Monday, August 2

Jesse and Drew arrive home from California. Drew wants to talk things over but Jesse says he isn't angry. Drew begins to unpack and Jesse asks her not to unpack his things because he's moving out. He tells her he doesn't want to complicate things anymore and she tells him he's not. He says that he was trying to give her something positive to look forward to since the past year has been so awful. She thinks he only proposed out of sympathy for her. He says he is pushing her into doing something she doesn't want to do and that they need some space. He doesn't want to force her to choose between him and her religion. Drew tells him that she'd choose him because nothing is worth losing him. She asks him to wait until morning to leave because she just wants to hold him tonight.

Selena thanks Susan for helping out around Company while Buzz is away. Selena knows she's doing because Max comes in a lot. When he shows up, Selena tells Susan to take a break. Buzz arrives with a gift for Selena for being so understanding. Selena tells him that she's tired of being understanding. They go outside and she says that the real reason he left is because Coop saw them kissing and Buzz got scared. Buzz tries to deny it but Selena knows what's going on. She tells him that she has understood what he needed while getting over Jenna but now it's time to tell him what she needs. She says that he has to stop sending her mixed signals. If he wants her, he's going to have to work for it and prove it to her. Meanwhile, Susan tells Max about sneaking Lizzie in the hospital to see Alan. He thinks it was nice of her. His friends arrive and they don't want to hang around a kid. Max tells them he hangs around Susan for the free food. When they talk about using fake I.D.s to sneak into a club, Susan wants to go too. They think they'll get caught if a kid comes along and Max tells her they're leaving without her. Buzz asks Susan what happened and she says that Max acted like he was embarrassed to be around her. Buzz tries to reassure her that being cool is everything to Max and that two years is a big age difference when you're that young. Buzz gets a call about Harley and he and Susan leave for the hospital. Selena picks up Buzz's gift as Max walks in looking for Susan. He explains that he acted like a jerk to her before. Selena suggests he show her that he's sorry instead of just talking about it.

Cassie calls San Cristobel to talk to Reva but can't reach her. Michelle can't believe this is happening. Cassie is worried that Josh and Billy will go through with their own plan. Michelle thinks she can get through the palace because of the Santos family. The wonder what Richard is going to do. They are confident that Reva won't do anything stupid. Michelle has an idea. She suggests that if something was wrong with her kids, then she would come home. Cassie says she won't use the kids. Cassie says that Reva won't believe her because she can tell when she's lying. They decide to have someone from the hospital call Reva and say that Cassie is sick.

Reva tells Richard to get away from her. He calls for a doctor. She thinks he hurt her to keep her there. He vows he didn't do it. The doctor says it is just a flesh wound. Edmund arrives and Richard tells him what happened. Richard looks at his sword and can tell that someone switched the points. Edmund tells him it could be anyone. Richard sees Olivia's scarf laying on the chair and thinks that Olivia is to blame. He calls for her. A guard tells Edmund that he saw who switched the points. Reva is angry and asks who did it if he didn't. Edmund tells the guard that Richard won't believe him and offers him an ambassadorship if he will say Olivia did it. Olivia arrives and Richard accuses her. Olivia is confused and tells Reva that she can trust her. Reva remembers something in the past when Olivia said the same thing to her. Richard asks the guard and he incriminates Olivia. Reva lies and says the scarf was hers. Richard apologizes to Olivia and leaves. Olivia asks Reva why she lied and Reva says she remembers that they were friends. Olivia denies it and runs off. Reva says to herself that she has to get off the island before she gets killed.

As Alan goes into cardiac arrest for the second time, Phillip and Harley go to the delivery room to have the baby. Matt and Vanessa arrive to visit Alan and India tells them what happened. Matt is about to go looking for Phillip when Lillian tells them that he is with Harley getting ready to have the baby. Vanessa doesn't think they should tell Phillip right now. India tells Vanessa that Alan was ready to start his life over again. Vanessa tries to comfort her saying that Harley's having a baby just as Alan is fighting for his life. India doesn't like the trade idea. Harley is in a lot of pain and Phillip tries to coach her through. At the same time, Rick is working on Alan and tells him he won't let him give up. Just as Harley delivers the baby, Rick gets Alan's heart started again. He tells India, Matt and Vanessa that it's up to Alan now. Buzz and Susan arrive to see the new baby boy. They talk about names as Rick comes in to see Phillip. He tells him outside what's happening with Alan and Phillip asks him not to say anything to Harley. Harley suggests that Phillip take the baby to see Alan. Harley is happy that the families are getting along and that Alan is really making an effort to get along with everyone. Susan looks out the doorway and sees Max standing there. Phillip takes the baby to Alan's room and tells him to wake up so he can introduce him to his new grandson. Phillip says that he wants him to share this with him and teach the boy what being a Spaulding is all about. He tells Alan that he loves him and Alan opens his eyes and touches the baby.

Tuesday, August 3

Susan wonders why Max is at the hospital since he doesn't want to be seen with her. Max tries to explain and wants to tell her how he really feels about her. He says that he's becoming more popular at school and needs time to do guy things. Susan gets upset when he tells her that he's almost three years older than her and there are things he wants to do that she can't. She throws his jacket at him and tells him to come back when he grows up. He asks how they can break up when they weren't going out. She reminds him that he gave her the coat and kissed her. Max says he gave her the coat because it was her birthday.

Harley and Phillip play with the baby. She asks him how Alan is doing and he tells her he's better. He says that bringing the baby in to see him was a good idea. Harley is thankful that Phillip put up with all her insecurities before because now she's happier than she's ever been. Jim and Beth visit and Beth holds the baby. It reminds her of when Lizzie was born and she gets emotional. She makes an excuse to leave and goes outside to cry. Jim finds her and asks her what's wrong. She denies being upset but finally admits that seeing Phillip with the baby threw her. She doesn't want him back, she just remembers how everything was for them in the beginning and all at once it was gone. Jim understands and is happy that she is opening up to him. He promises he won't leave her. Jim goes to get the car and leaves Beth to talk with Phillip. She tells him she's really happy for him and is glad they can share this together as friends. Beth says that they are both moving on and for the first time she's happy about it. Phillip tells her he'll always be there for her and they hug. Meanwhile, Susan visits Harley and tells her about what a jerk Max has been. When she says her life is over, Harley assures her there will be more boys in her future. She tells Susan that she will always have the love of her family and she can count on that. Max watches them from outside the room.

Michelle and Cassie arrive at the hospital. Blake arrives and Cassie passes out. Blake is worried. Lillian sees her but Blake says she'll take care of her. Blake can tell that they're up to something. Cassie tells her the plan. Lillian comes back and Cassie and Michelle let her know she's been sick and Blake plays along. Lillian thinks Cassie needs a doctor. The doctor comes and asks Cassie about her symptoms. Cassie can't lie well but Michelle and Blake help her. Cassie thinks they're overdoing it but the doctor thinks Cassie should be admitted for tests. The doctor says her relatives should be called and Michelle says she will call Reva.

Edmund sees Olivia and she is upset. She tells him it wasn't her that switched the swords. He believes her but says he wouldn't blame her but applaud her if she did. Olivia says that Richard is worth this pain but she didn't switch the swords. She says she feels she's losing Richard. Edmund says that he is always there for her and invites her to dinner to discuss Reva. Olivia asks if he is the one who switched the swords and he says no but he suspects a guard.

Reva says she has to get out of the palace, off the island and home. She tries to place a call to Springfield but the call won't go through. Edmund comes in and she asks why she can't get through. She gets angry. She wants to tell Josh about her accident before he hears about it. Edmund says that they control the press so she shouldn't worry. He offers to get Josh a message and leaves. She knows that Josh will never get the message. She tries to come up with a plan to get out and looks in a closet for a disguise. She finds baby things. Richard sees her and Reva remembers reading a baby book. She says she remembers what Jonathan looks like. She remembers a dimple on his cheek. She can't understand how she let him go. Richard tells her how worried he was for her when she had him. She sees how important it is to find Jonathan for Richard. Richard tells her things he remembers about the child and the phone rings. Richard thinks Mrs. Santos is Carmen and Michelle explains that she must tell Reva something. Reva wants to talk to her and Richard asks Reva to say nothing about the sword incident. Michelle tells Reva that Cassie is in the hospital. Reva tells Richard that her sister needs her. Michelle tells Cassie and Blake that she got through to Reva. Reva says she is going to pack but Richard says she can't. Reva reluctantly agrees and Richard leaves. Reva says to herself that she has to get out now. She says she'll get Richard to trust her by making him believe she's falling for him again. She says she has to so she can get back to her family in Springfield.

Wednesday, August 4

Pilar and David meet at Company to go to the concert. They run into Vicky as they are leaving but don't speak to her. David tells Pilar that things haven't changed between them. Bill arrives for coffee and sees Vicky. She asks him about his relationship with Pilar and he says they are seeing each other. Vicky informs him that she just saw Pilar and David going out on a date. Vicky gets a call about Alan and leaves. Meanwhile, David's car breaks down and they end up talking. Frank is listening and recording their conversation. David gets Pilar to talk about the family and she tells him that her mother is coming around. Pilar heads back to Company and sees Bill. He questions her about her date and she explains that David offered the tickets to them but Bill had to work. She tells him about the breakdown and he says he's worried about her hanging out with David. Bill doesn't want either one of them getting involved with David's problems. Bill says he'll take off work tonight so they can spend time together. David goes to Frank feeling bad about using Pilar. Frank tells him to stay focused on bringing down the Santos family.

Ross tells Holly that the offer Western Publications is making to buy the paper is too good to pass up. Holly doesn't know what she'd do if she didn't have the paper. Ross assures her that she has many talents and she'd have enough money to do whatever she wanted. Blake comes in and sees them holding hands. Ross offers to go to Chicago with Holly on business and Holly accepts. Blake comes up and Holly insists that she stay there while Holly goes to get the boys. Outside, Holly comments that Blake and Ross belong together as Sam walks up. She tells him about selling the paper and he realizes how much she loves it. They talk about the farm and his woodcarvings. She doesn't understand why he wouldn't take money for the box and he doesn't understand why she wouldn't accept it as a gift. He says that they have different ideas on what money can do for you. Holly goes to pick up the kids and Sam goes inside. Blake and Ross talk about schools for the boys. They both think the other wants to forget what happened between them. Ross asks what Blake and Cassie are doing and she tells him the plan to get Reva home. Ross is relieved it isn't illegal this time. Blake notices Sam sitting at a table and asks Ross to check him out for her.

Danny talks to Carmen about San Cristobel. He tells her he saw her there talking with Edmund and thought they didn't like each other. Carmen explains that they have business there and she and Edmund have put there differences aside. She asks why Danny was there and he tells her he was helping Michelle's friends. Carmen is upset that Danny seems to care more about other families rather than his own. Danny asks her if she knows anything about Reva and she says no. He reminds her of her promise to turn things around for the family and leaves. Carmen tells Ben that it would be unfortunate if something happened to Michelle in a foreign country. He wants to know what she's planned. She tells him that she's arranged for Michelle to be caught in San Cristobel with stolen bonds. She doesn't think Danny will wait twenty years for her so then she'll have her family back. Meanwhile, Danny asks Michelle if she's feeling better and where she's been all day. Michelle tells him she was at the hospital and Danny thinks she's pregnant. Michelle tells him she's not, she was there helping Cassie with her plan to get Reva home. Michelle wonders why Danny would jump to the conclusion that she was pregnant. Danny says they haven't been preventing it so he thought maybe she was. Michelle tells him that she's taking birth control pills. Michelle wants to have children with Danny, she just wants to wait until they're safe from Carmen. Danny understands and promises her that one day the Santos name will be clean.

