Monday, July 3

Rick gets home quickly with roses and wine for Abby. He asks her if she is positive if she wants to do this and she says yes and that she has good news for him. She tells him about her meeting about her new job and how a baby wouldn’t interfere with the job at all. Rick tells her to say yes to the job and she mentions that the job is in Washington. She tells him that he has been offered a job in Washington too but Rick doesn’t want to start a new job. He says that he can afford to have people looking at his school files and he gets upset that she is ignoring his situation. He tells her that she wants this job more that she is willing to admit and maybe more than their life there in Springfield. Abby tells him that this job found her and that she wants to work with these people. She tells him that she wants to make a fresh start away from Claire. Rick tells her to leave Claire out of this but Abby says that it is getting crowded around here. Rick tells her that he is not leaving Springfield and she asks him where this leaves them. Rick remembers how happy he was earlier and wonders if the baby talk was all a lie. Abby reminds him that she brought up having a baby before she even knew about the job. Abby tells him that he won’t even consider this move and won’t even talk to her about it. She tells him that he is the one that pushed her to get the implant and help others and that the move would be worth it for that. Rick gets a call reminding them where they have to go tonight and they agree to discuss this later.

Noah invites Reva to go on rounds with him but she can’t because she has to get back to work. They agree to have dinner together and Reva leaves. Josh arrives and tells Billy on his cell phone that he is there to talk to Noah. He runs into Noah and stops him. Josh questions him about his background and family and tells him that he doesn’t care for him. Josh says that he knows that he is not who he says he is and that this is not about Reva. Noah gets defensive and gets beeped. He tells Josh to get out of his way and he leaves. Josh knows that Noah is lying and wonders what else he is hiding.

Lizzie goes on and on to Phillip about being blood brothers and sisters with her new baby brother. Danny, Michelle, Jesse, and Drew arrive with balloons and toys for Lizzie and the new baby. Beth arrives and Phillip goes outside to talk to her. She confronts him about seeing and holding the baby and asks him to keep his promise to allow her and Jim to raise him. Phillip doesn’t understand since the secret is out but maintains that he hasn’t changed his mind. Beth thinks that he will get attached if he spends time with the baby. Phillip wonders what will happen if Jim doesn’t accept this but Beth refuses to think that will happen. Beth asks him about Harley and Phillip doesn’t know anything to say. Inside, Drew and Jesse invite Michelle and Danny out for the evening but they can’t go because they have agreed to watch Zack. Drew and Danny leave Jesse and Michelle alone and she tells him that she is going to miss him. He tells her that this is all because of her because she always believed in him. He quotes Shakespeare to her and they say how long ago that seems. He thanks her for helping him find his dreams and she tells him that he was her first love. He tells her that he will always love her no matter where he is and she says that her mom’s heart went to the right person.

Harley and Ross discuss their meeting about the divorce on the phone. Blake asks Harley if she is rushing things but Harley doesn’t think so. Blake offers to keep Zack tonight but Harley tells her that Danny and Michelle are going to do it. She explains that she had to cut corners and got rid of the nanny and the maid so that she could be independent of Phillip. Harley receives her bridesmaids dress for Cassie’s wedding and tells Blake that she doesn’t want to go and remember what happened with Phillip and Beth in San Cristobel. Blake tells her that she can do this and offers to go with her tonight since she is going to be around Phillip. Michelle and Danny arrive and they head upstairs to take care of Zack. Harley realizes that Zack’s life is falling apart around him and that she can’t protect him. They leave and Michelle and Danny come back downstairs. Michelle says that she knows that she has been distant and she tells him that she has missed him. He says that he just needs to hold her to be close to her. Michelle looks in the mirror and sees Carmen looking through the window at her. She screams at Danny “She is here.”

Buzz sits down with Jim at Company and tells him that he is sorry about the situation. Jim says that he doesn’t know what he is going to do about this. Jim wonders how to see that child and not see Phillip. Buzz tells Jim that Rocky is not his biological son and explains. Jim doesn’t know if he can get past the anger and he wonders how this is going to affect Susan. Buzz tells him to do what will make him happy and Jim thanks him for talking to him. Jim leaves and Reva arrives looking for Selena. She wants to take about a locations shoot next week and Buzz jokes that he doesn’t want Selena to go out of town with Reva now that she is single. He asks her about Noah and she says that it is too soon to tell. He walks her out and runs into Jesse and Drew. Drew goes inside for some coffee and Jesse tells Buzz that he is his first good friend in this town. They talk about old times and Jesse thanks him for everything. Jesse begins to cry and hugs him goodbye. Buzz goes inside and Drew comes outside and tells Jesse how wonderful he is. She tells him that she believes in him and that she will be in New York as soon as she can get there.

Jim arrives at the Mansion and Beth is glad to see him. She offers to let him see the baby and Jim is reluctant. Jim holds him and Beth tells him that they miss him. Jim says that he knows how wonderful it would be to raise the baby and Beth is hopeful. She says that she knows that they will always be a family but Jim says that he just can stay. He says that he can’t live with the lies and would end up resenting her. He says that he would always be second-guessing their relationship and would never be able to trust her again. Beth is devastated and can’t understand how he can turn his back on this baby. He says that he will pack his stuff and be out tonight.

Lizzie is anxious to leave and Phillip helps her pack. She thanks him for telling him the truth about her sickness and she says that she never wants to see this room again. She says that she knows that she was really sick when she came to the hospital and that she never expected to come home again. She asks where Harley and Susan and Jim are and he tells her that everybody was really busy tonight. They get everything together and leave. They arrive at the house and go inside. Lizzie turns on the lights and everyone yells surprise. Everyone is there.

Tuesday, July 4

Lillian thinks Lizzie is too cold and makes her put on a sweater. She gives Lizzie a clock that belonged to her great grandmother as a welcome home present. She tells her that she has all the time in the world and everyday when she winds the clock she will realize how special that time is. Lillian tells her that she has time to be and do whatever she wants. Jim brings his suitcase downstairs and Beth tells him she doesn't have to give her the ring back. He says he does because he's not coming back and there's nothing left to stay. Beth asks him what she can do and he says the only thing she could have done was not sleep with Phillip. She asks him to stay for one night for Lizzie's party and if he wants to leave after that, he can go. Jim says that this isn't easy because he wanted this family more than anything. Beth doesn't understand why they can't just enjoy what they have. He tells her that he can't stay in this house. He says that if it will be easier for Lizzie, she can make him to be the bad guy. Lizzie comes down and Jim tells her that he has to leave tonight. Lizzie thinks he's going on a business trip and says they can have fun when he gets back. He tells her he doesn't know how long he'll be gone. Lizzie tells him she loves him and asks if Susan is going with him. She wonders why everyone is sad and Jim says it's because he's going to miss them so much.

Outside, Blake and Harley try to leave but Phillip wants to thank her for coming. She says that she will continue to see Lizzie but without him there. She says that as of tonight she is through pretending to be happily married. Phillip says that he would like to spend some time with her but she doesn't want to spend a minute with him. He asks her to tell him what he can do to make this up to her. She says that if she stays she is going to go and thank Beth for showing her exactly who he really is. Phillip tells Harley that she said she wouldn't make any decisions about them until Lizzie was better. Harley says that she told him she would hang in there until Lizzie was better and she is better now. Phillip tells her she can't leave him because they can fix the damage that has been done. Blake thinks she should give Phillip another chance but Harley walks away. Phillip goes back inside and Lillian brings a gift from Alan for Lizzie. She opens it to find that Alan has left her some Spaulding stock. She goes to show it to everyone and Phillip sees that Alan has also left an equal amount of stock for Zack and the new baby. Lillian thinks that Alan is going to want Phillip to raise his own child but he must make his own decisions. Phillip tears the papers up and says that he won't buy his way into his children's lives. Meanwhile, Beth tells Jim that she loves him and will miss him and Susan. He gives her his wedding ring back and leaves. Phillip tells Lillian that he and Beth can make things work with Harley and Jim and that he isn't giving up and Beth shouldn't either. Beth comes back in and Phillip sees Jim's wedding ring and comforts her.

Michelle tells Danny that Carmen is there outside the window and Danny tries to calm her down. He tells her that Carmen is dead and can’t hurt them anymore. Michelle tells him that she is scared to death of Carmen even though she isn’t even alive anymore. Danny understands why Michelle is feeling this way after everything she has gone through. Danny tells her that he has nightmares of the day that his mother was shot and that he can just nearly get to the person who shot her but doesn’t. She tells him that he has to let go of that but he says that he can’t. He tells her that he has talked to some of the other families and she gets upset. She says that she already lost her baby but that she is not going to lose her husband too. Michelle tells him that he has to cut all contact with Carlos and the other families. Danny says that no one cares that his mother was murdered and he has to because he was her son. Blake and Harley return home and Danny and Michelle leave. Harley isn't happy that Blake was taking Phillip's side and says she didn't ask for her advice. Blake says that she's messed up a lot of relationships and can understand his position. They argue and Harley apologizes. She tells Blake that she can't take Phillip back but it may not be for the reason Blake thinks. Blake asks her if she still loves him and she admits that she does. Harley says that she has a daughter and that taking Phillip back would send her a bad message. She thinks that some mistakes are worse than others and have to be paid for which is a lesson Susan has to learn. She says it's bad enough that he slept with Beth but he lied to her for months to her face and that's what really hurts. Blake agrees but points out that Phillip will fight hard to get her back. She says that eventually he will move on and the door will be closed. Blake tells her that one day she will look around and Phillip won't be there.

Claire arrives at Company and runs into Holly. They remember one another from long ago. Claire asks her how Fletcher is doing and tells her that she is Michelle’s mother. Holly explains that she and Michelle were close when she was younger. Claire tells her that she has good intentions when it comes to Michelle and Holly says that she is the last one to judge. Claire tells Holly that she doesn’t like Danny and Holly thinks that is a bad idea if she wants to get close to Michelle. Holly suggests that she get to know Danny but Claire refuses. Danny and Michelle arrive at Company and Claire says that she needs to go over to them. Holly advises her to be a friend to Michelle for the right reasons. Michelle explains to Claire that she keeps seeing Carmen and that it is real. Claire assures her that Carmen is dead because she had her finger on her pulse that night. Claire tells her that she is glad that Carmen is dead and Danny hears her. He asks her how hard she tried to save Carmen’s life the night that she died. They argue and he gets a call from Carlos. Michelle hears him talking and gets upset and walks away. Danny follows her and leaves his cell phone behind. Outside, Danny tells her that he will leave Carlos alone. He says that he is just trying to find out who killed his mother. He tells her that they need to drop it and stick together through this. Inside, Carmen calls Carlos back and invites him to the Bauer barbecue on behalf of Danny.

Reva and Noah arrive outside of Company and Reva invites him to the Bauer barbecue tomorrow. He agrees and Billy arrives. Reva asks him to remind Josh to come to the barbecue to be in the father-daugher Frisbee contest. Noah offers to stand in for him because he has never had a daugher. Reva goes inside to call the kids and Billy confronts him about lying about having a daughter. He tells him that Josh answered his phone the other day and heard his daughter. Noah tells Billy to back off and denies that he has a daughter. Noah tells him that he will never hurt Reva and Billy tells him that if he does then the Lewis boys will take him apart. Reva returns and they all go inside. Billy sits down with Holly and Holly tells him about talking with Claire. He invites her to the Bauer barbecue and tells her that he signed them up to cook burgers. She accepts. Reva tells Noah to just ignore Billy and asks him what he said. Noah doesn’t tell her and Reva doesn’t believe him. He apologizes for offering to take Josh’s place with Marah and Reva says that she understands. He says that maybe he shouldn’t go to the barbecue and Reva is confused. She tells him that he is not going to get out of it.

Wednesday, July 5

Cassie can't believe all the responses they've gotten to their wedding invitations. She comments on how short her guest list is compared to his. Richard tells her that hers is more important because the people on it love her. They are interrupted by Natalie's temporary replacement, Julia. Richard explains that Natalie needed some time off to recover from an incident involving the caterer. Julia wants to go over every little detail of the wedding. Cassie says she didn't realize how much work it would be to plan the wedding of her dreams. Later, she tells Richard that she has her own customs to share and arranges for the chef to bring them a picnic. He sees hotdogs and hamburgers and she tells him that they are going to have a 4th of July picnic. He asks about the fireworks and she tells him she thought about that too and they kiss.

At the BBQ, Blake tells Holly that she thinks she and Billy would make a good couple. Holly assures her that they are only friends. Billy arrives as Holly gets some punch. She realizes there was alcohol in it but Billy says she didn't know it beforehand. Holly thinks maybe she did because she still craves it. Billy says she will feel better once she goes to a meeting and talks about it and she agrees. Blake watches him kiss Holly's hand and tells Matt how romantic that was. Matt tells Vanessa she should hire Blake to be a host for a relationship show. Later, Vanessa watches Billy watching Vanessa and tells him how nice it is to see him smile again.

Lizzie tells Phillip that she heard Beth pacing last night and thinks it's because she misses Jim. Phillip explains that Beth was probably just excited to have her and the baby home and couldn't sleep. He tells her that he's arranged for the fireworks to be shot over the lawn so she can see them since she can't go to the BBQ. She gives him a picture of the baby and asks him to show it to everyone there. Lizzie asks when Jim will be home so she can give Beth something to smile about. Alan arrives and asks him how much longer he's going to lie to Lizzie about Jim's business trip. Phillip tells him that it's his and Beth's decision. Alan thinks Lizzie would be happier knowing the baby was her real brother and Phillip gets upset at Alan for using Lizzie to force him to claim his son. Lillian interrupts them and Phillip leaves for the BBQ. Lillian threatens to tell Beth to keep the baby away from him if he interferes in their lives. Alan can't believe she would do that but Lillian tells him that this is their decision and their happiness. Alan thinks this is an opportunity for Beth and Phillip to reunite and raise their children together. He believes this is his chance to make up for keeping Beth's letter from Phillip asking for a reunion. Lillian thinks that Beth loves Jim now and Phillip won't give up on Harley. Alan reminds her that Beth can't love Jim as much as she did Phillip. He says that they were never happier than they were when they were raising Lizzie together. Lillain agrees and Alan asks her to help him make things right.

Phillip asks Blake if she's spoken with Harley and she says maybe. He asks her what he can do but she says she doesn't know what to tell him. Max tells Susan he's glad they made up. She still feels bad about him moving away but he tells her that it's only for a year and they can visit each other. Susan isn't buying it and believes he'll find another girl. Max says she could find another guy too but Susan says the only guy she will be with is her father. She says she is going to get him back on his feet and make sure Beth stays out of their lives. Phillip arrives but Susan doesn't want to talk to him. He tells her that he loves her mom and Beth loves her dad and believes he can fix everything. Susan tells him he broke her mom's heart and she hopes Harley never takes him back. She runs away and Max goes after her. Susan says that the adults are messed up and he tells her they don't have to be that way. She tells him that everything's changing. He says the only thing that matters is they are together now. Meanwhile, Phillip tells Rick that everyone there is either giving him the evil eye or a pity look. They agree that neither one of them is having good luck in their marriages. Phillip decides to leave and Rick looks over at Abby and continues serving burgers.

Claire asks Michelle if she's feeling better after seeing Carmen yesterday. She says that it isn't unusual to have visions after traumatizing events and can understand why Michelle is reacting this way after everything that Carmen put her through. She tells her that she used to imagine she was with her in the same room too over the years. Rick holds Kevin and tells Abby that he would miss all this in Washington. She reminds him that they weren't going to talk about that today. Carlos and Theresa arrive and tell Rick and Michelle that Danny invited them. Danny says that's a lie and Carlos tells them that a woman invited them on Danny's behalf. Danny asks them to leave and Carlos gets angry. Danny still thinks he killed Carmen but Carlos says it was an outside hit. He thinks they should be working together to find the killer because an outside hit means trouble for all the families. Carlos says that every minute Danny focuses on him, the killer gets farther away. Theresa admits to Danny that she used to lie awake thinking of ways to get Michelle away from him. She realizes now that his perfect suburban life is the ultimate revenge. Abby tells Rick that she believes Claire invited Carlos to the BBQ. He doesn't think Claire is in the same league as the mob but Abby reminds him of all the ways Claire has manipulated her way into their lives. Danny overhears her say that she believes Claire would kill anyone who tried to come between her and Michelle. Claire tells Michelle that as long as she's with Danny, the mob will never be out of her life. Michelle believes that Carlos made up the story about being invited there and reassures her that Danny will protect her. Claire reminds her that he couldn't protect her from Carmen. Michelle goes to find Danny and Abby confronts Claire. Michelle asks Danny what Carlos said but he tells her it doesn't matter. He wants to talk to her about something more important and she knows it's about who killed his mother. Danny says that he thinks her mother killed Carmen.

