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ECS Sample Home Page

I take full responsibility for the information posted. The information on this page represents that of myself and not that of California State University, Sacramento or the College of Engineering and Computer Science .

[Under Construction!]

Please check back later.

The filename for this homepage is index.html. It is located in the directory "html" in your UNIX account.

Your URL is

Replace the ???????? with your user ID.

CGI files can also be developed and executed from your account. The URL to use when accessing your personal CGI files is

Again, replace the ???????? with your user ID. Note: Any CGI files you create should have a name that ends with ".cgi" as the extension.

Before you do any change to your homepage with an editor, please make a copy by typing the following command:

        cp ~/html/index.html ~/html/backup

Basic HTML programing

A html document is composed of tags surrounding text, for example
<html>     		[start of html file]
<head>     		[start of head element]
<title>...</title>	[text that appears in the window color bar] 
</head>    		[end of head element]
<body>     		[start of body of the document]
...			[user optional tags and text goes here]
</body>    		[end tag of body]
</html>    		[end tag of html file]

Examples of link and picture:

Read the source and learn how to do it!!!

CSUS Homepage

The name of this picture is walk.jpg. (It uses 20k of your disk space)

Note: Any pictures must allow read privilege for everyone.
For example: chmod 644 walk.jpg

If you want to learn more HTML details, here are some good online sources.