Monday, January 1

Classic episode airs

Tuesday, January 2

Beth looks at her photo album of her wedding to Jim and realizes that this is all she has left of Jim. She snaps at her mother and then apologizes for her behavior. Beth feels awful that Lizzie feels like she has to take care of her again and remembers how relaxed Lizzie was with Jim. She remembers that they were going to go to Josh and Olivia's wedding but says that she isn't ready for that now. Beth blames herself for Jim's death because he was always taking care of her and she talks about all the ways that she let Jim down. She says that she should have done anything but come back there to the mansion but Lillian reminds her that Lizzie has some stability there. Alan returns home from his trip with no idea of what has happened. They explain to him about Jim's death and he says that Jim died a hero. He says that he needs to go upstairs and look at his grandchildren's faces and he ! tells her that this is her home for as long as she needs it. Lillian goes upstairs with Alan and he says that maybe some good has come from this tragedy because Beth is back where she belongs. Lillian calls Alan a monster and threatens to take Beth and the kids to her apartment. The doorbell rings and it is Edmund. He says that he wanted to check on Beth and the children.

Reva and Noah come into a restaurant for a break from the snow storm outside. Reva calls him a stick in the snow but he says he would like to get through the night without a crisis. Meanwhile, Marah and Tony arrive at the motel and the room is completely done in leopard print. Tony apologizes and says that he ad planned for something much more classy. She says that it is not that bad and Tony can't believe that they are there together. He asks her to try to make everything else go away and they begin to kiss. Tony tells her that he knew from the very beginning that they would be good together and he says that she is perfect. He begins to take off his shirt and he comments on how both of them are shaking. They begin to get romantic but Marah hears a noise. He calms her down and she asks him if he really likes her. She tells him that she really likes him too. They re! sume but Marah stops him again. Tony asks her if this is what she wants and she tells him that she doesn't know. He asks her what is wrong and gets a little upset. She keeps looking at her watch and runs into the bathroom. Tony begs her to open the door and tells her that there is nothing to be afraid of. He says that he would never hurt her because she is his girl. She tells him that she didn't mean to hurt his feelings because nothing happened the way it was supposed to. She calls Reva from the bathroom and tells her that she is at the Rex Motel with Tony Santos. She says that he is mad and that she is scared. Tony picks up the phone in the room and hears Marah say that she is scared and everyone hangs up. Reva tries to call Josh but realizes that he wouldn't have his cell phone on at the wedding. Tony gets very upset and throws things around outside. Marah! yells that she is sorry and Tony wonders when he gets to find somebody that he can trust. Marah tells him that she wanted to be with him but he tells her to stop teasing him. She says that it was just too much too fast and that she got scared. He asks her how she could call her mom or think that he would ever raise a hand to her. He says that he just wanted to love her and she says that she just wants to go home because she made a big mistake. He breaks in the door and says that she is right.

Sam returns to Olivia's apartment and Olivia is dressed for the wedding. He tells her that they have a problem with Marah and tells her that Marah left with Tony Santos. He shows Olivia the note from Marah to Shayne and Olivia knows that Marah did this just to get Josh to leave her at the alter. Olivia apologizes to Sam for dragging him into this. Olivia says that she is going to listen to Marah's note and not let Marah trash her wedding. She says that Josh is not going to see this note because this is her night to be happy. Meanwhile, Josh waits at the Country Club and Ross arrives. Josh explains that Billy is not going to make it to the wedding and asks where Blake is. Ross tells him that Blake is on her way and Josh tells him that he is 100% ready for this wedding. Ross asks about Reva and Josh tells him that it just got to be too much with her but that he will always love ! her. Ross says that it has been a wild ride with Blake and that she wants them to remarry. He says that he realized some of the things that drive him crazy about Blake are the things that he loves the most and Josh looks thoughtful. Later, David and Vicky arrive but David is reluctant to spend New Year's at the Country Club. They talk to Michelle and Rick and Rick says it is nice to see a happy couple in town. He tells them that he is filing for divorce with Abby and Michelle is surprised. Frank arrives with May on his arm. Michelle takes May to freshen-up and Bill and Pilar come over to say hello to Frank and Rick. Bill says that Billy is out of town and it seems weird for him not to be here. Sam, Holly and Olivia arrive and Shayne lets Josh know. Josh comes out just as Olivia and Holly sneak away to keep Josh from seeing her. Josh and Shayne ask Sam where Marah i! s and he says that a friend will be bringing her over. The wedding begins and Olivia meets Josh at the alter just as Ross's cell phone rings. He apologizes and turns it off. The ceremony beings and Blake's cell phone rings. She finds the phone and Reva prays that Blake will answer it.

Wednesday, January 3

Harley and Phillip awkwardly discuss her cooking. Phillip asks if this is working and she says no it isn't. They agree not to try to fake it and Susan comes downstairs. Harley asks her if she has been crying and she says that she is cried out. Harley tells her that she is worried about her sitting upstairs alone but Susan says that she wouldn't be good company. Susan says that she isn't going to sit down there and pretend that it is different from the way that it is. Phillip suggests that she focus on something else for a while but Susan says that she will never forget. Harley suggests that she talk about school so that she can think about something else for a little while. At the mansion, Alan tells Edmund that this is not a good time to pay Beth a visit and Lillian agrees. Beth comes down and asks why they are trying to hustle her friend out the door. Beth thanks Edmund for ! stopping by and asks Lillian and Alan to excuse them. They leave and Edmund tells her that she handled them nicely. Edmund tells her that his offer still stands and she says that she doesn't know. She says that it is just too complicated with Phillip and the kids but he tells her to let him worry about that. He says that she needs a chance to let herself heal and he tells her for once in her life to do what is best for herself. Beth thinks about Phillip and Harley and wants to take herself out of that equation. Beth agrees to come to San Cristobel and she hugs him. She says that she feels like she is running away but he knows that she is releaved to have made a decision. He compliments her beauty and she wonders where he comes up with lines like that. He agrees that he will be her host and nothing more in San Cristobel. Edmund calls to make arrangements and Lillian comes! in and hears him. Beth tells her what she has decided and Lillian takes her aside. She tells Beth to think about what she is doing and tells her that she is repeating her history. She thinks Beth wants to provoke a response from Phillip. Beth says that is the most insulting thing she has ever said to her but Lillian says that it is just a habit. Beth says that she is a major issue to Harley and Phillip's marriage so she needs to get out of their hair. Lillian thinks she is running from the mistakes she made when she is married to Jim and that Edmund is her passport. She tells Lillian that Edmund is the only person that doesn't look at her and expect her to cry and she explains that Jim is all around her in this town. Lillian says that she can't run away from the pain but Beth says that she has her kids to think about. She says that they sense that she is so upset and she thin! ks she can hold herself together better for them if she is somewhere else. Lillian apologizes and says that she understands. She offers to join them in San Cristobel and Edmund says that he would be delighted to have her there. Beth says that she has to call Phillip and she assures Lillian that he won't overreact. Beth calls Phillip and tells him that she has to get out of town for a while because it is too difficult to be there. He offers to book her a flight but she says that she, the kids, and Lillian are going to San Cristobel with Edmund. He tells her that she is not going but she tells him that she doesn't need his permission and that this is not up for debate. Phillip tells her to forget it and Harley hears him.

Blake's phone rings at the wedding and she answers it. Reva asks to speak to Josh but Blake reminds her that he is in the middle of his wedding ceremony right now. Josh and Olivia exchange their "I Do's" while Reva insists that she talk to Josh. Blake tells her that she has to let go and tells her to call him back later. Reva says that it is an emergency with Marah and the paster pronounces Josh and Olivia married. Blake reluctantly tells Josh that it is Reva for him on the phone and Olivia gets the phone. She tells Reva that if she is looking for her husband then he is right there and hands him the phone. Josh takes the phone and says that this had better be good. Reva explains that Marah is in a hotel room with Tony Santos and asks him why he let her leave town. Josh is stunned and Reva says that she is stuck in a snow storm and 100 miles away. He tells her that he wil! l take care of it and call her when Marah is safe. Olivia tells him not go and Sam says that it is just a set-up. Olivia says that Marah is just acting out and begs Josh to ignore the call. Josh calls the police and reports an assult. Olivia thinks that is all the Josh is going to do but Josh says that he has a responsibility to his daughter. She tells him that he has a responsibility to her too but Josh wants to know how he could look at himself tomorrow if he doesn't go. He tells her that he cannot stay there and he leaves. Olivia returns to the guests and explains that Josh had to leave but that she intends for them to stay there and celebrate. She has her first dance with Sam and he tells her that she is a goddess. He asks her why she didn't tell Josh about the note and she says that he would have asked her why she didn't show it to him to begin with. She tells him t! hat he just has to see for himself that Marah is alright and he will be back. Meanwhile, Reva tries to get call the police but can't get through. Noah tells her that he thinks they can drive and he seems disappointed that they won't make it to his parents house. She apolgozies and they head back to Springfield. At the wedding, Rick assures Olivia that Josh is a good man. Ross and Blake congratulate her and leave. Olivia tells Sam to get her out of there and Sam tells her that Josh doesn't deserve her. He tells her that Marah will never lighten up but Olivia reminds him that it is a done deal.

Marah tries to apologize to Tony but he keeps throwing things around and says that he has to make it look good for the police. Marah tells him that she wanted to be with him but that she got scared. She cries and says that it wasn't supposed to get this far. He asks her what she means and why she was looking at her watch all night. She admits that she was trying to stop her dad from marrying Olivia. Tony asks what would have happen to him or does she even care. Marah says that she didn't thing and she apologizes. She says that she was desperate and that her family is falling apart. She tells him that her mom was gone and all she had was her dad and then they were all together and happy but now it has all fell apart. She says that she didn't mean to hurt him because she really does care for him. He says that he is getting out of there and leaves. Josh arrives to fin! d Marah lying on the bed crying. He tells her that he spoke to the police and they said that she doesn't want to file any charges. She tells him that she is fine but he says that she doesn't have to be ashamed. He asks if Tony hurt her but she says that she hurt him. He tells her that Reva called him in the middle of his wedding and she is eager to find out if it interrupted the wedding. Josh tells her to get up, wash her face and get her stuff because he is taking her home.

Thursday, January 4

Richard brings the lady who engraved the cup to the palace. He tells her about the museum exhibit and wants to know about the cup. She tells him she did engrave it but would rather not say anything else. She says that there are some things that are better left alone and this is one of them. Richard says that whatever the history of the cup is, he commands her to tell him. He wants to know about the latin inscription. She says she has the original drawings in her safe because she wanted to make sure nobody saw them. She tells him about his mother coming in and telling her what she wanted engraved. She says she received a bracelet as a gift. Richard wants to see the drawings and she agrees to give them to him. She says it was a troubling time back then. Richard says he will deal wisely with the information she gives him. She tells him that whatever was done bac! k then was done for the monarchy. She suggests Richard look to the future and leave the past in the past. Richard says he can't live a lie and agrees to take her home to get the drawings.

Phillip gets ready for work and notices something is bothering Harley. He wants her to go ahead and tell him she thinks he's wrong for not letting the kids go with Beth to SC. Harley doesn't want to get into it but Phillip wants her opinion. She finally admits that she thinks he shouldn't be making decisions for Beth. She says that it's just for a couple of weeks and Lillian will be there too. Phillip reminds her that Edmund is a manipulator. Edmund arrives wanting to talk about taking the kids to SC. Phillip says they aren't going. He reminds Edmund that Beth needs his written permission to take the kids anywhere they need a passport. Edmund says that law is to protect them from abduction but that isn't what this is. He says that they will have the castle and servants at their disposal. He extends the invitation to Susan and Harley says no. She thinks that S! usan needs her and she's not sending her to another country. Edmund wants them to think about Beth and what she needs. Harley doesn't think he's there to talk about right and wrong, she thinks he's going after Beth. Edmund says he has watched Beth go through numerous ordeals this past year and admires her coming through them with grace. He tells them that it isn't any of their business if he's after anything else. He looks at Phillip and asks if it is. Phillip says he's only concerned with the children. Edmund tells them the only danger the kids will be in is exposure to the sun. Phillip asks Harley if he's been too controlling here and she says she still thinks the same thing she did before. She tells him that Cassie and Richard will be there and Lizzie likes them. Edmund assures Phillip that he will fly them home if they change their minds. Phillip reluctantly ag! rees and Edmund asks Harley about Susan. She says that Susan doesn't want to go and Edmund wants to know if she asked her. Susan comes down and wants to know what they want to ask her. Susan asks how long Edmund's been there and asks why nobody told her. Harley says they were having a discussion and she wants to know what about. Edmund tells her he's invited Beth, Lillian and the kids to SC and wants to include her. Susan says she wants to go and knows Harley won't say no. Harley says she wanted them to spend some time together but Susan would rather go with Edmund. She wants to see where her dad spent the last week of his life. Harley thinks it's too soon but Susan says no matter how much time passes, Jim is still gone. Susan says that Beth is the only one who knows how she feels. She says she'll call her and that her dad would let her go if he were still alive. &! nbsp;Harley agrees and Susan says she'll be ready whenever they are. She says she doesn't have much left after the fire and is glad she gave him the picture her mom gave her. Edmund offers to give it back but she wants him to keep it safe since she thinks she's bad luck. Harley says she isn't but Susan believes it. Edmund says they can work on changing her mind in SC. Susan says she'll try. Harley suggests they still go shopping but Susan doesn't want to go out. Harley says she just wants to help her but Susan tells her there's nothing she can do. Susan goes upstairs to pack and Harley wonders what she's doing wrong.

The sun comes up and Marah begs her dad to say something. He says that he doesn't know what to make of her and she apologizes. Reva and Noah arrive and Reva asks Marah if she is alright. Marah tells her that she didn't mean to scare her but Josh says that she did. Marah tries to explain that everything is fine but Josh tells her that everything is not fine. Josh asks Marah what happened to the sweet little girl that he raised and Reva tells him to take it easy. Marah says that she made a mistake and Josh says that he never believed that she was capable of this kind of deceit. Reva says that he knew Marah better when he lived there and Josh accuses her of knowing this was going to happen. Noah explains that they were on their way to his parents and had no idea that this was going on. Josh makes Marah explain to them that she went to the motel willingly with Tony and she asks Josh why he didn't show up after he found the note she left for Shayne. He tells her that he never got a note and tells her that Sam is the one that came to pick her up. Josh realizes that she planned it all and makes her admit it. Josh explains to Marah that he and Olivia were actually married before he got her message and Marah tells him that she is really sorry. She begs him to forgive her and offers to make it up to Olivia. He says that he doesn't know how he will make it up to her because he trusted Marah over her when she tried to tell him that it was all a set-up. He says that he won't make the mistake of trusting her again and he begins to leave. He tells Marah that he doesn't know if he can ever believe her again and he leaves. Reva tries to tell her that he didn't mean that and Marah runs out. Reva and Noah talk about what happened and Reva realizes that her and Josh's lives are going in different directions. She says that she is worried about Marah and Noah jokes that she takes after her mother. Reva gets upset and tells him that they have serious problem with Marah's behavior. She says that she doesn't even know where to begin and she remembers how she felt at Marah's age. Noah leaves and Marah comes back in. Reva tells her that her mistakes remind her of the mistakes that she made at her age and she tells Marah that it isn't right to use her body to get what she wants. Reva tells her that this is more than just sex and says that she can do much better than a cheap motel room with a boy that she cares nothing about. Marah tells her that is the problem because she does care about him alot.