At the hospital, Phillip tells Rick a nurse told him to go to Alan's room quickly. Rick says that Alan is fine and doesn't know why the nurse would tell him that. India says that she called for him and that Alan wants to see the whole family. Phillip goes in to see Alan and he tells him that he is giving him his life's work. Phillip doesn't want to hear it and tells him that he is going to be okay. Vanessa, Beth and Lizzie arrive and wonder what's going on. Beth and Lizzie go in and Alan tells Beth that she is a good mother. He is glad that she decided to stay in the house with them. Alan asks for some time alone with Lizzie and Beth leaves. Lizzie shows him the briefcase he gave her and tells him she loves it. Alan asks her to watch over her little brother and the Spauldings that will come in the future. Lizzie asks him to help her and he tells her he will always be in her heart. Outside, Phillip tells everyone that they aren't going to let Alan give up. They all go in and Phillip tells him he is going to be fine. Alan asks if they really think they can save him and India says yes and that he is going to let them. Alan says that he didn't call them in there to say goodbye. He called them in there to tell them that he is going to live, this time on his own terms. He says it's time they knew what those terms are going to be.

Thursday, August 5

Buzz gives everyone drinks on the house because of his new grandson. Jesse wants a drink. He tells Buzz he is moving out of Drew's. He says that Drew is confused. Jesse tells Buzz that he even loves having Max around and wants to make Drew happy. He asks why religion is so important and Buzz tries to explain. He asks Jesse where he is going to stay and offers to let him stay at the firehouse. Jesse is worried that he is going to impose but agrees and they go to get his stuff. At Drew's, Selena comes to see her and Drew is upset. Selena thinks it is about her father but Drew explains that Jesse moved out. Selena tries to make her feel better but she doesn't have any stories to tell her on this subject. She tells Drew that nothing has changed yet and they only had a small fight. Jesse and Buzz arrive and he says he is there to get his things. Selena gets angry at Buzz for taking Jesse in and thinks it is to push her away. Jesse tells Drew that Buzz was just helping. Drew thinks he is running away. He says he cares too much to feel like he is forcing her into something. She gets angry and suggests they see other people. She says she has plans with Selena tonight and she doesn't want Jesse and Buzz to come. He and Buzz leave and Selena tries to comfort Drew.

Alan says he is going to live on his own terms now. He says he has overlooked many people he loves and he is going to change that. He asks India about the reporters outside and Vicky doesn't want them to come in. Phillip agrees with her and they both offer to handle the press. He wants them to know how he feels about his family. The reporters come in and Alan tells them that he is doing well. He says that he is retiring from Spaulding Enterprises. Phillip is shocked and tells him that he may regret this later. Alan says that he has told all the rest of the family. He says that the new CEO will be Phillip, Vanessa will be President, Beth will be the Vice President of Marketing, and India will the Executive Ambassador. He makes Lizzie his protege and Vicky remains as assistant to Beth and Vanessa. Vicky slips out the room angry. Everyone thanks Alan for his generosity and India asks what her title means. He says that she is the new face of Spaulding and asks her to help him start living again. Meanwhile, David gets harassed by some cops at Company. He calls Frank and tells him about the cops and says he needs protection. Frank tells him about Alan's heartattack. He arrives in time to hear Alan's plans for Vicky and runs into her in the hall. He apologizes to her about Pilar and Alan's treatment of her. He begs her to trust him. She says he has lied to her too long and she can't trust him or her family anymore.

Reva reads something she has written for Josh incase she gets killed in San Cristobel. She tells him how much she loves him. She explains why she must stay and find Jonathan. Richard comes in and she hides the book. He asks what she was doing and thinks she was thinking of Cassie. He says that he called the hospital and didn't get any information. She thanks him and apologizes for begin distracted. She says she must go back and remember about them. Richard is pleased and suggests he tell her about the night they fell in love. She tries too hard to make him think she remembers and he gets angry. She gets upset too and tells him that she is worried about her family back home. He gives her his cell phone. Meanwhile, Blake tells Cassie to continue to pretend but Cassie is worried what Richard might do to Reva if he found out. Josh arrives and is angry that Cassie is lying. Josh tells her that Richard can find out she's not really sick and tells her it is too risky for Reva. Cassie tells him it is risky for him to go in with his plan too. Josh goes to tell the doctor that Cassie is lying and she follows him. Blake stays in the room to act like Cassie. Cassie begs Josh to trust her. The doctor comes in and examines Blake thinking she is Cassie and he draws some blood. Josh tells her to tell the truth. The phone rings and it is Reva. Reva acts like she is talking to Cassie. They share I Love You's and she asks about the kids. Josh tells her that Cassie is really not sick. She has to go. Blake says she gave blood for nothing and Cassie tells Josh that he got what he wanted and can go through with his plan now. At the palace, Reva thanks Richard for letting her use the phone. He tells her that he wants to make her feel better. Reva admits to him that Cassie is not really sick but that Josh called it off because he loves and trusts her. She tells Richard that they have to trust one another and she drops the book. He picks it up. She tries to get the book from him and kisses him.

Friday, August 6

Blake and Cassie eat at Company. They discuss how Cassie's plan didn't work. She says she will continue to try to get Reva home. Michelle Calls Cassie and asks about the plan. Cassie tells her that Josh stopped it and Michelle says she has an idea and lets Cassie go. Blake tells Cassie that she should relax. Holly and Ross arrive and Holly tells them that she is going on a business trip. She and Ross go to talk over the details. Ross tells Holly he got her probation fixed so she can go out of town. She takes him up on his offer to go with him. Holly suggests they invite Blake and the boys but Ross sees that she is just trying to get him back with Blake. He doesn't want to discuss it. Blake tells Cassie that Ross and Holly nearly got married once and Cassie is shocked. Blake explains how she and Ross got together. Cassie tries to make her feel better. Cassie says she isn't proud of her past either. Blake says she won't hurt Ross anymore and Cassie mentions the bathtub incident. Dr. Sedgewick arrives. She tells them that they figured out what was wrong with Cassie. Margaret tells her that she is pregnant and Cassie says that is impossible. Margaret is positive and leaves. Blake realizes that she is the one who gave the blood and passes out into Ross's arms.

Danny arrives home to Michelle. She asks him what he would like to wear to the masked ball in San Cristobel. He can tells that she just wants to find Reva. Michelle says that isn't it and tries to convince him. Danny says that he doesn't want her to be involved. They argue about it. Michelle says that she isn't afraid of Richard and she is not turning her back on Reva. He tells her that it is his job to protect her and that she is not going.

Edmund and Olivia have dinner. The guard arrives and needs to speak to Edmund. He asks for his reward and Edmund makes the arrangements. He sends the guard to pick up some papers and Olivia overhears them. She realizes Edmund is the one who switched the swords and threatens to tell Richard. Edmund says that that won't do them any good and that this is the only way. Edmund explains that the guard will take the fall for the sword incident and will take his own life. He says that Richard wanted to do great things for San Cristobel before he met Katherine and he will again when she is gone. Olivia says she won't be part of a murder and she and Katherine were once friends. Olivia asks what she would have to do to help him. He says that the masked ball will be where Katherine is killed and he needs Olivia to get Reva to trust her so that she can bring Reva to the right place. Olivia is reluctant and says she is no murderer. Edmund is persistant.

Josh talks to Reva's picture and tells her that he needs her to come home. Jim arrives and Josh asks him for his help. Josh asks him about his Navy training and Jim admits that was a long time ago. Jim is reluctant. He tells Josh that the operation should be undercover and quiet. He also says that Josh shouldn't lead the operation because he is too close. Jim says he will go because he is family too. Josh worries about the risk but Jim is determined.

Reva pulls away from Richard. She apologizes and he grabs the book from behind her back. He reads what she wrote to Josh and gets angry. He says he should throw he back in the ocean where he found her. She tells him that she has been locked up and in danger ever since she arrived and he vows to protect her. She says she thinks he wants her back in his life. Richard denies that and Reva admits the only reason she kissed him was to get the book back. He talks about the pain he felt when she left. She says she is in pain from being away from her husband and children. He says he know she will leave again but he is will to do this all for his son. Richard says he can't trust her now. She says she is willing to really try now and maybe they had to go through this go get there. He says she won't let herself remember because of her conscience. Reva says it isn't about them. He says that she can't block out part and try to remember part. She agrees to do anything to find Jonathan.

Monday, August 9

Max gets home to Drew. She is upset and tells him they need to talk about the adoption. She tells him that Jesse moved out. He thinks he is the problem and she explains that it is not him. She says that they will work it out. He can't understand how anyone could leave her.

Blake passes out into Ross's arms. He asks what is wrong and she says nothing. He gets her some water and Blake says this can't be happening. She lies to Ross and says she is fine. Ross offers to drive her home but she won't. He leaves. Cassie asks why she didn't tell Ross the truth and Blake says she has to see it for herself. They go get a pregnancy test but Cassie says there is no point in taking it. Cassie says that the baby is a sign that Blake and Ross belong together. Blake admits that she wants her family back. She says she misses Ross everyday. Cassie tells her to tell him that she's pregnant. Blake says she can't but Cassie persists. Blake says she doesn't have anything else to lose and decides she needs the truth from him. Blake is afraid that Ross will think she did this to trap him. Cassie suggests that Blake take him out and tell him that she still loves him and maybe they can "get pregnant" that night. Blake thinks that is a great idea.

Holly makes arrangements for her trip and Sam arrives. He asks her to go to a western show in town with him. He says he's asking her out on a date. She is stunned. He says he likes her and she says this is all unusual. She tells him she's about to take a trip and Ross arrives. Holly introduces them and tells Sam that she and Ross are going away together. Sam leaves. Ross asks what is going on and she explains how Sam asked her out. She says that Sam is nice but not for her. Ross tells her how Blake wanted him to be investigated. They get ready and they leave. The phone rings and the babysitter answers it. It is Blake looking for Holly but she is gone.

Edmund tells Olivia to get close to Reva. He mocks Olivia's pain but Olivia says that she is not a murderer. Edmund gets a call and he tells Olivia that the guard has had an accident. He took his own life. He says that accidents can happen to anyone. He says she doesn't want Richard bad enough. He says that she should be thinking of the pain that Richard will be put through. She says that Reva can't have him again. She says she'll do what he wants her to do to get rid of Katherine. He tells her that she must regain Reva's trust and on the night of the ball Reva will have a tragic accident. He says that she will be there to pick up the pieces and they toast. Edmund tells Olivia that Richard will find out about the guard's death and let their guards down. Olivia agrees to it all and leaves for bed. She says to herself that she would rather see Reva dead than her find out what happened to her son.

Reva looks at the picture of Jonathan. She says she couldn't have harmed this child. She says she's willing to remember their marriage so she can remember Jonathan. They have a picnic in the garden. He says they had a picnic there a couple of nights before she left and she seemed unsettled. He wants to relive the night so she can solve the mystery of why she left. She begins to remember things vaguely. He tells her about that night. He says he had just returned from a trip. She remembers things and tries to do them exactlly like they did that night. Reva tries to put herself in that moment again. She has a memory of that night of talking with him. In the memory, she told him that she was lonely. She comes out of it and wonders why she left. She says that maybe she remembered Josh and left or else it is something bad taht she doesn't want to remember. He tells her that she said she had a funny feeling that night and she begins to remember again. In her memory, she says she feels anxious about Jonathan and he says sh eis just fussing. She comes out of it again and tells him that she has always had hunches in her life and she was having one then. She says that there must have been something bad going on with Jonathan. She agrees that all this is helping her remember. He tells her exactly as everything happened. She says she thinks that they are pushing a little and should pick up in the morning. She leaves. He vows to himself that they will be together again very soon.

