COURSE I – 5 Sessions/1.5 hours each – About 7 hours total

Class date: Friday, November 2, 2015 . . . .Time: 6:30-8:00
Day 1 - 1.5 hours – Theme: The Basics
Why learn another language? Why Indonesian?
Ways to learn another language
Introduction to the class format
Introduction of attendees
Information about the country, culture, and geography
The Indonesian alphabet and sounds

Class date: Friday, November 9, 2015 . . . .Time: 6:30-8:00
Day 2 - 1.5 hours – Theme: Greetings
Polite speech

Class date: Friday, November 16, 2015 . . . .Time: 6:30-8:00
Day 3 - 1.5 hours – Theme: Basic Phrases

Class date: Friday, November 23, 2015 . . . .Time: 6:30-8:00
Day 4 - 1.5 hours – Theme: Directions, colors,
Addressing others

Class date: Friday, November 30, 2015 . . . .Time: 6:30-8:00
Day 5 - 1.5 hours – Theme: Foods, Eating meals


  1. Have fun while learning
  2. Learn Indonesian alphabet and basic vowel sounds
  3. Learn fundamental phrases for everyday communications
  4. Discover information about the culture and geography of Indonesia
  5. Enhance the experience of those who participate in the Indonesia Mission trips, travelers and others
  6. Use the opportunity to reduce/defer risks of Alzheimer’s and SAD (exercising the brain reduces the risk of age related diminishing mental abilities)
  7. Have fun getting to know our Indonesian community better
  8. Increase comfort while visiting a different culture

The course will use a smorgasbord of visual, oral, and olfactory sensory stimulation to try and bring the "feel" of Indonesia to the class.

  1. Writing to complete a "fun" sheet in class
  2. Verbal description and practice in small groups
  3. Critique and correction by a native speaking mentor as available
  4. Listen to audio tapes/CD’s
  5. Observe Power Point Presentation lecture
  6. See objects brought to class for building vocabulary
  7. Listen to Indonesian music
  8. Translate simple written materials from Indonesian to English
  9. Translate simple written materials from English to Indonesian
  10. See, taste, and smell Indonesian food
  11. Learn songs, poems from Indonesia

There is no official “teacher” per se, meaning one individual person with expertise in the language who will stand up and lecture the class based on a standardized structured drill format. There is instead a class facilitator who organizes and leads the process, and when possible class mentors who are fluent in the language and will provide guidance and correction as needed as the class progresses through various activities. Class content is organized, structured and designed to include maximum use of our senses to make learning the language interesting and enjoyable. Step-by-step practice will guide participants. No prior experience learning a second language is required or expected.

There are no mandatory homework assignments, and no examinations. The course will not result in the award of college credits or continuing education units. It is expected that participants will acquire sufficient skill to be able to express basic ideas and understand the most common greetings likely to be encountered when interacting with someone who understands Bahasa Indonesia. The purpose is to enhance our understanding of the country and language so that we are more at ease and our Indonesian friends are more comfortable during exchanges. The focus will be on learning words and phrases that would be most useful here at home, not just in hypothetical situations involving travel by air or checking into hotels in another country. In addition, we will learn a few important phrases in Toba Batak, a language spoken by approximately 2,000,000 people who are from the area visited by our global mission travelers.

No fees will be charged. It may be helpful, but it is not required, to obtain a two way Indonesian dictionary or phrase book, especially if there is an interest in continuing on with the next level of instruction. There may be refreshments on a rotational volunteer basis.

A "free" dictionary and phrase book may be downloaded from the internet by going to: Bahasa Indonesia in 7 days -
With audio!
On-line translations

Toba Batak
Orphanage - Pematangsiantar

Indonesian Culture Questions
Language word/phrase list #1
Language word/phrase list #2
Language word/phrase list #3
Language word/phrase list #4
Language word/phrase list #5
This Is The Day Lyrics
Bapa Kami

Questions? - E-mail:

Current time at the Elim Orphanage
(Panti asuhan - Elim-Diakonia)

World Clocks