Monday, December 6

Ray takes Pilar to the church for confession. Pilar begs him to not tell anyone what she is about to say. She asks him not to look at her. She explains that she was trying to seduce Ben. She explains that her grandmother was to make sure that Carmen arrived later. She explains how Carmen came in, saw them and show Ben. Ray tells her that she can’t allow an innocent woman go to jail for this. He tells her that her guilt will crush her and she must find the strength to tell the truth. She can’t let her grandmother and mother go to prison. She says she can’t go home and Ray offers to let her stay with him. She accepts.

Michelle tells Drew that she didn’t do it. Drew asks her about the gloves and the witness. Rick comes in and hears Drew yelling. He tells her to leave right now. Rick tells the guard that Drew is not to be allowed there again. Drew leaves. Rick tells Michelle that she has to say she was with Danny all night that night. She thinks he believes she is guilty. He reminds her of the evidence and says that he believes in her anyway. He says that she needs an alibi and the one she has is not good enough. She still refuses to lie. Rick says he loves her and he has to go. Meanwhile, Danny asks David who the witness was that saw Michelle. He won’t tell Danny and Danny vows to find out who it is. David tells Danny to leave it up to the judge. Drew arrives and Danny tells her to go home. She asks where Michelle was that night and he says that she was with him all night. Drew reminds Danny of their night together and he tells her not to bring that up. She begs him to tell her anything he knows about Ben’s murder. She tries to remind him of his own father’s death and acts like she deserves his help. He quickly reminds her of all the “help” she gave to him when he was looking for Mick’s killer. The guard comes in and mentions her visit to Michelle. Danny warns Drew to leave Michelle alone. They both leave and Danny goes to check on Michelle. He runs into Rick in the hall and Rick says that he tried to convince Michelle to lie. Danny goes in and tells Michelle that he loves her but has to go because visiting hours are over.

Max thinks Michelle killed Ben but Jesse isn't so sure. He tells Max that Drew went to her father's gravesite. Marah arrives and asks Max how Drew is doing. She is interested to learn that Drew and Jesse still haven't set a wedding date. Max explains that it will be delayed because of Ben's death. When Max asks her about her situation at home, she ignores him and continues to talk about Jesse. Drew arrives at Company and tells Jesse that she went to see Michelle. He reminds her that Michelle has not been convicted yet. She thinks he is on Michelle’s side and walks out. Max follows her. Drew tells him that everyone is blind to Michelle’s guilt. Max points out that Jesse is just giving her the benefit of the doubt. She says that Jesse is going to have to make a choice between her and Michelle. Inside, Marah tells Jesse that he didn't deserve how Drew just treated him. He explains that she's just upset right now. Marah thanks him for helping her at Towers when she was acting out. She tells him that she'd do anything for him. They continue to talk and Marah compares her relationship with her mother to Jesse and Drew. She thinks they both are alone right now. He says that in some strange way she is right. Marah tells him he's a good guy and he tells her that she's sweet.

Phillip and Beth try to get the door of plane open but realize there is too much snow covering the plane. Phillip keeps trying to assure her that Jim will come with help soon. They try to keep warm under a blanket and Phillip tells Beth to close her eyes and think of Lizzie. They talk about the first time they brought Lizzie home from the hospital. Beth reminds him of their senior year in school and them being king and queen of the prom. Phillip remembers wanting to see Beth before their wedding. He tells her that no matter what happens, she will always have a special place in his heart. Beth tells him that she loves him too. She asks if he writes anymore and he says no. He asks her about painting and she says that it takes something like this to make them remember their dreams. She asks Phillip to write about this when they get home. Phillip hears the radio working and tries to get help. Meanwhile, Jim tells Edmund that he's well enough to help with the search now. Edmund tells him that his men found the plane but Phillip and Beth were already dead. Jim can't believe that didn't make it through one night but Edmund tells him the temperature dropped quickly and they died of exposure. Jim wonders what he will tell Lizzie and Harley. He wants to recover the bodies but Edmund tells him he's not leaving. Jim says he knows who Edmund is and doesn't care about the power struggle between Edmund and Richard. He promises not to reveal their location but Edmund tells a guard not to let him out of the camp. Jim tells the guard that he thought the coats would keep Beth and Phillip warm enough. The guard says their coats couldn't do anything for exposure. Jim knocks the guard out and tells him that they weren't wearing coats. He heads back out into the storm promising to find them. Phillip gets upset when the radio goes dead and starts to hit it. Beth gets scared and he apologizes and says that everything will be alright.

Tuesday, December 7

Bill arrives at Josh's for a business meeting and Olivia is there. She goes to make coffee and Bill asks what is really going on. Bill says that Billy thinks Olivia is ready to pounce on Josh. Bill asks why marriages don't last in their family. He says that Olivia is just there for revenge on Reva. Olivia listens to them. She comes in and they begin the meeting. She has a connection to one of their prospective jobs and calls her. Olivia talks about how wonderful Josh is and Bill thinks he proved his point. Olivia gets Josh a meeting and they are all pleased. Bill goes to call Matt and Josh tells Olivia that they will have to meet again on this project.

Reva comes to Company looking for Buzz but Selena says that he is out of town. Reva sees a paper with Richard and Cassie on it. She shows it to Selena and Selena can tell that Reva is upset about it. Reva says that her marriage to Richard was a lifetime ago and that she loves Josh more than anything in the world. Selena says that she doesn't think Reva is done with Richard yet. Selena says that there is nothing wrong with her being confused. Reva thinks it is wonderful that she can be honest with Selena. She talks about her memories of San Cristobel and what she and Josh have been arguing about. Selean reassures her that it is ok to be confused. She tells Reva to go after what she really wants and thinks that maybe Reva was meant to be with Richard.

Blake tries to begin the next chapter of her book but doesn't know where to go from here. The characters, Armond and Clarissa, begin talking to her again and tell her that sooner or later Ross will find out that she is Darlena and she's carrying his baby. Blake says that can never happen. Holly arrives getting ready to go jogging. She says she'll be back before the boys wake up so Blake shouldn't try to dress them by herself. Blake is tired of everyone treating her like an invalid. She tells Holly the only reason she is there is to be with her children and asks her not to take that away from her. Holly runs into Ross outside coming back from the store. She says that she needs to know if Ross only wants her there so he won't get close to Blake again. Ross says that he is only helping Blake because she is in trouble. Ross catches Blake talking to herself and she covers saying she was writing a letter to Joe. Ross can't believe she would try to reconcile with a man who doesn't want to be there for the birth of his child. Blake sees that he bought her favorite muffin and can't believe he remembered. Holly interrupts them and Blake goes upstairs. Holly tells Ross that it was sweet of him to buy Blake's favorite muffin. Ross downplays it. She tells him that he does't have to escort her to a writer's banquet tonight if he doesn't want to. Ross tells her that he is her date and nothing has changed.

Jesse visits Michelle in jail and she thinks he's there for Drew. He tells her that Drew lied to him about going to see her in jail. He says that he knows she's not capable of killing Ben. Michelle tells him she didn't do anything and he believes her. Jesse shows her the book she taught him to read. He says that once she tells everyone at the trial that she was with Danny all night, they will believe her. Michelle says she can't do that. She explains that she went to buy ice cream and ended up at her mother's grave during the time of the murder. She thinks somebody is setting her up and swears she didn't go anywhere near Towers. Jesse wishes she hadn't told him that. Michelle realizes he will have to lie to Drew now but he says that everything she said will remain between the two of them. Jesse tells her that she saved him before and reminds her of the vows they made to each other. She tells him she hasn't decided whether or not to lie and he says that he will support her no matter what. He gives Michelle the book and she thanks him for everything. Jesse leaves and Michelle reads some of the book. She wonders what to do and says that she just wants to go home.

Drew reads an article in the paper about a woman that murdered her husband. The woman got off because the police didn't have a search warrant. David arrives and Drew shows him the paper. She says it makes her sick. Drew thinks that Michelle is going to get off because of her family name. She thinks Frank is trying to find anything that will prove she didn't do it. David tells her that Frank is handling this like any other case. David says he wants whoever did this to pay too. Drew thinks that David doesn't care either because he hated Ben. He tells her that he wouldn't have wished this on anyone. Drew says that Ben was trying to change and didn't deserve to die this way. She reminds him of all the evidence against Michelle and he reminds her that Danny says she was with him all night. Drew says she looked in Danny's eyes and knows he is lying. They agree that Danny would do anything to save his wife. Jesse walks in and hears Drew say she just wants to know if Michelle was with Danny all night or not. David tells Drew he needs to process what she's told him and leaves. Drew tells Jesse what she told David and Jesse doesn't think it matters where Michelle was because she didn't do it. Drew doesn't think they should talk about it anymore because she's tired of hearing how innocent Michelle is. She asks him why Michelle would have to lie if she was innocent. Drew asks Jesse where he's been and he says he won't lie to her. He tells her he went to see Michelle.

