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About this woman:

Basic Stats:

This woman is not a slave, she is not part of the BDSM lifestyle. She is a woman who believes in "old fashioned" morals and values.

While she will work outside the home as needed or allowed, she believes that women belong, primarily, at home: cooking, cleaning, shopping for groceries, maintaining their figure and primping for their man. That is, of course, outside of service to Jehovah, which takes priority.

I say as allowed, because this woman is an extraordinary talent when it comes to her artistic endevors. She paints a great deal with acrylics on canvas or watercolor paper. On the previous page there is a link to her site. She creates wonderful web pages and this is a potential money maker. She also writes poems, songs, novels, short stories. . and in this she is a beautiful genius. It would be a shame to let such talent lay fallow.

This woman believes in giving service to others, and that is especially true in the case of a husband. Of course, if she were to be working, some things would necessarily be given in service to a lesser degree, but she loves to cook, to make a home a nice place to be, to massage backs and feet, to please her man. She considers pleasing one's partner to be the primary duty associated with being a woman.

While she has moments of overwhelming adoration for an individual, where she must hug them, kiss them, sit at their feet, or other even lovelier things, this woman is not the type to be clingy. She expects you to go out with friends or do your own thing, however you do it, and likewise expects that sometimes she will get to do the same. So long as basic politeness is observed, no man is going to come home and find her upset that they went out and stayed gone til 3:am. They might find she's fidgety from lack of physical affection, but, not upset.

This woman has four chldren. They are all between the ages of 10-15. The youngest lives with her and the others live with their father. She cannot have more chlldren, but she is willing to give love and attention to your children, if you have some. She will not even attempt to fulfill the role of mother with them unless they are very young and, of course, their mother is completely absent.

When it comes to her children, she has to pay at least a nominal amount of child support. If she is working, she must pay even more, of course. They have visitations scheduled. These visits can be modified, to some extent, to suit your needs but she will not be with someone who wishes her to cancel them or to give her child that lives with her up for adoption.

Yes, for those of you who are not aware, there are a great deal of cruel, and insane, people on the Net who ask for all manner of things,including for women to abandon their children so that they can be better slaves.

This woman has pierced ears, two holes each. That is all that she has,or will have, pierced. For now, she seldom wears jewelry or make-up. Whether that changes in the future depends first and foremost on two things:

1) Her health. As mentioned above, she has certain issues. Her diet needs to be maintained, she needs supplements, and right now, due to the abuse and neglect of her former Master and her former husband(separate people, separate times) as well as years of poverty, she needs a period of time to detoxify, cleanse her system. . reboot, for you computer nerds. No jewelry can be worn, with consistency, until this occurs, nor can she wear much makeup or nail polish until this occurs.

2) You. That is, if you are the lucky man who weds this woman, then you will find yourself with a biddable, beautiful female who does not have any personal desires for wearing makeup, jewelry, high-heels, etc. Yet, she has indicated, more than once, that if her man wished her to, then she would do so.

This woman has been a part of the BDSM lifestyle before, in a very limited fashion. She is not proud of her past, but does see it as an indication of the sort of discipline and relationship she needs.

She has no formal training in anything, except that she is beginning to receive formal training as part of the Theocratic Ministry School.

She is a good girl, very willing and cooperative; with a strong personality, sense of humor, and playfulness.

This woman left off all activities associated with the BDSM lifestyle as she came to realize that slaves in BDSM are often expected to worship their Master, to give up their life to him. This woman worshps no one but God. She will adore you, she will love you, she will obey you, but she will not worship you. She will not give up her life for you. You will own her, as she will be your wife. You will make all final decisions at to whether she works or not, whether you go out and where to, who is allowed in the house, and whatever else of that nature you wish to decide. She will have her own thoughts, her own feelings, her own beliefs, her own preferences and while she may not fully exercise the potential of having them, she will not discard them for your own. She will cook your dinner, bring you your slippers, rub your feet if you like. But she will also ask for help, if she needs it. She will sometimes ask to be taken out instead. She will ask if she can watch a certain movie. She will not be there as a thing only to enhance your life, but will be there as a loving woman who will share lives with you. Ultimately, the two do become one, what is good for the goose becomes good for the gander, etal. She is submissive. She is humility. She is not a submissive, she is not to be humiliated. Only in the biblical definition.

If you find yourself interested in this female, after reading all this, then by all means continue on to the next page, where you will find a list of questions we would like you to answer.

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Questions For Potential