Olivia packs her bag and says that Josh made his choice when he didn't come home last night. She tells Sam that she will be somewhere that Josh can't find her but she refuses to tell Sam where that is so that he won't have to lie. Olivia thanks him for bringing her the note from Marah and Sam admits that it was killing him to think about Marah and Tony. Sam says that Marah won't play any more mind games with him again and Olivia says that Josh should be glad that she would even take him and his crazy family. Olivia asks Sam to be polite to Josh if he shows up but he refuses. She says that she will call for a complete report and she leaves. Later, Josh arrives and asks to see his wife. Sam asks which one he is referring to and Josh asks to see Olivia. Sam tells him that Olivia doesn't want to see him and suggests that Olivia had the marriage annulled. Josh says that he would like to make it up to Olivia but Sam confronts him about allowing Marah to come between him and his wedding night. Sam tells him that he won't be able to forgive him for hurting his sister and Josh asks if Marah hurt him too. Sam admits it and says that he'll get over it. He begs Josh to get her some help before she self-destructs. Josh asks him to tell Olivia that he is sorry and that he is worried about her. He says that he'll do anything it takes to make it up to her and he asks Sam if he found a note from Marah. Sam says no and suggests that maybe Shayne has the note. Josh leaves and Sam throws the note in a vase.

Friday, January 5

Holly and Olivia give each other facials and Holly tries to distract Olivia from her problems with Josh. Olivia's cell phone rings and it is Josh. He asks her where she is but she won't tell him. He apologizes for last night and tells her that he really thought that Marah was in serious danger. Olivia says that she is not interested in talking about Marah and Josh begs her to be reasonable. She tells him that he made a choice and that this is the consequence of that decision. She agrees to meet him tomorrow but he thinks she is playing a game with him. Olivia hangs up and turns off her phone. Olivia tells Holly that she thought she and Josh were farther along than this. Meanwhile, Marah tells Reva that she make her feel any worse than she already does but Reva says that she should be worried about how to make this right. She tells Marah that she should apologize to everyone that her actions affected and Marah leaves. Reva calls Blake and apologizes for putting her in a bad situation last night. Reva offers to come over to Company and explain everything to her in person. Later, Reva explains everything to Blake and Reva says that she hated having to call her last night. Reva asks what happened after Josh got off the phone with her and Blake asks if she is happy that Olivia was embarrassed. Reva says that she feels bad about what happened to Josh's wedding and she says that she wants Josh to have someone in his life. Reva knows that she herself is the reason that Josh left her and she admits that she was so driven that nothing else mattered. Reva says that Marah was the same way last night and that scares her. She says that she knows she has to move on just like Josh did. Reva says that it feels like a door has closed for good and Noah arrives. Blake gets a phone call and Reva tells Noah that Marah is out apologizing. Blake has to leave and Reva heads home too. Noah orders some coffee and asks Buzz what the hell women want. Noah explains how Reva is confusing him and Buzz reminds him that Josh and Reva do have kids together. Buzz tells Noah that women and Reva in particular want what they can't have. Noah knows that Reva can't resist a challenge and he gets an idea. He says that he can get Reva's focus off of Josh and on to him. Buzz tells him not to play games with Reva Shayne because he will get caught. He says that Reva knows every trick in the book because she has used them all but Noah says that Reva won't know what hit her. Buzz says that he doesn't want to know any more and he leaves Noah alone. Noah calls Perdita and tells her that he wanted to be the first to tell her that he has given Reva a ring. He hangs up quickly and calculates in his head how long it will take her to arrive in town. He then gives Reva a call just as she is arriving back home. He asks her out to dinner tomorrow night and she reluctantly agrees.

Tony goes to see Danny who can tell he's upset. Tony tells him that he doesn't get any respect no matter how hard he tries. He tells him about taking Marah away for the weekend and how it was all a setup to mess Josh's wedding up. Danny wants to know what he was thinking but Tony tells him he really cared for Marah. Danny tells him he should have known he was being set up. Tony says that he just wanted to be with Marah like Danny and Michelle. Danny tells him that it doesn't work that way for guys like them. He thinks he will save himself a lot of grief the sooner he learns that. Marah arrives and Tony tries to leave. She doesn't want him to go and apolgizes for hurting him. She wants to make it up to him but he asks her what makes her think he wants her to. Tony thinks she has a lot of nerve and thanks her for showing her true colors. He believes she really ! thinks he's dirt but she claims to really care about him. Tony tells her he won't be fooled twice and asks her to leave. Marah goes to see Sam who is angry with her too. She tries to explain that she really got scared when Tony got angry but he isn't buying it. She says she didn't tell Reva to call Josh, she was just acting on instinct. Marah knows that Sam read her note but he denies it. She thinks Sam and Olivia decided together not to tell Josh about it. Sam gets angry and says what she did was wrong and he won't let her off the hook. Marah thinks he's just jealous because she took Tony to the motel and not him. Sam tells her he doesn't care to see her again and she agrees and leaves.

Cassie apologizes for interrupting Richard but he wants to talk to her. He says she is the only one he can trust with this information. He tells her about the cup his mother had engraved and how it is written in Latin backwards. She thinks that is strange and Richard tells her he has instructions on how to read it. He says that he will need her help and she agrees to give it to him. He reads her the translation about the king's son being dead and sleeping in peace throughout time. Cassie wonders if it's a legend or really true. Richard tells her that is what they have to find out. Cassie questions him about who wrote the verse and Richard explains that it was all very secretive. He wonders if his mother had a child before him that died. He doesn't understand how they could keep such a secret. Cassie wants to go over the translation and focuses on "beneath this symb! ol." They wonder if the symbol is somewhere else and remember the rock in the garden. Cassie wonders if a baby could be buried there and Richard says he will look in the morning. He thanks Cassie for her help even though things have been strained between them. She thinks it is cruel of his mother to write this on the cup. Richard doesn't think his mother would be this cruel unless she was grieving. He says they will find the answers in the morning. He puts everything away so the servants won't find anything questionable. He says this could be a big deal for the country if the succession of the crown is in question. Cassie thanks him for trusting her with such important information. He tells her he didn't trust her once before and will never make that mistake again. She believes him.

Monday, January 8

The gardener shows Cassie and Richard the stone with the angel on it. He explains that Richard's mother liked to keep the ivy wild there so he still keeps it that way out of respect. Richard asks the gardener to get a crowbar and shovel for him. He wonders if his mother came there for the angel or if she carved it herself. Cassie asks him if he's sure he wants to do this and he say he isn't sure of anything anymore. He quotes the inscription on the cup about the true prince sleeping below peacefully. They move the cup and the gardener leaves them alone. They see another inscription in Latin on the stone but it isn't the same one on the cup. Cassie thinks this is getting more and more mysterious. They see that it's written backwards just like the cup and Cassie gets out a mirror. They use it to decipher the words and figure out "weep" is written. He translates the rest of it and thinks there was an illegitimate child that has taken the place of the true heir. Cassie thinks this could have happened years ago. Richard thinks it could be referring to his father or him. He says that everyone always told him that he looked just like his father and Edmund looked just like his mother. He starts digging to determine whether or not this is a royal grave. Richard finds a box buried containing an envelope with his mother's royal seal. Cassie tells him he has every right to open it but Richard thinks there should be additional witnesses. Cassie thinks he knows what's inside and he calls Dax for his assistance and discretion.

Noah calls the airline to check on a passenger and Buzz asks what he is up to. He says that he is providing a challenge for Reva. Susan arrives and Noah leaves. Susan tells Buzz she's going to San Cristobel so Edmund can show her what Jim was doing. She tells him that she and Lizzie seem to be the only ones that like Edmund. Buzz asks if Phillip knows and she says he understands. She says that Beth will be there and Buzz notes that Susan seems to respect her now. Susan says that anyone that stands up to Phillip is okay with her and Buzz agrees. He gives her some money for souvenirs and tells her to send him a postcard. Sam arrives and learns she's going to San Cristobel. He says she deserves the royal treatment and will miss her. He tells her about Josh running off after the ceremony. He says this will be the shortest marriage on record. Susan says she heard about Josh taking off before the reception and Sam blames Marah. He tells her about Marah's plan to get Josh to save her from Tony at a motel room. Susan can't believe it and wonders if they went through with it. Sam thinks Tony figured out he was being used before anything happened. He says that Marah thinks he knew about it and didn't tell Josh she was okay making things worse. Susan doesn't think he would do something like that. He tells her they aren't on speaking terms now but doesn't want Susan to worry about it. Josh walks in and Sam doesn't want to talk to him. He walks out with Susan ignoring Josh. Susan goes to see Marah and tells her she heard what she did from Sam. She tells Marah that she isn't going to be around to fix it for them. She tells her about going to San Cristobel with Beth and the kids to get away from Phillip for a while. She says that when she gets back, they will have finished demolishing what's left of their house. She wants things to go back to normal when she comes back. Susan wonders what to do about Marah and Sam and Marah tells her not to worry about it. She just wants her to go heal. She asks Marah why she did what she did. Marah explains that Olivia was all over Josh at the funeral and it made her crazy. Susan asks why Sam thinks she did it on purpose and Marah says that things went wrong. Susan doesn't want to go to SC and leave everyone like this. Marah wants her to go and email her everyday. They promise not to worry about each other's problems.

Susan and Beth get ready to leave for San Cristobel. Phillip asks if Susan has everything and Susan says that most of her stuff was lost in the fire. Beth says that they are going to shop for new things. Phillip asks when they are coming back and Beth says she isn't sure be will be back in time for Susan to go back to school. Susan tells them that she has all her assignments through the winter. Edmund arrives and Susan is happy to see him. She wants to leave now and he goes and helps her pick out a coat. Beth thanks him and says the little things are the hardest. Phillip doesn't understand why Susan gives him the silent treatment and lights up when Edmund arrives. He wants to know what Edmund has that he doesn't. Beth tells Phillip that he is the parental figure but Edmund gets to be Susan's friend. Beth tells Phillip that she admires him for trying to be a parent to Susan. Phillip says that he has realized that he doesn't have to manage every detail of the people that he loves lives. He begs her not to stay away for long and Edmund listens to them. Phillip says that he doesn't want to miss much of James's life and Beth hopes that things will go better with Harley while she is gone. Edmund comes down and says that Susan wants Beth to help her with the coat. Beth goes upstairs and Phillip tells Edmund that he will always have to go through him to get to Beth. Phillip tells him to make sure that Beth is well taken care of and then to leave her alone.

Olivia calls Josh and asks if he is alright. He begs to see her and she asks where he wants to meet. She suggests they meet at a neutral place like Company and he agrees. Josh arrives at Company and Sam and Susan leave. He and tells Buzz that he is meeting Olivia there. Olivia arrives and Josh asks how they got to this place. He tells her that he has missed her and she says that she thought she should cool off before they met. He tells her that he and Reva put Marah's feet to the fire and that Marah admitted that she wanted to stop the wedding. Josh asks how it would have been if he had ignored Marah and Olivia is hurt that Marah hates her that much. Josh says that he can't stop being a father to Marah. Josh tries to tell Olivia that he can't turn his back on his children even though he doesn't want a life with Reva. Olivia asks if she comes after the children and he says yes. Olivia says that is just enough to destroy their marriage and Marah too. Josh admits that he did spoil Marah and that doesn't excuse what she has done. Olivia calls Marah a pathological manipulator and says that she is a Reva wanna-be. She says that she can't stand by and watch him be chewed to pieces by the mother or the daughter. He says that she doesn't see this the same way that he does. He tells her that Marah needs her help to grow up to be the woman that she needs to be. He asks her to call it as she sees it where Marah is concerned. She says that she just wanted one night where he would just be her husband and he asks her to promise that her intent is to make it work. He tells her that he needs to hold his wife. She says that this is why she insisted they meet there because she knew that he would get to her. She tells him that she thinks that sometimes sex with him is a smoke screen. He asks her to let him make it up to her that they missed their honeymoon. He gets an idea and they leave.

Noah asks Marah if she has admitted what she did and why. He tells her that actions speak louder that words and tells her to make the lives of the people that she hurt better. Reva arrives and Marah goes upstairs. Noah tells Reva she has an affect on him and he asks her to go back to his place so that they can be alone. She agrees and yells that she is going to be back in time for dinner. They leave and go to Noah's hotel room. They open the door to find a woman naked in Noah's bed. She introduces herself to Reva as Perdita, Noah's wife.

Tuesday, January 9

Josh and Olivia arrive home and he carries her through the threshold to find Sam. Sam asks what happened at their meeting and Olivia tells him to butt out. Josh explains that they have worked out a plan to handle his children and Olivia says that she is satisfied. Sam offers to leave them alone but Josh says that his place is almost ready by now. Josh and Olivia go to his apartment and she finds that he has decorated it like Hawaii. He apologizes that this is not the real thing but she says that she doesn't care as long as they are together. Olivia reminds him that she is going to speak her mind about the kids and Reva and he reminds her that he is still going to try to be a good dad. They agree not to talk about that anymore and they get romantic. Josh says that he never wants to hurt her again and she says that she will never give up on him. She says that she doesn't know how he got away from Reva's craziness and he says that he doesn't feel empty there with her

Noah introduces Perdita as his ex-wife and Reva asks what she is doing there. She says that she is there to inspect Reva's engagement ring and Noah explains that he is the one who called her. Reva shows her the ring and Perdita says that she is wearing it on the wrong hand. Reva moves it and Perdita critiques the stone. Perdita shows Reva her 2-carat diamond ring from Noah and gets out of bed. Noah tries to cover her and she questions Reva about how much she knows about Noah's past. They discuss Woody and Perdita explains that she is also an art dealer. Perdita gets dressed and they all toast to Woody's memory. Later, Perdita says that she has a canvas that she is trying to acquire but that she is a free as the wind otherwise. She kisses Noah goodbye and leaves saying that she will see them soon. Reva begins to yell at Noah but he covers her mouth. He writes her a note that they are bugged and they try to carry on a conversation while they look for it. They find the last bug and put on a show for it. Reva tells him that she is going to undress him with her teeth and then he destroys the bug. Reva pushes him and away and asks why he never told her that he was married. Noah tells her that Perdita was asking too many questions about Woody and that they might be in trouble. Noah explains that he only married her for a sting operation and Reva asks why he made Perdita believe that they were engaged. Reva finds a gun underneath the pillow.

Dax arrives and Richard explains to him that he needs a witness while he opens a letter. Dax is confused and Richard explains that this could be of critical importance to San Cristobel. Dax agrees and Richard opens the letter and reads it to himself. He tells Cassie that he needs a moment and then he and Dax restore the table rock as it was before they arrived. At the house, Richard apologizes for not telling her what the letter said before. She says that he can wait until he is ready but he says that he can't and gives her the note. He says that it is his mother's handwriting. It says that his mother's child was just still born but that his father's mistress just has a bastard child, Richard, and that he will replace the dead child. Cassie doesn't know what to say but she questions if the letter is true. Richard wonders who his real mother is and he thinks that the princess must have hated him. He looks at the cup and thinks about what she must have felt. He is sure that Edmund must have been a great gift to her and he wonders who he is now. Cassie says that he is her husband and the man that she loves. Cassie tells him that it is a miracle that he grew into the man that he is and she tells him that she knows that he trusts her now because he shared this with her. He says that if this is true then they could lose everything to Edmund and she says that she doesn't need this place. Edmund arrives and explains that his flight arrived early.

Wednesday, January 10

Marah tells Shayne that she is getting ready to apologize to Josh and Olivia and that she needs to do something to make them know that she is sincere. Shayne calls her a drama queen and tells her that she really hurt Josh and Olivia. Marah arrives at Olivia's and Sam answers the door. Marah has a wedding gift for Josh and Olivia and Sam says that she has to be kidding. He refuses to take it and Marah puts it on the coffee table. Marah tells him that she feels terrible for what she did and that she lost Tony too. Sam tells her to get over it and she says that she is trying to. He yells at her to grow up and she says that she is try to. She says that she is trying to apologize and she starts to cry. Sam says that he is really sorry for being mean and he admits that sometimes he goes too far. He asks her to stop crying and he hugs her just as Josh and Olivia come in. Marah tells them that she brought a wedding present and she apologizes for all the trouble that she has caused. Olivia is confused and opens the present. It is a photo album and Olivia thanks her for the gift and the apology. Josh asks for a hug and Marah tells him that she loves him. She says that things are going to be different from now on and she leaves. Josh says that Marah is acting like someone died and Olivia asks if he wants to go after her. He says no because it time to set new boundaries and Olivia says that is a good idea.

