew doesn't agree. She says that she wants to try again but he says he can't go through this again. She says that it feels wrong for them to be apart and he agrees. She asks him to start all over but he says that none of their problems are gone. He says that he still thinks that Michelle is innocent and he asks her if she can get past that. Drew says that they have to be honest with each other to get past this and she tells him that she doesn't think he is really over Michelle and he hasn't been. He disagrees but understands why she would think that. She tells him that she pushed him away because she thought he would leave her first. She begs him not to leave her now and they get romantic. He says he wishes he could pick up where they left off and Drew thinks that they can. Jesse says that all their problems didn't disappear and Drew thinks that he means Michelle. He tells her that Michelle is an important person in his life but that without her he wouldn't have fell in love with Drew. He says that he has to prove to her that Michelle is innocent and asks if she can live with that. She says that she can't and he gets his stuff and leaves.

Ross visits Michelle in prison. He tells her that the sentencing hearing is coming up and reminds her that she has several grounds for appeal. He tells her that he will fight for her until he can get her out. She tells him that she called him there to help her file for divorce. Ross is shocked and she explains that she will be there for a long time. He begs her not to do this to herself but she says that she doesn't want any false hope. She says that she wants Danny to wait for her but she can't ask him to do that. She threatens to have someone else help her if Ross won't. Ross tells her that she wouldn't let go of Danny if he were the one in jail. He tells her to think of all the things she and Danny have been through and that love endures all things including this. Ross leaves and Michelle says that she doesn't know how to let go of Danny but she has to.

Marah comes downstairs and josh tells her to go back upstairs but he won't tell her why. She goes and he gets distracted by a phone call. She sneaks back downstairs to find out what is going on. In the potting shed, Carmen continues to deny shooting Ben. Danny tells her that Vanessa has confirmed everything that Pilar said on the stand. He offers to help her if she will just confess to killing Ben. He tells her that the police are on their way and he will keep her from going to prison if she will just confess to him. He even tells her that he will forgive her and that they can be a family again and she agrees. She begins to tell him and Marah bursts in. Carmen realizes that something is going on and uncovers Olivia. Danny yells at Marah and frank comes out to stop him. Carmen threatens to tell frank's superiors about this little hoax. Josh arrives and Marah asks him what is going on. He and Olivia take Marah into the house. Danny won't let Carmen leave and frank tells her that he has her near confession on tape. She says that she was just desperate to win back her son's love. Danny tells her that he hopes she is proud of herself. Danny asks frank to leave and tells Carmen that he will use her in his plan to Michelle out of jail. He tells her that when he heard Pilar on the witness stand, all the love he had for Carmen died. He says that she is a complete stranger to him now and that she is his enemy now. He leaves and she wonders what he is planning. She says that she has to figure it out and stop him. He calls Bernardo and schedules a meeting about Carmen. He meets Bernardo and shows him a list of all the Santos family holdings. He offers it all if he will get Michelle out of prison anyway he can.

Marah wonders why they didn't just tell her the truth and Olivia snaps at Marah for not following her father's instructions. Marah explains that she thought Olivia was going to tell josh about her taping Olivia the other night. She tells her father that Olivia admitted to conning josh into being with her but Olivia says that didn't happen. Josh asks Olivia why she didn't mention this to him before now. Olivia explains to josh what happened and he asks Marah to explain her side. Olivia won't let her speak and josh asks her to let him handle. Marah thinks that josh is on Olivia’s side and she tells him that she is on her mother's side and she always will be. She storms out and josh tells Olivia that he thinks she is being a little hard on Marah. Marah goes outside and calls Reva. Reva asks what is wrong and Marah tells her about taping Olivia. She says that josh and Olivia are inside and that they sent her outside. Olivia says that she thinks josh still feels like he is cheating on Reva. He asks what she wants from him and she says that she wants him to admit that a part of him agrees with Marah. She says he is going to have to prove to her that she is not a substitute for Reva. She admits that she wants a future with him someday but she doesn't think he will ever let himself fall in love with her. He says that he hopes for that one day but she isn't sure it is going to happen. She thinks that she should go because she has had a rough night but he asks her to stay for a bit. He gets a call from Reva. She tells him that Marah called her and asks for his side of the story. He tells her that Olivia said some things to Marah that she shouldn't have. Reva says that she understands that happens but Olivia hears him he will make sure it won't happen again and she and leaves.

Wednesday, March 8

Danny meets with Bernardo and asks him if he's made a decision. Bernardo thinks Danny needs to talk to his associate, Theresa. Theresa doesn't understand why Danny keeps coming back to the family when he wants to be away from it so badly. He tells her that the family has used him all his life and it owes him something. Theresa agrees to help him and Danny asks Bernardo if he'll get Michelle out of jail. He thinks it's risky but Danny reminds him that he will be the head of the business. Bernardo asks him if he's ready to face people saying he betrayed his mother for his wife. Danny tells him he doesn't care about anything but getting Michelle out of jail. Theresa tells Bernardo it's a good deal and he thinks it may be too good. Danny asks him if he still holds a grudge against him for not marrying Theresa. She tells them she has a meeting and assures Danny they will help him before she leaves. Bernardo says that he will help Danny under one condition. He tells him that he must right the wrong he committed. Bernardo will see that Michelle is acquitted, but once she is free Danny has to marry Theresa.

Blake makes an appointment for another television interview for her book. Ross is happy to have a moment alone with her without interruption. Harley arrives and Blake asks her how Lizzie is doing. Harley tells her that Lizzie doesn't realize how sick she is. Harley is worried with Phillip trying to be strong with Lizzie and Beth he will shut out his real emotions. Blake tells her that she will help him with that. Harley asks Ross how Michelle is doing. He tells them that he is waiting on word about an appeal. Blake can't believe Michelle is willing to divorce Danny so he won't have to wait for her. She says it reminds her of what she was going to sacrifice for Ross. Ross tells them that he doesn't know what Danny will do now. Harley tells Blake she is glad to see Blake and Ross so happy. Blake tells her that no matter who they were with, they always had a connection. She says that he was her first real love and that is a bond you can't break even if you try.

Edmund arrives with a stuffed white horse for Lizzie. He tells Beth that he knows a doctor who can help Lizzie. Beth thanks him and says she will have to talk to Phillip first. Beth goes to call the hospital and Phillip tells Edmund he has a lot of nerve using Lizzie's illness to worm his way inside. Edmund tries to tell him about Noah but Phillip won't trust Lizzie's health to any of Edmund's friends. Edmund tells him that he has grown very fond of Lizzie and Beth but Phillip doesn't buy it. He says that he needs to focus his attention on his daughter now and asks Edmund what it will take to make the tape go away. He says he'll give him whatever he wants. Lizzie is surprised that Susan stayed home instead of going to see Max. Susan tells her that when she comes home from her chemotherapy, Susan will give her a makeover. Lizzie sees Edmund and he gives her the horse and she loves it. Edmund tells her that he thinks she is a hero and all heroes have white horses. Lizzie thanks him and she and Susan go show it to Alan. Edmund tells Beth that when he was young, the doctors didn't think he would live. He says that Richard stayed with him and gave him a white horse saying he was a hero too. Beth believes Richard was right but Edmund doesn't think so. Phillip comes back and tells them it's time to get Lizzie ready to go so Edmund leaves. Susan tells Lizzie that when she is her age, Susan will be in college. Lizzie doesn't know if she'll live that long. Phillip and Beth overhear Lizzie say that the baby may not have anybody to play with. Phillip tells her that he's proud of her and that they are all going to get through this. They explain what will happen and tell her not to be afraid of the medicine.

Richard and Cassie wake up next to each other but Noah interrupts them. Cassie goes to take a shower and Noah asks Richard why he wanted him to stay with them. Richard explains that their marriage was arranged and she doesn't love him. He tells Noah that he didn't think he could love this way again. Noah tells him that he's been hurt by love before and thinks he should call off the marriage. Richard tells him that being with Cassie these past few days has been great even if she's just pretending to love him. He says that making her happy for the rest of his life would be enough. Downstairs, Gil tells Rozelle that he knows Dwayne and Stella are spies and that their friend is a doctor. He threatens to break her arm if she doesn't tell him what she knows. Rozelle tells him that Stella was asking about his boss. Gil calls Edmund and tells him that Richard and his wife are down there causing trouble. Edmund realizes Noah is with them and order Gil to cancel the plan and leave immediately. Gil wants to get rid of Richard and go on with the plan. Edmund tells him that if he hurts Richard, Edmund will hurt him. Later, Gil comments that Edmund may want to give up, but he won't be made a fool of. He tells Stella and Rozelle that he has to meet his boss on the docks but he has a meeting right now. Cassie offers to go and he gives her the address. Rozelle knows that Gil is setting her up but he warns her not to tell anyone or she'll be next. He says that traitors must be dealt with. Noah and Richard come down and Rozelle tells them what Gil did. They start to go after Cassie but the crew stops them from leaving.

