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Scoogen's Home

This is the greatest page that you will ever visit!!! It has links to great music pages. Also try my HUGE Midi list!!! There are also some cool games. Don't forget to sign my guestbook when you leave!!!

Try my MP3sites!!!

Or go and listen to you favorite music on my MIDIslist!!!

Here is my old home page. It has a lot of cool F-15 pics!!!

If you are looking for some PSX codes that is the place to be!!!

Try some of these new Game Shark Codes!!!

Game Shark Codes

This site has my friends F-22 pics.

Also check out this awesome Star Wars page.

Try your luck at these few games that I have made!!!

Try to catch the running Spot!!!

Once you have mastered the Spot, try to catch the Bouncing Globe!!!

The ultimate "How to keep an idiot busy"

Thats all I have for now but I will make more pages later.

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If you would like me to promote you site on mine

E-mail me!!!!

If you can catch it.