Thursday, July 6

Lillian tells Beth that Phillip is there and she says he came by and saw her and the baby for a few minutes. Lillian thinks he's there to see the baby but Beth assures her he's there for Lizzie. Beth knows that Phillip doesn't want to mess up any chance she has with Jim. Lillian reminds her that Jim gave back his wedding ring but Beth is sure he'll come around. Lillian reminds her that everyone knows the baby is Phillip's and Jim won't be able to handle that. She thinks Beth should start thinking about some alternatives. Beth asks her if she thinks she should give up on Jim and Lillian tells her he has already given up on her. Meanwhile, Phillip visits Lizzie and brings her a hamburger from the barbeque. Phillip notices that something is bothering her and she tells him that everything is different than before. She tells him she never sees anybody anymore and asks if Jim and Harley are mad at her. Phillip doesn't understand why she'd say that and she tells him that they both left her party early. She never sees Jim and Beth together but she doesn't know why. Phillip explains that Lizzie is getting better so everything is getting back to normal. He says that she got used to have everybody around all the time when she was sick but now people have to go back to work and catch up. Lizzie understands and Phillip ressures her that they'll be there when she needs them. Lizzie asks if they can have a catch up party when everyone is ready and Phillip tells her how much they all love her. He reads her a story until she falls asleep and then prays that he can protect her as long as he can. Beth can't believe Lillian wants her to have another failed marriage. She says she is going to make this work with Jim because she isn't going to give up on the man she loves. She tells her that alot has changed since they got married and she really loves him now. Lillian says that being good with Lizzie and the baby doesn't mean that he's right for Beth. Beth says that she loves Jim and wants him back. She doesn't understand why Lillian is saying these things. Lillian says that she still loves Phillip but Beth says that was in the past. Beth realizes that Lillian wants her to get back with Phillip. Lillian explains that their marriages have broken up because they realized what Beth and Phillip have. Beth thinks Lillian has been talking to Alan and she admits it's true. She says that Alan wants to make up for the damage he caused but Lillian wants her to be happy. She believes that Beth hasn't been truly happy since she and Phillip split up. She reminds Beth that she would have left Jim the day before their wedding if Phillip agreed to come back to her and raise their child. Lillian thinks they never had a chance at a normal life and they can't have that now because Jim can't raise Phillip's child. She asks Beth to think about it and gets beeped from the hospital and has to leave. Phillip comes down and Beth says she needs to ask him a question. He tells her he has to go help Rick clean up. Phillip asks if it can wait until later since he promised to help Rick. Beth asks him to meet her at the country club later and he agrees. She then calls Jim asking him to meet her there at the same time.

Reva turns Marah and Shayne lose at the barbecue and Noah arrives. Bill tries to cheer Susan up after learning Max is moving. Marah and Shayne join them. Drew comes over and apologizes for Max having to leave. Susan understands that it's not anybody's fault. Drew gives her two tickets to see "Rent" in New York with Max after they've settled in. Marah tells Bill that it must be nice to be in love. Marah tells Drew that it was nice to give Susan the tickets. Drew asks if Reva is with Noah now and Marah confirms it. She says that as long as her parents are being to civil to each other, she can live with it. Drew thanks that's mature of her and Marah says if they are being grown up about it she can too. Josh arrives and Billy points out Noah and Reva to him. Billy confesses to him about having a little talk with Noah and Josh wishes that he hadn’t done that. Josh tells him that Reva can handle herself but Billy makes him admit that he had a talk with Noah too. Billy is sure that Reva doesn’t know anything about all this and Josh comes up with a way to save face. He goes over to Reva and Noah. He tells them about getting Noah’s phone call and that the woman claimed to be his daughter. He apologizes for thinking of using that against Noah and explains that he knows that would be the wrong thing to do. He apologizes for Billy’s threat to him and says that he takes Noah’s word that the call was just a mistake and that he doesn’t have a daughter. Noah and Reva accept his apology and Josh leaves them alone. Noah expects Reva to ask him about it but she doesn’t. Noah explains to her that his practical joking friend had someone call and pose as his daughter. He says that this friend doesn’t know when to quit joking and Reva believes him. She tells him to get rid of this friend and she is glad that it wasn’t serious. Billy asks Josh what he did and Josh explains that he apologized for them and let the cat out of the bag about the daughter. Josh says that they need to leave them alone now. Reva and Noah leave for the fireworks show and Josh sadly watches them leave. Marah comes over to him and says that this isn’t a great place to be alone. Josh invites her to go watch the fireworks with him and she accepts.

Claire makes small talk with Rick while he is cooking and Abby interrupts them. She asks what they were talking about and says that she can’t even trust Claire around burgers. A guest questions Claire about the mob’s appearance earlier and Claire tells her not to worry about that now. Abby hears her and doesn’t believe that Claire has such good intentions. Michelle can’t believe Danny’s accusation. He explains that he thinks it wasn’t the bullet that killed his mother but that Claire might have given her something in an injection. Michelle thinks that this all sounds crazy and he begs her to listen to him. He says that since Carmen was already weak then many things that Claire could have given her could have killed her. He says that he doesn’t think that Claire planned all this but that the opportunity presented itself and she took it. Michelle reminds him that drugs would have shown up on the autopsy but Danny tells her that the report is missing. He thinks Claire has something to do with that too. He tells her that Carmen never changed any papers requesting to be cremated either. He tells her about hearing Claire say that she is glad that Carmen is dead and points out that even Abby doesn’t trust Claire. She refuses to believe anything that he is saying and she says that they have a problem and it is not Claire. He asks her to stay away from Claire until he has some solid proof that she killed Carmen and Claire overhears him. Claire can’t believe what she heard Danny saying and confronts them. She walks off angry and so does Michelle. Danny says he's sorry that Claire heard him but he'll have evidence soon. Michelle tells him that Claire didn't kill his mother and walks away. Abby overhears and asks Danny what's going on. Abby says that she thinks anything is possible when it comes to Claire and asks him to tell her what he thinks. Claire goes to her apartment and gets out a syringe. She hears Danny saying that she gave Carmen something in the needle that killed her. She destroys the syringe saying that she did it for Michelle.

Friday, July 7

Cassie tells Richard that she had a bad dream about the wedding and that she is very nervous. He tells her that all she has to do is show up and everything will be perfect. She is curious about why Noah isn’t there yet and Richard mentions that Noah and Reva probably aren’t seeing each other anymore. Cassie is worried that there is some disaster around the corner to ruin the wedding. Richard tries to reassure her and suggest they come up with the worst-case scenario and what the solution would be. He jokes with her about it and tells her that it is nice to see her smile. He tells her how much he wants to make love to her and kisses her. Cassie tells him that he should go so that they can wait. She promises him that it will be worth the wait and he tells her that he loves her. He says that nothing will go wrong with the wedding and he leaves.

Reva brings Noah to the lighthouse and he asks her questions about it. She tells him that it is a symbol for lost people trying to find a home. She tells him that it is nice spending time with him like at the barbecue and he tells her that this is the longest he has stayed in one place in years. He tells her that he has to go out of town for Cassie and Richard’s wedding and she is upset that she can’t be there. He asks her to come with him but Reva says that she can’t. She tells him that it would confuse the people and start a controversy. She tells him that she is the one that made it impossible for herself to go by the way that she treated Richard and Cassie before. Noah persists and the fireworks start. He tells her that he stuffed is medical bag full of goodies from the Bauer’s and he goes downstairs to get it. Reva yells for him to hurry so that he can see the fireworks and he gets another call on his cell phone. He tells the person not to call back and that he will call them and he hangs up. He makes another call to someone and asks for their help.

Phillip helps Rick clean up after the barbeque. Rick tells him that Harley never showed up and he isn't surprised. Rick thinks it's a good sign that she's waiting a few days to file for divorce. Phillip tells him that he's meeting Beth for dinner at the country club to talk about some important things. Rick says that if Harley finds out he's having dinner with Beth, he can kiss that glimmer of hope goodbye. Phillip tells him that having dinner with Beth doesn't have anything to do with Harley. Rick doesn't think it's a good strategy but Phillip doesn't think Harley will ever find out. He says he's just going to listen to what Beth has to say. Rick asks him what happens if Beth wants him to stay out of the baby's life so she has a chance with Jim. Phillip doesn't believe Beth would do that. Rick turns it around and asks him what happens to his glimmer of hope if Beth wants him to be a full time father. Rick advises him to not let Harley get used to living alone. Phillip gets a phone call from Ross's office saying that Harley has filed for divorce and he will be served his papers in the morning. Rick says his advice doesn't change because Harley is hurt. Phillip says that she's been hurt by every man in her life and that makes her more unforgiving. Rick thinks he's just going to give up but Phillip says that Harley is the one giving up. He tells him that he would fight forever but he has to have somebody to fight with. He says that if she wants the divorce he'll give it to her because he can't continue to hold on to something that isn't there. Rick says he knows they love each other and Phillip tells him to tell Harley that. Rick says that he's doing what he always does when things don't go his way by blaming someone else. Phillip tells him that he's willing to work things out and Rick reminds him that he's the reason everything is messed up. He wants to know what's really going on. Rick thinks he's isn't angry, he's scared that Harley is going to leave him. Phillip admits that Harley is the person he cares about most and he tore her heart out. He knew how many times she'd been hurt and he did it anyway. Rick invites him to stay there but Phillip wants to be alone. He asks if Phillip is going to see Beth and Phillip tells him he doesn't know what he's going to do.

Jim meets Harley at Company but says he can't stay because he's meeting someone for dinner. She realizes he's meeting Beth and asks him if he's getting back with her. He says no but they have some important things to talk about. Harley suggests that he forget the dinner and just run before Beth makes him sorry again. Jim says that he loved the life he and Beth shared and Harley tells him she loved her life with Phillip too. That's why she can't forgive him for betraying her. Jim says that it's different for them because they really do have a child together. Harley tells him that she's been through this before and it doesn't get any easier. He says it's not that easy for him to shake his feelings and she says it isn't for her either. She admits she still loves Phillip but reminds Jim that he will always be in Beth's life. She asks him if he can trust their relationship because she knows she can't let Phillip hurt her again. She asks him what he's going to do about the baby and he thinks he shouldn't care because he's not the father. Harley reminds him that he thought he was for a long time. Jim says that everyone can tell him the baby isn't his but he can't stop loving him or Beth. He says that he has to leave soon so Harley tells him about Susan learning that Max is moving to New York. She says that she told Susan that love is worth the pain but Jim says she doesn't believe that because she isn't with Phillip. Harley tells him that there is only so much a person can take. Jim says that you only get so many chances and it took them both a long time to find true love again. He asks her how they are supposed to live without it now and leaves. Rick find Harley at Company and she thinks Phillip sent him. He tells her he's not going to let her throw her life away.

Lizzie tells Beth she feels bad for Jim because he had to leave little Jim. She asks when he'll be back and Beth tells her they will know soon. Lizzie asks why she keeps looking at her watch and she explains that she's going to dinner with Phillip. Lizzie mentions that Phillip told her she will be spending time with everyone separately and asks if it's true. Beth tells her she doesn't know but after tonight a lot of things are going to change. Lizzie realizes it must be important becauses she's wearing her tough business outfit. Beth makes her a deal to bring little Jim upstairs if Lizzie will go to bed now. Lizzie agrees and Vicky arrives. She asks Beth if she has plans since she's so dressed up and Beth tells her she's meeting Jim. Vicky thinks they are getting back together but Beth says that Phillip is going to be there too. Vicky thinks it's a bad idea to get them in a room together but Beth says she is going to take charge. She tells her that everyone is in limbo and nobody is making any decisions. Beth says that she may get everything she wants or nothing at all but one way or another it's going to be settled. Beth says she doesn't want to talk to Vicky about this because she doesn't need anymore advice. Beth tells her that everyone is telling her to either get back with Phillip or beg Jim's forgiveness. Vicky asks if it's true that Phillip really was the love of her life because she seemed really happy with Jim. Beth says that Jim is a good man and loves her but Vicky asks if she loves Jim more than Phillip. Beth tells her that Phillip loves Harley and she loves Jim now. Vicky doesn't think that's an answer and Beth admits that Phillip was the love her of life when she needed a protector. She says that Jim showed her that she did deserve to be loved again. Vicky reminds her that the baby is Phillip's and deserves to have a loving father. Beth tells her that that is why she has to meet with both of them. Beth promises to talk to her about it after it's over. She hopes to be a much happier person then. Vicky thinks Beth is one of the strongest women she knows. She tells her she's proud of her whatever happens tonight. Lizzie comes down and tells her she was supposed to bring the baby up. Lizzie gives her the horse Edmund gave her for luck tonight. Vicky goes upstairs and tells him she's glad to be back in the mansion because she needed to give David some space. Lizzie asks Beth if she really thinks things are going to be different. Beth says that after tonight things are going to be great. At the Country Club, Beth doesn't think either Jim or Phillip is going to come and starts to leave. Phillip arrives and admits he didn't know if he wanted to come. She tells him she thinks he made the right choice. Jim arrives and wants to know what Phillip is doing there. He says that Beth invited him and realizes she invited Jim too. Jim doesn't want to stay but Beth tells them that this involves all of their futures. Phillip thinks she could have come up with a better way to do this. Beth thinks he's right but this is the way she did it and since she got them into this mess, she's going to attempt to get them out.

Monday, July 10

Michelle goes to talk to Claire and she thinks Michelle believes Danny's accusations. She thinks Michelle is there to grill her but Michelle says she hopes she wouldn't have to. She wants to believe Claire would tell her the truth. Claire says that she didn't murder Carmen. Michelle tells her that everybody is questioning how far she would go to be part of her life. Claire says she wanted Carmen out of Michelle's life but wouldn't resort to murder. Claire doesn't think Carmen is out of her life because of the visions. She believes that Danny is keeping Carmen alive and doesn't care how it affects Michelle. Michelle doesn't want Claire to get involved with that. Claire says that she gave up her job in Chicago to reconnect with Michelle. She admits that she wasn't a very nice person a long time ago and Michelle questions what she did. Claire tells her how sick she was as a baby and how Ed walked in on her with a pillow over her. Michelle is horrified that she tried to kill her own child and starts to leave. Claire asks her to wait and tries to tell her that she wouldn't have gone through with it because she loves Michelle too much. She admits that she didn't deserve Michelle then so she gave her the best gift she could, Maureen. Claire says that she has been haunted by this ever since and had to come back for a second chance because she loves Michelle so much. She starts to pack and Michelle walks out. She comes back in and tells her there's no need to pack but she may not be able to trust Claire again. She understands that what happened was a long time ago and that Claire only wants what's best for her now. They hug and Claire thanks her for understanding.

Abby and Danny meet outside Company and Abby asks him if he thinks Claire killed his mother. He does but Michelle won't hear it. Abby admits she thinks anything is possible with Claire and tells him about her asking Abby for help to break Danny and Michelle up. She tells Danny that Claire blames him for Michelle's miscarriage. Abby also tells him about Claire trying to smother Michelle as an infant and he can't believe it. He asks her why she didn't mention this before and she tells him that Rick asked her to stay out of it. Danny doesn't understand why Rick wants Claire anywhere near Michelle. Abby tells him that they were together once but that Rick doesn't trust her. Danny says that he is even more convinced now that Claire killed his mother, he just has to convince Michelle. He calls the funeral director and questions him about Carmen being cremated without the family being notified. The funeral director shows him the request and says that Claire has been trying to contact him about this too. Danny tells him he's going to keep the paper and he leaves. Danny shows it to Abby and says that this is what he needs to bring Claire down. He tells her that the signature on the paper isn't his mother's and this is exactly what he needs to nail Claire.

Harley thinks that Phillip sent Rick over to talk to her when he found out about the divorce. Rick tells her that he knows how she feels and is there to help her. He says that Phillip told him he saw hate in her eyes and Rick sees it too. He wants to help her let that rage out. Harley tells him that he's the last person who should be helping her with her marriage. Rick gets upset and she apologizes. He admits that he is having problems with Abby because she wants to move to Washington and he doesn't. Harley tells him about her talk with Susan about how love is worth all the pain. She doesn't know what to believe anymore. She admits that the rage he sees in her eyes is really directed at herself because she let it happen again.

Alan asks Lillian if he spoke to Beth and she tells him she reminded Beth of how happy she was with Phillip. She says that she can't tell Beth what to do but right now they are having dinner at the country club. Alan notices that something is bothering Lizzie and she tells him how nobody will tell her what's going on. She thinks that if Alan believes she could run the company and gave her all that stock, she's old enough to be told the truth and he thinks maybe she should know. Harley calls the mansion looking for Phillip and Alan tells her he's at the country club alone. Lizzie asks who was on the phone and he tells her it's nobody she has to worry about. Alan tells Lizzie the truth about the baby and Lillian overhears. Lizzie doesn't understand since Jim is the father but Alan says that her mom and dad made him just like they made her. Lillian asks to speak to Alan outside and Lizzie asks her if Beth and Phillip are going to get married again. Outside, Lillian slaps Alan and asks how he could use Lizzie to further his plan to get Phillip and Beth back together. Alan tells her that one day she will thank him for this.

Beth tells Jim and Phillip that she is going to try to get them all out of this mess. Jim doesn't want to stay but she convinces them that the children are what's important. She tells them both that if they walk away, it will be the most selfish thing they ever did. She says she is going to tell them what she wants and they can go from there. Beth tells Jim that she wants to work things out with him but it takes two people to do that. She admits that what she and Phillip did was wrong, but she can't apologize for that anymore. Jim asks Phillip if he is willing to let another man raise his child assuming he went along with this. Beth thinks that everyone is going to have to put away their pride and ego now. She suggests that they go on raising Lizzie and the baby like they did before, but the baby will know who his real father is. She tells Jim that the ball is in his court now and walks away. Jim and Phillip talk about the situation and Phillip advises Jim to reconcile with Beth if he has any feelings left for her at all. He tells Jim that it's too late for him and Harley but not for Jim and Beth. He thinks they both still love each other. Phillip admits that he doesn't want any other man raising his son but he knows that Jim is a good man. Jim wishes him luck with his end of this mess and runs into Beth on his way out. She asks him what his decision is and he tells her the best he can do for her now is to think about it. Jim leaves and Beth goes back to Phillip. She asks him about Harley and he tells her that she's filed for divorce. She tells him she's sorry but doesn't think she'd be a good person to talk to her for him. Harley walks in and sees them hugging.