Thursday, March 9

Danny can't believe that Bernardo wants him to marry Theresa. He tells him that he isn't going to get Michelle out of jail just so he can leave her. Bernardo thinks that he wronged him all those years ago and this is his chance to fix it. Danny tells him that they were kids when they were engaged. Bernardo tells him that he will fulfill the promise he made back then. Theresa arrives and Danny tells her what the deal is. Bernardo leaves and Danny reminds her how young they were then. She tells him that she's never found anybody like him and wants to be his wife. She says that he married Michelle in order to save her life, now he has to divorce her to do it. Danny tells her that he will never leave Michelle and leaves. Theresa tells Bernardo that Danny doesn't want her and gets upset. Bernardo comforts her and tells her that he will once he realizes Bernardo is the only one who can help Michelle. Meanwhile, Michelle daydreams that Danny tells her he got Carmen to confess and she can go home. He says that he will never let her go. Ray interrupts her dream and she thanks him for coming. After learning that Pilar told him what really happened, she questions why he didn't help her. Ray tells her that he couldn't because of his vows. She thinks everybody believes Pilar is crazy anyway so it wouldn't have done any good. Michelle tells him she wishes she could have given Danny a child. She thinks she has brought nothing but pain in his life but Ray thinks she brought love to him. Michelle thinks the only good thing she did was give him a reason to get away from his family so he could have his own life. She asks him to promise he won't let Danny get sucked by into the family and make sure he doesn't do anything drastic. He promises he will and leaves. Michelle says she's sorry for what she has to do and Danny arrives and tells her he misses her and would live there if they'd let him.

Cassie goes to the docks looking for Gil's boss and finds Gil waiting for her. She wonders why he came and thinks he just wants to be alone with her. She tries to get away but he stops her and pulls out a knife. Richard tries to convince the crew to let him get to his wife. He tells them that they wouldn't want Gil involved with any of their lives. After arguing, he and Noah finally get away. They find Gil with a knife to Cassie's throat. Richard tells him not to hurt her and Cassie gets away. Gil and Richard fight and Gil is stabbed. Cassie hugs Richard and he tells her that he won't let anybody hurt her. He says he doesn't know what he would do if he lost her. Noah tends to Gil's wounds and tells Cassie and Richard that they have a problem.

Phillip talks to Harley about how good Lizzie is being about all this. He tells her that the hospital postponed her chemotherapy until tomorrow. Susan arrives and tells them she thinks they should throw a little party for Lizzie to take everyone's minds off this. Phillip isn't sure but Harley thinks it's a good idea. He jokes that he will sing and Harley thinks that's an even better idea. Buzz and Selena arrive for the party. Lizzie and Susan sing with a karioke machine. While Buzz and Selena sing, Phillip goes outside and Harley follows him. He thanks her for putting a smile on Lizzie's face. Frank arrives with a gift for Lizzie. He and Harley talk about his suspension from the force. She offers him money but he won't take it. She tells him she knows he will be back with the force before long. Phillip sings "You Are My Sunshine" to Lizzie.

Friday, March 10

Lizzie tells Beth that she had fun at her party. She thinks the baby would have liked the music. Lizzie thinks the baby is sleeping and Beth asks her how she knows. Lizzie says that sisters just know these things about each other. Beth says that she will need a lot of help when the baby is born so Lizzie needs to rest now. Lizzie asks her not to make her go to bed yet because she doesn't want tomorrow to come so soon. Beth promises her that everything will be okay and Lizzie tells her that she knows it will because Beth always keeps her promises. Beth tells Lizzie that they will make it through this and Lizzie asks her to brush her hair. Beth tells her that the chemo might make her hair fall out and Lizzie gets upset. Beth explains that it will grow back and Lizzie acts brave for her mother and says that she doesn't care because it is only hair. Beth tells her that it is what is on the inside that makes her beautiful. Lizzie says her prayers and asks God to bless everyone. Beth puts her to bed and she leaves. Lizzie asks God to watch over her during her chemo. She promises to be the best sister in the world and asks if she could keep her hair.

Phillip tells Harley that he feels useless right now. Harley tells him that he's a good father. He remembers bringing Lizzie home from the hospital to begin her life and now he's bringing her back to fight for it. Rick arrives and Phillip asks him if they will see any results after the first chemotherapy session. Rick says that each case is different. Harley and Rick talk about the list of doctors and Phillip gets upset. He wants to know why new doctors are being brought in and what else Rick isn't telling him about Lizzie. Phillip asks why Rick is looking for more doctors. he says that he doesn't want them to discuss Lizzie behind his back and Harley leaves. Phillip apologizes Rick for overreacting but Rick understands. he asks Phillip about how Beth is doing and how long they really think they can keep the pregnancy a secret. he leaves and Harley returns. Phillip apologizes to her for the way he treated her. she says that is it OK and that it is all her fault because she married the wrong guy. she is being sarcastic and complements him on how wonderful he is. she tells him that she wouldn't trade him for anybody.

Edmund and Carmen have dinner at Millennium. He tells her that things are going well for him in Texas. He says that Gil told him Richard was asking questions down there and he called everything off. Carmen worries that they will trace it back to her. Edmund tells her not to worry because people like them can get away with murder. He asks her about Danny and she tells him that she almost confessed everything. He doesn't think that sounds like her. Bernardo and Theresa arrive and Carmen tells him that she can't let them see her upset. She says it's strange that she can confide in Edmund because she doesn't really like him that much. Edmund reminds her of their kiss and she tells him that was a weak moment. Edmund gets a phone call and apologizes for having to leave. Bernardo tells Theresa that Danny will come around. Theresa doesn't feel any better because Danny would do anything for Michelle but marry her. Theresa hopes she rots in jail. Bernardo would like to wipe the smile off Carmen's face but instead says he'll make the call. Theresa asks him not to do it because she still loves Danny. Carmen goes over to Bernardo and Theresa and tells them hello. she tells them that everything has calmed down and that she and Danny have worked out their problems. Theresa asks about Pilar and Carmen congratulates her on coming home to work with her father full time. she hopes that Danny will do the same now that Michelle is out of the way. Carmen leaves and Bernardo tells Theresa that Carmen is pathetic.

Danny and Michelle wish they could be together. She tells him that after sentencing, she will be transferred to a town five hours away. He says that he will still visit her. She says that he isn't making this easy. She asks him to do something for her and he agrees. She tells him that this is her life now and that it's over for them. He doesn't want her to talk like that because he isn't giving up. She tells him she wants to give him his freedom to find someone else and have a life. She says that Ross is drawing up divorce papers and he tells her he won't do it. She says she wants a divorce and he gets upset. Danny refuses to divorce her and says that he will tear up the papers. she threatens to refuse to see him but he says that he will come anyway. the guard takes Michelle away and another guard tells Danny to get used to it because the DA is pushing for the death penalty. Danny calls Ross and tells him that there is no way in hell that he will sign divorce papers. Michelle screams out for Danny and passes out. Rick arrives and she tells him that he has to tell Danny that she won't see him anymore and that she is leaving him. Danny meets Bernardo and Theresa and tells them that he will turn over the whole Santos business if he will get Michelle out. he continues to refuse to marry Theresa but Bernardo tells him that he can take it or leave it. Bernardo leaves and Theresa tells him that everybody will lose if he refuses.

Noah asks Richard to help stop the bleeding and goes to call for help. Richard asks Gil who was behind the construction accident. Gil tells him that "he" didn't want to hurt him. Richard asks him if it was Edmund and Gil loses consciousness. Richard tries to get him to talk and Noah gets him away from Gil. Noah says that his phone keeps going in and out and he can't call for help. Richard believes Edmund is behind everything and wants to hear it from Gil before he dies. Cassie reminds him that they aren't supposed to be there. She reminds him what could happen if Gil dies so they try to get him up. The police arrive with guns drawn. the police ask just exactly what went on here tonight. Cassie explains that it was all self-defense. Richard says that he is the prince of San Cristobel but the cop doesn't believe him. Richard asks to go back to the hotel so that he can prove who he is and they all leave. In the room, Richard looks for something to prove who he is. he shows the cop the ring but the cop thinks he got it from a box of cracker jacks. Noah tries to vouch for Richard but the cop doesn't believe him. Richard tells him to contact the palace in San Cristobel. Cassie tells Richard that she called Harley on the way over there and thinks that she will be able to help them out. the cop tells them that he called the palace and their stories don't check out because everyone said that prince Richard and Cassie were sailing on a yacht. the cop gets a call that there is someone there that can prove that he is the ruler of San Cristobel and Edmund walks in.

Monday, March 13

The nurse tells Matt that there was no way he could have known he was poisoning Vanessa. Bill arrives and is angry with Matt for taking Vanessa away. He tells him he had no right to keep his mother from him. Matt gets upset thinking Bill could have been followed. He tells him to move his car around back but Bill says nobody saw him leave. Matt tells him that he's been poisoning Vanessa with the lip balm and believes Carmen is behind it. Matt says he doesn't trust anyone anymore, not even himself. Bill tells Vanessa she has to come home to them. She doesn't want Bill to be angry with Matt because he was afraid. Bill goes outside and asks Matt if there has been any sign that she's getting better. Matt says there hasn't and Bill tells him he could kill Carmen with his bare hands. Matt says they can't let Carmen know where Vanessa is but vows to make her pay. Bill goes to move his car and Matt goes back inside. He tells her that he, Bill and Maureen need her to come back to them. She raises her hand and touches his arm. He hugs her saying she is coming back to him.

