Here you go, you greedy pigs. You asked for it.


Poor Katie. She's choking yet nobody helps. In fact, that girl is laughing at her.

Oy oy, it's Dennis! Don't know what's he thinking about with those chopsticks in his hat. Interesting.

Chris and Stephen, one sunny half day. What are they looking at? Eee, lookit his beautiful hair. The Terry Fox Run! Hahahaha, this picture is funny for a number of reasons. Stephen looks like he's going to throw a rock at my head (but it's cleverly hidden behind his back), and I'm running away in terror, and Kseny is some sort of bewildered jogger looking at me going, "What the fudge?" Then there's Katie with a migraine headache of some sort. ("I don't need to take all of this... KILL THE BRUTES!!!") .: Side note- my ass looks way bigger than usual. Hahahaha :.

It's Chris! Aka Kritanti. I think he looks so nice in this picture. The shadowing adds mystery and he has such a quiet smile and...yeah, I'll stop. =P Bottom line, it is a great picure of him.

Grade 8 confirmation of: Kyle, Albert, Chris and Stephen. All spiffed out for the big day of having oil poured on their heads =) So genuinely adorable.

Is Sarey safe?! She looks so happy and laughy here.

Ahhh! Hide your children, it's Suffy the woofy! She is my pet. I like to suffocate her with pillows.

This is Lee Ann and her boyfriend Steve-o. Sheesh. Stop with the X rated-ness...

Nicole in all of her gina-tistical glory.

Hiii Chris Corazzola! You're on my site. Ooh, black and white pic. Very dramatic.

It's Donavyn! I have no idea what he's laughing at, though... black and white as well.

Oh wait, I lied. Guess I do have a picture of myself. Haha. That's me and Albert. It was so friggin' hot that day but I wore that black sweater anyway. Damn sun. Why do I have my fist clenched? No idea.

Here is Kevin, the Gonad man. Gooonadsss!

I looove this picture of Suf. She claims she looks like a hooker in this one, but I disagree wholeheartedly. I think it's beautiful. Look at it's artistic qualities!

Yaay, another one of Stephen! Look at the intensity in his eyes. A history teacher in the making indeed.

That... is a grade three picture of David. Currently David lives in New Scotland, BUT HE'S MOVING BACK TO MISSISSAUGA. Hopefully. He better. Or else I will throw a tantrum.

Haha. Julie looks awesome in her little hat. Of course, I had to substitute 'awesome' for 'cute', because Julie hates that word.