Updates & News

~*~October 29, 2000~*~
I know there hasn't been much updates lately, but it's because of school and stuff, so, I've decided to change the look of the site, the ENTIRE site. It looks sweet now, way better than it use too, eh? An isn't being much help lately at all, what with her doing schoolwork and stuff. She sucks. LOL If you have any ideas on what to add to the site, email me, at devil_witha_halo@gurlmail.com
Where was I? Oh yeah, I'm gonna change some of the questions on the trivia, because it DOES suck. An made it up, so yeah, that makes sense. Hee hee hee... Of course, I do have to make up some questions, so that is also gonna take some time. But hey, when I'm done, it's gonna look sswweeeett! Hee hee hee!

~*~August 30, 2000~*~
So, I just fixed a lil thing here and there, nothing important, so, eh.

~*~August 02, 2000~*~
We've added a chatroom since today, and in case you haven't realized this yet(like Anne), this updates and news stuff was added because I was bored!

~*~July 16, 2000~*~
Sorry that we've had so few updates! It's probably because it's SUMMER NOW!! WOO HOO!! YEA!!!! Eh hem. Okay, on the main page, I've added these cool thingys that float around your mousey! It's kinda hard to see some of them, but if you hold your mouse still, you can see them better! They're so cool!!

~*~May 16, 2000~*~
Guess who got onto the list of sites on the I Mother Earth homepage!! No, not you!! US!! WOO HOO!! Check it out at-
I Mother Earth
This is so great, I can't express our happiness! Yes, yes, yes! Anywayz, schools almost out for all students, soon, summer would be here, off goes the school outfits, and on goes the summer outfits! Also, 24/7 stress and chaos for 2 months for parents! That's all. =) Have a good year, music fans.