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Family Stories

This picture was take at Garlands Commercial Ranges, in Mississauga, Ontario...February 21, 1979
Dad said that he was in another part of the plant
sitting on a bench having a break
The foreman came and got him to come & meet the Prime Minister
Dad said that he wasn't that interested but the foreman insisted
As it turned out, they had quite a discussion
about Penetanguishene, which Mr. Trudeau had never heard of
and the fact that Penetang had a Protestant Separate School
They discussed the fact that Dad was raised in a biligual town but did not speak French.

This is a picture of our first family car
This 1932 Willys was purchased in 1945
We were pretty proud the day Dad brought it home

left...Douglas Ingram...Sandy McCuaig...Beverley(Bud) Ingram
Sandy was dad's best man when he and mom got married

This is Arthur
Arthur was a patient at the Ontario hospital
Dad says he remembers him well
He came to dad's place every day to take the dog for a walk
but dad said that he would never put the dog down
he just picked him up and went for a walk
Dad said he was a black man, he had no family and was afraid of dying
he wanted someone to say words over him and remember him
they told him that they would

This is the house that dad and his little dog "Miss Mitzi" live in now
He moved to Britt last year, May 2001
Our houses are joined by a deck
which makes it nice and easy to go back and forth visiting
This picture of dad was taken March 24th, 2002

This is a picture of Angela and Jim's son Paul
The Association that he works for, had a picnic
Paul and some of the other kids managed to get stung by bees
that's why the mud on Paul's leg and the target on his forehead...
"I think brother Jim put it there"
Jim said that he figures that the reason the kids got stung
had something to do with the " gooeyness" around their mouths....
big brother knows best....but still "looking pretty cute"'ll be getting fan mail from the relatives...I'll bet...Somebody told me, that you give the "best hugs"......Love Aunt Lynn

Jim came to visit me one day
and we were sitting talking about all kinds of stuff
We got on the subject about family pets
I said..."that is a real pretty cat you have"
"I like that she stayed so small"
Jim said..."well, not only that....but she has such small litters of kittens"
I said..."oh really"...
Jim said..."oh yeah...the first time...she had four"
"the next time....she had two".....
"the last time....she didn't have any"......

This is Aunt Betty (Elizabeth Ingram)
When I was a baby, I couldn't tolerate anything but mother's milk
My mother wasn't able to nurse me
Cousin Diane and I were born around the same time
so every day Mom would take me to Aunt Bettys
and she would nurse me as well
(Thanks for sharing Diane)

This is brother John and his wife Janet Ingram
on one of their trips to Puerto Vallarta

Dad's Grandmother..Elizabeth Moore, passed down this recipe'
Dad said that she would take the grandchildren down to the root cellar,
and they would sit on the bench
and she would give them a little drink of dandelion wine
Dad said "boy...that was good"
Spring is almost here, so for those that would like to try it
Dandelion Wine
To 1 peck dandelion flowers and stems
add 3 gallons of boiling water
Boil 20 mins. Strain
To each gallon of liquid add 3 lbs. of white sugar
and the rind of 2 oranges and 2 lemons
Return to heat...boil 20 mins. more
Pour in crock when nearly cool
add yeast cake on top of a piece of toast
Next day, add the juice from the oranges and lemons
Put in dark place