Tuesday, July 11

Phillip tells Beth that she had a lot of guts pulling this meeting off and he hopes it all works out. Harley watches as they hug and then hides as Phillip leaves. She tells herself that she shouldn't be hiding and goes to confront Beth. Beth wants to explain what she saw but Harley doesn't want to hear it. Beth prevents her from leaving by taking her car keys. Harley goes to call a cab but Beth follows her trying to explain. She says that if Harley had walked in five minutes earlier she would have seen Jim there with her and Phillip. She says that she told Phillip she hoped things work out for him and Harley. Beth says that she loves Jim and wants to be married to him now. Harley says that if Beth loves Jim, she should let him go instead of hurting him while he raises Phillip's baby. Harley thinks that Beth is selfish and wants to have it all. Beth tells her that Phillip loves her and she doesn't have anything to worry about. Harley believes that Phillip fought Beth off for a while but in the end she won. She says she'd give anything to know what really happened in that plane. Beth says that Harley is right and she set the whole plane crash up. Harley doesn't think this is funny and reminds her that it destroyed many people's lives. Harley says that she is grateful that Lizzie is okay but it has destroyed everyone's lives. Beth tells her that she can have her life because Phillip loves her. Harley says that she has been playing the days before and after the trip to San Cristobel in her mind and says that she can see now what was going on. She reminds Beth of the secret conversations and looks between her and Phillip that they didn't think Harley saw. Harley believes that Beth rekindled her feelings for Phillip then and that's why it took her so long to accept Jim's proposal. She believes that Beth would have been back in Phillip's arms if he'd wanted her back. Beth tells her that it doesn't matter because she loves Jim now and wants to be married to him. Harley says that a woman like Beth always likes to have a spare. She says that Beth can have both Jim and Phillip and takes her keys back. Beth leaves and Harley talks to the bartender. She tells him she's going through a divorce and he suggests she think about something positive. She remembers Cassie's wedding and decides to go down there early.

Lillian slaps Alan and asks him how he could use Lizzie like this. He tells her that one day she will thank him for this. He says that Lizzie’s parents should be together but Lillian tells him that Phillip and Beth can’t be forced together. Lillian says that she won’t help him with this plan and he vows to put the family back together like it is supposed to be. He tells her that they would still be together if it weren’t for him and that he has to fix that. Alan and Lillian go back inside and Lizzie asks if everything is okay. She wants to know if her mom and dad are going to get married again. Phillip arrives and Lizzie tells him she knows the good news about him being the baby's father. He asks her who told him and she says Alan did. Lizzie wants to know what's going to happen now but Phillip says he doesn't know. She asks him if he and Beth are going to get married again and who is going to live with who. Phillip reassures her that he loves her mother and that what is important now is that she feels better. Lizzie is happy that her mom and dad love each other and Phillip says that she will always have a strong family and that will never change. Lillian takes Lizzie upstairs after telling Phillip she had nothing to do with this. Phillip tells Alan to never use his daughter like that again. Alan says that Lizzie asked him to tell her the truth and he did. Phillip believes Alan knew Lizzie would assume that he and Beth were getting back together. Phillip asks Alan if he even thought about the fall he was setting her up for. Alan says that he wanted his grandchildren to grow up in the best possible situation with their parents. Phillip reminds him of Zack and wonders if he cares that he would be raised by a single mother. Alan thinks that Harley and Beth are different and Harley would be okay raising Zack. He believes that Jim will never go back to Beth and she needs Phillip now. Alan reminds Phillip that Jim isn't the baby's father, that he is a Spaulding. Phillip reminds him that he isn't Phillip's father either but that turned out okay for him. Alan thinks he should just get used to everything the way it is and come home and raise his children with Beth. Phillip thanks Alan for doing this because he had given up on Harley. Now Phillip is more determined than ever to get her back. Beth comes in and Phillip tells Alan to leave. He tells Beth that Lizzie knows the truth and is assuming they're going to get back together. He assures her that they will work it out while Alan and Lillian watch them. Alan says that they'll thank him someday.

At the lighthouse, Noah calls someone and tells him that if the woman he is with finds out then the plan will be ruined. When he is finished, Reva asks him what he was talking about and he lies to her. she insists that he tell her the truth and he tries to come up with excuses. She wants to know why he is freaking out about the phone call and a big man arrives. He tells them that they are coming with him and Reva tries to leave but can’t. she asks Noah what is going on and he tells her to just do what the man says. Reva stomps the guy’s foot and tries to run but another man arrives and tells them to come with him. They get on a plane and Reva can’t believe that Noah is allowing this to happen. He tells her to just buckle up but she says that she has had a bad experience with kidnapping. The guy that Reva stomped comes in and offers both of them drinks. She gets upset and Noah explains that he is the one kidnapping her. Reva asks him why he is doing this and he explains that they are on the way to San Cristobel for Cassie’s wedding.

Cassie and Richard try to remember why they are waiting on their wedding night and Cassie seems to be calmer about the wedding. Jenny runs into Edmund in the hallway and he kisses her. She tells him that romance is in the air and that she wishes she could tell Cassie about them. He says that he still has to prove himself to Cassie and Richard and she agrees to help him. Cassie and Richard are late for a meeting with Julie and Edmund comes in. Edmund apologizes to Cassie for trying to take away her happiness and Cassie leaves them alone. Richard asks him if it is odd to be there without his royal privileges. Edmund is amazed that Richard can even call him a brother much less allow him to stay there. Richard wants to move past all of this and he tells Edmund that he misses having a brother. Edmund gives Richard a wedding gift. It is his father’s pocket watch and Richard is very moved. The watch was worn by all the past rulers of San Cristobel and Edmund admits that he stole it when their father died. He tells Richard that it belongs to him and Cassie and that their father would approve of Cassie. He gives them he his blessing on their wedding and Richard thanks him very much. Cassie returns after Edmund leaves and Richard tells her that sometimes he can forget how Edmund has betrayed him. Cassie hopes that Edmund is telling the truth this time for Richard’s sake. Outside, jenny receives a message for Cassie and Edmund arrives. He intercepts the message by kissing jenny again and he reads it. it is a note from Noah telling Cassie that he is bringing Reva and that she needs to sneak into the palace secretly.

Wednesday, July 12

Abby and Danny discuss how they're going to get Claire at Company. Danny doesn't want to involve Abby in this but she is determined to help. Danny says that he needs a way to get Claire to sign Carmen's name so he can compare it to the signature on the cremation order. Abby suggests he get a request from the medical examiner. She tells him she knows the secretary but he doesn't want her involved. She tells him that this is the best option they have and she wants to help. He asks about Rick and she says she'll handle him. They go to the hospital and Abby gives the nurse the request. Rick arrives and wants to know what's going on. Danny tells him that he still has some questions about Carmen's death and Abby was just putting him in touch with the right people. Abby offers to take Rick to lunch and they leave. The nurse gives the paper to Claire and she fills it out. Danny talks the nurse into giving it back to him and he compares the two signatures. Danny says that Claire is busted because they match exactly. Meanwhile, Abby and Rick go to Company and Rick knows that something is up. Abby explains that Danny thinks Claire was responsible for Carmen's death and she was trying to help him find proof. Rick can't believe Danny is blaming Claire and thinks he is becoming desperate and dangerous. Abby tells him that Claire is the one that's dangerous. Rick tells her she's not dangerous and Abby wonders why he won't believe she is.

At the hospital, Michelle worries that the doctor is going to tell her she can't go to Cassie's wedding. Claire tells her that this is just a routine checkup and she's fine. Michelle thanks her for being there because Danny didn't even know she had an appointment. Claire understands that Danny is consumed with finding his mother's killer. Michelle apologizes again for Danny's accusations at her. Claire understands because that is the kind of world that Danny grew up in. She says that they can't fault Danny for being different. Michelle tells her that he's not different, he just needs to find out who killed his mother. Claire thinks that they can forgive him for putting that first in his life. Michelle agrees that she can do that and Claire says even if it means sacrificing her happiness. Michelle tells her that Danny has always put her first. She explains how he turned his back on his life and his family to be with her. She doesn't think Claire really knows him. Claire tells her that she knows his background and the things he must have been asked to do in his life. Michelle tells her that the point is he didn't do any of them. She reminds Claire that she has done some things she isn't proud of too. Michelle says she doesn't hate her for them because she understands her situation. She says that Danny's situation is just as complicated. Michelle explains that he lost his mother and it doesn't matter if she liked her or not. Michelle asks her to understand that she loves Danny even though he's being irrational right now and not to say anything against him. A nurse calls for Michelle and a doctor approaches Claire. He shows her pictures of his new baby and Claire steals one of them. She writes something on the back of it and puts it in her wallet. Michelle comes back and Claire tells her it was taken hours after she was born. She tells her that she used to look at that and imagine what Michelle was like. She dreamed of meeting her one day and all those feelings came back to her when they met at the airport. Claire tells her that since she's given her a second chance, she would never do anything to jeopardize that. Michelle says that she will talk to Danny and make him see that this idea is crazy. The nurse tells Michelle that the doctor will see her now and she goes in. Claire looks at the picture and thinks it was a small lie but it meant alot to Michelle. Danny arrives and says he wants to talk to Claire about Carmen's death. He shows her the order for cremation and says that it isn't his mother's signature. He brings out the paper she just filled out and says he knows she killed his mother because they match.

At Company, Blake is having a hard time getting started on her novel. Selena comes over and Blake asks her how her new job with Reva is going. Selena tells her about a story they're doing on local heroes. Blake suggests they use Buzz because of his time in Vietnam. Selena explains that Buzz is in England with the boys settling Jenna's estate. She tells her that she's been lonely without him and trying to keep busy at work. She sees Blake writing all that down and can't believe she would use it for her book. Blake apologizes and says she is desperate to come up with an idea. She tells Selena she has writer's block and has a deadline she has to meet. Selena gets upset because she is using her friends' pain like that. Blake tells her that the first book was easier because the characters came to life for her. Selena thought she was going to use Cassie and Richard for her next book. Blake gets a phone call from Richard asking her to come early and help calm Cassie down. She agrees and tells Selena what's going on. Blake gets out some muscle relaxant herbs and thinks that she'll give them to Cassie. Selena doesn't think it's a good idea because people react differently to them. Blake asks Selena to come with her and it'll help take her mind off of Buzz. Selena agrees and tells her she'll meet her at the airport.

Reva yells at Noah for pulling this stunt. She reminds him that she is the ex-princess and that the press will have a field day with this. He tells her that he has Josh watching the kids and that he alerted Cassie so that she can have them sneak in quietly. They hear yelling and Reva tells him that he has ruined Cassie’s wedding. Reva wants to go home and Noah can’t understand how the press found out. Noah says that he is going to fix it right now. He tells the press that he is transporting a patient with an immune disorder and that the ambulance needs to get in there. Reva is dressed like the pilot and still wants to leave even though the reporter believed Noah. He tells her that Cassie wants her to be there and that it would be the best wedding gift that she could get.

Cassie wakes up and twists her ankle getting out of bed. Trumpets are playing outside and Richard explains that they are the royal trumpeters. He thinks that her ankle is fine but she is worried about it. She begins to look over the book of rules that Julie left for her and she is worried about running out of time. Jenny tries to find Cassie and runs into Edmund. He tells her that he had a wonderful time last night and she tells him that she did too. She doesn’t think that they should be in Cassie’s room and she tells him that she wanted to wait to be with him so that it would be special. He tells her that it was special. Cassie and Richard meet Julie in the courtyard and Cassie wants to talk about the wedding vows. Cassie gets upset when Julie won’t allow her to change the vows and says that she can’t handle any more surprises. Richard tries to reassure her that nothing is going to go wrong. They get a message that Richard’s cousin George from London won’t make it to the wedding because he has had an accident and Cassie thinks that is an omen. He tries to tell her that things will be fine and Jenny and Edmund arrive. She tries to calm Cassie down and Edmund suggests that they open wedding presents to make her feel better. Cassie agrees and she is embarrassed that she didn’t realize that one of the presents was priceless. She doesn’t know how to accept presents this extravagant and Richard suggests she go have a nap. Reva and Noah arrive and Cassie is so happy to see them. Reva explains that Noah kidnapped her and Cassie thanks him. Cassie feels much better and thinks that things will turn out fine. Edmund steps outside and calls a reporter. He promises a story bigger than the royal wedding.

Thursday, July 13

Beth and Lizzie look at the baby. Phillip comes in and Lizzie thinks that things are back to normal. He tells her that he has to take a trip to San Cristobel for Cassie and Prince Richard’s wedding and she wants to go too. He says that he has to be in the wedding party in place of Richard’s cousin. Lizzie wants them to all go pack like a real family again. Phillip tells her that things are not going to go back to the way that they were before and Beth tries to explain that they will always love each other. They remind her about Jim and Harley and that they deserve to fit in somewhere too. Phillip tells her that he and Beth don’t love each other like married people and she asks why they had a baby then. Beth explains that it must be because God knew that baby would save her life. Phillip tells her how much they love her and she goes to get some cookies for him to take on the plane. Phillip and Beth wonder how they did in their explanation and she knows that he is going to San Cristobel to see Harley. He tells her to give it some time with Jim and he goes upstairs to pack. Lizzie talks to the baby and tells him that she will take care of him while their daddy is gone. She thanks him for saving her life.

Danny shows Claire the matching signatures and tells her to admit that she killed Carmen. Michelle comes over and he shows her the papers. Claire admits that she did sign the paper and says that Carmen whispered to her that she wanted to be cremated just before she died. Michelle asks for a minute alone with Danny and he calls Claire a murderer. Michelle believes what Claire said and tells him that he is irrational. Danny thinks that Claire is trying to turn them against one another. He tells her that she is too trusting and she says that she wasn’t taught to lie and mistrust people like he was. Danny begins to tell Michelle about Claire nearly smothering her and Michelle tells him that she already knows. She says that she doesn’t believe that Claire would have gone through with it. Danny thinks that Michelle should open her eyes and Michelle keeps bringing up the things that Carmen has done to her. Danny says that he isn’t trying to defend his mother and Michelle says that she is glad that Carmen is dead. Claire calls someone and tells them about the argument between Michelle and Danny. Michelle apologizes to Danny and he says that at least now she is being honest.

Josh and the kids arrive at his apartment and Marah can’t believe that he doesn’t care about Reva being in San Cristobel. He tells her that he understands that Reva has to live her life right now. He opens the door and they find Olivia in a black nightie. They are all shocked and Josh sends the kids to get the things from the car. Shayne drools over Olivia and Marah calls him a moron. Olivia is so embarrassed and tells him that she didn’t want him to be sorry that he asked her to move in with him. He gets her to admit that she is still worried about Reva. He tells her that they are trying to be friends now but they do have a big history and they can’t just forget that. He tells her about Reva and Noah and she doesn’t think that she was his type. Josh admits that he had a tough time with it to begin with but that he is over that now. He tells her that he is glad that she came home early and they begin to get romantic. Shayne and Marah return outside and Marah scolds Shayne of drooling over Olivia. Marah thinks that Josh is hurting inside about Noah and Reva and they go to get the rest of the groceries. When they return they knock on the door and go in. Olivia apologizes for earlier and Shayne is uncomfortable. She offers to get them pizza but Marah explains that they have to go meet Blake and Ross at the plane to San Cristobel. They leave and Olivia thinks it is cute that Shayne has a crush on her. They get romantic.

Cassie shows Reva her presents and tells her that her being there is the best one of all. Cassie wants to catch up with her and they leave to go have tea. Noah can tell that Richard is upset that he brought Reva and Richard reminds him that this will cause a problem with the press. Noah thinks that he is overreacting and asks him what the real problem is. Richard tells him that he has no business being with Reva. Richard tells him that he has the power to hurt Reva and he hopes that he won’t do it. Noah tells him to worry about his own problems and Richard asks him how much he has told her. Noah tells him to back off and threatens to tell Reva the truth right now. Richard stops him and apologizes for butting in. Noah says that he doesn’t like lying either but says that he doesn’t want to live half a life anymore. He says that he wants what he and Cassie have and Richard says that he had better tell Reva that truth if that is how he feels. Noah tells him that he has made arrangements to put the past in the past permanently. In Cassie’s room, Reva offers to go back to Springfield if Cassie wants her to. She says that the only person that will know that she is there is Cassie. Cassie tells her how nervous she is and asks her what is going on with her. Reva tells her about taking the job at WSPR and that the kids are great. Cassie asks her about Noah and Reva calls him a friend. She tells Cassie all the crazy things that have happened between them and that they aren’t serious. Cassie asks if she never knew him when she was Katherine and she says no. Cassie asks her about his past and Reva doesn’t know much. Cassie is worried that Noah is keeping something from her that will hurt her. Reva says that she thinks she can handle whatever Noah’s deep dark past is. As Cassie pours the tea she asks if her back is straight and Reva remembers Natalie. Reva tells her that she will be a princess and should just enjoy every day of it. Richard and Noah come in and Reva tells Noah that he was right about bringing her there. Noah tells her that he has booked them a hotel room but Reva says that she is staying with Cassie. He tells her that she doesn’t know what she will be missing. In the hall, Richard and Cassie tell each other that they will miss each other until the wedding tomorrow. They agree that in one more night all of their dreams will come true.

