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I've joined the Ring of Ice and Fire (hopefully, as of now), and have a new title image. Hurrah.


Picture of a DRAGON in da gallery. Des dragons are v. fun to draw.


Woo. Ballpoint Stannis up een gallery.


The crossover that MUST NOT BE: So last night I was watching Angel and thought: I wonder what happened to Tysha? Speaking of which... what kind of name is 'Tysha', anyway? It certainly doesn't sound medieval, nor does it sound European. It DOES sound like an American Black name, though-- like LaTisha, or Tisha-- but Tysha isn't black. In that case, it's more like one of those half-hick names like Buffy or someth--NOOOOO. This update: The page has a name, and one Sandor picture in the gallery. Huzzah!


It lives!
