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Goddess of Truth

She whispers her secrets
Against the wind
She prays and saves
Old hearts to mend

To gather her wisdom
She makes her haste
The flavor of life
She longs to taste

She dances in night
Under a sky
Stars in her sight
A moon in her eye

Under the sun
With cascades of light
She blinds the mortal

With her divine sight

To the edge of Earth
She carries her truth
To spite her age
She keeps her youth

An' the rolling waves
Echo her name
"Achillea, Achillea"
The timeless dame

January 1998

It is the birth of new knowledge that keeps us timeless.

Presented to Achillea by S.K. a talented poetess very dear to me


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Hi,  I am Achillea, the mischievous brat in an "older" woman's body ..It is all in fun though. I am a graphics and design artist . I spend some of my free time in the "State of Insanity" chat site *hysterical laugh*. I have my own room there called "waldhaus"open to all. but enter with caution.

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