Wednesday, December 8

Carmen and Maria talk at Company about Pilar talking to Ray. Maria is not worried. Pilar and Ray arrive. Pilar tells Carmen that she confessed everything to Ray and Carmen tries to convince Ray that Pilar is crazy with grief. Ray tells Carmen that he knows the truth and he is there to bring Pilar some peace. He leaves. Maria tells Pilar that they must look forward. Carmen tells her that she should come home but she says that she feels at peace away from them. Pilar reminds Carmen that Michelle is part of the family too and Carmen reminds her that Michelle did kill Mick. Maria tells Pilar to think about what a bad man Ben was anyway. Carmen thinks that Michelle will get off and promises that if Michelle gets sentenced to jail, she will confess everything. Pilar agrees and says that she trusts her mother will do just that. She leaves and Maria congratulates Carmen on her lie. She says that she plans to convince Pilar that God wants them all to suffer in silence.

Danny visits Michelle in jail. He asks her about lying again and she tells him that she told Jesse the truth. Danny is sure that he will tell Drew and Michelle is sure that he won’t. She says that Jesse is the only friend she has and Danny tells her that he is there for her too. She tells Danny that she couldn’t get through this without him and she agrees to lie. The guard lets Danny in Michelle’s cell and they discuss their meeting with her attorney. Danny says that he needs to go talk to Jesse to make sure he won’t tell Drew the truth. He says that they also have to find out who is framing her so that they won’t contradict her on the stand. He vows to do whatever it takes when he does find them. She asks him to promise he won’t hurt anyone but he can’t. She is afraid she that she will lose him and he reassures her that that won’t happen. He leaves to go see Jesse.

Jesse tells Drew that he went to see Michelle. She gets upset and he tells he that she is full of hate. She thinks he knows something that she doesn’t know. She says that she wants the truth but the people in this town can’t face it. Jesse wants to forget about Michelle but Drew can’t. Drew thinks he is choosing Michelle over her because she was once the love of his life. They talk on the porch and Drew tells him he can’t have it both ways. She says that she didn’t want it to be Michelle. Drew thinks that Jesse and Michelle are connected through Maureen’s heart. Jesse says he doesn’t want to fight about it anymore. Danny arrives and listens to them. He thinks that Jesse told Drew the truth and confronts them. Jesse acts like he doesn’t know what Danny is talking about. Drew goes inside and Danny apologizes. Jesse acts dumb to what Danny knows he knows.

Harley thinks that the search party should focus on the mountains because she saw something there. Cassie tells her that they didn't find anything. Harley says they are wasting time by looking at maps instead of searching. Buzz arrives to hear Richard tell Harley that there was an avalanche that covered the mountains in snow. One of Richard's men tells him that the storm is still strong and the press is starting to ask questions. Richard says he will make an announcement soon but Alan thinks that is a bad idea. Harley thinks that Alan cares more about his stockholders than he does Phillip. She tells him she doesn't care about any of that, she just wants to find her husband. Alan apologizes and they talk about their relationship with Phillip. Alan says all he has is memories of time he wasted with Phillip. Harley reminds him that Phillip was by his side when he had the heart attack. She says that they have a better relationship now. Alan agrees that Phillip is more tolerant of him now. Harley thinks that Alan wanted Phillip to get back together with Beth. Alan says that he's watched them together and believes that Harley is the right woman for him. He says that Phillip is lucky to have her and he hopes Phillip's luck holds up now. Richard informs everyone that the storm has strengthened and the planes are grounded. Harley tells him they can't give up. Beth tries to fix the radio again but breaks down thinking about Lizzie. She wonders who will take care of her. Phillip tries to calm her down and notices some pieces of metal. He gets the idea to tie the sticks together and push them up to the surface of the snow to signal help. They use Beth's slip as a flag. Meanwhile, Jim uses his compass to try to find the crash site. He drops it in the snow and collapses. Jim wonders why he didn't accept Beth's marriage proposal when he had the chance. Jim forces himself to get up and keep searching. Beth and Phillip celebrate with what little food they have. They agree to take Harley, Lizzie and Jim to one of their favorite restaurants in Arizona when this is over. As Beth sleeps, Phillip tries again to fix the radio but nobody hears him. He gets a signal of someone telling the pilots that the search for the missing plane has been canceled.

Thursday, December 9

Drew tells Selena that she is not sleeping because she can see Michelle shooting Ben. She tells Selena about Jesse going to see Michelle and Selena doesn’t think there was anything wrong with that. Selena tells Drew that Ben loved her for her hope and faith. Drew says that she can’t just forget that Michelle killed him. Drew apologizes for making her worry. They begin to talk about Hanukkah and decide that they should be shopping. They leave.

Frank tells David that Michelle would never do anything like this. He thinks it is all too neat. Outside, Danny and Rick form a plan to find out the name of the witness. They burst in on Frank and David and play bad cop good cop. Rick asks nicely for the name of the witness. Danny goes crazy when they won’t tell. Danny threatens the witness and storms out. Rick follows him. Danny thinks that David will protect the witness personally and they can follow him. Inside, David calls the DA for a protective custody order. David says that the DA isn’t happy about it. Meanwhile, Carmen calls Ruth and Ruth wants her money for lying. Carmen tells her to go upstairs to her room and meet her but Ruth says that she won’t be alone with her. Carmen agrees to come in if she won’t look at her or acknowledge her at all. Carmen comes in, slips Ruth the money, and they sit down back to back. Carmen tells her that she gave her 3 cashier’s checks and tells her not to start throwing money around. She tells her that she’ll get the balance when she testifies. Ruth gets a call from Frank. He tells her to go up to her room because someone is looking for her. He tells her that he is on his way. Rick follows Frank and David and Danny goes back in the station. He finds Frank’s file and discovers a picture of the witness. Ruth freaks out and Carmen tells her to leave before the cops come to get her. Danny arrives outside.

Cassie is worried about Phillip and Beth and tells Richard that she misses her family. She asks him if he misses Reva and apologizes for asking that. She feels bad for the way that she left Reva. He suggests she call Reva and Cassie can tells that he is still mad at her. Cassie thinks he is still in love with her but he says that he is not. Cassie says that she can’t be Reva for him and she thinks he wouldn’t have proposed if she thought he could have Reva. Cassie asks what if Reva were free and he doesn’t answer.

Reva and Josh talk awkwardly about Richard and Cassie’s marriage announcement. Josh asks why she isn’t on a plane to San Cristobel. He gets ready to leave and she asks him to wait. She says that she doesn’t want them to act like this. She says that their problem is them and he agrees. Josh says it is time for them to be honest with one another. Reva says the worst thing that could happen is that they could find out that they don’t belong together anymore. Reva takes Josh’s hand and they talk about how long they have loved each other. Josh talk about how people think they are a great love story and Reva says they are right. Reva says she know that she has hurt him. Josh says that when he didn’t exist she was happy with Richard and she could still be there if it wasn’t for Edmund. He says he doesn’t blame her but he is jealous of her for what she has experienced. He says that they have been intertwined their whole lives except for when she was with Richard. She admits that she was happy then. She asks what they do now. He says that 10 years ago they could have moved on and she asks why not now. He says that he has changed and he can’t do it anymore. She thinks he is talking like an old man and she says that she won’t let go. He says that part of her still wants Richard. She says that she wants Josh to be in her life. They begin to get romantic but stop. They both say that they can’t be us. Reva says that she can’t say anything. Josh says that he will stay with Matt a while. Reva says that the kids won’t be home until tonight and he says that they will talk to them together. They share I love you’s and say always. They kiss goodbye.

Friday, December 10

Frank asks Michelle if Danny went to look for the witness who saw her coming out of Ben's apartment. Michelle says he wouldn't do that. David arrives and tells Frank an officer saw Danny come back into the station and the file on the witness is missing. They leave as Michelle wonders what's going on. Meanwhile, Carmen meets the maid at Company. She is upset and thinks everyone will find out she lied but Carmen assures her that won't happen. Danny runs into the woman as she is leaving and she gets upset. He promises her he won't hurt her and wants to know who paid her to set Michelle up. The woman says nobody did and he tells her he will protect her if anyone is threatening her. Carmen knocks Danny out and the woman leaves. Carmen says it's too late to turn back now and she knows what she has to do. Frank and David arrive and tell Danny that the woman had better be in her room safe. Carmen goes to visit Michelle in jail and tells her she believes she is innocent. She tells Michelle this is all her fault because she brought Ben into their lives. She says she should have taken her children's feelings into consideration. Carmen says they have to find the real killer and get Michelle out of there. Carmen offers to listen if Michelle ever wants to talk because she knows she's missing her mother right now. Michelle breaks down and they hug. She tells Carmen she is afraid of what Danny might do to help her. Frank and David arrive with Danny in handcuffs and Frank tells her that Danny just made sure her chances of getting out went from slim to none.

Harley talks to Richard about sending one plane out. He tells her that a few pilots have volunteered to continue the search but he can't allow any lives to be at risk. Susan thinks they should be doing something. Harley tells Buzz she wants to steal a plane. Buzz, pretending to be a special officer, gets a guard to take him to the airport. When he comes back, he tells Harley he has a helicopter. The guard figures out what they've done and takes Buzz into custody. Cassie and Richard hear the yelling and Richard wants to know what's happened. Buzz tries to explain when another guard brings one of Edmund's men in. He overhears them talking about the plane crash and tells them where the plane went down. Harley asks if there were any survivors and he says he only saw the pilot. Susan is relieved that Jim is alright. Later, Richard tells them the helicopter is ready and Susan wants to go. Cassie offers to stay with her so they can plan a welcome home party. Harley assures her they will bring them home. She knows they will find them just in time.

