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JC's Home esq Page

Well kids this 15 yr old boy has grown up and entered the information super-highway some call the "internet". Well I'd like to thank you for visiting my modest web page. I'll be addin' other stuff shortly but at least my picture is on it.

By clicking here, you assure that you are of legal age to laugh non-stop for several minutes. The penalty for lying is not laughing and thinking I'm a wierdo (if you don't already)
Funny stuff
more Funny stuff
even more Funny stuff
yet again, more Funny stuff
Will this Funny stuff never end?
I really am not shure
Gawd Help us all! the funnyness wont quit!
Hahaha more funny jargin

Application to date my daughter
I cant figure this out, in fact it make my brain hurt, can u figure it out?

This is pretty swell picture of me, and the pretty girl beside me is Sherri.
Me, My buddy Johannes, and my good pal Tiffany.
Hurry to this one gals, its me topless.
Me and the Kimster (the girl on my shoulders).
Me again, blonde.
Me as a BLACK WHOA! (my hair, im still a white boy).
Look kids! it's me... in pimp form.
Mug Shot?.
Pondering a question of the ages.
Tight mohawk pic.
me in my basement, smiling.
Pic of me in a parking lot in france.

This is my cousin Bobs website.