Guided Study Program

PCS emphasizes the value of regular classroom attendance, teacher instruction and group discussion. For those students who must be away from school due to professional obligations, PCS provides a guided study program designed for students who are unable to be in class. Actress Christina Ricci explains: "I am often gone for more than two months at a time. Guided study works because the student and teacher are always in contact and the assignments are mapped out ahead of time." Guided study courses are an extension of the regular curriculum and parallels classroom instruction. Students receive assignment sheets for each academic course. Homework and papers may be faxed, sent, or transmitted via computer disk. Arrangements are made regarding tests. For students who are working locally, weekly appointments with the faculty are required.

Please note that Christina has been out of high school for 3 years now and this is OLD but new information. As is the picture above, obviously. hehe