Monday, January 3

Reva meets Richard at Towers. She thinks that Richard has called off the wedding but he explains that everything is going as planned. She says that she knows he still has feelings for her and he admits that he always will have but that doesn't change anything. Reva thinks that will make all three of them miserable because they aren't confronting their feelings. She thinks they need time to talk and he reminds her that she has left him with their son twice. He also reminds her that she will always have unresolved feelings for Josh and it will be a game for the rest of their lives. She says she just wants to end it all and he suggests that she go back to Josh and he marry Cassie. She tells him that his feelings will come back to haunt him and he will hurt Cassie. He can't understand how he could hurt Cassie and Reva tells him that Cassie is in love with him. Richard denies it is possible and Reva explains that Cassie will hate her forever for telling him. He says that his decision has not changed. Reva says that Richard only proposed to Cassie to get back at her for leaving him and taking his son and that this is the unresolved situation between them. He says he knows that Cassie doesn't love him and Reva asks him to call off the wedding when he finds out that she does. He leaves and Reva goes to the bar. She knows that Cassie will be furious and swears that she did it for her.

Blake brings Clarissa to Cassie's and Harley and Cassie have prepared her a surprise baby shower. They realize that Zack and RJ are her cousins. Blake thanks them and says that she and Ross are leaving for Philadelphia for a while. Cassie tells her that she is going to marry Reva's ex-prince. Harley tells her that there is no love involved on Richard's side. Cassie tries to explain her reasons to Blake and Blake wonders why she can't tell Richard. Cassie explains that Richard doesn't want any unnecessary complications. Cassie tells Blake that Josh and Reva have split up. Blake tells Cassie that she has to tell the truth and she knows that from experience. Cassie says she has to take her time and make him fall in love with her. She says that she needs to get him out of Springfield. They give Blake a copy of her book to give to Clarissa. Cassie thanks Blake for her support because of Hart and Blake says she knows that Hart would want hre to move on. Blake asks why she loves him and Cassie explains that it is because he is so kind, gentle, shy, protective, old-fashioned and good to her and the children. She says that even if she ends up completely devastated, it will all be worth it. After Harley and Blake have left, Richard arrives. He asks her to answer a question honestly. She agrees and he asks if she is in love with him.

Marah arrives outside Company with a present for Olivia. She sees her and Josh inside and remembers how Olivia helped her. Susan comes out and Marah asks her how long she thinks Josh will be inside. Chad arrives and he tells Marah that she misunderstood last night. Susan is shocked when Marah accuses him of nearly raping her. Susan threatens to go get Josh and Chad leaves. Marah explains to Susan how it happened with Chad. Susan reassures her that it will be okay. Marah explains that she got the present to thank Olivia and tells her how it has caused Josh to be angry with her. Marah thanks Susan for listening and Susan wonders why she is even talking to her. She thinks Marah is experienced with guys and wishes that Max could look at her the same way. Marah explains that she doesn't want Max at all and that she isn't experienced with guys either. Marah tells her to hold out for Max because she thinks he will come around. Inside, Josh and Olivia argue about why she missed the meeting. She says it wasn't another man and he tells her not to say that because it sounds like something is going on with them and there isn't. He reminds her that his friends rely on the business and she asks for the benefit of the doubt. He says that all he wants is an excuse. He says he doesn't trust her and she reminds him that she has been there when he needed to talk about his wife. Josh tells her to leave Reva out of this and she apologizes. She tells him that all his problems are not her fault and she leaves. He follows her outside and they argue on the porch. Olivia says she'll just quit and tells Josh to leave her alone. Josh goes back inside and Marah steps out of the bushes.

Holly sits in front of the computer with a drink. Ross arrives and she tells him that she is miserable. She tells him her drink is just apple juice. She tells him she feels stupid for thinking they had a future. He explains that he had no idea he had feelings for Blake until he found out about the baby but Holly says that she knew it all along. He tells Holly that something did happen between them and she should never forget that. Ross says that he and Blake can postpone their trip if Holly needs them to. Holly says that she doesn't need their help and she is going back to work. She says she is going to rewrite the end of Blake's novel the right way. He goes to pick up Blake and she throws her glass against the wall just as Ross returns because he forgot his keys. Holly says she wonders if she is ever meant to be happy. She says she wasn't a good mother to Blake and she lost Fletcher and Meg. She says the new year is another chance for her to screw up. He leaves to go get Blake. They arrive home and Ross goes to check on Michelle. Blake thanks Holly for being so understanding and tells her that she has made up for anything bad she could have done as a mother. She tells her she'll miss her and asks her to come visit them. Holly tells Blake to be good to Ross and Blake goes to pack. Holly thinks to herself that she will be waiting in case she isn't good to Ross to pick up the pieces.

Tuesday, January 4

Danny comes to see Michelle in jail. They talk about their Christmas together. Ross arrives to see Michelle. She tells him that she didn’t do this and congratulates him on his new daughter. He asks about the night Ben was murdered and she explains what happened. Danny lies and says that Michelle was with him the whole time. Ross asks Michelle if that is the truth and she says no. She explains where she really went. Danny insists that they must lie but Ross says they have the truth on their side. Ross says they must find someone who saw Michelle that night and he leaves. Frank comes to transfer Michelle to the county jail. He says she will be transferred tomorrow and Danny vows to get her out by then. Danny runs into the ice cream shop owner who has known Michelle all her life. The man says he didn't see Michelle that night and Danny asks him to lie. Danny begs him to save Michelle's life and asks him to think about it. Danny goes and tells Michelle he will make it all right.

Drew and Jesse run into David at Towers and he tells Drew that Ross will be representing Michelle. She gets upset and can't believe Ross would do this. She leaves to go talk to him. Jesse gets upset with David for telling Drew. David tells him to back off because he thinks Michelle is guilty because she is a Santos. Jesse can't believe he would turn his back on Michelle. David thinks Jesse is personally involved. Jesse asks him what if he is wrong about Michelle. Meanwhile, Ross calls Blake to tell her that he must talk to Drew and runs into her in the hall. Drew asks him why he is doing this and he says he believes Michelle is innocent. Drew tells him that he is her blood and asks him to turn his back on Michelle. Ross is confident that Michelle didn't do it. He thinks the evidence is too neat. Ross leaves Drew his number in Philadelphia and Jesse arrives. Drew tells Ross that she trusts him and he leaves. She asks Jesse who killed her father if Michelle didn't do it.

Buzz runs into Josh at Towers. He can tell that Josh is upset and asks him about Reva. He says that he isn't thinking about only Reva and Buzz needs a drink. Buzz asks him about Olivia and Josh assures him that she was just an employee that let him down. Buzz thinks she is more than an employee. Josh says he is swearing off women altogether. Buzz says that he has found someone since Jenna and that Josh might could too if Reva were really out of his life.

Reva runs into Selena at Millennium and wants to talk to her. She explains that she broke a confidence of Cassie's to Richard and Selena says that was a lousy thing to do . Reva says she was just protecting Cassie. Selena thinks it is Cassie's decision to make but Reva thinks she must fix it because she is the one who caused it all. Reva says that her feelings would not make her ruin her sister's life. She compares Olivia's situation with Richard to Cassie's. Reva thinks she needs to go talk to Cassie but Selena isnt sure. Reva leaves. Later, Reva sits alone and says that she knows that Cassie will thank her someday. She remembers telling Cassie that a prince would never come between them. She vows to make it all better.

Cassie admits to Richard that she told Reva that she loved him. He apologizes to her and she says that it was just a lie to make Reva leave them alone. She tells him that she doesn't love him and she wishes that Reva would let it go. Cassie thinks Richard should know if she were in love with him but he says he can't do that. She explains that she knows what their marriage will be about. She says that she just told Reva that so she would go on with her life. Cassie tells him that he makes her happy because her has changed her life from ordinary to giving her the chance to make a difference. She tells him all the things she has been through in her life and all the wonderful things they can do together. She suggests that they go back to San Cristobel and Richard agrees. He leaves and Reva knocks on the door. Cassie opens the door and Reva tells her she's sorry.

Wednesday, January 5

Rick and Abby have dinner at Towers. Rick notices she is distracted and asks her what's on her mind. Abby tells him that she wants to talk to him and the news isn't good. Rick tells her that she can tell him anything. Abby cancels their weekend trip because of meeting in Washington. Rick is disappointed but she promises him they will reschedule when she comes back. Rick comments that it's hard to start a family when they are in two different zip codes. Abby tells him that she's not ready to have children. Rick asks her to not to say she never wants children but she doesn't know. Rick tells her that she knew before they got married how important children were to him. He says that he thought he was a father twice before and the pain is still there. Abby says that she is changing and feels like a kid herself. She thinks that a baby deserves two parents who want it. Rick says that before she got her hearing back this wasn't an issue. She tells him that she is beginning to see that there are many choices out there and she wants to see what they are. She reassures him that she's not trying to hurt him and reluctantly agrees to give it more thought. Rick tells her that once she thinks about it, he knows she'll want a family.

Phillip sees Beth at Towers waiting for Jim. She shows him some of the houses they are looking at to buy. Phillip tells her that he almost told Harley what happened on the mountain. Beth says that telling people wouldn't change anything and he agrees. Beth says that they are both happy now and nothing is going to change that. Meanwhile, Edmund watches the video tape and wonders how and when to use it. Later, he arrives at Towers to find Beth and Phillip talking. He asks to speak with Beth about business but Phillip says he'll take care of it. Beth leaves to find Jim. Phillip tells Edmund that from now on, he'll report to him, not Beth. When Edmund questions this Phillip tells him that he promised Richard he would watch him. He thanks Edmund for saving him and Beth but thinks he knows what really happened on the mountain. Edmund comments that he does, too. Edmund tries to talk to him about his ideas for Spaulding but Phillip isn't interested. Edmund invites him to his room to show him something that he knows will change his mind. Before he can play the tape, Phillip gets a phone call. Edmund decides not to show him the tape and instead gives him a file about a new location for building the plant in San Cristobel. Phillip says he'll look over it and leaves. Edmund tells himself that this can't be about revenge, it has to be about power. He questions when to use it.

Beth overhears Jim talking to the bank about a down payment on the house. She goes out and pretends to come in after he hangs up. Beth asks Jim to prolong buying a house because there is so much going on with the wedding. She tells him that she thinks it might be too much to change everything at the same time. Jim is worried that she wants him to move in the mansion but she assures him she doesn't. She wants to move in with him and now thinks that his house isn't too small for them. He agrees and she is happy. Later, Jim tells her that he loves her for what she did for him and she denies doing anything. He knows that she heard him on the phone and thanks her for what she did. He promises her that someday she will have her dream house. Beth tells him that wherever they are together is home to her.

Reva arrives at Cassie's and assumes that the wedding has been called off. Cassie explains that she and Richard are going home to San Cristobel and are still getting married. Cassie confronts her about betraying her confidence to Richard. Reva begs her to end this now. Cassie tells Reva to leave but she won't. Reva tells Cassie that she can help her with money and not Richard. She asks Cassie to tell Richard the truth and give their love an honest start. Cassie tells her to leave again and she does. Cassie looks at a picture of her and Reva and Richard arrives. He can tells that she is upset and she tells him about Reva's visit. He is sure that everything will heal with time. Cassie asks him to stay there tonight. He thinks that sounds nice. She asks what he would like for dinner and Tammy comes in. Richard talks to Tammy about the trip to San Cristobel and tells her that he doesn't want her to miss anything back here in Springfield. They have dinner and Cassie sends Tammy up to bed. Richard offers to help wash dishes but suggests that they dance instead. Tammy interrupts their dance and asks Cassie to help her pack. Cassie comes downstairs and finds Richard looking for something on the floor. He fantasizes about kissing her passionately on the couch.