Tuesday, August 10

Pilar arrives ready for a picnic with Bill only to find that he's been up all night working on the computer. She tells him that he can't keep doing this. Bill thinks she's just mad because he's broken another date and asks her if she's found a new one yet like David. He calms down and tells her he's just worried about her hanging around David since he's in so much trouble. She reminds him about what family she comes from. He tells her he's glad she's there and they start to get romantic but she pulls away. He assures her he's prepared and she says it's her that has the problem. She knows he thinks she has all kinds of experience with sex but she really doesn't. Bill tells her that she doesn't owe him any explanations and when they're both ready they'll know. He's just glad she is his girl.

At the hospital, Max wants to talk to Susan but she won't speak to him. Phillip and Harley are about to take the baby home but want to visit Alan first. Susan asks to go inside with them. India has set up a TV and VCR for Alan in his room. As Alan holds the baby, Phillip tells him that the hospital needs a name for him. Phillip tells Alan to meet the new Alan Spaulding. Alan is happy that they named the baby after him and knows he will grow up to be a great man just like his father. A reporter arrives and questions Alan about the situation with Sancorp. Phillip tells him that he will address that at the company, not in a hospital room and tells him to leave. They realize Ben is behind this and Phillip assures Alan he'll handle it. Alan has trouble letting go of the control but Phillip promises he'll deal with Ben. Outside, Susan tells Max that he hurt her and he shouldn't do that to people.

Cassie reassures Blake on her cell phone about Ross. Michelle arrives and tells Cassie what her plan was but that Danny won't let her. Michelle tells Cassie that Josh called Danny and he went over. Cassie tells her that Matt and Jim cancelled a meeting to go to Josh's. They decide to go over. Josh tells Danny they have a new plan to get Reva out of San Cristobel. Jim will cause a distraction while Matt and Josh get Reva. Danny tells them about Michelle's idea to go back down there for the masked ball. They agree that would be the perfect time to do it. Danny doesn't want Michelle involved but Billy tells him he owes them this for nearly getting Bill killed. Josh tries to calm them down and asks Danny to remember that he wanted his family to stand for something good. Cassie and Michelle arrive and Cassie says she knew they would try to keep them out of this. Danny tells Michelle they're going back to San Cristobel. Jim has experience with explosives and can set one off to surprise the people at the ball. Matt will locate Reva's exact location and the best way to get in and out while Danny and Michelle act as the cover. Danny apologizes to Michelle for not listening to her plan before. Cassie wants to know her role and Billy tells her she's staying with him to hold down the fort. She gets upset and says she will help them. Josh thinks she's too impulsive just like Reva and they have to be careful down there. Cassie tells him she's afraid for Reva. Danny takes Michelle outside and tells her that since they are taking the yacht to San Cristobel, they must deal with Carmen. He says he'll come up with something.

Edmund and Olivia have breakfast. Reva comes in and Edmund tells Olivia to go to her and be her friend. Reva asks them if they have found out who made the attempt on her life. Richard arrives. He tells them about the guard's suicide and attempt on her life. Richard is grateful that it's over. He mentions Reva's breakthrough last night and Edmund is interested. Reva takes Richard aside and asks him about Katherine's relationship with Olivia. She says she wants to talk to her about it. Richard thinks Olivia is upset about the time they spend together. Edmund asks Olivia why she is being distant towards Reva and Olivia says she fully intends to go through with the plan. Richard comes over to talk to Olivia. Edmund asks him if they are still on for arching and he says in just a moment and Edmund leaves. Richard apologizes to Olivia for his behavior lately. She says she understands. He tells her that he still cares for her very much and leaves. Olivia goes to Reva and Reva apologizes for all that has happened. She says that Olivia is hiding something. Reva says she knows that they were more than acquaintances and Olivia admits that they were friends but Reva couldn’t stand that she loved Richard. Olivia leaves. Reva has a memory of giving Jonathan to Olivia. Meanwhile, Richard and Edmund arch. Edmund asks what Reva remembered last night. Richard tells him that he is his closest confidant. Richard tells him that he is off his game and perhaps he should look for Jonathan without Reva. Edmund asks why he isn't and Richard says that Reva is Katherine and he wants her with him. They continue to arch and Edmund is always perfect on the target. They stop and Edmund tells Richard that he can't recreate his history with Katherine. Edmund tells him that her return has caused turmoil in the country. Richard says he won't lose Katherine again. Edmund returns to Olivia and she is upset. He tells her to calm down. He tells her that Richard said he still loves Katherine and has no intention of letting her go. Olivia is crushed but Edmund says she will not give up. Meanwhile, Richard goes to the portrait of Katherine. He talks to it and says he never stopped loving her. Reva finds Olivia and tells her that she remembers giving Jonathan to her.

Wednesday, August 11

Ross and Holly go over the contract to sell the newspaper. Ross thinks she can make a lot of money but Holly tells him she loves the work, not the money. She says Sam told her about that. Ross jokes around about Holly liking Sam and wonders why she didn't accept his offer for a date. She says that they are too different and changes the subject to him and Blake. She tells him it's obvious that he still loves her. Ross keeps changing the subject. Holly believes that Ross is afraid of being hurt again and in denial of his feelings. Meanwhile outside Harley's, Cassie tells Blake she can't go to San Cristobel. Blake tells her that she hasn't talked to Ross yet. Harley comes out and they go in to see little Alan. Blake gets very emotional. Harley wants to know about Reva but Cassie doesn’t want to talk about it. Harley can tell that they are both acting strange. Blake is very preoccupied with the baby and wants to call Holly. She thinks Holly is with a man and goes to use the phone. Cassie realizes that maybe the man is Ross. Harley thinks that is impossible and Cassie breaks and tells her that Blake is pregnant. Blake comes back and Harley asks why she didn't tell her. Blake explains the bathtub incident to Harley and she can tell that Blake wants Ross back. Cassie tells Harley what their plan for Ross is. Harley tells her that Ross will come back to her. Harley asks who else knows about the pregnancy and Cassie tells her it's just them. Blake thinks that Holly's man is Sam and Cassie says he did take the day off today. Blake doesn't like the idea and thinks Sam is a bad guy. She decides to call Holly in Chicago. Holly tells her that she is there with a man and Blake thinks she means Sam. Holly says she will see whoever she pleases and hangs up.

Michelle visits Drew and asks her for use of her closet. Drew assumes she's in trouble with the family and is relieved when Michelle tells her she needs to borrow some clothes for a masked ball. She says she must look rich or the plan won't work. Drew questions her about the plan but she can't tell her. Drew thinks Danny is making her do illegal things but Michelle assures her that Danny has changed. They go through dresses and Michelle comments that they will be doing this again soon with Drew's wedding dress. Drew says that it's off but Michelle isn't paying attention. Jesse arrives and Michelle realizes that he has moved out. She tries to leave but Drew doesn't want her to. Jesse announces that he has been offered a job in New York and he will be leaving town for a while. Before Michelle leaves, she advises Jesse to work things out with Drew. Drew can't believe Jesse is running away from her. He tells her if he had it his way, they'd be married by now. They argue and Drew finally tells him she doesn't want to fight anymore. They kiss.

Carmen tells Ben she received a phone call saying Danny wants to use the yacht. She says he's going to help rescue Reva. She is upset that Danny cares more about Michelle's friends than his family. Danny arrives and she tells him she knows what he's doing. She reminds him that she doesn't want him down there because they have business down there. He asks her exactly what that business is and reminds her she promised to make the family business legit. She tells him that it will take time. Carmen tells Danny she wants him to take bonds to San Cristobel as payment on a debt they owe. When Danny refuses, Carmen says if he doesn't she will call SC and tell them what he is planning and no one will ever see Reva again. Danny doesn't appreciate being threatened and Carmen doesn't like doing it. She says there is no other way because the payment has to be made in a week. Danny reluctantly agrees. Later, Michelle talks about how happy she and Danny are. She asks him what happened when Carmen found out about the yacht and he tells her nothing. Carmen tells Ben that she hopes Michelle likes San Cristobel because she will be spending a lot of time in jail there.

Richard tells Katherine's portrait that he still loves her. He says he always knew she'd come back to him. He vows that they will find their son together. He has a memory of him, Katherine and Jonathan. He vows he won't give up. Reva tells Olivia that she remembers giving Jonathan to her. Olivia denies it and Reva threatens her life. Reva threatens to go get Richard and Olivia admits she is right. Reva wants to know what she was afraid of that night and promises to understand whatever happened. Olivia won't tell but Reva threatens to go get Richard and Olivia says she'll tell her what happened to Jonathan. Reva says she has to tell Richard what Olivia just told her and Olivia begs her not to. Reva goes into Richard's room and Olivia leaves quickly. Olivia calls someone on her cell phone and tells them that Reva remembered what happened. She assures them that she didn't tell Reva everything. Reva says she has to tell Richard something. She tells him that Jonathan is dead.

Thursday, August 12

Max tries to talk to Susan at Company but she tells him to get lost. One of Max's buddies arrives and Max tells him to leave. Max says he doesn't need friends like that. Susan accepts his apology and wants to talk. She asks what is wrong and he tells her that Drew and Jesse aren't getting married. Max explains about Drew's religion and he worries that she won't adopt him because he is not Jewish. Susan tells him that won't happen and says she has a Jewish friend. She suggests he talk to Drew about it.

Drew and Jesse wake up together. Jesse tells her that he loves her. She says she wants to stop fighting. Drew says they have been talking too much. Drew tells Jesse about Michelle's plans and Max's new friends. Jesse tells her that he is still going to New York City. He says he is sorry if she misunderstood and that they can still talk on the phone while he is away. He says that their problems haven't disappeared and he wants to let her think while he is gone. She calls him a coward and tells him to have the guts to admit that he wants out. She says he hasn't painted in months and he says that he has put his life on hold. He says he feels like he has been pushing her lately and asks why religion became so important just lately. He tells her that he doesn't fit in her world. She calls him a biggot and he leaves. She tells him to never come back.

Matt runs into Bill and Pilar at Company. He tells Bill that Vanessa has an idea for him. It is that Bill should work at Spaulding in Europe. Pilar leaves and runs into David. David can tell that she is upset and she explains that Bill is talking to Matt about going to Europe. Pilar is afraid that Bill will leave. She tells David that Bill was annoyed that they went out. She says she knows that David is a good person. David has been taping her the whole time. David tells Pilar that he overheard at the station that the police will be comeing to her house this afternoon. Inside, Bill thinks that this deal is just to keep him away from the Santoses. Matt understands that Bill isn't going to do this and asks him to be careful at San Corp. Matt leaves and Bill goes outside and sees Pilar and David talking. Pilar says that she wanted to give him and Matt some time alone to talk. Bill tells David that they really aren't that close and David apologizes. David goes inside and Bill tells Pilar that he isn't going to Europe. Pilar says she has to go and quickly leaves. Bill goes in and asks David what he said to make Pilar leave so quickly. David drops his tape recorder and Bill asks him what is going on.

Richard doesn't believe Reva. He thinks she just wants to go home. She explains that she stayed away from her family in Springfield to find their son and she wouldn't lie about this. He asks her how he died and she explains that he had a high fever when he was 1 1/2 years old. She says she didn't know he was sick because she had already left San Cristobel. He accuses her of abandoning Jonathan and she says she did it to protect him but she failed. She says that Jonathan's life was in danger but she can't remember who from. She explains that Olivia confirmed it all. Richard whatns to confront Olivia and Reva tries to stop him. Meanwhile, Edmund reads about Reva in the paper. He tells Olivia about the public uproar. She tells him that Reva began to remember and she told Reva the truth. Olivia explains to Edmund what really happened to Jonathan and Edmund accuses Olivia of killing him. She says that isn't what happened and Edmund says he knows but he sure could make it look that way. Richard and Reva burst in and Richard demands that Olivia tell him what happen to Jonathan. Olivia explains that she tried to find Katherine and would change everything if she could. She says she was desperate to tell him but she couldn't hurt him. He says he will never feel anything but hatred for her now. He asks where Jonathan is buried and she says the meadow behind her house. She says she loved Jonathan too and that she still loves Richard. Richard leaves and Reva apologizes to Olivia for everything and follows him. Olivia tells Edmund at least Reva will be gone soon. Edmund says that this will only draw Reva and Richard closer so they still have work to do. Edmund blackmails her and says he can make it look like she killed Jonathan if she doesn't help him. Olivia thinks that Edmund is the reason that Katherine was so afraid. Outside, Reva explains to Richard that she put Olivia in an impossible situation. She tells him that he has to accept this. He says she doesn't understand because she doesn't remember Jonathan and he's been waiting to find him for 6 years. Richard says he never felt this much pain. Reva wishes she had never come back and remembered. Richard says that his feelings for her have returned and she tells him to stop. She says he is talking out of grief. He says he know he has to let her go back home and he will.

