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Unleashed Memories

Me, Myself...and that little voice in my head
Toilet Bowl
People Watching
Voices In My Head
Eating Thin
Do I Have To Eat?
Digging Deeper

If you do not already have an eating disorder, that's wonderful! If you're looking for a new diet, or if you want to drop a few pounds to be slimmer or more popular or whatever, or if you're generally content with yourself and just want to look better in a bikini, GO AWAY. Dont send me hate mail or any crap like that because i will simply throw it away. It is ones own decision to be pro-ed and i dont want to argue about it. If you really would like to talk to me though thatd be cool. I am going through a really rough patch in my life and it would be awesome if someone could talk to me, encourage me, whatever. If you want to talk email me at -thx, enjoy the site