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Wassup all!!! As you've probly noticed this site has pretty much gone to the dogs. I've spent much time and effort on this site but with the limitations of webtv all the things i wanted 2 do just cant be done fast enough. Seeing as how i still want this site im anouncing sign up for staff membership. Only a few can will be given staff-ship but addtional help is always appreciated. The main areas i need help on is someone 2 make graphics and page layouts, you can e-mail me at telling me what you'd like 2 help with. Until i get a lil help i dont see a update coming til next month. Also if you'd be intrested in heing run the forum you can do that also. If you'd have another blackdbz site or would jus like 2 affiliate with me mail me also. Well since i've gotten all the bad news ut of the way heres sum good news. I dont know if i've told you all yet but DaBlack Saiyan Music archives will be 1 of the major updates i've planned. It'll make the sometimes tedous task of sufing through my site a lil better if ur bumpin 2 the sound of Nelly or Aaliyah. Before i go imma letcha know this site is now and will always ways be lookin out 4 my webtv peeps HOLLA!!!