Friday, August 13

Blake comes to see Sam. He isn't there and she finds a note to Cassie saying he is out of town. She begins to look through his things. She finds a book of Shakespeare and thinks this is part of his plan. She finds parole papers and decides to call and warn Holly. Blake tries to get through but can't. Blake calls for a flight to Chicago and leaves her sunglasses on Sam's bed. Ross helps Holly with the legal details of her sale. Stuart arrives. Holly wants to ensure the jobs of her employees and Ross takes her aside. Ross says she is pushing him and Stuart says he has a flight to catch. He goes to make some calls. Ross figures out that Sam is the reason she is hesitating. Holly tells Ross that she is starting to write again. She's worried that everyone will lose their jobs. Stuart comes back and Holly tells him that she doesn't want to sell. He gets angry and leaves. Holly thinks Ross thinks she made a mistake. Blake arrives at Holly's hotel. Inside, Holly thanks Ross for his help. They get ready to go out to dinner. Blake peeks in the door and seems them in the bedroom. She hides and they leave for dinner.

David tells Bill that he is recording his lawyer. Frank arrives and takes David aside and makes sure Pilar got the message. David says she did. Frank heads to the Santos house and Vicky runs into David. Vicky apologizes for her behavior and says she was just upset about Alan. David listens to Vicky complain about her life and she asks about his problems. He says she should steer clear of him. Meanwhile, Carmen gives Danny the bonds. He is not happy. He tells her that he wants Michelle to remain in the dark about this. Pilar arrives and tells Carmen that the police are coming with search warrants. Carmen is upset that Pilar is friends with a cop. Pilar sees the bonds and gets upset. Pilar takes them and says she wants to protect her family. Bill arrives and Michelle comes down. Bill and Pilar leave. Michelle asks Danny what's going on. He is short with her and says he is just nervous about going to San Cristobel. Frank arrives and Carmen argues with him. Michelle wonders what's going on. Frank asks if they were tipped off. Michelle asks Danny about Pilar's connection to all this and Danny remains silent. Carmen listens to them argue. Danny says that Pilar is not involved. Michelle says she feels like an outsider and storms out. Carmen is pleased. Bill and Pilar arrive at Company. Bill is confused. He can tell she is tense. Bill gets a phone call and Pilar thanks David for his help. Vicky watches them. She says she has a meeting to get to and leaves angry.

Josh and Jim go to Company and Jim explains how their plan will work. Josh says he is going to deal with Richard personally. Jim says that isn't part of the plan. Josh says he can't stand the thought of his wife with this man. JIm reminds him taht Richard probably feels the same way about him. Jim says that Josh has to remember his friends. Josh realizes that he is being selfish. He promises to stick to Jim's plan. Meanwhile, Richard tells Reva he'll plan her flight. She asks why he is acting cold and realizes he blames her for Jonathan's death. She gets angry. He says he can't stand having her there. Reva says she can see what kind of man he is and will never forget him. He suggests they don't talk after she leaves and she says she still doesn't know why she left. She suggests they go to the grave for closure. Later, Reva comes downstairs with her bags and looks at the picture of Jonathan. She wonders why she left him. She calls Josh upset. She explains that it isn't Richard and tells him that Jonathan is dead. Josh is upset for her. She explains what happened. She says she is coming home to him. She tells him she loves him and he loves her too. He says he'll stop worrying when she's in his arms again. They share I love you's and hang up. Reva says she has to say goodbye to Jonathan now. Josh tells Jim and Jim is pleased. Josh doesn't believe it is really over. Reva and Richard go to the grave. She apologizes for his pain. She says Jonathan will be alive in their hearts. They find the tree but no marker. Reva thinks something is not right.

Monday, August 16

Pilar talks to Danny on the phone and tells him the bonds are safe. She says she can take care of everything until Danny gets there. The police arrive and recognize Pilar as Carmen's daughter. She tells Bill she wants to go upstairs with him and they rush out. In his room, Bill tells Pilar that she doesn't have to do this. She tells him this is where she wants to be and they get romantic. Before they can get very far, Danny arrives saying there is a family emergency. He is upset to see Pilar buttoning up her shirt and reminds Bill what he can do if he isn't good to his sister. Danny and Pilar leave with her bag. Danny is upset with Pilar for what she was about to do and she tells him she was just keeping the bonds safe. Danny wonders if Pilar really would have slept with Bill to do that and she isn't sure. She tells him that she handled everything well and should be the one to carry the bonds to San Cristobel. He tells her this isn't a joke and gets a call from Carmen. Bill finds them outside and suggests they he and Pilar pick up where they left off tomorrow.

Phillip comes home early to spend time with his family. Beth and India arrive with problems at the office. Harley and Susan go upstairs with the baby. The PR department isn't familiar with India and Beth can't access the computers. Phillip tells them that he will handle everything. Vicky overhears him tell them that he believes Alan simply wanted to bring the family together. Vicky is upset that she wasn't told about the meeting. Phillip assures her this isn't a meeting and that India and Beth were only have some problems with their new positions. Vicky tells him that they should have come to her. Phillip takes her outside and tells her not to speak to him like that in his home. He realizes she's upset that she didn't get a promotion but says she needs to prove her worth. Vicky sees that she will never get what she deserves there. Vicky calls and leaves a message for Ben to call her. She thinks the competition might find her useful. Beth talks to Susan about Jim's birthday party. Susan suggests Mexican food at the country club. Beth agrees but tells Susan that she wants to spend time alone with Jim after that. Susan says she understands but later admits to Harley that she hates Beth. She doesn't believe Cassie would treat her this way and Harley tells Susan that Jim doesn't have the same feelings for Cassie that he does for Beth. Susan thinks that maybe he should.

Blake follows Ross and Holly to the restaurant. She misunderstands when Holly thanks Ross for being with her. Holly tells Ross that she listened to her heart regarding selling the paper. She denies wanting him to talk about Blake but does believe that she's where his heart is since that's what he thought of. Ross admits to thinking about Blake sometimes but he doesn't want to be hurt again. He thinks Blake is incapable of being faithful for any length of time. Holly admits that she's been thinking a lot about Sam lately. Blake wants a drink but remembers she can't because she's pregnant. She calls Harley and tells her what's going on. Harley suggests she come home and do nothing now. As Ross and Holly leave, Blake misunderstands again their wanting to get back to the hotel. She realizes that she can't hurt her mother again and says that Ross can never know that she's pregnant.

Richard thinks he and Reva went to the wrong place but she doesn't. Richard thinks Olivia just forgot the place but Reva thinks their son is still alive. Richard says that Jonathan is dead and she must realize that. She says she will find Olivia and get some answers. They can't find Olivia and Reva gets very suspicious. Richard says he knows Olivia and she wouldn't lie about this. They agree that if Olivia lied, it wouldn't make any sense. They decide to go to Olivia's house to look for her. Meanwhile, Olivia and her sister pack their things to leave. Marissa is afraid that Richard will find out. Olivia says they will start a new life somewhere else. Marissa panics and says that they will find out the truth. Olivia tells Jonathan that she understands he doesn't want to leave but that they must. Richard and Reva arrive at Olivia's house and Reva wants to do the talking. They knock and the door is open. They go inside but no one is there and her clothes are gone. Richard calls for someone to find Olivia. Reva decides to go back to the field. They still find nothing there. Reva finds a swing attached to the tree and realizes that Olivia shouldn't need a swing.

Tuesday, August 17

Carmen and Ben spend a quiet evening at home. She tells him that Pilar is concerned about her choice in men. Ben wonders why David tipped them off about the police and she says she'll find out. She's happy that the plan to have Michelle arrested in San Cristobel is back on. She thinks that once the authorities open Michelle's suitcase and see the bonds, they'll have no choice but to lock her up for a long time. Ben thinks Danny will be upset and she agrees he'll feel guilty for a while. Meanwhile, Michelle is upset because Danny didn't tell her about the police earlier. He tells her that the less she knows the better. She won't accept that and wants to know what's going on. He can't tell her and she wonders what's happening to them. Danny tells her that they are fine and she knew he had things to do for the family when she married him. Later, they make up and make love. Carmen calls for them to have dessert with her and Ben. Danny has some time alone and wishes his father were still alive. He isn't sure he would want to what Carmen and Pilar have become. He wonders if Michelle will leave him later on or become like Carmen. He vows not to let that happen. Danny tells Carmen that Pilar was excited by the bond incident and Carmen isn't happy. She signals for Dietz to switch the bonds while Danny is away. Dietz puts the bonds in Michelle's suitcase. Danny and Michelle want to go out for a drive by the lake and Danny suggests that after everything is over in San Cristobel, they stay a few days for a second honeymoon. Carmen believes that Danny will come home alone and take his rightful place as head of the family.

Josh and Cassie arrive at the airport but Reva isn't there. Josh thinks something happened to her and says the plan is back on. They go to Company and Jim arrives. Cassie wants to go with them to San Cristobel but Josh is firm. She begs Jim but he agrees with Josh. Beth sees them together and gets upset. Jim assures Beth that nothing was going on and she reluctantly accepts that. She wants to talk about his birthday party but he informs her he's leaving town on a project with Josh. She is upset again. Josh comes and tells Beth that he needs Jim's help. Beth leaves and Josh suggests that Jim spend the evening with her. Jim apologizes for being rough on Josh earlier and vows to get Reva home. Beth comes back and they agree to spend some time together. Cassie comes looking for her cell phone interrupting Jim and Beth. Beth thinks Cassie is going wth him and is upset. He assures her Cassie isn't going and to trust him. It's Cassie she doesn't trust. Meanwhile, Cassie calls Michelle and asks for her help about the trip to San Cristobel. Michelle agrees but doesn't think her plan will work. Michelle is confident that nothing will go wrong on this trip. Cassie asks Josh if he got through to the palace. He says yes but they told him he can't get in because there is a search going on. Cassie wishes him luck and Josh thanks her for her support. Josh gets through to the palace again but they won't let him talk to Reva. He vows to bring her home.

Olivia tries to calm Marissa down. She is afraid that Jonathan will be hurt and he hears them talking. Marissa has to calm him down, too. Meanwhile, Reva finds the swing and thinks Jonathan is still alive. Richard says that isn't true. Reva tries to think of a way to find out the truth but Richard won't believe that it might be true. Reva sees "Jon" carved in the tree and shows Richard. They go to the palace. Richard can't understand why Olivia would lie to them. He wants to keep it quiet that they suspect Jonathan is alive. Edmund tries to get in to see them but the guard won't let him in. He remembers that he is what Reva was so afraid of when she left Jonathan. Reva begins to remember something about seeing Edmund the night she left. He comes in and she asks him about it. He tells them that Reva began to remember Josh and wanted to go home. He says she was afraid that Richard wouldn't let her take Jonathan when she left and that Richard was who she was so afraid of. Reva thinks she would have talked to Richard about this and Richard can't believe that Edmund kept this from him. Edmund says he did it to protect Richard and the people of San Cristobel. Richard gets angry with Reva for leaving like that and Reva can't believe that she would treat any father like that. He leaves and Reva tells Edmund that she will remember it all and leaves. Edmund decides he must get rid of Reva before she does remember. Olivia calls Edmund and asks for his boat to leave in. He says that she must help him first by luring Reva to her house alone tomorrow. Olivia agrees. Marissa's husband tells Olivia that he was just questioned about her and Olivia promises that no one will take Jonathan from them. She tells them that she arranged for a way to leave San Cristobel tomorrow. Olivia says to herself that she had to do this for Jonathan's sake. Richard comes back down to Reva and apologizes for getting angry. She says she doesn't believe it happened like Edmund said and she vows that she will find Jonathan. He asks what happens then. Edmund watches them and says to himself that she will definitely be leaving soon.