Reva thinks to herself that there is one way that she can save Cassie. Meanwhile, Olivia talks on the phone to someone about a job and Reva arrives. She asks Olivia about Jonathan. She shows Olivia the locket and says that she'd like to thank Marissa for it but Olivia says that she doesn't talk to Marissa. She tells Reva goodbye and shuts the door in her face. In her room, Olivia calls Marissa and reprimands her for sending Reva the locket. She says that they must be very careful. Outside, Reva is sure that Olivia will lead her right to Jonathan.

Thursday, January 6

Josh meets Marah at Towers and asks about Reva and school. He apologizes for not being around much. Olivia arrives and gives Josh some files from work and Marah is upset that she isn’t working with Josh anymore. Josh takes Olivia aside and she promises not to screw up things for him anymore. Josh gets a call and Marah tells Olivia to tell Josh the truth. Olivia says that she was glad to help her that night and Josh should have understood without an explanation. Marah doesn’t understand and Olivia tells her about the night that Josh stopped her from killing herself. Olivia says she hopes that she and Marah can still be friends and leaves. Marah tells Josh that he is wrong about Olivia. He tells her that the situation doesn’t concern her but Marah says that she knows about the night that Olivia tried to kill herself. She says that she is the reason that Olivia lost her job and tells Josh about her attack. Josh is very sorry that Marah went through that and asks if Reva knows. She explains that Olivia saved her and that is why she missed the meeting. Marah tells him to call her. He calls but she is angry, won’t let him talk, and hangs up. Marah asks Josh not to tell Reva about her attack and he agrees if Marah will tell her herself. Marah asks about the night he found Olivia and Josh explains. At home, Olivia listens to opera and drinks. She takes the phone off the hook. Josh tries to call but can’t get through. He goes over there, breaks in and finds Olivia in the bathtub. He scares her and she asks what he thinks he is doing.

Danny meets with the owner of the ice cream store at Towers. The man tells him that he's asking a lot of him. Danny understands that but tells him that Michelle has been set up. The man knows who Danny is and tells him that if he threatens him, he'll call the police. Danny asks the man to go see Michelle and decide for himself. Meanwhile, Frank tells Michelle that she will be transferred today. David comes and tells them it will be in an hour. Michelle wonders where Danny could be because she can't make it alone. David tells Frank that he knows what he did on Christmas Eve. Frank says he believes Michelle is innocent and David thinks he's too emotionally involved. Drew arrives to hear David say that Michelle will be transferred to county jail today and she says it bothers her. David is confused because he thought Drew believed Michelle was guilty. Drew tells him that Ross is the most trustworthy man she knows and he believes she's been set up. Drew asks him about Vicky and he tells her that she moved to New York to get away from some family problems. Drew asks him if they had to do with him working undercover against the Santos family and he says yes. Drew thinks maybe he's the one that is blinded by hatred. She tells him that if Michelle did it, it will hurt but if she didn't, they're losing their chance to find the real killer. She tells him that he might be able to live with his revenge, but she wants her father's murderer. Danny arrives and Michelle tells him that for the first time she believes she isn't going to get out. Danny tries to convince her not to give up hope. She wonders how she will survive in county jail and he gives her some tips on how to behave. Frank arrives to take her and Danny asks him to stall things. When he can't, Danny promises her he will get her out. The man from the ice cream store arrives.

At the hospital, Carmen visits Vanessa and brings her a book of poetry. She tells Vanessa that she knows she can hear her. She remembers Vanessa squeezing her hand when she mentioned Ben before and asks her to do it again if she is the one who killed him. Bill arrives and wants to know what she's doing there. Carmen explains that she was visiting but Bill wants her to leave. Matt arrives and tells Bill that Carmen has been staying with Vanessa for a while now. Bill can't believe and says it doesn't feel right. Carmen apologizes for making Bill uncomfortable and leaves the room. Matt tells Bill that he believes Carmen is sincere about her concern for Vanessa. Vanessa tries to tell Matt not to trust Carmen and moves her hand but no one sees it. Outside, Carmen runs into Pilar. She explains that being with Ray has helped her find peace with what happened. Bill sees her and asks her to go talk privately with him. Carmen has doubts but Pilar assures her she has nothing to worry about. Pilar and Bill talk about what happened in their relationship and he asks if they can start over. He asks her if he can kiss her and she stops him. Bill asks if there is somebody else and she says yes. Edmund comes and tells Carmen he wants his money. When she gives it to him without a fight, he wonders what she's up to and why she wants him to leave so badly. He follows her and sees her watching Vanessa and Matt. Carmen tells him to leave again or else she'll make a phone call to get rid of him. Carmen goes inside Vanessa's room and Matt thanks her for the book of poetry. Carmen tells him not to give up on Vanessa as Edmund watches them from outside. He leaves for a minute and Carmen tells Vanessa that she won't wake up. Carmen walks towards the door and Vanessa wakes up and calls her name.

Friday, January 7

Richard gives Cassie her schedule to look over and brings her some gowns to choose from. Cassie is amazed by all the dresses and he says to take them all. He tells her that she looks lovely. She says that she feels like she is in the middle of a dream and explains that this will all take some getting used to. She says she just wants a few of the gowns. Richard leaves and Cassie practices greeting people in the mirror. She accidentally buzzes her personal assistant. Robin arrives and Cassie says that she wants to get better acquainted and that she doesn’t know how to be a princess. Cassie tells her that she wants to build a children’s museum. Robin leaves and Cassie spins around in her gown. Richard sees her and she is embarrassed. He is there to take her to dinner and they leave.

Josh bursts in on Olivia’s bath. He tells her that he was worried and she tells him to leave. He refuses. Olivia wants her robe but he won’t let her talk. She stands up and he hands her the robe. He explains that he knows about Marah and thanks her. He apologizes for jumping to conclusions about the meeting. She is still upset. She asks him to leave but he says he won’t feel right leaving because he broke her door and wants to fix it. She tells him that she is offended that he thought she was trying to kill herself and he tells her that he did it because he cares about her. Josh fixes the door and thanks her again. He offers to make up for not trusting her. He asks her to take her job back and asks about the guy who attacked Marah. Olivia doesn’t know anything about him. She says that she would have told Josh about it that night if he hadn’t gotten so angry. He leans over to kiss her but she stops him. She says that she doesn’t want his sympathy. He says that isn’t what it is and she tells him to leave. She shuts the door and realizes what she has done. She opens it and he is standing there. She kisses him.

Pilar tells Bill there is someone else. She says she doesn't want to talk about it and runs away. Bill goes to the church and asks Ray if he can see Pilar. Ray won't let Bill see her and explains that she needs some time. Bill questions Ray about what is really going on but Ray won't talk to him. Pilar arrives and Ray leaves them alone. Bill questions Pilar and tells her that he loves her. She says that they can never be together because she wants to become a nun.

Frank tells Michelle and Danny that Michelle must go. The ice cream owner tells Frank that he wants to make a statement about Michelle. Michelle is very hopeful. Frank tells Michelle and Danny that Mr. Murray told him that he saw Michelle but David thinks someone is lying. Michelle admits that she did go out to get ice cream the night Ben was killed. David taunts Danny about the lies. Mr. Murray explains that he just got back from visiting relatives and David goes to check it out. David tells him that everything checks out and that means that Michelle will get another bail hearing. She says she knew everything would work out if they told the truth.

Vanessa wakes up and Matt is overjoyed. Carmen is shocked. Vanessa is very weak and can't say what she wants about Carmen. Carmen goes in the hall and tries to talk a nurse into giving Vanessa a sedative. Vanessa can't get her body to do what she wants it to and Rick asks Matt to wait outside. Matt asks Carmen to stay and Vanessa calls out Matt's name. The doctor tells Carmen that any medication might cause Vanessa to slip back into a coma. Matt asks Rick if this is a good sign and Rick says yes. Matt is very happy. Vanessa thinks to herself that she must get rid of Carmen. Matt goes to call Bill. Meanwhile, Rick calls Abby and tells her about Vanessa's breakthrough. They hang up and he thinks to himself that he is so afraid he will scare Abby away and he can't understand why Abby wouldn't want a child. Carmen tells Vanessa that she was foolish to wake up and gets some drugs off a cart in the hall. She starts to give the drugs to Vanessa.

Monday, January 10

Abby comes to see Michelle in jail and Michelle asks her about having kids. Michelle can tell that she is reluctant. Abby tries to explain her reasons and Michelle can see her point. Michelle thinks that Abby would be a great mother, but thinks that she should do what is right for her. Abby leaves to go see Rick. Meanwhile, Pilar tells Bill that she wants to serve God. Bill says that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her but she says that was before. Bill thinks this isn’t really what she wants. He thinks Carmen is involved. Bill gets a call from Matt that Vanessa is coming out of the coma. Bill tells Pilar that Carmen has visited Vanessa every day. Bill asks to see Pilar tomorrow and she agrees. He leaves. Pilar prays for forgiveness for what she has done to Ben and Michelle. She asks for strength when she sees Bill.

Edmund interrupts Carmen before she can drug Vanessa. Carmen tries to lie to him about it but he doesn’t believe her. Rick comes in and what to know what they are doing. Edmund lies to him and says that Carmen cares deeply for Vanessa and her family. Vanessa tries to tell Rick the truth and gets very upset. She asks for Matt. Rick goes to get him and Carmen and Edmund fight. Edmund leaves and Matt arrives. Carmen gets very upset and Matt takes her outside. Edmund sneaks back in the room. Later, Bill and Matt arrive but Vanessa is back in a coma again. Rick tells them that her vitals aren’t good. Outside, Carmen realizes what Edmund has done. Edmund says that he expects a favor in return and wants to know the real story. Rick says that he needs to take some tests in the morning and leaves them alone. Abby arrives and he tells her about Vanessa. Abby tells Rick that she does want to have a baby right away.

Selena walks for Reva and talks to her about Buzz. She says she can’t make love to him because she was a hooker. Reva says that won’t matter to him. Selena asks Reva about her situation with Josh and Richard. Reva wishes she hadn’t sent Jonathan away. Reva explains what happened and Selena is shocked at what Reva did. Selena talks about losing Drew when she was small. Reva wants to make what she has done right but realizes that Jonathan need to be with the parents that he knows. She thinks that she should find Jonathan so that Richard can see him again and she thinks that Olivia can help her. Meanwhile, Josh and Olivia apologize to one another and make love. Olivia tells him that she wants to go apartment shopping and says that she is just kidding. Josh says that he doesn’t want problems with Billy and Matt. She thinks he wants to pretend like this never happened. He thinks they should keep a low profile to protect Reva. He asks her to dinner tomorrow night and Olivia gets a call from Reva. She wants to meet Olivia tomorrow night but Olivia says that she has plans. They hang up and Olivia lies to Josh about who it was. Josh leaves. Reva tells Selena that Olivia will be out tomorrow and Selena gives Reva the master key to the boarding house.

Tuesday, January 11

Rick and Abby have dinner at Towers. Rick is excited that Abby changed her mind about having children. He tells her about all the wonderful things they will do with their child. He notices that she is distracted and she tells him she spoke to Michelle today. Abby says that Michelle reminded her of all the bad things that have happened to Rick lately. Abby knows how happy having a child would make him and she wants him to be happy. Rick asks her if that's the reason she changed her mind. Abby admits that her feelings haven't changed but she wants to do this for him. Rick tells her that he could never ask her to do that. Abby feels that she would have to sacrifice some things to do this. At home, she thanks Rick for understanding how she feels. She tells him that her desire to explore all her options isn't the only reason she doesn't want children right now. She explains that she has talked to other mothers and they have a maternal desire that she doesn't have anymore. Rick asks her if that means she will never want to have a baby and she says she doesn't know. She's afraid that she won't be a good mother because she doesn't have the maternal instinct. Rick tells her that she's wrong because he's seen her with Kevin and Blake's baby. He reminds her that everytime she is faced with a challenge she is afraid at first, but she always finds the strength to overcome it. He says she is his inspiration and he knows she would inspire a child too. Rick assures her that he understands she doesn't want to have a baby now, but if it's because of fear she should let that fear go.