Jim collapses in the snow and asks God to help him. Edmund finds him and tells him he's lucky to be alive. Edmund says he's taking him back to the camp but Jim won't go. When Edmund starts to leave, Jim offers a deal but Edmund knows Jim can't make Richard give up the thrown. He says that's the only deal he wants. Jim promises to tell everyone that Edmund is the hero of the rescue and that way he can go back home with no treason charges against him. Edmund agrees but assures him if he doesn't keep his end of the deal, he will kill him. Jim understands and they continue to search for the plane. Edmund thinks there is too much snow and that Beth and Phillip are probably dead by now. Jim sees their marker in the snow.

In the plane, Beth wants to try the radio again. Phillip tells her that he heard the pilots say the search had been canceled. Beth begins to talk about Lizzie and thinks they need to get her a message to help her through this. Phillip doesn't think it's time to give up yet but Beth thinks they shouldn't wait. They agree to make a video for Lizzie and Beth breaks down. Phillip offers to go first and he talks to Lizzie about all the people that love her. He promises her that they will always be with her. Beth and Phillip hug and she drops the camera, saying they'll never see her again. Phillip talks about how Beth saved him when they got together. She was the first person who looked beyond the anger and the arrogance. He apologizes for all the times he's hurt her and she tells him it was both of them. Beth talks about how she never thought anyone would love her for her, but he did. She apologizes for not being able to make it work for them. He kisses her and tells her that's not true. Phillip apologizes for the kiss and Beth says it was nice to feel something other than fear. As the camera records them, they kiss again and begin to make love.

Monday, December 13

Michelle and Carmen are shocked to hear that Danny has been arrested and accused of kidnapping the witness. Danny tells them that the woman was terrified but not of him. He suggests that whoever knocked him out is the same person that is framing Michelle. Carmen thinks it's ridiculous for them to lock Danny up too. Michelle's new lawyer, Grant, arrives and wants to talk to Danny and Michelle alone. He tells Danny that he has made Michelle look more guilty than she did before. He tells Danny that his bail will be set tomorrow and he doesn't want him doing anything else that could jeopordize the case. Danny and Michelle don't like his attitude but agree to do what he says. Michelle tells Danny that she is afraid of how far they would go for each other. She points out that their love has caused her to pull a knife on Ben and now he's in jail too. Danny tries to comfort her and reassure her that they have a good life together. Meanwhile, Abby arrives wanting to see Michelle. Frank tells her that Danny has been arrested too and she tries to convince him that Danny is a good person. Frank thinks that they can't have a normal family like him and Eleni or Abby and Rick do. Abby wonders what normal is. Frank tells her that she will make a good mother and Abby wonders why everyone keeps saying that. They talk about having children and Frank tells her she'll make a fine mother someday.

Maria is worried when Pilar doesn't eat. Pilar tells her not to worry about her. She reminds her that Carmen promised that Michelle wouldn't have to serve any jail time. Carmen arrives and tells Maria that she had to stop Danny from finding out the truth. Maria is upset to learn that Danny is in jail. Carmen tells her that she's trying to protect the family but it's all falling apart. She says that when Miguel, her husband, was alive everything was so much easier. She tells Maria that she created a home for him but Maria thinks she was always obsessed with power. Maria tells her that she will protect her son's family no matter what. Carmen thinks it's ironic that the only person she can talk to about this is the woman who has hated her from the moment they met. Maria tells her that it's the same thing for her and Michelle and what comes around goes around. Meanwhile, as she prays, Pilar sees a vision of Ben. She thinks he is going to forgive her but then reaches out a bloody hand. Carmen hears her screaming and tries to calm her down. Pilar tells her that she's not crazy but she will be unless they reveal their secret.

Beth and Phillip get weaker by the minute. Beth tells him she's happy they made love and he agrees. The camera records them as they talk about their feelings for each other. Jim and Edmund find the signal in the snow and begin to dig. Harley and Buzz arrive to help them. Phillip sees the snow coming in on top of them and he and Beth try to yell for help. Harley and Jim are happy to see them. Jim tells Beth that he loves her and is sorry it took so long to find them. Phillip recognizes Edmund as Richard's brother and asks what he is doing there. Edmund tells Jim to tell them what happened. Jim reveals that he wouldn't have made it without Edmund's help. He says that Edmund volunteered to help with no concern for his own life. Edmund asks Phillip to let him have the chance to reunite with his brother. He reminds him that families have power struggles and Phillip knows all about that. Meanwhile, Jesse, Drew and Selena are spending a night of Hanukkah together. Buzz calls and lets them know that they have found Phillip and Beth. Drew receives a package and realizes it's from Ben. She reads the note and opens the gift to find pearls. Back on the mountain, Beth and Phillip are left alone while everyone prepares to leave on the helicopter. Edmund overhears them agree not to tell anyone what happened here. Edmund goes into the plane and finds the video camera. He takes out the tape and decides that this could be very useful to him.

Tuesday, December 14

Grant gets Danny out on bail. He tells Danny to go home and stay out of this. He gives them some time to say goodbye. Danny promises to get her out of there. Michelle tells him to go to Carmen's and thank her for stopping by. He tells Grant he won't do anything to make it worse. David confronts Danny on his way out and mentions that Ben was shot two times. Danny leaves. Michelle and Grant go over her case. He brings up Mick's murder and Michelle gets angry. He shows her how the prosecution will treat her and she threatens to fire him. He says that she can't take the heat of the courtroom. He wants her to plea bargain for a lesser charge. He tells her that she would be in jail for a maximum of 10 years and Michelle won't have it. He says that she needs a miracle to get off of this charge and if she loses for murder one it could cost her life.

Pilar has a vision of Ben and screams for Carmen. Carmen tries to calm her down. Carmen talks to Pilar about when she was a child and promises that she will be happy again. She promises Pilar that God doesn't want her to suffer. She promises to take care of it in the morning and Pilar goes up to bed. Carmen and Maria talk about Pilar's condition. Carmen says that she plans to tell the truth about shooting Ben. She says she'll keep Pilar and Maria out of it and Maria reminds her that she'll go to jail. Danny arrives. Maria goes upstairs to bed and Danny thanks Carmen for Michelle. She tries to tell him the truth but he keeps interrupting. He mentions that Ben was shot two times and Carmen is stunned. Danny says that he will stay there tonight and goes upstairs. Carmen realizes that she is not the one who killed Ben.

Marah and Shayne come home to find Reva and Josh wanting to talk about things. Josh reminds them of when they moved to this house after the fire and how they thought they would lose their friends. He says that just because things change, it doesn't mean you lose anything. Marah realizes what's going on and tells Shayne they are getting a divorce. Reva says that they haven't made any decisions like that yet. Josh tells them that he will be moving out and Marah gets upset at Reva. Reva tries to reassure them that they won't leave the kids but Marah says that's what Reva does. She blames her mother for Josh leaving and Josh tries to tell her it's not all Reva's fault. Marah says she hates Reva but Josh won't let her talk like that. Reva and Josh both say they love each other and Shayne wonders why they are splitting up then. Reva tells them that she and Josh don't want to fight or hurt each other anymore. Shayne understands and asks if they will have to choose who they live with. Marah says she won't stay with Reva and that she's going with Josh. Shayne walks out and Reva goes after him. Josh tells Marah she can't go with him. She tries to convince him that they were alright when Reva left before but he says that they weren't. He tells her that she missed her mother a lot. He says that she has to be fair and she tells him that none of this is fair. Marah says that everything is ruined and he can't act like it isn't. Outside, Shayne tells Reva that everything will be okay and he'll take care of her.

Phillip, Beth and Jim return to the palace and everyone is happy to see them. Richard thanks Jim for landing the plane safely and then sees Edmund behind them. Beth and Jim tell Richard that Edmund saved their lives. Richard thinks Edmund is the hero but then tells him he's not buying this story. Edmund asks to speak to Richard alone and Cassie worries about Richard being alone with him. Richard assures her that everything will be fine. Beth is surprised when Susan hugs her and tells her she's happy that she is alright. Susan apologizes for all the things she's said and done to Beth. She promises to never make trouble for Jim and Beth again. Harley tells Beth she knows what happened on the mountain. Beth starts to explain but Harley stops her and thanks her for taking care of Phillip. She tells Beth that if the crash had to happen, she's glad Phillip and Beth were there to help each other. Jim thanks Phillip for taking care of Beth. Phillip says he doesn't want to talk about the mountain anymore. Cassie sees everyone happy together and decides to call Reva. Reva tells her that it's a bad time and hangs up. Cassie tells Harley what happened on the phone. Jim asks Beth to marry him as they are interrupted by the doctor. Beth tells Phillip about it and he reassures her that what happened between them was a result of them thinking they were going to die. He says it should stay on the mountain. Beth wonders how they will deal with it down her now. Meanwhile, Edmund tells Richard that he could have let them come home alone, but he wanted to face him. Richard reminds him that the last time they were together, he took a shot at him. Edmund tries to convince Richard that he only wants his brother back, not the power or fighting. He tells him that he's seen a doctor and has recovered. Just as Edmund is gaining some ground, a guard arrives and tells Richard that the plane was sabatoged. Richard realizes that it was meant to kill him, not his friends.

