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Welcome! First off, I'd like to say that I'm immeasurably grateful that you've decided to visit my site. But since I've made a a pledge to only tell the truth on this site, I won't say that. Instead I'll just say that I'm glad you've wandered in, and I just hope, for my sake, that you enjoy your stay. I guess. I mean, some people can get pretty #$!% mean if they decide they don't like a place.Anyhow, you are probably wondering why on P-chan's green earth I claimed that this site breaks the mold. Well, it probably doesn't, really. But if it makes you feel better, you can pretend it does. This site is M.Y.H. Supportive. Which translates into - "Make Yourself Happy." So whatever you want to do, do it. Except steal my stuff. Steal everyone else's stuff, but not mine.Understand? Good.

Check back soon! The Peppermint Rebellion has just begun! (translation: more stuff really soon!)

quirky: '\kwerky\ adj :a peculiarity in behavior or action.

UnicornRebel is lucky enough to have legendary HTML wizard, GabeMurph, as a brother. This site was designed and is webmastered by GabeMurph. All non-animé related images are ©copyrighted Gabriel Murphy, 2000.

NOTE: Peppermint Rebel WILL NOT LOAD CORRECTLY ON NETSCAPE!! Best viewed on Internet Explorer 5x or any other CSS compatible browser.

All animé pics on this site are copyrighted by someone else! NOT by Rebel. Okay?



Last Updated: September 6, 2000

• Site put up...Yea!

•Found that page does not load on Netscape


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