Beth, Jim and Susan have dinner at Towers. Jim tells Susan that Beth and Lizzie will be moving in with them for a while and asks her how she feels about it. After hearing that Lizzie is excited, she agrees to it. Beth goes to call Lizzie and give her the good news. Jim asks Susan how she really feels and she assures him she was honest. She says that when she thought she'd lost him in the plane crash, she realized how selfish she had been. Susan says that she sees that Beth makes him happy and in a way, Beth is good for both of them. Meanwhile, Carmen and Edmund arrive and Edmund asks her what her real problem with Vanessa is. Carmen tries to lie but Edmund realizes Vanessa knows she killed Ben. Carmen tells him that they both killed Ben and that Vanessa fired the second shot. Edmund agrees to keep silent if she gives him his money and helps him take control of San Cristobel away from Richard and Cassie. He tells her about the project in San Cristobel and says that if it fails, Richard will have let the people down again. Edmund would then come and save the day. He says that he will let Carmen know the right time to sabotage the project. Carmen leaves to take a phone call and Beth warns Edmund to stay away from Carmen. After she returns, Carmen asks him what else he has to offer. Edmund says that they can make more money than ever if he doesn't have to report to Richard. She agrees to the deal and Edmund says they'll both get what they want as he watches Beth with Jim and Susan.

Selena wakes up from a nightmare saying that she isn't like that anymore. Buzz arrives and asks her to tell him about the dream. Drew and Jesse come and tell them that Michelle could be out of jail after a hearing tomorrow because of new evidence. Jesse thinks it's good that Drew isn't so sure Michelle is guilty. Drew gets upset and Buzz takes Jesse out to get food. Jesse tells him that it's hard right now because he's caught in the middle of Drew and Michelle. Buzz says he knows he feels because he's caught in the middle of Selena and her past. Buzz thinks she is watching him to see if he's thinking about her past. Jesse asks him if her past bothers him and he admits it does, but not like he thinks. Buzz is bothered because of the way Selena was treated, not what she did for a living. He asks Jesse to babysit tomorrow night because he is going to give Selena a perfect evening. Meanwhile, Selena admits to Drew that she's afraid if she and Buzz sleep together, it will ruin everything. She tells her about her dream of being with Buzz and Buzz being disgusted by all the men she's been with. She says that she isn't ready to see that look on his face for real and can't be with him right now. Buzz and Jesse come back and Drew tells them that she isn't going to Michelle's hearing because she is confused and doesn't want to say something she'll regret. She's just going to pray that everything comes out like it should. They leave and Jesse tells her that they are going to babysit while Buzz takes Selena out. Buzz asks Selena if she will help him with a job at the inn tomorrow night and she agrees.

Richard and Cassie return from an evening out and Cassie is excited over how everyone treated her. Richard assures her she will be a wonderful princess. They decide it's time to go to bed and Richard tells her goodnight and leaves for his room. Cassie is too excited to sleep and wants to call Harley and tell her all about it. She tries to work the phone but can't get an outside line. Richard rushes in and asks her if she's alright. She assures him she is and he tells her she pressed the emergency button to his room. She apologizes and says she was just trying to call Harley. Richard shows her how to use the phone and they get close. Robin interrupts them thinking they needed her and apologizes. Richard apologizes for bursting into the room without knocking and tells her goodnight again. She asks if she will see him tomorrow and he says that he is busy but maybe he'll see her later in the day. She is disappointed and he anxiously rushes out the door .

Wednesday, January 12

Olivia gets ready for dinner with Josh and remembers last night. Josh arrives to pick her up and they leave. Reva arrives at Company and talks with Selena while she waits for Olivia to leave. They see Olivia come down and Reva heads upstairs. Reva goes through Olivia’s things and finds a Christmas card from Jonathan. She finds Olivia’s phone Bill and starts calling numbers. She reaches Jonathan and talks with him. She lies about who she is and says she is updating her records for new members for the community. She asks how he is doing and what his address is. He tells her and she hangs up. At Towers, Olivia tells Josh not to worry about her. She asks him to be honest with her and she asks if he feels guilt or regret about last night. He says no. She thinks that he is protective of Reva’s feelings and reminds him that she has feelings for another man. He looks at some photos in her wallet and they talk about Marissa. She talks about her parents’ divorce and her father’s death. He talks about HB’s death and offers to listen to her feelings about her father. They talk about their families and he tells her that Billy is and HB was very protective of Reva. Josh asks about Marissa and Jonathan and Olivia says that she misses them very much but that Reva did they right thing. They decide to leave. In Olivia’s room, Reva drops a vase and spills the water. Josh and Olivia arrive outside the door. Josh goes to the car to get Olivia’s gloves and Olivia goes inside. Reva hides in the bathroom and Olivia finds her gloves. She goes to tell Josh and Reva sneaks out. Reva walks outside and books a flight to San Cristobel on her cell phone. Josh sees her and tells Olivia that was a close call. He asks her to dinner on Saturday and she accepts.

Drew visits Ben's grave and tells him that Michelle's bail hearing is today. She promises that justice will be done and talks about all the things she wanted to do with him. Drew says that if Michelle really killed him and is set free, she doesn't know what she will do to her. Meanwhile at the hearing, the judge tells everyone that she doesn't appreciate being called in so late. Ross tells her that they have new evidence that will prove Michelle couldn't possibly have killed Ben. Mr. Murray testifies that he saw her outside his shop the night of the murder. The judge questions Michelle about why she lied before and she explains that she didn't think anyone saw her. Michelle says that she didn't believe the system would work but now she wants to fight for the truth. The judge allows her bail and everyone is relieved. Michelle tells Danny there is something she has to do before she goes home. Danny goes to pay her bail and Michelle thanks Jesse for his support. Jesse thanks Mr. Murray for coming forward. Mr. Murray, thinking Jesse knows the truth, admits that he lied. Michelle meets Drew at Ben's grave and tells her about the new evidence. She says she is innocent and needs her best friend back. Drew is reluctant to believe her and Michelle says that she will help Drew find out who really did it. Drew and Michelle hug and Drew apologizes for thinking the worst of her. Jesse confronts Danny about Mr. Murray's testimony. Danny tells him that if he wants to protect Michelle, he won't say anything. Jesse agrees to keep quiet but reminds Danny that he is taking a big risk. He says that if anyone finds out, Michelle will be back in jail for good.

Thursday, January 13

Michelle and Danny arrive at the lighthouse. She is very happy that she got bail and that Drew is her friend again. Danny has a surprise for Michelle. He has Millennium party favors for them to celebrate the new year. They get romantic. Michelle dreams that she is taken back to jail and tells Danny that she will not survive if she has to go back. Danny promises that he won't let her go back. Meanwhile, Pilar tells Bill she thinks it was a mistake for them to meet. She tells him she has already made a vow to God. Bill thinks that she made that decision too quickly. He assures her that he wouldn't try to stop her if he believed she really wanted this. They agree to talk about something else for a while. Bill asks her if she remembers the first time they met. They remember all that they have been through and Bill asks her how they got to this place. Pilar tells him that Ben's death has affected her and her feelings for him are selfish. When she tells him that she does still love him, he asks her to hold on to what they had and kisses her. Pilar tells him she wants to go somewhere that they can be alone.

At the hospital, Rick tells Matt that the test results couldn't tell him what caused Vanessa's relapse. Matt can't understand how she could have slipped back into the coma. Carmen arrives and sees Vanessa's empty bed and assumes the worst. Matt tells her that Vanessa is having more tests but they haven't found anything yet. Carmen questions Matt about what Vanessa said to him. He asks her to stay because she helped Vanessa come out of the coma to begin with. He goes to get coffee and Edmund arrives. Carmen tells him that she can't kill Vanessa because everyone would know she did it. Edmund suggests she use a herbicide to poison Vanessa. He knows some potions that are untraceable. He tells her he can't be involved because they have different agendas. Carmen decides that Vanessa can't come out of her coma and tell the truth about what happened. She thinks it would be a mercy killing because her family would suffer when she was taken to jail. Matt and Rick talk about children. Matt tells him he wasn't ready to have a baby either until it happens. He assures Rick that he and Abby will make great parents. Matt tells Carmen that he doesn't care what caused Vanessa to relapse, he just wants her to come back to him. Rick arrives and tells Carmen and Matt that he has the results of more tests and knows what happened to Vanessa.

Reva gets on the plane to San Cristobel and thinks about Jonathan. A pregnant lady sits beside her and Reva shows her pictures of her children. She talks about Dylan, Marah and Shayne. The lady asks about Jonathan's picture and Reva tells her about him. The woman thinks that Reva made a brave decision and that she didn't have much choice. She thinks Reva did the right thing but should have told his father. Reva says she has to make everything right for everyone involved. Meanwhile, Richard and Cassie return from Richard's family cathedral. He says they are getting close to the wedding. They talk about the people they will be inviting. Cassie wonders how she should do her hair and asks Richard. He says that they should have a honeymoon for the people. Dax arrives with papers for Richard and Cassie leaves. Richard is upset and reveals to Dax that he is attracted to Cassie. Dax doesn't see the problem, but says they shouldn't marry if he has any doubts. Dax leaves and Richard remembers times with Cassie. He spills her perfume on his sweater. Cassie calls Harley and tells her that she is getting closer to Richard. Cassie and Dax see Richard airing out his sweater and wonder what he is doing. Dax leaves and Cassie sees some weights on the table. Richard shows her how to use them. Dax comes back with their first wedding gift and Cassie opens it to find a silver tray. Cassie goes to get ready for dinner and Reva arrives. She gives Richard Jonathan's address.

Friday, January 14

Bill and Pilar talk about how much they've missed each other. Bill thinks she should think about her feelings for him before she takes her vows. She tells him she wants to talk about her mother and Ben. She admits that she tried to seduce Ben so her mother would be jealous and break up with him. Bill realizes she never really had feelings for Ben. Pilar is upset over Michelle being in jail and Bill tells her that a witness came forward with an alibi for her. Pilar is thrilled to hear that Michelle is back home now. She tells him to forget about Ben because everything is okay now. Bill tells her that they are going to re-open the case and find Ben's real killer. Pilar asks Bill to take her away from all this. She says she wants to be with him and leads him upstairs.

Rick tells Carmen and Matt that they found traces of a sedative in Vanessa's blood. Carmen attacks Rick for the hospital making a mistake like that. Rick asks her what she is doing there anyway. Carmen apologizes and says that she hates hospitals. Rick asks to speak to Matt alone and Carmen leaves. She finds Edmund outside and tells him what has happened. He thinks she'll find a way out of it just fine. Carmen asks if she can still count on him and he tells her he is busy these days. Matt gets angry with Rick over what happened with Vanessa. Rick asks Matt to think about why Carmen would be so concerned over Vanessa. Matt wants Rick to find out which nurse did this and stop blaming Carmen. Rick tells him it would be a good idea to restrict visitors to family members only. Carmen returns with flowers for Vanessa and Matt informs her that from now on only family members will be allowed to see Vanessa.

Buzz takes Selena to a hotel room. He says he wants to give her a night she won't forget. She says she needs her things so she can't stay there. He doesn't believe her and knows that she is hesitant. He says he just wants to do something nice for her. He tries to be sweet and she starts having an allergic reaction to his cologne. He opens the champagne and it explodes. They toast and he tries again to get close to her but the candles set the mantle on fire. They get it put out and newlyweds come into their room. They say it is their room and lock Selena and Buzz out. Buzz gets very upset. A violinist plays for them in the hall as they try to get back in the room. Selena starts laughing about everything that has happened tonight. The newlyweds leave and they go back inside. Selena says this was a wonderful night and asks him to make love to her.

Cassie helps Tammy get her dress ready for the wedding. Cassie calls Harley and tells her that she wishes she was there to help her plan the wedding. She says she'll fly down on the Spaulding jet. Tammy tells Cassie that she said fairytales don't come true so she's afraid this will all go away. Cassie swears that they will never have to leave there. She says that their story will have a happy ending. Cassie looks at her choices for her wedding dress and sees Richard's suit. She dreams of their wedding day and he tells her how much he loves her. Meanwhile, Reva tells Richard how she got Jonathan's address. She says she wishes she could go back to the say she left San Cristobel with Josh and not run away from her decisions. She says that they never ended their relationship and they can't go on without closure. She says Cassie deserves someone that can really love her. He doesn't want to discuss it. Reva admits she has many feelings for him and San Cristobel and she says they can go see Jonathan together and make a decision together about it. She says that there is a tie between them and this could end it one way or another. Richard says he should send Jonathan away like she did. He tells her the anger he feels for what she did. She thinks he picked Cassie for his bride out of revenge. She begs him to admit it. He admits that since that day on the beach, he doesn't know what he is doing. She tells him that she is giving back the choice she made without him. He admits there is unfinished business and they have to make a choice about Jonathan. She thanks him and he hugs her as Cassie walks in and sees them.

Monday, January 17

Buzz tells Selena that he wanted this to be a perfect night for her. She assures him it has been and they begin to make love. Selena stops and says she can't let go of the past. Buzz convinces her that all that matters is right now and they make love. Buzz proves to her that he isn't going anywhere and she realizes he's right. She tells him that he has made her believe that she deserves her second chance. They get romantic again and a piece of the ceiling falls. Buzz comments that this is perfect and they laugh.

Bill and Pilar go up to his room and she wants him to make love to her. Bill tries to get her to slow down but she tells him she wants him. Bill tells her to stop and tell him what she's running away from. Pilar convinces him that she loves him and wants to be with him and they start to make love. There is a knock on the door and Pilar begs Bill not to answer it. Carmen opens the door and sees them and Pilar remembers her mother shooting Ben and screams no. Bill is confused at Pilar's behavior. Bill thinks Carmen knows why Pilar is acting this way but she asks him to go get Pilar some water. He leaves and Pilar tells her that she thought she was going to shoot Bill. Pilar wants to tell Bill the truth and Carmen reveals that Vanessa was the second shooter. She says that it will only hurt Bill worse if they tell him. Pilar realizes that Carmen doesn't want Vanessa to wake up from the coma and that is why she's been visiting her. Carmen denies it and Pilar thinks she will never have her normal life back. Bill walks in and hears Pilar say she should go back to the convent. Carmen tells Bill that if he cares for her at all, he will support her decision to go back to the convent. Pilar asks to speak to Bill alone and Carmen waits outside. She tells him that she wants him to have a good life and that she will pray for him and Vanessa. As she is leaving, he tells her he loves her.

Phillip sits down with Josh at Company. Josh is surprised that he is attempting to be friendly. Phillip tells him that he was wrong to try to force Josh to work with Richard. Phillip tells him about his ordeal in San Cristobel and how they thought they were going to die. He says that it showed him that nothing was more important than family and he offers Josh his job back. Josh refuses. Phillip and shocked and Josh explains that he has to start over with a clean slate. Bill comes downstairs looking for Pilar and sits down with Josh. Josh asks what is going on and Bill explains all the problems he is having with Pilar. Josh tells him to let her go and tells him that he can save her from herself. Bill asks if this is about Reva. Josh says that the Lewis men have a “hero gene” and are drawn to beautiful women who need help but it doesn’t always work out like they’d like it to.

Cassie sees Richard holding Reva. She hears them say that they will leave as soon as they can and she thinks that they are going away together. She says that she should have known this would happen and goes back to her room. Richard and rive wonder how this will turn out and Reva says that all she knows is that she can’t live in limbo anymore. She wants to go tells Cassie but Richard doesn’t want to. He says that he doesn’t want to unnecessarily upset Cassie if they don’t have to. Richard walks out and Reva can see that Richard is starting to have feelings for Cassie. In her room, the designer wants Cassie to choose her dress but she isn’t interested. Richard arrives and tells her what a beautiful bride she will be. He tells her that some business has come up and he must leave the island for a day or two. She says she will be fine and he kisses her on the cheek. He leaves and Harley arrives. Cassie is very happy to see her. She tells Harley about overhearing Richard and Reva planning a get-away and about Richard lying to her about it. Harley tells Cassie that she is getting her out of San Cristobel right now. Cassie won’t leave because she knew what it was going to be like when she came. She says that she has to confront Richard about lying to her about Reva. Harley thinks this is a bad idea but Cassie goes anyway. Harley calls Phillip and tells him about Richard and Reva. Phillip repeats out loud that Reva is leaving with Richard and Josh overhears him. Josh says that he isn’t surprised and goes outside. He is upset. Meanwhile, Richard returns and tells Reva what he told Cassie. She asks him about the closeness between him and Cassie and he says that he won’t talk about Cassie with her. He says that he thinks he can leave Jonathan with Marissa and Alfred if it is best and talks about wishing he could go fishing with Jon. He wonders if Jonathan could ever thinks of him as a father and Reva is sure that he could. She remembers the way that he used to take care of Jon. Cassie gets to the room to confront Richard after Reva and Richard have left. She is upset.

Tuesday, January 18

Matt tells Vanessa that he has hired a male nurse to watch over her. Vanessa thinks that she will come back to Matt if he can keep Carmen away from her. From outside Carmen watches Matt put lib balm on Vanessa’s lips. Carmen asks a nurse about lip balm and the nurse says that it is immediately absorbed into the system. Rick comes in and reassures Matt that he will find out who sedated Vanessa. Carmen goes in to check on Vanessa and Matt goes outside to talk to her. She asks Matt how he and Vanessa met and he remembers times with her and everything that they have been through. Carmen talks about her husband and how his family didn’t like her. Matt goes to get coffee and Carmen goes into Vanessa’s room to get her purse. She swaps out Vanessa’s lip balm with her poisoned one. Matt goes back inside and Carmen watches though the door as he applies the lip balm to Vanessa’s lips.

Drew can tell that Selena and Buzz made love and Selena confirms it. She tells Drew about everything that happened with Buzz and how wonderful it was. Drew tells Selena that she is scared that they won’t find out about what really happened to Ben. Buzz gives Selena the letterman’s jacket and tells her how special she is to him. They watch Drew and Selena worries about how obsessed she is with Ben’s killer. They leave to be alone together. Meanwhile, Danny and Michelle eat and Michelle is still worried about her case. She goes to call Ross and Jesse sits down with Danny. Jesse reminds Danny that Len is lying and Drew comes over. They talk about trying to find Ruth Danny tells them that she had a sick child at Cedars. Michelle returns and Jesse thinks that he may know the kid. He thinks it may be a quiet kid with heart problems that he worked with. He goes to ask Rick about the child. Rick agrees to help Jesse and they go to find the kid. Danny and Michelle talk about confronting Ruth about whoever is paying her off but Danny doesn’t care about anything but getting Michelle off. Drew tells him that it does matter who killed Ben too. Jesse comes back and tells them that Rick found the child in clinic about an hour away and that his mother is paying everything in cash. Danny thinks Jesse is the one that should see Ruth and Drew wants to go too. She and Jesse leave and Michelle tells Danny that she has some errands to run. He leaves and she thinks to herself that she must be the one to see Ruth herself.

Phillip comes in to find Beth packing. He thinks she's moving a little too fast but she assures him they are going to be happy with Jim. She tells him that Lizzie still has the flu and she has a touch of it too. Phillip tells her that he is happy for her and Edmund walks in to find them hugging. He comments that they are the closest exes he's ever seen. Beth goes up to continue packing and Phillip tells Edmund he gets the feeling he never says what he means. Edmund shows him paperwork for the meeting about San Cristobel and Phillip tells him they are going to postpone it because he is spending the weekend away with Harley. Edmund envisions what it will be like to reveal he has the videotape. Upstairs, Lizzie and Susan talk about what it will be like to live together. Susan tries to assure her that Jim and Beth are happy together. Lizzie says that sometimes she wishes her mom and dad still loved each other. She thinks that maybe everyone could live together but Susan says it wouldn't work. Susan accidentally reveals that there was a plane crash and Lizzie can't believe they didn't tell her. Meanwhile, Alan tells Edmund that he doesn't approve of Beth and Lizzie moving into a smaller house with Jim. He explains to Edmund that if it weren't for him, Beth and Phillip would still be together. Edmund tells him about the meeting being postponed and Alan thinks there is no reason for that because the two of them can handle it without Phillip. Beth and Phillip explain what happened to them and tell Lizzie that they are going to spend more time together. Susan apologizes to Jim for slipping up. Alan and Lizzie say goodbye and Lizzie meets Edmund. Jim tells Beth that Susan really is sorry and she says they should have told her anyway. Jim agrees that the truth is always best. Alan tells Phillip that he and Edmund will handle the meeting and to have a good time with Harley. Phillip agrees but later tells Edmund that playing up to Alan won't get him past Phillip. Phillip says he's rapidly losing patience with Edmund and walks away. Edmund comments that he's losing his patience as well.

Wednesday, January 19

Richard and Reva arrive at Marissa and Alfred’s. They talk outside about seeing Jon. Richard remembers the way Reva took him away twice. Richard knocks and Marissa won’t let them in. They tell her that she has nothing to fear from them. Reva explains that they are there because of the way she handled Jon’s leaving last time. Richard reassure Marissa that Edmund is no longer a threat. Reva says that they just want to see Jon and talk with her and Alfred. Richard and Reva say that they won’t take Jon away no matter what. Marissa reluctantly lets them inside and tells them that Jon will be home soon. Richard stays outside and places a call on his cell phone. Meanwhile, Harley tells Phillip on the phone that she won’t be home tonight. Cassie comes in and tells her to go home and be with Phillip. Harley tells her that Phillip has planned a weekend in New York for them and Cassie gets upset about how romantic it is. Cassie beats herself up and Richard and Harley tries to comfort her. Cassie thinks everything Richard has done has been an act because he has always loved Reva. Cassie thinks this is exactly what Reva planned all along and she says she isn’t leaving until she tells Richard off. She gets a call from him. He asks her how she is and tells her that he was thinking about her. He says he wants to tell her something. Reva calls his name and Cassie hears her. He tells Cassie that he has to go and she is devastated. Harley doesn’t understand why Cassie didn’t tell him off. Cassie thinks she is crazy to think that she and Richard had a chance and remembers times with him. She thinks that Richard will always want Reva. She begins to pack and gets madder and madder. She decides she will go home tonight and Tammy hears her. Tammy says that they can’t go home because she promised it would be like this forever. Meanwhile, Richard returns and they see Jon. He tells them that he remembers them and that he remembers that Reva cries a lot. They play with him and Richard thanks Reva.

At Company, Josh is distracted with Olivia and tells her that he found out that Reva is in San Cristobel with Richard. Olivia tries to reassure him that Reva isn’t there romantically but Josh thinks that is exactly what it is. He tries to act like he doesn’t care but admits that it hurts. He says that he thought he wanted Reva to sort through her feelings but now he isn’t so sure. He wonders now if knowing about him and Olivia would even bother her. Olivia understands that these things take time and that he is hurting. Josh asks her about her feelings about Richard and she says that she feels lucky to be out of that mess now. Josh sees that he has to move on with his life but he is worried about his kids. Olivia suggests they go have a nice evening together and forget about everything else. He thanks her and she gets a call from Marissa. She tells Olivia that Reva and Richard are there to take Jon away. Olivia tells Josh.

