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I think this picture of Aunt Peg's son Aubrey
was taken at Aunt Peg's home in Whitby, Ontario

Mom said I was always stubborn
wouldn't keep my dress down for the picture
but were Jim and I not "too cute"

This is Uncle John with my sister Jill's son Steven

This is Ena and I at her wedding party at Jim & Angela's home
I think I was explaining about the "birds and the bees"

This is myself and my youngest daughter Beverley

Beverley on vacation

This is baby John with Dad and John's big sister Jill

This next picture is Uncle Chub & Aunt Betty Shering with Grandpa Ingram

This next picture is the Shering children
Christopher, Diane, George, Gloria and Bob

These are photo's of photographs of
Aunt Georgina Ingram and Uncle Douglas Ingram

Mom was a really good cook
She was only 15 when her apple pie took the prize