Wednesday, August 18

Selena wants to know why Buzz sent a limo to pick her up. He explains that he's having her car tuned up and painted. She tells him that it's a nice gesture, but if he wants to be in her life he'll have to come up with something more heartfelt. Buzz takes her outside and says he's going to do something he should have done a long time ago. He gives her a postcard from England. She's upset and he tells her to read it and she'll know how he feels. Selena reads the card and Buzz tells her that he could fall in love with her if he lets himself. He tells her he never thought he would feel that way again and doesn't want to lose her. He can't give her any guarantees and she says she doesn't want any. She wants him. They kiss and leave to go to Drew's.

Max and Drew get ready to see the judge about the adoption process. Max thinks Jesse would want to be there and suggests that Drew call him. Drew says no and the phone rings. Max answers and tells Jesse that Drew really misses him. Drew gets the phone and tells him to never call there again. Max tells Drew he's not Jewish either and wonders how long it will be before she kicks him out. Drew explains that their problems are a lot more than religion. She tells him that they will be a family with or without Jesse. Max tells her he's not used to people sticking by him except for his mother. Drew says she could always count on Jesse to stand by her, but not anymore. She says that he left her and that's what hurts most. Buzz and Selena arrive and they leave to see the judge.

David meets with Carmen and Ben. She tells him that the information he gave Pilar about the police was very valuable and wants to know why he did it. He says that he likes Pilar and wanted to help her out. He also says he's looking for a job. Ben and Carmen think having a cop give them inside information would be useful but David reminds them he isn't a cop anymore. Ben thinks he can beat the charges and be reinstated but he'll have to fire Ben as his attorney to distance himself from the Santos family. David says he'll think about it. He runs into Vicky on his way out and asks what she's doing there. She tells him they may be working on the same team soon because she's looking for a job. David tells her she doesn't want to be associated with these people but she won't listen. Vicky tells Ben the situation with Alan and wants a job. Ben doesn't believe her but she's willing to prove it. She offers to get him information on a bid Spaulding is making on another company. Vicky runs into David on her way out and he tries to tell her to stay away from Sancorp. She doesn't understand why he's changed his mind about her again. He explains that he still cares about her. She kisses him and shows him what he'll be missing. David calls Frank and tells him they may have to call off the plan. Inside, Ben and Carmen celebrate bringing David and Vicky on.

Holly tells Blake that her trip was very productive and that she hasn't felt this hopeful in a long time. She says she made several important decisions while she was away. Blake asks if she would tell her if she was seeing someone and Holly says she isn't. As Blake leaves to meet Cassie and Harley she runs into Ross. He tells her they need to talk but she says she's late and will call him later. Ross tells Holly that Blake doesn't want to talk to him. He thinks she wants to be civil because of the kids but that's all. Holly doesn't believe it. Sam arrives and is upset that Holly went through his things for her article. Holly denies it and Sam shows her the sunglasses. She realizes Blake did it and apologizes. Ross says he'll talk to Blake about it and leaves. Holly tells Sam she is interested in going out with him and explains that Ross isn't her boyfriend. Sam isn't sure them going out is a good idea anymore. He tells her that she'll find out soon enough since her daughter is investigating him. Holly is shocked when Sam tells her he killed a man.

At Company, Harley tells Cassie about Blake seeing Holly and Ross together. Cassie can't believe it. Blake arrives and tells them that Holly wouldn't tell her anything. She doesn't know what to do. She can't tell them she's carrying Ross's child because he would leave her. She doesn't want to come between them again and Holly is so happy right now. Blake says she can't tell them she's pregnant. Harley thinks it will be obvious soon enough. Blake says that she'll have to tell them that Ross isn't the father. Cassie gets a phone call and rushes out. Harley thinks that Ross will believe Ben is the father and that wouldn't be good either. Harley reminds her that she has time to think about it. Blake tells her that she can't see Ross at all right now because she would tell him that she loves him and is carrying their child. Ross comes up behind her.

Thursday, August 19

Blake agrees with Harley that lying to Ross is a bad idea. Ross arrives and wants to talk to Blake. He confronts her about snooping into Holly's life. She accuses him of calling her a troublemaker. He says she is acting like a child. She says that he isn't being honest with her. Meanwhile, Beth arrives and sits down with Harley and Susan. Beth tries to find out where Jim went and Susan goes on about him not telling her. She can tells that Beth is upset. Susan acts like there is a mystery about the trip. Harley sends Susan to call Meta and tries to make Beth feel better. Beth tells Harley what she suspects about Jim and Cassie and Harley thinks that is ridiculous. Harley tells her to relax. Susan comes back and Harley goes to call the baby-sitter. Susan tells Beth that she will never guess who else is out of town. Susan tells her that Meta is taking care of R.J. because Cassie left unexpectedly. Harley comes over to ask Blake how it went with Ross and Blake tells her that Ross thinks their night together was a mistake. She asks Harley to come to the clinic with her. Harley is against it but Blake says that she has caused enough pain. Harley agrees to go with her.

Holly asks about Sam's admission. He says it was voluntary manslaughter and that he isn't sorry about it. She says that they need to talk about it. He explains that in a bar one night he watched a drunk man beat on a young girl and couldn't take it. Holly tells Sam about Meg and Fletcher. They agree that they are both full of stories. She says that she is on parole and he says she can't date a convicted felon because it is a parole violation.

Matt, Jim and Josh board the yacht with Michelle and Danny. Jim reassures Josh but Josh continues to worry that Reva is in danger. Michelle and Danny enjoy the yacht ride together. They agree that they are doing the right thing by helping Josh and Reva. Michelle thinks that nothing could possibly go wrong. Josh gets them all together and Jim tells them that he and Matt are supposed to be Danny's business associates. Josh is to be hidden. Matt says it is a long way to the beach from the palace. Josh says that he'll do whatever it takes. Matt tells Jim that he is worried about Josh. Danny asks Michelle if she is nervous. He talks about how his father loved the yacht and says that he understands his father better now. Josh says someone is in the closet but Michelle tries to stop him. They open the door and Cassie falls out.

Richard tells Reva that he hasn't found Olivia yet. Edmund listens to them and comes in. He tells Richard that he has some official business to take care of. Richard leaves and Reva tells Edmund that she'll be all right alone. Edmund explains that he kept quiet for Richard's sake and Reva says that the story he told can't be true. He leaves and Reva gets a call from Olivia. Olivia tells her that if she wants to see Jonathan she must do something. Olivia tells her that Jonathan is fine and tells her to come to her house alone. Reva leaves a note for Richard. Marissa asks Olivia if this plan is save and Olivia says that Edmund is their only hope. Olivia says she cannot rip Jonathan from the only home he has ever known. Richard returns and finds Reva's note. Reva arrives at Olivia's and Richard follows her. Reva gets angry that he scared Olivia away. He tries to calm her down. Olivia plays with Jonathan elsewhere. She tells him that they are going on a holiday. She says to herself that she wishes Richard could understand and she vows to always protect Jonathan. Reva goes through Olivia's things. Richard praises her determination and tells her that he loves her. She says she can't return that love but they can find their son. He says he understands that she is going home to the man she does love but he is happy he has had her for a little while. Edmund hides in the bushes with a gun. Richard dives in front of Reva and he is shot. Edmund points the gun at Reva.

Friday, August 20

Buzz and Selena wait at the courthouse for Max and Drew. Drew is nervous as she and Max arrive. Ben arrives and tells Selena that they may have a problem because Max's appointed lawyer is sick. He sees Ross and asks him to fill in for the lawyer and Ross agrees. They all thank Ross. Carmen arrives to see Ben in court. She says that she was lonely at home. She asks why this case is so important to him but he won't say. She says that he is hiding his feelings. Ben says that he sees himself in Max. Carmen asks about Ben's adoptive mother and he says that she should have never been allowed near children. Ben tells Carmen that she spilt boiling water on him and scarred him. Drew calls and leaves a message on Jesse's machine. She can't tell him that she misses him. Ross and Max talk about Max's mother and Ross asks about his father. Max says that he never knew him. Buzz thanks Ross for all his help and Ross comments on how this makes him think about how wonderful his sons are. The judge reschedules and Ross tells them that he will be in touch. Drew tells Selena that she wants to find her dad.

Harley tells Blake that she should slow down. She tells Blake about how she felt when she was pregnant with Susan and that she thought about having an abortion too but couldn't do it. Blake says that he situation is different and that this is her change to repay her mother and Ross for the past. Harley asks Blake what she really wants and Blake says that doesn't matter now. They arrive at the clinic and Blake has to fill out some papers and read some pamphlets. She gets upset and goes into the exam room. Harley calls Phillip and tells him how blessed she knows they are to have little Alan. Blake comes back out and cries on Harley's shoulder.

Josh blows up at Cassie for being there. Danny tells Michelle that she should have told him that she was helping Cassie. Matt and Jim tell Josh that they can't turn back now. Josh tells Cassie that she must stay put when they get to San Cristobel. Josh prays that Reva will be O.K. Cassie is seasick. Jim tries to help her feel better. She worries that she has ruined the whole plan but Jim says he isn't mad. She tells him that he always makes her feel better. He tries to get her to eat some crackers. Michelle and Danny come to check on her and Cassie asks Danny to not be mad at Michelle. They all leave Josh with Cassie and he apologizes for yelling. He says he is just trying to protect her. Jim spots land. Michelle is tense and worries to Danny that Reva may not want to come with them. They all look toward the island and the marine police come up behind them.

Richard is shot and Edmund points the gun at Reva. Olivia knocks Edmund out before he can shoot. Richard gets up and they go outside and find Olivia and Edmund. Olivia runs away and they help Edmund up. He allows them to think that Olivia was the shooter. Richard and Reva thank him for saving their lives. Edmund leaves to go back to the palace and Richard collapses. Reva wants to go get a doctor but Richard doesn't want the press to hear about this. He asks her to take the bullet out for him. She finds some tweezers and gets it out. They return to the palace and Edmund says that Richard has to make another public appearance. Richard leaves and Reva apologizes to Edmund for suspecting him and says she now sees how much he loves his brother. Reva goes to rest. In her room, Reva tries to call Josh but he isn't there. She wishes he was there with her and says she only feels safe in his arms. There is someone in the room with her.

Monday, August 23

Blake tells Harley that while she was on the table at the clinic she thought of giving birth to the twins and how wonderful that was. Harley is relieved when she says she couldn't go through with the abortion. Blake tells her that Ross may want to forget what happened between them, but for her it was all about love. They go to Company and Harley suggests that it's not too late to tell Ross the truth. Meanwhile, Drew thanks Ross for his help at the preliminary hearing. Ross offers to take Max to see a Cubs game and he accepts. Selena says she's never seen Max so happy and talkative. Susan suggests that Max throw a party at Millennium once the adoption is official. She sees Beth come in and tells Max that she's been hanging around her ever since Jim left town. Max tries to stop her from goading Beth about Jim's trip. Susan asks Beth if she's heard from Jim and she says no. Susan receives a phone call from Jim and Beth overhears them. Beth grabs the phone and Jim is surprised. Beth hears Cassie in the background before he hangs up and traces the call to San Cristobel. Beth interrupts Harley and Blake and confronts them about Jim and Cassie. Harley denies knowing Cassie and Jim went away together and tells Beth she's being paranoid. When Beth keeps on, Blake tells her that nobody cares about her relationships and there are people with other problems. Beth books a plane ticket to San Cristobel and vows that Cassie won't take Jim from her. Harley calls Ross over to the table and Drew comes too. She tells them what Ross did for her and Max. Ross comments that he knows what it's like not to have a father around. Blake decides to tell Ross the truth and asks to have lunch with him tomorrow.