Carmen tells Danny about Pilar's decision to enter the convent. Danny wants to talk to Pilar about it but Carmen doesn't think that's a good idea. She reminds him that he hasn't been around lately. They talk about how the family used to be when they were all together. Carmen tells him that his father would be proud of the way he's defending Michelle and she's proud of him too. Danny tells her that if Michelle is found guilty, it would kill them both. He says he's never been this scared in his life. He says he's found the witness who saw Michelle at Towers and he's going to talk to her tomorrow. Carmen doesn't think it can be possible but he tells her Jesse knows the woman's son. Carmen remembers a meeting she has to attend and leaves. They agree that they've missed sharing time together. Outside, Carmen says she's sorry but she's doing this for Danny's own good. Meanwhile, Michelle goes to see Ruth and asks her why she lied about seeing her at Towers. Ruth tries to get away from her but Michelle assures her she won't hurt her. Ruth denies lying and Michelle tells her that her life is in Ruth's hands. She begs her to call the DA and retract her statement. Ruth says she can't help her. Michelle breaks her down and she admits she lied. Later, Michelle tells Danny that Ruth is calling the DA right now saying she never saw Michelle at Towers. They are happy that this nightmare is over. Danny tells her about Pilar and how he's not been around for her lately. Ruth calls the DA and before she can say anything, Carmen hangs up the phone.

Thursday, January 20

Danny tries to reassure Michelle that it will all be over soon. Drew arrives and Michelle tells her that Ruth admitted she lied. Drew asks if Ruth told her who really killed Ben and she says Ruth was too scared. Drew is happy for Michelle but still wants to know who her father's murderer was. Michelle tells Drew that she would have been too emotional and scared Ruth away if she had gone. Drew is worried she will run again but Danny thinks her son is too sick to keep doing that. Ross arrives and tells them that Ruth is with the DA now. Drew wants to go but Ross tells her he will handle it. He tells them all to relax and let him do his job. Michelle and Danny go to spend some time where their house will be built. They look at the houseplans and talk about having a big family. Danny tells her he wishes that they will always be as happy as they are now and Michelle gets a strange feeling. Meanwhile, Drew goes to the DA's office and asks Ruth some questions. Ruth realizes who she is and Drew demands to know who killed her father. She gets upset and Ross arrives and pulls her out of there. Ross tells her that he will handle this and tells her to go home.

Olivia tells Josh that Richard and Reva have go to take Jon away from Marissa. Josh can’t believe that Reva would do that. Olivia thinks that Reva is using Jon to get Richard back. Josh won’t believe that Reva would uproot Jon. They figure out that Reva went into Olivia’s room the other night. Olivia wants to go down there but Josh thinks that she should. Olivia thinks that Marissa will be devastated but Josh doesn’t know how it will all turn out. He can’t believe that Reva really went back to Richard but he says that he and Reva are finally finished. Olivia isn’t sure about that and thinks that they could work it out if they both wanted to. Josh knows that Reva is going after what she wants and he says he will too. He decides to get an apartment. He realizes this is the first time he has known that Reva isn’t part of his life. He looks at want ads and Olivia offers to help him.

Tammy overhears Cassie tell Harley they are going back to the farm. Tammy is upset and reminds Cassie that she said they'd never have to leave. Cassie tries to explain but Tammy doesn't want to go back. Cassie asks her to go to bed and they'll see what happens tomorrow. Tammy tells her that it will be okay if they do have to leave. Cassie tells Harley that it will break Tammy's heart if they leave now. Harley thinks she has to leave because she will break her own heart if she stays. Cassie doesn't know what to do. Harley tells her that she has decided to meet Phillip in New York so if she's coming home with her, she has to decide soon. Harley leaves to pack and Cassie begins to fantasize about Richard coming back to her. She tells herself that there will be no more fantasies. She thinks about how cold Richard will really be and decides that will be how it is if she stays. She vows to never let Richard see her cry over this. Cassie decides on the menu. Harley can see that she isn’t leaving. Harley thinks she will be just fine and she leaves. Cassie vows that she will make San Cristobel love her even if Richard never will.

Richard gives Jon a present and he goes to show his mom. Marissa thanks Richard and Jon asks to go fishing. Reva thinks they should enjoy their time together and then make a decision for Jon. Richard tells Jon stories of when he was a boy and went fishing. Richard tells Reva how happy his father would have been to meet Jon. Richard accidentally calls Reva “Katherine” and apologizes. Richard and Jon go fishing and Reva says to herself that she isn’t and can never be Katherine again. Richard comes back and talks about his and Jon’s love of the sea. Jon brings Reva a shell and tells them that they are nice. They all have lunch together. Richard says that being with Jon takes away all his anger and thanks her for sharing this day with them. They agree that they can’t pretend that their life together never happened. They both think they can move on now. Reva says that she doesn’t regret their time together and Richard know that it won’t work for them now. Reva says she didn’t know that until today or she never would have left Josh. She tells him that she remembers loving him but it is over now. They watch Jon continue to fish. They agree to do what is best for him. She goes to check on him and Richard fantasizes about going back home to Cassie. He realizes that he is in love with her and Reva returns. She asks if he loves Cassie but he avoids the question. He says his relationship with Cassie has nothing to do with Reva and Reva restates that Cassie loves him. He just can’t believe it is possible.

Friday, January 21

Josh meets Olivia at Company. She is worried about Marissa and tells him that she said that Richard and Reva played and bonded with Jon all day. Josh can’t believe it is all happening. Olivia apologizes for talking about Richard and Reva again. Josh thinks that Reva will try to have it all: Richard, Jon, Marah and Shayne too. He says he just wants to get on with his life but he can’t because Reva is keeping him in a holding pattern. Olivia offers to let Josh stay with her while he waits on Reva. He thanks her for the offer but thinks he shouldn’t because of the children. Olivia says that she understands. Josh talks about all the time he is missing with Shayne and Marah. He tells her that he forgot to leave a key for Shayne outside Matt’s and left him outside for an hour. Olivia tries to reassure Josh that the kids understand. Josh says that he is being careful about his and Olivia’s relationship and wants to be sure about everything. He suggests that maybe he could just leave some of his things over there and she likes that.

Richard and Reva are happy that they talked everything through last night. They agree that they can’t take Jon away from his home and are happy that they can all stay in touch now. Reva asks again about Cassie and tells him that she wants Cassie to be happy. He says he is going home and Reva says that she wants Cassie to have love in her marriage. She says she just wants what is best for both of them. Reva says that leaving Jon there is a good decision and wonders why she feels so empty inside. Richard thinks it is because Reva’s life is with Josh and Reva is glad she can go back home with the past put away. Jon comes in and asks Richard to go fishing with him and his dad. Richard says that he can’t and tells him how special this visit has been. Richard tells Reva goodbye and leaves. Reva tells Jon how special he is to her and Richard and that she is going home to her family. He asks to come to visit her and he walks her to the door. Reva makes a plane reservation to Springfield. She says to herself, “I’m coming home Joshua. Meanwhile, Cassie makes plans to go to dinner alone and decides that she will make herself stop loving Richard. Tammy comes in and asks when they are leaving. Cassie tells her that this is their home and Tammy is overjoyed. Tammy is sure that they will all become a real family now. Cassie gets a message that Richard is home and she vows to never believe anything he says again. Outside, Richard realizes that he was falling in love with Cassie the whole time. He goes inside and says her name.

Beth and Jim talk about their future together. He is concerned about her health and she assures him she's just caught the flu from Lizzie. She says the doctor call later with her test results. Beth tells Jim she thinks they can have a February wedding but he doesn't want to rush it. He wants it to be nice for her but realizes he doesn't have enough money to compare with her and Phillip's wedding. She assures him she doesn't care about that but he thinks Phillip and Alan are concerned about it. She tells him that they think she needs taking care of but she doesn't want him to see her that way. He agrees and they look forward to her moving in and spending the rest of their lives together. He promises to give her everything she wants. After he goes upstairs to continue packing, she gets a phone call from the doctor. She is shocked to hear what he has to say and Jim asks her what's wrong. Beth tells him she doesn't have the flu and that she's just run down. Jim leaves and Beth wonders what she is going to do.

Harley meets Phillp in New York and finds him on the phone talking business. She can't believe he won't put work aside for this trip and he shows her that the phone is unplugged. She laughs as he reveals he was playing a trick. Phillip arranges for champagne, chocolates and a trivia game to be delivered to them just like the last time they were there. Harley reveals that she wants to have another baby. She tries to convince him that Zack needs a sibling closer to his own age. Phillip is surprised and she goes on about how they both came from nonconventional families and she doesn't want that for her own. Phillip agrees and they start to make love. The phone rings and Phillip answers to find an upset Beth. She tells him that they have a big problem. Beth says that she is pregnant and is isn't Jim's baby, it's Phillip's.

Monday, January 24

Rick and Abby prepare burgers for Michelle. Ross tells Michelle how it will be in the courtroom and reassures her. A reporter tries to take pictures of Michelle and it upsets them all. Rick tries to make jokes about it and Ross distracts them with pictures of Clarissa. Holly arrives and talks to Michelle. Ross tells holly that Blake is still in Philadelphia and holly tells Ross that Hollywood producers have been calling for Darlena LaCross’s book. Abby tells them that Blake plans to use her story in the next book. Ross thinks it is all getting out of hand. They all sit down to dinner and discuss Blake’s book. Ross seems uncomfortable. Michelle thanks Abby for tonight and Abby tells her to keep being confident. Rick tries to reassure Michelle that everything will be fine and Michelle realizes all of the things she has taken for granted. She feels she is still very lucky to have her family and Danny.

Bill and Matt stop at Company for dinner and run into Frank and David. Bill invites them over to Richard and Abby’s for a little party for Michelle. David says no because he really thinks Michelle is guilty and leaves. Frank explains to them that David is just wound up in the case. They talk about family businesses like Company and the Diner. Frank is discouraged with being a cop. Matt is discouraged at Vanessa’s condition and Bill is discouraged with Pilar. They talk about how pathetic they all sound. Meanwhile, Danny visits Len to make sure he is still testifying. Len is hesitant and David arrives. David questions Len about his testimony. Len is shook up and Danny asks David about his attitude. Danny tells David to stop going after Michelle to get at the Santos family. David says he just wants the truth. David harasses Len and Danny tries to top him. David gets his ice cream and leaves. Len is upset and Danny tries to calm him down. He reminds Len that he is Michelle’s last hope.

Richard tells Cassie that he was really with Reva and that she found their son. Cassie thinks that he doesn't need an heir now so he doesn't need her. She offers to pack up and leave. He tells her that he does need her and so does his country. He tells her that he and Reva decided together to leave Jonathan with his parents. He apologizes for not telling her before because he didn't want to hurt her. He says that he and Reva have come to an understanding they can both live with. She realized Josh will always be in her life and before Richard can admit the truth, Cassie assumes he's going to say Reva will always be a part of his. Cassie tells him she understands that it's all part of the arrangement. Richard asks her if the arrangement is how she truly wants things to be. Cassie tells him the only thing she wants from him is to honor their agreement. She says that love only messes things up and it's better that they don't expect anything from each other. Richard agrees to honor the arrangement. Cassie also tells him that she doesn't want to know anything about Reva because it's not her business. She believes she can accomplish many things their and have time for the children too. He leaves to get ready for dinner and she throws a vase on the floor. Richard rushes back in to see if she's alright and she apologizes for breaking the vase. He says that it can be fixed and she tells him that some things are too broken to fix. He bandages a cut on her finger and tries to tell her how he feels but she interrupts again. He thinks that they had started to get closer and she says it's important to look the part. He agrees and leaves. They both stand against the door as he considers going back inside and she waits for him to come back. Richard walks away and Cassie goes to get dressed.

