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Thursday Night WarGames - "The Very First Time" - Thursday, August 15th...

Undisputed TPW World Championship - Singles Competition

Daniel Douglas (c) vs. JJ Thompson

| The scene opens up as yellow lights start to cover the arena. "Still Fly" by The Big Tymers hits the PA system and out walks the challenger for the Undisputed Champion, JJ Thompson! He throws his hands up to the fans as he quickly sprints down to the ring. JJ slides into the ring and then does his posing on the turnbuckles. He points towards the entrance way and starts to laugh. He drops down to the mat and awaits the champion. Just then, "Still Fly" cuts from the PA and a momentary silence happens as JJ Thompson seems confused. Just then, red fireworks go off, one by one, around the ring. JJ looks around, unimpressed. The lights dim and red spotlights starts searching around the arena. "Up in Here" hits the PA, and then the red spotlights hit the entrance area and out walks the Undisputed TPW Champion, Daniel Douglas. He does not pause, and he continues a steady walk down to the ring. As he stands ringside, looking up at JJ Thompson, he throws the Undisputed Champion onto the floor and slides into the ring. The bell rings. |

| JJ Thompson goes to tackle Daniel Douglas, but he grabs him in a waistlock. Douglas lifts him up a bit and sits him down into a facebuster on the top of his right knee. Thompson bounces up from the hit, and Douglas goes for a clothesline. Thompson grabs him into an armbar and takes him down to the mat, wrenching the manuever in harder. As Douglas yells, he starts to move towards the ropes. He finally reaches out and touches the rope. The referee warns Thompson to break the hold, and he does right before the five count. Thomspon stands up and turns around. As Douglas tries to get up, Thompson hits him with a standing dropkick to the shoulder. Douglas falls down to the mat again as Thompson stands back up to his feet. Thompson raises his hands into the air, acting supreme. |

| As Thompson gloats, Douglas gets up to one knee. Thompson grabs him by his head, but Douglas punches him in the balls, knocking Thompson down. As Thompson holds himself in agony, Douglas bounces off of the ropes and hits a spear on him, sending Thompson out of the ring and onto the floor below. As Douglas stands up, the crowd starts to boo him. Douglas throws both of his middle fingers up, and the crowd boos even more heavily. Douglas gets frustrated, and then he exits the ring after Thompson. Poor Thompson is seen holding his balls as Douglas stalks him. Douglas then reaches over and sits down on Thompson's mid-back. As he sits down on his back, he grabs onto his neck with both hands and pulls back, putting Thompson into a camel clutch. As Douglas reaches back and pulls harder, Thompson tries to pull his hands apart. Douglas lets go as the referee warns them to get back into the ring. Douglas stands up and rolls into the ring to break the count. Douglas immediately rolls back out and goes after Thompson. |

| As he nears his fallen body, he tries to pulls Thompson to his feet. As he does, Thompson reaches up and hits him with an uppercut, making Douglas stumble backwards. As Douglas regains his awareness, he sees Thompson running at him. Thompson goes for a clothesline, but Douglas lifts him up and hits a back body drop onto the floor. Thompson rolls around in agony as he can feel the concrete from under the mats. Douglas stalks over him, and then he pulls him to his feet. He rolls the limp Thompson into the ring, and follows after him. Douglas goes for a pinfall, and the referee drops down. He only gets a two count before Thompson kicks out. Douglas is heard yelling at Thompson. |

Daniel Douglas: "You ain't so fuckin' bad now, are ya?! Stay down, you dumbass!" | As Douglas finishes yelling at Thompson, he decides to try to go for another pinfall. Douglas reaches over and tries to pull Thompson into a rollup, but Thompson reverses it mid-move and rolls Douglas up for the pinfall. As Douglas struggles the get out of it, the referee's hand slaps the mat for the second time. Before the third, Douglas lifts his shoulders up barely. The crowd starts to chant JJ Thompson's name as both men get to their feet at the same time. Douglas throws a punch, but Thompson blocks it and hits him with a few of his own punches to the face. Thompson whips Douglas into the ropes and as he return, he lifts him up and drops him into a tornado backbreaker. Douglas falls limp as Thompson goes for the cover. The referee goes to slap his hand down the final time, but Douglas kicks out somehow. Thompson seems surprised that Douglas could do that. As Thompson pulls Douglas to his feet, he kicks the champ in the mid-section. That causes Douglas to slump over and Thompson walks over to him. He pulls him into a powerbomb position, and then goes for it. As he holds Douglas in the air, Douglas tries to fight out of it with punches to Thompson's head, but it causes Thompson to drop him into a powerbomb nearly on top of his head. Both men are down, and the crowd starts to get on their feet. |

| As both men are laying on their backs, exhausted, the cheering of the fans can be heard throughout the arena. As the men struggle to their feet, Thompson gets to his feet first. He stumbles around for a minute, but realizes what is going on. He then starts to stomp the hell out of Douglas who was trying to get up. Douglas falls down onto the mat as Thompson relentlessly kicks him in his ribs and stomps him into his back. As Douglas is laying on his stomach, Thompson spots an opportunity. He rolls out of the ring as Douglas is seen laying in the ring, now bleeding from his mouth. Thompson reaches under the ring and then pulls out 12 feet of steel. Thompson pulls the steel ladder from underneath the ring and grabs it. He slides back into the ring and walks over close to the turnbuckle. He sets the ladder up, and he goes to start climbing, but he drops back down. He walks over to Douglas and starts to kick him some more just for security. He then hurries back to the ladder and climbs up it, step by step. As he reaches the top, the crowd starts to go crazy, cheering for him to do it. With that, JJ Thompson leaps off of the top of the ladder with a flying headbutt, but as he is about to land the move, Douglas rolls out of the way. Thompson falls down onto his stomach and hits the mat. As he is laying, out of breath, and nearly unconcious, Douglas struggles to his feet. |

| As Douglas uses the ropes to pull himself back up, he walks over to Thompson's motionless body. He lifts him up, struggling to get him to his feet after he was knocked out. Douglas uses the very last bit of energy he has and lifts Thompson up into the Douglas Drop and hits it, nearly perfectly. As both men are laying on the mat, Douglas slowly pulls himself towards Thompson. Just then, Demon, the former Undisputed Champion, jumps the barricade and slides into the ring. He pulls the nearly wasted Douglas to his feet and slams him with his finisher, The Demonizer! As Douglas is knocked out, the referee signals for the bell. Demon stalks towards Thompson, who is laying on the mat after taking the Douglas Drop and jumping off of a ladder, missing a high spot. Demon pulls Thompson to his feet and without effort, lifts him up into the air and drives him down with The Demonizer. Demon gets a sadistic look on his face as he sees both men laying on their backs, unconcious. He jumps out of the ring and he spots the Undisputed Championship laying on the floor. He picks it up, and holds it in front of his face. Demon then spits on it, disrespecting both the championship and the current champion, Danie Douglas. Demon throws the title onto the floor as he slowly makes his way to the backstage area. The referee checks on both men as the ring announcer stands up at ringside. |

Ring Announcer: "Due to outside interference on both men, this match is a Double DQ. Daniel Douglas retains the Undisputed Championship by default."

Winner by Double DQ, and still the Undisputed TPW World Champion, Daniel Douglas.


Stephanie (TPW.CEO)

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