Drew explains to Selena why she wants to find her biological father. Selena understands and offers her help. She gives Drew the book of men she kept and says they can narrow it down. Drew changes her mind when she thinks this will hurt Selena but Selena insists that her past can't hurt her anymore. Buzz grabs the book out of her hand and is surprised to see all the men's names. Selena tells him that she was upfront with him about her past and he understands. Buzz offers to help Drew find her father too and leaves. Selena is uncomfortable that Buzz saw the book and Drew suggests that she not go looking for trouble.

Olivia sneaks into Reva's room through a secret passage. She tells Reva that Edmund is the one who shot at her. They scuffle and Reva locks Olivia in the closet. Reva opens the door to call for help and Edmund is there. He grabs her arms asking about Olivia and Reva remembers when Edmund told her that she and Jonathan didn't deserve to live. Reva keeps Olivia's location a secret from Edmund and acts like it was a dream. Edmund leaves and Reva lets Olivia out and tells her that she remembered that Edmund was trying to kill her. Reva remembers the night she left San Cristobel. She knows that Edmund tried to kill Jonathan. Olivia tells her that there is a camera in her room and Edmund can watch her. Reva realizes that Edmund has been trying to kill her all along. Olivia tells her about Jonathan and that he's safe with her sister. Olivia shows Reva a picture of him. Reva can tell that Olivia loves him very much. Olivia tells her how much Marissa loves him, too. Reva vows to protect Olivia. They agree that Richard won't believe them over Edmund and Reva comes up with a plan to expose Edmund by luring him to her room and getting him to confess on camera. Olivia agrees.

The marine police want to search Danny's house when they all arrive. Michelle lies about why Cassie doesn't have a passport. They believe her and leave. Josh is angry. Outside, Jim tries to calm Cassie down about why she is being excluded in the plan. The men finalize details of the plan. Jim tries to scare Cassie by the pool and they both fall in. Josh and Danny go over the cover story. Josh is worried about it but Danny is confident. Michelle tells Cassie that she and Jim are cute together. She thinks Jim likes Cassie. Josh asks about the bomb and Jim is sure that all will go as planned. Jim calls Cassie over to the pool. They walk and talk. She encourages him to call Susan and he does. Jim and Cassie see a whale. He thanks her for taking his mind off of things. She touches his face and things get strange. Cassie apologizes and Jim explains that if it weren't for Beth, he could fall in love with her. Cassie wishes she could find a good man. Josh daydreams of when he rescues Reva and says for her to hang on for one more day.

Tuesday, August 24

Holly goes to see Ross about Sam's murder case. She wants to know how difficult it would be to reopen it. Ross tells her he knows all about Sam's situation because he did a background check on him. He tells her that Sam decided not to speak up for himself at his trial and accepted the punishment. Holly thinks an injustice has been done and wants to make it right. Ross tells her that Blake asked him to lunch and Holly thinks it's a date. Ross tries to downplay the situation. Meanwhile, Harley arrives to find Blake trying to pick out what to wear. Harley notices that Blake is dressing as if this were a date and Blake says it's not. Blake tells her that she is going to be very direct when she tells Ross she's pregnant and isn't going to let her emotions get in the way. Harley runs into Sam outside and she offers to give Holly the gift he's bringing. She gives it to Blake and goes to the car. Blake reads the note attached to the gift and thinks Ross is breaking up with Holly because of their lunch date. She daydreams about Ross telling her how much he loves her and how happy he is that she's pregnant. Then Holly comes up and tells her that she's ruined her only chance at happiness and starts to drink again. Blake decides that she can't hurt her mother again and calls Ross to cancel their meeting. She tells him she's sick and can't make it. Ross tells a confused Holly and they try to figure out what's going on with Blake. Ross comes to the conclusion that Blake is trying to take the boys away from him. Harley is surprised when Blake says she isn't going to tell Ross the truth. Holly goes to see Sam and asks him why he didn't defend himself when he had the chance.

Josh and Jim talk about Cassie and Jim explains that things became uncomfortable between them. Josh worries that she is going to mess up the plan. Meanwhile, Cassie walks along the beach near the palace. She wishes she could be with Reva. Richard comes along on horseback. He asks if she is American and she says she is there for the ball with her husband who is a guest of Danny Santos's. She says her name is Tammy Lemay. He rides off and she is very charmed by him. Cassie returns to the house and she tells them about seeing Prince Richard. She tells them everything she told him and Danny and Jim think she could be part of the plan by distracting Richard at the ball. Josh doesn't agree. Matt tells Josh that he has memorized the layout of the palace and Jim tries to calm Josh down. Michelle tells Cassie that she didn't mess up the plan and Cassie tells her what happened with her and Jim. Josh goes to check the landing site and Danny tells Cassie that Josh is not mad at her. Cassie tells Michelle that she thinks the plan won't go as planned. Michelle worries that Reva won't want to leave with them. Cassie says that she can see why Reva fell in love with Richard in the first place.

Reva wakes Olivia and they work on their plan. Reva assures her that Richard will understand what she has done. Reva tells her that she did the right thing. Reva says she wants to see Jonathan before the ball in case something goes wrong with their plan. Olivia thinks it is too risky but she decides to tell Reva where Jonathan is. Richard knocks on the door and Olivia must hide. Reva lets him in and he tells her that he met someone that reminds him of her. She tries to get rid of him and he can see that she is hiding a picture behind her back. Reva tells him that it is Shayne. Richard asks about him and Olivia listens. Richard gets upset thinking about Jonathan. He talks about how much he despises Olivia for taking him and Reva says that maybe things aren't as they seem. He wants to know why she is defending Olivia and accuses her of thinking of no one but her family in SF. He says that she has no compassion for their son and that he can't trust her because all she wants is to get back to SF. She tells him that she does wants to find her son but her family in SF is her real family, they were before she came to the island and they will be after she leaves. He leaves and Olivia comes out. Reva says that she must tell Richard that Jonathan is safe to end his pain. Olivia tells her that she has always loved Richard but they can't tell him yet. Reva repeats the word "always" and says that she needs to go to the terrace and think. Josh walks along the shore and looks up at the palace with binoculars. He sees Reva on the terrace, Richard come out and both go inside.

Wednesday, August 25

Frank visits David at his apartment. David tells him that Carmen wouldn't offer him a job. Instead, she wants him to remain a cop and give her inside information. Frank thinks this is an even better idea. David tells him he wants out in order to protect Vicky. Frank trusts him to make the right decision and leaves. Vicky arrives and they argue about her working for the Santos family. She tells him that she gave Ben inside information about a bid Spaulding was making. He reminds her that corporate espionage and she reminds him that he took bribes. After she leaves, David calls Frank and tells him he will go through with the plan because he has to protect Vicky.

The Spauldings prepare for Alan's homecoming and agree not to tell him about losing the Cyberlink bid yet. He arrives and they are happy to have him home. A basket is delivered for him and Lizzie reads the card. It's a note from Ben wishing him well and letting him know about the missed bid. Alan says that he's only been retired for a couple of weeks and the company is already going down. Phillip promises to take care of it. Alan thinks he might have made a mistake in giving Phillip control. India tells Phillip that Alan didn't mean what he said and that she will handle him. Phillip finds out where Ben is and goes to give him a message. Harley calls for him to wait but he leaves anyway. India suggests that Alan take a vacation. He tells her they'll go away as soon as he's taken care of the business problems.

At Towers, Bill and Pilar are supposed to have lunch with Ben and Carmen. She tells him that she doesn't trust Ben. Bill suggests they go back to his place and pick up where they left off. Pilar finally confesses what she was really doing in his room the other night and asks him not to be angry. Bill tells her he doesn't like being used and leaves. Meanwhile, Carmen and Ben celebrate acquiring Cyberlink. Carmen worries about Pilar and tells Ben what happened with her and the bonds. She tells him what Pilar did to cover with Bill and is concerned she's gotten in over her head. Ben thinks that Pilar did exactly what Carmen would have done and she should be flattered. Carmen doesn't think Pilar has any experience with men. Ben suggests she leave them alone. Carmen says he'll feel differently when he has a daughter. Phillip arrives and tells Ben that he's the man he's looking to fight. Harley arrives and breaks up their argument. She asks Phillip not to get involved with the Santos family. He tells her that they attacked his family and she reminds him that they have a baby now and this side of him scares her. Phillip says that he can't back down and Harley thinks it's not that he can't, but he won't.

Holly asks Sam why he didn't defend himself. He tells her to let it go but she persists. She thinks he might not be telling her the whole truth and is accidentally cut by his knife when she grabs him. He wraps up her hand and tells her he wouldn't do anything differently if he wasn't a felon. She lists things he could do and he says he could see her if he wasn't a convicted felon. She denies thinking about that. He tells her he wants to see her, but he can't and that's the way it is. He says he explained everything in the note he left with the gift. Holly finds a typewriter and he admits to writing. He tells her she's wasting her time on his charity case.

Ross arrives and demands to know what is going on with Blake. She realizes he thought she might leave town with the boys and is upset that he thought she would lie again. Ross tells her he doesn't know what to think. Blake confesses that she's been seeing someone else. Ross can't believe she's had time to meet someone since they've been busy working on Holly's release. He realizes she was seeing this person when they made love and she tells him it wasn't serious at that point. She tells him that she wants him to see anyone he wants. Ross tells her to find something that makes her happy and she says she wants that. Holly arrives and offers to leave them alone. Blake tells them she's going to meet someone and leaves. Ross tells her what Blake told him but Holly doesn't believe it. She knows Blake loves Ross and wonders what's really going on. Blake runs into Ben at Towers.

Thursday, August 26

Ben tries to find out what is wrong with Blake. Ross and Holly arrive and Blake asks Ben to sneak her out. They go to Ben's apartment and Blake tells Ben that Ross is in love with Holly. Ben thinks that is ridiculous. Ben asks about the bathtub night but Blake doesn't want to talk about it. She nearly tells him that she is pregnant but the phone rings. Meanwhile, Ross tells Holly that he knew that Blake would run to Ben. Holly suggests he go to Ben's and talk to him about it. Ross arrives at Ben's apartment and Blake hides.

Bill is upset with Pilar and she tries to explain. Carmen comes out and overhears them. She gets angry with Bill but Pilar tries to explain to her what they were discussing. Bill leaves angry. Pilar goes off on Carmen about her and Ben. Carmen tells her that Danny told her all about what happened with Bill and the bonds. Carmen begs her to not rush into anything. Danny calls Carmen on her cell phone and says that he is getting rid of the bonds tonight. Carmen says that something will go wrong if he changes the plan. He reluctantly agrees and hangs up. Carmen looks and Pilar is gone. She calls home but Pilar isn't there. Pilar goes to Bill's and tells him that she wants him. Bill says he doesn't want her if she is just trying to prove something and he tells her to leave.