Reva comes to see Noah and she says that she wants him to tell her everything he can about Perdita. Reva asks what is Perdita doing in Springfield and if he really thing she is going to try to kill her. He says that at first he thought Perdita was there out of jealousy but now he is not sure. She asks how much danger she is in but he says he doesn't know. He is worried about all the questions that Perdita was asking about Woody and he thinks that maybe the agency sent her there. Perdita knocks on the door and Noah shoves Reva in the closet. Noah lets her in and she looks around the room. He asks her if she would like her bug back but she says that she only wants him back. She says that Reva has amazing energy for a woman her age and Reva is offended when she mentions wrinkles. Perdita asks Noah why Woody was suspicious of Reva and Noah tries to change the subject. She says that her reputation is on the line about this too and she changes the subject to his personal relationship with Reva. He asks if the agency still thinks that he killed Woody and she asks what he is keeping from her. She says that she can see it in his eyes and she thinks that Reva knows more than he says she does. She says that she has authorization to remove Reva if she has to and that she will. She leaves and Reva asks how he could have been married to her. Reva says that she can handle Perdita and Noah reminds her that she said the same about Woody. Reva asks what they can do and Noah says that he should move in with her. She thinks that is funny and says that she can't explain that to her kids. She says that she doesn't want the kids to think that their relationship is more serious and she asks for time to think about this.

Richard tells Cassie he's been thinking about everything that's happened and if it's true, he's the bastard son of his father and Edmund is the only true son of the prince and princess. He says he has two options: keep silent or abdicate and let Edmund take the throne. He thinks that if Edmund were in his place, he would destroy the cup and pretend none of it ever happened. Cassie thinks that it's good that Richard has a conscience. He tells her that if Edmund takes the throne, Richard will have to get a job and life as they know it will change. He says that he promised her and the children security but she doesn't want him to let that affect his decision. She tells him that the secret has been buried for decades, it can stay buried a few more weeks. She wants him to take his time with his decision and he agrees. He asks if Beth and the kids have arrived and she says no. She remembers what a good man Jim was and how he helped her after Hart died. Richard remembers Jim setting off the bomb at the ball when they tried to rescue Reva. They agree he was a good man. Susan arrives and Cassie hugs her. She tells Beth and Susan how sorry she is and that they are welcome to stay as long as they like. Beth tells her that she and Susan wanted to be in the place where Jim spent his final days. Cassie takes Beth, Lillian and the kids to the garden while Richard asks to speak to Edmund. He thinks it's clear that Edmund has more on his mind than charity. Edmund admits he's smitten with Beth but now is clearly not the time to make a move. He thinks she isn't ready and Richard asks if he is willing to wait as long as it takes until she is. Edmund sarcastically states that he's really waiting to sneak into her room at night and pounce on her like the true villain he is and leaves. Meanwhile, Cassie asks Beth if Edmund is making her uncomfortable. Beth assures her that he's been a gentleman and is very good with Susan. She tells Cassie that Edmund wants to be her friend which is the best thing he could do for her. Cassie thinks that's good if he's sincere. Beth thinks that he's been a blessing and she doesn't know what they would have done without him. Cassie leaves and Edmund arrives. Beth tells him she's already thinking so much about Jim and how much he cared about his family. She says that they owe him and she doesn't think she'll be able to repay the debt. She talks about how he never lied or kept anything from her. Edmund suggests that she didn't know him long enough to see his darker side. Beth is confused by that statement and goes to find the kids. Susan arrives and she asks him about his library. Richard listens to them talk about Edmund's childhood and how his mother would read to them in that garden. Edmund says that his mother was wonderful but his father was distant and cold. Edmund tells Susan that he and Richard used to race snails when they were kids. They pick out two snails of their own and begin the race. Richard asks if they've seen Cassie and Edmund tells him she's at the beach with the others. Richard walks away and Edmund cheers Susan up with the snail racing. Later, Richard and Cassie talk about the two sides to Edmund. Cassie wonders which is the real Edmund and Richard wonders if he's fit to rule. Cassie thinks that Richard needs a new perspective on things and he agrees to call Dax for his advice. Cassie reminds him that their is no rush and he agrees because the decision is too important.

Thursday, January 11

Marah tells Catalina about apologizing to Olivia and Josh. She says that Catalina is about the only person in town who isn't angry with her. Bill and Pilar arrive and joke with her about what she did. Pilar thanks Catalina for taking her job at Infierno because she's so busy with school. She tells Marah how sad and angry Tony has been lately. Marah tells them that he even kicked the door in and Pilar thinks she'll be lucky if he ever speaks to her again. Marah knows that he treated her like royalty and hates her for what she did. Pilar sees Michelle and invites her to join them. They are all laughing and joking when Michelle points out that there is a mouse under their table. Marah and Pilar jump up and scream. Buzz comes rushing over with a broom trying to kill it. He chases it around and breaks things with the broom. Michelle and Catalina don't want h! im to kill it. Catalina catches it in a bowl and goes outside to set it free. Holly arrives and wonders what all the fuss is about. Buzz agrees to knock off ten dollars on Catalina's rent because of the mouse. The kids leave and Holly asks why all the commotion over a mouse. Buzz makes a joke about the health department and Holly asks where Olivia is. Buzz says she isn't there and asks if Holly needs back up to take him on.

Dax can't believe that Richard isn't the heir to the throne. Richard explains that William Winslow is the true heir and is buried under the rock. He tells Dax that he was brought in because his father was desperate for an heir. Dax thanks him for confiding in him but wishes he hadn't. Dax thinks the whole thing is a set up but Richard says that there is too much evidence. He says that Edmund is the true heir to the throne. Dax thinks that Richard was born to be a leader but Richard won't make a mockery of the family history. He says that he's tried to give Edmund the benefit of the doubt but he has committed so many crimes in the past. Richard says that Edmund isn't fit to rule and he isn't entitled. Dax still wants to believe the whole thing is a lie to sabatoge the country but Richard reminds him it's taken 30 years to come to fruition. He shows Dax the letter his moth! er wrote and Dax recognizes her handwriting. Dax wants Richard to allow him to find his mother's doctor or her lady in waiting so they can find out what really happened. Richard agrees and Dax suggests he not tell Edmund about this until they find out more.

Beth tells Edmund how calm and beautiful it is there. She says she feels guilty for being surrounded by such comfort. Edmund tells her that she's had so much to feel guilty about over this past year, she deserves to have beautiful things around her. He tells her about feeding James and she is surprised. She says that children have the ability to see through to people's hearts. She says that Lizzie, James and Susan adore him so he must not be as bad as everyone thinks. He invites her out and she goes to change. Meanwhile, Harley wants to call Rick and Frank but Phillip is expecting a call from the office. She asks him if he's going to lie to her after all they've been through. He tries to tell her that he's only concerned about the kids but she tells him to go ahead and call Beth. Phillip calls and gets the operator and asks to speak with Beth. Edmund picks up and t! he operator tells him Phillip is on the phone. He asks her to arrange it where Phillip can hear what he is saying, but he can't hear Phillip. Phillip hears Edmund tell the operator that Beth isnt available and is to be given her space. Phillip gets angry and yells at Edmund to let him speak to Beth. Harley gets angry and throws a vase on the floor. Phillip tries to explain that Beth is the mother of his kids and Harley says that she's still in the room even when she's miles away. Phillip says that they just lost Jim and need to be settled again. Harley says that she lost the one person who was keeping her sane. She says that atleast Jim was there to be Beth's protector and distracted her from Phillip. She wishes Beth wouldn't come back and thinks maybe Edmund can fill Jim's role now. Meanwhile, Beth comes in ready for their trip. Edmund is taken with how beautiful ! she looks in her bathing suit. They go through the garden and Beth remembers Jim's plans to put a garden in their backyard. She talks about everything that's happened this past year and how she is realizing there are no guarantees in life. She's waiting on the next bad thing to happen. Edmund tells her that life is a game with strategies that have to be mastered. He says that it can be challenging but also rewarding. Beth says she likes that. Back in Springfield, Phillip can't believe that Harley would want Edmund to take care of the kids, including Susan. Harley thinks that Beth is a professional victim and Edmund is a professional victimizer so they're a perfect match. Phillip doesn't think Beth is the issue here. Harley wonders how he can be so smart and still be such a fool. Phillip doesn't want to talk about Beth anymore because neither one of them will like w! here it's going. Harley knows it's going straight to San Cristobel. Phillip picks up a picture of them and asks who these people are because he doesn't recognize them. He doesn't remember what it's like to laugh and be friends with her. Harley says that the question is do they want to stay married or do they want to like each other again.

Friday, January 12

Holly asks Buzz why he always flies into a tantrum when she arrives. They bicker and he gets angry. Olivia arrives and she and Holly get a table. She asks Olivia how things are going with Josh and Olivia says that she and Josh have had some interesting conversations about Reva and the kids. Olivia says that she just wants a chunk of Josh's time that is all hers but she says that she understands that he has a responsibility to his kids. She says that she intends to tell Josh every time that Reva or the kids are manipulating him. She says it would be great if Noah could keep Reva happy.

Perdita loads her gun and knocks on Reva's door. Reva lets her in and asks her why she is there. She says that she needs some information about Reva before she can be comfortable with her marriage to Noah. Perdita points out how little Noah has shared with her and asks if she wonders what else he hasn't told her. Reva tries to act like that doesn't bother her but Perdita says that she seems like a woman that wants full disclosure. Perdita tells her that her work is her life and that she can disappear into the art world. She tells Reva all about her travels for the art business and Reva asks her to come on her show and tell this to all of Springfield. Reva says that she is more comfortable about her situation now because she is sure that the reason that Perdita and Noah broke up is because of all of her travels but Perdita tells her that is a mistake. She tells Reva that she and Noah have a bond and Reva thinks she should talk to Noah about that. Noah arrives and Perdita leaves. Reva tells him about how Perdita went on about the art world and he is curious about what else she talked about. She says that Perdita was trying to make her jealous and Noah says that it sounds like she handled Perdita like a pro. Reva asks if Perdita has ever come after him like this before and he says no.

Pilar and Catalina wait to talk to Tony for Marah and May offers her help. In Danny's office, Tony tells him that he is right about the Internet but wonders if the others families will go for it. May brings in a new drink for Danny to taste and he kind of likes it. She listens from outside as Danny explains to Tony how he is going to use the Internet to make some money. Rick arrives and startles May. He asks to visit with her later if she has some free time and she says that she'll clear her schedule. Tony comes out and Pilar and Catalina ask him about Marah but he doesn't want to talk about it. Catalina tells him that Marah still cares about him and trusts him. Pilar points how that Marah really likes him but he says that he doesn't want to have anything to do with her. He walks away and Pilar and Catalina think they are doing great. May asks them what Tony said and Catalina goes to tell Marah that Tony has softened up.

Phillip avoids Harley's questions about their marriage but she thinks they are both avoiding the obvious. He says that he is going to go to work or something and he tells her that he loves her. He leaves and Frank arrives. Harley says that she can't keep trying to make her marriage work because it is gone. She says that nothing else is going to come from this marriage but pain and frustration. Frank points out that she still loves Phillip but she says that feeling numb is starting to feel normal. Harley wishes she could get away from all this and Frank suggests a trial separation. Harley thinks that Beth would take her place if she were gone and Frank asks what she is going to do. He tells her good luck and leaves. Phillip arrives at Infierno to talk to Rick and he tells Rick about Edmund keeping him from speaking to Beth. Rick tells Phillip to settle down because his family is not in danger. Then he tells Rick about Harley's reaction to this and explains that he alot of hope for this marriage. He tells Rick that he had a feeling of relief wash over him when they nearly admitted that it was over but now he is just scared. Rick asks why this is all coming to a head right now and he says that all of the little incidents have been piling up. He thinks that Jim was what was stabilizing them all but now he is gone. Phillip says that he is going to take a walk and see if he still has a wife at home. He leaves and May tells Rick that it is a good thing that Phillip has him. Frank arrives at Infierno and sits down with Rick. They wonder what they are going to do about Phillip and Harley. Phillip returns home and Harley tells him that Frank stopped by. He says that he wants to figure out what they are going to do now.

Monday, January 15

At Infierno, Catalina assures Marah that Tony is ready to forgive her. She tells Marah that there is a saying in her country that means that women have to give men a chance to get their pride back. Marah talks about how every man is so protective of the women in their life and have ended up mad at her. Tony comes in and sees Marah and Catalina leaves the table. She shows him that she is wearing the gift that he gave her for Christmas. He walks away but she tells him that she has lost herself but what hurts worse is that she lost him. He goes into Danny's office and Marah follows him. She tells him that she remembers the first night that she saw him at Millennium but he refuses to listen to her. She says that he understands people and figures stuff out. She says that he sees more to her than just a pretty blonde girl. She tells him that the moment they got to the motel she realized that she had made a terrible mistake because he really did want her. She says that she wanted him too but that she wasn't ready for it. He tells her that holding out is a girl thing. She asks him if he believes her and he kisses her. He wonders what he is going to do with her and he apologizes for screaming at her.

Rick and Frank agree that they can't solve Phillip and Harley's problems for them. May serves them drinks and they joke about breaking up so they can each go after her. Rick thinks that one of them will get their heart broken. Frank reminds him that his relationship with Abby didn't work and Frank and Eleni's didn't either and wonders why they're even looking at women. He suggests that whatever Rick does, he doesn't take advice about women from Phillip. Rick thinks that Phillip is trying but the circumstances they're in doesn't help. They joke more about May and Rick says he's going to leave but doesn't want Frank to gain any progress with May.

Phillip tells Harley that Zack is sleeping and is happy. He's glad someone in that house is happy and Harley says until he grows up. Phillip thinks that Zack can make better choices than they did. He tells her that she was the right choice for him and Zack is proof of that. Harley doesn't want to fight about it but Phillip doesn't want to give up. Harley thinks that their marriage really ended when the plane crashed. She says that she knows he wanted to make it work and she let him talk her into believing it could. She reminds him that it's always something connecting him with Beth. He understands that she can't stand the sight of Beth but thinks that could change the way his feelings toward Alan did. He says they got past things. Harley jokes that she isn't Alan and Phillip tells her that they still laugh at the same things. He says that nobody can make him laugh like she does. He wants her to give it some time. Phillip knows she isn't a quitter but she thinks it may not be wrong to quit this time. She thinks they deserve to be happy and Phillip asks her who she knows besides kids who are really happy. He thinks they should work on just being together and being miserable is okay. In San Cristobel, Beth tells Cassie that San Cristobel has never looked more beautiful. A messenger brings the message for Beth from Phillip but Edmund intercepts it. Beth and Cassie go for a walk and Edmund agrees to join them shortly. After they have left, he reads the note and says that Beth is too busy to call Phillip. Phillip and Harley are laughing about getting Rick to give them a lobotomy when Edmund calls. Harley listens as Phillip demands to speak to Beth. Edmund tells him that she is supposed to be resting, not reporting back to him every hour. Phillip tells Edmund that he better hear from Beth within an hour. They hang up and Phillip tells Harley that Edmund is keeping his kids away from him. He says that Edmund is mistaken if he thinks Phillip won't come down there and get them back. Harley tells Phillip to go. She takes off her wedding ring and hands it to him saying there's nothing keeping him there now. Phillip says this isn't what he wants but Harley tells him that he will always be connected to Beth. He tries to tell her that he'll get Rick to check on Beth and the kids but she tells him to go to SC and let go of her. Phillip says he won't do that and Harley says she knows, that's why she's doing it for him. She wants him to leave before they kill each other. Phillip thinks that Harley is making him choose between her and his children. He says that she doesn't get to decide when the marriage is over but she continues to tell him to go to SC. He says he will but he still has a say in what happens and she tells him he doesn't anymore. Phillips says 'we'll see' and walks out the door. He gets on a plane to San Cristobel and looks at her wedding ring. Meanwhile, Harley hits Rick with some of Phillip's clothes as she throws them out the door. Rick asks for Phillip and she tells him he's in San Cristobel. She explains what happened and tells him that it's over and she did it. She wonders why she hung around so long and Rick tells her because of Zack and her love for Phillip. Harley will admit it was partly for Zack but everybody else knew that it was over after the plane crash. Rick thinks she was trying to save her marriage but Harley tells him she has to find herself again.