Phillip believes there must be some kind of mistake when Beth tells him she's pregnant with his baby. Beth assures him that the baby is his. Harley thinks she can find out what's wrong and picks up the phone. Beth hangs up and Harley thinks the hotel cut them off. She wants to begin trying to make a baby but Phillip tells her he has a bad headache. Harley goes to get him something for it and he calls Beth back. Beth asks him why this had to happen as Jim walks in. Beth hangs up and Jim asks her what she was talking about. She lies that she called the clinic to find out if there is anything she can take to give her energy. Beth wants to talk to Jim about their future and the children. They agree they don't have a typical family and Jim says he wouldn't have it any other way. Jim admits to being jealous of Phillip and not wanting him to get close to Beth. He says that he's glad Phillip was there for her in the plane. Beth tells him he has nothing to feel jealous about. She decides not to tell him about the baby and promises to make the marriage work. Meanwhile, Phillip tells Harley that he doesn't want to disappoint her. He says that he does want to have another baby with her after she apologizes for pushing before. Beth calls back and Harley tells her that Phillip told her what was wrong. Beth can't believe he would do that without talking to her first. Harley is confused and asks how sick Lizzie is. Beth is relieved and tells her that she just gets upset when Lizzie is sick. Harley gives the phone to Phillip as she is saying to tell him that she is fine and knows what to do. Phillip tells her not to do anything before he gets there and she hangs up. Harley realizes they are going home tonight. Jim and Beth move the last box and get ready to go to their house. Jim tells her that everything is falling into place for them.

Tuesday, January 25

Josh looks at apartment ads in the paper. Olivia thinks that their arrangement is temporary. Josh tells her that he is happy and she reminds him that his situation with Reva is unresolved. Josh tells her that it doesn’t matter what Reva does or doesn’t do. Outside, Reva nervously prepares to meet Josh. She says that she just wants things back like they were and reassures herself that Josh wants that too. Olivia is nervous about what Richard and Reva have decided about Jon. Josh vows to make forward on his own and invites her out to dinner tonight. Olivia goes to call Marissa and Reva comes in. She nervously tells Josh that she is back and tells him that all her craziness with Richard is over. She tells him that she and Richard found Jon and made the decision together and that go rid of all the guilt she felt for leaving San Cristobel the way she did. She tells him that she and Richard realized that they should leave Jon with Marissa and Alfred, Richard should be with Cassie, and that she belongs with Josh. She tells Josh that she loves him and wants him back. Olivia walks in and sees them together and goes back out. Josh tells Reva that it is too late for them. He tells her that he has decided to move on with his life without her. He feels that if they were as strong as they thought then Richard would have never come between them. Josh says he needs someone who will put him first and that they should focus on the kids before they take the next step. Reva is crushed and leaves. Olivia comes back down and thinks that he is back with Reva. He corrects her and tells her that she makes him happy now.

At the courthouse, Michelle's trial begins. Carmen calls the hospital and learns that Vanessa's condition has worsened. She comments that no one can save Michelle now. Danny tells Carmen he wants to continue working on their relationship but asks her not to be seen with Michelle. She understands and tells him she'll support Michelle in private but later to herself thinks Michelle will need all the luck she can get. Drew tells Jesse that if Michelle didn't do this, whoever killed Ben is still out there and nobody is looking for them. The DA tells Frank and David that only one of them will testify and Frank decides it should be David since he found the gloves. Danny can't believe Frank did that knowing that David has it in for Michelle. Frank reminds him that he knows Michelle killed Mick and if the jury finds out, they will think of Michelle as a murderer. The judge reminds the jury that a possible penalty for this case is death by lethal injection. The DA gives her opening remarks and tells the jury that Ben's family deserves justice. Ross gives his opening statement and tells them about Michelle's history. The DA calls David to the stand and he testifies that he found the bloody gloves in Michelle's room. Ross questions him about his vendetta against the Santos family after Charles had his stroke. David denies planting any evidence against Michelle. The judge calls for a break and Ross tells Holly that he doesn't know why Ruth is still on the witness list. Danny tells Michelle that he thinks things are going their way. Carmen reminds Ruth to testify that she saw Michelle or she will be sorry. Ruth tells her she won't lie and Carmen gives her a picture of her son. She says she would hate to see Ruth's son not recover from his illness. The DA calls Buzz to the stand and questions him about the incident in which Michelle pulled a knife on Ben at Company. Buzz doesn't want to say anything about it but finally admits that Michelle had every reason to kill Ben.

Wednesday, January 26

Ross cross examines Buzz. Buzz testifies that he never saw Michelle physically harm Ben. He goes on to say that he trusts Michelle with his sons. Harley and Selena tell Buzz not to blame himself for telling the truth. The DA calls Ruth to the stand and Ross asks Michelle if she's sure Ruth will tell the truth. Michelle and Danny are both confident that Ruth will say she didn't see Michelle that night. Ruth testifies that she saw someone coming out of Ben's room and points out Michelle. Drew doesn't understand and Jesse assures her she's lying. Michelle tells Ross that someone is paying her off. Ross questions Ruth about her sick son learns about her financial situation due to his medical bills. He asks her about moving away and never picking up her final paycheck. Ross doesn't understand how she can afford the expensive clinic her child is being treated in. Ross believes she is being paid for this testimony but Ruth denies it and maintains that she saved her money. The DA asks Ruth if anyone else spoke to her about her testimony and Ruth admits that Danny tracked her down. She also says that Michelle spoke with her as well but didn't try to influence her testimony. She maintains that she saw Michelle and that is the truth. The trial is adjourned for the day and Frank and David argue over who is telling the truth. Drew tells Jesse that Ruth convinced her but Jesse won't let her believe it. Drew goes to see Ruth and asks her if someone forced her to testify. Ruth walks away and Drew follows her. Drew apologizes for her behavior and says she just wants to know who killed her father. Ruth tells her again that she saw Michelle and gets into an elevator. Inside, Carmen tells Ruth she did good and tells Ruth she wants her and her son to go away. Michelle, Danny and Ross agree that whoever is paying Ruth off has a strong hold on her. Ross tells Michelle not to give up hope and Danny asks who Ross will call first. Ross thinks Lyn is the best chance to establish reasonable doubt. Jesse reminds Danny that Lyn is lying and asks Danny how sure he is of this man. Danny says that if the law fails Michelle, he won't.

Matt puts more lip balm on Vanessa's lips and promises that he won't let anything else happen to her. Vanessa believes Carmen had something to do with the sedative that was given to her. She tastes something metallic and wonders what it could be. Matt tells her he's doing everything he can for her. He goes to talk to the doctor who confirms that Vanessa is getting worse. Matt decides to take her back to Switzerland where the doctors know how to treat her. The doctor strongly advises against moving Vanessa right now. Meanwhile, Vanessa figures out that the metallic taste must be coming from the lip balm that Matt is putting on her lips. She believes Carmen is using that to drug her. Matt doesn't know it, but he's killing her. Vanessa overhears Carmen on television demanding justice for her fiance's murder. She decides that she has to find a way to stop Carmen from sending Michelle to jail for a murder they committed. Matt comes back in and tells her that he is taking her back to Switzerland but Vanessa thinks she must stay there to help Michelle.

Phillip asks Beth if she did anything to the baby and she says no. She gets upset and he tells her that everything is going to be okay. He reassures her that this was an accident and that they believed they were going to die. She tells him that this is a sign because they always wanted more children and she's been thinking a lot about them. Phillip tells her that there isn't an "us" anymore because he is married to Harley and she is marrying Jim. He says that they have to find a way to make them understand what happened on the mountain. Beth says that they aren't going to tell anyone anything and reminds him that it was his idea not to tell anyone. He tells her that the plan has changed now but she believes it doesn't have to. She suggests they fudge the date the baby was conceived and make everyone believe Jim is the father. Phillip can't believe that she would suggest such a thing after everything he went through with Alan and his parents. He reminds her of the pain he went through and still goes through because they lied to him about who he was. Beth thinks that they can do better but Phillip doesn't believe lying will benefit the child. She tells them they don't have another choice unless he wants to leave Harley to be with her and the baby. He says that's not going to happen. Beth reminds him of what she went through after he left and says she can finally see some happiness for herself. She thinks that both Jim and Harley will leave them and she will be a single mother and he will be an absentee father. Phillip tells her he believes his marriage is strong enough to handle this. She believes that Jim will leave her if he finds out she's pregnant with Phillip's child. Phillip tells her that this is the one thing she can't ask him to do. He has to tell the truth because he won't do to his child what was done to him. She agrees but feels the need to tell him if he does this, he will be sorry. She says she won't let him ruin her life. Harley calls and updates him on the trial. Phillip asks Beth what she means and she tells him that he is forcing her to get an abortion. She says it's Jim's baby or no one's. He believes that they should decide together and Harley interrupts them again. She senses the tension but thinks it's about Lizzie. Harley and Phillip leave and Beth says that she will do whatever she has to do.

Thursday, January 27

Richard tells Cassie that he missed having lunch with her and catches her reading up on the family history. He tells her stories about his relatives. He comments on how distant she has been lately. He asks her things about herself and she is very cold. She says that she is just doing her job. They discuss the wedding reception and he says they will have to waltz. She says that she can’t waltz and he thinks she is trying to pick a fight with him. She says that she isn’t and he offers to show her how to waltz. She is reluctant and he asks what she is afraid of. She says that she isn’t afraid if anything and he begins to teach her. They get very close.

Marah meets Reva at Company and Reva tells her that she has everything worked out with Richard and promises to put their family back together. Josh arrives at Olivia’s and tells her that he has an apartment. He knows very little about the apartment when she asks about it. Olivia starts planning to decorate and wonders if it was wise to give her a set of keys. He is sure it was and she says that she wants more days like this with him. They get romantic. He remembers that he has the floor plans to the apartment and they decide to go get something to eat. Olivia goes to take a shower and Josh gets dressed when he hears a knock on the door. He opens the door and it is Reva.

Beth tells Lillian about what happened on the mountain. Lillian doesn't think Beth should tell anybody but Beth tells her she's pregnant. Lillian asks her if she's sure it's Phillip's baby or if she just wants it to be. Beth knows it's Phillip's baby but admits that part of her wanted Phillip to realize he wanted to be with them. She says she knows she has a wonderful man in Jim and truly wants to marry him. Beth tells her that Phillip is going to ruin all that because he won't let everyone believe the baby is Jim's. Lillian is shocked to hear that Beth is going to have an abortion if Phillip doesn't agree. Meanwhile, Phillip and Harley have lunch at Company and she questions him about his behavior. Phillip asks her to have dinner with him tonight because they need to talk about the plane crash. He goes to talk to Rick and tells him that Beth is pregnant. He tells him what Beth wants to do but he can't go along with it because of what happened to him as a child. Phillip says he wants to tell Harley the truth. Phillip and Rick talk about what happened between them and Meredith. Phillip knows that the truth will come out eventually and the child will end up hating them. Meanwhile, Harley interrupts Lillian and Beth with flowers for Lizzie. Lizzie comes in and tells Harley that she's better now and didn't see Phillip yesterday. Harley wonders what's really going on and Beth apologizes for getting upset. She tells her that she's just been emotional with the wedding and moving happening. Harley goes to see Lizzie and Beth tells Lillian she has an appointment at the hospital. Lillian tries to stop her but can't. She calls Phillip and he assures her he will stop Beth. Harley tells Lillian that she has the feeling something else has been going on. Beth arrives at the doctor's office and helps a mother with her baby. Phillip arrives to find Beth holding a baby and crying.

Friday, January 28

Cassie and Richard get close while dancing. She pushes him away and he asks why. She says that she just wants the people of San Cristobel to think they are in love. They are notified that guests are arriving for the state dinner and Richard leaves to change. Cassie calls Harley and tells her about their dance. Cassie realizes that she would be the one in control if Richard wanted her instead of the other way around. Harley thinks she is crazy but Cassie decides to do it. Cassie puts on a slinky red dress and Richard is speechless. She can tell he is affected and has him zip the back. She thinks that she must not let him get to her and has him smell her perfume. She says that there is something about her face and she thinks he is about to complement her. Instead he says that she looks like she has a rash and fever. The doctor comes and checks on her and her face is completely broken out. The doctor tells Richard what is it and Richard tells her that it is the measles. Cassie doesn’t want Richard to see her like this but he says he isn’t leaving her side night or day until she is well.