The policeman tells Cassie and Richard that someone is there that can verify what they are saying. They assume it's Harley and are shocked when Edmund walks in. He gives the police phone numbers of people who can confirm who Richard is. Edmund tells them that someone called them claiming Richard was being impersonated. Cassie thinks he's lying and knows he's behind the accident. Edmund denies it and Richard asks to speak to Cassie alone. Edmund and Noah go outside and Noah tells him that he may be able to fool Richard, but he won't fool Cassie. Richard tells Cassie that they have no proof against Edmund and he doesn't think he would hurt him. Cassie believes he would and is worried about him. Richard says that there will always be threats but she will be taken care of. Cassie can't believe he thinks it's all about money. Edmund interrupts and asks to speak to Richard alone. Edmund tells him that he was following Gil to find out who his boss was as well. He says that he would never hurt Richard and Richard tells him that's exactly what Gil said. Edmund thinks Richard enjoyed his time in Texas being normal with Cassie. He thinks that everyone could be happy if Richard abdicated the throne and let him take over. Edmund knows that can't happen though because it never changes with them and Richard always thinks the worst of him. Richard says he doesn't want to and that he wants his brother back. Edmund agrees saying he is lonely in Springfield. He says that the throne is the only thing that stands between them. Richard tells him that he is off the San Cristobel project and that he is right, it never changes with them. Edmund leaves and Cassie returns. He tells her what he did and she feels bad because she told him not to lock Edmund up. Richard tells her that he considered giving everything up because he liked his time with her there. She asks him if he'd really do that and he says yes, but he can't because he can't leave his country to Edmund. They pack and get ready to leave and Cassie gives him back his ring. He tells her to hold on to it and they are interrupted again by Noah.

Danny remembers saying no to Bernardo's deal. Theresa arrives and tells him that he shouldn't have threatened her father. He says that he will take his deal to other families but she knows her father is the only one that can get Michelle out of jail. Danny tells her that he can't marry her because she knows he could never love her like he loves Michelle. Theresa says that she would be a good wife to him. She tells him that she fixed everything and her father is working on freeing Michelle now. Danny asks her what she did and she finally admits she told her father that Danny changed his mind and will marry her. Danny can't believe she did that and tries to call Bernardo with the truth. Theresa tells him they can make it work and Jesse walks in. He is surprised to find Danny with his ex-girlfriend while Michelle is rotting in jail. Danny tells Theresa he has to tie some things up if they're going to do this. She leaves and Danny confesses what has happened to Jesse. Jesse tells him that he has to do it if it's the only way to get Michelle free. Danny tells him that if he marries Theresa, he can never see Michelle again.

Rick is allowed to see Michelle since she fainted. He tells her that Danny isn't going to walk away from her even if she divorces him. Michelle says that giving Danny his freedom is the one thing she can control. She thinks that Danny deserves to find someone new. Rick shows her a toy that Maureen gave him for good luck. They talk about how much they miss her and the times when they were younger. Rick gives the toy to her and tells her to have faith. He gets beeped and has to leave. Michelle imagines talking with Maureen. Maureen tells her that where she is doesn't make her who she is. She is still a good person. Michelle tells Maureen that she would have loved Danny and she just wanted to be with him. Michelle thinks she may never see Danny again since she could be executed. Maureen tells her it's not he time yet and promises her that she will be with Danny again. Michelle says that she believes it and holds onto the toy.

Tuesday, March 14

Ross arrives home to find Blake in a photo shoot in the living room. She explains that it is for a magazine that wants pictures of "Darlene". She thinks he is upset but he says that he understands that she is a star now. The interviewer wants to ask Ross some questions. He gets Ross's name wrong and then ignores Ross's correction. Blake tells him that her next book will be about a wonderful defense attorney. Ross thanks Blake for showing him that life can be light-hearted again and giving him an escape. He tells her that it is wonderful to be in her world.

Selena runs into Josh at millennium. He is drunk and tells her to go away because she is the enemy because she is a woman. He tells her that he thought he was the problem but now he knows that it is all the women’s' fault for intentionally messing up his life. Selena goes along with him and he asks for her help. He asks what it is that women want. He explains that Marah and Olivia are both mad at him and he doesn't even know whose side he is one. Selena tells him that the women in his life are not the problem but that he is. She asks him if he thinks it is really over with Reva. He says that is a tough question and that he doesn't know. Selena tells Josh that his life will be a disaster unless he makes a decision. She tells him to stop playing the victim and he realizes that she is right and storms out.

Marah goes to Olivia’s looking for Josh. She tells her that he has missed a business meeting but Olivia says that she doesn't know where he is. Marah is scared that something happened to him. Olivia says that she wants both of them to stay out of her life. She says that she doesn’t want to live like this. Marah admits that Josh cares for her and she worries that Josh has done something stupid. Olivia says that Josh didn't drive off a bridge or anything and Marah says that that happens. Olivia feels bad for that remark and agrees to help Marah. They call around looking for Josh and Marah gets upset. Olivia finds Josh. Josh arrives after Marah has left to look for him. She can tell that he has been drinking. He tells her that he is ready and asks her to marry him. She laughs at him. She locks herself in the bathroom and he says that he thought this was what she wanted. He says that he is confused but he knows that he has to start making decisions and she confuses him by asking if any decision is better than no decision at all. She throws him out and he wonders what he would have to do to join a monastery.

Phillip, Beth, Jim and Harley arrive at the hospital with Lizzie for her first chemo treatment. Lizzie tells Lillian about her horse, eddy. Lizzie is scared and asks for ice cream after it is over. They take Lizzie to her room and Beth tells Lillian about how well Lizzie reacted when she was told that she'd lose her hair. Outside, Jim tells Harley that Beth isn't sleeping or eating and how worried he is. Harley reassures him that she is just nervous for Lizzie. Rick tells Lizzie that she has nothing to worry about and introduces her to her doctor. She tells Rick about the knights on white horses that will make her better. Beth tells her that this treatment is worth all the pain it could cause just like having a baby is worth it. Jim tells Beth that she looks tired and suggests they go get something to eat. Phillip tells Harley that Lizzie is stronger than all of them and thanks Harley for her help. Beth goes in to take Lizzie some water but she is asleep. Beth gets upset because she thought something was wrong. Rick reassures Beth that Lizzie is getting the best care possible. Phillip asks Lillian how she can do this every day. She admits that it hurts with Lizzie in there. Jim tells Harley that Susan wanted to be there. Jim thinks that the fact that Beth has a baby on the way will pull her through this. Phillip hears him and thinks that he means that it will be OK if they lose Lizzie because he has a replacement. Jim says that he is misunderstanding and Rick comes and tells them that Lizzie is awake now. She tells them all that she feels the knights on the white horses in her blood. She tells them that she dreamt that everyone was there, Lillian and Alan were married, and that she was an angel looking down on them all.

Wednesday, March 15

Cassie tells Richard that it's strange being back at the palace after what happened in Texas. He says he needs to tell her something and she thinks she knows what he is going to say. She is surprised when he thanks her for what she did to help him even though it put her in danger. She thinks he is going to lecture her on what is expected of her and what not to do. He says he wants her to be more careful because she means a lot to the country. She thinks this is because of their arrangement but he says that's not what he meant. Noah arrives and tells Richard that Dax is having trouble with the press. He says the people are taking bets on when the new heir will be born. Cassie informs Noah that they don't know if she will be able to produce an heir. Noah offers to contact some doctors for her but she says she doesn't want a second opinion. She says that it's been made clear to her that they won't know unless they try so she tells suggests they just do it and see. Cassie goes to her room upset and Noah wonders what is going on. Richard goes inside and asks her what's wrong. She tells him she's just emotional after not seeing her kids. He tells her that he doesn't want her to feel any pressure and to come to him when she's ready. She says she'll let him know and goes to take a shower. Richard goes back to Noah who tells him he's acting like an idiot. Noah advises him to make Cassie feel like she's the most important thing to him and he says that she is. Noah asks him what he's afraid of and he admits he's afraid that she won't love him back. Noah says there's only one way to find out and leaves. Richard tells himself that he wasn't trying to lecture her, he was really terrifed of losing her in Texas. He gets a rose and talks himself into telling her he wants to be with her. Inside, Cassie wonders why she always pushes him away. She admits she doesn't know how he feels but thinks it's time to tell him she loves him. She practices telling him that she wants him to be her husband in everyway. Richard decides it's time to show her what she means to him and they run into each other in the doorway.

Matt tells Vanessa that the doctor told him he reaching out for him was an involuntary response. He doesn't believe it and knows she's trying to come back to him. Vanessa thinks to herself that she's afraid she won't be able to make it back. Matt brings Maureen to see her and tells her that they need her. He tells her about something Maureen did and wishes she would wake up to see her daughter. He puts Maureen to bed and tells Vanessa not to worry about any of them. He just wants her to concentrate on getting well. Matt climbs onto the bed next to her and she tries to touch his hand. He apologizes for what happened with Carmen and tells her he believes she will come back to him. He says he won't give up and will always be there. She reaches for his arm and opens her eyes. He tells her that she is safe and is going to be all right. She doesn't say anything but he knows she understands what he's telling her.