Beth and Cassie return from their walk and tell Edmund that the children have found a family of toads in the garden. He mentions that Phillip called but says that he was in no hurry for Beth to call him back. He asks her to go down to the beach to look at the stars and Richard and Cassie say that they will stay behind. Cassie tells Richard that she would love some time alone with him and he says that he only presents her with problems. She says that she has forgiven him and he wonders what he would have done if she had left him. He tells her that he doesn't want all of this to hurt her again but she says that all she wants is to be his wife. He kisses her and she says that she will never leave him. He tells her that there could be danger there and that she and the baby are at risk. He tells her that he has found a place close to Springfield for her to go and she asks why she can't stay at the farm. He says that he wants her to be somewhere that she can't be found. She says that she can't leave him now but he says that he doesn't know what he would do if something happened to her. He tells her that she will have his heart with her and she jokes that no one would look for her in the convent. She tells him that they will be alright while he does what he has to do. Beth, Susan, and Edmund arrive at the beach and build a fire. Susan says that the ocean makes a lonely sound and says that Homer was right. Edmund points out that she is reading the Odyssey. Edmund tells her that to the ancients fire was stolen from the gods. He says that fallen heroes would be lit surrounded by his friends and everything would be returned to perfection. She says that she is going back to the palace because she wants to be by herself tonight. She realizes that he gave her Homer's Odyssey for a reason and she leaves. Beth thanks Edmund for everything that he said about the fire. She asks him to put his arm around her and when he does she kisses him. He stops her and says no but they kiss again. Phillip walks up behind them and sees them.

Tuesday, January 16

At Company, Michelle leaves a toy mouse on the floor for Buzz to see. He grabs the broom and tries to kill it before realizing it is a toy. Frank arrives and they all laugh about it. Ray arrives to see Michelle and is glad that she is smiling. She invites him to join her for dinner but he wants to take her somewhere else. He gets her coat and they leave. They go to Infierno and Catalina greets them at the door. Ray goes to see Danny while Michelle and Catalina talk about the mouse. Michelle asks her how she's adjusting to the US and Catalina tells her she's very lucky. Michelle thinks she is strong to have survived all she did. Meanwhile, May watches two strange men in the club. Ray tells Danny he brought his pregnant wife to see him. He reminds Danny that he loves Michelle and his place is with her. Danny finally agrees to settle it with her and Ray says he should do that. Danny asks Michelle what she's doing there and she tells him she wanted to see him. Danny thinks the smoke isn't good for her and she should be home resting. Michelle thanks him for caring but what's best for her is to be with him. Danny tells her to go home and she and Ray leave. May comes over and tells him that two men were watching Michelle and he goes and stops them from leaving. He tells the men to tell their boss not to go anywhere near Michelle or he won't recognize them when they return. They leave and Danny asks May to tell Tony he's in charge tonight. He thanks her for telling him about the guys and says he's going to take Michelle home. He thinks another family is trying to send him a message so he is going to stay with Michelle tonight.

Harley tells Rick that Phillip should be in San Cristobel with his real family now. She says he's out of her life for good and starts gathering up his things. Rick thinks she needs to get control of herself and she calls Frank. She tells him that Phillip left for SC and she needs him to come over. She doesn't want Buzz to come but he promises to behave. Buzz grabs some music and liquor and says if Phillip's gone, it's time to party. Harley has all of Phillip's things in a pile in the livingroom and wonders what to do with them, burn them or sell them. Frank and Buzz arrive and she asks Frank why he brought Buzz. She wants Buzz to say what he really thinks and Buzz tells her he'll support her if she wants to take Phillip back but she doesn't want to do that. They play music and start to drink but Rick thinks he's intruding on the family. Buzz wants him to stay to keep him from going off on Phillip. Frank and Harley talk about Phillip and Frank is glad to have his sister back. Harley thinks that Phillip will never really belong to her. They talk about losing people and Harley tells him she plans to go back to work. Frank tells her she will raise Zack to be true to himself. He says it's okay for her to cry and she hugs him. Buzz, Frank and Harley start to do a Greek dance and Rick wishes he could do it too. Harley tries to teach him and he ends up catching her. Later, Buzz and Frank pass out on the couch and Harley tells Rick she wants to leave so she isn't there when Phillip comes home. Rick passes out too and Harley wonders what is going to happen.

Phillip interrupts Edmund and Beth kissing on the beach. They are surprised to see him and he tells Beth that Edmund intercepted his calls to the kids. Beth tries to assure him that the kids are fine but he says he wouldn't know that because he couldn't get through. Phillip tells her that if they aren't okay, he's taking them home. Edmund asks him how Harley and Zack are doing. They go back to the palace and Beth is angry with Phillip. She tells him she came to SC to get away from him and Harley and suggests he focus on his wife. Phillip thinks Edmund is taking advantage of Beth and is now involving Phillip's kids. Edmund says he's simply giving Beth a break but Phillip reminds him that he's made his intentions toward Beth well known. He says that he will stay there until they get things straightened out. Phillip wants to talk to Beth alone about the kids so Edmund leaves. Phillip reminds Beth of all the manipulative things Edmund has done but she thinks it all was a misunderstanding. She tells him they are supposed to be talking about the kids. Phillip says he had reservations about letting her come to SC but gave in because Cassie, Richard and Lillian were here. Beth says what he interrupted on the beach was a private moment that is none of his business. She reminds him that he gave up his right to control her when he married someone else. He tells her about his phone call with Edmund but Beth says she knows. She tells him that Edmund has treated her honorably and if he is overprotective, so is Phillip. She wants him to leave but he wants to see the kids first. Lizzie comes in and is happy to see Phillip. She tells him about all the things they've done in SC and asks him how long he's staying. Phillip thinks she seems happy and she says she's having a good time there. She wants to take him to see James. She asks about Harley and Zack and he tells her he's just there to check on them. Lizzie assures him that Edmund is taking good care of them all. Beth tells her it's time for bed and Phillip watches as she hugs Edmund as he comes back in. Edmund hopes that Phillip will go home now that he's seen everything is okay. Phillip wonders why he's so quick to get rid of him. Edmund says he's trying to make Beth's life simpler and she has suffered enough from Phillip's controlling ways. Phillip wants to stay and Edmund agrees to let him until Beth asks him to leave. They talk about Jim and Edmund says he isn't as nice as Jim was. He warns Phillip that if he pushes him, Edmund will push back. Phillip tells him he will regret it if he does.

Wednesday, January 17

Michelle asks Danny if he got any sleep last night and he says no. He says that he didn't see anything all night and Michelle suggests that maybe the guys weren't following her after all. Rick comes in and asks Danny what he is doing there. Danny explains and Rick explodes because Michelle is being stalked. Danny says that his focus is Michelle's protection and he asks if Rick can get Frank over there. Danny tells Michelle not to leave the house and to wait until they hear from him and he leaves. Danny arrives at Infierno and Tony asks why he didn't call. Tony tells him that Carlos waiting in his office. Carlos tells Danny that he had two of his best guys looking into what happened last night and explains that the two guys were supposed to hold Michelle for Johnny until he changed his mind about business. Danny calls Johnny and he tells Danny that he didn't send the guys after his wife. Danny tells him that it will be handled if the guys come near Michelle again and Johnny assures him that won't happen. Danny tells Carlos he'll be in touch and he leaves. Tony tells Danny he's with him no matter how this turns out. Danny tells him they are sitting on major potential and nobody's gonna stand in their way. He says he's going to New York to establish some credit and start trading. He tells Tony he's leaving him in charge but to call if there's even a hint of trouble. Tony assures him he won't screw this up and that he can count on him. Meanwhile, Rick and Frank are upset that Michelle is in danger. She tells them it's not Danny's fault. Danny arrives and says that it's over and everything has been taken care of. Rick doesn't feel convinced so Danny tells them he's going to New York to make sure. Michelle questions him about his trip but he doesn't tell her much. He asks Frank to keep an eye out on her just in case. Danny leaves and Rick asks Frank if he believes it's over. Frank says he doesn't think Danny would leave if Michelle was still in danger. Michelle announces that she's going to New York with Danny. Rick tells her no and Frank agrees she needs to stay there to be safe. Michelle tells them that last night Danny stayed to make sure she was safe and he's going to New York for the same reason. She thinks this proves he still loves her and this is her one chance to make him see they belong together. Rick still says no and she tells them that she's going and if either one of them try to stop her she'll never forgive them.

At Company, Olivia focuses on her computer and Josh tries to get her attention. She gets very excited about something and Buzz is surprised. Josh sees that it is a web page about Hawaiian vacations and Olivia explains that she has found them a great deal for their vacation. He kisses her and Reva walks in. Reva watches them and Buzz tells her that it is not polite to stare. He tells her to go with the flow and she sarcastically thanks him. Noah arrives and he asks her if she is OK or has heard from Perdita. He says that he knows it is his fault that she is there at all and he insists that he move in to protect her. She refuses and he tells her about how he watched Perdita kill an agent. He says that he wants to make sure that she is safe and they reluctantly walk over to Josh and Olivia's table. Reva says that they have something to tell him and he is surprised when they tell him that Noah is moving in for a few weeks. He reminds Reva of what she said when he wanted to move in with Olivia and Reva tells him that their situation is different because it is work related. Noah says that there needs to be a man around to keep an eye on things and Josh is upset that Reva and the kids may be in danger. Josh tells Reva not to play this game and Reva tells him that he has a good point about the kids. Reva suggests that they stay with him and he tells Reva no because he is going on his honeymoon. Reva confronts him and he says no. He tells her that she has to deal with this situation herself and reminds her to keep the kids as her first priority. She says that they always have be her first priority and they continue to argue. Reva gets angry and walks away. Noah tells Reva not to let him get to her. Olivia tells Josh not to let her get to him.

Lizzie asks Phillip to go horseback riding with her but Beth thinks he has to leave soon. Phillip agrees to go riding with Lizzie because he's there to see her and James. Susan arrives and Lizzie tells her they're going riding and invites her to join them. Susan says she really doesn't want to go and Beth tells Lizzie she has to eat breakfast first. They leave and Phillip asks Susan if there was something she wanted and Susan tells him she wants him to leave. Phillip doesn't want to start anything with her now. Susan thinks Phillip should leave Beth alone because she doesn't need him to protect her anymore. She reminds him that he's married to Harley and he should go to her. She says that everybody knows he's really there for Beth no matter how much he says he's concerned about his children. She tells him that they were all happy until he showed up. She reminds him that he said he would take care of her at Jim's memorial. She says the way to do that is to leave today. Meanwhile Lillian finds Beth on the beach and finds out Phillip is there. Lillian isn't surprised and thinks that deep down Beth is happy that Edmund and Phillip are fighting over her. Beth tells her that she doesn't want Phillip there and is trying to do the right thing by staying away from him. She says she didn't do anything this time but she knows she'll be blamed for whatever effect this has on Phillip's marriage. Lillian thinks it's hard for Beth to be put in the middle like this but Beth tells her that Edmund is really the one in the middle. She says that it isn't fair for him after all he's done for her and the kids. Lillian tells her that she's watched Edmund put himself in the middle of her life and Beth let him do it. Beth says she will just have to invite Phillip out of her life so Edmund won't be in the middle of anything. Lillian goes to see Phillip and he tells her he doesn't need a lecture. Lillian says she isn't surprised to see him there and thinks he's right to be concerned about his kids. She thinks it's also about Beth and Edmund though. He doesn't know what she's talking about. She says she knows he loves Harley but Beth also holds a special place in his heart. She says that since they were kids he's tried to protect Beth and now he sees Edmund as the latest threat to her. He doesn't deny that so Lillian tells him he has to go. She says that he's driving Beth into Edmund's arms and causing the very thing he wants to prevent. Phillip says he tried to do this over the phone but Edmund wouldn't put his call through. He says he was worried about the kids and Beth. Lillian thanks him for everything he's done for Beth but asks him to leave before it all backfires on him. Edmund arrives and apologizes for interrupting. Lillian leaves and Edmund isn't happy that Susan is upset. He tells Phillip to stay if he must but he's only hurting those he came there to help. Phillip tells him he can save his breath because he's leaving in the morning. Edmund thinks he's doing the right thing. Phillip tells him that just because he's leaving doesn't mean he's gone and that he will be in touch. He says that he is going to give Beth the time she needs and Edmund shouldn't take advantage of her. Phillip tells him there's only so much he'll put up with and he wants them all back in Springfield by the end of next week. He warns him that he'll escort them back himself if he has to and Edmund won't like the consequences of that. Beth interrupts them and Phillip tells her he's leaving tomorrow. She asks him what made him change his mind and he tells her he knows she needs time. He warns her to be careful how she uses it and leaves to go riding with Lizzie. Beth asks Edmund how he got him to leave but he can't take credit for it. He tells her he's just grateful for small favors.

Thursday, January 18

Marah calls Tony and asks him to come over. Reva comes in and overhears Marah's conversation and Marah tells her that it is a girlfriend. They hang up and Reva asks Marah about college applications. Marah says that she isn't going to college because she can make more money modeling. Reva breaks the news to them that Noah is going to be moving in because she is in a bind. She explains that Noah is going to sleep on the couch because he has some concerns about her safety. The kids are not very happy about it and Reva assures them that everything is going to be fine. Meanwhile, Perdita calls Noah and asks him to meet her at Company. Noah arrives and she is angry because he made her wait on him. She wants to know what she will get in return for her information. She tells him that they have located Rourke and then she asks him to take her to dinner tomorrow to get the information. Meanwhile, Dax catches Richard on the beach and he tells Dax that he misses Cassie terribly. He gets a call from Noah and Noah tells him what island Rourke is on. Richard thanks him and Noah says that he will get more details. They hang up and Noah tells Perdita that he is moving in with Reva. He says that it wouldn't be kosher for him to be seen alone with Perdita at Towers. He says that he is protecting Reva but Perdita reminds him that there is nothing he could do to stop it from happening. He reluctantly agrees to the dinner and Reva arrives. Reva says that she wants to see Perdita about the booking on her show and Perdita is confused by her generosity. Perdita mentions her and Noah's dinner tomorrow night. Noah tells Reva that it is business that they need to wrap up and Perdita leaves them alone. Noah tells Reva that the dinner is all part of the plan to protect her and he says that he didn't have a choice. He assures her that it will be fine. Later, Tony arrives to see Marah and she is glad to see him. She can tell that he is upset and he says that he goes nuts every time she kisses him. He says that they don't need to go there if there is not going to be anything after that and he tells her that if things get too hot and heavy then he will leave. A man watches them through the window. Tony says that he doesn't want to get her into any more trouble with her parents and she assures him that won't happen.