Wednesday, December 15

Holly runs into Josh in the park after shopping. He says that he didn't even realize it was so close to Christmas. She tells him that even though her life isn't perfect, she has more to celebrate this year and hopes it will get better and better. Meanwhile, Ross brings home a tree for them all to trim. Blake tells him that the boys are asleep and Holly is out shopping so they'll have to trim the tree themselves. He makes excuses to put it off and she wonders if he's uncomfortable being alone with her. He says no and they get out some old ornaments. Blake and Ross remember past holidays they've spent together. Ross tells her about a job in Philadelphia he was offered and she says he can't go because of the boys. Ross says that he's leaning towards declining it. When the baby kicks, Blake remembers how wonderful Ross was during her last pregnancy. Holly walks in on Ross feeling the baby kicking. Blake tries to explain but Holly says there is no need. Blake leaves and Ross tells Holly that it's not what she thinks. Holly says it's perfectly normal for Ross to want to feel the baby kick but Ross doesn't think there is anything normal about this. He says he is going to put a stop to this living arrangement and take the job in Philadelphia. Holly wonders if he needs space from Blake but he assures her that it's time to move on and kisses her. Blake overhears Ross tell Holly that it's time for them.

Rick and Abby bring Reva a tree. Rick tells her that they ran into Josh and he told them to bring it by. Abby tells her that she hopes that she and Josh can get back to a normal life. Rick goes to get firewood and Reva mumbles to herself that she can't imagine Christmas without Josh. She finds a box of old pictures with Josh in them. Abby offers to help trim the tree. Reva gets a call from Josh. She tells him about Rick and Abby's visit and that she hasn't told them and their marital situation. They talk awkwardly. Reva asks if he is OK and he says that he doesn't know. They agree that they aren't good at this. They hang up and Josh cries. He looks up to the sky and tells Reva goodnight. He calls Matt and says that he's on his way home. Rick and Abby leave and Reva wishes on a star. She wishes that she could make Josh happy, that Josh will be happy again, and that she could remember a time when she was happy without Josh. She looks at photos of Richard and Jon. She admits that she was happy with them.

Richard confronts Edmund about sabotaging the plane. Cassie arrives and Richard tells her about the plane. Edmund denies it all and explains that one of his men did it on his own. Richard tells him that he is not longer his brother. He has Edmund taken away and locked up. Cassie tries to console Richard. She tells him about calling Reva. He apologizes for causing problems between her and Reva. Cassie tries to cheer him up by playing a game that Tammy taught her. He gives her her engagement ring and puts it on her finger. He tells her that he is very happy that she will be his wife. A guard interrupts them and tells them that one of Edmund's men admitted to sabotaging the plane.

Beth and Phillip talk about what happened on the mountain. He tells her that if they thought they were going to live, they would have never made love. Beth agrees but doesn't think Harley or Jim will understand. Harley hears her and wonders what it is she wouldn't understand. Phillip covers and Harley thanks Beth again for saving Phillip's life. She tells Beth she hopes they can be good friends now and then leaves to check on dinner. Beth asks Phillip if that didn't make him feel guilty. She says that finally Jim wants to marry her but it's right after she slept with her ex-husband. Phillip tells her that he loves Harley and she loves Jim and what happened between them should stay between them. Beth agrees and goes to take a shower. Harley comes back and she and Phillip spend some time together. A guard brings in some personal things that were found on the plane. Phillip finds the video camera and tells Harley that he and Beth made a goodbye tape incase they didn't make it. He notices that the tape is missing from the camera and remembers them making love. Harley asks him what's wrong and he tells her he was just thinking about the way he felt when he thought he'd never see her again. She assures him that it's over now and tells him that if he finds the tape, she'd like to see it so she'll know what it was like for him up there. The guard comes back and Phillip asks about the tape. The guard tells him that it could have been lost or misplaced. Beth comes back downstairs and he asks her if she turned the camera off when she put it down. She says she thought he did and realizes what could be on it. Phillip tells her he thinks he did turn it off and says not to worry. Harley comes in and tells Beth the doctor is waiting for her and she and Phillip go upstairs. Meanwhile, Edmund finds the tape in his jacket pocket.

Thursday, December 16

Danny questions the manager at Towers about where the maid is. He doesn't get anywhere and runs into Theresa. She apologizes for what happened before and says she has been afraid to call him. Theresa says she knows about Ben's murder and what has happened to Michelle. Danny accuses her of setting Michelle up. He says that she tried to get Michelle out of his life before. Theresa tells him she could never kill anyone and he reminds her that she almost killed him. She says that was an accident and provides proof that she has been in LA for the past three weeks. Danny apologizes and says that he's going crazy trying to find Ben's real killer. She offers to trade him her forgiveness for his. Jesse and Drew arrive to see Danny and Theresa holding hands. Jesse tells Danny he should be helping his wife instead of holding hands with his ex-girlfriend. Jesse and Danny talk privately and Jesse tells him that Michelle's problems might be a result of marrying him. Theresa tells Danny that Jesse was out of line and offers to ask around to see if one of the families set Michelle up to get back at him. Meanwhile, Drew asks Jesse what that was about. He tells her that he is trying to support both of them. Drew says that they are on different sides and he needs to figure out where his loyalty lies.

Ray visits Michelle in jail and remembers Pilar's confession. He tells Michelle that she has to hold on to the truth but she says that's getting hard to do. She tells him that the only hope she had was that the witness would confess that she didn't really see Michelle at Towers, but now that witness has disappeared. She tells Ray that her lawyer wants her to plea bargain for a lesser sentence of ten years. Ray tells her that she can't plead guilty to something she didn't do. Michelle says that she can't live the rest of her life in jail and she could get out sooner for good behavior this way. She tells Ray that things aren't as black and white for her as they are for him. Ray says that he is just a man and things aren't always black and white for him either. Michelle senses something wrong and asks him to talk to her about it. She asks him to tell her if he knows something. Ray tells her that he can't help her. He tells her to have faith that the truth will come out. He runs into Danny outside and he thanks Ray for visiting with Michelle. Michelle tells Danny what the lawyer wants her to do and he can't believe it. She says that the case against her is solid because of the incident at Company and her lifestyle. Danny realizes it's because she is married to him but Michelle doesn't care. She tells him that she won't plead guilty to something she didn't do and is ready to fight this.

Carmen tells Pilar that they aren't responsible for Ben's murder. Pilar doesn't believe her so Carmen explains that Ben was shot once from a distance and another time from point blank. Pilar doesn't think that matters because they don't know which bulltet killed Ben. Carmen tells her that someone shot Ben and left him there to die. Carmen thinks that Michelle really did kill Ben. She says that Michelle must have lied to Danny about going to the cemetary and really went to see Ben. Pilar can't believe it and Carmen reminds her that Michelle killed Mick. Carmen thinks it's time for Michelle to pay for all she's done. Pilar can't take anymore and packs a bag. Carmen begs her not to leave but Pilar says that if she doesn't, she'll go crazy. Theresa arrives and tells Carmen about Danny's accusations. She tells her that she has been thinking about who could have set Michelle up and ended up there. Theresa asks Carmen if she did it and she says no. Carmen doesn't understand why she cares and hints that Danny could be with her again if Michelle is in jail. Theresa tells her that she can't believe she used to want to be just like Carmen. Carmen tells her to get out of her house and Theresa says with pleasure.

Ross tells Blake that he has decided to take the case in Philadelphia. She asks him if is't because she made him uncomfortable talking about old times. He says no and tells her that this living arrangement isn't working. Blake tells him that they can work this out but he doesn't want to. He says that she is pregnant with another man's child and she says that he is in a relationship with her mother. Ross says that this is the best thing for everyone and leaves to meet Holly for lunch. Blake begins writing her book again and Clarissa and Armond come to life. They realize that she is writing the same thing that happened with Blake and Ross with the mistletoe. They try to tell her that she has to decide whether or not to tell Ross the truth because these hints that she is dropping is only hurting everyone. She realizes they are right and she must decide what to do. Meanwhile, Ross tells Holly what happened and that Blake wants to work it out but he doesn't. Holly still thinks that he wants this distance so he won't fall in love with Blake again. He tries to assure her he doesn't want Blake anymore. Ross asks her to go to Philadelphia with him to look for housing and they can spend some time together. Holly agrees and he leaves to make plans. Blake tells Clarissa and Armond that they are right, these hints have to stop but she can't tell Ross the truth because it would hurt Holly. Before she can erase the mistletoe scene from the computer, the boys start crying and she goes to take care of them. Ross arrives home and sees that Darlena's next installment has arrived. He starts to read it and Blake returns to find him wondering what his and Blake's words are doing in Darlena's book.