Theresa finds Danny at millennium. She tells him that nunzio came by the house and told her that Danny was going behind Bernardo's back. She tells him that marrying her is the only way. He asks her how she could ever be happy knowing that he doesn't love her. She says that her father is throwing a party for them and that Danny has to go. He refuses and she begs him to come home with her. Jesse arrives and sees them. Theresa tells Danny that he has to let go of the past and Michelle. He tells her that she is right and agrees to go home with her after he goes to cancel his meeting with nunzio. He goes outside and remembers times with Michelle. Meanwhile, Drew arrives at millennium and asks Jesse what he is doing there. He says that he wants to talk to her about Michelle. He says that he and Michelle are just friends and that he cares about her just like Drew does. He asks Drew to think about how she really feels about Michelle. Drew tells him that he doesn't understand that all she has ever wanted to know was the truth. He tells her that the truth will come out sooner or later. He tells Drew that the DA is trying to get the death penalty for Michelle and he tells her that Michelle needs them right now. He asks her to come with him to see Michelle at the courthouse but she says that she can't. Jesse asks her to do the right thing and tells her that Danny can't even go see her right now. Drew says that she can't forget about her father and Jesse leaves. Later, Theresa calls her father on her cell phone and tells him that she is getting back together with Danny. She is very happy and tells him that they will be there after dinner. She says hello to Drew and asks for her help with something about Michelle. She tells Drew that she is getting back together with Danny but Drew doesn't believe her and calls her a vulture. Theresa asks to rent millennium for a private dinner between her and Danny. Drew realizes that Theresa is the reason that Jesse said that Danny can't visit Michelle.

Michelle thinks in her cell about times with Danny. Ross and David arrive to transport her to the courthouse holding cell to keep her from being mobbed tomorrow at the hearing. Michelle tells Ross that she has faith now that everything will work out. She says that she can't imagine her life without Danny. Ross tells her that no matter what happens at the hearing they will still appeal but he wants to prepare her for the possibility that the DA will pursue the death penalty. She asks what the DA is going to say at the hearing and he tells her that he will be able to counter everything that she says. She remembers telling Danny how much she loves him. David tells them that it is time to go and they take Michelle to the van. Rick waits outside the van to talk to Michelle and Danny arrives. David and Ross arrive with Michelle. Everyone tries to talk to Michelle but David won't let them. Danny takes Jesse aside and asks for his help. Ross tells Michelle to keep her spirits up. Rick tells her that everyone is fighting for her. David takes Michelle and Jesse grabs him. They argue and David punches him. Jesse falls to the ground clutching his chest and Michelle yells that it is his heart. Danny sneaks Michelle in the van and he gets behind the wheel. David sees them and pulls his gun on them.

Thursday, March 16

Guiding Light will not be seen today.

Friday, March 17

Guiding Light will not be seen today.

Monday, March 20

Phillip and Harley talk about Lizzie's condition at Millennium. When he worries about leaving Lizzie, Harley tells him they all have to trust each other. Phillip gets a call from Beth and they leave for the hospital. Lizzie is examined and has had an allergic reaction to something she's eaten. Lillian tells Beth that she has to take care of herself so Lizzie won't worry about her. Beth apologizes to Phillip for overreacting and Phillip says he would have done the same thing. He notices how tired Beth looks and she admits that she's been so focused on Lizzie she hasn't been eating very much. Phillip suggests they go get something to eat but Beth doesn't want to leave Lizzie. Harley offers to take Lizzie and Lillian home and meet them at Millennium later. Beth agrees and they leave. Beth tells Phillip that she sees herself pushing people away when they try to comfort her and she feels bad about it. She tells him that no matter how much their family loves them, it will be their lives that won't be the same if Lizzie doesn't make it. Harley arrives and they ask her for her opinion on how they are handling things. Harley says that she loves Lizzie and will do whatever she can to help her. She suggests they allow the people that love them to help them through this. Beth and Phillip are surprised when she mentions that Jim asked her and Phillip to be the baby's godparents. She thinks it's a good idea because they are all family now.

Cassie and Richard meet at the door. He gives her the flowers and tells her that he thinks he might have pushed her about having a child and that the whole thing was a bad idea from the start. Cassie shuts the door quickly and is crushed. Richard wonders what he said wrong. Richard wonders how he can be the ruler of a country and still get so nervous and clumsy when he gets around Cassie. He remembers times with her. He decides to go in and tell the truth but decides that he will only mess it up if he tries. He wants to go to bed but can't leave. Cassie calls Blake and tells her how awful things went with Richard. She feels like a fool for believing that Richard really wanted her. Cassie changes out of her nightie and wipes off her make-up. She scolds herself for thinking that Richard couldn't resist her. Richard knocks and says that he needs to talk to her. She tries to fix herself back up but can't. She opens the door and he explains that his words didn't come out right earlier. He is afraid to offend her and she promises that she won't be if he will come in. He tells her that he knows he was insulting her but he was trying to be courteous. He tells her that he thinks their relationship has evolved from just an agreement and he wants them to get to know one another like a normal couple. She understands that he means date one another. They joke about Galveston. He asks her permission to court her and she asks what that would involve. She says that it sounds nice and he asks her out for tomorrow night and she says that sounds perfect. He awkwardly tells her good night and kisses her hand. He leaves and feels proud of himself outside as he trips over things. She can't believe she is going to be courted by "her" prince.

Danny hits David with the van door and he and Michelle drive away. David sends his men out after them. Michelle can't believe this is happening and another cop jumps from out of the back and grabs the wheel. Later, David and the police find the van and the cop is tied up in the back but Michelle and Danny are gone. Jesse is taken to the emergency room and asks to see Rick. The nurse takes an EKG and Jesse tries to stop her from taking it to the doctors. Rick arrives and Jesse tells him he was faking to help Michelle. Rick says he knew that and asks Jesse where Danny and Michelle are going. Jesse doesn't know and tells Rick to get the test back. Rick says he already did and notices David outside. He goes to speak to him and David questions him about Jesse's condition. David says that he found out Rick won't let anybody else treat Jesse. Rick tells him that he's treated Jesse before and he trusts him. David thinks it was all a set up and wants to see the test results. Rick won't show him and David threatens to get a court order. Rick doesn't think any judge would force him to break doctor-patient confidentiality. David tells Jesse he knows what happened and that they will all go jail when he finds Danny and Michelle. David leaves and watches them from outside. Jesse says he can keep up this charade as long as he has to. Rick tells Jesse that he's afraid for his sister. Michelle and Danny arrive at a shack in the woods and Michelle wants to go back to check on Jesse. Danny explains that Jesse was faking it for her and she can't believe that Jesse would do that for her. She wants to know what they are going to do now and asks him not to fight if they are found. He vows that they are never going back and tells her that he almost considering marrying Theresa to get her out. He explains the deal he offered to Bernardo and how desperate he was. She worries that Bernardo will come after him for backing out of the deal. She tells him how her mother cam to her and told her that they would be back together again and he tells her that he never gave up hope on her.

Tuesday, March 21

Cassie is awakened by a knock on the door and realizes she's overslept. She says to tell Richard she will be right down as she tries to put her robe on. Richard tells her to get back into bed and brings her breakfast. He says that he's canceled the press conference and wants the courting to begin now. She asks him if it's proper for him to be sitting on her bed and he gets up. He thought since they shared such intimate space in Texas it would be okay. Cassie tells him that she was with a man named Dwayne in Texas, not him. Richard says that he will consider him competition then and they agree to meet later on. Cassie says that she likes this courting stuff. Richard comes back and Cassie gives him some tea. She spills some on her face and he gets it off for her. He gives her surprise and it is pictures of palaces and castles and tells her that he is going to buy one for her. He tells her about each of them and she seems upset. She tells him that she doesn’t need this and asks him to not be so grand. A messenger arrives with a gift for Cassie. Richard says that he didn't mean to upset her and she says that she can't accept these gifts. She agrees to open this one and it is an ID bracelet with Stella and Dwayne engraved in it. She says that she loves it.

Selena can't believe that Michelle escaped. She asks David how this could have happened and wonders what she will tell Drew. David tells her that they have helicopters searching the area and will find them. Selena realizes David was the cop assigned to Michelle and asks him what happened. David says she should ask Jesse. Selena reads in the paper about Jesse's heartattack and goes to call the hospital. A woman arrives and yells for David to move his car and he realizes its Vicky. David and Vicky sit down to catch up. She says that she never called him back because he seemed busy. She tells him that she was offered a full time position in New York and he asks how long she will be staying in Springfield. She tells him that she quit her job in New York to come back to her home and someone that she left behind. He says that he has alot to do and she understands. He asks her to stay with him and she agrees. He leaves. Meanwhile, Drew goes to Ben's gravesite to talk to him. She says that Jesse wanted her to go see Michelle before she was transferred but she couldn't do it. She feels that would be a betrayal to him. She tells him that Jesse thinks she's not the same person she used to be and she's worried about that. She remembers that Ben didn't approve of Jesse to start with but she knows he's an honest, caring man. She wants Ben to help her learn to love and trust again. Drew gets a phone call from Selena telling her that Jesse is in the hospital.