Friday, July 14

Noah and Reva have breakfast out and Reva tries to hide herself. He assures her that she won’t do anything to ruin the wedding. Cassie tries to write her vows but is having no luck. Blake arrives and Cassie is glad to see her. She tells Blake she only got a couple hours of sleep last night but Blake thinks she just has pre-wedding jitters. Blake sees all the papers laying around and asks her what she was writing. Cassie says she was going to say something to Richard at the reception since they can't say their own vows but she can't find the right words. Blake can't believe they won't let her say her own vows at her own wedding. Tammy comes in and says that everything is ruined and that she can't find her shoes. Cassie calms her down and tells her they are being polished. She assures Tammy that she will do fine in the wedding and Tammy leaves to finish getting ready. Blake thinks that Cassie needs to take the muscle relaxant she brought but Cassie is hesitant. The phone rings and Blake answers it to find out that Harley isn't coming. Cassie gets upset and grabs the phone. She assures Harley that Phillip isn't going to be there. She tells her that she won't bring her down unless she doesn't come so Harley agrees to come. Cassie thinks she needs to calm down some so she takes some of the pills that Blake brought. There is a knock at the door and Cassie is shocked to see Phillip there. She asks him what he's doing there and he explains that Richard asked him to fill in for George in the wedding party. Cassie gets upset and tells him that she just assured Harley that he wasn't coming. Phillip tells her that he'll call Harley and make sure everything is okay and if it isn't, he'll leave. Blake thinks that's a good idea and Phillip leaves. Cassie asks her what she's doing and she tells her that this is a good way to get Phillip and Harley back together. Outside, Phillip thinks of his own honeymoon with Harley and says that he's sorry he lied but he's fighting for his own marriage now. Blake makes sure that Cassie is okay and leaves to get her something to eat. Cassie can't remember how many pills she took before but decides that they're mild and won't hurt her. She takes another pill.

Dax and Julia tell Richard that the guests are beginning to arrive. Richard asks them if they've seen Cassie and they say no. He tells them that she was nervous last night and wonders if she's okay. He says he'll go see her for a minute but they tell him he can't do that. Julia assures him that Cassie is fine. The guests begin to arrive and Richard welcomes them. Edmund gives the reporter his invitation and tells him that nobody can know he's from the press. The reporter wants to know what he's looking for and Edmund says that it's not what, it's who. He thinks that this is somebody no one will be expecting to come. Susan asks Richard if she can show Marah and Shayne the rest of the palace. She notices that something is bothering Marah and asks her about it. Marah tells her that Olivia came back to town and surprised Josh with a negligee. She says that she's trying to be supportive of Olivia but she just doesn't trust her. Susan says that she felt the same way about Beth and look what happened. Susan advises Marah to go with her instincts. Richard thanks Edmund for giving him their father's pocket watch. He asks Edmund to be one of his groomsmen. He tells him that he's been watching him since his return to San Cristobel and believes that Edmund is truly trying to make up for his mistakes. Richard wants this to be a new beginning for them too. Edmund agrees and they hug. Richard leaves and Edmund wonders why Richard has to make it so hard for him to do the wrong thing. Edmund runs into Jenny and tells her that Richard just asked him to be in the wedding. She is very happy for him and then leaves. The reporter tells Edmund that he’ll be waiting on his signal. Edmund overhears several men talking about how they always felt sorry for him having to play second fiddle to Richard. the reporter returns and Edmund tells him that the mystery guest is Princess Katherine. Susan and Marah return and Susan asks Ross where Harley is. She was worried that Harley wouldn’t come and Marah is surprised that Phillip wasn’t invited. Holly tries to straighten Shayne’s tie and Rusty arrives. He says hello to the children and asks where Reva is. Ross sees Phillip and asks why he is there. Phillip asks Ross what he was thinking when he agreed to represent Harley in the divorce and asks him to give him a chance to make things right with Harley. Ross says that he thought he would be able to convince Harley to sit down and talk calmly about it. Phillip begs him to remember that he is his uncle. Holly hears them and tells him that Phillip is just lashing out. Susan sees Phillip and wants to know what he is doing there. She asks if Harley knows that he is there and he says yes but she doesn’t believe him and says that she is going to make sure that Cassie finds out about it. Harley arrives and runs into Susan. Susan tries to tell her about Phillip but Harley is in such a hurry that she runs by her. she turns a corner and runs face to face into Phillip.

Reva reluctantly tells Noah that he was right that she wouldn’t be recognized and that she is really glad to be there. She goes to check on Cassie and he goes to find Richard. Blake, Selena, and Jenny come back with Cassie’s food and tell Reva that Cassie is very nervous. They all go inside and find Cassie passed out on the bed. Blake notices the pills and tells Reva about them. Reva tells Jenny to get everything ready so that they can just slip her into the clothes and she and Selena take Cassie to have a cold shower. Richard arrives looking for Cassie and Blake shoos him away from the bathroom. She tells him about Cassie wanting to say her own vows and gets him out of the room. Dax confronts Richard about trying to see Cassie and Richard is worried about Cassie. Noah finds Richard and reminds him to get dressed for the ceremony. Noah acts like he has lost the rings and Richard thinks of Cassie. Noah returns after Richard is dressed and Richard tells him that he is concerned about Cassie. He is afraid that she is sick and Noah jokes about it. Reva puts Cassie in the shower and Cassie says that she can’t get married today. Reva tries to get Cassie to sit up and looks for some coffee. Reva tries to keep Cassie awake and reminds her of everything she had to go through to get to this day. Cassie decides that she can do this but then she falls back asleep. Reva walks Cassie around and finds the coffee for her. she tries to get Cassie to drink the coffee and Selena, Jenny and Blake find them. They all try to get Cassie to drink the coffee and figure out how to get Cassie dressed. Cassie tells them all that she just can’t do it.

Monday, July 17

Harley rushes downstairs and is shocked to see Phillip. He tries to tell her that he didn't plan this and that Richard asked him to fill in for someone in the wedding party. Harley wants to know why he's doing this and he tells her he couldn't say no. Harley can't believe this is happening but he tells her they can do this. Harley reluctantly agrees because she doesn't want anything to ruin Cassie's day.

Reva tries to wake Cassie up but it's not working very well. Blake, Selena and Jenny arrive and tell her that it's time for the wedding. Blake suggests she create a diversion but Reva doesn't want her to try anything else. Reva asks Blake to stall everyone quietly. They leave and Reva tells Cassie that she has to get down the aisle. Cassie thinks she won't remember her vows and will embarass Richard. Reva tells her that she has earned this happiness and she isn't going to let her miss it. Reva reminds Cassie that she is Sarah's daughter and they don't get up. She tells her that this is going to be the happiest day of her life and Cassie collapses again.

Noah asks Richard if he's sure that Cassie is ready and he admits he isn't sure at all. He thinks he should go check on her but Noah reminds him that he can't do that. He tries to relax him by telling jokes but it doesn't work. Meanwhile, the ushers begin to escort everyone inside. Michelle and Drew arrive and Michelle thanks her for coming with her. She tells Drew about the fight she had with Danny and that she told him she was glad Carmen died. Drew wants her to relax and enjoy the wedding. Michelle remembers how handsome Danny looked on their wedding day.

Harley and Phillip wait to begin and Harley wonders why nobody is lining up. Julia sees Blake, Selena and Jenny and wants to know what is going on. She tells them she isn't going to mess this up and starts pushing them to go. Blake stops and tells her she can't do this. The wedding begins as Tammy walks down the aisle. Blake tells Jenny to follow her lead and walk very, very slow. Richard sees how slowly Blake is walking and tells Noah he has a bad feeling Cassie isn't going to make her own wedding. Edmund escorts Jenny down the aisle and she tells him this is going to be a disaster. Susan sees Phillip escorting Harley and tells Max that he is a jerk. After missing her cue twice, Richard tells Noah that she isn't coming and he has to think of something to tell the people just as Cassie emerges. She walks down the aisle towards Richard and Reva blends into the back row. Richard tells Cassie he was afraid she wasn't going to make it and she says that she wouldn't miss marrying him for the world. The ceremony begins and Richard places the crown on her head. Before the vows, Richard stands up and apologizes. He says that he must stop the ceremony. Richard tells everyone that he wants to break from tradition and exchange their own vows. He tells Cassie that they are there against extraordinary odds and that he loves her with every ounce of his body. Cassie explains that there are no words to describe how much she loves him. She says that she can’t believe that she is going to be his wife. They exchange rings and they are declared husband and wife. They kiss and leave as everyone cheers them.

Edmund congratulates them and Tammy asks Richard if they are officially a family now. He says yes and she calls him dad. Rusty comes over and Cassie introduces him to Richard. He congratulates them and Blake and Ross come over. She apologizes for everything and congratulates them. As they walk off Blake explains to Ross what she did. Ross scolds Blake for giving Cassie the pills and Blake apologizes to Ross for Phillip getting upset with him. Ross says that he has decided that between Phillip and Harley and Josh and Reva he is not going to represent any of them because he is too close to them. Danny arrives and kisses Michelle. She tells him to never leave her again, not even for a night. Michelle congratulates Cassie and Cassie tells her and Danny to enjoy each other. Michelle apologizes for what she said and he says that he just wants to be with her. He says that they need to be together on their own right now and get away from everything for a while. He asks her to sail away on a second honeymoon and they leave. Noah finds Reva and she thanks him for helping her to be there for Cassie. She says that she feels like people are looking at her and asks him to get her out of there. A mob of reporters arrive and begin yelling questions and taking pictures. Cassie sends Dax over to get Reva and Cassie hushes the crowd. She makes a public toast to her sister Reva for helping her get through this day. She tells them all that weddings are about family and that she wants Reva by her side. They hug and the crowd applauds her. Everyone pairs up and dances a court dance for Richard and Cassie. Phillip grabs Harley and makes her be his partner. Then Dax introduces the Prince and Princess for their first dance as husband and wife. Cassie and Richard have their pictures taken and then Cassie gets ready to toss the bouquet. Harley catches it and hands it to Jenny. Susan follows Harley into the hall and asks her if she is ok. Harley tells her not to worry and sends her back to dance with Max. Phillip finds her and tries to remind her of their wedding day. He asks her to stick it out through better or worse and begs her to work this out as husband and wife. Harley goes back inside without answering him. Susan tells max that she is glad that they got to dance together before he leaves for New York. Selena and Drew talk about how beautiful the wedding was and Selena brings up Drew getting married soon. Drew says that they are going to be very busy soon in New York and she tells Selena that she and Buzz are going to have to visit them very soon. Selena tells Drew that Buzz actually proposed to her earlier and Drew is very excited for her. Drew asks her what she is waiting for and goes to find Max. Selena calls Buzz and tells him that the wedding was amazing. She tells him that she misses him and accepts his proposal. Rusty comes over to Marah and Shayne and helps them make jokes at Reva’s expense. The kids and Rusty go to check out the rest of the palace and Reva and Noah share a kiss. Richard takes Cassie aside and kisses her. She thinks it is inappropriate to leave the guests but he whisks her away anyway.

Tuesday, July 18

Beth receives a phone call from Jim. He asks how Lizzie is doing and she tells him that she is much better. She also tells him the baby is getting big but then apologizes for pushing him. Jim tells her that he's been thinking about things and needs to tell her something. Before he can tell her, Alan and Lillian come in and interrupt Beth. She asks him what he was going to say and he tells her it can wait and hangs up. Lillian apologizes for interrupting and Beth tells them what Jim said. Beth says that she could hear in his voice that he isn't coming back and she has to accept that. Alan leaves as Lillian tries to comfort Beth. Meanwhile, Jim talks to the bartender about a job interview he had in Chicago. Alan overhears and asks to speak with him. Alan tells him that he thinks Jim would be good for Beth if Phillip weren't in the picture. He thinks that Jim is making the right decision by leaving town. Alan gets out his checkbook and offers him some incentive but Jim doesn't want his money. Jim thanks Alan for giving him a new perspective on everything and leaves. Lillian and Beth talk about Lizzie and how wonderful it is that she is better now. She wishes Jim was there but doesn't believe he will be coming back. She tells Lillian how much Phillip wants Harley back. Lillian doesn't like to see her so upset and goes up to see Lizzie. Beth tells the baby that she isn't going to worry about this anymore. Jim arrives and tells her that he's been walking around in a daze. He says that he's tried to forget her but he can't. He says that he still loves her and wants her. Jim doesn't know how they will go about it yet, but he wants them and the kids to be a family like they were. Jim tells Beth he doesn't want to live without her anymore and they hug.

Phillip, Reva and Noah have supper and Reva asks him about Harley. She tells him to just give it time but he doesn’t think that will make a difference. He admits that he is not really sorry for what happened because it saved Lizzie’s life. He says that he is sorry that he hurt Harley but he wouldn’t take it back. Reva thinks it is good that Harley is more angry than hurt because maybe then she can forgive him. Reva compares it to her and Josh and he reminds her that they are still splitting up. Phillip goes to pay his tab and leaves. Noah asks Reva if she thinks that she could forgive Phillip if she were Harley. She says that if you love someone enough then you can forgive them of anything. Noah says that he is glad to hear it and says that there is something in his past that he hasn’t been honest with her about. He begins to tell her but then changes the subject. Phillip returns and says that he confirmed his flight home. He thanks her for the pep talk and says that he can’t dwell on the fact that his marriage is over. He says he is going home to be with his kids.

Dax overhears Edmund discussing business and tells him that it is not his place. Edmund tell him that since Richard is gone on his honeymoon then he is the one in charge. Dax tells him that Richard put him in charge and not Edmund. Later, Edmund apologizes to Dax for misspeaking and offers his service. Dax refuses and tells him that he is “out of the loop.” Edmund reminds him that he is still second in line for the throne and Jenny bursts in. She tries to show him the bouquet and Edmund tells her to get out. She leaves and reminds Dax that Richard doesn’t have an heir yet. Edmund remembers when Dax was loyal to him and not Richard but Dax says that he only wants what is best for himself and not San Cristobel. Edmund leaves the room and runs into Jenny. She says that Cassie was right about him and he apologizes for being rude earlier. She tells him to stop feeling sorry for himself because everybody has problems. She brings up that Cassie is still worried about not being able to give Richard an heir and Edmund can’t believe it.

Richard carries Cassie into the bedroom and calls her his wife. He has the room filled with all of her favorite things and she thanks him. He tells her that tonight is finally their night. She tells him that today was like a dream come true and he tells her that she takes his breath away in that gown. Cassie tells him to wait just a little longer and that it will be worth it. She leaves the room and returns in a nightie. They decide to have some champagne and she toasts to Dwayne and Stella. Richard tells her that when they met he was determined to never love again but she came into his life and touched his heart. He tells her that there are just the two of them in the world tonight and that nothing bad will ever happen when she is in his arms. Cassie says that part of her can’t believe that this is real and he tells her that it was love at first sight. He says that he doesn’t remember anything but wonderful moments with her. They get romantic. Afterwards, they agree that they never want to be apart from each other again. She asks where they are going on their honeymoon but he says that he wants to surprise her.

Wednesday, July 19

Olivia and Josh go to the Country Club after a movie and he accidentally brings up Reva. He goes to call the kids and Olivia runs into Claire. Claire begins to tell her about all of her problems with Danny and Abby. She tells Olivia that she is going to take Abby out of the equation. Olivia begins to tell Claire about how she would like to get Reva out of Josh’s life. Claire gets her to admit that she hates Reva. Claire says that she is angry about her situation and says that in her ideal life Michelle would be in medical school and away from Danny. She says that Abby would be gone and Olivia tells her that she can make all that come true. Claire leaves. Blake and Ross arrive at the Country Club and she talks about how she can’t come up with anything for her book. Ross wants to take her mind off of it and put her career on hold. He sees Josh and goes over. Ross tells him that he can’t represent him in the divorce because he doesn’t feel right about it. Ross thinks that the divorce will either end with them getting back together or turning into World War III. Josh says that they have no intentions of getting back together and Ross suggests that he should go for it if there is a chance. Josh thinks that he and Reva will make it through it and goes back over to Olivia. He tells her that he is glad that she is comfortable with his relationship with Reva because it looks like they are going to be spending more time together. She tells him about Ross and that he thinks that he and Reva can work it out on their own. Olivia disagrees and thinks that a lawyer would help him with the details but he says that he wants to try working it out with Reva on his own. Josh goes to get the car and Olivia calls a law firm. She says that she needs the toughest attorney that there is. Blake tries to write at the table and watches a couple at the bar. Ross returns from his chat with Josh and wants to read what Blake is writing. She tells him that maybe it was a fluke before and Ross tells her that she has to calm down. He tells her Josh didn’t seem pleased when they talked. Ross continues to talk to Blake and notices that she isn’t paying any attention to him. He suggests that they go home. She agrees and he leaves her watching the couple again.

Rick tells Abby that they have the house all to themselves and he takes the phone off the hook. They joke with one another and Rick signs to her that they are going to make a baby tonight. They get romantic. Afterwards, Rick asks Abby if she thinks that they conceived. They share I Love You’s and he tells her that he wants them to be honest with one another. She says that she won’t go to Washington if he doesn’t want her to but he says that he knows that it is important to her. He goes to fix himself a sandwich and Abby takes a birth control pill.

Noah and Phillip continue to talk in San Cristobel while Reva is gone to pack. Noah asks him what he meant about saying that he was going home to Beth and the kids. Phillip tells him that it was a mistake to agree to give up raising his son to Jim and that things are different now. Noah suggests that maybe Jim will come back but Phillip won’t believe that. Phillip says that his son needs him and that he will be there for him. Noah asks him what he thinks that Harley is going to think about that and he says that it doesn’t matter because she is gone. He says that he has to worry about what he has and not what he doesn’t have so he is going to take care of Beth and his kids. He says that Jim didn’t care anyway because he left. Noah warns him not to pass out cigars yet.

