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Kane Hodder

Early Life

Kane Hodder was born in Auburn, California on April 8, 1955. He is an actor, stuntman, and author, and is known for being the first actor to portray Jason Voorhees more than once. His first acting role was in California Split at the age of 19. He continued on to do stunt work for a number of films. It wasn't until Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood (1989) that he first appeared as Jason and would reprise the role in the next three films. He is known for helping to shape Jason's personality, for example: Jason's slow, stalking stride and Jason doesn't hurt children or animals.

He is also known for portraying the killer in Hatchet (2006) as well as its two sequels. Hodder continues to perform and will always be remembered to fans as the real Jason.

Movies Known For

The Hills Have Eyes II (1985) House (1986) Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood (1989)
Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989) Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III (1990) Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (1993)
Se7en (1995) Jason X (2001) The Devil's Rejects (2005)
Hatchet (2006)

BrainDid You Know?

He spends time with children in burn centers.

Aside from Jason, he also played Freddy Krueger's hand at the end of Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (1993) and Leatherface in Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III (1990).

Aspects he contributed to Jason's character: he should never run and he should never hurt animals or children.

Says that 13 is a recurring number in his life. His street has 13 houses, wears a size 13 shoe, appeared in the Friday the 13th series, and among other things.

An indie-hardcore band, Kane Hodder, was named after him with his permission.

His favorite film of all time is Exorcist (1973).