The nurse tries to take Jesse's vital signs but he tells her he would feel better if Rick did it. The nurse begins to get angry and Rick arrives saying he'll take care of it. Jesse asks him if he's heard from Michelle and Danny and he says no. He can't believe he took part in this and Jesse says he just wanted to see Michelle go free. He tells Rick again that they didn't plan this ahead of time. Rick says that David will be back for the EKG results and Jesse says he thought he couldn't do that. Rick tells him he was bluffing about the doctor-patient confidentiality and if David wants it, he can get it. He says he has to find a way to stop that or they'll both be in big trouble. Rick tells Jesse that he and Phillip got into trouble with the law but he would do it all again to help Phillip. Rick and Jesse make a plan about how to handle the nurses and Drew arrives. Rick goes outside and calls to check on Lizzie and jokes around with her. He asks her about the strawberries and apologizes for not being there to treat her. Rick explains to Harley that these things happen and tells her that he is very stressed about Michelle and Danny. David arrives and vows that Michelle and Danny won't get far. Rick asks David what his problem is and tells him that he remembers when David killed somebody and ran too. Inside, Drew is very upset and thinks that it is all her fault for not going with him. Jesse tells her that he is fine and it is like nothing ever happened. She tells him that she wants to change for him because she doesn't know what she would do without him. She says that she knows that she has pushed him away but that she is not going to take anything for granted anymore. He tells her that she never lost him. She says that she wants to go to the sentencing with him tomorrow and David comes in and tells her that Michelle and Danny escaped because of Jesse’s cardiac incident. David vows to prove that there is nothing wrong with his heart. Drew asks Jesse about it all and Drew tells David to get out because Jesse wouldn't lie to her about something like this.

Michelle wakes up when she hears a helicopter go over. It passes by and Michelle wonders what they were thinking. Danny assures her that they won't get caught. There is a knock at the door and Danny gets a wrench. He opens it to find Ray and Michelle gets upset because no one was supposed to know they were there. Ray tells them that he will tell the police that they panicked. Danny wants him to help them get away but he can't do that. Michelle reminds him that he knew she didn't kill Ben from the beginning and he didn't help her so he will this time. Danny asks what she's talking about and Ray admits that Pilar had confessed to him. Danny can't believe he did this to him after they grew up practically as brothers. Ray starts to leave saying he can't lie for them and Danny stops him saying he wants to make his own confession. Danny tells Ray that he helped Pilar so he must help them too. Ray agrees to hear Danny’s confession and keep it quiet. Danny confesses that he helped Michelle escape from prison because she didn't commit a crime. Ray suggests that they turn themselves in because they are both considered dangerous criminals. Danny reminds Ray of a time that he protected him and Ray agrees to help them. Michelle suggests that they go to San Cristobel and let Cassie help them. Danny doesn't think they could get there without getting caught and Ray says that he has a plan for them if they will trust him.

Wednesday, March 22

Phillip asks Harley if she thinks Lizzie is doing okay. She does and tells him it's all right that he's taken a few minutes to himself. She wants to talk about being the godparents to Jim and Beth's baby but Edmund interrupts them. He asks to speak to Phillip outside and Harley asks if everything is okay. Edmund tells Phillip that he has a problem which means so does Phillip. Phillip isn't in the mood for dramatics and asks him what he wants. Edmund tells him that Richard pulled him off the San Cristobel project and he wants Phillip to get him back on it. Phillip tells him that Richard can do whatever he wants with his country and Edmund reminds him that the tape could surface. Edmund also wants his seat on the board at Spaulding and tells Phillip if he cares for Harley, Beth and Lizzie he'll have a change of heart about helping him and leaves. Meanwhile, Ross feels guilty for not being able to get Michelle acquitted. Blake tells him that he did everything he could. Ross says that Ed will never forgive him if something happens to his daughter. He says that he saw that look of desperation in her eyes when he told her the DA was seeking the death penalty and he believes that desperation is what drove them to run. He vows to get the charges against her dropped. Ross goes to call David to see if there's any news and Blake sees Harley. Harley tells her that something about Edmund brings out the confrontational side of Phillip. Blake knows that Edmund isn't the nicest guy around but asks why Phillip hates him so much. Harley would like to know the same thing. Blake asks Harley about Edmund. Harley realizes that Blake is thinking about using him in a book. Blake tells her now that she isn’t miserable she is afraid that she won’t be able to write. Harley gives her suggestions like Cassie and Richard’s romance to write about. Harley says that she wants to be a character too. Ross sees Harley with Blake and goes to Phillip at the bar. He asks how Lizzie is doing and Phillip tells him how proud he is of her. Ross asks him about Beth and Jim. Phillip tells him the comment that Jim made about the baby and his offer for he and Harley to be it’s godparents. Phillip gets very defensive about it. Ross doesn’t think it is that bad an idea. Phillip doesn’t think that would be good for Lizzie and is sure that it would cause problems. Ross apologizes and says that he understands. Harley comes over and suggests that Ross take Harley home to write. They leave and Harley confronts Phillip about not wanting to be godparents.

David asks Jesse to allow Rick to show him the EKG results. Rick arrives and tells him to leave again. He tells Drew that David pushed Jesse and that's the reason he's in the hospital. Drew tells Jesse to just show him the test results so he'll go away. Jesse says that he's had enough of David's attitude and won't give him anything. Rick apologizes to Jesse and says he has to give him the results so he'll stop endangering a heart patient. David looks at the EKG and Rick shows him the irregular pattern of his heartbeat. David gets another doctor to look at it and he confirms that the patient did suffer cardiac arrest. David asks the doctor how hard it would be to alter these tests and Rick gets upset. He tells him that he will have his badge for accusing him of falsifying test results in front of another doctor. Drew asks David why he won't let this go after seeing the results and David says he knows Jesse is lying. Drew says she is going to stand by him because he wouldn't lie about this. Rick worries that Jesse is going to break down and tell Drew the truth. He admits it's hard to lie to her after lying about Michelle's alibi. Rick reminds him that if he tells her, they'll both go to jail. Drew returns and apologizes for listening to David and doubting in him again. Rick asks Drew to leave to that he can run more tests. Drew asks how long until Jesse can go home and he says that maybe tonight if he continues to feel better. He suggests that Jesse get a couple days of rest and leaves. Drew asks Jesse if he trusts Rick and thinks that they should get a second opinion. Jesse tells her to stop worrying about him and they share I love yous. She blames herself and apologizes for her behavior over the past few months. She tells him that she wants him back in her life and asks him to come home with her. He says that he would like that. Outside, David gets a call and leaves to check on a lead towards Danny and Michelle.

Ray tells Danny and Michelle he has a plan for them to get to San Cristobel. Michelle trusts him but Danny isn't so sure. Ray says he can arrange for a priest and a nun to go to San Cristobel on a missionary trip. Everyone agrees that it might work and Ray gives Danny his collar. Danny asks him to go to his mother's house and get their fake passports. Ray asks them to pray for him this time and leaves. Michelle is hopeful that Richard and Cassie will help them but Danny reminds her they'll still be fugitives. Danny worries that Ray won't be able to handle Carmen if he runs into her at the house. Meanwhile, Carmen has Dietz looking for Danny and Michelle but can't find them. She vows not to give up on her son. Bernardo and Theresa arrive and offer their help in finding Danny and Michelle. Carmen understands that Theresa still loves Danny and they both agree that it doesn't matter what happens to Michelle. Ray arrives and asks to speak to Carmen alone about Michelle and Danny. She asks if he's heard from them and he says they wouldn't contact him. He tells her that this could turn out bad for Danny if the truth isn't revealed. He reminds her that he knows what really happened and tells her to go to the police before Danny ends up dead. Carmen denies it saying Pilar isn't feeling well and didn't know what she was saying. Ray tells her that if she cares for Danny at all she will confess. He tells Carmen that she has the chance to make everything up to her children. Edmund arrives and tells Carmen that they have business to discuss. Bernardo and Theresa leave. Carmen introduces Ray and Edmund and Edmund asks Ray to leave. Ray goes to get the book. Carmen tells Edmund that she doesn’t have time for him today. Ray finds the book and money and Edmund comes in and tells Ray that he can’t let him get away with what he is trying to do. Edmund confronts him about trying to shame Carmen into admitting to murder. He tells him to leave and never come back. Ray agrees and leaves. Edmund reprimands Carmen for nearly giving in to Ray. Edmund has Carmen sit down and relax and he tells her that she is in complete control. He kisses her and she tells him not today. He tells her that he is the only one on her side and that Bernardo and Theresa look like circling vultures. In the shack, Danny tells Michelle that they may never clear her name and they need to prepare for that. He asks her if she is sure that she wants to leave and never come home again. He says that he will go back and take the blame if she wants to but she says that she will never go back to prison and leave him. She tells him that her life is with him. Ray returns with the supplies and Danny asks about Carmen. Danny and Michelle change into the clothes and Ray goes to bring the car around. David stops Ray and confronts him about being there looking for Danny and Michelle.