Selena tells Drew that she will help her pack. Susan tells Max that she has a plan and needs his help. She says she has come up with a way to stay with Max and get rid of Beth at the same time. They get on the internet to find Jim a job in New York. Max says that Jim might want to go back to Beth because of the baby. She reminds him that the baby isn't Jim's. He tells her that Jim adopted her but she doesn't think it's the same thing. Susan says that Beth had her chance and she blew it. She doesn't think Jim will go back to Beth ever. Drew and Selena come back in and Susan and Max leave. Drew sees Selena crying and she tells her it will be all right. Selena says that she will miss her and wishes Jesse could have gotten this job in Springfield. Drew promises to visit whenever she can. Selena tells her that this is bringing up old feelings. She tells Drew that she just found her and now has to let her go again. Selena tells her that the day she was born was the happiest day of her life. Drew reminds her of the heart pendant she gave her. She says she doesn't need it anymore because Selena is in her heart and will take her wherever she goes. Meanwhile, Susan makes a phone call pretending to be Jim's secretary. She agrees to forward his resume. Susan tells Max that sometimes you have to do things that people won't like at first.

Jim tells Beth that he tried to walk away but he still loves her. She was hoping he'd say that. Beth thinks that things can be exactly like they were but he tells her they can't. He says from now on they are going to do things on his terms. He wants them to move out of the mansion. Jim tells her he's looking for a job in Chicago where they can have a fresh start. Beth reluctantly agrees and tells him it's the only way it can work. Jim holds the baby and Beth tells him he's doing a wonderful thing. He says that he had to figure out a way to deal with everything and getting out of Springfield is a start. He says he really does want things back the way there were. Beth thinks that he can't forget that Phillip is the baby's father. Jim says that he does want their family back but admits that he does think of her and Phillip. Beth tells him that he has to forgive him and he says she has to be patient. Beth asks him to forgive her and move on because if he can't do that, they can't be together. She understands that she broke their trust but they both have to make it work again. She says that if he isn't willing to do that, him coming back will only frustrate both of them. Jim says that she has to give him time. That's the only condition to him coming back and he asks her if she can live with it. He says that he thought he had a perfect life and marriage. Beth understands and says she's willing to try. Jim tells her that he came back and she realizes it's not going to happen overnight. Jim goes to feed the baby and Alan comes home. He tells Beth he had a meeting and she asks if it went well. He says that he always gets what he wants and Jim says not this time. Alan wants to know what he's doing there and Jim reminds him that he told him he couldn't stay there anymore. Jim says he forgot to tell him he's taking his family with him. Jim takes the baby upstairs and Beth tells Alan he never learns. Alan tries to explain but Beth doesn't want to hear it. She doesn't believe anything is sacred to him but he tells her that his grandchildren are the most important thing to him. He says he was trying to protect them and her but she doesn't buy it. Beth tells him that he's interfered in her life for the last time because she loves Jim. She says that she is finally going to have a family that he can't control. She warns him that if he tries, he'll never see Lizzie or the baby again. Jim tells Beth to get the kids packed and he will pick them all up tomorrow. Alan doesn't think Lizzie should be moved but Jim says they are coming with him. Alan tells him that this doesn't change the fact that both children are Spauldings. Beth tells Jim that she isn't comfortable taking Lizzie away from Noah just yet. Jim agrees to find a job while they wait and wonders how they will break the news to Susan. Beth thinks that deep down Susan wants this family too. Jim starts to leave and Beth gives him back his wedding ring.

Thursday, July 20

Rick and Abby pack and he tells her he can't believe he's helping her leave. She tells him that it will only be for a little while as she testifies against a bill in Congress. He says that he wants her to have it all but will miss her. She suggests he come with her on a mini-vacation because she knows he will love Washington as much as she does. He wonders if she means as a place to visit or live. He thinks she wants him to go so she can take the job. Rick says he thought they were together on that and wants to know what's going on. He tells her that she's been going back and forth on the job offer and thought after last night that she wanted to start a family. Abby apologizes for acting so confused. Rick tells her that he just wants to know what's in her heart. She promises to be more clear and will think about what he's saying. They agree to talk about it when she gets back and he takes her luggage down. She gets her birth control pills out and throws them in the garbage. Rick tells her they need to get going or they'll be late. She says she'll be right there and takes the pills out of the garbage can and puts them in her bag.

Cassie loves the ship that they are own for their honeymoon. Richard is glad that she is happy and offers to show her the rest of the boat. She would rather stay in their room with him. They are interrupted by a many bringing the luggage and Cassie notices that her make-up bag is missing. The man is very scared that Cassie is upset with him and promises to find it for her. She is shocked by his reaction and Richard says that she needs practice ordering people around. She orders him to make love to her right now and they get romantic. Cassie tells Richard that she wants to live up to the life that he has given her and she tells him that they have come a long way from that arrangement. She brings up her medical problem and he just wants her to forget about that. He tells her to trust that everything will work out all right because they were meant for each other. While she thinks Richard is asleep, Cassie tries on her tiara and Richard sees her. He jokes with her about it and they go outside for a lavish picnic.

Jenny reads to Edmund in the paper about Richard and Cassie’s honeymoon. He questions her about Cassie being unable to get pregnant and she gets a phone call. Dax arrives and Edmund asks to speak to him. Edmund tells him that he overreacted last night and apologizes to him. Edmund brings up the problem of Cassie not being able to conceive and Dax did not know. Dax is shocked and Edmund acts as if he is very concerned about it. Dax is upset that Richard didn’t confide this in him and Edmund apologizes for bringing it up. Dax can’t believe that Richard could disregard something so important and marry Cassie anyway. Edmund says that he had concerns about Cassie from the beginning and Dax is reluctant to believe what Edmund is saying. Dax leaves to go call Richard and Jenny comes back. She tells him that the press was calling her to ask her about the royal honeymoon. He brings up Cassie’s problem and she says that she would never tell the press about that. He questions her about the doctor that treated Cassie and Jenny realizes that he is just pumping her for information.

Jim remembers telling Susan about Phillip being the baby’s father and Susan meets him at the Country Club. She tells him about looking for him a job on the Internet and that it would be a good idea for him to leave everything here that is hurting him. He agrees that it would be good to leave Springfield and she is very excited. Jim tries to explain that this is about more than just moving and tells her that he has decided to push aside his pride and anger for Beth. He tells her that he and Beth are going to try to work it out and Susan tells him that they don’t have a family anymore. He says that they can have a new start in life and she tells him that she is not going with him. She tells him that Beth is a liar and cheater but he tells her that he couldn’t leave town and bail out on her. He tells her that he loves Beth and the baby but Susan says that she will never forgive Beth. Jim says that he knows that it will take time for her to understand this and he tries to remind her how much she loved this family a couple of weeks ago. He begs her to not make this any harder than it is and she tells him that she can’t believe that he is doing this. She says that he used to be her hero but she doesn’t know who he is anymore. Jim begs her to help him put the family back together and reminds him all the sacrifices that he has made for her. He tries to remind her of the baby and she says that he is not her brother. She says that she will just live with Harley and he can go be with Beth.

Lizzie tells Phillip about seeing the wedding on television. Phillip gives her a gift and asks her to take the baby his gift too. He asks Beth if something is wrong and she tells him that Jim agreed to try to work things out. Phillip is surprised but tells her he's happy for her. She tells him that in order to make things work, they have to leave Springfield. He tells her no but she says this is the only chance they have. Beth thought that was what Phillip wanted but he tells her not this way. She asks him to think about how Jim feels but he doesn't care. He says that she's not taking his children away from him. Beth asks him to hear her out. She says that the day Phillip said she could raise this baby with Jim was a wonderful day for her. She understands that he wants to be a part of his life now. Phillip wonders why they're talking about her leaving then. Beth says that they are going to Chicago so the talk around town won't upset Lizzie or the baby. Phillip says that she isn't leaving and she tells him she won't let him take away the family she is trying to build. Phillip reminds her that he almost lost Lizzie to cancer and he won't let Beth or anyone else take her away from him now. He asks her if she's thought about how this will affect Lizzie. Beth thinks it would be good for Lizzie to see her in a healthy relationship. She says she isn't cutting the children off from anyone. Phillip tells her to think about what will happen if Jim wakes up one day and realizes he doesn't forgive her. Beth says that Jim loves her and she knows what this is really about. Phillip claims he's trying to get her to be realistic but she knows better. She says that this is about the fact that Jim came back to her and Harley has left him behind. Phillip says this has nothing to do with Harley. Beth says that it always has something to do with her and Phillip tells her to think whatever she wants. Phillip says that this has to do with being a good parent and Beth says that that means having a family. Phillip says that her family is here but Beth wants the children away from the Spaulding influence. She reminds him that Alan used Lizzie to manipulate them and tells him that he tried to bribe Jim into leaving. Phillip says that's just Alan but Beth thinks it's the Spaulding way. She reminds him that she has full custody but he tells her she doesn't have full custody of the baby. He says that he will drag her through hell before he lets her take his children. Beth is aware that he has rights but she does too. She says she has the right to a family that she can love and take care of. Phillip tells her that these children are his, not Jim's. She says that one way or another she will have a family with Jim and the kids. He says that's fine but she isn't leaving. Lizzie comes down and hears Beth tell Phillip that she is leaving Springfield and there's nothing he can do to stop her.

Friday, July 21

On the beach, Cassie tells Richard that this is the happiest time of her life. She asks him to promise that this fairytale will never end. He commands it and they kiss. A guard arrives and tells him that there is something he needs to know at the palace. Richard tells him that Dax could handle it and asks him not to disturb him again. He apologizes to Cassie but she understands he runs a country. She says that no matter what, reality always finds them. Cassie asks him what happens if she can't have a baby. He assures her that everything will be okay and their child will be heir. She asks what if that doesn't happen and he says that Tammy and RJ will become heirs. She reminds him that they aren't his blood and he says he'll change the rules. He tells her that they haven't followed any rules so far so why should they start now. Cassie tells him a story about a pirate that drove himself crazy over where to bury his treasure. He decided to bury it in the place that made him happiest and went back each year to bury more. She says that this is the place that has made her the happiest she's ever been. Richard gets a gold coin and decides to bury it here so they have an excuse to come back each year. He asks what the pirate marked the spot with and she tells him that golden flowers grew there. He tells her that maybe they'll get lucky and something special and very precious will grow there for them. She asks him what if it doesn't and he assures her that they'll always be a family and nobody can take that away from them.

Edmund stops Jenny from leaving and asks her to hear him out. He tells her that he and Richard are on good terms again so when he heard about Cassie's problem, he wanted to help them out. Jenny asks him how he could help an infertile woman have a baby. He says that he can help find the best doctors for her. She says that Richard is already doing that and almost tells him who Cassie's doctor is. She says that she won't let him con her again and that they are through. She tells him that she is his enemy and now he knows how Richard felt all that time. Edmund tells her he'll have to take action because he trusted her. He says that he wouldn't be happy if she told Cassie about them. Edmund says he will change her mind one way or another and drags her off. After they make love, Jenny tells Edmund the name of Cassie's doctor. Edmund can't believe she's trusting him and she apologizes for doubting him after the way he made love to her. Edmund wants champagne to celebrate and she offers to go get it. Edmund makes a phone call to the doctor asking him to meet him. Jenny comes back and asks him to call her his princess again. She leaves and he says that if the doctor goes along with his plan, Cassie and Richard won't have an heir. He says that he will have a son to rule along with him but not with Jenny.

Blake treats Selena to lunch to apologize for trying to use her for her book. She says she's desperate for an idea. Selena says she's been desperate too ever since she found out Drew was moving to New York. Blake asks her how she feels about losing her daughter after just finding her again. She promises that these are serious questions and says she doesn't have her notebook. Selena jokes that she doesn't care as long as Blake changes the names. She tells her that it's hard and she needs somebody to talk to. Selena says that ever since she found out Drew was leaving, she's been having flashes, especially to when she found out she was pregnant. Selena starts to talk about one man in particular but stops herself saying she can't tell that story. Blake assures her that she isn't asking as a writer but Selena knows she's dying to take notes. Blake thinks that Selena wants to tell her story because she agreed to come to lunch with her knowing she writes books. Selena says that she is wrong and that she can't tell this story. She tells her that if everything she knows came out, a lot of people would get hurt very badly. Blake promises to disguise every detail so that nobody would know her source. Selena points out that she would try, but things have been going bad for Blake lately. Blake promises she won't let her down if she will let her write this book. She says she might even make her proud. Selena laughs at the thought of being proud of her past but agrees to think it over. Selena starts to leave and Blake asks her to promise that if she does let her write her story, Selena will reveal her mystery man. Selena tells her that he is the story.

At home, Noah helps Reva with her work. He says that he wants to finish what they started in San Cristobel and just as they head toward the other room, Josh arrives outside the window. He knocks on the door and apologizes for interrupting. Noah thanks him for helping him get Reva to San Cristobel and Josh asks for a moment alone with Reva. Reva remembers that she is supposed to pick Marah up and Noah offers to do it. Noah leaves and Reva apologizes but Josh says that she and Noah are none of his business. He asks if she has found anybody to represent her in the divorce and suggests that they just do it themselves. Reva is skeptical but Josh says that she will just smile and he will give in. Josh makes a list of several things and they remember going to a Rolling Stones concert together. She wonders if they are normal and he says that what they are doing beats fighting. They continue to go over things and Reva offers to give him H.B.’s old chair. He says he can’t take it because H.B. left it to her but she says that they truth was that he wanted them both to have it. She says that the chair is them and Josh looks at her. He brings up that he saw her and Noah as he walked up and asks her if she loves him. She says that they are not in love and that they have a relationship without all the negatives. She tries to change the subject back to the stuff and he realizes that they have very little to divide up. He invites her to a cocktail party that he and Olivia are throwing tomorrow night and Reva looks intrigued. He tells her that he wants them to start a new chapter in their lives and to show the kids that they are getting along. She wonders if he has ran this by Olivia and he tells her that it would mean a lot if she will come. Reva agrees to go only if he will tell Olivia first.

Leo meets Olivia at the Country Club and she tells him that she wants him to end Josh Lewis’s marriage to Reva for good. She explains that Josh is very honorable and is trying to do it without a lawyer. He asks her to bring him up to speed and she says that she just wants to help things along. Olivia explains that she doesn’t trust Reva and Leo remembers that she is a force to be reckoned with. Leo thinks it might be fun to go up against her and Olivia invites him to a cocktail party tomorrow to sell himself to Josh. Leo agrees to come and she reminds him that Josh can’t know that they have talked. He goes to make a phone call and Marah arrives. Olivia mentions that Josh went to meet Reva and Marah asks her what she is doing there. She says she is having a business meeting and Noah arrives. He says that he is there to pick her up and she tells Olivia good-bye. Marah asks Noah if her parents are talking about the divorce and he offers to get her a bite to eat before they leave. Marah notices Leo return to Olivia’s table and Marah thinks that Olivia is up to something and will hurt her dad one day. Noah gets a call and Marah goes to wait in the car. He tells the caller that he has plans for tomorrow night that can’t be changed and calls to book reservations for 2 to Aruba for tomorrow night. Olivia asks Leo if they have a deal and he says that he isn’t sure. She says that she knows a lot of people that she could recommend him to and he says that he will give Josh his best shot. She says that she will make sure that Josh will hire him. He says it was nice to meet her and he leaves. Olivia says to herself that after tomorrow night, Josh and Reva will be history.

Monday, July 24

Beth tells the baby that they are going to be a family no matter what Phillip says. Jim arrives and Beth assures him that nobody else is there. Jim is glad because he doesn't want to listen to anyone else trying to tell him not to be with Beth. She tells him to ignore it but he says it's hard to ignore Susan. He doesn't know what she'll do next. Beth reminds him that Susan wanted this family a couple of weeks ago and nothing has changed. Jim says that he loves her but things have changed, especially for him and Susan. He tells Beth that Susan is missing her mother now and he doesn't know if she'll ever accept things. They go outside and Beth tells him that she told Phillip that they are back together. She says that he was okay with it until she mentioned them moving. Jim can understand Phillip being upset that they are taking his kids. Beth reminds him that she has custody of Lizzie and he agreed to let them raise the baby. Lizzie overhears her say that as soon as she gets better, they will be moving away from Alan and Phillip. Lizzie talks to the baby about how this will be like when Phillip left them in Arizona. She hated that and comes up with a plan to stop things. She gets some fake blood and puts it under her nose. Lizzie tells Beth that she feels tired and Beth sees the blood. Lizzie asks her if she's sick again and Beth says no but she is going to call Phillip.

Holly wonders what the special occasion is when Billy takes her to the country club. He acts like it's nothing but she knows there is a reason he brought her to the bar room. She thinks he's trying to show her that she can be in the same room with alcohol and not give in. She thanks him for being there for her at the barbeque when she accidentally drank some spiked punch. She tells him how she was faced with champagne at the wedding but resisted it. Billy asks her how the wedding was and she says it was romantic if you like that kind of thing. Billy thinks she could be persuaded to get back in that game. Holly reminds him that she isn't ready and he assures her he isn't trying to give her a line. He tells her about the party Olivia is having and asks her to go with him so he'll have an excuse to leave. He tells her he'll owe her one if she goes and she says that she already owes him so they'll be even. She goes to freshen up and Billy says that if she doesn't want to be romanced, he'll have to unromance her off her feet.

