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Nothing dies so hard,

or rallies so often

as intolerance

"We were taking the counsel of fear."

This is the future site of the story of a statewide AA roundup that was to be sponsored by one of its Districts. The District then allowed individual AA communities to bid on “hosting” the roundup.

One community graciously accepted the bid, meticulously and conscientiously coming up with a wonderfully conceived event.

The Area had many points of contention on what the planning committee saw as its final masterpiece.

Come back later to read the full version, written as a narrative, neither taking sides nor condemning interpretations of Traditions. It covers the evolution of this event, from inception to final product. It will be an historical narrative containing some of the actual exchanges that took place (Area Chairperson: "I won't waste my money coming to your Roundup!"), and the way solutions were finally arrived at to maintain harmony and allay fear.

Some of the points of contention were:

  1. Relationship between AA and Alanon
  2. AA’s Use of Websites
  3. Application of World Service Guidelines for Conventions
  4. Use of AA’s logo
Please use it as a study in controversial issues that your group might learn from in convention planning.