Phillip sees Beth with the baby. She confesses that she can’t have an abortion. She asks Phillip to promise that he won’t tell Jim that the baby is his. Phillip admits that he wants to take care of and protect her and Beth begs him to stay silent. He agrees and says that they will make it work. Susan and Jim meet Harley at Company and Harley asks her to baby-sit Zack tonight. Jim sits with Harley and they talk about Beth and Lizzie moving in with him. Outside, Phillip and Beth decide to stay away from one another for a while after they tell Jim and Harley. They go inside and Harley calls them over to the table. They all talk and Harley can tell that they are acting strange. Susan calls Beth and Jim over and Harley asks Phillip what is going on. Phillip says that it was just business and they get ready to leave.

Josh opens Olivia’s door and Reva is there. They are both shocked and he asks why she is there. She is sure that he is there meeting Olivia for business. Olivia comes out of the bathroom and mentions ending up in bed with Josh again and then realizes that Reva is there. Reva tells Olivia that she is there to tell her about her visit with Marissa and says that she will just go. Josh follows her and Olivia hopes that he will comes back when he is done. Outside, Josh says to Reva that they need to talk and Reva wishes she had something adult to say. She says that she knows in her head that she caused all this but in her heart she only know that he slept with someone else. Josh says that he never meant to hurt her but their relationship was broken. Reva admits that she didn’t know what she wanted before and had to deal with her past. She gives him back her wedding ring. She asks if he would have told her about Olivia and he says yes. He asks if she really wants to give the ring back and she says that she fully expects him to put it back on her finger someday. She says it isn’t a sign that she is giving up because it isn’t over between them. Josh asks how she can be sure and she says it is what she dreams about at night. She asks him not to rule it out and says that she needs to be alone. He goes inside. Olivia comes downstairs and Josh gets a call to meet Marah. Olivia goes outside and tells Reva to stop thinking about herself for once and leave Josh alone.

Drew wants to talk to Michelle about Ruth and Danny thinks it is obvious that she lied. Drew wants to know why she would lie but Michelle and Danny don’t know. Carmen reassures Rick and Abby that she will do right by Michelle on the stand. Rick and Abby go inside and Carmen passes a not to a man. Frank questions the DA about putting Carmen on the stand. The man passes the note to David. It says to ask Carmen about Michelle killing Mick. He gives it to the DA and court resumes. Ms. Wolf calls Carmen to the stand. Carmen speaks highly of Michelle but the DA pushes her. She then asks Carmen about Mick and Ross asks how this is relevant. Carmen claims that Michelle’s killing Mick was an accident. Carmen has to admit that Michelle killed Mick and remember things about her son Mick. Carmen testifies that Michelle confessed the crime to her but convinced her that it was self-defense. Ross asks for a recess and asks Michelle if it is true. He is very angry that he wasn’t told and Carmen apologizes to Michelle and Danny. She acts as though she had no choice. Ross asks if there is anyone who knows what happened that night. Jesse tells Drew that she has to tell the truth about that night to save Michelle.

Monday, January 31

Susan sees Beth at Company and asks were Jim is. Beth invites her to sit down. Beth offers to take her to Phillip and Harley's after work and Susan thanks her. She is excited to baby-sit Zach and Beth tells her how excited Lizzie is to have Susan as a big sister. Susan admits that she never really wanted brothers and sisters before because she liked keeping her parents to herself. She says that she is learning to share now. Beth says that she always wanted siblings and Susan asks about Beth's dad. Beth explains that she never knew her biological father and mentions that she and Phillip wanted to have more kids after Lizzie before they got divorced. Susan admits that she used to wish that they were still together so that Jim could be with Harley. She says that she is getting used to Beth now. She says that she is related to almost everyone in Springfield now and Beth mentions seeing Reva in the parking lot. Susan says that Reva is the coolest Grandma. Susan says that she is glad that her parents told her about her biological family so that she could find them. She mentions that her father hates secrets and goes to call Harley. Beth says that she doesn't have a choice but to keep this secret from him.

Edmund compliments Carmen on her performance. He can tell how important this all is to her and she tells him to shut up. He says that he can't wait to see what else she has in store for Michelle. Michelle explains to Ross that she never expected Mick's death to come out. Danny asks Michelle why she keeps looking at Drew but she doesn't tell him. Jesse tells Drew that she must tell the truth and Drew thinks that he is picking Michelle's safety over hers. She reminds him that he doesn't know what Carmen will do when she hears the truth. He asks if she can live with herself if she doesn't say anything. David confronts Frank about knowing that Michelle killed Mick and Frank tells David to back off. Michelle tells Ross that Frank did file a report but lies and says that she was alone when she killed Mick. Court resumes and Ross asks for a mistrial. They are called to the bench and Ross says that this information is not admissible into this hearing. The judge says that he will tell the jury to disregard this testimony but Ross knows that isn't good enough. Drew stands up and says that she was there. Ross asks the judge to listen to Drew and the judge calls Drew to the stand. Drew tells the court what happened and Carmen and Danny are stunned. The judge thanks her and adjourns court for the day. Jesse thanks Drew but Drew wishes he would have given her a chance to do it on her own. Ross reprimands Michelle for not telling him the truth again. Danny can't believe that Michelle kept this from him all this time. Michelle thanks Drew for what she did. Carmen tells Edmund that she wants to kill them both for the death of her son and vows revenge on them both.

Olivia tells Reva to leave Josh alone. Reva doesn't think she knows anything about their situation. Olivia tells her that she knows that Reva isn't good for Josh. They argue and Reva tells her she knows she's made mistakes but she's trying to fix them. Olivia says that Josh doesn't want a life with her anymore. Olivia tells her that she's been cleaning up Reva's mess and reveals that Marah was attacked. She thinks that Reva is selfish and only wants Josh because Richard is happy with Cassie. Reva thinks that she knows better than anyone why she had to go to San Cristobel for closure. Olivia thinks that Reva needs to have everyone in love with her and she won't let her hurt Josh again. Reva believes Olivia just wants revenge because Richard didn't love her. Reva says that she and Josh aren't as over each other as Olivia might think. She tells her that they have always loved each other and she wouldn't bet against them now and walks away. Meanwhile, Josh goes to see Marah who has set up a dinner for him and Reva. Marah tells him that they can work things out now because Reva is truly finished with Richard. Josh tells her it's not that easy but she doesn't understand. She asks him if he's seeing Olivia and he says their problems don't have anything to do with Olivia or Richard. Marah asks him if he doesn't love Reva anymore and he says he does but it's not enough. Reva overhears him tell Marah that she broke his heart and he can't fix it now. He asks Marah not to do this to herself by trying to fix it for them. Reva walks in and he tells Marah that they will always love her, they just can't love each other right now and he leaves. Reva and Marah hug as Josh goes back to Olivia.

Tuesday, February 1

Richard gives Cassie a massage to help her feel better. He tells her that they may have to postpone the wedding because she's sick. Cassie thinks they should take it as an omen and call the wedding off. Richard asks her what he can do to make her feel better but she tells him he can't give her what she really wants. She says she wants Buzz's chilli but he's Springfield. Richard understands that she is frustrated. He asks her to tell him why she really wants to call off the wedding. They are interrupted by Cassie's friend from Teasers. Cassie introduces Richard to Jenny. Jenny tells them she's on a cruise and saw their picture in the paper. Richard leaves them alone and tells Robin he has an important assignment for her. Jenny tells Cassie that she quit her job and is looking for a place to live and start fresh. She tells Cassie that she was her inspiration because she started over and now she's marrying a prince. Cassie tells her that it's a marriage of convenience but she thought Richard would fall in love with her. She can see now that it's never gonna happen. Richard calls Buzz and asks him to come to San Cristobel to make the chilli for Cassie. He invites Selena to come too and they can have a nice vacation. Selena tells Buzz she can't leave Drew now but he should go on and Buzz agrees to go. Richard says that the only thing that matters is making Cassie happy. Cassie tells Jenny that she should just call off the wedding. Jenny thinks she's just sick and doesn't have anyone to talk to. Cassie agrees and offers her a job as her assistant. Jenny accepts and they tell Richard. Richard asks Jenny to find Robin and she will help her get ready. Cassie thinks Richard was trying to get rid of Jenny and he admits he was. He tells her he wanted to be alone with her because she needs rest. Cassie tells him he doesn't have to pretend that he cares about her when they're alone. He tells her he really does care and that she has become his closest friend. He asks her to let him pamper her a little bit and she agrees.

At home, Danny asks Michelle when she was going to tell him that Drew was involved in Mick's murder and she says never. Michelle explains that she didn't want him to have to keep it secret from his mother. She also thinks that Carmen wanted Mick's murder to come out. Danny thinks that Carmen has been nothing but supportive and that she has a right to feel angry about Mick. They both get angry and Danny storms outside. Michelle follows him. Danny tells her that he feels responsible for Mick's death because he didn't take care of him well enough. Danny explains that Mick's behavior was expected of him and he didn't get a chance to save him. Michelle confronts him and tells him that he can't change the past. They both wish the trial was over and they could get back to life.

Jesse catches up with Drew and tells her she did good when she testified. Drew thinks that is what's this is all about, making Michelle look good. She tells him that he cares about Michelle more than he does Drew and he always will. Buzz and Selena notice that Drew is upset and hope it has nothing to do with the trial. Selena tells him not to beat himself up over his testimony. Selena thinks it's more of a domestic problem anyway because Drew isn't sure which side Jesse is on. Drew tells Jesse that she would have testified on her own and he apologizes for not giving her the chance. Drew thinks he doesn't care that she put a target on her back. He assures her that Carmen won't come after her but she tells him that's not the point. She thinks that Michelle is first with him and she is a distant second. She doesn't understand how Jesse can be so sure that Michelle is innocent. She feels that she's already lost her father and now she's losing him too. Jesse tells Drew that he's trying to support both Drew and Michelle. Drew thinks Jesse is blind to Michelle and he tells her he knows Michelle isn't capable of killing Ben. Drew asks him if she's wrong because she wants justice. She tells him he's not supporting her, he's making her feel bad. Drew tells him that even though he loves her, Michelle was his first love and he has her mother's heart. Jesse thinks that if it was anybody else, this wouldn't be an issue. He says he knows in his heart that Michelle didn't do it and Drew tell him that he knows that in her mother's heart. He admits that he feels indebted to Michelle but it has nothing to do with them. She thinks it does and he tells her that she is the one he loves and wants to marry. Drew tells him that she will admit to being insecure if he will admit to being prejudice when it comes to Michelle. Jesse asks her if there will ever be enough he can do to prove to her he loves her. Drew tells him he can't see what he's doing. Jesse suggests they go home and try to work it out together. Drew tells him she'd rather be alone and then turns back to him but he's already gone.

Carmen goes to church and thinks about Drew's testimony. Pilar overhears her mother pray and tells her that God is the only one that can help her. Pilar says that she sees the hatred in her mother's heart. Carmen tells Pilar about Drew's part in Mick's death. Pilar tells her mother that losing Ben has punished Drew but Carmen thinks it is a different situation. Pilar fears that Carmen will be the one punished. Pilar tells her that she must pray for forgiveness and that Ben has forgiven her. She tells Carmen that Ben comes to visit her and they have long talks. Carmen asks if Ray knows about these visits. Pilar thinks that she has found peach and her calling all from Ben's death. Pilar leaves for evening prayer and gives Carmen a crucifix. Carmen wonders what she has done to Pilar.

