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"Woe to you, Oh Earth and Sea, for the Devil sends the beast with wrath, because he knows the time is short.....

Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the beast for it is a human number, it's number is six hundred and sixty six"

This is my 2nd website my first one failed miserably (this one will do that too probably.)

This site is best viewed with the Old English Text MT font To download it click here.  Read readme.txt for information about how and where to install it.

"There's no time to discriminate............Hate every mother fucker that gets in your way!"

Moving Hell Raiser Box

"You don't know my name!"

This site contains strictly important stuff.  The stuff that the public needs to know i.e. That aliens do exist, etc.

If there is some information on this site that you do not wish to be on here email me and tell me.

Or if there is some information that you want to be put on here email me and let me know.

This site should be getting up-dated regularly so check it out regularly for up-dates.

Please sign my guest book before you leave. 

You are visitor number :-

Email me at

Just click on the writing

If that does not work then just email me the regular way.


This site should have been up dated by now but it hasn't because I haven't found the time.  I wake up in the morning and get ready go to college, come home from college, go on the net for a while then I go to sleep.  I will try to find time to do it.


Special thanks to :-

Chris (xXFaThErDeAtHXx) for giving me the url for my naked pics section,

Shy, For helping and letting me have the curser following thing,

Jen for reminding me to up date my alias' bit,

Tony for helping me get my hit counter,

A few people for giving me the idea of having the pop up box at the beginning of my page,

Death Soldja for giving me the idea for the right mouse clicking thing,

Everyone who has signed my guest book,

Everyone who makes a link to this site,

Everyone who I have stole ideas from,