Thursday, March 23

Harley tells Phillip she heard what he said to Ross about being godparents. She thinks she understands why he doesn't want to do it. He says they don't need the added responsibility or another tie to Beth. Harley thinks that it would make Lizzie happy because the family would be sticking together. She says that Phillip and Lizzie would have a tie to this baby forever. Meanwhile, Beth tells Rick how happy Lizzie was to see the ultrasound. She thanks him for being such a good friend to them and for keeping their secret. Rick tells her the baby will help Lizzie realize the hospital can be a good place too. Lizzie and Jim arrive and Lizzie tells them that she has to get better so she can be a big sister to Zach and the new baby. Lizzie wishes the baby could be born now. Alan arrives to take Lizzie to work with him. Lizzie wants to stop by the house to get her briefcase first. She helps him close a business deal. Harley tells Phillip she didn't really want to be a godmother to Beth's baby but feels it would make things easier for everyone if they just agree to it. Phillip doesn't agree and they argue over it. Jim and Beth arrive and show them the picture of the ultrasound. Phillip becomes uncomfortable and goes to make a call. Jim talks about how wonderful it is to see his baby. Harley tells him he deserves to be a father again. He says that he could never love this baby more than he loves Susan. Jim asks her if asking them to be godparents was a mistake. Harley apologizes for not giving him an answer and says they haven't really discussed it. Jim thinks that maybe Phillip doesn't want anything to do with this baby. Harley tells him that Phillip can only think about Lizzie right now. Beth asks Phillip if he's okay. He says he had to call his secretary but she knows he didn't want to see a picture of the baby. Phillip reminds her that it was her idea that this be Jim's baby. He tells her he can't be this close to it if this is going to work. Beth tells him she'll try to get Jim to change his mind. Jim tells Beth he has to leave but wants to tell Phillip why he asked him to be a godparent to his child. He says that if anything happened to him and Beth, Susan would go with Harley and Lizzie would go with Phillip. He wants the family to stay together and thinks this is the best thing to do. Phillip looks at the ultrasound and agrees to be the godfather.

Bill talks on the phone to Matt from Company. He finds out that Vanessa is doing better and then he sees Carmen outside. He goes out and confronts her about forcing Danny to take Michelle. She tries to get away from him and he confronts her about trying to poison Vanessa. Carmen denies it and Bill points out how she is alone now and that is her punishment enough. Bill tells her that Vanessa is awake and getting better every day. Carmen acts like she is happy and he knows she is lying. He tells her that she is not going to get away with lying anymore and leaves.

Abby arrives to see Rick and can tell that he is upset. She says that she can tell how worried he is about Michelle. He admits that he is scared that he will find out that Michelle is dead. He says that he is worried for Lizzie too and he confesses to Abby that Jesse's heart attack was a fake. He tells her that he could go to jail for helping Michelle get away because David is coming after him. Abby is confident that Michelle is going to be cleared but Rick yells at her that there is no hope and he breaks down. He apologizes for yelling and says that he wishes that he had her faith. Abby knows that he wants to fix things for everyone else and he isn't thinking about himself. She tells him that he needs to step back for a while. She asks him to come home and shut the world out for a while but he says that he can't.

Ray runs into David. Danny and Michelle get into costume. Danny hears David outside and Michelle is sure that they are caught. David tells Ray that he got a tip to look for Michelle there and Ray tells him that he cam to look for them there too. Ray tries to stop David from going in but he runs inside. The place is empty. Danny and Michelle hide in the bushes outside and a cop walks by. He leaves and they run for Ray's car. David wants to know where Danny and Michelle went and Ray says that he has no idea. David threatens to take Ray to the station and Ray drops a note that has a plane reservation on it. David tells Ray that they are taking a trip to the airport. At the airport, Ray maintains that Danny and Michelle aren't there. David sees a priest and nun and yells that they are under arrest. They turn around and David realizes that they aren't Danny and Michelle. Danny and Michelle make it to the Santos yacht and Michelle worries that someone will notice that it is gone. Danny reassures her that nothing is going to happen to them and that they will never catch them.

Friday, March 24

Drew gets Jesse home and fusses over him. She goes to fix dinner and Jesse tells Rick that he has to tell Drew the truth. Rick tells him that he can't do that or both of them will go down. Rick tells her that it is too late for that now. Max helps Drew with dinner and asks her about how depressed she has been lately. She tells him that they will all stick together now that Jesse is back. Susan comes to visit Jesse. Drew thanks Rick for his help with Jesse and tells him that she really hopes that Michelle is OK wherever she is. Susan and Max talk outside in the hall. She tells him that she's glad everything is okay with Drew now. They make plans for later on and kiss. Drew goes to pickup medication for Jesse and leaves the door open. Rick tells Jesse that he can't tell Drew or they'll go to jail. Jesse says he hates lying to her. Max overhears Rick telling Jesse to hang in there and not let anyone know they are faking this. Rick leaves and Max confronts Jesse about lying to Drew again.

Lizzie tells Harley, Beth, and Phillip about helping Alan. Alan tells Lizzie that she reminds him of Phillip at her age. Edmund arrives and Phillip takes him aside. He tells Phillip that he is not going anywhere and Phillip tells him to just go ahead and play the tape. Phillip asks what he really wants. Alan, Lizzie, Harley and Beth go out in the hall and Alan tells Phillip and Edmund that he is nominating Edmund for the board. Phillip tells Alan no but Alan ignores him. Alan goes to take Lizzie for ice cream but Beth overhears Phillip and Edmund arguing. Phillip leaves and Edmund tells Beth that he knows what happened in the plane. Edmund says that he understands why they did what they did because they thought they were going to die. He makes it seem like he doesn't understand why Phillip would think he was blackmailing him. He says that Phillip didn't want him to tell Beth because he didn't think she could handle it right now. Beth apologizes and goes in to see Phillip. She tells him she knows about Edmund and suggests they just give him what he wants. Phillip refuses and Beth reminds him that Lizzie needs him to be focusing on her. She believes Edmund is a decent man and Phillip says he is not going to get away with this. Before he can confront Edmund, Lizzie brings him some ice cream and he thanks her. He announces that he won't oppose Edmund's seat on the board. Alan congratulates Edmund and everyone leaves. Harley wants to know what is going on with Phillip. He says that he can't let personal feelings come in the way of business and he wants to focus on Lizzie now. He says he'll meet her at home and she leaves. Phillip vows that this is not over and Harley realizes that Edmund must have something on Phillip.

Danny tells Michelle that they will arrive in SC soon and he is doubtful that they will be able to count on Cassie's help. Michelle thinks that they can but Danny says that they can't call them at all. Michelle reminds him that she ran with him because she trusts him and she asks him to trust her now about Cassie. Meanwhile, Cassie looks at her bracelet and Richard arrives. He tells her that Noah said that the press is making them look bad in Galveston. Cassie is upset that Edmund is getting away with everything. They hear a ruckus in the hall and Natalie, the country's protocol expert, comes in. She tells them how to do gestures and things in public. She is very pushy and Richard shows her out. Richard tells Cassie that Natalie is sweet but Cassie doesn't agree. Richard kisses Cassie and Natalie returns interrupting them. Richard goes with her and Cassie receives a call from Michelle. Michelle explains that she escaped with Danny and she asks for Richard's help. She tells Cassie that they are on the yacht and Cassie says that she can't ask Richard to help her because it would look really bad for him and the country. Cassie says that she will risk it but won't involve Richard. Michelle agrees and Cassie tells Michelle to be careful. Danny still doesn't trust Cassie and asks her if she dreams about driving and not ever stopping. He asks her to get lost with her on the ocean and never go home. Michelle wonders how they will ever prove her innocence if they don't go home. Danny doesn't know if they'll be able to do that. She says she is okay with that as long as they are together. She thanks him for this time they have. The coast guard arrives and announces they are about to board the yacht. Meanwhile, Richard heard Cassie say that he can't know about something and questions her. She makes an excuse that it was a girlfriend who wanted to spend time with her and didn't want Richard to be upset. The clasp on the bracelet breaks and Richard tries to fix it. He and Cassie are very close and Cassie wonders what Natalie would think of that. Richard kisses her and they fall to the couch. He stops and says he can't do this anymore. Cassie thinks he means the marriage and offers to leave. He asks her not to go and admits that he's madly in love with her.

Monday, March 27

The coast guard announces they are about to board the yacht. Michelle convinces Danny to hide and let her take care of it because they won't know her. They come in and she explains that she is leaving her abusive husband. She pretends to be dizzy and they apologize for interrupting her. They tell her to be careful because there are two fugitives on the loose. They leave and Danny comes back out. Michelle laughs and says she wishes they could have normal problems. Danny tells her they probably won't ever be normal. She tells him that's all right because she can't live without him.

Cassie can't believe that Richard is in love with her. He tells her he knows she doesn't share his feelings because of the arrangement. She says she only told him that because that's what she thought he wanted. She tells him she's in love with him too and they kiss. They talk about all the misunderstandings they've had and he tells her that he was falling in love with her everyday but didn't know it. She tells him she fell in love with him the first time she saw him. She is afraid this is another fantasy and he picks her up and carries her to the bed. Tammy interrupts them with the dress she is going to wear at the wedding. Tammy wants this to be a traditional wedding or else they'll have bad luck. Tammy goes to sleep and Cassie tells Richard she has a confession to make. She says that she never had a real wedding and describes her fantasy wedding as a child. She tells him she even wanted a real wedding night. Richard says that he can give her that. He says goodnight and counts down the days until the wedding in the hall.

Max confronts Jesse about lying to Drew. He tells him that he stuck up for him and told Drew he wouldn't lie about this. Jesse tells him he didn't want to lie and Max can't understand why he would. Max realizes he did this to help Michelle. Drew comes back and wants to know why Jesse looks so pale. She puts him back to bed and goes to get his medicine. Jesse tells Max he is going to tell Drew the truth and Max says he can't. Max tells him he doesn't care how guilty he feels, he won't let Jesse hurt Drew again. Max leaves and Drew gives Jesse a toy carousel so he won't be bored in bed. She says she won't ever take him for granted again. Later, Jesse shows her the carousel and she sees her engagement ring attached to it. He tells her he wants things to be like they used to be.

