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Some New Stuff, Haha (3 Years Later)

Make sure your speakers are on, eh?

Because I have horrible timing and I don't want to clutter anyone's inboxes with huge JPEG files or GIFs, I just thought I'd post the pictures here, so...I don't have to individually send pictures to you. Hmph. Enjoy.

From the Airport

At the Sotos'

State Cup in Anchorage

Because I have horrible timing and I don't want to clutter anyone's inboxes with huge JPEG files or GIFs, I just thought I'd post the pictures here, so...I don't have to individually send pictures to you. Hmph. Enjoy.

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Wow I haven't updated this in years. Talk about randomness contained in a can. <bgsound src="images/violins.mid" loop=infinite>

Music by Lagwagon "Violins"