Lizzie tells Phillip goodbye and Richard tells him that he is welcome there always. Phillip says that he wishes that invitation was from Edmund also and asks Richard to keep an eye on Beth and the children while they are there. Richard confides in Phillip that he has sent Cassie and the children into seclusion to the convent outside of Springfield and asks him to watch over Cassie. Phillip agrees and Edmund comes in. Phillip tells Edmund that he will see him soon and leaves. Back in Springfield, Phillip goes to Company looking for Harley but Buzz and Frank won't tell him where she is. He says he found his clothes in a pile and a note at his house. He knows Buzz and Frank were there because he found the liquor bottles. Buzz tells him that Harley left to get away from him. Frank thinks Phillip should have known what would happen if he went to SC. Phillip knows they have problems and thinks that Harley has been emotionally gone for months. He understands that he made a mistake on the plane with Beth but Harley's obsession with her won't let them get past it. He asks Buzz if it is a Greek thing or a Cooper thing that won't allow them to forgive and forget. He says that Harley hasn't forgiven Buzz for leaving her so why should he think she'd forgive him. He tells them he doesn't care what they think, he's going to find her. Phillip goes to see Ross thinking Harley called Blake and told her where she was going. Ross says he can't tell him because it has become attorney/client privilege. He says that Harley hired him to represent her in the divorce she is seeking. Phillip can't believe it has gotten this bad and Ross thinks he had to see it coming especially after he went to SC. Phillip tells him that he went for his kids and Harley pushed him to do it. He thinks he can fix things if Ross will just tell him where they are. Ross says he can't do that and Phillip tells him he's not leaving until he does.

Beth and Susan talk on the beach and Susan says that she wishes she could dive into the waves. Beth tells her that when her diving lessons are over then she will be able to explore that world that her dad loved so much. Susan comments on how much she and Beth have shared and that she seems like her sister. She wishes they had felt this way before her dad died. Susan tells her that she hates that Phillip came down there and she wonders if he cares about Harley and Zack at all. Beth tells her that Phillip doesn't trust Edmund and Susan asks Beth to promise that she won't let Phillip hurt Harley because of her. Beth tells Susan that she doesn't want to hurt Harley. She says that they've all been hurt enough this past year. She says she came to SC to help them all heal including Phillip and Harley. She tells her she can't control what Phillip does. Susan doesn't understand why Harley is still with Phillip. Beth tells her that love is a complicated thing. Susan says she finally sees how much Jim and Beth loved each other and thinks maybe Phillip and Harley have the same thing. She says there are no guarantees he won't end up hurting her though. Beth thinks that Susan should call Harley if she's worried about her. Susan isn't ready to do that yet. She says that ever since Jim died, Harley has been desperate for her to like her and spend time with her. She says that Jim raised her and Harley can't think she can take his place. Meanwhile, Richard doesn't think Edmund should be so smug about Phillip leaving. He says that they shouldn't mess with the Spauldings and asks why Edmund can't leave Phillip's family alone. Edmund claims he was simply helping Beth and the kids to heal but Richard isn't sure his motives are selfless. Edmund thinks there is more going on than Richard is saying. He thinks Richard believes he's plotting something evil but says it's fun to watch Richard wait to find out what it is and leaves. Later, Lizzie brings a basket full of stuffed kittens that Edmund gave her. Susan picks out one that looks like one Jim had. She hopes Jim won't be forgotten the way it was and Beth assures her that Jim will live on inside them. Edmund tells her that Jim's generosity has a life of it's own. Susan remembers her scuba lesson and invites Lizzie to watch. They leave and Beth is still upset about Phillip. Edmund tells her that Phillip is a control addict but she thinks it is her fault because she's been so selfish. She tells him that Lillian believes Beth wanted Phillip to come to SC and fight with Edmund over her. Edmund thinks she needs to take time to heal and reminds her that she's the one grieving, not Phillip. She thinks she baited him to come down there but Edmund assures her she was only trying to take care of herself. He thinks there's more to the real Beth that nobody sees. They talk about some of her stronger points. He tells her that he reaches out and grabs what he wants but he doesn't want to make anymore mistakes. Edmund leaves and Beth is confused. She finds him on the beach and thanks him for what he said earlier. She admits that she's always been afraid to reveal what she really thinks and she began to do that today. She asks Edmund why he's being so distant and he tells her he wants just the opposite. He takes her in his arms and says that she came down there with certain assurances from him. He says that if he doesn't say goodnight now, he won't be able to honor them and walks away.

Friday, January 19

Josh and Olivia get ready to leave and Josh wishes he could be as calm about leaving Marah as she is about leaving Sam. Josh remembers the drunk guy that they saw Reva and Noah with and he wonders what Noah has gotten her into. He says that he wants to see the kids again before they leave to make sure that they are OK. Josh leaves and Holly arrives. She says that she doesn't want to jinx Josh and Olivia's honeymoon but Olivia invites her in. Holly asks why Josh is at Reva's and Olivia tells her that she doesn't believe Reva's story for a minute. Holly is surprised by how calm Olivia is and Olivia says that Josh is finally breaking free of Reva. Meanwhile, Reva shows Noah to his sleeper-sofa and tells him that she thinks he is overreacting. He assures her that he won't let anyone hurt her. Shayne comes in with a box of Catalina's things and Reva can't believe that she is moving out. Catalina tells Reva that she will never be able to repay her and Reva tells her to not be a stranger. Josh arrives and says that he is just stopping in to see the kids. Reva assures him that everything is fine and Josh asks if Noah has moved in yet. He says that he intends to hand Noah his head on a platter. Reva tells Josh that he made his priorities clear at Company and Noah tells him that he will keep Reva and the kids safe. Noah tells him that it is probably nothing and that it will be over in just a few weeks. Josh tells him that right now he could strangle him with his bare hands. Josh says that he just wants to know what is going on but Noah refuses. They all argue and Noah promises to explain later. Marah arrives and wonders why Josh isn't already gone on his honeymoon. Marah tells him to have fun and Shayne makes fun of her sincerity. Shayne brings up Marah throwing away college for modeling and Josh refuses. Josh and Reva both agree that Marah could model during the summer but that she will be going to college. Marah brings up Shayne wanting to quit school for lacrosse but Josh and Reva both explain how that won't be happening. Josh makes them promise not to make any life decisions while he is gone and sends them upstairs. Reva thanks him for the backup and he tells her "anytime." Josh leaves and Noah sets up motion sensors in the house. Reva asks why he has to go to dinner with Perdita and he says that he needs to give her some attention. Josh returns home and tells Olivia about his visit. She thinks the kids were just yanking his chain but he disagrees. They both get ready to leave.

Rick goes to Company looking for Harley. Frank wants to know where Michelle is and Rick tells him she went to New York. He's worried and Frank tells him he'll check it out once he finds out the hotel she's staying in. Rick asks for Harley again but Frank won't tell him anything. May runs into Rick at Company and they discuss how Michelle ran off after Danny. May thinks it is almost romantic and she says that she heard Michelle make the reservation after Danny left. Rick thought they were talking about Harley and Phillip and explains to May what happened between them. Rick wonders what Phillip was thinking when he left for San Cristobel and May asks if Harley is more than a friend to him. Rick says that she is a very good friend but that it all. May tells him that sometimes the strongest relationships start as good friends but Rick says that he couldn't think of that because Phillip is his best friend.

Richard tells Dax he spoke with Cassie and misses her. Dax thinks she could come home but Richard doesn't want to risk the safety of her and the baby. He intends to find Rourke himself and get some answers. Dax doesn't think that's a good idea but Richard wants privacy when he get his answers. He reminds Dax that Rourke tried to undermind his marriage. He doesn't know if it would be worse to find out a group was behind it or Edmund. Dax thinks Richard must take it into account if Edmund was behind the setup. Richard says that Edmund may have been plotting to take what was his all along. Dax doesn't think Edmund is fit to rule but Richard can't keep something that isn't his. He says he will find the answers on his own terms.

Danny is shocked to find Michelle waiting on him in his room. She explains that she tricked Tony into telling her where he was. Danny is upset and wants her to leave. He doesn't think she's safe there but she believes he'll protect her. She doesn't think he would have left Springfield if she was really in danger. Danny thinks she's safer away from him but she suggests that he feels safer away from her. She asks him if he misses her and thinks he still wants to be with her. Danny tells her not to assume anything and asks her again to leave. She wants to know why those guys were following her. Danny explains his plan to move the families into a new direction but some of them don't want to break from tradition. He thinks they were using Michelle as a bargaining chip and he told them to back. He says he stayed with her to protect her because if something had happened, he would have had to retaliate. Michelle asks him to look her in the eye and tell her this is the life he wants and he says this is how it has to be. She's glad he can't lie to her. Danny knows she doesn't like this kind of life but she tells him she just wants to be with him. She asks him to get out of this while he still can. He can't do that but Michelle reminds him he was willing to do it once before. She tells him she won't give up because she knows he loves her. He says he has to keep away because he loves her. She keeps at him and he finally says he has to go. He wants her to go back to Springfield but she says she'll still be there when he comes back. He tells her it won't do any good and leaves. Later, Michelle arrives back at the room after going out. She finds someone breaking in and screams.

Monday, January 22

Frank frieghtens Michelle and she wants to know why he is there. He says that he showed her how easy it was for someone to break in there and she asks if this was Rick's idea. He checks the room and says that he is just there to make sure that she is OK. He sees her shoping bags and is shocked that she went out by herself. He asks where Danny is and she realizes that he is really there as a cop. He denies it and she tells him not to hide behind their friendship to get information. She says that she is going to stand by Danny until he gets out of this business for her but Frank reminds her that will make her vulnerable to the dangers of Danny's life. He begs her to trust him and she begins to cry. He apologizes and puts his arm around her just as Danny walks in. Danny asks him why didn't just call to check on Michelle and he tells him that he can go now that he knows Michelle is OK. Michelle asks why he is being so rude to Frank and Frank relucatantly leaves. Danny asks Michelle if the reason that she followed him to New York was to get the cops on his tail. Michelle is offended and she says that she wouldn't double-cross someone that she loves. Michelle tells Danny that he can't live his life waiting for someone to stab him in the back and Danny admits that he hated seeing Frank holding her. Michelle thanks him for admitting that he was jealous of Frank. Danny tells her that every bad thing that everyone has said about him is true but she says that he is capable of love too. He asks how she would want him to hold the baby and she tells him that this baby is only going to see love in his father's eyes. She begs him to let her love him and he leaves.

Lizzie and Beth play with paper dolls and Lizzie makes Beth pretend to be the princess. Edmund listens to Susan and Lizzie fight over who the prince loves the most. Edmund comes in and plays with them too. Lillian watches them and he says that he'd never be able to choose between them. He tells them that there are other princes that they should be fighting over and Lizzie suggests that he choose the princess. He says that he can't because he has pledged himself to a living princess. Lillian tells Susan and Lizzie that they need to get ready for dinner and after they are gone she tells them that the children know what is going on. Lillian says that she knows she is there as a chaperone and Edmund agrees with everything that she is saying. Edmund asks to be alone for a moment with Lillian and Beth goes to check on the girls. Edmund asks her to be his friend and not his enemy. She tells him that he is transparent and refuses to be his friend because he is going to hurt Beth. She explains that Beth feels guilty for everything that has gone wrong in her life and admits that he is distracting her but all her feelings will resurface at some point. She says that she doesn't think he has the patience to stick around but he tells her that she underestimates him. He tells her that he loves Beth and this is the first time in his life that he has placed someone else's well being over his own. He tells her all the ways that he loves and wants Beth and he promises to take care of her and her children. He asks Lillian to watch him to see that he won't take advantage of Beth. Lillian doesn't refuse and Edmund says that he will stop while he is ahead. He leaves and Beth comes back in. She says that Edmund is much more dangerous than she thought and explains how elegant and moving he was to her. Beth wants to know what he said and Beth tells her that Edmund stays away when she asked him to before. Beth thinks that Lillian wants her with Phillip but Lillian says that she didn't mean that but that Edmund can have a profound effect on her.

Noah calls Reva and tells her that there has been a change of plans. He says that he has to meet Perdita in her suite and he tells her not to be late to save him. She tells him that she can be there but she won't have an excuse for going to Perdita's room. He suggests that she say that she's there about the show and she agrees. Noah arrives in Perdita's room and she is practicing knife-throwing in her underwear. She shows him some of her artwork and she reminds him that she always wins. He asks her why she bothers with the agency and she asks him if he is committed to Reva. He says that he doesn't know how to answer that question and he asks how he can prove to her that Reva isn't a threat to the agency. She says that she thought he'd never ask and reminds him of a time that they made love in a boat on the river. He tries to change the subject and she throws him on the bed. She kisses him but he says that there is something she should know first. Ray arrives and Reva thanks him for everything that he has done for Catalina. He says that he is there about Tony and Marah and says that Marah has a good influence on Tony. He says that Marah is alot like Reva and he says that Tony wants to be worthy of Marah. Ray asks her to allow Marah to see Tony under controlled circumstances but Reva says that she thinks he is up to his eyeballs in the family business. Reva thinks that Tony might have influenced Marah's decision about college. She says that she will be fair and discuss this with Josh but she is sure that he won't allow it. He says that he'll explain everything to Tony and he leaves. Just as Reva is about to leave she gets a message on her machine saying that it is an emergency. Rick tells her that Shayne took a lacrosse ball to the chest and it stopped his heart. He explains that the coach started CPR and tells her that they'll be there in just a second. She tells him that she is on her way. Meanwhile, Josh and Olivia get ready to board the plane for Hawaii. Josh goes to get some gum for the flight and his cell phone rings. Olivia sees that it is Reva and turns it off without Josh ever knowing it rang. Reva frantically tries to reach him and heads on to the hospital.

Tuesday, January 23

Edmund finds Susan alone and upset. She tells him he doesn't have to bother finding something to entertain her. He thinks it sounds like he's running a summer camp for mourners and she tells him sometimes it feels that way. He asks her what's wrong and she tells him she doesn't want to forget Jim and doesn't want Beth to either. She says that after her mother died, it hurt so much she wouldn't think about it. She went to find Harley so she wouldn't have to. She says that one day she woke up and couldn't remember the color of her mother's eyes. She doesn't want that to happen again. Edmund asks Susan if she thinks he wants to make her and Beth forget Jim. She admits she does and he tells her he couldn't do that even if he wanted to. He says that after suffereing a loss like this, the heart needs to be insulated and protected. He says that he has been trying to give them a few simple joys to help them. He isn't trying to make them forget. Susan apologizes and he hugs her and says she has nothing to be sorry for.

At the Bauer cabin, Harley and Blake try to entertain the kids with puppets but they aren't interested. Blake tells Harley that she can't keep hiding from Phillip. Harley says she isn't hiding but is angry at herself for trying to save her marriage. She doesn't think a marriage can survive cheating but Blake says hers did. Harley reminds her that Ross isn't jumping at the chance to commit to her again. She says the difference is that both Blake and Ross are trying. Harley says that Phillip is in San Cristobel now with Beth and talks about all the things that keep them tied together. They hear a car outside and Harley says it's Phillip. She opens the door and he comments about no welcome home kiss. Harley tells him she left him a note and he says he saw it along with all his clothes outside. They start to argue and Blake tries to give them some privacy but Harley won't let her go. Phillip says it's not over between them but Harley tells him he doesn't get to decide that anymore. The kids call for Blake and she goes to take care of them. Blake calls Ross and asks him why he told Phillip where they were. He says he didn't but is on his way to the cabin now. Blake tells him to hurry because things are getting ugly. Meanwhile, Harley asks Phillip how his trip to SC was. He says she knows he went there for the kids, not Beth. Harley reminds him that Lillian, Richard and Cassie were there to make sure the kids were okay. He thinks she should be more concerned about Edmund's influence since Susan is down there too. Harley says she knows Susan is okay and thinks she was thrilled to see Phillip. She thinks maybe Susan will start to respect her again now that she's broken up with him. Phillip tells her that he had to go to SC because Edmund was keeping his children from him. Harley reminds him that she said if he went to SC, he couldn't come back to her. He says that she told him to go. He thinks that she's using this as an excuse to quit trying to put their marriage back together because it will be hard. He thinks she owes it to him and Zack to give their marriage another chance. Harley says that she is tired of being second best with him and being constantly told that it isn't supposed to hurt. He says that she isn't second best but she starts going over all the things that have happened with Beth. She says that she read an article saying that 50% of men will cheat which means 50% won't. She wants to find one that will be faithful to her. Phillip claims that he's being blamed for all the other guys who cheated on her. He reminds her that Blake broke up her marriage to Alan-Michael but now they are best friends. Harley says that she didn't take vows with Blake. She wants him to go be with Beth and the kids so she can find somebody else. She tells him she would rather be alone than be second best with him. He says neither one of those things are going to happen because they are going to find a way to make it work. He tells her he won't consent to the divorce but Ross arrives saying he doesn't have a choice. He says that Harley has grounds for the divorce because of the adultery. Harley tells him she has all the proof she needs with the photo in the newspaper of the Spauldings with baby Jim. Phillip threatens to drag the divorce out using the Spaulding lawyers but Ross tells him that will only cause more pain. He says he loves them both but they have been tearing each other apart for months and it isn't getting any better. He thinks it's time they cut their losses and end the marriage. Phillip finally agrees to a trial separation and will move into the mansion until Harley comes to her senses. She tells him she's not going to change her mind but he thinks she will. Phillip goes to see Zack and Blake comes back. She asks Harley if she's okay and she says no but she will be.

