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Ha Ha Ha......No, Nothing Can Stop The FOB Experiance! It Lives And Breathes inside every Fobber in the world...

Did the FOB give up the Site for the time bieng? ummm, Ya. Did The FOB Kill off the site for the time bieng? Umm, Yes again.

You Can't Kill What You Didn't create........


Will FOB Radio be:
Worse Then the Special Olympics
As Good As The Word "Daffite"
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This whole site was created, and is maintained by Adam G. Yet at the same time, Adam or the rest of the Full of Bull take NO responsibility for any content posted on the Message Board that is not posted by any FOB Members.

By writing this Disclaimer, and you, the viewer to the site viewing this, you will automatically agree to these terms and conditions. Meaning that if anyone insults you on the Message board, and there not in Full Of Bull, then Adam, Patrick,Stephen or Jamie CANNOT get in any trouble. If you DO NOT Agree, then leave this site immediatly. But if you agree, Click To Enter.....