Harley goes to Buzz for advice about Phillip and Edmund. She explains the situation with the seat on the board and Buzz thinks that maybe Phillip just wants to focus on Lizzie. Edmund and Carmen walk in and Harley asks Buzz to stall them and she leaves. Carmen tells Edmund that Bill is taunting her with the news that Vanessa is awake. Edmund thinks he's bluffing but Carmen worries that she's lost both of her children. Buzz tells them they are the millionth customer and tries to offer them whatever they want. They decide to go somewhere they won't be interrupted. Meanwhile, Harley turns off her cell phone and breaks into Edmund's room. She notices he has a lot of video tapes but doesn't find anything. Max talks to Buzz about family. He asks if he should tell the truth about something knowing it could hurt people. Buzz says he can see both sides but Max is worried that if he does the wrong thing he'll end up back on the streets. Buzz tries to reassure him that he is part of the family forever now. Edmund and Carmen go back to his room and Harley hides in the closet. She overhears them talking about Edmund's new seat on the board at Spaulding. Carmen says she isn't surprised because of what he has on Phillip. Edmund asks her to stay with him tonight and they begin to make love on the couch. Harley sneaks out and says she knew he had something on Phillip. Harley believes she has to help him.

Tuesday, March 28

Josh brings Marah and Shayne to the country club for dinner. They didn't know that Olivia was coming and Olivia didn't know that they would be there. Olivia tries to make small talk and Josh explains that he has realized that he has been acting like an idiot lately. He says that he knows that he has made a mess of things and he tells Marah and Shayne that they mean everything to him. He tells them that Olivia is important in his life now and they can't keep mistreating her because she deserves a chance. Josh reminds Marah that Olivia was there for her before. He tells them that he needs their help in moving forward in his life. Olivia tells him that he did great and they say that they aren't angry. Olivia hopes that they can become friends and Marah agrees for her dad's sake. Olivia asks Josh to dance and Marah tells Shayne that Josh is pretending like Reva doesn't exist. Josh apologizes for his drunken behavior and Olivia says that she understands because he did good tonight. Marah watches them and says that she won't sit there and smile about this. Marah tells Shayne that she has a plan to get the family back together again. Josh tells Olivia that he is sure that Marah and Shayne will ease up on her. He explains that he realized that it was time to move on with his life and that she is a part of it.

Reva brings groceries to Hawk. He tells her that she is doing too much and needs to go home. She makes up reasons that she can't go home and he confronts her about hiding out there. He says that he knows that Josh hasn't called and that she always changes the subject when he is mentioned. He asks what is going on and she tells him that they are separated. He thinks they have wasted too much time apart already and tells her to stop being silly. She explains that there is another woman now but he is sure that Josh will come back to her. She says that she has changed and that she needed to heal during this time too. She asks him if he remembers a time when she was without a man and he says no. She says that she has made alot of bad choices this year and hurt everyone but that she was a different person then. She thinks she went half-crazy. She still loves Josh and dreams that they will be together again but that she has other dreams too. Hawk tells her that he knows she can do anything she sets her mind to. She thanks him for telling her to get out and says that she has a feeling that something good is going to happen for her. She tells him that she will miss him and he tells her that he will visit as soon as he can. He tells her that he is proud of her. She receives flowers and they are from Josh. Hawk is pleased and asks if that changes everything. She says that they'll see.

Bill sneaks in to see Pilar and tells her that Carmen is trying to move her to a new hospital. She thinks she is dreaming that he is there. He says that he is taking her home. He tells her that she has to fight to get out because they are drugging her in there. She says that she doesn't want to leave because it is her fault that Ben is dead. She thinks she deserves to be there. Bill tells her that it wasn't her fault and that she did the right thing in the courtroom. He tells her that she has changed his life and that he loves her. He puts her in a wheelchair and says that they are going home.

Harley sneaks out of Edmund’s room and realizes that she left her bag in the room. She knocks on the door and Edmund answers. She asks to come in because they need to talk about Phillip. She sees Carmen and apologizes for interrupting. Harley tells Edmund that she has noticed that he and Phillip don't get along and invites Edmund to dinner at their house tomorrow night. She slides her purse under her coat and leaves quickly. Edmund thinks that dinner might be fun but Carmen doesn’t agree. Carmen tells him that she is very worried about her children. Edmund talks about his problems and thinks that SC should have been his to begin with. Carmen says that she understands because she was always in her husband's shadow. Carmen tells him that he has proved to her that he is full of passion and she wonders what it would be like to rule a country. They talk about how much power it would be and they get romantic.

Rick meets Phillip at company. Phillip tells him that he needs him to keep him from doing something stupid like killing somebody. Rick thinks he is kidding and asks who. Phillip explains that Edmund told Beth what he knows. Rick can't believe that Edmund is doing this and Phillip tells him that Edmund got a seat on the board. Harley arrives and wants to talk to Phillip. She asks Phillip if he thinks that she is dumb. She says that she knows something is going on with Edmund. She asks what Edmund is blackmailing him with. Phillip denies that Edmund has anything on him and admits that he dislikes Edmund. She doesn't believe him and he says that he is just worried about Lizzie. She wants to help him but he says that there is no problem. She says that she will figure it out on her own. Rick hears them and comes over. He tells Harley that Phillip is protecting him because it is him that Edmund has something on. Phillip goes along with it and Rick says that he would rather not tell her what it is. Harley asks Phillip why they aren't fighting Edmund and Phillip tells Harley that it is over. She doesn’t think it is over and Rick asks her to please leave it alone. She agrees and says that she has to go home. She leaves and Phillip thanks Rick for saving him. Outside, Harley calls a detective buddy and asks if he can do some digging for her.

Wednesday, March 29

Reva arrives at Company and says hello to Selena. She explains to Selena that she got flowers from Josh and now she is confused. Selena thinks that Josh is missing her and she seems happy. Reva wonders if Josh really means what the card said and Selena is sure that he does. She asks why Reva is complicating this. Selena tells Reva about seeing Josh at Millennium and thinks that maybe he broke up with Olivia. Reva is very hopeful and says that she will proceed carefully because this may be her one chance to get Josh back and she doesn’t want to mess it up. Selena tells her to go home but Reva wonders what to say to him. Selena tells her that she is overthinking this and wishes her good luck. She leaves to go home. Meanwhile, Olivia thanks Josh for letting his kids know that she is important to him last night. Marah and Shayne see them kissing. Shayne looks for his history notes and Olivia offers to help him. Marah talks on the phone to her friend about a concert. Olivia offers to fix everyone lunch. She asks Josh if he has called Reva and he says no. Marah continues to look for tickets to the concert. Olivia gets Shayne’s notes off the computer and he is very happy. He leaves with a snack and Josh goes to get something to drink. Marah confronts Olivia about acting like superwoman and Shayne tells her that she is rude. Marah tells Shayne that she sent Reva flowers and Shayne thinks it will just get her in trouble. Reva arrives outside home and thinks about her talk with Selena. Olivia tells Marah that she called in a favor and has tickets for the concert. Marah thanks her and hugs her just as Reva walks in.

Richard tells Cassie how happy she is and Noah arrives. Cassie goes in her room and finds Michelle and Danny there. She is shocked and they apologize for involving her. They ask for a boat and Cassie tries to find a place to hide them. She decides to hide them in Richard’s father’s old room. Richard tells Noah that he told Cassie the truth. Richard talks about how perfect and honest Cassie is. Cassie comes out and lies to Richard about who is in her room. She suggests they get rid of some of the things in his father’s room and he reminds her that some things are valuable. She goes back inside and Richard follows her inside. Richard offers to help them all find the room and Cassie distracts him by saying she dropped her earring. Danny and Michelle go with Noah and Richard calls her on lying about her earring. He thinks she just wanted to be alone with him. Richard shows Cassie an article about her and how much the people love her. She is glad that she is making him and the country happy. Richard can tell that something is bothering her and asks her about it. He says that he knows about Michelle and Danny Santos and that it must be difficult for her to have a friend on trial. She says that she doesn’t want to burden him with her problems but he tells her that she comes first in his life. Cassie asks what would happen if Danny and Michelle came to the island and Richard says that it would not be a good thing for any of us. Upstairs, Noah asks Danny and Michelle questions about their church and helps them look for things. They try to get rid of him and he is suspicious of them. Noah notices Danny’s wedding ring and asks him about it. Danny makes up a religious excuse and Noah leaves. Danny and Michelle joke around about their outfits and look around at all the antiques.