Reva leaves a message on Josh's machine about Shayne's accident and then continues to try his cell phone. Meanwhile at the airport, Josh and Olivia are ready to leave for Hawaii. Olivia can't believe they are really going to get on that plane. Josh notices his cell phone is turned off and thinks it's strange. He turns it back on and it starts ringing just as they are about to board. Olivia doesn't want him to answer it when he sees that it's Reva. He thinks there could be an emergency but Olivia tells him it's just another setup. He answers anyway and Reva tells him that Shayne had an accident at his lacrosse game and his heart has stopped. He tells her he'll meet her at the hospital. Josh tells Olivia about the accident and she thinks it's too convenient. He explains the details and she apologizes and agrees to meet him there later. Noah tries to stall Perdita's seduction. He reminds her that he's engaged to Reva but she doesn't care. She asks him why he's there and he says he just wanted to talk. He tells her he doesn't want to hurt Reva and that he's in a different place in his life now. Perdita tells him that he will either make love to her or she will hurt Reva. Noah says that this isn't going to spark passion in him but Perdita isn't taking no for an answer. His cell phone rings and Reva tells him about Shayne's accident. He tells Perdita he has to leave but she takes his keys away and says he isn't going anywhere. Noah gets angry and says she doesn't want to play this game with him. He takes the keys and leaves. At the hospital, Rick updates Reva on Shayne's condition. He tells her he could have died if he wasn't wearing his chest protector. Reva goes in to see him and takes his hand. Shayne asks her not to let go as the monitors start going off. Rick tells Reva she has to leave and they shut the blinds. Josh arrives and Reva rushes into his arms. She tells him what Rick said and they agree Shayne comes from strong stock. He reminds her that a building recently fell on him and he's fine. She jokes that it's debateable. Olivia and Noah arrive to see them hugging. They interrupt and Reva asks Noah to go in and check on Shayne. Olivia apologizes to Reva and says that Shayne is a good kid. Noah comes out and says they can go in to see him. Olivia thinks she and Noah are thinking the same thing. She wonders why she is the wicked step mother and he thinks she's pushing too hard. He's just going to go on appreciating Reva and hoping one day she'll be proposing to him. Olivia wishes she had his confidence and that people would choose what was good for them instead of what they can't have. Meanwhile, Reva and Josh are relieved that Shayne is okay and both agree he won't be playing lacrosse anytime soon. Shayne is happy that they are agreeing again. Reva remembers he was supposed to be on his way to Hawaii and she messed it up again. He tells her this is where he is supposed to be. Olivia overhears and says that it isn't.

Wednesday, January 24

Ross turns off whatever he is watching when Blake comes in the room looking for a book to read the kids. He notices she is upset and asks her what's wrong. She tells him that Phillip and Harley are getting a divorce. She thinks they were fighting the same fight she and Ross are and lost. She is afraid the same thing will happen to them. Ross doesn't think that makes any sense but Blake explains that she is Phillip and he is Harley. She tells him that no matter how hard Harley tried, she couldn't forgive Phillip just like he can't forgive her. That's why he won't marry her. Ross tries to tell her that he sees marriages end everyday and doesn't want that to happen to them. He says it took him a long time to get over the anger but he has forgiven her and can't live without her. Blake thinks that he's keeping a part of himself from her by trying to keep the monster at bay. She says that love is a place of rest and safety and she wants that with him. He tells her he loves her but she wants him to get on one knee and say that. She goes to read to the kids and Ross tells her he wants to finish watching something and he'll be there soon. He turns the TV back on and finishes watching their wedding on tape.

Danny returns to the room hoping that Michelle would be gone but she is there. He tells her to go home and she asks him if he thinks about them. He tells her that he thought he made a mistake by spending the night to protect her because it gave her the wrong impression. She says that she is not giving up and he tells her that she is killing him. She says that is good and she tells him that he is not his mother. She reminds him that the men came after her even though they are not living together and she asks if he is going to turn his back on her. She tells him that he is stuck with her because she intends to fight for him. Michelle tells Danny to let Carmen go because she is free now and so are they. She wants him to admit he loves her and he finally does. He says because he loves her he has to keep her away from him. He thinks she deserves better than this life. He is afraid he will destroy her but she tells him he is her world. They kiss and Danny tries to back away but can't. He carries her to the bed after she assures him it won't hurt the baby and they make love.

Shayne asks Reva and Josh who won the game and tells them all about how great he did in the game. Shayne jokes that Noah is gone getting some nurse babes for him and he promises to be good. Reva tells him that he is always good and that he is alot like his dad. Olivia brings them some coffee and Shayne apologizes to her for messing up their trip. Olivia offers to go call Marah at Company and she goes out to the pay phone. She asks Buzz if Marah is there and finds out that she went to Infierno. At Infierno, Catalina tells Marah that she didn't have to drive her over there and Tony comes over and kisses her. Olivia calls and Catalina answers the phone. Marah doesn't think it is possible that Olivia could be calling and Olivia yells that this is important. Marah grabs the phone and hangs it up. Olivia goes and tells Josh that she has found Marah and that she'll be right back with her. Tony takes Marah into Danny's office and Tony tells Marah what happened between Ray and Reva. Olivia bursts in and Marah asks Olivia if she is stalking her. Olivia tells Marah about Shayne's accident and Tony tells Marah to go be with Shayne. She begs Olivia not to tell her parents where she was. They argue and Olivia asks her what a wicked stepmother is to do in this situation. She finally agrees not to say anything unless Josh and Reva ask. She says she hopes Marah would be adult enough to tell the truth. Marah and Tony say goodbye and she leaves with Olivia. Tony tells Catalina they have bad luck and she reminds him that Shayne had bad luck too. Marah and Olivia arrive at the hospital and Marah is relieved that Shayne is okay. She says no more lacrosse for him. Shayne asks where Catalina is and reminds her she was supposed to be helping her move into the boarding house. She explains that Catalina sends her best and Josh asks if Olivia found her at Company. Marah reveals that she gave Catalina a ride to Infierno and Josh and Reva get upset when she says she saw Tony. Marah tries to explain that she was doing a friend a favor. Reva tells her about Father Ray coming and pleading his case but they decided not to let her see Tony. Marah gets angry and blames Olivia for trying to come between her and Josh. Josh tells her he's had enough and she says she has too and leaves.

Richard tells Edmund that he has some business that he must leave San Cristobel for and Edmund tells him that Phillip wants Beth and the kids home so he might be gone when Richard returns. Beth overhears them and asks Edmund what Phillip said. Richard leaves and Beth can't believe that Phillip would demand they come home. On the plane, Richard talks to Dax on the phone to finalize his plan to catch Rourke. Rourke is surprised to see Richard at his door. Richard punches him and tells him he's not there as the prince, he's there as an irate husband. Meanwhile, Edmund tells Beth about his conversation with Phillip and Beth is livid. She can't understand why Phillip is so worried about her when he should be worried about his marriage. Beth asks for a few minutes alone and Lillian comes in. Beth goes to kiss Lizzie goodnight and Lillian tells Edmund that it isn't fair that Phillip isn't hear to defend himself. Lillian tells Edmund that there are things that he doesn't know and Edmund tells her that Beth confided some of the painful things in her childhood. He tells her that Phillip and Beth have grown up and apart and that Beth knows that they can't get back together. He tells her that he cherishes Beth. Later, Beth catches Edmund laughing to himself and apologizes for overreacting earlier. She knows that Phillip is just worried about the kids and Edmund thinks she's worried about Phillip too. She admits that they have a connection and she wants him to be happy. She asks him what he was laughing at and he tells her he had a conversation with Lillian. Beth tells him he hurt Lillian's feelings before and he says that she keeps him on his toes. They differ when it comes to Phillip because he sees him as an obstacle to Beth's happiness. Edmund gets an idea and says that Phillip wants them on their way to Springfield by the end of the week but he didn't say how. He reveals his plan to her and she thinks Phillip will be angry. She finally agrees and Edmund tells her he won't let Phillip cause her or the children anymore distress.

Thursday, January 25

Rourke wakes up and finds himself in handcuffs. Richard tells the guards to leave them alone. He explains they are on a plane back to San Cristobel and Rourke has three options. He says he can either cooperate and go back to his island or not cooperate and stand trial in SC. He says that Rourke will be found guilty and will spend the rest of his life in solitary confinement. 'Rourke asks about the third option and Richard says that if he annoys him, he'll take a trip to the ocean via the door of the plane. Rourke wants him to take him to SC because he will make Cassie look bad to the public. Richard tells him he has just annoyed him and calls the pilor to lower their altitude. Rourke says that Richard isn't scaring him and Richard pulls out a gun. Rourke tries to knock it away but Richard grabs him and puts the gun to his head. He wants to know who was behind it all and Rourke tells him he already knows. He says it was Edmund. Richard doesn't believe him but Rourke explains how Edmund set everything up from the photographers to the letter he left Cassie. He tells him that Edmund doesn't think Richard is fit to rule and wants the throne for himself. Richard tells him to shut up. He calls the pilot and tells him to return to the island where Rourke was. He says he has everything he needs from this man. Richard tells Rourke that he never wants to see him again and Rourke agrees. Rourke leaves the plane and Richard tells the pilot to take them home. He looks at a picture of Edmund and throws it across the room.

Josh and Reva watch Shayne sleep in the hospital. They can't believe this happened and Reva doesn't want to think about what might have happened. Josh says that Shayne looks better than both of them. She fixes some coffee and gives it to Josh thinking this is how he likes it. He tells her he thinks it's how they both like it. Olivia watches them from outside. Josh thinks he should go find Olivia and asks Reva to get him when Shayne wakes up. He finds Olivia outside and thanks her for everything she's done. He tells her he tries to make another reservation for Hawaii but there were no flights available. He apologizes and says he'd take her away now if he still had the Lewis jet. Reva interrupts them saying Shayne is waking up. Josh goes back inside and Olivia continues to watch them. Reva apologizes for messing up his honeymoon but he tells her she did the right thing calling him. Olivia gets upset and leaves. Meanwhile, Tony calls Marah and they talk about how they still can't see each other. Marah says she will come up with a plan and Tony is glad she isn't giving up on them. Meanwhile, Alan and Claire argue over her spending most of her time alone these days. He reminds her that these business meetings are what let them live this kind of lifestyle. Olivia arrives and Alan gives her a kiss. She reminds him that she's Mrs. Lewis now and he wants to know what he can do for her. She wants him to do her a favor that she will reciprocate later. He wonders what kind of favor she could want since her company is so small. Claire watches them and is annoyed.

Sam arrives at Company and Buzz thinks he wants to borrow his motorcycle to impress Marah. Sam tells him that Marah is too high maintenence for him. Holly walks in and Buzz thinks she is complicated. Sam likes Holly because she's been nice to Olivia and him. Holly comes over and Buzz offers her coffee. Holly asks Sam if he's trying to borrow the bike and promises not to tell Olivia. She thinks that's probably the last thing on Olivia's mind right now on her honeymoon. They are all surprised when Josh walks in. Josh tells Sam, Holly and Buzz about Shayne's accident. Holly sends Sam to find Josh and Olivia a plane and she tries calling around herself. Frank arrives and tells Buzz that it is surprising how quickly you can find out that you don't know someone. Buzz is distracted by Holly as she tries to get reservations. Olivia arrives and tells Josh that she got the Spaulding jet to take them to Hawaii. Josh is skeptical but agrees to use the plane. They leave and Buzz tells Holly that it was an OK thing she was doing by trying to get them a flight. He asks her out to dinner and she is shocked that he is asking her out. She accepts and he says that he'll call her. Outside Company, David tells Frank that he is glad that he is back and he calls Frank on going to check on Michelle. David wants to know about the Santos mob connection but Frank says that he went to New York as a friend, not a cop.

Phillip picks his clothes up off the porch and goes inside his house. Harley comes in with Zack with a tie that he missed and he tells her not to do him any favors. Later, he comes downstairs with a small suitcase and she doesn't think he packed enough. He says he won't be gone that long and they start to argue over the divorce. She wants to know why he's pushing her and he says he got a second wind. He thinks they want the same thing and won't let her end it. He says that all of his mistakes don't add up to the one she's about to make. He leaves and Harley tells Zack he deserves better than this as Rick walks in. He wonders if Phillip left her. Harley tells him about Phillip finding her at the cabin with Blake. She says she needs this divorce and Rick asks if she's talked to Phillip about it. She tells him Phillip won't listen. She says that she and Blake were trying to entertain the kids with a puppet show and Kevin tried to change the channel using her cellphone. She says that's how she feels about Phillip, it's all him all the time. She says she needs him to go away and he won't. Rick tells her it sounds like she needs some help. Harley thanks Rick for listening but says that he shouldn't get any more involved in this because he is Phillip's best friend. He disagrees and leaves. Meanwhile, Phillip arrives at the mansion and tells Alan that he is moving back in. Alan asks him why he isn't in San Cristobel getting the mother of his children. Vicky arrives with business for Alan to deal with but he is distracted. Meta arrives and wants to meet with Alan. Olivia thanks Alan for his help and leaves. Claire watches as Alan agrees to speak with Alan and he asks what it is he can do for her. She tells him that she wants to raise money to restore the lighthouse and Vicky brushes her aside. Alan wants to discuss this later on today and Meta agrees. Vicky and Meta leave and Claire asks Alan why he says yes to everyone that walks in here. Alan gets an idea and he and Claire go to show Meta out. Phillip comes in and Rick arrives. Rick confronts him about going to San Cristobel but Phillip tries to defend himself. Phillip says that he is going to save his marriage but Rick doesn't think that his determination can change things.

Friday, January 26

Phillip tells Rick that his marriage is none of his business. Rick reminds him that they are best friends and thinks Phillip must feel cornered to talk to him like that. Phillip wonders whose side he's on. Rick asks him what he thought would happen after he went to SC. Phillip tells him he doesn't want his marriage to be over but Rick reminds him he has children that shouldn't be put in the middle. Alan comes in and hears them argue. Rick leaves and Alan asks Phillip what he's going to do about Beth being with Edmund in SC. Alan thinks that his marriage to Harley ended after the plane crash. He believes Phillip will always be with Beth in the end. Phillip wishes people would stop giving him advice and leaves. Claire arrives and Alan tells her about a meeting between Vicky and Meta he wants her to attend. Meta tells them about plans for making money to renovate the lighthouse. She suggests black tie parties but needs corporate sponsorship. Alan offers to pay for the whole thing but Vicky thinks they should look at their budget first. Alan says he will do it on one condition. He wants to appoint someone to work with Meta on the project and Vicky assumes he means her. She is shocked when he names Claire. Meta tells him she already has a committee and suggests he donate a smaller amount of money. Alan doesn't think she should turn down such a large amount of money without atleast talking to the other members. Meta agrees to work with Claire and says she's suddenly looking forward to it. Meta leaves and Claire is happy to have Meta answering to her. Alan warns her not to overplay her hand.