Josh, Jim, Matt and Danny get ready for the ball and discuss the bomb. Josh makes sure that no one wants out. He thanks them all for their help. Josh tells Matt about seeing Reva and Richard on the terrace and Matt tries to reassure him. Josh worries that she won't want to leave and says that this is his worst nightmare. Josh, Matt, and Jim board the raft to go to shore. They evade the searchlights and Jim goes to plant the bomb and then heads back to go to the ball with Cassie. Josh and Matt reach shore and Matt gives Josh a tranquilizer to knock Reva out in case she won't go with him. Josh scales the outer wall and can see the palace. At the Santos house, Michelle and Cassie look for something for Cassie to wear to the ball. Cassie worries that she will screw up and hurt Reva. She finds a costume and Michelle thinks she looks great. Michelle gets dressed and Danny tells her that she looks wonderful. They agree to relive their honeymoon when this is over. He asks her to go ahead with Cassie to the ball because he has some business to do. Cassie comes back in and asks where Jim is. Meanwhile, Beth arrives at the hotel in San Cristobel. She drinks in the lobby while she waits on her room. She pays the clerk to find Jim and Cassie. She reads in the newspaper that James Lemay and his wife will be guests at the ball. Beth is crushed and thinks that Cassie and Jim are there on their honeymoon. She decides that she will go to the ball herself and asks the clerk to find her a ball gown.

Reva and Olivia go over their plan to trap Edmund. Edmund appears at the door and Olivia hides. Reva tells him that she was busy on the phone to her family. He asks about Olivia and tells her that he will be protecting her tonight then he leaves. Olivia comes out and Reva shows her a dagger that she plans to use on Edmund if the plan goes wrong. Reva says that she intends to go home to her family. Olivia puts on her mask and Richard arrives wanting to talk to Reva. Olivia leaves. Richard apologizes for their argument earlier and asks her to be Katherine for this one night. She hesitates and he is crushed. She explains that she is going back to her real life but if he will promise to never speak of it again then she will be his Katherine for just a little while. Richard kisses her and then apologizes. Edmund watches them and gets very angry. He tells the guards that Olivia called and made threats to Reva. He says that a gun has been stolen also. Edmund vows to himself that tonight will be historic. Richard goes and brings Reva her crown. He leaves her to get dressed. In the ballroom, Edmund tells Richard that he know that he is thinking of Katherine. Reva arrives and Richard vows that the night will be magical. She tells him that it will be a night to remember. Edmund agrees and checks on the gun in his pocket.

Friday, August 27

Ben tries to get rid of Ross. Ross asks if he is dating Blake and Ben says no. Ben asks about he and Holly and Holly says they have business. Ross leaves and meets Holly in the elevator. Ben thinks something is going on. Blake says she is always in trouble and admits that she lied to Ross about seeing someone else. She won't take a drink from him and blurts out the she is pregnant. Ben asks if she is sure that Ross is the father and she says yes. Ben thinks that she wants him to act like he's the father and wants nothing to do with it. He asks her to leave.

Josh and Matt try to get close to the palace. Cassie asks where Jim is. Danny asks Michelle to go ahead. Jim arrives and tells Cassie she looks great. He has rings for them to wear. Michelle leaves with them. Danny calls and wants to make the exchange tonight. Danny looks in his suitcase but the bonds aren't there. He finds them in Michelle's bag. Michelle comes back and sees him with the bonds but he tries to hide them. She asks how they got in her suitcase. He explains that the family owes a debt and says he meant to put them in his own suitcase. They argue about it. She accuses him of using her friends as a cover. Michelle realizes that she would have gone to jail had they been found. He promises that this is the last time and the police knock on the door.

Everyone dances at the ball. Richard and Reva greet the guests. Reva acts like she knows everyone. Edmund and Olivia watch them from separate corners of the room. Reva goes to Olivia and they finalize their plan. Edmund watches Reva. Reva heads back to Richard and Edmund is with him. Edmund tells them that the guards have orders to shoot to kill Olivia and Reva tells him no. Richard is sure that Olivia isn't there. Cassie and Jim arrive. Cassie sees Reva and can't believe how content she looks. Jim acts like Cassie is pregnant and faints to get by the guard's annoucement. Jim radios Josh and tells him that Reva is okay. Cassie suggests a woman have her picture taken with Katherine to get Reva away from Richard. Cassie goes to Richard and strikes up a conversation. She tells him that she wants to paint his portrait. She asks him to take her outside and they run into a drunk Beth. Jim intercepts Beth and tells Richard that this is his ex-wife. Jim takes Beth aside and asks her why she is there. He explains to her that he and Cassie aren't married and he kisses her. Cassie tries to explain to Richard. Beth freaks out because she thinks Jim is two timing Cassie. Jim tries to explain and asks her to trust him. Outside, Josh changes into his tux. Jim radios him to head up to Reva's room and Matt goes to get the boat. Josh puts on his mask and heads inside. Jim tells Beth that he loves her and that she is misunderstanding. Reva asks Edmund to meet her in her room. She gives Olivia the signal and Olivia can't catch Cassie with Richard. Reva and Edmund arrive in her room. Reva confronts him and tells him that she remembers what he did. She says she saw him try to suffocate Jonathan. She tells him that she left Jonathan with Olivia to protect him. She asks if he is man enough to admit it all. Josh makes it inside and Olivia grabs him. Edmund admits to Reva that it is all true and says that she is trash that created chaos for Richard and San Cristobel. He says that Richard became a fool because of her. He says that Jonathan was only a half-breed and didn't deserve to rule. Josh tries to get away but Olivia is just hiding them both from a guard. Reva asks about Olivia and he says she was a cover. Olivia tells Josh about their plan for Edmund. Reva laughs at Edmund and tells him about the camera and that Richard knows it all. He points a gun at her. Olivia tells Josh where they are and they run to the room. Jim sets off the bomb and everyone scatters. Cassie occupies Richard while he tries to look for Reva. Josh and Olivia arrive in the room but it is empty. Josh sees a bloody dagger on the floor.

Monday, August 30

Ben arrives at Carmen's. They discuss Phillip's outburst and Pilar. Pilar arrives at home and is smart to Ben and Carmen. Pilar tells her that she and Bill are over and she runs off. Ben tries to comfort Carmen. She worries that Danny will go to prison instead of Michelle. They wait on a phone call from San Cristobel. Carmen goes to get changed and Pilar comes back down. She tries to seduce Ben and acts as though she is jealous of her mother. Ben can tell what she is doing and tells her how much her mother loves her. Carmen listens and Pilar leaves angry. Carmen kisses Ben and tells him that no one has ever stood up for her like that before.

The police arrive at Manny's. Danny hides the bonds. He lies and says he is grilling. The police have a search warrant. They badger Michelle and she says she'll show them what they are looking for. Danny goes to check the "barbeque" where the bonds are hidden. Michelle shows the police that they have illegal cable and acts like it is a big deal. The cops search the room while Danny burns he bonds. The police find nothing and vow that they'll be back. Danny is very relieved and says he just burned $2 million to save Michelle. Michelle is still angry that she had to lie to the police for him. Danny receives a phone call from Carmen and explains that he got rid of the bonds. She gets angry and he explains that he burned them. He says that he is sorry but he and Michelle couldn't go to jail. Michelle reminds him that he promised to go legit and asks him to tell her that this will never happen again. He can't do it. Carmen tells Ben what Danny did to the bonds. Ben suggests that Carmen use this to her advantage and keep Danny in the family.

Josh and Olivia find no one in the room but they do find a bloody knife. Josh gets angry with Olivia for allowing this to happen. Edmund holds Reva at gunpoint in a secret passageway. Josh and Olivia try to get the door open. Reva hears Josh's voice. Edmund torments her about being so close to her husband. Josh breaks through and Olivia explains where the passage leads. Edmund and Reva make it outside and she begs him not to hurt Richard like this. He explains that he is only doing this to protect San Cristobel. He tells her about the things his father taught him and Richard when they were young. He says that she made Richard weak and she says he really just wants the power. She offers to distract Richard again so Edmund can take power. He says she will leave San Cristobel floating face down. Reva vows that Richard will execute him for treason if he kills her. She distracts him while she drops her bracelet. Josh and Olivia arrive and they find the bracelet. Josh knows that Reva was there.

Jim tries to explain to Beth about why they are there. Beth won't believe what Jim tells her about Reva. She realizes she is acting stupid and wants to help him. Jim escorts her out and drops the bomb remote. Beth grabs the device and they sneak out. Jim tries to get Beth to go home. He tells her that she is not trusting enough and now he has to think about things. Richard tries to calm the mob down. Cassie stays with him. Richard tries to calm her down adn gets away from her. He arrives in Reva's room and finds the picture of "Shayne" on the floor and vows to find Reva. He orders the guards to find Katherine. Cassie finds Jim and Beth and goes to find out from the guards where Katherine is. She comes back and tells them that Reva is missing. She goes back to the boat. After overhearing, Richard follows. At the boat, Matt explains to Cassie that Josh said that Reva is gone. Matt goes to help them and Richard arrives on the boat. He realizes that she is Cassie and tells her taht she'd better start talking. Cassie tells Richard that she intends to take Reva home and she realizes that he doesn't know where Reva is either. Josh arrives and hears Richard say he loves Reva. He tells him that she is not his to love. Edmund gets Reva to a cave and says that this is her new home. When she asks if he will let her go, he says they'll see about that.

Tuesday, August 31

Pilar runs out after seeing Ben and Carmen kissing. Ben thinks that Carmen should talk to Pilar about men. Carmen is touched that he cares what Pilar thinks of them. She agrees to speak with her daughter. Carmen tells him about the first time she made love with her husband. She asks him about his first time and he doesn't want to talk about it. She reminds him that she opened up to him and wants him to do the same with her. Ben tells her about his scars and how the fraternity boys set him up with a hooker. He says that she made him feel special and not like a freak. Ben tells her that the hooker changed his life and he will never forget that night. Carmen tells him he is special to her too and they kiss. At company, Bill tells Buzz the problem he and Pilar are having is about sex. Pilar arrives and wants to explain but he doesn't want to argue anymore. She tells him that she came on to Ben earlier and doesn't know why. She apologizes for lying to him and leading him on. She won't apologize for them not sleeping together though because she thinks it would have been a mistake. Pilar tells Bill that she wants to wait and doesn't know when she will feel ready to be with him. She runs out and Bill goes after her. Pilar thinks he won't want anything to do with her now but he says he'll wait for her because he thinks she's worth it.

Drew and Selena get ready to go to Chicago to search for her father. Selena doesn't want her to get her hopes up because the man may not want anything to do with her. Drew assures her that she just wants to know who he is. Before they leave for the airport, Selena asks if she's called Jesse. Drew says that he should come home to her and leaves her engagement ring behind. The phone rings as they walk out the door and Drew lets the machine get it. Jesse leaves a message saying that he's back in town because he wants to make things right with Drew. He says he's missed her and loves her. When he arrives at the apartment, Drew isn't there. He sees a picture of the two of them and promises that they will make it. Jesse sees her ring lying on the table and decides to erase his message. At the airport, Selena notices that Drew is missing her ring and decides to postpone the trip so they can go back and get it. They go back home and pick up the ring. Drew is disappointed that there are no messages and they leave again. At Company, Max ignores Jesse when he comes to see Buzz. Buzz tells him that Drew went with Selena to Chicago. Buzz is surprised to hear that she left her engagement ring behind. Jesse thinks it's over between them.

