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Hi! Welcome to the anime/manga/video games fanart section. These are just some fanart of my favorite animes and such. There aren't many up because I need to upgrade my art supplies. I need something more advanced. So here are just some recent ones. There will be more as soon as I get to it! Thanks!

Pieces Name
Thoughts and Info
About the Drawing
By Cricket Chun Li and Pai Here are two girls from the video games Virtua Fighter and Street Fighter. Everyone knows who Chun Li is, the other one is Pai! ^_^*
By Cricket Chun Li Chun Li from all those Street Fighters! I love those Capcom characters...but I decided to make her look more real. I've sent this to many other fan sites. She was one of my first ones with asian looking faces.
By Cricket J-Pop Girl This is a girl from a Japanese flick called Love & Pop. I actually haven't seen it, but drew the girl from a picture in a magazine. next maybe I'll draw a character from an Akira Kurasawa film!!
By Cricket Kamui This is Kamui, the main character from Clamp's X/1999. I love their artwork. *oh so detailed!*
By Cricket Omi Omi from WeiB Kreuz. I recently drew this one after i came from a convention.
By Cricket WeiB Kreuz Here are the four main characters, Yohji, Aya, Omi, Ken, from WeiB Kreuz.
By Cricket Angel Sanctuary My ode to the strange yet lovely main character from Angel Sanctuary.(*oh* dog chain!??!)
By Cricket Lei Lei Its the lovely chinese zombie, Lei Lei, from the series Darkstalkers! Gotta love those claws! *hmm what else does she have in those sleeves* This is for my friend,Samui, who loves this character!
By Cricket Rei Rei Ayanami from Evangelion in a more realistic look. She is one of my favorite characters! *i was her at a conv.*