Selena and Reva work on Reva’s show at the house. Selena wants to go send Drew and Max off to New York and Reva tries to make her feel better about it. Reva tells her that she is going to a party tonight at Josh's and Selena is surprised. Selena thinks it sounds like bloodshed. Reva tells her that it was Josh's idea and Noah arrives. Reva shows Selena out and Noah gives Reva a handful of sand. He tells her that tonight they will be on a beach in Aruba and she tells him that they have a cocktail party at Josh's to attend. Noah asks her if she has lost her mind and walks out. He can't understand why she would want to go to this party and he thinks that she and Josh can't stay out of one another's lives. Inside the phone rings but they let the machine pick it up. It is Josh and he suggests that she and Noah don't come to the party because it is too soon. Reva is surprised with Noah’s reaction and points out that they are supposed to be no strings. Noah acts like he is not jealous and doesn't want any ties. He acts like he is just worried about her and her situation with Josh. Reva says that their divorce is not messy and that she wants to prove that. He tries to tempt her with the trip but she talks him into going back inside to talk about it. They go upstairs without checking the messages.

Max helps Drew pack and Susan watches. Max and Susan awkwardly talk about him having to leave. She says it would be nice to leave and never look back. Susan wonders why her dad couldn't have taken the job in New York. She can't believe that he is taking Beth back and Max thinks that she should give Beth another chance. Susan says that will never happen and begs Max to take her with him to New York. Drew overhears them and wants to talk to Susan alone. She tells Susan that she can see both sides from an adult and a kid. Drew asks her to think about what her father is going through and tells her that people make mistakes. She advises Susan not to take for granted the time that she has with her father. Max returns and tells Drew that he wants to stay there with Susan for a little while. Drew disagrees and Susan thanks Drew for her help. Selena arrives and Drew goes to tell her goodbye. Max tells Susan that he is going to miss her alot and says that he'll call her all the time. Susan says that she is ok and tells him to have a good trip. Selena tells Drew that she is not saying goodbye but that she is coming with her to help her move in. Drew is happy and tells Selena that she can drive. Max thinks it is cute that Selena is going and he gets in the van. They are unaware that Susan has stowed away in the back.

Olivia calls Leo from Josh's to confirm that he will be attending the party. Josh returns home from a meeting and she tells him how important this party is to her. She tells him that she ran into Leo Flynn and Josh remembers that he used to represent roger. She tells him that she invited him to the party and Josh is less than pleased. He mentions to her that he invited Reva and Noah to the party and Olivia is stunned. She gets upset and can't believe what he has done. He thinks this will be good for them all but Olivia feels like she has to compete with Reva. Olivia says that she will just deal with it and Josh says that he'll call Reva and tell her not to come. Olivia chats with the Congresswoman at the party and introduces her to Josh. Billy and Holly arrive and Billy introduces Holly and Olivia. Holly is surprised by all the people that are there. Billy asks Josh how it's going and he says good so far. He tells Billy that he invited Reva and Noah to come but Olivia didn't like it. He hopes Reva got his message for her not to come. Billy thinks he always makes things complicated and tries to give him advice on how to handle Olivia but Josh thinks he's giving him mixed signals. Billy says he shouldn't be bringing Reva around because it will drive Olivia crazy. Josh says that he doesn't want the divorce to turn into a battle between lawyers so they have to spend time together. He says that Reva will always be part of his life. Leo arrives and Olivia greets him. He asks her what the plan is and she promises to convince Josh that he is the right attorney for the divorce. Holly runs into Leo and is surprised to see him. She asks him what he is up to being there and he avoids the question. Olivia opens the door and Reva and Noah are there. Billy tells Josh that Reva and Noah have arrived.

Tuesday, July 25

Pre-empted due to election and plane crash coverage.

Wednesday, July 26

Abby shows Rick the papers from Washington and tells him how everyone was impressed with her testimony. Rick thinks they'll say anything to get her to move there. Abby tells him she thinks they said those things because she did a good job. Rick apologizes and says he was just trying to protect her. Abby tells him that she's not the same little Amish girl she was and can handle more than he thinks she can. Rick tells her he knows that and is very proud of her. He says that it's the other people he worries about, not her. He reminds her that their friends and family aren't in Washington. He wants their children to grow up where their friends can see them. Abby says that she never said she didn't want that and Rick says he needs to hear her say she wants to stay in Springfield. She tells him that she does love it there but there are other things she wants to experience. He gets beeped by the hospital and Abby says they can talk later. Rick suggests they just take off to New Mexico and have some time alone to talk and continue trying for a baby. She agrees and he leaves. Abby takes the birth control pills out of her purse and says that she's sorry but one day he'll understand.

Cassie tells Richard that she never wants to leave the yacht. He thinks she'll tire of it eventually. She tells him about wanting to be a doctor when she was younger and he asks why she didn't pursue it. She reminds him that she didn't have a lot of choices back then. She says she wouldn't change anything though because it led her to him. He tells her that when he was younger, he got a role in the school play. He was going to play Antony but his father wouldn't let him because it wasn't appropriate for the future head of state. Richard says that he really wanted that badly and Cassie thinks he was trying to impress a girl. Richard admits there was a girl named Emily but he's over her now. They joke about it and Richard goes to get some breakfast. Cassie makes a phone call saying that there is something she needs but Richard can't know about it. Later, Richard comes back to find her dressed as Cleopatra. She tells him she wants him to give his big speech. He performs the part for her and she can't believe he still remembers the lines. He tells her that she brought it all back to him and says this is the nicest thing anybody has ever done for him. She tells him she couldn't stand the idea of something out there he couldn't have. She says she'd give him the world if she could and he tells her that she is his world.

Max and Susan wake up in the van and she tells him that she heard what he said yesterday. She wants them to be together forever and explains that she is not going back. She tells him how wonderful their lives will be in New York but Max is sure that their families won’t go along with that. He agrees that it could be fun and she says that maybe in a few years they could get their own place. Max kisses her and Susan stops him. She apologizes and tells him that she doesn’t want her life to end up like Harley’s because people gave into feelings that they shouldn’t have. Max apologizes and says that he is a jerk and says that he doesn’t think it is stupid that she wants to wait. He tells her that she is worth waiting for and he tells her that he loves her. She tells him that she loves him too and Selena opens the van door. Jim comes to Company looking for Susan but Buzz still doesn't know anything. Jim is afraid for Susan to be out there alone. Buzz tries to calm him down and reassure him that Susan will come home okay. Jim says he can't stay there and starts to leave when the phone rings. Buzz talks to Selena and tells Jim he knows where Susan is and will explain on the way there. Drew argues with Susan and tells her that she can’t go against her father. Susan vows to hitch with someone else and walks off. Max tries to stop her and follows her. Drew tells Selena that she feels awful for Susan but that she learned a long time ago that you can’t run from your problems. Selena admits that she has been running to try to avoid saying goodbye to her. She tells Drew that she is going to go back to Springfield with Buzz when she gets there and she gets upset. Selena tells Drew that she worries about what Buzz had with Jenna and Drew tells her that Buzz loves her. They talk about all the time they will be spending together on the phone and they tells each other I love you. Max tells Susan that he doesn’t think that Jim will let her come to New York with him. He tells her that he would give anything for her to go but he can’t take her away now. He reminds her that neither one of them are legal and that it just isn’t going to happen. Jim arrives and tells Susan that he's taking her home. Susan tells him that she's going to New York with Max but he says no. Drew tries to get Max to give them some time but he doesn't want to leave until he knows Susan is alright. Susan asks him to go and walks away. He follows her and tries to comfort her by saying it'll only be for a year. He says he'll see her soon and she tells him sooner than he thinks. Drew calls for Max and they say goodbye to Selena and Buzz. Selena tells Buzz that she's glad he's here. Jim tells Susan to get in the car but she says she isn't going anywhere with him. Susan tells him that she won't live in the same house with Beth and he can't make her. He says they'll talk about it in the car but she tells him that even if he takes her home, she'll run away again the first chance she gets and this time he won't find her.

Michelle and Danny come downstairs after arriving home and find Claire, Pilar, Bill and Grandmother Santos in the kitchen. Claire said that she arranged this to welcome them home. Danny takes her aside and tells her not to play with him because he knows that she killed his mother. He tells her that he promised Michelle that he would back off and that he is only doing is for Michelle. Claire goes over to Grandmother Santos and she questions Claire about giving Michelle away. Pilar tries to stop her and Michelle tells Claire not to worry about it because everyone won’t understand like she does. Michelle tells her not to worry about it anymore. Claire tries to get Michelle to go to a medical seminar and Michelle tells her that she doesn’t have time since her and Danny have decided to have a family. Michelle walks off and Claire vows that she will never have a child with that man. Danny and Bill talk about Millennium and Danny asks Bill to help him set the trap to find his mother’s killer. Danny asks Bill to get on the Internet and look for dirt on Claire and Bill agrees to help. Danny doesn’t want Michelle to know about it. Danny and Michelle go upstairs and agree that they want some time alone together. Danny tells her that it won’t be long until they have a house of their own. They get romantic. Downstairs, Claire shows everyone out and calls someone on the phone. She leaves a message for them to call her and tells them that they have to make their next move fast.

Thursday, July 27

On the plane, Reva asks Noah where they are going now from Aruba. She wishes she could have left a forwarding number for Josh and goes on and on about Josh and Olivia’s party. Noah tells her that it is crowded on the plane with Josh and Olivia between them. Reva apologizes for talking about them and tells him that Olivia just gets to her. She asks him why he is huffy and he says that he just doesn’t want to see her get hurt. He asks her if she can have fun anymore and they get romantic. Meanwhile, Olivia and Leo discuss Reva’s behavior at the party and Olivia says that with his help they can scrape her out of Josh’s life. Leo asks why Olivia is so bothered by Reva and tells her that he is glad she is not afraid to fight dirty. He tells Olivia that Reva is still a full partner in their new company and has to OK every deal. Olivia calls the number that Reva left to be reached at and acts like Reva’s secretary. Since she can’t reach Reva, she comes up with a plan to make Josh think that he has lost a big deal because Reva can’t be reached. Just as Leo opens the door to leave, Josh and Matt arrive. Josh asks what he is doing there and Olivia says that he is there to pick up his briefcase. Leo asks Josh if he is ready to hire him but Josh says that he’ll call if he needs him. Leo leaves and Olivia tells him that the congresswoman’s office called and wants to offer them the deal. Josh is very happy and says that this could double their worth. She tells him to round up Billy so that they can sign the deal and he tells her that Reva will have to sign it too. Josh calls the number that he has for Reva but can’t reach her. Olivia acts like she is calling the congresswoman to have her postpone the signing of the contract and says that the congresswoman won’t allow it. She leaves to go over to the congresswoman’s office and Matt tells him that they just lost a huge deal because he can’t let go of Reva. Matt asks him what he is waiting for when it comes to their divorce and tells him that when it is over, it is over. He tells Josh that he had better get off the fence and get on with his life. Matt leaves and Josh calls Leo. He asks to make an appointment to see him and Olivia walks up behind Leo at Millennium.

Buzz, Selena, and Jim arrive at Company with Susan and meet Harley. Susan smarts off to Harley and goes outside. Harley tells Jim that they will deal with this together and they follow Susan outside. Harley tries to talk to her but Susan tells her that she is a big hypocrite. She tells them that she is suing for legal emancipation and she tells Harley that she is running away too but just won’t admit it. Harley admits that she is right and tells Susan that they can face their problems together. Harley tells her that her father is a big man for forgiving Beth and Susan begs Harley not to tell her that she is crawling back to Phillip. Harley tells Jim to let her talk to Susan alone and Harley tells her that she gets to make her own decisions because she is the adult. She tells Susan to suck it up and deal with her father’s decisions. Harley reminds her how they felt about Max when Susan started dating him and she wanted them to accept him and stay out of her life. Susan says that her dad can stay with Beth if he wants but she wants to live with Harley. Harley takes Jim aside and suggests that it might be the best thing for Susan to stay with her for a little while but Jim thinks that Harley is using this to avoid dealing with her problems. Harley denies that this is about that and explains that she understands what Susan is feeling. She reminds him that she may run off again and says that Susan can just live with her for a little while until things cool down. Jim reluctantly thinks about it and Harley goes to Millennium to get Susan’s backpack. Jim goes over to Susan and tells her that he wants the best for her. He offers to give her a choice about staying with Harley for a while if that is what she really wants. He says he would rather she come back home with him but she says that she is going to live with Harley. He tells her that she is the most important thing in the world to him and she asks him why he chose Beth over her then. Inside, Selena and Buzz talk about how Susan is acting and Buzz asks her if she felt left out while he was gone. He says that he should have asked her to go with him and she tells him that she knows that she will never measure up to Jenna in his eyes. He tells her to close her eyes and picture them anywhere but there. She opens her eyes and he is holding an empty ring box in front of her. She gets upset and he realizes that he lost her engagement ring. Buzz looks everywhere for the ring and he and Selena crawl around behind the bar looking for it. Buzz apologizes for ruining this moment for her and Selena finds the ring in the cuff of his pants. Buzz gets the ring and proposes to her there behind the bar. Selena says yes and when they stand up, everyone in Company applauds them.

Ross meets Phillip at Millennium and Phillip apologizes to him for their earlier argument. Phillip tells him that Jim and Beth have decided to leave town with the kids and explains what Lizzie did to try to stop them. Phillip tells him that he will do whatever he has to to stop Beth from leaving with his kids. Ross thinks that he should talk to Beth about this but Phillip says that he can’t change Beth’s mind. Ross asks if Beth is legal guardian to Lizzie and Phillip says yes. Ross says that he’d have to sue Beth for custody to have any rights. Phillip says that he could threaten to sue Beth for custody of the baby and Ross says that could get messy. Phillip hopes that only a threat would be enough but says that he will do whatever he has to do to protect his kids. Ross tells him that he decided not to participate in the dismantling of families and asks him what Harley will think about this when she hears about it. Ross tells him that he knows how Harley is feeling and that it will just take time for Harley to get over it. Phillip says that right now he has to be concerned with Lizzie. Ross tells him that if he goes down this road with custody then he can never go back. Harley arrives and Ross tells Phillip to think about what he actually wants. Phillip says to himself that he wants his life back and Harley hears him. She comes over and tells him that, no it is not.

Friday, July 28

Cassie tells Richard to leave so she can get dressed to meet the people. Richard wonders if the honeymoon is over and she tells him that it'll never be over. Dax and Jenny arrive to tell them how big the crowd is that is waiting for them. Cassie goes to get dressed and Jenny goes with her. Dax needs to talk to Richard and it can't wait. Jenny asks Cassie if the honeymoon lived up to her expections and she said it was incredible. Cassie asks about Edmund and Jenny tells her that he makes her feel special. Jenny puts the crown on and looks in the mirror. Jenny sees Cassie watching her and apologizes. Cassie asks her to put it back on and asks her how she feels. Jenny says she feels like a princess. Dax tells Richard that the people loved the wedding and now are anticipating the next chapter. He says that there are rumors that Cassie can't provide him with an heir and if that's true, they have a serious problem. Dax reminds him that once something like this gets started, it can get out of control. He suggests they make an annoucement that it isn't true. Richard tells him that this is a private matter. Dax reminds him that the constitution says that he must be succeeded by a blood relative, a son. He asks about Jonathan and Richard tells him that he already has made a decision about Jonathan's future and not to bring it up again. Dax tells him that if he doesn't provide an heir, Edmund's son will rule. Richard tells Dax to find out where these rumors started and to put an end to them immediately. Richard says that this is a special time for Cassie and nothing is going to spoil it. He tells Dax not to tell anybody about this rumor, especially Cassie. Dax assures him he won't say a word. Cassie and Jenny come back out and Cassie asks what happens next. Dax tells her that they will answer the usual questions and she realizes they are back in the spotlight again. Dax tells them that they represent an entire country, both it's present and it's future.

Rick comes home and tells Abby that he has arranged for them to spend three days away together. Michelle asks where they are going but Rick wants to surprise Abby. He goes to make a phone call and Abby tells Michelle that they really need this time alone together. Michelle says that going away really helped her relationship with Danny. She suggests that this is a good time for Rick and Abby to get pregnant. Michelle notices that Abby isn't enthusiastic at the sound of that but Abby claims she's just thinking about work. She says she has to go get something out of the car and leaves. Outside, Abby remembers taking the birth control pills out of the garbage. Michelle wonders what's going on with Abby and leaves. Rick calls to confirm his reservations. Michelle asks Abby if she's okay and Abby says she's just overwhelmed. Michelle tells her that she understands that because of her problems with Carmen and Claire. Abby asks her if they went away after their vacation and Michelle says no, but the trip helped put things in perspective. She says that marriage comes first and that Rick and Abby need to break down the walls between them. Michelle tells her to enjoy her vacation and then leaves to meet Danny. Rick looks at a brochure for a spa and thinks that Abby will love it. He looks for a place to put it so that Abby won't see it. Meanwhile, Abby believes she can't keep lying to Rick and has to tell him the truth. Rick looks in her purse and finds the birth control pills as Abby walks in. She says that she was just coming in to talk to him about this. He guesses what she was going to say and asks her to enlighten him. She says she was coming to tell him she loves him but doesn't want to have a baby with him.