Edmund gives a messenger a note to deliver to someone. He leaves and Beth comes in. He tells her that he plans on spending the entire day with her. She tells him that she has a date with Lizzie today. Lillian bursts in with a check that was delivered to her for Jim. Edmund explains that was Jim's pay and he thought it would be easier if she handled it. She also has a letter stating that Jim's pay was being applied against a $45,000 dollar debt that he owed to Edmund. Lillian accuses Edmund of blackmailing Jim and Beth asks Edmund how he was doing this. Edmund acts like he was doing it and begs Beth not to push this. He "reluctantly" tells her about Jim's gambling debt and how Edmund bought his marker. Edmund explains that he have Jim a job and a way to repay his debt and he tells Beth that he never meant for her to know about this. Beth tells Lillian that she owes him an apology and Lillian tells Edmund that she is grateful for what he did. She leaves and Beth says that knows that she is the one who drove Jim to do this. She says that she wanted a baby and she pressured him to have the money to give it to her. Edmund tells her that Jim made his own choices and that he could have told her about this. Beth says that Jim was a good man but Edmund tells her that she shouldn't feel guilty about Jim's problem. Beth tells Edmund that it was extraordinary what he did by giving Jim a way to keep his pride. The phone rings and Edmund answers it. It is Phillip and Edmund hands Beth the phone. Beth asks him how dare he give Edmund an ultimatum on when she should come home. She tells him to use this time to get his marriage back on track and he tells her that his marriage is over. Susan comes in and listens to Beth's side of the conversation. Phillip asks to talk to Lizzie but she isn't there. Beth tells him that she is truly sorry about Harley and they hang up. Beth asks Susan if she has called Harley lately and tells her that she left Harley. Susan is livid and says that now Harley is going to have free time to try to fix her life and that now Phillip will be all over Beth. Beth tries to assure Susan that Phillip isn't interested in her and Edmund points out that Phillip used this as a ploy to get her attention. Susan and Edmund point out that Phillip's plan worked because she thinks they should show him some compassion. Beth says that it not what she wants and Edmund says that then try as he might then Phillip won't succeed.

Reva, Josh, Shayne, and Marah arrive home from the hospital and Shayne wants to camp on the couch instead of going upstairs. Marah apologizes for Josh missing his honeymoon and Josh explains that Olivia talked Alan into letting them use his plane. Josh asks Marah and Shayne to stay out of trouble. Marah begs Josh and Reva to let her see Tony again. Reva asks her what part of No she didn't understand. Josh agrees to listen if something happen between last night and today to change his mind about Tony. She tells them that they are not being fair to Tony. Reva reminds her about the Rex Motel and Josh says that common sense flies out the window when she is with him. They tell her No again and she leaves for school. At Infierno, Tony asks Ray not to help with him and Marah next time. Ray tells him it's only been one day since he spoke with Reva and wants him to be patient. Marah arrives and tells Tony he's banned for life. She says they found out about yesterday and things couldn't be worse. Tony wants to go talk to them and Ray thinks that's a good idea but Marah says no. Ray tells her it couldn't hurt and thinks it is good for Tony to stand up for what he believes in. Tony tells her he has to do it and won't give up on them. They leave and Ray wishes them luck. Tony tells Reva and Josh he wants another chance to prove he can be good for Marah. Reva suggests Josh handle this. Tony tells them he will protect her but Josh doesn't want her involved in situations where she needs to be protected. Tony tells him that there are risks everywhere. Josh reminds him what happened at the motel and Tony knows he showed bad judgement there. Marah tells Tony to stop because they don't care about them. Tony agrees and leaves. Josh leaves for his trip and Marah leaves for school. Outside, Tony apologizes for messing up and they kiss. Marah asks him what they're going to do. Tony admits that he is falling in love with her. She tells him not to worry about her parents because they will come around. Until then they will just have to keep a low profile. Some guys arrive and grab Marah while others beat Tony and drag him away.

Monday, January 29

Richard tells Dax that his trip was successful and he found out who hired Rourke. He says that Edmund was the mastermind behind the plan to make Cassie look like a slut. He says that Edmund will pay. He tells Dax that Edmund believes there are certain traits one must have to be a ruler and Richard lacks them. Richard says that Edmund knew Richard would abdicate once his marriage was on the rocks. He jokes that if Edmund would have been patient, he wouldn't have had to waste his time and energy. Richard says that he is committed to duty and honor and that's what will make him give up the throne. Dax reminds him that he hasn't made a decision about that yet and doesn't really know the truth. Richard thinks Rourke told him the truth but Dax isn't sure. He thinks someone could be trying to turn the brothers against each other. Richard wonders where they go from here and Dax tells him he must find out the truth about his parentage first. They decide DNA testing has to be done but Richard won't exhume his mother's body. Dax thinks they might could find some hair on one of her tiaras or hairbrushes. Richard remembers that Edmund has a watch containing a lock of his mother's hair. Dax wants to search Edmund's room but Richard asks him to tell Edmund he wants to see him. He says they might have the upper hand this time. Meanwhile, Edmund finds Beth upset in the throne room. She is worried that Harley blames her for her breakup with Phillip. Edmund tells her that Harley is right because everyone can see Beth and Phillip have a connection. Beth says that she meant it when she told him she didn't want Phillip to come there. Edmund tells her that it's not destiny that she and Phillip be together. He says Phillip is simply a habit and habits can be broken. Later, Edmund goes to see Richard. Richard tells him that Cassie is away but wants to continue to expand the children's museum. He asks if Edmund has anything that belonged to their parents. Edmund says that their father never gave him anything of personal value. Richard reminds him that he was always their mother's favorite and thinks he might have something of hers. Edmund remembers the watch and calls for an aide to bring it to them. He tells Richard that he will do anything for the crown and country and Richard says he's beginning to believe that. Edmund thinks his behavior is hostile and wonders what he's done now to make him suspicious. Richard says he isn't any more suspicious than he ever is unless Edmund has something to confess. Susan interrupts and Richard invites her to stay. She tells him how much being there has helped her. She says that if she were in Springfield, she'd go to her house everyday and see what she lost in the fire. She says that in SC nobody is constantly trying to make her feel better and she can do whatever she wants alone. She says that Edmund is the best friend she could ask for. She tells Richard that she knows people say bad things about him but he's been nothing but kind to her. The aide arrives with the watch and Edmund shows it to Susan before giving it to Richard. Richard leaves and Edmund tells Susan she didn't have to say those nice things about him. She tells him she said them because they are true. He asks her to go riding but she wants to call Harley first. She asks Edmund to stay with her in case she tries to chicken out. Susan and Harley talk about Zack and she brings up the divorce. Harley thought she would be happy about that but Susan says Phillip is free now. Harley asks if she means free to go after Beth and Susan admits she feels stuck between Beth and Harley. Harley tells her she misses her but Susan says she's happy in SC. She tells her she will be home soon because Phillip gave them a deadline. They hang up and Susan says that everyone says Edmund is the bad one but Phillip hurts people and nobody thinks he's a creep. Edmund says surely someone does and Susan laughs.

Reva asks Shayne if Marah called because she should have been home from school by now. She is worried about keeping her away from Tony. They are playing video games when Perdita arrives. She tells Reva she's there to check on Shayne since Noah had to leave because of his injury. She walks on in and starts to play video games with Shayne. He is impressed when she beats him. Reva goes to make coffee and calls Noah to tell him Perdita is there. Noah arrives and wants to talk to Perdita outside. He wants to know what she's doing there and she says she had to make sure he wasn't lying about Shayne's injury. Noah tells her to stay away from Reva and the kids or else he will have to stop her. She is glad she finally has his undivided attention. She says that she doesn't like her plans being interrupted and expects him in her hotel room tomorrow night. Perdita leaves and Noah checks out the house. He finds a bug under the game controller and Reva gets upset. She says she doesn't like Perdita getting near Shayne. She wants to know how much longer this will last and he says until the election in Central America is over. He asks her to hold on because it could get worse.

Michelle and Danny arrive home with tons of things for the baby. Michelle is happy because it will have everything it needs including a daddy. Danny tells her that two days in New York doesn't solve their problems. She asks him if he can walk out the door. Danny tells her that the past two days were great because they had no history and nobody knew them in New York. She suggests they move there but Danny says they can't do that. Michelle tells him she isn't afraid but he reminds her that a few days ago people were following her. He says that he doesn't want her and the baby in his life and she asks him what if he can't stop her. Meanwhile at Infierno, Catalina and May hear a noise and then Tony falls down the stairs unconscious. They are relieved that he is alive. May tells Catalina to put a blanket over him and looks for a phone number. Catalina asks if she's calling an ambulance and she says not yet. Danny admits to Michelle that he loves her and each time she touches him he wants her. He says that his life will only hurt her and the baby. They are interrupted by a call from May. May tells Danny that somebody beat Tony up and he needs to come to the club right now. He tells he to call Ray. Danny tells Michelle that he has to go because somebody beat Tony up. Michelle thinks the safest place for her is with him and wants to go with him. Danny agrees but says she must keep it a secret and she reminds him of another Santos secret she is keeping. They go to the club and try to wake Tony up. He keeps asking where "she" is and Danny wants to know who did this to him. Tony says he can't tell him so Danny asks the women to leave them alone. They leave and Tony tells Danny and Ray that they grabbed Marah. Tony tries to get up saying they have to find her. Ray wants to call the police but Danny thinks that will only make things worse. He tells Ray about his plan to take the families in a new direction and some are resisting. He thinks the same guys are behind this that were following Ray and Michelle. Ray says that Josh and Reva have to be told but Danny thinks they will involve the police. He thinks he needs to handle this himself because they are using Marah as a bargaining chip. Ray talks Danny into calling Frank. Ray goes with Tony to the hospital and Catalina and May go with them. Michelle thinks she is safer with Danny. Michelle asks what happened and Danny tells her that when they couldn't get her, they grabbed Marah. Frank arrives and Danny tells him about Marah's kidnapping. He wants Frank to handle Josh and Reva while he looks for Marah. Frank agrees as long as Danny will level with him. Danny wants Frank to tell Josh and Reva that Marah is safe and they are trying to get her back. Frank wishes Michelle weren't involved in this and Danny agrees. Frank goes to Reva's and tells her that Marah has been kidnapped. Meanwhile, Danny is on the phone with Carlos but isn't getting anywhere. He tells Michelle he thinks he knows who has Marah but doesn't know where they're keeping her. She asks him what he is going to do and he says whatever it takes.

Tuesday, January 30

Richard looks into his cup and wonders if the princess hated him. He gives Dax the lock of Charlotte's hair and Dax assures him that she loved him. Richard thanks him and tells him that he has spoken to Cassie twice today but he knows that he can't go to her or it might jeopardize her safety. Dax assures him that Beth is keeping Edmund busy and he leaves for the lab to test the hair. Richard wonders if he will be able to turn over the throne to the likes of Edmund. Meanwhile, Edmund brings Beth out to the garden and explains the good memories that he has from there. She asks him what the table rock is and he tells her that he doesn't know. Beth thinks that the angel must mean something but he isn't interested. He says that he always assumed that he was the one that made her cry and he tells her that the angel is engraved in Richard's cup. Edmund gets Beth some tea and she asks him if he has ever served anyone before in his life. She tells him that it is so full of life there and he tries to assure her that Spring is coming in Springfield too. Beth asks Edmund how he knew to send her gardenias this morning and he tells her that he just hoped they were her favorite. She mentions painting gardenias and he asks if she would like to paint while she is there. He tells her that the things that we dream about when we are young still matter. Beth changes the subject by asking him what his mother was like and he tells her that he tried very hard to get his mother's attention. Beth tells Edmund that she knows the things that he has done and that she is sure that he has changed. He admits that he has and tells her that she is the one to thank for it. They nearly kiss and Edmund says that there is a storm coming in because there is alot of electricity in the air. They kiss on the blanket. Inside, Edmund has Princess Charlotte's jewels brought in and he finds the string of pearls that he remembers. He says that they were made for Beth. Later, Edmund leaves a note for Beth to find next to a box of gardenias. He comes in and tells her that she hasn't found the real present yet. She finds the pearls and he explains that they were his mother's. He says that she would have wanted it this way. He puts them on her and she tells him that this is the most beautiful gift she has ever received. He kisses her hand and walks out of the room.

Reva tells Frank that Marah is at school but he says she's been abducted. He tells her that she was with Tony on the porch when someone beat Tony and grabbed her. He says that Tony was thrown down the stairs at Infierno but they don't know where Marah is. Reva can't believe Marah was taken from the porch when she has been there the whole time. She remembers going to the kitchen for a few minutes when Shayne was asleep. Noah wonders who could have done this and Reva thinks Perdita may be behind it. Noah doesn't think this is something she would do and thinks Frank should check out other leads. Frank tells them about the thugs who were following Michelle. He thinks Marah could be perceived as a Santos woman and Reva gets angry. She wants to go on TV and plead for Marah's return but Frank wants her to stay put. He says that Danny can handle this and that he is working with him. Between both of their connections Frank feels they can find Marah. Reva asks him for a favor. On the plane to Hawaii, Josh toasts to their honeymoon. Josh says that Alan knows how to travel in style and he remembers the jet that he had when he had Lewis Oil. Josh says that he wants to get to Hawaii quicker and Olivia says that she knows a way to make the time pass quicker. The phone rings and they wonder who it might be. They discuss whether they are going to answer it and Olivia answers it. It is Frank and he asks to speak to Josh. Frank tells Josh that Marah has been abducted but Josh doesn't believe him. Olivia thinks it is funny and Josh puts him on speaker phone. Frank tells Josh that Marah was with Tony on the porch and Josh thinks this is all a big joke. Frank tells them that Tony was seriously hurt and Josh realizes that this is real. He puts Frank on hold and Josh apologizes to Olivia for the trip. She assures him that they will find her and Josh tells Frank that they are turning the plane around right now. Reva thanks Frank for call Josh for her and thinks Olivia must be really upset. She wonders if Marah and Tony could have staged the whole thing to get Tony in their good graces. Frank tells her that the thugs want to bargain with Danny so they won't hurt Marah. Reva wants to go with Frank but he tells her to stay home by the phone just in case this isn't Santos related. He tells Noah to tie her down if he has to. Frank leaves and Reva asks Noah to get his spy friends on the case. Noah says that if this is mob related, his people can't help. He suggests she calm down. Reva asks him to go tell Shayne what is happening because she doesn't want him to see her upset. Noah goes upstairs and Reva gets her coat and leaves.

At Infierno, Michelle and Danny wait for Carlos to call back. Michelle says she didn't think this would be the way they would spend time together. Danny tries to tell her that they aren't going to be spending time together and wants her to go home as soon as somebody can take her. May interrupts them with news that Tony has some broken ribs. She asks Michelle if she's eaten and tells her how important that is for the baby. Michelle doesn't want to go but Danny asks her to go with May. May tells Michelle it must drive her crazy to not know what is going on. Michelle says sometimes it's worse to know. May wonders if these are the same people that were following them. She begins to compare it to a movie but Michelle stops her. She says that this is real life and Marah is in real danger. May understands but says it's easier for her to relate things to movies when she's confused. Michelle tells her she wishes she could get Danny away from all this. Frank comes back and asks Danny if he's heard anything. He tells him that Reva is upset and Danny thinks she will be a problem. Frank offers to take Michelle home and she reluctantly agrees. Ray and Tony come back and Tony wants to know about Marah. He wants Danny to go after Johnny but Danny reminds him that he doesn't know for sure who's behind it. Tony wants to handle it himself if it is Johnny but Danny tells him he's going to handle it. He thinks that will be better for Marah. Tony tells them that if anything happens to Marah, he'll die. Reva comes in and says he's right. She tells them that she's holding all of them responsible for her daughter's life and wants to know what they're going to do to get her back.

