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Other's Art Hi you guys! Finally I have some art that people submitted to me! Now, if it keeps at this pace, it'll be good in no time! Thanks for submitting! *smile*

Pieces Name
Thoughts and Info
About the Drawing
By Samui Fuu Fuu from Magic Knight Rayearth by Samui
By Samui Kotori Kotori from X/1999 by Samui also!
By Mary Aya AYA By: Mary drawn w/ pencil and line paper!
By Yuuki Sleeping Girl Drawn on paper, scanned and colored on Photoshop 5.0. By Yuuki
By Stephen Ibuki Silent Ibuki by Stephen Shields
By Stephen Cammy Local C by Stephen Shields
By Dana Hotaru Tomoe Hotaru/ Sailor Saturn by Dana drawn with ink/pencils/photoshop
By Dana Haruka/ Sailor Uranus Haruka/ Sailor Saturn by Dana ink/pencils/photoshop
By Brandon Pikachu Pikachu by Brandon Clemmer drawn with markers *cute*
By Dixon Chen Street Fighter Street Fighter by Dixon Chen pencil/photoshop 5.0
By Jennifer Girl By Jennifer Ogilvie (modeled after Akira manga)