Danny shows Bill, Pilar, and Grandma Santos the plans for expanding Millennium. He tells them about his plans for adding on. His grandmother tells him she just wants him to be happy and he tells her he's happier than he ever has been. The health inspector arrives and tells him he has some health violations. He says that if they aren't fixed, he will have to shut Millennium down. Danny tells him that they already had an inspection and passed. Carlos arrives and realizes what's going on. Carlos knows the health inspector but claims he didn't know he was going to be there. Carlos offers to help Danny out by talking to the guy for him. Danny thinks that Carlos is trying to show him that he needs him and the other families. Danny isn't interested but Carlos claims he is just offering to help. Michelle arrives and wants to know what he means. Carlos advises Danny not to cut off his nose to spite his face because in the end he will still bleed. Carlos leaves and Danny tries to reassure Michelle that he won't mess this up for them. He reminds her Carmen's letter and tells her that nobody is going to make him do anything he doesn't want to. Danny takes her to the place they are building their house. He tells her to forget about Carlos. Michelle says that their vacation was a nice reminder of how lucky they are. Danny points out that this is where they were married and where they are building their dreamhouse. He says that they aren't dependent on anyone for their happiness and no one can take that away from them unless they let them. Someone watches them from the bushes.

Phillip comments to himself that he'd like his wife back but that's not going to happen. Harley is behind him and confirms that it isn't going to happen. He asks about Susan and she tells him what happened with Max and Jim. Harley notices that something is bothering Phillip but he says he's okay. He tells her he wants to set a time to come see Zach. He tells her that she can relax because he's not going to pressure her about getting back together anymore. Phillip starts to leave but Harley stops him and asks if everything is all right with Lizzie. He says that Lizzie is upset about having to move and faked a nose bleed so they would think she was sick again. Phillip apologizes and starts to leave but Harley stops him again saying that if he needs to talk, she'll listen. He tells her that Lizzie needs stability right now and he doesn't know why Beth can't see that. He feels like he has to do something to stop them. Harley tells him that if they feel they have to leave town to save their marriage, there's nothing he can do about it. Phillip asks her if she would just let him take Zach away and knows she'd fight him tooth and nail. He says that even if he comes out looking like the bad guy, they aren't taking Lizzie anywhere. Harley thinks if he talks to Beth honestly, everything will work out. She explains that Susan will be staying with her for a while and Phillip thinks that Zach will like that. Harley knows that he's angry that she took Zach away without telling him but Phillip says that it's okay because she brought him back. He says that Beth and Jim want to take his kids away forever. Phillip asks how Zach liked the lake and she shows him some pictures. He remembers how he loved to watch him while Harley was sleeping. She tells him that she loved watching Phillip with Zach and they both agree they miss that. A lady from Ross's office interrupts them with some legal papers. Harley realizes that Phillip is going to try to take the baby away from Beth. Phillip says that she's wrong but Harley believes this is about him trying to control everything. She asks him when he is going to grow up and realize that there are other people in the world besides him. She can't believe that she actually felt sorry for him and he says that she felt more than that for him. Harley tells him that she won't be making that mistake twice and leaves. Phillip takes the papers and says that Harley is wrong but there's no way he can make her believe that.

Jim tells Beth that he talked with Susan and she's going to stay with Harley. Beth apologizes but Jim thinks it'll be good for her to take time to accept that they are back together. He says they'll have to put off moving for a while so he can be close to Susan right now. Beth tells him they need to talk about that and reassures him that she wants to be with him. She says that she understood his point about leaving town and agreed to it. She thinks now that they were only thinking about what was best for them, not their kids. Beth tells him she loves him but she can't leave Springfield. She asks him not to be angry and he tells her that he came to the same conclusion while driving over there. He tells her about the talk he had with Susan and Harley and how Susan called Harley on running away. He thinks he was doing the same thing by wanting to leave town. He says that he's never done that in his life and isn't going to start now. Jim wants Susan to know that they are a family and are working towards the same goal. He says that everyone including Phillip needs to understand that no matter where they came from, they are together now. Beth tells him that he doesn't have to worry about Phillip not letting them raise the baby. Jim wants to clarify to Phillip that the baby is theirs and will be forever. He wants to make this deal legally but Beth doesn't think that's necessary. Jim reminds her that Alan has been trying to convince Phillip to claim the baby. He doesn't want Phillip butting into their lives. Beth says that he was only concerned about Lizzie but he doesn't have to worry now because they aren't leaving. Jim thinks that Phillip is going to want to be a big part of the baby's life. Beth tries to convince him that Phillip only wants to watch the baby grow up. Beth asks him not to push things with Phillip right now. Phillip arrives and says he needs to talk to both of them. She asks if something is wrong and he says that she thinks she can take Lizzie away. He says that they've left him no choice and starts to pull out the legal documents. Jim stops him and says that they have decided they aren't leaving. Phillip is happy to hear that and agrees that this is best for everyone. Beth tells him that they will be moving in with Jim and Phillip is fine with that. Jim is happy to hear it and says that he will now understand why Jim wants to legally adopt the baby.

Monday, July 31

Pilar is upset about Carlos and tells Bill and Maria that he threatened them too, not just Danny and Michelle. Maria thinks he's nothing but a bully and that Danny will take care of him. Pilar reminds her that Danny has the chance to go legit now. The health inspector comes back and Pilar tells him that the health violations are fake and everybody knows it. She wants him to go back and tell Carlos to remember that he's dealing with the Santos family. The guy tells her that Carlos says there is no Santos family anymore and that his job is to make Danny's life a living hell until he joins them. Pilar says that her last name is Santos and so is Danny's. She tells him to get out. Bill tries to calm her down by saying this will be over soon but Pilar knows that they won't stop until Danny joins the mob again. Bill tells her he wants her to stay away from Carlos and his people. She tells him that's not the way it works. She says that if they are looking for you, they will find you and you just have to deal with it. Bill says this isn't a game and to let Danny fight his own battles. Pilar says that she isn't going to turn her back on her brother. She says she's going to do everything she can to help him and Michelle. Bill thinks that Danny has other problems and that there are other ways to help him. She says the bottom line is Carlos had something do with her mother's death and she wants him out of their lives. Bill thinks that maybe Carlos didn't have anything to do with it and suggests she think about Claire. Bill explains that Danny told Michelle he was letting this go and asks her to keep it between them. Maria overhears Bill tell Pilar that Danny believes Claire might have had something to do with Carmen's murder. Bill says that Danny isn't sure about Claire and Pilar asks him exactly what Danny said. He explains that Claire gave Carmen an injection after she was shot and she forged Carmen's name on the cremation order. Pilar doesn't understand why Claire would do that and Bill says she wanted to protect Michelle by getting Carmen out of her life. Pilar can't believe it and Bill says that they aren't sure about this. Maria says that Pilar has a right to be upset and that if this is true, she has to pay. Pilar wants her to let them handle it but Maria won't do that. Pilar wants to go find Claire and Maria wants to go too but Pilar says no. She and Bill go to get the car and Claire walks in. Maria approaches her and says that a lot of people have been talking about her. She says that Claire had something to do with Carmen's death. Maria gives her a threat. She says that they are after Claire, which means they're after both of them. Maria tells Claire she better have covered her tracks.

Michelle tells Danny that it would be great if they could have a place where no one can find them. He tells her to forget about Carlos and the threats he was making earlier. He says that nobody's going to touch her while someone continues to watch them through the bushes. Michelle asks him to promise her that he won't let anybody take him away from her. He says he isn't going anywhere and won't do anything to jeopardize their life together. She says it's the other people she's worried about and he tells her that he's changed because of her. He says he isn't going back. They hear something and Danny grabs a shovel and asks who's there. A man comes out of the bushes and Danny realizes that it's Walter, the architect building their house. Walter tells him that he's got a crew ready to start building and Danny tells Michelle that their house is going to happen. Michelle is happy that they are going to have a place of their own. Danny tells her that he wants a family and Michelle says that the doctor told her they can start trying anytime they want to. They go inside and Michelle looks around and asks if someone is living there. Danny thinks it's strange but someone has definitely been living there for a while. Michelle sees a picture of her and Danny hanging on the wall.

Rick can't believe Abby was taking birth control pills while they were trying to have a child. He asks her how she can even look him in the eye and she says she can't. He tells her that of all people she knew how much a family meant to him. She says it means a lot to her too and he asks her how she can say that. He wants to know why she lied and she admits that she didn't want to lose him. Abby says that she was coming to tell him the truth and that she hated lying to him. He doesn't know if he can believe anything she says now. He asks her what she was thinking because he doesn't know anymore. She tells him that she was thinking about their life and how wonderful he is. Rick thinks this was a plan and after not being able to conceive, she could take the job in Washington. Abby explains that she was trying to want what he wanted because she owed him that much for everything he's done for her. He can't believe that she thinks she owes him for loving her. He says that she was supposed to want a family because she loved him, not as an I-owe-you. Abby tells him that she loves him so much but what she wants her life to be has changed. She says she's been trying to tell him that but he won't hear it. She tells him that when he looks at her, he still sees the Amish little girl he had to protect. Rick says that he's done nothing but support her and encourage her. Abby tells him that she went from her parent's house to his. She doesn't think he believes she is capable of having her own life. He thinks the people in Washington do and realizes that it's all about this job. She asks him if that would be so bad. She says that she lost her hearing when she was six years old and for years believed she had to live her life within certain limits. Now she realizes she can be whatever she wants to be and he's always encouraged her to do that. She reminds him that he insisted that she have the cochlear implant and would be strong enough to handle the changes that came with it. She says that these are some of those changes and asks if he's sorry he did that. He says he'll never regret that but he never thought he'd lose his wife afterwards. She says that she loves being his wife and knows how much having a baby means to him. He says that only wants to have a baby with her. He asks her if he moved to Washington with her, could she see having a family with him. She tells him that she can't promise him that. She says that he's the one who showed her the big city and let her spread her wings. She tells him she wants him to be part of that. He says that it's because of him, that she's able to walk out of his life.

Phillip repeats that Jim wants to adopt his son and Beth reminds him that the baby is hers too. Jim says that he thinks this is best for the children and that he loves them and Beth. Jim says it took him a while to adjust but now he's ready to step in. Phillip says that this is not exactly what he had in mind. Jim is confused and Phillip explains that he isn't going to let him adopt his son. Beth says that Jim agreed not to move and Phillip is happy about that. Jim reminds him that he already agreed to let him raise the child so he doesn't understand what the problem is. Phillip says that he only did that to help Beth out and it was a mistake then. Beth asks him why he can't back off and Phillip tells her that he can't sign a piece of paper saying that the baby isn't his. He tells her he can't and he won't do that. Beth says that she and Jim were always going to give the baby a home and that nothing has changed. Phillip tells her that everything has changed and continues to change daily. Jim tells him that they don't have the answers but they're trying to figure this out together. Phillip asks why they're trying to pin him down then and Beth says that they're trying to make sense of all this. Jim asks how he and Beth can raise the baby when Phillip won't give him up. Phillip tells him that he never said he would give him up and that he was always going to be part of his life. Jim says that he wasn't going to be the father though. Phillip thinks this is a waste of time and gives Jim the legal papers. He says that he is the father and Jim is not adopting the baby. Beth asks him what it is and Jim says that it's a declaration of intent. Beth asks what that means and they tell her that Phillip is filing for custody. Phillip apologizes and says she didn't give him any choice. Beth can't believe he would do this to her but Jim can. He says that he's Phillip Spaulding and it's all about owning everything from stocks and bonds to babies. Phillip says he can look at it however he wants to but Lizzie and the baby are his and Jim isn't part of the equation. Beth reminds that they are hers too. Phillip says that they have no idea why he's done this. He explains that Lizzie was so terrified that they were going to drag her away that she faked a relapse of her illness. He says he did this so they would stop and think about what they are doing. Beth knows that he doesn't want custody of the baby and tears up the papers. Phillip and Jim start to agrue again and Beth asks Jim to let her handle it. Jim tells Phillip that he disgusts him and leaves. Beth asks Phillip what has happened to him. He says that he isn't walking away from that little boy. Beth tells him that she isn't going to let him tear apart everyone's lives. Phillip says that Beth told him that he could have a place in the baby's life. She says yes but he can't call all the shots. He tells her he doesn't want to do that but he doesn't want to be shut out entirely. He says he's not comfortable with giving up all his rights. Beth tells him that if he doesn't let Jim adopt the baby, there will always be the threat of Phillip changing his mind and taking the baby away from them. She promises that if he lets them adopt the baby, she will never cut him out of his life. Phillip doesn't understand how she can ask him to do this knowing about his childhood and that Alan isn't his father. He says that whether Jim raises him or not, the baby needs to know that Phillip is his father. He says that he agreed to let them raise the baby for her so she could save her marriage. Beth realizes that this is really about the fact that his marriage is over so he's lashing out and that Jim is right. Phillip doesn't want to talk about Jim anymore because it wasn't that long ago that Beth was willing to leave Jim if Phillip would raise the kid with her. He doesn't want her to tell him about the depth of her emotion for Jim and she slaps him. She says that he deserved that for trying to destroy her life. He says that he hopes things work out for her and Jim. He apologizes for her not liking his decision. She says that Jim was the one who was there for her during the pregnancy. She tells him that Jim came back to her after he found out the baby wasn't his. Beth asks him why he can't put his ego out of the way just once and do what's best for someone else. Phillip tells her that the baby is his son, and what's best for him is to know that. Phillip says that he will know that and leaves.

Harley and Zach try to cheer Susan up. Harley knows that she has mixed feelings about Jim and Beth getting back together. Susan says that Jim picked Beth and the baby over her and the baby isn't even his. She says that Max is in New York and she's there. Buzz, Selena and Frank arrive with food and Buzz tells Harley that after they talked, he thought she could use this. They start eating and Harley tells Buzz that he's going to have to tell them the secret to his cooking. He jokes that only Susan has put in enough hours at Company to learn that. Frank tells Harley she won't have time for cooking anyway because he got her reinstated back at the police station. Harley thanks him and says she owes him big. Susan breaks down and says she can't do this. Susan apologizes and says that they are lucky to have a family. They tell her that she's part of this family too. Selena hugs Susan and Harley notices that she has a ring on. Buzz tells them that he proposed and they all congratulate them. Jim arrives and Susan runs upstairs. Frank explains that she is emotional over Selena and Buzz's engagement. Jim tells Harley that the situation just got a whole lot worse. On the roof, Susan talks to Max on the phone and says she wishes he were there. He tells her she's probably sitting there with her hand on her knee, wearing the earrings he gave her for her birthday. She turns around and sees him standing there. Meanwhile, Harley can't believe what Phillip is doing. Jim thinks he wanted custody all along. Harley offers to steer Phillip away from this but Jim says he agreed to let Beth handle it. Harley tells him that the law is on Phillip's side because he is the biological father. Jim tells her that he is going to fight to keep that child away from the Spauldings.

Tuesday, August 1

Susan asks Max if he ran away and he tells her he convinced Drew to let him stay with Selena and Buzz for the summer. He says he wanted to surprise her. Max tells her he couldn't let her go through all these problems alone. He asks how long she will be living with Harley and she says as long as it takes. She tells him she'll never live with Jim as long as he's with Beth. Susan thinks that Harley needs Susan as much as she needs her. Susan thinks Harley feels like she's all alone. Meanwhile, Harley tries to read but keeps looking at pictures of Phillip. She takes them down and tells herself to forget him. Beth arrives and Harley says she just missed Jim. Beth isn't looking for him and tells her they need to talk about Phillip. Harley isn't interested but Beth tells her that the life of a child depends on this. Harley lets her in and Beth tells her about Phillip filing for custody of the baby and they have to stop her. Harley doesn't think it's any of her business but Beth says that she and Jim are what's best for the baby. Beth thinks the only reason Phillip is filing for custody is because he lost Harley and doesn't have anything left. Beth asks for her help. Harley thinks Beth is out of mind asking her to get back with Phillip after he slept with Beth. She thinks Beth has a lot of guts coming there to ask her for a favor. Beth says that she wants them to get back together for Harley's sake too but she doesn't believe it. Beth says she's doing this because she knows what's best for everyone. Harley reminds her that she ruined her marriage and she doesn't want to talk about this with her. Beth tells her that she and Phillip belong together because he chose Harley over her. She thinks that Harley loves him too or else she wouldn't be so angry. Beth says that she believes Harley wants him back, she's just too scared to admit it. Harley wants her to leave but Beth wants to know what she's so afraid of. She knows that Harley has been hurt but that doesn't mean she has to give up. She says that Phillip loves Harley and he is sorry for the mistake he made. Harley says that it isn't enough because he lied to her for months. Beth says that she is hurting and she is pretending that she isn't. Harley tells her to get out and Beth asks her why she wants to throw something away that means so much to her. She tells Harley that he loves her and isn't going to stop. She says that her motivation for coming there was selfish but she's right about this. Susan and Max come downstairs and Susan tells her to get away from Harley. Beth agrees to leave and tells Harley to think about what she said because it's not too late. Max thinks Susan and Harley need to talk so he leaves. Susan wants to know why Beth was there and what she said. Harley wants to let it go but Susan wants to know what's wrong. Harley asks her to get her a glass of water. She goes outside and asks herself why she can't stop loving Phillip.