Wednesday, February 2

Beth tells Lillian she can't believe she got her hopes up that the baby really was Jim's. She says it doesn't matter because as far as she is concerned, it is Jim's baby. Lillian reminds her that Phillip only agreed to keep quiet for now. Beth tells her that Phillip never has to know the baby is his. She asks her mother to change the test results at the hospital but Lillian can't do that. Meanwhile, Harley asks Phillip if they can talk now. She tells him there's nothing he can't tell her. Just as Phillip agrees, he gets a phone call from Beth. She tells him that the paternity test confirmed that he is the father. He tells her that he's not surprised and asks her to let him know if anything happens with Lizzie. Harley asks about Lizzie and Phillip tells her they need to talk and she thinks they need to talk about the plane crash. She believes he's keeping something big from her in order to protect her but she assures him she can handle whatever it is. Phillip admits that Beth has been having problems since the plane crash. He tells her that Beth is suffering from some kind of posttraumatic stress. He says he's concerned that Lizzie will feel like she has to take care of Beth again. Harley thinks that he is a wonderful man and understands he needs to help Beth for Lizzie. Harley tells him she's proud of him. Back at Company, Lillian asks Beth if she's really in love with Jim. Beth tells her that Jim can give her the kind of life she's always wanted. Lillian believes Beth is trying to substitute Phillip with Jim. She thinks that those old feelings came back to Beth while they were in the plane. Beth admits that she will always love Phillip, but reminds her mother that she is the one who suggested she give Jim the marriage ultimatum to begin with. Lillian says she doesn't want Beth to settle like she did with Bradley. Beth tells her that no one is going to stop her from having a life with Jim. Lillian apologizes for upsetting her and asks her when she is going to tell Jim about the baby. Jim arrives and Beth tells him she wants to be alone with him for a few days. Meanwhile, Phillip dreams that he tells Harley about what happened on the plane and Beth being pregnant with his child. Harley can't believe he could do this but he says they can work through it. Harley tells him it's over and she's leaving him. Phillip wakes up screaming for her not to leave him and Harley assures him it was only a dream. She tells him she wouldn't leave him in a million years and reminds him they are going to have another baby.

Shayne arrives home from skiing and Marah tells him that their parents have split because Josh is dating Olivia. Reva overhears them and reassures Shayne that they will always be a family. Reva tries to explain to Shayne what happened and takes full responsibility for everything. She admits that she caused all the problems and promises to make it right. Reva promises to make up for lost time by putting them first. She thinks that they should invite Josh to dinner and all talk. Meanwhile, Josh gets things ready in his new apartment. Olivia brings him flowers. She is nervous that she will barge in on the kids someday and he admits that he is a little homesick. He shows her the apartment. He tells her about how he and Shayne will watch sports together on his new TV and realizes that he will have to schedule those things now. He feels like he won’t be a real parent anymore. Olivia tells him that he just has to be there for them. Olivia wonders if Reva will be telling the kids that she and Josh are getting back together but Josh is sure that she wouldn’t do that. Josh wants to call Shayne now that he is back from his ski trip and Olivia goes into the other room. He calls Shayne and tells him how much he has missed him. Shayne gives Reva the phone and Josh gives Reva his new telephone number. He suggests they all sit down together and Reva says that she’ll check with the kids and call him back. Olivia thinks that she should go to the dinner too to get to know Shayne but Josh says no. She is hurt and he explains that they should take it slow. Josh mentions that Reva will be at the dinner and Olivia is surprised. She tells Josh that she and Reva had a run in yesterday and that Reva said she was going to fight for their marriage. Josh tells her that Reva will have to deal with their relationship. He invites her for dinner tonight. He goes to take a shower and she goes to get something from her car. Marah is glad that Josh is coming to dinner and thinks it is a great sign. Reva tells her that they have to take it slow and Marah goes upstairs. Reva looks at Josh’s phone number and thinks how weird it is. Reva calls Josh but gets his machine. She leaves a message that day after tomorrow at 6:00 will be a good time for dinner. She says that if she doesn’t hear from him she will assume that is a good time and expect him. Olivia comes in and knocks the machine off the desk and erases the message. Josh comes out of the shower and they get romantic.

Thursday, February 3

Drew goes to Ben’s grave and tells him how alone she feels. Max arrives and asks if he counts anymore. Drew says that she didn’t want to dump on him. He asks why she isn’t with Jesse and tells her how much Jesse loves her. She thinks he cares more about Michelle. Outside the courtroom, Jesse tells Danny that Drew won’t be in court today. Michelle asks what is wrong with Drew and Jesse tells her that they were arguing about her. Michelle tells him to go be with Drew. Jesse runs into Max on his way out. Jesse heads over to Ben’s grave. He gives Drew a poem and tells her it is to read at their wedding. He tells her that they are going to get married today.

In a closed courtroom, the DA tries to prove to the judge that Frank is biased toward Michelle. Frank tells the judge that he followed proper procedure. The judge looks over the police file and questions Frank about it. Frank admits that he has always known Michelle and believed her. The judge asks David and he tells about Frank allowing Michelle to be with Danny on Christmas Eve. The judge suspends Frank from the force. Everyone comes back into the courtroom and Ross tells Michelle and Danny about Frank. He shows them a list of the prosecutions remaining witnesses and they can’t find anyone on the list that could hurt them. The judge enters and the DA calls Rick to the stand. They are all shocked. The DA questions Rick about the time when he had Michelle committed. He tries to explain that he was just protecting Michelle but on the admission form he stated that she posed a threat to herself and others. The DA points out that Michelle wouldn’t voluntarily leave the Santos home. Ross tries to show that Rick didn’t mean what he said on those papers and that Michelle was only in the hospital for a few days. Ross finishes and the judge calls recess. Ross tries to comfort Michelle be she is hopeless.

Cassie dreams of rich and then he wakes her up. He asks what she was dreaming but she doesn’t tell him. He gives her medicine and she tells him that she is going crazy in there. Rich shows her everything outside and tells her that it is waiting for her when she gets well. He says that is what his mom used to tell him when he was sick. He talks about his parents and how loving his father was to his mother before she was killed. Cassie asks if he wants love like that and he says he already has it. Cassie watches Tammy outside and thanks rich for everything. Cassie says that she needs to get away for a while. Jenny comes in and tells rich that there is someone to see him. Rich leaves and Cassie tells jenny that she is leaving. Jenny is confused and Cassie says that she has to get away from rich because he is getting to her. Cassie gets flower from rich. They are her favorite and it gets to her. Cassie leaves. Richard meets Buzz and tells him that Cassie doesn’t want any guests right now. They wait on the chili and Buzz suggests they play pool. Richard acts like he doesn’t know how to play. Richard wins and Buzz realizes that he was hustled. Buzz can tell that Richard is worried about Cassie and cares about her. Buzz thinks it was quite a grand gesture to fly him in with chili. He tells Richard that Selena pushed him away for a while and the problem was that she didn’t know how he felt. Richard decides to tell Cassie how he feels but she is gone when he gets to her room. Meanwhile, Cassie leaves the palace and passes out in the yard.

Friday, February 4

Richard finds that Cassie isn't in her room and notices that her travel bag is gone. He asks Jenny where she is. Outside, Cassie wonders how Richard knew what flowers to get her. She puts them down and collapses on the lawn. She tries to get up and says she has to get away from him but falls unconscious. Jenny tells Richard that she tried to stop her from leaving. She tells him that Cassie wanted to go home for a little while. Richard and Buzz look for her and find her unconscious. Richard carries her inside and hopes that she's alright. The doctor examines her and says she needs rest. Richard thinks she should have come to him but Buzz assures him that she just wanted to be somewhere familiar. Richard tells Cassie not to ever do that to him again. He remembers the first time he saw her on the beach and wonders how he could have believed this could be only an arrangement when he needs and wants her so much. He tells her she's all he wants in this world and she begins to wake up. He tells her that he found her and she tells him that she loves him.

Jesse and Drew go to a Rabbi and Jesse tells him he wants to get married now. The Rabbi asks him what the rush is and he says he wants to marry her before he loses her. Drew tells him he's not losing her but he feels like he is. The Rabbi asks Jesse why he feels this way and he tells him that he can't prove how much he loves her. Jesse tells her that no matter what he does, he can't reach a certain part of her. The Rabbi asks to speak to Drew alone and Jesse leaves. He thinks that she's running away from something and she must figure out what it is. Drew says that she's not running away from him, sometimes she just needs time to think. She explains that Michelle was his first love and he always believes in her but questions Drew. She thinks that Michelle is perfect in Jesse's eyes and the Rabbi reminds her that she's the one he loves. Drew doesn't believe Jesse would support her the way he supports Michelle. He asks her to turn to Jesse when she gets confused and tells her she isn't giving him the chance to understand. She says that if Jesse doesn't believe she's committed to him then she can handle things by herself. The Rabbi asks her why she thinks she has to and she thinks she knows why. He asks her to tell Jesse not him. Drew tells him she doesn't feel good enough for him. She says that she has spent her whole life alone and learned how to rely on herself. She tells him she's comfortable being alone because it's all she's known. She says that it would be easy for him to destroy her because she loves him so much and he tries to assure her he won't go anywhere. They agree to just trust each other and be together. They thank the Rabbi for his help and Drew tells him they will be back soon to plan a real wedding.

Beth tells her mother over the phone that she is going to tell Jim about the baby tonight. Jim arrives and tells Beth she looks like she's glowing. Jim wishes he could take Beth for a romantic dinner but he promised Susan they would be home soon to help her with a test. He tells her that it took the plane crash to make him realize that he wanted to marry Beth. She comments that the plane crash changed all their lives and remembers talking to Phillip about the baby. She tells him that the night he rescued her and proposed was the most special night they've had together. She tells him that she thinks they were given something special that night. She says that she knew he was the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life and have children with. He says someday and she asks him what if they were to have a baby now. Jim tells her that the timing is all wrong because he wants to focus on Lizzie and Susan. He thinks they are going through a big change and need their attention. He also wants some quality time alone with her. He assures her that he wants to have children with her, just not now. He reminds her that they have to get home to help Susan with her test. Meanwhile, Max visits Susan and learns she's planning a romantic evening for Beth and Jim. He is surprised since it wasn't that long ago that she was plotting against Beth. Susan tells him that she wants to support Jim's decision to get married. Max thinks she really has grown up and she's glad he noticed. Max helps Susan clean up and tells her that Drew's upset with Jesse. They agree that love is complicated. They get everything ready for Beth and Jim and get into a pillow fight. Max pins her on the couch and apologizes for making a mess. Susan tells him that there is one thing they are missing and that's poetry. She knows that Beth keeps a book buy her bed and goes to get it. She comes downstairs with prenatal vitamins and says this can't be happening. Susan is upset and thinks they should have been more responsible. Jim overhears Max say that he would never sleep with a girl without using protection and throws him out. Susan gets mad and says that she knows Beth is pregnant and shows Jim the vitamins.

Rick blames himself for the bad turn Michelle's trial has taken. Everyone argues about what to do and Michelle tells them that the prosecution is tearing her apart and she doesn't need it from them too. She tells them they have to stick together. Ross assures him that the worst part is over and it's time for them to present their case. Rick tells Michelle he had no right to lock her away from her husband. Danny tells him he should have kept her away because all her problems started with him. Danny tells Michelle that if she weren't part of his family, no one would be setting her up for murder. Michelle says that they can't touch what they have together and Danny tells her that he is love has cost her everything and leaves. Ross finds Danny outside and tells Danny he has to pull it together because Michelle needs him. Danny thinks he's the last thing Michelle needs. He tells Ross that he doesn't trust what's going on with the trial. Ross doesn't understand why everyone is so upset when they haven't even started yet. Danny says that whoever set Michelle up is still out there and when he finds out who did it, they will wish they went to jail. Ross tells him if he lets this get to him, he's worthless to Michelle. He tells him not to make her doubt her whole life with him. He says that Danny is the only one who can get her through this. Danny apologizes to Michelle and promises her they will get through this. He tells her he will take care of her and later makes arrangements for them to leave town tonight.