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Oo mY BiGGeSt MiStaKeS oO

  1. Probably 1 of my biggest mistakes was me going 2 fucking Cascadilla High School in a shithole like Ithaca! Sure, its close 2 Cornell, but hey, theres nothing 2 do in goddamn collegetown. The headmasters r greedy little backstabbing lying motherfucking thieves, who r arbitrary about their fucking rules. They kick out some 4 just bringing a car (he's 18!!), and others do worse things and aren't even grounded. Even more, the dorms r fucking dirtier than a farm, and it smells worse than green rotting shit in some rooms! In others, they have 2 sleep in snowpants, and soda freezes without the windows open during winter!!! I can't believe I ever came here, but I want to graduate early, so I kind of need this school! Jesus Christ, if I have but 1 advice 2 give u, don't ever come 2 Cascadilla Private High School. As soon as u hear the name, u should start preparing ur negative answer.

    By the way, this more or less contradicts what I say in Oo aY'S giRL oO but you'll understand why.

  2. i got caught smoking pot in france, while i lived with my guardians. u see, right next 2 my school, theres a bridge, and every1 knows that potheads go under there 2 smoke. but me, my best friend, and 2 others didnt care and went down anyway. we were sitting on a ledge, under the bridge, and we could see the sidewalk from there. we thought we were covered by the trees, but we werent. 1 of my friend goes 2 take a piss on a tree. first, he took 4ever, and when he came back, he whispers: "Cops!" Of course in french. so i was rolling our 3rd jay, and looked up, ON the bridge 2 look 4 cops. i dont see any, so i turn my head back 2 him and say: "What the fuck r u talking about? there aint no co..." Then i see a cop climbing down some closed down ladder, right in front of me! I yelled "Cops!" and jumped over my friends and ran. the friend who took a piss jetted like hellhounds were on his heels. the cop jumped half the stairs, and ran after me. he caught me, and in the meanwhile, my friends still havent moved. in the end, the 3 of us were suspended 4 a week, i got my money sources cut off, and i was grounded 4ever!!

  3. have u ever had the feeling that u 4got something? well i didn't that time, and the more i think about it, i shouldnt have. i came 2 NYC 4 summer like every year 2 see my real mom (i lived with my guardians in france), and when i get there, she says: "We need 2 talk." I'm like, fuck man, i just got off an 8 hour flight, and u're all serious? What the fuck? but anyway, she tells me that my guardians found some plastic bags with residue of weed in there. i'm like: "Oh shit." then they say they found a bag of weed, and 2 jays all rolled up and ready 2 be smoked. i just went berserk, and said: "No. i admit that i smoked regularly, but i didnt fucking leave 2 jays ready 2 be smoked. i would have smoked them already." and that was true. i was looking 4 weed in my room the day b4 my flight, and i couldnt find any in the whole room. dont tell me i cant find weed in my own fucking room, and my guardians can! it just wont happen. so i figured that they already wanted me out of there, and framed me.

    this aint really a mistake by me, but that lead 2 my first mistake, me being sent 2 ithaca 2 board at Cascadilla!!

Thank u 4 listening 2 my complaints.

peAce oUt

Oo aY oO

MaiN oOoOoO
Oo aY'S giRL oO
NeXt oOoOoO

Email: Oo aY82