Friday, December 17

Holly runs into Drew with a dress rack at Towers. Drew explains that she's sponsoring a fashion show. Holly tells her that she's sorry about Ben and asks how she's doing. Drew says she is alright but Jesse doesn't think so. Holly tends to agree with him but doesn't want to intrude. Drew explains that Jesse doesn't think Michelle is guilty and neither does Holly. She says that it's different with Jesse because he was with Michelle before. Holly doesn't want to give any advice because all her relationships have been disasters. She tells Drew she's about to embark on another failure with Ross. Drew suspected they were getting together by the way they acted at Max's party. Holly and Drew talk about second chances and Drew believes that everyone gets one. Drew asks her about taking the children before and she tries to explain that she was angry and tried to create her own world, but people ended up getting hurt. Drew thinks that's what happened with Ben, but she was his second chance and it was going to be alright. Drew gives Holly a dress and tells her that her weekend with Ross won't end if she wears it.

Ross wonders how his and Blake's conversation could have ended up in Darlena's next chapter. Blake tries to explain that Darlena called earlier and they ended up talking about stuff like that so Darlena put it in her book. Ross isn't sure about that and thinks that Blake wrote that chapter. Blake asks him if it was so bad remembering old times. Ross tells her that when he goes to Philadelphia, Holly is going with him. Blake didn't realize their living arrangement had gotten so uncomfortable, especially since it was Ross's idea. Ross explains that she needed help but she has friends to take care of her now. Ross still thinks Joe should take responsibility. Blake tells him that Joe called and wants to get back together. Ross thinks she should take things slow and think about it. He says that if she hadn't rushed into it before, she wouldn't be in this mess. Blake doesn't think he has any room to talk because he spent the weekend in Chicago with Holly. Ross explains that he and Holly weren't together in Chicago and wonders how she knew that. Blake tells him she followed Holly because she thought she was with Sam. She can't believe that they weren't sharing a hotel room. Ross assures her that they weren't together then, but things have changed now. Blake gets a craving for food from across town and Ross goes to get it for her. Blake can't believe she's the one that pushed them together. She realizes it's truly over now and knows what she has to do. Ross comes home to find a note saying Blake needed time alone with the boys and she hopes he understands. Ross says he understands that Blake sent him out so she could take the boys.

Richard apologizes to Edmond for jumping to conclusions. Cassie arrives. She doesn’t understand why Richard is making Edmond stand trial for his other crimes. Edmond taunts Richard about the way he will choose to kill him. Cassie asks Richard not to do it. Phillip comes to see Richard but Cassie asks him to wait outside for her. Richard tells her that the Edmond situation doesn’t concern her and sends her outside. Cassie asks Phillip to do something for Edmond. Phillip thinks this is up to Richard. Cassie says that she is doing it for Richard. Phillip suggests that Richard just exile Edmond and Cassie thinks he should go to Springfield and work for Spaulding. Richard overhears Phillip and Cassie talk. Phillip asks her why she would want Edmond near Reva and Cassie is sure that he has no reason to hurt her now. She points out how this helps everyone but Phillip is hesitant. Richard comes out and asks to see Cassie alone. He says that he is very grateful to her. He tells her that he is considering her suggestion. They enter the party and Harley sees Cassie’s engagement ring. Jim tells Beth that this will be a night to remember. He tells her how beautiful she looks and Susan arrives. Jim goes to change and Susan thanks Beth for making her dad happy. Jim returns and makes a toast. He thanks everyone for taking care of Susan. He says that Beth helped him to love again and he proposes again. She accepts. Phillip asks Richard how he feels about Cassie’s idea and says that he can arrange it. Richard agrees and they go to tell Edmond. In his room, Edmond puts the tape in to see what is on it.

Buzz comes to see Reva to tell her about what happened in San Cristobel. Reva is relieved that everyone is OK. She asks about Richard and Cassie and Buzz asks about Josh. Buzz can’t believe that Reva cares about what Richard and Cassie are doing. She gets upset and tells him that she doesn’t know how she is feeling right now and Buzz apologizes. She tells him about the advice that Selena gave her and Buzz disagrees with it. Reva says that Richard is over her and Buzz thinks that she just wants greener pastures. She compares her situation to him having to pick between Jenna and Selena. Buzz tells her to make a decision and fast. He leaves and Reva calls Richard. He asks why she is calling. She tells him that she left Josh.

Monday, December 20

Blake goes back to the cabin to finish her story. She gets into an argument with Armond after she writes that he goes back to his pregnant wife. Armond says it's not in character for him to do that and she's only writing it because she wants Ross back. Armond tells her to tell Ross the truth but she says she can't. She tells him to get back in character and do what she tells him to. She says that it would destroy Holly if Ross found out he was the father of her baby. Armond says that Ross will know if he tells him. Blake says he only does what she tells him to but Armond says that he is her subconscious and controls her. She begins writing again as Armond asks Christina, his wife, if the baby is his. She tells him no. Blake thinks that is the right thing to do even though it feels lousy. Blake experiences a pain and realizes it's the same way she felt before she gave birth to the twins. She decides it's nothing.

Holly meets Ross at Towers and he tells her that Blake took the boys. She isn't surprised that he's upset because of Blake again. Ross reads her the note and Holly assures him that the boys are safe. They run into Joe and Ross asks him if he's seen Blake. Joe says he hasn't seen her in a few days and his date arrives. Ross can't believe he's dating while Blake is pregnant with his child. His date asks what is going on and he tries to explain. She leaves and Joe tells Ross that he isn't the father of her baby and that Ross should talk to Blake. Ross can't believe Blake would take him back and Holly suggests that Blake and Joe agreed he wouldn't take part in the baby's life. Ross tells her that Joe said he wasn't the father. Holly is annoyed and starts to leave but Ross asks her to stay. He kisses her and tells her he still wants to talk about Philadelphia. He asks her if she still wants to leave and she says she walk him to his car.

Reva tells Richard that she left Josh. He asks why and tells her that it is too late for this. He tells her that he has moved on with Cassie. She says that she just has to tie up some loose ends but she will not come to San Cristobel. She says that he will come to Springfield and she hangs up. Olivia arrives to give a message to Josh about business. Reva reluctantly tells her that Josh has moved out. She asks Olivia not to take advantage of Josh. Marah arrives home and Olivia leaves. Marah tells Reva that she told Josh that she wanted to move out. Reva says that she wants to be straight with her and Marah asks if she is in love with Richard. Reva says maybe and explains that it doesn’t compare to the way she loves Josh. She says that she has to work out her feelings for Richard. Marah says that she just wants Reva to be her mother again. They hug. Reva says that she wants it to be OK again too and says that she can’t protect Marah from things. Marah says that she wants to stay there and Reva is overjoyed. Reva returns from the kitchen and finds Marah asleep on the couch. She tells her that she loves her. Meanwhile, Olivia meets Josh at Towers and gives him the message about work. He tells her that he isn’t living with Reva and that he can’t eat dinner with her. She understands what he means and orders dinner anyway. Olivia doesn’t like her meal and says that she can cook better than this. He thanks her for not making this awkward. She says that she is happy being just friends.

Edmund watches the tape of Beth and Phillip. Harley tells Phillip what a wonderful thing he is doing and they enter Edmund’s room. He quickly tries to hide the TV. Phillip thanks him for saving them and tells him he can have a job at Spaulding. Edmund thanks them. Meanwhile, Cassie congratulates Jim and Beth on their engagement. She goes to get Richard for dinner and he tells her that Reva just called. He tells her that Josh and Reva have broken up and that Reva asked him to come to Springfield. He tells her that he isn’t going and they join the others. Alan toasts to Richard and Richard toasts to Cassie. Phillip, Harley and Edmund enter. Edmund toasts to Phillip for his offer, to Richard for allowing the offer, and to his new life in Springfield. Edmund chats with Alan about business. Susan introduces herself to Edmund and he charms her. He asks her things about Springfield and dances with her. Jim cuts in between Edmund and Susan. Beth thanks Edmund for dancing with Susan and thanks him for his help. She congratulates him on his new job. He invites her to dinner sometime. She tells him that she will be his supervisor. He flirts with her. Jim comes over and reminds Edmund that he knows the truth about what happened in the mountains. He vows to watch Edmund’s every move. Meanwhile, Richard takes Cassie aside and asks her if she is OK. She says that she can’t marry him if he is in love with Reva and gives his ring back. He restates that he doesn’t want Reva. She insists that he go to Springfield and he says he’ll only go if she goes with him. She agrees to go and he puts the ring back on her finger. He makes the arrangements to leave tomorrow and tells Cassie. Edmund comes over and thanks Cassie for persuading Richard to allow his release. He congratulates them on their engagement. Cassie goes to tell the guests goodnight and Richard tells Edmund to make good use of his second chance. Richard leaves and Edmund toasts to himself to sex, lies, and videotape. He watches the others.

Tuesday, December 21

Buzz has trouble getting Selena to work on her therapy. Drew and Jesse arrive and bring her some Christmas cookies. Buzz jokingly throws them out so they can get back to work. Drew thinks he might be pushing Selena too hard but he assures her that they are just playing. After they leave, Buzz asks Selena why she is dragging her feet. She kisses him but gets angry when he picks her up and carries her to practice walking. She gets angry when she can't do it and tells Buzz she didn't know it would be this difficult. They talk about their relationship and Buzz tells her he doesn't care how long it takes. He gives her an early Christmas present. She opens it and finds a new pair of high heeled shoes. Buzz tells her that they are going to dance at the new millennium. Selena isn't so sure. As he massages her legs, she tells him that it feels good. He notices her eyes are closed and asks her how much she can feel. She tells him that she can feel everything from head to toe and he wonders why she didn't tell him. Selena worries that although she can feel everything, she still can't walk. She thinks she may never walk again. She tells him she wanted to be whole when she gave herself to him. Buzz thinks tonight is the night and goes to get some champagne and when he comes back, she is asleep.

