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Ace Heart (Kutná Hora) (1983)

Ace Diamond (Kutná Hora) (1983)

Ace Spade (Kutná Hora) (1983)

30 Let Podniku Mototechna 1949-1979

750 let 1228-1978 města Hodonína

Arco (1971)

Astor Full flavor

Astor Lights

Bakara K.S (soft pack)

Boss Full flavour

Caines Lights

Calumē Full flavour

Camel Filters Box

Camel Filters Generous flavour (new design)

Camel Lights

Cartier Vendôme Lights


Clea K.S (with price 7-Kčs) (soft pack)

Clea K.S (with price 6-Kčs) (soft pack)

Cristal Menthol lights

CS Filtr (1970)

ČSTP (soft pack)

Dalila King size (red) (1983) (soft pack)

Dalila King size (blue) (1976) (soft pack)

Davidoff Classic

Davidoff Mild

Davidoff Lights

Disco (soft pack)

Družba King size (1984) (soft pack)

Explzeň Filtr (soft pack)

Fatima S Filtrom K.S (soft pack)

G Grand Brown (soft pack)

G Grand Green (soft pack)

Golden American Lights

Goldener Fasan (Hurbanovo)

Hifi (soft pack)


Karelia Slims

Karelia Slims Menthol lights

Karelia Slims Ultima

KOLI´N ovbd

Kusovka Cigareta s filtrem (1 cig. plastic pack)

Letka Jemné 70mm (18 cig.)


L&M Filter

L&M Lights

L&M Lights 100´s

L&M Super lights

Lucky Strike Filters K.S Box, special edition "Vision" film, film noire

Lucky Strike Filters K.S Box, special edition "Vision" divadlo, living theatre

Lucky Strike Filters K.S Box, special edition "Vision" literatura, beat generation

Lucky Strike Filters K.S Box, special edition "Vision" malířství, pop art

Lucky Strike Filters K.S Box, special edition "Vision" sochařství, kinetic

Lucky Strike Lights K.S Box, special edition "Vision" film, film noire

Lucky Strike Lights K.S Box, special edition "Vision" literatura, beat generation

Lucky Strike Lights K.S Box, special edition "Vision" malířství, pop art

Lucky Strike Lights K.S Box, special edition "Vision" architektura, bauhaus


Lýra King size (1970) (soft pack)

M Mentyl (soft pack)


Marlboro Country collection 1, 5 different packs

Marlboro (KOUŘENI ŠKODI ZDRAVI written on the pack) (with price 20-Kčs) (soft pack)

Marlboro (soft pack)

Marlboro 100´s

Marlboro Medium

Marlboro Lights

Marlboro Lights Country collection 1, 5 different packs

Marlboro Lights 100´s

Marlboro Lights menthol

Mars International Lights

Mars M20 (soft pack)

Mars M20 Lights K.S Filter

Mentolované M (soft pack)

Mentolované M (with price 8-Kčs) (soft pack)

Mentolované M (with price 8-Kčs and čstp) (soft pack)

Milde Sorte Filter (1983) (soft pack)

Monte Carlo Filters

Monte Carlo Lights

Nora (soft pack)

Nový Jičín (1975)

Ok !

Olympia (soft pack)

OPS Kutná Hora (1975)

Pall Mall Filter

Pall Mall Lights

Pall Mall Ultra lights

Partyzánka 10 cigaret (very old)

Petra (TABÁK) (soft pack)

Petra (čstp) (soft pack)

Petra King size

Petra King size (version 2)

Petra 100´s

Petra Lights

Petra Lights menthol

Petra Extra lights

Petra Extra lights (version 2)

Petra Extra lights 100´s

Philip Morris Super lights

Pilsner Urquell

Prince of Blends

R1 Light flavor

R1 10´s

Red Dog Filter 70mm (20 ks za 28.00 Kč)

Red Dog Filter 70mm (18 cig.)

Red Dog Filter (18 cig.) (soft pack)

Red Dog Filter 70mm (18 cig.) (soft pack)

Red Dog Lights 70mm (18 cig.)

Red Dog Lights (18 cig) (soft pack)

Red Dog Smooth 70mm (20 ks za 28.00 Kč)

Red & White International K.S

Red & White International K.S Lights

Regina (soft pack)

Rogalo (soft pack)

Ronson American Blend

Ronson Light American

Route 66 Original

Route 66 Lights

Safari King size Long filter (1986) (soft pack)

Slavia Extra lights

Sparta Interhotel Čedok

Sparta Civilni obrana ČSSR 3OCO 1951-1981

Sparta UIS Alimentation 1949-1974, 27-31.V.1974

Sparta (TABÁK) (soft pack)

Sparta (čstp) (soft pack)

Sparta Classic

Sparta Lights

Sparta Extra lights

Start Filter

Start Filter K.S

Start Lights

Strāžnice (green-brown)

Strāžnice Zįvod (white)

Svitavy (1975)

Trend K.S American blend Long filter (1987) (soft pack)

Třinecké Železárny VŘSR Podnik Socialistické Práce (golden pack)

Trumf Lights

Vicomt K.S (1972)

Viki (soft pack)


West Full flavor

West Full flavor (soft pack)

West Medium (soft pack)

West Lights

West Lights (soft pack)

West Ice

West Super lights