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About Anchorage free ads

 This site is designed to be the most sensible way of placing advertising for Anchorage residents who wish to sell personal items (just like the classifieds) but free. All it takes is internet access and if you are here half the solution is already solved if you would like to place an ad please got contact information located on the navigation bar and email you're ad and contact information so you're ad can be placed. After you're ad is placed you will be sent a one time notification E-mail. We are non profit but donations are excepted (to keep this site open).


What's here for you

bulletAdvertising for the Anchorage area
bulletLink exchange (Other links)


 All ads will be screened for content and intent before placed on this site. Ads are limited to no more than 125 words. Ads will bee kept for no longer than 30 days and will be removed unless permission is requested. Ads are subject to removal at time without notification.

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 Copyright 2004 Green Tea.Inc.
For problems or questions regarding this web
Last updated: 10/17/04.