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Stuff about the Team

Updated Some Stuff About Us Updated
Updated Our Schedule Updated
Some Pictures
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Well this page is for the JDHS soccer team. We took last for State this year. But we are looking to improve next year. Unfortunately it was a rebuilding year after losing 9 seniors from '99. For the season of '01 we will be having quite a few new editions to the team, with many new talents in the freshmen zone. Along with returning sophomore and juniors. It will be the last year for our seniors, but there doesn't seem to be quite as many as previous years. We look forward to a good year with a lot of fun. But for now we have women's league and our club teams. So we'll keep you posted.

*Coming in September or October* Class of 2000 alumni will be submitted into the Alumni Page. Congratulations on graduating!!*

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Updated on April 2nd, 2001