Blake and Ross have lunch at the Country Club and discuss work. She hopes that Michelle and Danny are OK and Ross blames himself. David brings Vicky to the Country Club on a date. Vicky thinks that he brought her there to keep an eye on Ross. David says that he wants Ross to squirm. He goes over and asks Ross if he has heard from Michelle and accuses him of helping her. Vicky comes over and tries to calm David down. David asks Ross about Jesse’s heart attack. David and Vicky go back to their table and Vicky can’t believe what David did. Blake wonders if Michelle and Danny will contact Ross. She suggests that they get away from all this stress. She tells him that her second book is about Cassie and Richard and that they should go to San Cristobel and visit them. Ross thinks it is a great idea. Meanwhile, Drew and Jesse have lunch at the Country Club and she tries to take care of him. He feels bad and admits to her that there is nothing wrong with his heart and there never was. She doesn’t believe him and he explains that Rick was in on it too. She asks him how he could let her think he was dying and she said it was Rick’s idea to keep it quiet. He mentions that Max knows and told him not to tell her either. He tells her that he had to be honest with her now or they would have nothing and she thinks that they might have nothing anyway. He says he is glad this happened because this got them back together. David comes over and hassles Jesse about his heart attack and Drew stands up for Jesse. Vicky comes over and calls David back to the table. Jesse thanks Drew and she says that she couldn’t tell David the truth. Jesse asks her to forgive him and get back together. She tells him that she is trying to digest this all and deal with it because she loves him. He promises to make it up to her and he goes to get the car. Drew overhears Ross and Blake make secret plans to go to San Cristobel and assumes that Michelle and Danny are there.

Thursday, March 30

Matt tells Vanessa that the nurse said it could take a while for her to speak. He says they have to find another way to communicate and asks her to squeeze his hand if she can hear him. Vanessa tries but can't make her hands move. She worries that she may never get any better than this. Bill and Pilar bust in and Bill tells Matt that he has to help them. He says that Carmen is planning to lock Pilar away and they need a place to hide. Matt asks Pilar to wait in another room and asks Bill what he's thinking. Bill admits that he told Carmen that Vanessa is getting better and Matt gets upset. He reminds Bill that Pilar told the court that Vanessa shot Ben. Bill believes it's true but wants to protect Pilar. Matt tells him to leave because he's just put a target on Vanessa's back. Pilar interrupts their arguement and tells Bill that she doesn't belong there. He doesn't want her to blame herself but Pilar thinks she should go back to the hospital. Bill tells Matt the he knows Vanessa would want to help them. Matt gives them the keys to the Geneva house and tells them they'll be safe there. He promises to get in touch with Bill if there is any improvement. Bill and Pilar leave and Matt vows to do whatever it takes to protect Vanessa because he loves her so much. Matt hears Vanessa say that she loves him too.

Carmen and Edmund have dinner at the country club and talk about what a wonderful time they had together. Carmen jokes that she's buried every man that she's slept with. They overhear people talking about how cold Carmen must be to be having dinner while her children are in so much trouble. Edmund wonders how Carmen can care so much about them yet everything she does destroys them. Carmen thinks everything will be okay once Pilar is taken away to get better. Edmund thinks she should take some time to enjoy herself. He understands when she says she needs to go see Pilar. Carmen leaves and Edmund comments that he's sure Pilar will be happy to see her. Carmen goes to the hospital and an orderly tries to tell her what happened but she won't listen. She demands for him to open the door because she has the legal right to move her daughter. Carmen is shocked when the room is empty and the orderly tells her someone took her daughter. A doctor comes in as Carmen becomes hysterical and vows to make them pay. She shoves the orderly and the doctor tells her she's not going anywhere.

Lizzie and Phillip have dinner at Company and talk about what a great day they've had. She asks to play one more game before they go home and he agrees. They play poker and Lizzie reveals that Alan has taught her some tricks. Phillip asks her if she's nervous about going to the hospital tomorrow and she says no. She tells him that Beth asked her and she told her it was all right to make her feel better. Phillip tells Lizzie not to worry about them because all they have to do is look at her and they are happy. Lizzie thinks she'd have to have special powers to do that and Phillip says she does have them. They play and Phillip suggests they take a day each week to spend together. Lizzie says the good thing about being sick is that everyone wants to spend time with her. She goes to pay the bill and Phillip prays that she won't be taken away from him. Meanwhile, Beth and Lillian have dinner at the country club and Beth sees Edmund. Lillian notices that Beth isn't eating and wants to know what is going on with Edmund. Beth admits that he knows the truth about them but said he wouldn't say anything. Lillian gets called to the hospital and Edmund comes and sits with Beth. She admits she feels exposed to him now and he doesn't want her to feel uncomfortable. He is glad to hear that Lizzie is doing good. He tells her that Harley invited him for dinner and she suggests she go with him since she has to pick up Lizzie anyway.

Reva walks in on Marah thanking Olivia for the tickets. Marah tells Reva it was no big deal. Marah suggests she and Olivia go pick up the tickets and they go outside. Olivia tells her she thinks she can handle it herself and goes back in. Marah thinks she is going to get in trouble and leaves. Meanwhile, Reva tells Josh she had a feeling he wanted her to come home because of the flowers. Olivia overhears him tell her he's glad she liked them. Reva wants to go pick up Shayne and Josh tells Olivia he needs to talk to Reva outside. Olivia tells herself that it's no big deal that he sent Reva flowers. Josh tells Reva that she looks good and that Oklahoma suited her well. She thanks him and wonders who that was harder on, her or him. She says she can tell he didn't send her those flowers. Meanwhile, Marah runs into Susan outside Company and tells her what she did. She thought she'd have more time to send Josh and Reva little things from each other but now Reva's home. She asks Susan if Beth and Jim are solid because she wants Olivia to meet a nice guy. Susan gives her an idea about how to cover the flowers and she calls her house. Olivia answers and tells her that everything is all right there. Marah tells Susan she thinks she dodged that bullet. Reva thanks Josh for not making her look like a fool in there. She believes this scam has Marah's name written on it. She tells him that he's a good guy and that it's hard to say goodbye to him. She says that she made some decisions in Tulsa but when she got those flowers she came home determined to win him back. She says that she can't let her life revolve around that. She tells him that she loves him but her life needs to be about more than that so she's gonna go out and make it happen. Josh watches her as she walks away.

Friday, March 31

The doctors tell Carmen to calm down and she realizes that it must have been Bill Lewis that took Pilar. She gets very upset and vows that everyone will pay for this. Carmen tries to apologize for her behavior but the doctor wants someone to vouch for her and come pick her up. She calls Edmund over at Phillip’s but Edmund acts like he doesn’t hear her and hangs up. She gets upset again and realizes that she has no one else to call. Ray arrives and says that he is there to approve of Pilar’s release. She tries to calmly explain to him what happened and begs him to help her. He agrees to help her if she will go to the police and confess to killing Ben and setting Michelle up. Carmen refuses and Ray tells her that now she will have a chance to think about what she has done. He leaves her there knocking on the door.

Lizzie and Phillip come home and Rick arrives. Lizzie says that she has a surprise for Rick and goes inside. Phillip thanks Rick again for saving him with Harley. They go inside and Lizzie gives him a picture that she painted of him. Harley asks Phillip about the blackmail against Rick and Phillip avoids the subject. He asks her to let it go but she won’t. Edmund and Beth arrive and Edmund explains that Harley invited him to dinner. Phillip is surprised and Harley admits that she forgot all about inviting Edmund to dinner. Beth agrees that everyone needs to get along and Harley calls to order pizza. Phillip takes her aside and wants to know what is really going on. Harley explains how she went into Edmund’s apartment and left her purse. Lizzie greets Beth and Edmund and she wonders if they are having another party. Edmund tells her a story. Rick asks Phillip what Edmund is doing there. Rick wonders if Harley would investigate him and asks Phillip to talk to her about it. Phillip tells Harley that Rick is upset that she is looking into his past and he asks her to just focus on Lizzie right now. Lizzie thanks Edmund for the story and goes to bed. Beth thanks him too and Edmund offers his help in any way. Beth tells him that she doesn’t judge people by their past and Edmund tells her how beautiful she looks tonight. Rick gets upset with Phillip when he finds out that Harley was digging around in his medical records. Harley receives a phone call that the investigator she hired that Rick’s paperwork is ready. As Edmund is leaving he finds something on the porch. Outside, Edmund calls someone and makes them a proposition about Springfield.

Matt hears Vanessa tell him she loves him. He kisses her and is happy she is awake. She says there is something she has to tell him about that night but he wants her to rest. She falls asleep and he asks her to stay awake and keep talking to him. She says that she is very week but she has to tell him something. He wants her to focus on good things like her family and she falls asleep again. The nurse checks her out and tells Matt she’s okay and is only sleeping. Vanessa asks to see Maureen and the nurse brings her in. Matt is happy to have his family back.

Cassie is surprised to see that Blake and Ross have come for a visit. Richard offers to let them stay at the palace and give them a tour. Blake gets excited but Cassie is hesitant. She makes up an appointment with Natalie and puts them off. Ross goes to make a phone call and Richard goes with him. Blake comes back and wants to know all the details of Cassie’s life there for her new book. Cassie tells her that Richard admitted he loved her. Blake thinks it’s romantic that they have decided to wait and have a traditional honeymoon night. She thinks Cassie is worried about something else but Cassie tells her she knows she can’t keep a secret. She tells Blake that some work is being done on the palace for the wedding and asks her not to go into certain rooms. Meanwhile, Danny plans their next move while Michelle dresses up in one of the old gowns. She asks him to take time out and live in the moment. Natalie comes in and Blake excuses herself while Cassie and Richard have their meeting. Natalie advises them on how to act like a couple in public. Blake snoops around and promises herself she won’t open any doors. She comes across one and starts to go in and walks away. Danny worries about what is taking Cassie so long and thinks it’s her when there is a knock at the door. He opens it to find Blake. Drew arrives at the palace and tells Ross she knows he’s there because Danny and Michelle are there. Cassie overhears her say she is going to make them pay along with whoever is helping them.