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Damn you all...


My New E-mail:

Use It!!!

This site will remain here for you peoples who like this shit.

Update 2/8/99. Hey everybody! How do you like my new site. Tell me in the voting section. I have added a whole new look to my site including a warning for people under 13 at the front. You'll notice that if you followed from a link. This update was pretty decent. I usually don't update for months at a time so you can see how I went from a crappy sucky sketcher (see B&W section's drawing "Knight") to an employed manga pencilier. I am also in the middle of getting a heading made by my freind DZ3. This is what I have updated:

7 new B&W pics

1 new Color pic

New Lincs

New look

New Profile Section

Voting Thingy

Updated 2/16/99. Today all I did was add a color and a B&W pic which is very cool and some other stuuf. This pic is a pic resserecting and old comic idea that my friend Exoddus had called Impulse. Unfortunately, the name was already taken and we couldn't think of another plot for issue no.2 so it got cancelled. Mind you this was before I was employed. Well the pic is a picture of the main characters including the villain and the two hereos. It's pretty cool. I closed the requests section cause it sucked and I have no idea why I opened one. I think I was on crack or something. Anyway, my new e-mail is finally here it is Gotta go finish Final Fantasy Tactics now. Bye.

1 new B&W pic

1 new Color pic

New link

Updated 2/17/99. Hi again. I just finished coloring a peice which is fanart for HTomoe's Anime and Manga Heaven which took about 3 friggin hours to color. It is of the famous pose from Ghost in the Shell and can be found in the color section. That is really the only reason I am updating. Later.

1 new Color pic

Updated 3/6/99. Hi and yes, I finally updated. I switched around the catigorizing for my site and added some great new B&W art. My site will be moving soon hopefully to if they approve my site. I anxiously await their desicion. Meanwhile, here's some anime goodness for you.

2 New Color Pics

5 New B&W Pics

New Site Catigorization

About Me Section Updated

Links Updated

CG Art

B&W Art

Colored Pencils Art


Legal Crap


After about a month of voting, people say that my site kicks ass! That selection was chosen the most by you. Here's another one to settle a dispute between my friend and I. Make the right choice.

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