LDS sees how very important Christ's prayer to Father in Gethsemane. St. Luke 22:41-46, Revelation 1:5

Jesus Christ prayed to Heavenly Father in the garden of Gethsemane and is the first beginning of his suffering of our sins.

The first sign was in Matthew when Herold wanted to kill all baby boys.

When he started preaching at his father's Temple, healing the sick, raising the dead, touch lepors, whores....this is the begining of his sentence to death by Scribes and Pharisess

We know that he loved us so much; he suffered in the garden of Gethsemane of every drop of blood that came out of his pores is our sin and that we may be forgiven. About the agony so intense that He trembled because of pain and bled from every pore.

He was resurrected to show us that we will be resurrected according to our works and the righteous people will live with him some day.

Roman Empire used the cross to convict serious crimes. So Roman caused burden on Christ to suffer by carrying his cross, torture, and die on the cross.

Little over 2,500 years ago, it was this exception, the association of the cross and ankh, that allowed the cross to become the symbol of the entire faith.

Roman Catholic is the first religion to have cross symbols and when others religions branched off from them; they carried the symbol with them.

St. Matthew 16:24 - Then said Jesus unto his disciples, if any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

Deny all himself (that is ungodliness, and every worldly lust and keep my commandments), take up your cross and follow him.

The cross to be taken up may be heavy, perhaps to be dragged because to burdensome to be borne.

One man's cross may consist in refraining from doing things to which he is inclined...(like working on Sundays, skipping church to go to a movie, etc).

Another's in doing what he would fane escape (like an addiction that would be hard to get over, but is a challenge or trial in life).

It's basically staying away from the worldly ways, and being a true disciple of Christ. It does not mean to wear a cross.

A cross is heavy, it's a burden. Carrying something heavy (problem or challenge) makes us humble and teachable.

We do not have cross symbols is because: Roman Empire used the cross to kill serious crimes. Christ did not commit a crime.

We think of what Christ done at the garden of Gethsemane when he prayed to Father and he bled every drop of blood according to every sin that a human made when lived on this earth. Yes, he also suffered pain while carrying his cross and hang there for us.

We focus when he prayed unto Father to forgive our sins. (St. Luke 22:44) We remember every drop of blood he dripped for us.

LDS remember what He had done for us; they take the sacrament (bread/water) every Sunday at church.

Also to remind us of our covenant with the Lord Jesus Christ that we took his name when we were baptized by immerge in water.

We used to take wine but was changed because of alcohol abuse substance.