Jesse and Drew go to Towers where she obsesses about gifts for other people. Jesse tries to get her to slow down. She tells him that she is trying to cope like he told her to by not thinking about Michelle. Jesse tells her that sooner or later she is going to have to stop and let herself feel something. She tells him she's afraid of being alone and of turning into someone obsessed with revenge. Jesse assures her that whatever happens, he will be there for her. They dance. Jesse asks her what she wants for her birthday and she hasn't thought about it. She tells him she wants to take him to Rome to see the art. Jesse tells her that all he needs to see is the candle light in her face. Drew tells him she's sorry she went away and that she's missed him.

Michelle dreams of being with Danny again. He arrives and tells her that he wants to get divorced. She thinks he means it but he tells her it's the only way to get her out of this mess. Michelle thinks that this is Grant's idea but it isn't. Grant tells them that getting a quickie divorce will only make Michelle look more guilty. He suggests they get divorced and make Danny a suspect. Grant tells them that the evidence the police has won't be enough to convict Danny. Danny thinks it's a good idea and Michelle asks to speak to him alone. Michelle tells him that this isn't going to help her. She says they aren't getting divorced and it's not his fault that she's in jail. He tells her that if she weren't married to him, this would never have happened. Grant returns and suggests they go back to the plea bargain. Michelle tells him that she won't lie because she has to live with herself. Grant asks her if she can live with herself if she gets the death sentence. Michelle and Danny agree that they need a new lawyer. Michelle wants Ross but Danny reminds her that he can't do it because he was Ben's brother. Michelle says she can have Ross if she waives her right to appeal. Danny tells her that if she wants him, she'll get him. He promises to do anything to get her out.

Carmen and Maria dine at Towers. They talk about Ben and who could have killed him. Carmen still thinks Michelle did it because no one else in town would let her take the fall for it. Bill arrives looking for Pilar and Carmen tells him that she's away with Ray. When he wants to go find her, Carmen tells him that Ben's death has hit Pilar hard. She says that she is trying to look to the future and seeing Bill will only remind her of what happened. Carmen asks how Vanessa is and Bill tells her she's still in a coma. He tells Carmen that they still haven't figured out where Vanessa was before the accident. The only clue they have is Vanessa saying "I was there." Bill leaves and Carmen wonders if Vanessa knows who shot Ben. Meanwhile, Rick tells Matt there is no change in Vanessa's condition. Matt asks how Michelle is doing and tells Rick he will be at the trial. Rick leaves and Matt tells Vanessa that he's starting to forget her voice so she needs to wake up and talk to him. Vanessa struggles to tell him to help Michelle because she didn't shoot Ben. He tells her about Maureen and says they need to stop wasting their time together. Rick interrupts his memories will some new medicine. He talks Matt into getting something to eat and they leave. Carmen arrives and says she was foolish to think that Vanessa could have shot Ben. Vanessa grabs her hand.

Wednesday, December 22

Vanessa squeezes Carmen’s hand. Matt and Rick come in and Carmen explains that she is there for Bill. She overhears Rick mention a new medication and Matt asks her to leave. She goes outside as Matt sits by Vanessa’s bed. Vanessa thinks to herself that Matt needs to know that Carmen knows that she killed Ben. Carmen watches from outside. Matt talks to Vanessa about Maureen. Carmen says to herself that she can use Matt’s love for Vanessa.

Blake talks to her doctor on the phone from the cabin. Then she begins to work on her novel again. Harley arrives and wants to know what is going on. Blake explains her living with Ross and Holly. She explains that she was the reason that Ross and Holly got together. Harley tells Blake that if she doesn’t call Ross and tells him the truth then she will tell him herself. Harley tells Blake what happened in San Cristobel and that life is too short to keep this up. Blake refuses to ruin her mother’s life and says that she will have the baby alone. She says that she is almost finished with the book and then she will take the boys home. Blake promises to be home by Christmas. Harley insists that Blake call Ross and let him know where she is. Harley leaves.

Josh and Olivia go over business at Towers. They agree that they are not on a date. Ross comes over and invites Josh and Reva to a Christmas party. He leaves and Josh wishes he had mentioned that he and Reva are separated. They go to the park and have hot-dogs. He is surprised that she wanted a hot-dog. She says that she never had them in San Cristobel. She talks about growing up there. She says that she was awkward as a child. When she mentions Jonathan, Josh gets uncomfortable. Olivia tells him not of feel guilty for thinking about Reva. She asks him about his family and he tells her about HB and Trish. Olivia says that she has to get home and they leave.

Richard and Cassie arrive at Reva's. Cassie's presence surprises Reva. Cassie says that things need to be cleared up. She goes out on the porch to allow them to talk but Richard is reluctant. Marah arrives home and Cassie stops her from going inside. Marah wants to know why Cassie is outside. Richard tells Reva the he is concerned about Cassie. Reva asks why he came and she says that he wanted to see her. Richard thinks that Josh and Reva's separation is none of his business, but Reva says it is because it is about her feelings for him. She tells him that she remembers their times together and by denying it she hurt everyone. He says that this helps nothing and he will be married to Cassie. He asks her what she wants him to do. She says that they have to find out if they are over or not. He admits he has feelings for her but that doesn't matter now. He reminds her that he has a country to run and tells her that he and Cassie haven't even talked about her until she called. Reva gets upset and wishes she could go back to her life before she remembered these feelings. Richard says that he doesn't want to hurt her. Marah and Cassie come in and Marah goes upstairs. Richard tells Cassie that he and Reva have come to an understanding and that he is going back to Towers. Cassie says that she wants to spend some time along with her sister.

Danny meets Ross at Towers. He tells Ross that Michelle wants him for her lawyer. Ross says it will be a conflict of interest. He thinks it might look like a plot. He says that Michelle would have to waive her right to appeal and he explains that he is going away for a couple of months. Danny begs him to help them. He tells Ross everything he has tried to help Michelle. Ross says that he understands what he is going through. Ross says that Danny is thinks with too much emotion. Ross wants Danny and Michelle to understand the risk if he takes the case and Danny says that he does. Ross agrees to take the case and Danny leaves. He gets a call from Blake. She says that she just needed time with the boys. She tells him that she will have them home by Christmas. Ross tells her about running in to Joe. She quickly tries to hang up the phone but misses and Ross overhears her says that she is Darlena.

Thursday, December 23

Reva asks Cassie why she is there and says that they all have to be honest with their feelings. Cassie thinks she just wants to control everyone’s lives. Reva says that Richard hasn’t let go and says that Cassie deserves more. Cassie says she is not going to walk away and asks about Josh. Reva says that she wants it to be Josh because she loves him with all her heart. She says she can’t go on with doubt. Cassie wants to know what she wants to happen. Cassie admits to Reva that she is in love with Richard. She tells Reva that she can’t tell Richard and if she does, she will never forgive her. Cassie tells her that it takes time for feelings to resolve. She tells Reva that Richard was happy and moving on. Reva says that she sounds like Olivia. They agree that they miss each other and Reva wants to put their problems aside for Christmas. Cassie doesn’t want to pretend and says that too much has happened. She wishes Reva a merry Christmas and leaves quickly.

Phillip asks Harley about Blake and she tells him everything. Meanwhile, Edmund catches Beth and Jim on the elevator kissing. They all sit down at Phillip’s table. Phillip and Edmund discuss business at the bar. Phillip reminds him that Alan doesn’t run things anymore and Edmund agrees to cooperate. Beth and Harley go to the ladies’ room and Jim asks Phillip if he really trusts Edmund. Phillip assures him he knows all about Edmund and that he has him on a short leash. Edmund makes a phone call to make sure his package will arrive. Richard arrives and reminds Edmund that he must stay in Springfield. Edmund says that he likes this place. They sit down and Edmund can tell that Richard is upset. He asks Edmund how he doesn’t feel anything. Edmund says that he does feel. Edmund compliments his authority and control by marrying Cassie until Reva called. Jim reveals to Phillip that Edmund didn’t rescue them out of the goodness of his heart. Jim tells Phillip that he was worried about Beth working so closely with him before, but now he’s happy that they are friends. The ladies return and Beth receives a package. Beth and Phillip are shocked to see a videotape. Edmund watches as they realize it is only a tape about wedding preparations. Richard can tell Edmund is up to something. Edmund tells Richard merry Christmas and leaves.

Ross runs into Phillip and Harley in the elevator at Towers. He confronts Harley about where Blake is and says that he knows Blake is Darlena. Harley says she won’t tell him where Blake is, then “accidentally” says she’s at the Bauer cabin and Ross leaves. On the way to the cabin in the car, Ross remembers Blake’s explanation for their mistletoe story being in Darlena’s book. He listens to a radio talk show about relationships. Ross calls in to the talk show and says that he is on his way to confront his lying ex-wife. The doctor points out all the reasons he shouldn’t do it. He decides to turn around and go home. Meanwhile, Blake gets a call from her midwife and tells her that she’ll call if she needs her. Blake drops the phone and it breaks. She sits down to write the last chapter of her book. She decides to end the book with Christina giving up Armond to Clarissa. Armond tells Blake that he knows that this isn’t the way she really wants their story to end. Blake says that she is doing what Ross wants her to do. Blake says that she doesn’t want to fight with her mother again. Armond tries to talk her out of it but Blake tells him that this is how the story ends. Blake begins to have contractions and realizes she can’t call anyone.