Michelle points out a picture of them there and Danny is confused. Michelle thinks that someone is messing with them. Danny says that they can’t keep looking over their shoulders and that their bad luck is over. He reminds her of how wonderful their second honeymoon was and suggests that they just get out of there. He tells her that nothing is going to take their future away from them and Michelle picks up a piece of cloth. She starts to cry and says that it smells like Carmen. Danny smells it and says that he doesn’t recognize it. Michelle says that she is not going crazy and he begs her to stop doing this to herself. He tells her that he will figure out how the picture got there and he tells her to stop worrying about it right now. He leaves the picture there and they go. Meanwhile, Abby tells Rick that she doesn’t want to leave him and suggests that he come to Washington with him. Rick realizes that they want different things and doesn’t want her to stay and grow to hate him. He tells her that their marriage is over and she says that this doesn’t have to be the end. She tells him that she is afraid and he tells her how important her job will be to her. She tells him that he deserves to have the children that he wants and he tells her that he wanted that with her. She turns to go upstairs and pack and Rick goes outside and breaks down. Upstairs, Rick apologizes to Abby for yelling at her and tells her that she doesn’t have to leave tonight. She says that if she doesn’t go today then she might never go. She tells him that no matter where she goes, he will always be with her. She says that right now is not their time but maybe someday she will turn around and see him and then that will be their time. He tells her that he loves her and she tells him goodbye and that she will love him always. He tells her goodbye and leaves.

Maria warns Claire that Bill and Pilar are on to her. She says that Danny told them he still believes Claire had something to do with Carmen's murder. Claire says she thought Danny let that go but Maria says he is letting her and Michelle think that. Maria tells her that Danny still believes she killed his mother and is determined to prove it. Claire wonders how he'd feel if he found out his own grandmother set up the shooting. Maria says she did it for his own good and Clare tells her that she gave Carmen the injection for Michelle's own good too but they won't understand that. She says that they have to make sure the truth doesn't come out. Claire wants them to come up with a plan but Maria says it won't be easy. She says she isn't going to jail over Carmen and Claire says she isn't going to lose Michelle again either. She thinks they need to come up with a place to meet so they won't be seen together. Rick arrives but doesn't pay any attention to them. Maria wonders if he knows anything but Claire thinks there's something else going on with him. She gets a phone call from Joe and learns that Abby took the job in Washington. Maria thinks she is up to something with Rick and tells her not to complicate things or they'll both end up in jail. Claire goes over to Rick and he tells him to leave her alone. She brings up Abby and he tells her that she is gone. Claire acts dumb and tries to comfort him. He tells her not to act like she cares and he tells her that there is not anything that anybody can do. Claire offers to listen to him and help him like she did years ago. Meanwhile, Abby goes downstairs and runs into Michelle and Danny. They assume that Rick is going with her and Abby tells them that she is going alone. She tells Michelle that it is over between her and Rick and that she is leaving him. Michelle asks why she is leaving if they still love one another and Abby says that sometimes it takes more than love. Michelle tells her to just take the vacation with him and Abby says that she hasn’t forgotten why she loves Rick. Abby explains that they don’t want the same things anymore and Michelle tells her to find a middle ground. Abby tells her that she has been changing since the day that she came to Springfield and that she is just now figuring out who she is. She says that she is not happy there anymore and tells Michelle that she is going to miss her. Michelle tells her that she is not just leaving Rick but that she is leaving all of them too. Abby asks Michelle to take care of Rick and she leaves for the airport. Back at the cabin, someone tears up the picture of Danny and Michelle and sets it on fire.

Wednesday, August 2

Richard and Cassie return home and Cassie talks about the press. Richard tells her that she will be in the press even more now than before. Edmund arrives and tells them that he has planned a surprise for Cassie. Edmund tells them he arranged a press conference for Cassie and Richard tells him that he should have consulted with them first. Richard tells him to get rid of them but Cassie says that it is OK. Edmund brings in a bunch of little kids and says that they are there to give suggestions on the children’s museum. Cassie is happy to see them and questions them about what they want in the museum. Dax tells Edmund that his surprise was a great success and leads the children out. A reporter overhears Cassie and Richard talking and asks them when they will be having a child of their own. Cassie gets upset and Richard tells her not to worry about that. Cassie goes to check on Tammy and Richard tells Dax that the reporter is not allowed back in the palace. Dax tells him that avoiding the subject won’t change anything and Richard tells him that the topic is off limits. Cassie overhears them and Dax leaves. Cassie tells Rick that she overheard them and that they need to deal with this issue.

Abby waits at the airport and finds a picture of her and Rick. She finds a lost deaf girl and signs to her. Her mother arrives and thanks Abby for her help. Reva and Noah arrive and Reva asks her what she is doing there. Abby tells her that she is leaving Springfield for good and Reva assumes that Rick is going to Washington with her. Abby apologizes for not calling to say goodbye and explains that she and Rick are splitting up. Noah leaves them alone and Abby explains to Reva the she and Rick don’t want the same things anymore. Reva thinks that they can come to a compromise and tells her not to throw in the towel yet. Abby tells him that they can’t compromise about having children and she tells Reva about taking the birth control pills. Reva is sure that she doesn’t want this to be over. Abby tells her about helping the little girl and tells Reva that is what she wants to do with the rest of her life. Abby thinks it was a sign but Reva thinks it was a sign for her to show up and talk her out of this. Abby tells her that she is not one to be talking after the mess she made of her own marriage. Abby apologizes and Reva admits that she was to blame for all her problems. She says that at least she and Josh can talk about it and she calls Abby a chicken for trying to sneak out of town before she could call her on this big mistake. She tells Abby to go back and talk and talk so that she can make sure that it is over. Abby asks if she and Josh talked to make sure that it was over and Reva tells her that it is never over when you love someone that much. Noah overhears them and Abby tells them that she is going to stay there and think. Reva and Noah leave. Abby looks at the picture again and remembers a picnic with Rick. Abby picks up her phone and makes a call. Meanwhile, Rick tells Claire about Abby’s decision as he drinks at Millennium. He nearly decides to go with her to Washington but Claire stops him. Rick gets drunk and Claire tries to convince him that all the problems are Abby’s fault. Claire points out that she can see where Abby is coming from because that is what happened when she had Michelle. Rick thanks her for listening to him and she goes to make a phone call. Claire calls to the house to make sure that nobody is there and is pleased to get the machine. Claire comes back and gets Rick to take him home. They arrive home and the phone rings. Claire gets the message from Abby saying that she is coming back home. She knocks the machine off the table and breaks it. Rick asks Claire to leave and shuts the door. Rick goes to bed and Claire returns. She takes off her clothes and gets into bed with him. Abby opens the door and see them together.

Olivia meets with Vince Russo at Millennium. He is hesitant to be seen with her and thinks it would look bad since he has been retained to represent Lewis Construction and Josh in his divorce. Olivia tells him not to worry since Reva is out of town and she tells him that Josh is angry with Reva right now. He is pleased and Olivia says that she is going to push Reva out of Josh’s life. Olivia tells Vince that there is a lot of dirt on Reva that they can use and gives him some examples. Vince commends Olivia on the way that she engineered the situation to make Josh angry with Reva. Reva and Josh arrive and Millennium and Reva notices Olivia sitting with Vince Russo. Noah asks Reva why she cares who Olivia is with and Reva goes over to the table. She tells him that she recognizes him and introduces herself to him. Olivia nearly tells him about Josh’s deal and Vince stops her. Noah takes Reva back over to the bar and tells her that he is leaving. Noah gets upset and tells her that she needs to finish all of her unfinished business with Josh now. He tells her that he heard what she told Abby and he says that he knows that she mean it. He tells her that she can’t let it go and she tries to deny it. He tells her that she needs to un-attach herself from Josh and his business. She tells him that she’ll think about it later and Olivia comes over to them. She apologizes for being short with her and Reva tells her to go ahead and say what she wants to say. Olivia tells her how Josh supposedly missed the deal because of her and Reva feels awful. Reva tells Noah that she blew it and he tells her not just with Josh. Noah leaves angry and Reva sees Olivia and leaves too. Olivia tells Vince that she told Reva and now Reva will run straight into Josh’s arms.

Thursday, August 3

Blake catches Buzz reading an article about wedding planning. They talk about how beautiful Richard and Cassie’s wedding was and he kids her about knocking Cassie out. Blake wishes she were planning her own wedding. Buzz startles her and they remember her wedding to Ross. Buzz tells her that people never know what is coming after the “I do’s.” Blake asks her what he and Selena are going to do for their wedding and he says that they will do whatever Selena wants. He says that his other wives deserved more of a wedding than they got from him and he doesn’t want to let Selena down.

Edmund talks to Dax about Cassie's idea for the children's museum. Dax isn't interested but Edmund knows he's upset over Cassie's infertility. Dax thinks he should leave it alone because Richard will always put Cassie first and the nation second. Edmund says he's only thinking of what's best for everyone. He tells Dax that he didn't create this situation with Cassie but it affects both of them. Dax admits that Richard can be emotional at times. Edmund reminds him that he was the one that pushed Richard in Cassie's direction but didn't count on him falling in love with her. He knows that Dax is already suspicious about his motive's for telling him about Cassie but he doesn't need Richard to be suspicious too. He suggests they pretend this conversation never took place. Edmund wants Richard to know that what he wants is what's best for San Cristobel. He tells Dax that they both know that the country is counting on an heir to the throne.

Cassie wants to deal with their problem and asks Richard to stop trying to protect her. She asks him for his honesty and tells him that he wants to speak plainly with him. He denies that they even have a problem and she says that she knows that she has certain obligations. He says that they won’t know anything until they try but she points out how these questions are going to ruin their lives. He tells her that he is not thinking about anything else but her when they are making love and she is afraid that they aren’t going to be able to hold on to that feeling. She says that she needs to know if she can conceive or not and he says that they can find out together. Richard nearly calls the doctor but decides that it would be a bad idea because the public might find out about it. Richard suggests that they go to a clinic outside of the country and Cassie worries about the press’s reaction. He tells her that no one is going to question a family trip and she agrees. Richard tells her that no matter the results that his feelings for her won’t change and they leave.

Harley leaves Millennium and runs into Lillian at the door. Harley lets it slip to her about Phillip’s custody battle with Beth and sends her over to Phillip’s table. Ross is telling Phillip that he doesn’t agree with what he is doing but Phillip refuses to listen. Ross asks him if Harley knows what is going on and suggests that he is only doing this because Harley has left him. Phillip tells Ross that he is not going to let Jim adopt his son and Lillian overhears them. Ross asks Lillian to join them and she says that it hurts her to see what is happening between them. She begs him not to make this worse than it already is. Phillip gets upset with them for questioning him and he tells her that she is there protecting her child just like he wants to protect his child. Lillian tells him about her conversation with Alan when he suggested that Phillip and Beth get back together again. She tells him that Jim came back to Beth and now she has a chance to be happy with him and she begs him not to ruin her future with him. He tells her that he is just trying to fix it for everyone and points out that Beth and Jim are making decisions for him. Phillip tells them that he is not going to change his mind and he leaves. Lillian and Ross hope that Phillip calms down before he causes too much damage. Ross tells her that he is not going to take sides and he decides what he is going to do now.

Abby finds Claire in bed with Rick. He wakes up and sees Claire and asks what she's doing there. Claire tries to explain to Abby that Rick was hurting and got drunk. Abby thinks it's obvious what happened and leaves. Rick tries to go after her and Claire asks him if he remembers what happened. He tells her to shut up and goes after Abby. He follows her to the kitchen and stops her from leaving and says that nothing happened. Abby tells him she talked to Reva at the airport and thought they needed to settle some things so she came back. Rick asks her not to tell him she's changed her mind because of Claire. He tells her he loves her and that they have to work things out between them. Abby tells him she's not staying. Claire listens to Abby tell Rick it was a mistake for her to come there. She admits that she believes that nothing is going on and that Claire staged the whole thing. Rick begs her not to leave him but Abby tells him it's not because of Claire. She says that it's hard to say goodbye but she has to leave. Claire comes in and asks Abby to reconsider because Rick was drunk and didn't know what he was doing. Abby says that she doesn't believe anything happened. Claire tells her that she chose her job over her husband. Abby says that she's glad this happened because now Rick will never turn to her. Harley walks in to find Abby upset and drags Claire outside. She tells Harley that Rick was drunk and that she was helping him into bed when he started kissing her. Harley knows that she is lying because Rick wouldn't do that. Claire informs her that Abby was leaving Rick and that was why he was drinking. Harley doesn't think it matters because Rick wouldn't hop into bed with someone else. Claire says Harley didn't think her husband would either. Harley tells her she's way out of line. She tells Claire to cut her losses because Rick and Michelle don't care for her. Claire says that she and Rick were lovers before and Harley has no idea what they have together. Harley suggests Claire go back to her medical school and help the students pass because that's all she's good for. Claire thinks that Harley is just a bitter woman who is alone now. She says that she has what Harley doesn't and starts to go back inside. Harley stops her and tells her this isn't her house. Claire says it isn't her house yet and walks away. Rick tells Abby that Claire is the problem and she wouldn't be leaving him if she hadn't seen them in bed together. Abby tells him she would because Claire isn't the problem. She says that they want different things and she came back to see Rick one more time. Rick tells her all the things he's going to miss about her. Abby tells him that she loves him and that he's given her so many things. She says that Rick has made her a better person and she will always love him. Rick thinks she better go and they sign goodbye. Abby leaves and Rick looks at his wedding ring. He slides to the floor and breaks down. Harley comes in and asks if he's okay. He tells her that Abby is gone and she tells him she's sorry. He asks where Claire is and Harley says she told her to get lost. She says she came over to cry on his shoulder but has bad timing as usual. They agree to cry on each other's shoulder and hug.

Friday, August 4

Claire gets out aspirin for Rick and she tells him that she has forgiven him for last night. He gets upset that she is trying to forgive him and tells her again that nothing happen. He tells her what she did was very stupid and tells her that he knows that Abby’s message is gone. She tells him that he knocked over the table and caused the tape to be ejected. Claire tells Rick that it would have been easier if Abby had left him for someone else and Rick becomes livid. He tells her that he is proud of the way that Abby has handled everything and he tells her that he has had enough of her tricks. Michelle and Danny come in and Michelle tells Claire that she agrees with Rick. Michelle follows Claire outside and tells Danny to meet her at Millennium later. Danny offers his help to Rick and Rick says that all he needs is his wife back. Michelle asks Claire if she actually did what Rick said and Claire admits that she did. She says that she was just trying to save Rick and Abby from a failed attempt to reconcile. Michelle asks her what kind of a person or mother could do something like that and Claire tells her that she is just trying. Claire begins to talk about how she felt when she gave Michelle up and tells her that she is just trying to be a good mother and deal with that. She leaves Michelle standing there. Michelle goes back inside and offers to apologize for Claire but Rick says that there is no need. She tells him that she is really sorry about Abby and Rick says that he’ll be OK. He tells her to go meet Danny and that he’ll be down there soon and she leaves. Harley arrives and says that she needed to find somebody as miserable as she is and they hold one another. They discuss Phillip decision about going after custody of the baby, and they start comparing scars.

Carlos arrives a Millennium and offers Danny the name of the guy who maybe killed his mother. Danny doesn’t recognize the name and Carlos explains that he is a wanna-be trying to make a name for himself. Danny tells Carlos that he suspects his wife’s mother and Carlos laughs at him. Carlos tells him that Martin had a grudge against Carmen and Danny asks him to bring Martin around. Carlos leaves and Michelle arrives. Michelle asks him why she saw Carlos outside. He tells her that she came by to tell him who killed his mother and she asks him what he is going to do about it. He says that he doesn’t even know if this is the guy and says that he is just taking this one step at a time. She tells him to call the police and he says that he’ll see how it goes.

Reva goes over to Josh’s and questions him about the deal. He tells her that it is done and doesn’t want to talk about it. He tells her that he has spoken with an attorney and suggests that she do the same. Olivia listens to them argue and Reva is shocked at Josh’s behavior. He tells her that it is not personal but that he wants to protect his business. Reva wants to just talk it out and when he refuses she realizes that this is all Olivia’s idea. She brings up that he is using Flynn and Russo and Reva tells him that she saw Olivia with Vince at Millennium. Reva thinks this is about her trying to have fun and she leaves. Olivia comes in and tries to help Josh focus on work. They get romantic. Afterward, Josh gets a call from Billy to meet at Millennium. Josh asks her to come with him to the meeting with Billy and he asks her if she thinks she has to be a distraction from Reva.

The house is crazy as Ross tries to talk to Phillip on the phone about the baby. He tells Phillip to meet him at Millennium at noon. He tries to get the aspirin bottle open and only one falls out. Ross gets a call from Reva and Ross tells her that this is a bad time. She says that she is coming over because she needs to send a message to Josh. Ross brings out a knife to split the aspirin and asks Blake if she wants half of it. Blake rants about how she is juggling the household and he points out all the friends’ problems that he has to deal with. Blake gets a fax from her publisher saying that they hated her latest book proposal. Reva arrives and explains to Ross what has happened with Josh. Blake listens to Reva tells Ross whom Josh has hired as his lawyer. Ross refuses to handle it himself but calls a shark for Reva. He arranges for Reva to meet him at Millennium at noon today. Reva thanks Ross and tells her that this divorce doesn’t have to be so ruthless. They both leave for their meetings at Millennium and Blake says that she is going to stay there and write. Blake sits down at her computer and begins to write about Reva and Josh’s life. They come to her and tell her that this is there personal life and that it is not for her to steal. Holly comes in and frightens Blake. Blake tells her how frustrated she is with writing and raising a family. Holly tells her that it is hard for everyone and Holly offers to look at the fax from her publisher. Holly offers to let Blake through the archives of the Journal for a story.

At Millennium, Josh, Billy and Olivia talk business. Holly arrives and looks at their work and questions their plans. Billy jokes with Holly and she walks off. Reva and Ross arrive and Ross tries to keep Reva from getting nasty with Josh. She goes over to their table and tells Josh that she got Dewey as her lawyer. She says that he has his shark and she has hers, surf’s up!