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Borg Implants
Reference Guide
Implant Location
Organelles Tiny devices implanted directly into the bone marrow of Drones. These organelles have the ability to regenerate removed or damaged Borg components, as well as biological flesh. Though some where removed from her system, there are still a few that remain in her body located in her arms, legs and skull.
Nanoprobes Microscopic robots used during the assimilation process of Borg drones. They are also employed to regenerate damaged technological implants or biological organs. The Borg have also utilized nanoprobes to stop cellular necrosis and prevent the death of a drone, for a period of up to 73 hours. They can used to assimilate foreign technology and convert it to standard Borg alphanumerics. Nanoprodes still run through her blood system to help regulate the implants that are still apart of her body.
Designator Interface Circuit Most have been known to be found on a small circuit located on the exterior of Drones. In her case and other's that were rescued with her, the circut was implanted behind the heart. This circuit contains information on the Drones numerical designation as well as information it has accumulated since last connected with the Collective. Removal of this circuit activates a self-destruct program that completely vaporizes the Drone.
Ocular Implant During her assimilation, her left eye was removed and replaced by the Ocular device. The doctors removed the implant and replaced the eye with another ocular implant to mimic the human eye. The original design of the eye was rather crude, leaving her with one blue eye and the other mechanical in look. As time went on, doctors were able to match the ocular implant with her own eye color.
Limb Exoskeleton When originally implanted, Phoebe's left lower arm and hand was removed at just below the elbow. In it's place she was given a exoskeleton extension with engineering components. When she was brought back to earth and the limb was removed, she was fitted with a biosynthetic arm.
Injection Tubules Two extensions implanted in her right hand that extend from between her knuckles. They are capable of penetrating any known alloy or energy field. These tubules are used to inject nanoprobes which assimilate the cells of a victim by reprogramming their DNA sequence. A second function of the tubules was that they could be used to penetrate and take control of computer systems.

Through much pain and surgery, the doctor removed most of Phoebe's implants except for the previous few. With Microcircuit Fibers, the implants had to remain in or thus removing them would have killed her. Phoebe holds her human appearance today, showing no sign that she was once Borg.