Friday, December 24

Buzz tells the story of Christmas in Springfield to the children. Alan brings Edmund to spend Christmas with the Coopers and Spauldings. Meanwhile, Jesse tries to comfort Drew as she thinks about what Christmas would have been like with Ben. Drew tells him that she’s feeling hopeless because Ben is gone and Selena still can’t walk. Jesse tells Selena and she wants to give Drew her present early. Selena gets up and walks to her. Inside, Alan talks to Edmund about Phillip. Edmund believes that Phillip will do anything to keep his family together. Frank arrives and he, Harley and Buzz remember Nadine.

Reva, Marah and Shayne try to put the Christmas tree up but have trouble. Marah doesn’t want to pretend that this is like a normal Christmas because Josh isn’t there. Josh arrives and he and Reva fix the tree. She asks him to stay. Meanwhile, Cassie and Richard spend Christmas at Towers. Richard gives Tammy a tiara and asks what Cassie wants for Christmas. Cassie tells him that she wants to spend Christmas with her sister but that’s impossible right now. She doesn’t want to stay there so they leave. Richard goes to Reva’s and she tells him that this isn’t a good time. He says he wants to give her a present but she tells him she doesn’t want anything from him. He brings Cassie to her and she is happy to see her with the kids. Rick and Abby arrive as Richard meets Josh outside. Josh thanks him for bringing Cassie to Reva and Richard leaves. Later, Reva gets a gift from Jonathan.

Michelle remembers past holidays with her family and wishes she could be at home with them and Danny. Frank and David arrive and tell Danny he has to leave. Danny and David get into an argument and Frank tells David he will handle it and to go home. A guard takes Danny away and arrests him for putting up a fight. Frank takes Michelle out of the cell and tells her that they have to move her because of plumbing problems. He takes her to her house where she finds Danny. Frank tells them that they can spend the night together but the house is being watched. Danny and Michelle spend Christmas in bed.

At Towers, Ross tells Holly that Blake is Darlena. Holly realizes that her story is about the three of them and that she is carrying Ross’s baby. She debates whether to tell him and decides she has to. Ross leaves to find Blake and Holly hopes Blake likes her gift. Meanwhile at the cabin, Blake is getting ready to have the baby. Ross arrives in time to deliver a baby girl. Ross tells her that he knows his good looks when he sees them and that the baby is his. Blake is happy and they embrace their child.

Monday, December 27

Olivia arrives at Matt's with a present for Josh. She says it is a coffee cake. He invites her for breakfast but tells her that he can't cook. She says she can and offers to fix their breakfast. They eat and she asks about Christmas with Reva and the kids. He says it was weird to come back to Matt's and wake up alone. He drops something on his robe and Marah walks in just as Olivia is cleaning it off. They awkwardly try to explain what is going on and Josh invites Marah to stay for breakfast. Olivia goes to get her a plate and Marah asks Josh to stop treating her like a kid. She asks him if Olivia is his girlfriend. Josh says that they are just friends and Marah doesn't believe him. Olivia listens to them and Marah tells Josh that she isn't going skating with him today. He can tell that she is upset and asks her about it. She leaves upset. Olivia comes back in and says that she doesn't want to cause problems between him and Marah. She says that there is something going on between them but he says that there isn't and they don't have anything to feel guilty about. They sit back down to breakfast and he says that he will talk to Marah.

Carmen visits Matt and Vanessa at the hospital. She tells Matt she thought Vanessa might like some music. She says that she and Vanessa are similar, both being strong women who will do anything for their children, but now Vanessa is alone inside herself. Matt tells her that he is with her and he isn't going anywhere. Vanessa knows why Carmen is really there and believes she wants to kill her. Carmen explains that she understands what Matt is going through because she sat by her husband's side willing him to come back to her. Carmen tells Matt that she knows he blames her for Vanessa's disease coming back. She says she was trying to make it up but realizes it will be hard for him to forgive her. She starts to leave and Matt asks her to stay if she wants to. They sit with Vanessa a little while before Matt goes to get some coffee. Carmen sets up the music to play and tells Vanessa that she suspects she is the one who killed Ben. She says that she will be there for Matt, that way she can keep tabs on Vanessa. Carmen thinks that she might be feeling guilty and wants to wake up and confess. Carmen says that if she does, Carmen will be in trouble too and they can't have that. Carmen advises that Vanessa stay asleep because if she wakes up, Carmen will have to put her to sleep permanently.

Michelle tells Danny that being with him feels like a fantasy. He assures her it's real and that they got their Christmas miracle. Danny tells her he can't let her go when they come to take her back to jail. He says that he wants to run away but she says Frank will lose his job. She tries to convince him that eventually they will get caught and things would be worse. He reluctantly promises not to put up a fight when Frank comes to get her. Danny gives her a Christmas present and she is sorry she couldn't get him anything. She opens it to find a gold house on a chain. He gives her the plans for their house at Laurel Falls and she tells him she is afraid it will never happen. He assures her that when she is acquitted, they will have a wonderful life together. Michelle looks for something to give him and finds her spelling bee medal. Frank arrives and Michelle asks Danny to not let them take her away. Danny gives her the medal and puts it on the chain with the house. He tells her that the house will remind her of their life together and the medal will remind her how strong and determined she is. They both promise to not give up and Frank takes her away.

Ross tells Blake that he loves their baby because she is part of them. Blake tells him that she loves him. Ross asks about Joe and Blake admits that she made him up. Blake knows that she hurt him before and is afraid she'll do it again. She says that being with Holly would be good for him. Blake believes that Holly must be in love with Ross a little bit. She also believes that no matter how much she denies it, a part of Holly must hate her too. Holly overhears this and then comes inside to see the baby. She congratulates both of them and asks Ross to bring in a bag she left in the car. He leaves and Blake and Holly talk about what's happened. Holly tells her that she read her book again and understands why she lied. Blake asks her if she's in love with Ross and Holly assures her it never got that far. Ross comes back and Holly asks what they named the baby. Blake suggests that they name her Clarissa after Holly's character in her book. Holly goes to get a camera and Ross follows her. He tells her that he knows she's been treated unfairly and she should be angry with him. Holly admits she was for a little while but she always knew he was still in love with Blake. She jokes that she'll wait for another criminal to come along. Ross tells her that she is a wonderful woman and he's glad she didn't fall in love with the likes of him. He goes back inside and Blake tells him that she doesn't want Clarissa to be anything like her because she's made so many mistakes. He assures her that the children aren't mistakes. Blake asks him where they go from here. He says they go home and try to work on their relationship and kisses her.

Tuesday, December 28

Selena asks Buzz if her cane matches her outfit. He is very happy for her and reminds her that it was just a few days ago that she was in a wheelchair. They sit down to drinks and Selena apologizes for falling asleep the other night. Drew arrives with a surprise for them. She invites them out to a celebration dinner and they don’t look that is where they want to be. Drew is very excited about the evening but they try to come up with reasons not to go. Selena gets a cramp in her leg and Buzz tells Drew to go on and meet Jesse. Drew leaves but promises to call and check on them later. Buzz thinks that Selena was faking but she says that she isn’t and he can see that she is in pain. He massages her legs and she says she is tired of being so much trouble. She thinks that he might need a break from her because he always has to take care of her. He tells her all the reasons that he cares about her. He tells her that he loves her and kisses her. Selena tells him about her dreams of making love to him. She says that it will be the first time she is with a man that she cares about and she wants it to be perfect. He admits that it is scary for him too and tells her that she is worth the wait.

Reva arrives at Dr. Bradford’s office. She tells the doctor that she and Josh have broken up over a man that is her ex-husband and is about to marry her sister. She realizes how complicated it all sounds and decides she doesn’t want to discuss it. She stops on her way out and tells Dr. Bradford that if she doesn’t talk about it and figure it all out she will lose everyone that she loves. Reva tells her that everyone wants her to just move on from San Cristobel and that she feels like she is being punished for giving up Jonathan. She feels like she has caused Richard, Josh, and Cassie pain and that Cassie is giving up true love for Richard. Dr. Bradford says that their must be a solution and asks Reva how far she will go to save Cassie and herself. Reva explains that Cassie thinks she is doing everything because she still wants Richard. Reva admits that she has unresolved feeling for Richard but that she wishes she could put her family back together and love just one man. She tells Dr. Bradford that Cassie admitted that she loves Richard and explains that the worst thing that could happen to Cassie is that she lives in a loveless marriage and then meets someone that she could never be with. The doctor suggests that maybe Richard will fall in love with her but Reva thinks that he is still in love with her. Dr. Bradford reminds Reva about Jonathan and that he is her son and Richard’s heir. Reva thinks that she might be able to right the wrong by bringing Jonathan back to his father.