Wednesday, January 31

Beth shows Susan the pearls and Lillian overhears them. Edmund comes in and hears Lillian's disapproval. Edmund admires the pearls and tells them that his mother never took them for granted. He says that she wanted them to go to the woman who would win his heart and admiration and he tells Susan that he is giving them without expecting anything in return. Beth accepts them and puts them on. Edmund tells them that he thinks they need a party now to celebrate and Susan is interested. He says that they should have a going away party and tells Susan that she and Lizzie would be the guests of honor. Lillian points out that they don't have anything formal to wear and he says that he knows a designer on the island that will fix that. Susan is very excited but Lillian disapproves. Edmund tells her that he is very fond of her and then he tells her to lighten up. The designer arrives and enthusiastically asks about the event. She asks who is first for the royal fitting and Edmund nominates Lillian. They all model their dresses for Edmund. Afterwards, Susan thinks that the one they chose for her was too boring. Edmund explains that she must wait to dress like Beth and then he asks her what is really the matter. She admits that she almost forgot her father because she was having such a good time. Edmund asks her what she thinks her father wants and she knows he would want her to enjoy life. Lillian tells Beth that she had fun trying on the dresses and Beth asks her to admit that she is growing to like Edmund. She tells Beth that she is glad that she is happy but she says that she is worried that Beth may be overlooking the bad in Edmund because of her need to be with a man. Beth says that she is focusing on the good in Edmund and asks her mother to do the same.

Frank takes Michelle home. She is worried about Marah since Tony was so badly beaten. Frank tells her that thugs usually draw the line at women and children. She thinks they kidnapped Marah because they couldn't get to her. Frank tells her not to worry because it will make the baby come out with frown lines. She laughs and thanks him for bringing her home but he can go now. Frank tells her he's staying put. He thinks she might still be in danger and he can do his work from the house. She is worried about Marah but Frank thinks it's Danny they're after. She tells Frank that the mob wants Danny back on their terms. The only problem is she wants him back on hers. Frank admits a part of him didn't think she was coming back from New York. She tells Frank that Danny isn't like the rest of them but Carmen made him think he is. She says that Danny thinks the kidnapping is further proof that they shouldn't be together. She wishes it was just them and the baby. Frank reminds her that she worked with the FBI after Mick's death to bring down the family. He says that if they had succeeded, she would have everything she wants now. Meta comes home and learns of Marah's kidnapping. Michelle talks to her about what Frank said about cooperating with the FBI. She wonders if it would work this time and set Danny free. Meta thinks that they should be concerned about Marah now and to take it one day at a time.

Reva asks Tony where Marah is but they don't know. Tony tries to explain what happened and tries to reassure her that they only put a hand over Marah's mouth to stop her from screaming. Reva says that Marah is her girl and she wants her back. She tells them that if Marah is hurt, she will skin them all alive. Danny tries to tell her that he is their best chance at getting Marah back but she says she is going to be his shadow. Danny thinks she will only get in the way because she has a tendency to shoot first and think later. He says that this isn't about Marah, it's about getting his attention. He doesn't think they will hurt her because they would lose their bargaining power if they did. Reva thinks he knows who has her but he isn't sure. Tony wants to get his hands on whoever has Marah but Danny says he will handle it. Tony gets upset and Ray tells him to listen to Danny. Reva asks how long it will be before they know anything and Danny says tonight at the latest. She agrees to stay out of it until then. Reva tells Danny that she is going to trust him to bring her daughter back to her. She says that after Marah is home, she is going to let everyone is Springfield know how Marah was kidnapped and why. Reva leaves and Tony says to himself that any chance he had with Marah is gone. Danny reminds him all the times he told Tony to stay away from Marah. Danny gets a call from Carlos that confirms that Johnny has Marah. Tony is livid and Danny tells him to sit down and listen. Danny assures him that he if he goes off then he will never see Marah again. He tells Tony that he is taking him home so that he can't screw this up any more. At the house, Maria asks about the Lewis girl. Danny tells her that it is Johnny that has Marah. Ray suggests that Danny calls Johnny and offers Ray as a trade for Marah but Danny refuses. Maria asks Tony to sit next to her and Danny tells him that if he wants a war he can kiss Marah goodbye. Tony begs Maria to tell them like it is but she won't help because she doesn't have Danny's trust. She taunts him and he reluctantly asks for her advice. She tells him that she can help him and give him information. She says that she has observed Johnny and that he knows where Marah is because all of his men report directly to him. Danny suggests they find a way to monitor Johnny's cell phone to find out where they are holding Marah. Danny asks Maria's opinion and she says it is an excellent plan. Ray, Tony, and Danny check out their scanner and Danny and Ray go to get the word out that they want a conversation with Johnny. Tony prays that he will do anything to bring Marah back home. Danny says that it will take more than prayers.

Shayne tells Noah and Sam that he bets Reva comes home with Marah. Sam is angry and wonders why something bad always happens to this family. Reva returns and tells them that Danny doesn't know anything yet. Josh comes in wanting to know if Marah is back but Reva tells him no. She almost shuts the door on Olivia. Josh is angry and wants to know how this happened. Reva tells him that Tony must have been waiting for Marah outside after he left. She thinks Josh had to have walked right by him. Josh thinks she's blaming him but says if Reva had been doing her job, this wouldn't have happened. Noah defends Reva and tells Josh that she's trying to hold it together. Olivia tries to calm Josh down but he wants some facts. Reva agrees and says they need someone with a cool head and that person is him. Olivia and Noah want to make some calls of their own but Reva asks them not to. She doesn't want to risk Marah's life. Shayne tells Josh and Reva that Marah is tougher than they think she is. Josh agrees that now isn't the time for lashing out. Reva says she went over to scare Danny but only ended up scaring herself. Josh promises that they will get her back and Olivia watches as the family embraces. Meanwhile at the lighthouse, a blindfolded Marah asks if there's anybody there with her. She asks them to let her go and promises she won't say anything. She just wants to go home.

Thursday, February 1

Holly asks Blake how her book is going and Blake says that she is in the groove. Blake tells her that it is a very dark love story and they wish that Selena is happy wherever she is. Holly finds Blake's certificate of ministry and Blake admits that she has been ordained. Blake explains her plan and Holly wonders if this is legal. Holly doesn't approve and Blake reminds her that Ross hasn't given her much choice. Holly decides that the plan might work and Blake says that she has to figure out how to get Ross to sign the document. Ross arrives and asks what they are talking about. Blake nervously changes the subject to Holly's work and Holly tells them about her date with Buzz. Both Blake and Ross are shocked that Buzz asked her out. Phillip arrives and wants to talk to Ross. Blake and Holly go to the kitchen and Phillip is surprised that Blake is cooking. Phillip says that he needs a strong drink. Phillip tells Ross he's been thinking about what he said at the cabin and there's some truth to it. He tells Ross that he has always been great friends with Harley and he doesn't want to lose that. He says he didn't want to face the fact that he failed at another marriage. Ross thinks he tried but Phillip isn't sure. He tells him that he kept coming up with reasons to talk to Beth even when he knew it would hurt Harley. Ross tells him that it takes two to make a marriage work and that Harley could have forgiven him. Phillip thinks his only chance was to tell Harley the truth after it happened but he didn't do that. Ross reminds him of the circumstances surrounding it but Phillip knew he couldn't fix it. Ross says that people can forgive infidelity because he did. He says that he knew Harley couldn't forgive him cheating and he couldn't do it either if the roles were reversed. Ross asks him about his relationship with Beth. Phillip admits that Beth was his first love and they will always be connected by their kids. Ross asks if they could get back together and Phillip tells him they aren't the same people they were then. Ross wonders if he can let Beth get married to someone else and Phillip says as long as it isn't Edmund. He reminds Ross of all the terrible things Edmund has done. Ross says that he didn't want her to marry Jim either but Phillip says that was about him being able to support the kids. He always knew Jim was a good man but Edmund isn't. Ross tells him to be careful how he reacts to Edmund because the more he objects, the more attractive Edmund will be to Beth. Phillip thinks Ross might be right but it will take all the self control he has to deal with Edmund. He says that he will do whatever it takes to protect them but he will do it without appearing jealous and territorial.

Edmund talks to Susan's escort and explains that she is only 14. He asks if he is sure she is only 14 and Susan arrives. Edmund introduces Susan to her escort and Lillian and Lizzie come in. Edmund tells Lizzie that Susan's escort's job is in charge of the guard dogs. Beth arrives and Edmund is speechless. Edmund wonders why Lillian's escort is late and explains that he is an artist. Edmund toasts to his guests and Beth toasts him back. The artist arrives loudly and charms Lillian. Edmund introduces him to the others and he says that he wants to paint Lillian. He asks her to go walk in the garden with him and they leave. Beth and Edmund discuss Lilian's escort and Edmund tells Beth that he doesn't want her to leave. Beth says that she is neglecting her life in Springfield but she does tell him that it doesn't have to be a fast trip home. He is very happy to hear that she agrees to sail slowly home with him. Later, they all sit down to dinner and Edmund mentions that they are going home on the yacht. Lillian reminds them that Phillip expects them home sooner than that and she offers to fly home with the girls and let Beth and Edmund sail. Susan wants to sail with Beth but Lillian quickly shakes her head no and Susan agrees. Lillian escort begins to sketch Lillian and she is smitten. He tells her that she must come back because she is his muse. The escorts leave and Lillian thanks Edmund for a wonderful evening. Lillian takes the girls up to bed and Beth and Edmund dance a waltz together. They share a passionate kiss.

Danny, Tony and Ray wait for Johnny's phone call. Danny doesn't think that Frank will sit on this long and Ray says neither will Reva. Johnny calls and Danny tells him he got the wrong girl because Marah isn't a Santos. Johnny knows that Marah has been seeing Tony. Danny tells him that Marah's father owns a construction company and her mother has a television show. Johnny jokes that it will make the society page when she dies then. He says he doesn't want to hurt her, he just wants to meet with Danny. Danny says he won't meet with him until he hears Marah say she is okay. They hang up and Danny tries to reassure Tony that he thinks she's fine. Tony wants revenge by kidnapping someone from Johnny's family. Danny tells him they aren't kidnapping anybody but Tony wants to take action. Maria admits that she and Danny don't agree on much but she thinks Danny is right. She says Tony must be patient. The phone rings and Tony wants to talk to her but Danny tells him to get on the scanner. He answers the phone and Marah asks if it's Tony. Danny tells her who he is and she asks if Tony is okay. He assures her he was fine and she says she was worried they killed him. Tony takes the phone and asks her if she's okay. She says she's scared and he says they will get her out of there but she has to be brave a little longer. He instructs her to tell him everything she can about where she is quickly because they will cut the line when they realize what she's doing. Marah tells him they brought her up some stairs to a small room that echos. The phone is taken away from her and Tony tells Danny what she said. Ray tells him he did good because they got her on the scanner. Danny tells him they will get her back. They continue to monitor the calls but don't get much information from them. Johnny calls back and asks if Danny is satisfied. Danny agrees to meet with him but he wants Marah at the meeting looking beautiful. Johnny tells him he can see her but he won't get her back until Danny agrees to his terms. They hang up and Danny tells them they can't rescue Marah in the daylight so that leaves tomorrow night. Tony wants to help but Danny tells him to monitor the scanner so they will be able to find her by tomorrow.

Friday, February 2

Richard returns and tells Dax that he is going to confront his opponent. Dax tells him that the DNA test will be in today. He tells Richard about Edmund's sailing trip with Beth and suggests that Richard should keep him on the island. Richard tells him that Edmund is free to come and go as he chooses and Edmund comes in. Richard confronts him about using the yacht and Edmund asks him if the reason he is so testy is that Cassie is gone. Edmund asks if she is in seclusion or if he is in exclusion and Richard places the fencing sword he has been holding to Edmund's neck. Richard reminds him to refer to Cassie as "her royal highness." Edmund apologizes and removes the sword from his neck. Richard leaves and Edmund asks Dax why Richard has a short fuse today. He and Dax get ready to fence and Susan comes in. She is sad that she has to leave. Susan wishes that girls could fence and he and Dax tell her that women do fence. Edmund offers her a lesson and she gets ready. Dax explains that the idea is to poke the other person without being poked yourself. Edmund helps her and she says that this is scary. Richard returns and quietly watches them. They begin and she follows what Edmund does. Susan does very well but she feels that she is not good at this. She accidentally pokes him in the head and Dax goes to get some ice. Susan apologizes but Edmund tells her to never do that. In the hall, Dax runs into Richard and Richard says that he can't understand how Edmund's heart can be so different at times, sometimes so good and sometimes so evil. Later, Beth tells goodbye to James and Susan and Lillian come in to get him. Lillian thanks Edmund for a lovely time and Susan tells Edmund that she doesn't want to leave. She asks him how his head is and she thanks him for a wonderful time. She tells Beth goodbye and leaves. Edmund tells her that he may make the yacht stop at every port between here and the states. She asks him what they will do on the yacht for that many months and he just grins.

Over at Michelle's, Frank receives a phone call from David that his source told him that Danny is meeting with Johnny tonight. David is angry and wants to know what is going on. Frank hangs up and asks Michelle who Johnny is. Michelle begs him not to let Danny get hurt. Michelle tells Frank that he needs some sleep and food and she gives him his breakfast. She hopes that this thing will Marah will be the end of it for Danny and Frank wants to know what she means. Frank needs to call Harley to let her know that he can't come over for his birthday party. Michelle says that she would be glad to have his party there. Michelle decorates and asks Frank how old he is. He says that he is 17 and Michelle says that he great age will be next year because she will have her baby and her husband back. Harley arrives and tells Frank happy birthday. She jokes that he is so old and she finds his gun clips. She asks what is going on and he changes the subject.

Danny and Ray wake up on the couch and Tony hears a phone call on the scanner. They hear them say that they are at the lighthouse and Tony wants to go get Marah right now. Danny stops him and tells him that he will ruin the whole thing. Danny says that the only way they are going to get Marah back alive is to keep the guns and the cops out of this. Danny gets a call from Frank and he confronts Danny for holding out on him. Danny denies it and Frank tells him that he knows about the meeting. Danny tells him to let him handle it and Frank refuses. Danny agrees and asks Frank to make sure that the cops are out of sight. Frank agrees and they hang up. Danny decides that they have to get Marah out of the lighthouse before the meeting. Tony gets an idea of how they can get in the lighthouse from the top. Meanwhile, Josh wishes he had stayed over at Reva's and Sam is very upset. He wants to be able to help Marah. He says that he is sorry for getting in her face about ruining their wedding. They get a call from Danny and Sam answers. Danny tells him to act like he is just a friend calling and tells Sam to make up a cover story and come over there if he wants to help get Marah. Sam agrees and acts like some friends have invited him out. They insist he go and Sam leaves. Josh tells Olivia that he can't believe this is happening and he blames himself. She tells him that kids are kids and that they only way they are going to learn is if they get out of the way. Sam arrives at the Santoses and he and Tony go for each other's throats. Danny stops them and tells Sam that the lighthouse is where they are keeping Marah. They all explain to him what is going on and they ask him if he can climb the lighthouse without being seen. He says yes and Tony says that he is going with him. Sam refuses and says that he can climb smart and fast. Ray reminds Tony that he has two broken ribs and Danny says that the plan is off unless they agree to put aside their differences. They agree. Sam sneaks back into the house to get his gear and wakes up Olivia. She asks him what he is doing and she tells him that he can't climb in this weather. He tells her that he is helping the Santoses get Marah back from the lighthouse. She tells him no and that they are calling the police. He begs her not to do that and he says that she can't tell Josh. He begs her to trust him and he leaves. Olivia looks out the window and Josh comes down. He thanks her for letting him sleep and asks her what she is thinking about. He mentions to her that tonight is supposed to be the coldest night so far and says that he wouldn't want to be stuck out there. They all arrive outside the lighthouse and watch as Sam begins to climb.