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"; require_once("../foot.php"); exit; } $u=@mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT `userid`, `username`, `level` FROM `users` WHERE `username` = '".$uname."'")); if ($u["level"] < LEVEL_ADMIN) { echo "\nYou are not authorized to view this page.\n"; require_once("../foot.php"); exit; } ?> KOS Utility Return to: Board List Topic List"; if ($topic) echo " | \nMessage List"; ?> | Control Panel This KOS was removed successfully."; } else if (($alias) && ($ip) && ($isp)) { mysql_query("INSERT INTO `kos` (`type`,`alias`,`ip`,`isp`) VALUES (1,'".$alias."','".$ip."','".$isp."')"); echo "This KOS was added successfully."; } $r1=mysql_query("SELECT `kosid`,`alias`,`ip`,`isp` FROM `kos` WHERE `type` = 1 ORDER BY `kosid` ASC"); ?> Registration Blocks Alias IP ISP Action \n".$k["alias"]."\n".$k["ip"]."\n".$k["isp"]."\n[Delete]\n\n\n"; ?>

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