Cassie and Richard have dinner at Towers. Richard discusses Cassie’s finances and she is uncomfortable. She thanks him again for Christmas and asks about his visit with Reva and how it made him feel. He restates that Reva is not in the picture anymore and Cassie tells him that she won’t stand in his way if he wants to get back with Reva. Cassie asks Richard if he still loves Reva. Richard says that he feels only sympathy for Reva but Cassie thinks that he was tempted. Richard says that he doesn’t want Reva to ruin their plans like she ruined his life before. He says that she is the past and Cassie is the future. Richard suggests that they set a wedding date and Cassie is pleasantly surprised when he picks Valentine’s Day. She tells him how much Tammy likes him and that she is glad that they have put Reva behind them. He tells her that she and he are perfectly suited for one another. She goes to call and check on the kids and Richard tells his assistant that he just had to lie to Cassie because he has feelings for another woman. He says that he has an obligation to his country and Cassie. Cassie returns and they resume dinner.

Marah wants to talk to Cassie but she tells her she's in the middle of an important conversation with Richard. Jesse arrives and offers to listen to Marah's problems. She talks about her family and says she never wants to fall in love because people just hurt each other. Jesse tells her that she will find the right guy someday. Drew arrives and Marah is uncomfortable watching them kiss. Jesse invites Marah to have dinner with them but she declines. She runs into a guy named Chad who offers to take her to a party. She accepts and lies that she's nineteen years old. In the parking garage, he attacks her.

Beth, Phillip and Edmund have a meeting about the San Cristobel project. Phillip tells Edmund that he would like to just observe for the next few weeks. Harley arrives wanting to take Phillip to dinner and he surprises her by agreeing to go. Beth thanks Phillip for giving her more responsibility and he tells her she's earned it. Edmund comments that the plane crash has changed all their lives. Before he leaves, Beth asks Phillip to sign the expense report and he notices that Edmund has bought a car and the penthouse at Towers. Edmund thinks he's overstepped his ground again and says he just wants to help. Phillip gets angry when Edmund tells him that he told the foreman to break ground in San Cristobel. Phillip surprises everyone and says they will talk about this tomorrow. He asks Edmund not to do anything else and leaves with Harley. At Towers, Harley thanks him for making her feel special by going to dinner instead of taking care of business with Edmund. He tells her that the plane crash has made him realize what is special to him. He says he just wants to celebrate the time they have together. Harley can't imagine what it was like for him in the plane and he tells her that he found himself thinking about and doing things he never would have before. Harley tells him that she's there for him if there's anything he wants to tell her. Phillip says there isn't and Harley toasts to their long life together. Meanwhile, Edmund asks Beth to help him figure out how to handle Phillip. She advises him to leave his crown at home when he comes to work. He asks her how she and Phillip met and she tells him about being high school sweethearts and how they broke up. It gets late and Beth assures him that he'll be an asset to the company as long as he follows the rules. Edmund says that some rules are made to be broken and asks her if she's ever broke any.

Wednesday, December 29

Jim interrupts Beth and Edmund talking about breaking rules. Edmund leaves and Beth suggests they go for pizza. Jim says he has something else in mind and asks her to close her eyes. He gives her a rose and tells her to follow the trail of rose petals. She does and she finds an engagement ring. Jim tells her that he never thought he'd feel this way again. Beth says that he'll never know what he's done for her. At Towers, Susan assures Lillian that she and Beth have put their differences aside. Jim and Beth arrive and she shows them the ring. Susan notices that Jim doesn't have the watch his grandfather gave him on and comments that he always wears it. Beth questions him about it and he finally admits that he sold it. She realizes he sold it to pay for the ring and tells him she can't accept it. He convinces her that he wanted her to have this ring and they dance. Later, Lillian reassures Beth that she and Jim deserve this happiness. Beth says that nothing is going to mess this up.

Phillip and Harley have dessert at Millennium and talk about the baby. She enjoys Phillip's new attitude. Rick and Abby arrive and Harley introduces them to the new Phillip Spaulding. Rick jokes that he isn't buying it. He and Phillip go get a drink and Phillip tells him his life isn't as perfect as he thinks. He confides in Rick about what happened on the plane. Rick doesn't think it's that bad until he finds out Phillip actually slept with Beth. Phillip tells him that he thinks has has to tell Harley the truth. Meanwhile, Harley and Abby talk about children and Harley tells her that she wants Zack to have another brother or sister. Abby talks to her about not wanting children right now and Harley suggests that she tell Rick the truth. Abby tells Harley that Rick is the reason she can communicate now and Harley thinks that's exactly why he will understand. Rick advises Phillip not to tell Harley what happened between him and Beth. He says that it will destroy both Harley and Jim and they never need to know. At the same time, Harley tells Abby that honesty is the most important thing in a marriage.

Matt arrives at Towers and sees Carmen at the bar. She tells him to ask if there is anything he or Vanessa needs. He sits down with Josh and Josh asks him what he was doing with Carmen. Josh is nervous about the meeting with the Congresswoman. Matt asks about Olivia’s involvement and they wonder where she is. The Congresswoman arrives and they make excuses for Olivia. She wants to wait business on Olivia. When Olivia doesn’t show up, the Congresswoman leaves. Matt gets upset but Josh thinks there must have been an emergency. They try to call Olivia. Meanwhile, Marah is attacked. Olivia arrives and hits Chad with her purse. She threatens to call the police and tells Chad that Marah is 17. Chad leaves angry and Olivia tries to help Marah. She says that she’ll take Marah home with her. They get back to Olivia’s and she doctors Marah’s cuts and scrapes. Marah explains how Jesse treated her and how she met Chad. Olivia tells her that none of this was her fault. Marah gets upset and says that everyone has somebody new and confronts Olivia about trying to steal Josh. Marah asks why she won’t leave Josh alone. Olivia’s phone rings and it is Josh and Matt. She apologizes for missing the meeting and hangs up. Josh leaves to go over there. Olivia tells Marah how much her parents love her but Marah doesn’t want to hear it. Marah admits she was scared tonight and Olivia says that she was too. Marah asks her where she fits in with Josh and Olivia says that she isn’t’ trying to steal him and couldn’t if she wanted to. Marah apologizes and begs her not to tell her parents about tonight. Josh knocks on the door and Marah hears him and hides. Olivia meets Josh in the hall and he asks why she wasn’t at the meeting. She apologizes for letting him down. She won’t tell him why she wasn’t there. He asks if there is someone inside and she won’t let him come in. She tells him to go home. He reminds her all the help he has given her and says that he can’t count on her anymore. He leaves and she goes back inside. Marah apologizes for making her lie to Josh.

Edmund meets Carmen at Towers. They exchange pleasantries and Carmen asks about his problems in San Cristobel. She says that he should be the one ruling San Cristobel. He wants access to their bank account. They dance and discuss how Carmen had to keep up with Edmund’s money while he was in San Cristobel. Matt steps over and lets Carmen know that she left her wrap in Vanessa’s room at the hospital. She introduces him to Edmund. Matt leaves and Edmund can tell that Carmen is up to something. Carmen tries to cover for herself. He asks for his money again and mentions his ties to Spaulding Enterprises. Carmen asks what he is up to.

Thursday, December 30

Drew and Jesse prepare for their Millennium party. Drew tells Jesse she hired a magician to entertain everyone. After everyone arrives, Drew welcomes them to the party and the magician begins his magic. Josh is surprised to see Reva there. Carmen tries to cheer Danny up but he doesn't want her to speak about Michelle. Cassie arrives and tells Reva that Richard had to work. Reva tells Abby that Richard must be going to call off the wedding and is letting Cassie down easy. The magician makes it a night of fantasies and Carmen's is first. She fantasizes that Theresa and Danny are expecting a baby. She is also good friends with Vanessa and Matt and none of them like Michelle. Harley fantasizes that Phillip spends all of his time writing books about her. She dreams she is the perfect mother and has a wonderful career. Beth and Jim are geeky in her dream and Beth tells her how much she looks up to her. After the fantasy, Harley asks Phillip to take her to a cabin sometime soon and he agrees. Cassie fantasizes that she and Richard have just gotten married and are very happy. Reva and Josh arrive to meet Richard and they get along nicely. Cassie tells Reva how glad she is that Reva accepts her marriage. After Josh and Reva leave, Cassie dreams that Richard tells her that he didn't pay much attention to her sister because he was too busy watching her. Danny fantasizes that he and Michelle meet in a library. Carmen comes and tries to buy him off but he won't have it. Rick and Abby arrive and set up a date for them. Danny asks Michelle if she believes in love at first sight and she responds that she does now. The magician brings Josh and Reva up on stage and gives them each a piece of rope. He tells them to hold on to each other and don't let go. When they pull their piece of rope back, they find that it is one rope now. Josh tells Reva that no matter what has happened, he has the best hopes for the new year and hopes she finds what she's looking for. Reva tells him that she loves him and always will. He tells her that all he's ever wanted is what's best for her and they embrace. The countdown to the new millennium begins and everyone celebrates as the new year rings in. Richard surprises Cassie and tells her he wouldn't miss their first New Year's together. After the party is over, Buzz and Selena have their dance and he tells her that 2000 will be their year. The magician gives Drew an envelope that she assumes contains the bill. Inside, she finds a note wishing all her millennium dreams to come true.

Friday, December 31

pre-empted due to holiday programming