Edmund takes Reva to a cave with shackles in it. He tells her that they might have gotten along under other circumstances. Reva comes on to him and says that he wasn't man enough to try for her. She taunts him and calls him a coward. He tries to kiss her and she tries to get away. They scuffle. Edmund wishes he had killed her long ago. He slaps her and knocks her out. Meanwhile on the boat, Josh and Richard think the other has Reva. Olivia arrives and Josh tells Richard that she is helping him. They tell him that Edmund has Reva. Richard won't believe them and says he trusts Edmund completely. Josh tells him that they have to save Reva and Richard drops the picture of Jonathan. Olivia explains that it isn't Shayne but it is Jonathan. She explains that she gave the picture to Reva and that Marissa is keeping Jonathan. She explains that she did it to keep him safe. Josh shows Cassie and Matt the bracelet that Reva left behind. Josh vows to hold Richard responsible if Edmunds hurts her. Cassie and Josh realize that Reva's other life was really real as they look at the picture of Jonathan. Cassie reassures Josh that he is Reva's one true love and he wonders what he will tell Marah and Shayne. Richard tries to make Josh stay there but Josh says he is going to look for Reva too. Josh says that he is not backing down and that they have to put their dislike for one another aside for Reva's sake. Edmund calls Richard and tells him that Reva is alright. Richard offers him anything for Reva. Edmund says that he will come to the palace tomorrow morning. Josh grabs the phone and says tha the will kill him if he hurts Reva. Edmund hangs up and says that there is nothing he'd like more than to see her die.

Wednesday, September 1

Rick sees Harley at Company and starts playing with the baby. He tells her he has some good news as Phillip walks up. Harley assumes Abby is pregnant but Rick says that's not his news. He's going to take Abby on a vacation and maybe they can get pregnant there. Abby arrives with a reporter doing a story on her implant. Harley tells Phillip she doesn't want him to miss the little things that are happening with the baby. He reassures her that things will only be like this until transition is over. Phillip tells her that his family is the most important thing to him. Meanwhile, Rick tells Abby that he got some extra time off for the weekend. She is excited because now he can go with her to Washington to speak on her surgery. She is happy that she can help people decide if the surgery is right for them. Rick is happy for her too but he says he misses being with her since she's so busy. Rick tells her that he was planning to take her to the Bahamas. She apologizes and offers to cancel the trip but he says it's okay. She promises to make Washington seem like an island paradise. Harley tells Abby she won't throw away any baby clothes in case she and Rick need them. Rick is disappointed when Abby says they won't need them for a long time. They all decide to have dinner together but Abby and Phillip can't coordinate schedules. Rick and Harley joke that they should marry each other after Abby and Phillip leave.

Carmen tells Ben she sometimes wonders what it would be like to be normal. Ben has a meeting and runs into Blake at the door. She tells him they need to talk about last night. She begs him not to tell Ross she's pregnant and he agrees to keep her secret. He does suggest she tell Ross the truth herself. Blake is convinced she can't hurt her mother like that. She knows she should be happy now but doesn’t know what she's going to do. Meanwhile, Carmen and Pilar talk about Bill. Carmen is pleased to hear that Pilar wants to wait. Pilar questions her mother about Ben staying overnight. Carmen tells her she's going to ask Ben to move in. Pilar gets upset and asks her if she's fallen in love with Ben. Carmen doesn't want to talk about their relationship just yet but reminds her daughter that she gets lonely too. Pilar tells her she wants her to be happy but is concerned about Ben moving in. Blake tells Ben she has a prenatal appointment and Carmen overhears them talking. Blake leaves and Carmen asks him what she was doing there. He tells her Blake was just looking for some personal advice and leaves. Carmen calls Dietz and tells him to follow Blake.

Holly arrives at her office and finds Sam there. He shows her the paper and she reads her article about his case. He tells her to let it go but she won't. She tells him that she't not the only reporter who tries to right injustices. He doesn't think that's what this is about and tells her to be honest with her feelings. He says he does want to see her but can't and that's the way it is. After he leaves, Holly wonders if he's afraid of her or of his past. She says she's going to find out. Sam goes back to the farm and remembers Holly asking him if he likes to write. He packs his typewriter and says that he will miss Holly. Sam takes his things and leaves. Holly wants to do another article on Sam but realizes she is focusing the newspaper too much on him. The police arrive and tell her she's under arrest for violating her parole. She asks for her rights but they tell her she doesn't have any and lead her away in handcuffs.

Michelle comes down to find Danny on the couch. She says she is leaving to go help Josh find Reva. He says it is too dangerous and she reminds him of last night. He says he is tired of apologizing to her and she says that right now she doesn't want to be married to him. He can't believe that she would just give up on them and says that he had obligations to the family. He says that he is trying to legitmize the family but that can't happen overnight. She tells him that he has to make a decision. Michelle gets a call from Cassie filling them in about Reva. Danny realizes that he is being pulled in too many directions. Michelle tells him that she can't live in this danger anymore and he says he will always choose her. She says she believes him and then he reminds her that it isn't over until they come up with $2 million to replace the bonds he burned. She realizes that his mother had something to do with it but he says he would have brought the bonds anyway. Michelle calls Meta and says she has a trust fund she can use towards the $2 million. Danny says he won't take it and tells her to grow up. She tells him to go to hell and goes out to the pool and gets in. He jumps in and promises that he will always love her.

Thursday, September 2

Ross talks to the judge about Holly. Holly admits that she was in the company of a felon. Ross promises that Holly won't see Sam again because he left town. He pleads that she was just writing a newspaper article. She explains that her work is very important to her and felt it was her duty to write the article. He asks her to promise that she won't see Sam again and Ross agrees. The judge wants to look into Holly's claim that Sam was wronged by the law but Holly won't divulge his name. The judge tells her that she is going to jail. The judge asks if she is attracted to this man and Sam arrives. He tells the judge that he is the one that should go to jail. The judge rules that Holly can investigate Sam's case to see if there was a miscarriage of justice but she can only communicate with Sam if Ross is present. Sam says that he isn't going to cooperate with this. Holly begs him and he asks if she is glad that he is back. Ross calls them back inside and they accept the judge's offer. They all agree to start working now and meet at the farm.

Dietz calls Carmen telling her that Blake went to a doctor's office in Clayton. Blake makes it clear to the doctor that everything she says will be confidential. She says her name is Sally Adams. She tells him that she wants the baby and he says he'll provide the best prenatal care. He schedules her an appointment for next week and she leaves. At the farm, Blake "talks" to Hart about her problems. She says she knows he could give her the best advice. Dietz returns to Carmen and tells her that Blake was seeing an OB/GYN. Carmen remembers that Ben offered to go with Blake to her appointment and realizes that Blake is pregnant. She wonders who the father is. Ben arrives and tries to sweet talk but Carmen is distant. She explains that she is in a position to be hurt by him and asks if he has some unfinished business with Blake. He explains that Blake has a problem but he is not interested in her. She says she believes him and he goes to get some champagne. She says to herself that Blake is pregnant with Ben's baby.

Cassie tells Olivia that she is worried that Edmund won't come. Josh and Richard arrive and Josh tries to calm Cassie down. Edmund arrives and Cassie lunges at him. Edmund reassures them that Reva is alive. He explains that she is in a place that she can't escape from and she will die if not found. Richard attacks Edmund and Josh stops him. Edmund says that Richard is no longer fit to rule. Edmund wants Richard to abdicate the throne then he will take them to Reva. Edmund says he wants the country to reach it's potential and glory. Richard says that he just wants power and he won't do it. Josh tells him to do it to save Reva's life. Edmund tells him to issue a proclamation turning power over to him and tells him that he loves him. Cassie begs Richard and he finally agrees to abdicate. Edmund can tell that Richard is lying and he grabs Cassie. He puts a gun to her and vows to shoot her unless they let him leave. Josh tries to guarantee what Edmund wants but he leaves with Cassie. Edmund gets in his car, leaves Cassie, and drives away. Richard and Josh come out and they get in a jeep. Richard makes Josh get out and he leaves. Josh jumps on a motorcycle and follows them both. Cassie comes back inside to Olivia. Olivia is worried about Jonathan. Cassie explains that now that Reva knows her child is alive, she will never walk away from him. Cassie and Olivia decide to go look for Reva separately. Cassie can tell Olivia is up to something and follows her. In the cave, Reva calls for Josh to come and save her as the water fills in. Two small kids see her and think she is a ghost. She begs for their help but they leave scared. The water fills up and Reva thinks of Marah and Shayne. She says they don’t deserve a mother out searching for something that should have been left alone. She vows that if she can get back to them, then she will never leave them again. The water rushes in and she calls for Josh to come get her out. Meanwhile, Richard catches Edmund and they fight. Josh arrives and follows them to the edge of a cliff. Richard and Edmund both fall over and Josh tries to pull them up. Edmund falls and Josh gets Richard up. He punches Josh for killing his brother and Josh punches him back. He screams that they must find Reva.

Friday, September 3

Carmen asks Dietz if he's sure Blake went to an OB/GYN. He confirms his story and tells her Blake was alone when she went. Carmen asks him to leave her and Ben alone for the rest of the day. Ben comes back and tells her he hopes to share something rare this evening. She tells him that if two people don't share things, the relationship dies. They have lunch and she begins to talk about her children when they were babies. Ben doesn't understand why they are talking about babies and she tells him how much attention they need. Ben is confused and reassures her that he isn't interested in Blake. Carmen tells him that she is strong when it comes to business, but she has left herself open to him in a personal way. She says that when someone crosses her she makes them pay. Ben tells her she doesn't have any competition and they kiss. Carmen grabs an ice pick and stabs it into the chair Ben is sitting in. She tells him she knows Blake is pregnant with his child.

Holly and Ross arrive at the farm and see Blake's car there. Holly notices that Ross's face lit up when he saw it but he continues to downplay his feelings for her. Holly asks him to keep Blake busy while she and Sam are in the barn. Holly thanks him for his help and Blake sees them hugging through the window. Ross tells Blake he was looking for her to ask if he could take the boys tomorrow. She agrees and they each think about how much they want the other. Blake wishes she could tell him about the baby. Ross wishes she would talk to him about her new man because he can't stand the thought of her being with someone else. Neither say anything. Ross tells her there's something he has to know. He questions her about her new relationship but she doesn't want to jinx it. He asks her if she's in love with this man but she avoids the question. She asks him if he's seen Holly and he says they had breakfast together and that he's still working on her case. Before she leaves, Blake asks him if he's happy and he says yes. She says that's a good thing and leaves. Meanwhile, Sam and Holly talk about his past. He admits to not having many friends and that he took care of himself when he was young. Sam turns on the radio and asks Holly to dance and then he kisses her. Blake comes to the barn to get away from Ross. She hears someone coming and starts to open the barn door.

Olivia goes to see her sister and Jonathan and tells them they are going on a boat ride. She tells Marissa what has happened with Edmund and Reva. Olivia says Edmund will come for Jonathan when he's finished with Reva so they have to leave San Cristobel. Cassie arrives and says she'll have to go through her first. Cassie says that Reva is Jon's mother. Olivia tells her that Marissa and Alfred are the only parents Jon knows. Cassie doesn't understand how Olivia could keep Jon away from his father, especially since she claims to love him so much. Olivia tries to explain that she was trying to protect Jonathan and didn't want to hurt Richard. Cassie says she would never hurt the man she loved like that or keep him away from his child. She tells Olivia to give Richard his son back. Marissa goes to pick up Alfred and Olivia says she'll watch over Jon. Cassie keeps on about giving Jonathan back to his real parents and Olivia says this is the hardest thing she's ever had to do. Cassie locks her in the closet and asks Jonathan to come with her.

Richard and Josh continue to fight after Edmund falls from the cliff. Josh asks him to think where Edmund would have taken Reva. Richard says he doesn't have any idea. Josh begs him to help find his wife. Meanwhile, the water rises higher and higher in the cave. Reva tells herself she isn't going to die this way and that Josh will find her. She vows not to let go. Josh asks Richard if there is somewhere they used to go as kids. Richard remembers Edmund's love for the water and says it must be the caves. They hurry to the motorcycle. The water is above Reva's head now and she remembers her life with Josh through flashbacks. Josh and Richard arrive outside the cave but don't see anything. Josh finds a ribbon from Reva's dress and climbs up and sees the water. He goes under the water and sees a lifeless Reva shackled to the rock.