Dear Friends, Several of you have asked about what is happening with my little people. I am happy to announce that all finished little people and the Quakers I and II curriculum booklet are now being carried in the FGC bookstore.

I regard this curriculum as so foundational to Quakerism that it might be called a beginning catechism. Traditional stories illustrate what it means to be a Friend. Questions are open-ended and wondering, letting hearers come to their own conclusions as they are ready to understand and accept the foundations of our faith.

Single copies of Quakers I and II are available from Friends General Conference. Because I regard it as an excellent piece to give to every family in meeting, you may order multiple copies from me at a reduced price. An order blank is at the end of this letter for your convenience.

It strikes me as good timing to again publicize Jesus, Who Was He? as the Quaker curriculum that puts Bible stories into historical perspective. This curriculum is good for 4th grade and up. It is especially good for family or intergenerational First Day School, because, like Quakers I and II, it requires entering the story through open-ended art and drama activities. Jesus, Who Was He? is excellent for adults who have shied away from the Bible.

Michael Gibson is making a list of activities to accompany Bible passages, including those that are not story, but history, sermons, letters, etc. He is thinking about publishing his list in the next RE Newsletter. I am hoping that there were will be some comments in the RE Newsletter that pull all of this together for RE Newsletter readers. Quakers I and II, Jesus, Who Was He? and Michael’s list all reflect the same approach to religious education—that is, a story or reading and a response to the passage. Hurrah! I envision meetings, home schoolers and families applying “Michael’s list” not only to the Bible, but also journals of Friends and readings from Eastern religions as well.

We are now off to La Casa de los Amigos in central Mexico City as Quakers in Residence there for a month. I hope to find some orders for the Quakers I and II curriculum booklet upon our return on March 18. Don’t forget to scroll down to the order form if you would like to place an order for multiple copies. Note that unfinished play figures and carrying/storage bags are also on the order form.

And, please remember that finished play figures and single copies of Quakers I and II are available from FGC and in the Gathering bookstore. Once again, I am so pleased with the way in which things have been worked out with the bookstore. A big thank you to those of you who helped facilitate this cooperative effort.

Yours in the Light Mary Snyder (605) 256-0830

Quaker Cottage Industries

Order Form

Use this form to order multiple copies of the new Quakers I and II curriculum, unfinished carrying/storage bags, replacement figures, and unfinished biblical sets. You may simply fill out the form and e-mail it back to me.

Mary Snyder

Phone (605) 256-0830

Quaker Cottage Industries

46084 - 238th Street E-mail: Wentworth, SD 57075

NumberSet Name Total New Quakers I & II Curriculum$ 6.50 All carrying/storage bags are unfinished with machine embroidery

Birth carrying/storage bag$ 5.75

Sheep and Shepherd carrying/storage bag$5.00

Wise Men carrying/storage bag$5.75

Quaker carrying/storage bag$5.75

Finished Replacement figures$4.25 ea.

Unfinished Birth of Jesus$ 6.50 Unfinished Shepherd and Sheep$ 7.25 Unfinished Angels and Cow$ 4.50 Unfinished extra sheep (3)$ 2.75 Unfinished Wise Men$10.00

Shipping and Handling ($7 for up to ten booklets or $7 for up to four items;

_________ $12 for every nine items)



Ship order to:

____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

Date of order __________________________

Mary Snyder

46084 238th Street Wentworth, SD 57075

Phone: 605-256-0830 E-Mail: